
The simple truth is that until we take back our women our revolution, whatever it may turn out to be, will never get off the ground.

Last thread was deleted by the kike overlords (mods) so you don't start thinking about real problems like this. Why else would they delete it? Don't fall into the controlled opposition side of this community. That is the side the mods are on.

Many of the women that we know in our lives today in many ways seem very different from the ideal.

From the deeps of time:
Since the beginning of humanity women have had to watch over and care for others constantly, and so they became inherently selfless, living to help others before themselves.
Because they were so close to all the needs and wants of their people, they developed the instinct to trust them absolutely and a very deep and true understanding of their people was taken for granted, not only in their minds but in their instincts; in their genetics.
And so it went for a very long time; the care and understanding of women maintained and sustained communities ranging in size from isolated families to large tribes.
But while women tended the home, men traveled far and wide, and all the while the world shrank, and there came slavery, civilization, industry, and the global empire.

This vast change may be summed up to one critical point: freedom was ended. The vast majority of humanity was disrupted and kept in stasis to serve a few masters.

Because masters/employers want the women they control as workers first and as mothers second, they were relieved of many long-standing responsibilities to their people by the 'modernization' of society.
Industry provided substitutes for their love: ready-to-eat food, child care, school, and so on.

But being based in genetics rather than habit, their instincts remained.
Without the traditional complementary habits, the instinctual traits of selflessness that were so precious to the livelihood of their people became discouraged, unused, and hollow, and so selflessness turned to nothing but self-unawareness: The instinct to implicitly trust their social sphere was left intact to be turned to purposes other than what made it to begin with.

Now consider the addition of 'the media' to the common social sphere, being everywhere at all times, with all of its inherent falsehoods and general lack of objectivity. Consider how the media interacts with the feminine instinct to believe and trust their social sphere absolutely.

The truth is that the women are turned to madness, acting completely against their nature.

Their nurturing instincts are used to nurture the interests of the upper classes as handed down from the media rather than those of their own people that they see and interact with every day, even their own children.
Instead of being warm with compassion they are cold with judgements calculated from the information they are brainwashed with.

So it is that women are the primary tool of the upper classes to control us all, because men will do anything for their women. So it is that love is turned against us and the very foundation of our existence is betrayed.

Other urls found in this thread:


ok schlomo, great excuse


I don't suppose anyone from the last thread still has it open and could screenshot it to prove there was interest in it and that's why the mods deleted it instead of anchoring it?

They are in progress to replace the y chromosome.

The male nuclear y chromosome only mutates 0,3 % per generation.
This is why we used to have male upon son inheritance to ensure the bloodline and genetic identity.

Most countries in the world still know this but the west forgot and is quickly losing their genetic identity because men dont have male offspring any more.

The thing about the European and Asian blood,Europeans and Asians have more population groups (family trees) and much shorter/younger family trees then the African and arab genetics, this causes those to be more dominate.

The media is using the term genetic diversity for a old population group who lived in isolation for a long time. This is where the misconception of African Negroids being more genetic diverse comes from aswell (the African family trees(main ethnic African groups) are bigger and have longer branches but the rest of the world Asians and Europeans have more family trees

Because of this long isolation these genetic groups(trees) gained genetic dominant genes true interbreeding and strengthening genetics by keeping a selecting the same set of genetics over and over again generation after generation

All other so called junk DNA, that causes the unique mutations needed for evolution and diversity decay with every copy reducing mutations within the population group

This is the cause of recession of the Asian or European genetics AKA genocide.

Tl;dr eruopean asian genes are recessive, they will regress when bred with dominate arab or african genetics causing the disappearance of them.

You need less then 5% to cause this genetic shift, most european countries have 10% of their demographics being african/arab. most only have around 60% 70% of their native population left.

because the mods are cucks. I still have my AR-15, and I still don't need women. Suck it nerds.

Do you recommend some good books about women?


Do we have SJW mods now or are the site owners just pandering?

