If Robot Chicken ever did a Steven Universe parody sketch, what would it be like?
If Robot Chicken ever did a Steven Universe parody sketch, what would it be like?
I know what it wouldn't be.
They wouldn't
Maybe it would involve the nerd getting murdered by the show's fans for misgendering a character.
Garnet gets lynched by the KKK
They could use those troll dolls that had gems in their bellies.
It would be about them fighting a Gem monster and fucking up the town and actually being treated as the public nuisances they are. Then the Diamons come down and they all die. THE END.
Imagine caring about Steven Universe nowadays.
Two options
>OPTIONAL ENDING: Cuts to a military base, okay guys if this what damage it can cause to our country can we weaponize it by airing it in a foreign one?
I have a feeling that huge degrade in quality is after they fired that one pearlfag.
anyone else is sick of the children's book artstyle as of lately? why and how did they get jobs as "animators"?
Oh my god, she's fucking de-aging.
how about an actually funny show and not the try hard offensive humor one
The Diamonds did 9/11
That's really a clever skit idea tbh.
First one is the only correct answer.
While the first suggestion is decent, it misses the point of why a lot of the robot chicken sketches were so messed up. Think about when they did G.I. Joe where the entire cast is brutally murdered when they are put in a real combat situation. To do this right it has to be a "liberal fantasy, meets reality." Many of the shows themes have to do with acceptance of people for who they are. So we should probably have one of steven's new friends being muslims who run over some of the cast members before beheading some more, and then exploding. Bonus points if garnet, or steven converts to.
Robot Chicken still comes on?
The only one I remember was about Team Fortress 2 and it came about 2-3 years ago. It also wasn't that funny.
Nearly as topical as their 80s cartoon spoofs.
This user gets it.
Blue Diamond must learn to cope with her Tourette's.
As batshit crazy the majority of the fan base of the is, I don't think Robot chicken will risk it. I mean it's the same crazy fans that drove a person who made fan art of one of the characters to commit suicide because they didn't like it.
Nailed it
Did ED offend you try going back to Tumblr?
Filthy Z I O N I S T Jews. That is why.
fuck back to /cow/
ED is actually funny. Being offensive on purpose with no jokes like robot chicken, brickleberry or sausage party leaves it NOT BEING FUNNY
I can picture it in my mind and it's glorious
I thought Robot Chicken was slightly more hit than miss tbh.
Yeah, some of their jokes are fucking retarded and obnoxious, but some of them were at least worth a chuckle I think.
Not sure why it's hated so vehemently.
It isn't and you have an unbearable victim complex.
It wouldn't be funny, so it would be the perfect parody
ED is very funny, the problem at times is that it's very popular with retards who think you just need NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER to be funny without being witty or any of the charm that makes many of the articles on ED very funny. If you go through their ban logs, many of the losers banned was because they thought ED was just moar gore and moar lulz.
Every time I see it brought up it gets shat on.
Nowhere did I imply anyone was a victim, learn what phrases mean so you don't look like a retard.
You still don't understand why they go NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER?
It would be like every other time mainstream media parodied mainstream media. It'd be a safe and inoffensive series of jokes that only liberals will find funny.
I would like some context for this.
It's an ell oh ell meme of mainstream media, proving that meme culture thrives on mainstream media.
Wait, this show is still running?
I imagine some kind of book-cooking is talking place somewhere. It's mainstream media, so I don't put anything past them.
Cheap cheap cheap cheap with the staff full of low self-esteemers who likely ask for little to no pay as long as they make a "Social Impact".
No humor is offensive only people gets offended.
That's a good question. They got on hiatus for months at a time. Normally that means total cancellation or close to it, but they've been doing this shit for years now, with the occasional "bomb" scheduling gimmick, which I can't imagine is doing them any good in between endless marathons of Teen Titans Go.
This is good very good.
The art director of the show hasn't made clear schemes of how the characters have to be (first mistake).
One of the reasons for that is that the people working on it are incapable of aligning their work on the original art (second mistake).
Sugar justifies this by saying that they have way more productivity, creativity and she lets people do what they want (third mistake).
SU is a pile of animated garbage made by mentally ill people who can't get out of there fake reality bubble (safe space), it pretty much characterize the whole fandom.
Because most the people following this show are sjw tumblrites.
You're just describing mainstream media, across the board.
Why do you people support mainstream media?
The first one is lazy as usual but at least goes in line with that visual style the show has.
Did her boobs disappeared in the same dimension Ms. Blossom and Ms. Keane's boobs are locked up?
It had to appeal more to the "fanbase".
It will be a THRILLER
I can see that happening.
Good to know whoever's in charge of censorship for the UK's cartoon network is doing his best to protect children from degeneracy.
Do people still watch this?
That gets me thinking… could we somehow turn them against Jews?
Thanks for donning a name so you're easier to filter fam
Enjoy your Soma, cuck.
Spoilers for all 3 people on this board who will watch this: They've waited like a year only to find out all the plot has been resolved off-screen, their getting more townie episodes, and then going back on hiatus.
Ah, it all happened off screen. Just like Steven trained off screen, just like how the gems fight monsters off screen, just like how all the interesting stuff happens off screen.
Why even watch a television series when nothing of value happens where you can actually watch it?
Gareth Edwards made it cool to hide action away from the audience
Why is Hila blue?
That's fucking hysterical considering the fact that they can't seem to get episodes out consistently to save their life. Apparently this lack of standards, 'do whatever you want' lackadaisical approach only results in faggots taking way too long to get the job done. There was that episode made by the Japanese animator that puts everyone else to shame, your job as an animator should be to keep everything on model and as consistent as possible, I fucking hate these no-effort faggots, it's the same with every other medium.
