EU trying to stop Trump border tax
Who the fuck do these Europoors think they are? Infringing on our sovereignty?

The WTO should be abolished.

Trump should pull NATO shekels if they keep going with that kikery.

In 1999, anarchists protested the World Trade Organization during its meeting in Seattle. Today anarchists defend the international parasites who benefit from the WTO.



The difference back then is that they weren't payed to protest.

So basically the EU is trying to undermine US sovereignty because "muh shekels." Good luck with that.

Aww thats cute they're worried about losing their shekels.

Also archive that shit OP it's standard policy because you never know when it'll get it's record corrected so hard it suddenly says the pope is a jew. Or flat out erased because it embarrassed someone with a very big nose and very deep pockets.

Anyway I'm guessing this is just hot air like usual, more than usual too since Trump literally gives no fucks and KNOWS everyone is out to get him.

Daily reminder the exactly same jews that control the UN system are executives of the WTO

On one hand, BMW's and Audis are about to get more expensive. On the other hand I can buy a jap truck and the money goes to an American factory worker. I'd let the EU starve tbh. It's gotta go full Weimar for the Saxon to begin to hate. This time the U.S. will sell Germany the weapons though, not the British.

BMW's are already made in the US. Half the point of these import taxes is to force the companies to produce their products in the economies they are selling them in. China does this and now all the major manufacturers have setup shop there to sell to the Chinese market.


What army is going to enforce this?? The one composed of Ubungu Tabungo, Ahmed Mohammed and Jasmine Nordson?

WTO has no authority over the US. The highest law of the land is the constitution and no place does it say the WTO has any say over our policies. I hope Trump smashes these fags

Nigger I fucking archived it, fuck you.

This isn't even 3d chess, how are they stupid enough to fall for this?

This is plain and simple DESPERATION. These sad kikes ran out of cards long ago and are literally throwing shit at the walls hoping it somehow sticks

HAHAHA What are those imbeciles thinking? Looks like the inbreeding of the EU is finaly catching up to them.

Only the SUVs, I believe.
Correct. That's why BMW makes SUVs here, because the US already implements a light-truck tariff.

Post yfw the Eu will just give Trump an excuse to tax them even harder

You can`t sue a country you`re not in control of not following your tax plan,
Entire World isn`t the EU


They like to think otherwise which is adorable given they ultimately have no power unless one of the big three sides with them that day.

they're trying to give Trump donkey ears with the angle of that shot

they didn't do a good job

And they wonder why trump never gives them the time of day. MSM are sad like that, hitting someone and wondering why he suddenly doesn't like them.

That shit where they had garbage bags over the windows was 10/10. I'm so proud of our fucking president.

Nah m8, it's a sign. Only the god of dreams has wings coming out of his head like that

bitchin' bout ISIS and your GOD flies by her wings, rearms in her darknessā€¦KEK

sip tea and play jenga with the UK
remind the EU they are not europe and not democratic.

Oh no, the Germans are mad at us!


lol, or so you think.

They fucking organized in warehouses before destroying shit on behalf of union-like organizations.

morpheus is the god of dreams not hypnos, the god of sleep

missed opportunity