The sooner women are back in the kitchen, the better.
No voting.
No aborting.
No social media.
No dating apps.
No doing anything without a man's permission.
This is the only life a civilized woman should live.
Pic slightly unrelated unless the internet she has access to is limited to housewife-related content.
Women are not "people" like men are. Being in class alongside them has ruined this idea for basically all of us at a subconscious level, but once you look at enough statistics and really digest it all, the natural state of the world becomes obvious. Women are a lesser form of men to be controlled, not an equal at our sides to be set free.
Feminism is the ultimate Jewish lie.

We've had SJW janitors for a while now. As far as bans go, that's up to whoever owns the board as far as I know.


It's the absolutely fucking pathetic control-freak fetish the mods have, sometimes. Sometimes they're good and do based shit, sometimes their moderation is so autistic you wonder how you've never been banned as a result of it.

Quote sources or fuck off.

Liberals aside women are fine and society is evolving naturally. Housewifery hasn't been a full time job ever since the whitegoods machines basically replaced all the labor intensive tasks. Many women still choose to stay home to raise children instead of work in a career.

Women aren't the enemy. Jewish influence tries to dismantle the family. Turning men and women against each other is their goal and to do this they create things like Radfem and MGTOW. "Movements" which only exist to spread hatred, fear and distrust to the other gender.

You're either manipulating us to this agenda or you're a useful idiot who willingly believes that all women are inferior and hate you.



You are my argument user.

typical tricks shlomo


mods suck, i got banned from pol 4ch for 15 minuets after using a tl dr mlp on some stupid comment.
Wake up, the next day try to comment banned 2 hours after going to bed for the same post 3 days all boards.

I think they didnt like my political input blowing a fresh breeze in to the now predominantly negroid pc /pol

OP was identical yesterday, and she went schizo and attacked everyone.

Sounding an awful lot like a Muslim there lad. Remove edge.


it was not identically worded, but OP can't even check the catalog

Not that I can do anything about 4ch, I got ISP-banned after a year-and-a-half of inactivity just because. AKA "buy a 4chan pass, filthy goyjin".

The battle of the sexes was fabricated to keep us from getting to the real issues and divide whites


I know I damn well want my girl to vote. The Republicans need all the votes they can get.
Why? Women are really good at setting up social events for the family and friends and stuff like that. Lord knows I don't want to have to take care of all the social arrangements.


Did they not get a vote after negroids got a vote?



No matter what they say, women feel the need to be dominated. That's how they feel 'safe'. They will either get through us, or through the overbearing men of some darker species. Women are like children: they like having limits imposed upon them, and living vicariously through their men (and children). Perhaps it's because subconsciously they know that they are vulnerable to emotional manipulation.

You're way to strict with your lady. Imo. Are you single or something?
Saying you're going to kick your girl off social media sounds to me like something a larping single man would say. or a mudslime

they feel the need to be subordinate, so that someone else is in charge

which is why a society can never be successfully led by women: they are always looking to other leaders for cues as to what decisions to make.

For example, just look at Justin Tureau.


I'm thinking about just going Option 40 and serving the God Emperor. It's the only option left that makes sense. Everything else just leaves me feeling like I'm slamming into a wall. Maybe it's because I just feel lost and want to have some kind of impact on society before I die.

So you are single? Maybe you should stop sperging out and browsing /mgtow/ so much and see if you can invite some chick out to have coffee with you or something yes? Not all women are feminist tumblr landwhales. I'm sure you know this.


Adults don't have friends.

I've never been banned from there because I'm not enough of a retard to frequent that den of cuckoldry and trannyism.

Just like you never had a gf because you dont leave the basement?


When will you faggots get it. Women are not a suitable substitute for bros.

Conquer them, breed them, adore them for being good mothers to your children. But for fucks sake, don't expect them to be any good at being a man. Yes, they'll look cute pretending to be one. But they'll also get you killed. And destroy your civilization on the side.


While OP seeks an optimal endstate, it is completely utopian and fruitless to waste any time on reaching this goal gradually.
It will only happen after a complete reset of society, or if Islam actually wins.

