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What's the point of new GPU when games are so unoptimized they will run like shit anyway.

If you forcefuck them with specs they run smoothly.

Two words:

Planned obsolescence.

but they are usually shit anyway so why bother

Wouldn't it be better for the developers to just make games that are more optimized and don't run like molasses?

Even worse than platform wars. At least those are sometimes about games.

I was on the couch, ordering a Rhea, a GD-Emu, a 64 everdrive, and a 19-year-old escort.


Why bother? Consolefags will continue buying games that look like shit and run at a silky smooth, cinematic 20fps, and pcucks will continue buying overpriced hardware to brute force those unoptimized shitty games into running at 60+ fps..



Im depressed now

this user has a point.

Even worse than platform wars. At least those are sometimes about games.

You should be, and that's not even touching ridiculous anti-consumer shit like GameWorks.

>how about we add a giant fucking ocean under the floor of every level, and tessellate the fuck out of that ocean


Clearly ready for Deus Ex then.
Needs more gold.

No they aren't. Noone knows how to program for CUDA effectively. It's really hard and this is why you only see it used on premade effects usually created with the help of Nvidia employees.

Besides, it's still more expensive per unit of claimed performance than AMD, I'll bet.

I wonder where this "30 fps is alright" bullshit originally came from. Was it the gaming press doing the bidding of their publishers overlords?

AMD hasn't revealed their Zen thing yet and won't for a few months yet last I checked, not to mention I'm not in the market to pay more than an entire fucking computer for something that'll let me play [current year] games at 500 FPS and then be worthless in two or three years.

At least try to pretend you do more than sage and complain on this board.

I know Battlefield 4 did this in the campaign, but I honestly wonder what other games do this shit so I can make a list of developers who can't give two shits to optimize their games anymore.

Crysis 2 and one of the cowadooties with dog fur, but I don't remember which one. There's a list somewhere.


i dont mind either nvidia or amd. intel is the only company i cannot support or stand.

that said, i heard amd is going to undercut the shit out of nvidia instead of releasing a $600 card, theyll release a cheaper card that has massive performance gains over nvidias cheaper cards.

Oh boy, so hyped.

Also, I'm looking to upgrade from my Galaxy 660ti, wut get?

Let the early adopters buy it just in case we have another 970 situation. The fact that it only goes up to 67 degrees C sounds cool.
I don't play newer games, and my R9 280X runs everything I throw at it amazingly. There's no point getting a new card if the old one works fine.

You aren't even going to see the fucking thing inside your PC

I'll buy whatever is best at my price point, brand loyalty is for goys.

Wait for the early adopter to get a 10xx and grab a secondhand 980.


Replacing my 680 with a 1080, I buy once the big leap happens every few years.

You're in a shilling thread. It won't work.


Their die shrink resulted in a more compact result, with probably more benefits. No word on the performance of their next gen yet, so don't talk shit this early.

We always knew the die shrink would bring a big leap from last gen.

Don't you have to migrate CPUs to use one over the other? Honestly I haven't even tooled around with my computer besides swapping hard-drives and applying thermal paste but I remember PCPartPicker not even giving me the option of an AMD card with an i5 CPU, something about AMD and Intel CPUs needing specific kinds of plugs on different motherboards.

Remember when AMD said FuryX would be the best thing ever, remember when they said the same about bulldozer.


Oh boy, I can't wait for the next generation of horribly optimized games to come out to encourage people to buy the 'Latest and Greatest GPU.'

Yeah thanks to Vulkan ill still to my old card, fuck off kike. These cards wont help against shitty made games

Hahahah, no.

CPUs have different socket types, even among different generations of the same brand, which means you need to get a specific motherboard with that socket type.

AMD and Nvidia both use PCI Express slots.

Nope, they both run PCI-e 16x GPU slots so you can mix and match any CPU / GPU combo.

Motherboards have specific sockets, and Intel and AMD have different standards for those sockets. That means that if you go from an Intel CPU to an AMD CPU or vice versa you'll need a new motherboard.
AMD graphics cards use the same socket as Nvidia ones. You should be able to use an Intel processor with an AMD card just fine.

Read a book, nigga!

Graphics cards use PCI-E slots on the motherboard. They're interchangeable.
CPUs are built for specialized sockets, and these differ between Intel and AMD, and between generations (usually).

We've been able to use whatever GPU we like with any motherboard for about the last decade.

They wouldn't lie about the nm scale of their die shrink. There's a difference between hype and fraud. I didn't say I believed the hype either. I just said, wait and see.
Jesus christ, what a concept.

Why is anyone honestly playing games that came out after 2007? Literally after 2007 it's been nothing but trash.

Are you even questioning that belief?
Vidya journalism went from hyping and kid friendly enthusiasts or blatant corporate shills to subversive blogposters paid by the companies themselves.

Before vidya companies just used TV ads and magazines, the rise of the internet and of these fucking sites which gained a fanbase due to their already known movie reviews and parent company shilling.

Now we have a bunch of shit eating faggots who will eat and label anything the media tells them as good or "the best".

FFXIII, Uncharted and the rest of the trash.
Remember the Ign God Hand review and the Gamespot Kane and Lynch one?
Yeah, and these are the biggest review sites.