>I'm writing this book but I decided chapter 13 was going to have everything in comic-sans at fifteen point font rather than Times New Roman/12 just because I feel like it and don't want to be limited creatively
Fucking gay. These people are the worst.
And they teach their values to their viewers.
Yeah sure the aliens are gonna invade but wtf ever I felt bad that day.
I watched the episode and it doesn't have any reference to Hillary or the last elections in any way.
The episode is just another random muh black woman in charge rant with no real purpose
Just a (((coincidence))) right, my fellow intellectual?
Reminder that there's only one good character in the whole show.
Funny, but the swastikas are wrong. Do you have the "good mawnin' massa Steven" one?
All new episodes leaked, you can find them on youtube. Here's my take on them:
This is how you know a woman writes this shosw
At this point you think "ok the plot will turn to how worried they are about Lars, and Steven will report what he saw on homeworld, as plenty of what he experienced is valuable information to fill in the rest of the team"
>NOPE, this arc revolves about how Connie is buttblasted that steven didn't take her
>It's literally a "I'm upset with you for a reason that is irrelevant in the face of the grand scheme of things you are facing, but you better pay attention to ME above everything else" scenario
Thi hits too close to home for me. All it was missing was a dialogue like this
Fuck you. mega.nz
Also, I can do a better take than you, on these specific set of episodes, not everything in general
God damn it. The same happened the last time and the time before that. This show doesn't go anywhere, and it's enraging considering what just happened and the interesting concept of it. Also, no qt short haired Connie porn
The show is still coasting on whatever false goodwill it gained in season 1.
It's a show that took its own lessons and ultimately devolves because of it. Ironic, how "Feelz over Realz" and "Accept anything even if its Garbage" ultimately had the show devolve into nothing and waste of time.
The insulting part is that there was another corrupted gem in this set of episodes, meaning there are still corrupted gems around. Remember when the show was about corrupted gems and not about townies?
It was always about the Townies. The show just forgot to tell you about it initially.
I have a better one: Remember when the show had an aura of nuance and mystery. Maybe the Gems where Traitors to their kin, maybe they caused the corruption. Maybe they trapped their enemies in objects. Maybe it was to save the world but at the expense of fudging up the other gems.
Maybe the Gem world was awesome initially, but now had become more robotic, as the gems took on more ridgid and uncaring forms with maybe their leaders reverting to just flat geometric objects……
Or maybe nah the evil gems just suck and are slave masters and teh racist, and the big bad looks like a frumpy Soccermom.
Don't forget that they don't allow lesbians.
After a certain point, you have no one to blame but yourself for seeing potential in a show that has consistently failed to even remotely live up to your lowest expectations for it.
Even worse. Like somekind of satire that Holla Forums would think up; lesbians are fine. Inter-racial lesbians are a problem.
Like…..its so nonsensical. It has to sacrifice good everything to service its message, when literally everything in world speaks against itself as a message.
Like even If I wanted to make a drama type show like this, I could write it so much better, but Sugars Priorities are just fucked up.
Wait, you guys are wondering how a parody show centered around 80's/90's tv culture is going to handle a show about blatant aliens that no one seems to care exist and are present? I'm disappointed.
Mulder and Scully show up to beach city, and the whole thing is "ALIENS!!! GODDAMN CONCLUSIVE PROOF OF ALIENS SCULLY!!!" Scully, of course, doesn't believe even when Amethyst turns into a giant purple dildo before her eyes, and then Scully and Pearl end up making out because Robot Chicken will play the fan-service lesbians card and avoid any political flak from it.
Why is steven such a little fag? Will he ever have anything that resembles a masculine trait?
Probably never just like you user.
He's descended from millenia of asexually reproducing rock-women. The only reason he was even born male was because Greg's massive Teutonic Dick fucked Rose Quarts so hard that their offspring had to receive a Y chromosome. Steven's lucky enough as it is that he's even a soyboy. Anyone else and he would've been mor gem than human.
Holla Forums moves slowly enough that it isn't an issue.
Your next line is "Hey Holla Forums."
Hey Holla Forums
Found the newfag
Bumparoo just 4U butthurtkun~
You want Holla Forums tier stuff to complain about, you got it.
It should be about gay-shaming
Okay, call me a faggot for saying this, but I unironically want to see Robot Chicken tackle Steven Universe. Yeah the show can get hit or miss, but when they hit, they hit! And Steven Universe sounds like an easy for them to hit!
But while we're on the topic of shitting on Robot Chicken, I just have one problem with their upcoming sketches: a Homestar Runner sketch.
I would have wanted this back when I was 8, when Homestar Runner was still relevant! Why is Robot Chicken tackling it now? What's next, are they going to make a Homestuck sketch?
I would kill to see a Homestuck sketch by RC, though I can't even imagine how they would do it.
Karkat explaining the Hate-Love thing, then a few scenes later Teen Anakin Hatefucking Jar Jar? A long drawn out parody of Everybody Hurts called Everybody Fucks? An action figure full-scene rendition of The Baby is You?
No, wait, The Nerd gets knocked unconscious at a convention by Homestuck fans, possibly by almost getting raped by an SJW Land Whale dressed as Rose or something.
Then the rest of the episode cuts back and forth between Nerd experiencing Homestuck and regular skits, of which the Hatefuck Jar Jar scene is included.
So Holla Forums?