Keep working on readying for or bringing about that crisis. This is not for our age.

fuck off kike

Decent women were never left, user. They are only ever made. By decent men.

I agree, but it's too bad that by the time there's enough women raised by decent men again, I'll be old and alone with my armory. I'm excited for the future if life continues how it's going, but that doesn't mean I can lie to myself and say I'll be able to partake in it.

The mods are not autistic, they are just paid to maintain this place as an echo chamber because they're kikes. It's not by mistake that good threads are suppressed. They do this all the time. Literally 40%+ of all threads are anchored. Who knows how many get deleted.

I wish this wasn't true but each year I am on the earth it gets lonelier. I keep contacts in my phone now just to have contacts, I haven't talked to some of these people in 5 years.

I'm going to make this general statement before I read on. Women voting is a problem, and the statistics bear this out throughout ALL OF FUCKING HISTORY. Read Glubb's Fate of Empires for starting data if you've never been exposed to such a radical thought. It shows that giving women positions of authority is quite literally the final stage of a dominant culture, reaching back to antiquity. This isn't some crackpot theory, it's historically factual. Look at Europe and their female-dominated governments. We all know this stuff.

Letting people with foreign genetics and cultures vote is just as bad, of course. And when women and foreigners gain the vote (these things usually happen at the same time), the death spiral has never before been broken. I have an idea that could help, and that is that a person must pay more into taxes than they receive in order to vote. This doesn't directly contradict with any standing law as far as I can tell, since there is no discrimination based on race or gender. But we know that women and minorities overwhelmingly do not meet these conditions. Maybe some user has a better idea, but if not the other option is the dissolution of the government completely, and a reboot.

Unless we can fix this problem we're just arranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

What makes a decent man is the desire to leave the world behind a little better than you found it. Not wallowing in self-pity over what you were given not being perfect. And not narcissistic consumption of whatever good was left behind for you, without a care for the future. That's precisely what got us here.

So be as decent a man as you can manage. Take the most decent woman you can find. Mold her into something better than when you found her. Raise your children to be better still, and to know it is their duty to carry on the torch. It's the only way out of the hellhole the recent generations have dragged us into.

voting in this situation does nothing

the overlords controlling our federal government can maneuver much faster than our electoral system allows in any significant case

You kids need to grow out of your hero worship and start being your own hero. Trump is 100% establishment. He played his part by agitating the insane liberal masses and giving some of us some hope. But we cannot rest on that hope. We have to do things for ourselves to increase our power over our own lives here and now. We need to take back our women and our people. Then you can talk about organizing votes.

There is no referendum that could be implemented to stop the jewish brainwashing. We need to create a new mechanism for change.


What part of "there's no decent women left" do you not understand? You might get by with lying to yourself and feeding yourself with some false hope that you'll meet someone decent, but it's not enough for me. That's why I'm considering Option 40 to begin with. At least I'll accomplish something.

No, they aren't. And yes they do. But that's not the issue right now. That's the same thing as saying 5 year olds aren't the enemy (also true). But if you were born into a society in which a kindergartner's vote held the same influence as a 50 year old business owner's vote, would you not resist the situation? Be logical. That would be insane, and in the same way our Founding Fathers would have said giving every woman a vote equal to that of a white man property owner is insane. To your point about kikes, it's true that they are the actual enemy. But who falls easiest for these typical tricks? Rate these categories on easiest for a kike to trick: a kindergartner, a woman, a man. For help, consider who is marketed to most heavily in advertisements. No business would spend money on something ineffective (not for long anyway), so based on marketing trends, order these groups on who is most susceptible to propaganda.

But that's true in so many ways. Women are inferior in any sense of competitiveness, whether in strength, logic, strategy, etc. Women may be (perhaps ARE) superior at some things, such as infant nurturing, but despite all the talk of women's skill at group cohesion, look at the facts. Women are notorious for infighting and allowing in out-group invaders to dismantle the in-group.