Youtubers may be fucking cancer, but some of them actuallly have their own taste.
So these sites dying in place of them might not be so bad, at least most of them shit on the most blantant anti consumer tactics.



well .. no shit

and what dose this "faster" mean I've seen cards where a card is 15% faster what translates to like 5 fucking frames more

What? They were all PCI and interchangeable then they were AGP and interchangeable, now they are PCI-E and interchangeable.
I started on a 386 and have never had to pick my GPU based on my CPU.

That feel when faggots said wait and see for bulldozer and people waited a year rather then buy an i5 2500k the best chip intel ever made and even now AMD cannot beat.

Did this actually happen? Thats disgusting

I have an i5 2500k but I don't know what makes it the best could you explain it please?

Trying to fit in are we?

2007 was when most big companies started going to shit, still lots of smaller good games out there aftewards, but the mainstream was fucked from that point on.

Stop working in absolutes you fucking faggot.

sasuga Holla Forums

Yep, nVidia took a ~10% performance hit from it while AMD took a ~40% performance hit so nVidia paid devs to do it so their cards ran those games much better.

Shit man, it's pricy as fug.

Got a sauce for that? Smells like bullshit but I believe it.

I mean which game did that? Battlefeel?

I like video games, it's just that they make less and less of those and more "interactive experiences"

nVidia regularly pulls underhanded bullshit to make their cards look better

do not believe their lies

Modern GPUs aren't exactly long-lasting. Unless it was like
please use

Dont loads of games have large oceans under the map? I love falling through the map through either gltiches or noclip and finding shit below

Gonna compare my fps on games with and without this shit

Here we go.

I never implied GPU selection was dependent on CPU..
Also, PCI-E =/= PCI =/= AGP.

The i5 would have gotten cheaper in that time, not a total loss.

This isn't the same situation as Bulldozer, and AMD isn't as far behind with their GPU division because it's the former ATI team, not AMD's CPU division working on it.
AMD and Nvidia offer comparable raw performance with slightly better value for AMD and more nasty tricks on Nvidia's side to try and fuck their marketshare and counter the cheaper up-front cost.
Besides, for the budget build (then, not now, now I think they're behind on everything except the extreme low cost build price point), IIRC, AMD's CPUs also offer better value over the i3.
It's not a binary thing of AMD good, Nvidia bad.

I know Borderlands and Bulletstorm had Nvidia exclusive physics effects which you could force to run on the CPU with a little tinkering just fine.

There you go.

Lots of games have it because it much easier to make the water at a fixed height and mold the terrain to fit it. The difference is most games don't tessellate it and / or use ambient occlusion so that items hidden from the players perspective aren't rendered.

I was just replying to your "last decade" comment as it have been this way for 3+ decades.

But I notice it on maps frequently that arent really meant to have water in them

Just reread my post.
I meant "from the last decade".
As in, you can't plug a PCI-E card into a PCI slot. You can't plug a PCI card into an AGP slot.

That cancer started when console mfgs stopped being willing to take a loss on the hardware under the assumption that they'd more than make up for it with a quality lineup of exclusives guaranteeing a high attach rate.

That's also why memes like bloodbornestation have a bit of sting to them.

If there is no visible water on the map then it's probably a case of goyworks pulling their shit again.

Fair enough.

Fuck nVidia, fuck Crysis, and fuck EA. Also why the fuck aren't the big game journo sites covering this more extensively? This is some disgusting anti consumer practices yet they're all too busy flaunting their gender studies knowledge instead of actually blowing this shit up.

…Because that doesn't attract pageviews from normalfags who buy prebuilts or consoles and read clickbait.

Because Nvidia has pull with a lot of publishers, and you don't bite the hand that feeds. There's no financial benefit in it, and in fact there's a pretty fucking big incentive not to if you want to keep your sponsored review rigs, and pre-release hardware and games getting sent out to review, guaranteeing pageviews.

Why would they piss off a major advertiser that has the power to stop them getting review copies of goyworks games?

The same reason why EA, Nvidia etc do this type of shit in the first place; because their only motive is profit.

VR games have to push stereoscopic images at 75-90 FPS,

We're yet to see any good ones yet, though.
The only outfits I've seen do good optimization is the companies that actually make engines; and that's purely for VR tech demos.

Can someone explain this to me?

Polaris isn't shit so Nvidia actually has to get their shit together.

More people have been skipping multiple generations as even the 600 series runs most games fine. Now they are lowing their markup in the hope of making more money with increased sales.

So do they call it like that because you turn 1080 degrees when you see it and walk away?

I had that disc.

Elite: Dangerous (MMO) and DCSWorld (hardcore sim) are the only non-novelty, non-techdemo games I've seen make real, meaningful use of VR.

im pretty sure Witcher 3 did this as well.

vid related this guy goes over all of the shady shit nvidia does

couldn't embed because I'm on my shitty phone

are you me?



there's a little arrow for "post options and limits" that isn't down by default on web browsers, press it for the embed bar.

6/2015 980ti 5.6 tflops $650
6/2016 1070fe 6.5 tflops $450
acceptable yearly progress

6/2015 980ti 5.6 tflops $650
6/2016 1070fe 6.5 tflops $450
acceptable yearly progress

no you dumb ass you fell for the marketing they are saying its faster than the 980 in SLI NOT the 980TI

every marketing write up says 980 specifically which came out in 2014.

All decent sims will be better with VR, they are the only reason I will get it.

this picture poses really strong dilemma