Want to know how I know you're a kike?
Assuming you're not a shill you are do you have one single idea to offer? Or do you debate the facts I laid out regarding women/minority suffrage being the death knell of a civilization? I'd love to think you're not a shill after all.

I want to know how you think you know anything with your ideology blocking your rational thought

What don't you get? How does voting force our leadership to give us back our people and our freedom? How does it stop your future wife from being mindfucked by the media?

What exactly is your defect that has you thinking the government is responsible for organizing your life for you? You can't legislate strength and happiness.

We need our base. We need our home. We need our women. Without that nothing else is possible.

great book fam. This quote applies to everyone who visits here at least once a month with all the news we digest:

There are ~plenty of ~decent women left. And they aren't even fat. But you would probably find them plain and boring.

You must not have any standards whatsoever if you think it's just a matter of weight.

There is no deficit, it's an observable fact. Do you drive 100 mph down the highway whenever you come to the personal conclusion that it would be preferable? Would you walk outside naked if you felt like sunning your balls? Do you punch every asshole who has it coming? Why not? Do legal repercussions mean nothing at all? Is that your claim? Because I'm not claiming that every detail of your life has to be mandated, but only an idiot would think that none of them are.
Again, do you have a single idea to offer on how to accomplish that?

So you're saying whiggers are incapable of even creating their own board? That whiggers will happily keep posting on a shill board because um fuck it?

Yeah we're fucked.

we can tell you're a shill because you write exactly like OP of
The only question is whether you have tits

They certainly come across as one.

The Black Pigeon Speaks video about how women ruin nations is a good summary.

I'd say the answer is yes. Every post is baseless claims and blackpilling, but when confronted with concrete questions it has a mental shutdown and 404's. I asked a few questions to stimulate some kind of logical discourse, and while a true shill would stick around and be as disruptive as possible, this one just went into a logical loop and abandoned thread. Such is the mark of the vagina, and further evidence of women's lack of ability in debate. It doesn't even matter if we say how we always know it's a female when they type on an anonymous imageboard, because they are wholly incapable of changing their behavior.

I saw that one too, breddy gud



Fuck off.

Reminder that robowaifus will be real before 2020, how can the biotrash compete?

I keep asking this question, but still haven't gotten even a hint of an answer: HOW SHOULD WE DO THAT? By being a roided-up pro wrestler? Is just looking good going to be enough to shift the balance of power?


Fuck off cunt defender.

As ironic as it sounds, this is our best hope. Women are gonna have to realize fucking quick they need to compete, or else they'll have to earn their own fucking paychecks.

Two ways, either be a good goyim, and lower your standards, or just not do anything at all and try your best to help future generations not have such a diluted dating pool.

What a waste of trips.



I want to filter you for being such a retard but then I'd just be as bad as the left.


That's a man though


So? When it comes to understanding women and Jews, Mohammed was right. Even a lunatic is going to be right about a few things. And the red pill on women can be found in essentially every religion and culture all over the world

Sahih Bukhari 1:6:301

The 'tism is real with this one.

Now THERE'S a jew

So again, no solutions are offered on how to "reconquer women and make them submit", just some kind of weak-ass blackpilling. I don't think lowering men's standards is going to help "reconquer women and make them submit". But it's good to see some real shills finally.
And how does this "reconquer women etc."? Assume you're 100% correct that women will be attracted to a masculine aura (they are), what is the next step once having attracted the woman to "making womEn submit"? You MIGHT be able to make a single woman submit (doubtful if women hold every upper hand in the legal system), but how does this translate to stopping the female agenda writ large? You know, the one that favors women in family court, in job/school applications, in sheer raw numbers of voters, in which women spend 80% of money, etc. I know someone's going to offer even a single idea on how to do that someday. But all I've seen so far is "lel you can't get laid", or "man up bro" which is totally beside the point.

Saying nothing is wrong with modern women is a lie. It's going to take generations to fix shit and with the majority of "right wingers"/"conservatives" opposing Islam only because of "how they treat women!" We may very well never fix them. You need to stop getting your idea of women from 1950's advertisements

You're unaware?


Fuck off luddite nigger, trans humanism and artificial wombs are not the same thing.

Nice projections.

That's because there is no advice. If there was a solution, we would have at least already begun to eradicate the problem. The real issue is this is a fucking problem both men and women need to tackle. Until women quit acting like fucking children, that's not going to happen.

In short, if robot waifus don't light a fire under their asses and get them to actually make an attempt at being decent human beings, they're going to be on the wrong side of history.

Your loose vagina is showing, yes you will be obsolete soon 2020 ark my words


Women and dishonest men (faggy liberals, turbocuck whiteknights) resort to these to attack men they are in an argument with, it's a good way to spot shills. Occasionally a legit guy will use one, but they tend to only do it once.

The only large scale solutions are razing everything to the ground and restarting at some sort of modern day barbarism, or taking power and changing the rules of the game. We are trying for the second through influencing politics, but note the glee for any happening. The first option is not off the table.

Thank you for actually addressing the issue, +Holla Forums gold was deposited in your premium account
And if women literally are UNABLE to stop acting like children, under your premise, then there cannot nor ever will be a solution. Actually this is the same answer I've heard from every user brave enough to directly face this dilemma. If that is the case, then it's time to get creative because this cycle has been on repeat for several thousand years at least, and honestly it's getting repetitive.
As far as I can tell this is the only solution of any kind that has EVER been proposed (other than my legislative one which is admittedly weak). Apparently men are going to have to use their obvious superiority once again to devise a technical problem to the natural state of things. I'll keep digging, but as of now this seems to be the most likely answer.


I can't teach each of you to function socially. Sorry.

Maybe start by making yourself attractive to women and educating yourself and not being an ideologue retard

I've posted about this a few times here before, but I think robot females will become a reality very soon, in a small scale. I will be building a prototype soon, almost have enough for the 3D printer I need, the .stl files are done and the movement/AI/voice/facial recognition is based off a few pre existing robots.

The main problem in regards to accessibility is cost, but 3D printers are already helping with that and they are dropping in cost. The servos are the biggest expense especially for the legs.

Tl;dr: robowaifus soon very soon

There you go. You just found the answer.

We have to stop circumcising our boys

Nice dubs bronze age perv.

I think this mystery has come to its finale tits or GTFO

FIDF makes me wish JIDF would show up instead, at least there's some level of intellectual sparring under those conditions

Muh lifting will solve all my problems

Your gf will cuck you for someone richer, doesn't matter if you believe me or not. Also you can't turn a harem off, you can't program a harem to your liking also I doubt you have the money to feed that many kids. Robo>bio

Wow this shit again, I'm just going to keep re-posting what i said before in all the other threads because nothing will change until this happens:

Every time a thread like this pops up it's all ways the same shit discussed. Nothing get's solved because everyone wont focus on the true problems and instead shitpost and point fingers becoming sjw's to their own ideal of whats correct. It is all fucked up because MEN wont support other MEN and instead only think of themselves. Think back or look back at history. Men supported and stood up for other men in need. Now you have this whole “I've got mine!” ideal and if you are struggling in life well your just a deadbeat. Cant get a women? Haha something is wrong with you then, its not society its YOU. On the same breath men will go cuck themselves to another race that has no intention of helping them or repaying them ever. They will also fuck around in their own race further destroying the women, yet they will preach on getting a pure women to settle down with. This is why nothing will get solved, the common men in society have no logic left. They cannot comprehend the actions they do have consequences. They have in fact become just like women.
First and foremost we must fix our self and support our self's… In the end women will fallow after they have destroyed their own little society they built up.

I remember you, fuck off MGTOW

How is it that you spot a decent woman user?

Fuck off.

You don't, you just get lulled into thinking a women is "one of the good ones" and turns out just like the rest.

yep that's a big issue too, and I'm sure it's related to this issue because it affects sexual development


Sorry my IP hopping friend, I used the term because someone up higher in the thread did.
That's a pretty strawman you've created there. I guess if you label me MGTOW I'm not then prove that MGTOW is a bunch of cucks they are you've just ended all discussion on the topic. Kind of like how everyone you don't like is a Nazi, and Nazis are bad, therefore everyone you don't like is objectively bad. That's some real high-level rhetoric there.

alas, it seems true, but they still have their masculine instincts and they can still develop their masculine traits physically and mentally. They still have the potential. None of us are old men yet.

but you're right, we need to band together. We need to make the 'transformation' to get women's attention with our physical presence TOGETHER. We need to engage in like team sports, group exercises, etc. with the people we share ideas with.

Except I am a Nazi, nothing wrong with that.
If you're not MGTOW than what do you call it, you're encouraging men not to breed with this blatant demoralization shit that only really applies to city-dwellers who deserve everything they get anyway because they're a bunch of proto-commie cucks.


I dunno

go to college and hang out with nerdier virgin chicks. go to club meetings and stuff for anime, games, etc.

While they're almost guaranteed to have the long dick of the media in their brain to some degree, it's a lot easier than working with a hedonized whore to say the least

If you are looking for "jailbroken" women, you probably aren't going to find any. I would guess that some could be found in the upper classes, but there is a whole WORLD of bullshit that goes with that.


What the fuck am I supposed to do?

These girls are always the worst, always fucking mentally ill and cheaters.

btw answer to the fucked conditions facing women are simple: remove kike, remove nonwhites, lower age of consent. but I'm apparently bad for knowing the real way to fix women

No I'm not, I'm trying to find a solution to a POLITICAL PROBLEM which is that women and minorities with the right to vote have overstepped their bounds and are wrecking the entirety of the western world. I haven't even mentioned marriage, breeding or relationships because that's not the topic im interested in right now, and I'm trying to keep the focus confined to that problem.
Are you claiming that the effects of women and minorities having the same vote as white men is only a problem in cities? That the effects of such do not affect anyone in a rural area? Because that's fucking stupid. Let's see, we've gotten through ad-hominem, building strawmen and now we're up to moving goalposts. I'm going to have to open up a list of logical fallacies and see how many of them I can check off just within responses to me
No you're not, and if you were you'd use the term NatSoc. You're pinko scum

That's a daisy 880 bb/pellet gun painted fully black

meant for

No, I'm claiming that the modern conditions that lead women to thinking the way they do only affect cities.
If you couldn't tell - I hadn't read the thread and only really came to tell you to fuck off for saying 'boyim' that shit was spammed by a legitimate MGTOW shill that I suspect of being the "ashes and echoes" guy since they both talk about how women are irredeemably ruined.
Do it then, I'm sure most will be the product of misunderstanding or unwillingness to participate in a blatant demoralization thread. You don't seem so bad, you just fell for some shitty memes. Do you by any chance live in a city or other large conglomerate heavily affected by the plight of modernity?
I do, either Nazi or National Socialist is fine - Goebbels himself coined the term when he wrote "Nazi Sozi" the idea that "Nazi" is a kike-concieved term is subversive and is akin to spitting on the shoes of every German that backed their government while the NSDAP was in power. Learn your shit m8.

First of all, "minorities" should not even be here in the first place and women should not have the right to vote. Getting nonwhites out of white nations, and restricting the female populace's voting power would be a good start.
After all nonwhites are gone, lower AoC, implement slut-shaming, and encourage strong fathers - implement legislation that does not punish fathers for restricting their daughter's promiscuous urges.
After these conditions have been in place for several generations(according to Yuri - roughly fifteen years providing these sentiments make their way into the education system) women will be "fixed" or at least as "fixed" as they ever were.

full house
spotted the /k/ommando


reminder that Quiet is not human.

Agreed, and even my gf admits she would give up her right-wing vote if she knew women altogether were restricted from voting.

For white people, agreed.

I don't like FB attention whoring and women who clearly get off on the amount of "likes" they get, but my girl needs her female friends, I'm not going to cut her off from feminine influence. I don't fulfill her dumb Pinterest needs but her friends sure as hell do

For taken women? Agreed. For single women? I don't know.

Ffs I can't stand it when my boss micromanages the shit out of me and I feel nothing but hateful resentment for it so I would never get off on doing the same exact thing to my woman. Big purchases? Major plans? Yeah, talk to me first, but I'm not about to chastise her if she makes chicken for dinner when I was feeling like having some steak instead.


social media is inherently antisocial and not productive in any regard.
Dating apps, hell "apps" as whole just encourage this, it's like you didn't listen to the numerous people across time that warned you about the integration of technology into your day-to-day life being fucking horrible for the human condition - especially bad for whites who are inherently humble and selfless when left to be.

Many problems are to do with the vote. Women are too emotionally driven to be of an equal vote. I think it would be impossible to take away voting rights however, outside of times of extreme turmoil, this is when women lose their status. Women shouldn't be the only ones to lose their votes, many men should also lose their votes, this gets rid of unwanted male votes and has women feeling less hard done by, this is harder to achieve but is possible with military service vote. Conditional voting rights should be implemented (e.g. land ownership, military service, being white, welfare status). We would definitely have to change the way things like voting rights, military service, and homemaking are perceived.
Kike brainwashing is severe.

These anons understand.

Fucking this, the only people who should be allowed to vote are white land-owners (who will, in large majority be men)

This is what a cuck looks like. Observe.

i've been banned so many times, and not banned so many times. its honestly russian roulette



Providing you're white and living or working on the land there would be no issue with that.

Good luck with that. It's more unrealistic than artificial wombs right now. It's simply not going to happen, it's hard to take away a "right" where as giving them out is easy

Boyim meme adopted, fellow man. Enjoy the camouflage

I've lived everywhere from huge metropolises, to tiny non-towns, to technically inside the confines of national parks, on an island, on top of a mountain completely off-grid, to rural farmland. Trying to "figure out who I am" is pointless, but insinuating I'm some never-left-the-city faggot is both ridiculous and pointless.
So we agree
The entire reason I participate in these threads is as a way of sussing out a practical method to actually accomplish those things. But as usual it goes straight to "u hait women MGTOW lolol" or "fucking biocunts" or "kikes did this" that's true, but it's essentially a tautology. The only thing I care about is exploring the ocean of piss to see if anyone has an actionable idea that I can reflect on and attempt to devise a strategy. It's why I ain't even mad when I have to root around like a pig in shit for an intelligent response, it's to be expected. These ideas are so emotionally charged most anons can't divorce their mind from their knee-jerk responses. Pic unrelated

Honestly I used to go in for the muh women should have the vote. Repeal the 19th and all that shit a couple of years ago. I think its pretty immature though. Its completely unrealistic and turns people off to talk about taking voting rights away from women. And regardless. It's not ever going to happen. They already have those rights and you're never going to be able to convince the congress to take them away. Not only that but at least in America it's enshrined in the constitution. So you would have to have a constitutional convention to take away the female vote. So….what it comes down to is constantly talking shit about taking away the female vote is basically larping. It already happened 100 years ago and there's nothing we can do about it now. And even if it ever ever ever was going to happen our society would have to be vastly different then it is now and the idea would have to be really popular with women. Not just angry men who most of them are single /mgtow/ types lashing out. So…when family divorce rates are back down to 10 percent or less like they were in the 1950s only then would I ever even think it was a little desired to be pushing this idea. So instead why don't we just encourage women to vote Conservative and stop talking about taking their rights away. Because it really pisses a few of them off. And I have to say I can't fucking blame them.

tl;dr leave woman alone and stop larping about taking away their vote it ain't gonna happen

Be nice and just try to get them to vote conservative.

modern men aren't perfectly well mannered either also

It might have been coined by Asses and Eggshells, not sure if that's really the case, but it's breddy catchy. I've seen it enough that I didn't think I needed to put a trigger warning on it for anons apparently I was wrong

Nothing short of WW3 or God himself will put Pandora back in her box

Way to read half of my statement.
Conditional voting rights after a war are a possibility, and it takes away male and female votes.