4 AM Thread

Losing control, Holla Forums?

Play any vidya today?

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Evenin' folks.

Come on over to the 4am cytube. Listen to music, post music, chat, or just simply lurk. Up to you. (Music from 4AM-6AM EST.)

A reminder that /4am/ is a thing again, but needs you to give it life. >>>/4am/

Morning everyone~

I had another really fun night tonight, I hope you are doing good!

You win again, but it was close today. CLOSE

Sup faggots, how are you tonight?

a beautiful day to end your miserable life, isn't it?

It was worth it. God I fucking hate physical activity. If I had a choice, I would never run again.

Also, I've reached the point where seeing porn physically disgusts me. I have no idea how I became like this. I'm some kind of neo-puritan.

oi sorry.

Was eating soup. And thinking of a certain Tomboy.

There's always tomorrow.

drawfag here from awhile ago. Here's another one.

couldn't think of anymore characters to add to AA2, I might scarp it instead for sims 3 4am… maybe?
also for tonight's synctube, I got scooby doo and the monster lolis.

Waiting for some butter to thaw out so I can make dinner.

pornography is indeed disgusting and always has be
you're not a puritan, you're simply seeing it as it is

How about Kanji-kun?

I feel extra like shit today.

I'm alright. Got another game of pool to look forward to with one of the guys from the thread later tonight. Gonna be fun, I just hope they got Death Grips on the jukebox.

I think I'd kill myself. Do you at least watch shows you downloaded?

Whats up mugi?

Indeed. I'll just have to train more.

I fell a bit more depressed each day.

Fuck, that drawthread on /4am/ is funny.

Anyways do any anons from/in France come here? I've been thinking about joining the legion because I'm going nowhere fucking fast and I know quite a bit of french but I know basically nothing about France. All I want to know is how Jewed is the army and the government is

Even simple stuff like attractive women without shirts on makes me uneasy and slightly disgusted now.

A friend of mine sent me a picture of her tits and I just couldn't appreciate them, as nice as they were.

Evening everyone.
Tomboys are the best!
Whats everyone drinking tonight?

Shit user, how do you do it?

the legion is beyond what you ever heard on TV
inside there form fractions of russians, french and others
life is suffering in there, but at least you get to shoot something
if you have any physical condition you're better off not going there

So do I, life is only getting worse


Dr. Pepper…

I watch The Venture Bros while working out every second day and a couple of episodes of JoJo every other night.

By not smoking and a lot of effort.

I used to be able to run 5km, trying to work my way back to that. If you have coffee in you, it's so much easier. The hardest part of quitting coffee is not being able to rely on it for an energy boost before running.

Tea is the best beverage.

Thanks a lot man, really appreciate it.

Orange juice. Just opened a fresh carton.

Is there a reason you are trying to go all straight edge puritan?

Doing what?

What's got you down?

I'm on his side. None of those are really a necessity. I don't do most of them any more either.

I'm trying to fix it, but everything takes so long to fix. It's very disheartening at times.

did you ask her to, or does she do that on a regular basis?
either way, you shouldn't condone that kind of behavior, so you're right to not appreciate semi whore behavior

I just don't bother anymore

Hey, hows everyone going?
I had the worst fucking week of my life. I wake up in pure emotional agony, carry though a day of depression, and come home to nothing but emptyness and regret for my life. My hearing is becoming worse and I am having trouble not fucking up simple tasks. I am on the verge of buying a gun and blowing my head off

Exercise is a pain, but it gets to the point where your body is used to it so its not as bad.
Life is not worth living without booze.

Got a daki of her yet?

If the thread starts to die I will spam post tomboy stuff for us.
Drinks of kings Yakuza, drink of kings.

I think you mean vodka is.

Does anyone know what booze is in this thread?

Heartbroken user here.

I've been having vivid gore-filled nightmares for the past week, every single night. Most memorable one was a guy trying to tame a couple of chest-bursters from Alien and feed them food, but they insisted on eating each other instead.

I have an interview on Monday, wish me luck.

I don't imagine it's the nicest thing, but warm food, a bed, and a decent paycheck, and a chance to shoot guns, is more than I have here.

Daily reminder to watch Patlabor

Watching vids with a friend.

When you are a shut in NEET, thats basically all you got though.

Whats got you so down user? Just general depression?

Oh well, it's better than getting tired after 30 meters…


Wait, so I should drink coffee before running? For the energy boost or is it something else?

Good luck user! Where at?

I heard the news that my uncle died this week.
He was a really nice guy, he was a hunter and introduced me to guns for the first time in my life.
He promised me when I was young that he would go hunting and shooting with me but I never picked up on his promise.
I also had an epiphany yesterday on how much I hate myself and my life, so that's also something.
Goddamn it these pills aren't fucking working.

Nope, I think it's just apathy. Keep in mind I lost 25kg (over 50 pounds for Americans) last year. Nothing interests me much. Days are long, I can't find a job, I cut off most of my old friends because they were shit and I ain't got nothing to do.

She has offered before, but I always told her no. This time she just sent it anyway.

I suppose. The idea is to do something until the action itself becomes the motivation.

I used to run until I was falling over and vomiting on myself at 2AM. It was a terrible habit and I managed to get over it.

This everyone should watch it.

Interesting. What did you watch?

I used to drink coffee before running. What I did was put two spoons of instant into a cup, throw in a couple of drops of boiling water and drink it like a shot. It was the only way I could get myself out of the bed in the morning and motivated, even though it tasted like hell. Apparently coffee also helps dull muscle pain.

Don't do it, you'll end up with a horrible reliance on caffeine for exercise.

Drinking whiskey and coke just like every other night of my life. Kicking back, listening to NIN and chatting with some late night friends. What are you anons doing with your time?

There any reason for the horrible feeling you got going on?

My roommates gone for the weekend, time to party and by that I mean sleep in and just be a lazy shit while doing some homework.

Water, I'm getting tired of the taste of juice sticking in my mouth.

If you are going to kill yourself, livestream it for us. That or drive to time square and shoot yourself in public if you want to be flashy.

Thats really rough, sorry to hear that.

How long have you been taking these pills?

Ahh well at least your apathy is improving yourself a bit. Even if it probably sucks.

Mostly just weeb stuff.

I've already fapped twice today, and I'm probably going to do it one more time.

I don't know what's up with my fucking libido tonight.

My hearing is fucking up too. Have you seen a doctor yet? I'm not sure if one can help me by this point. I want to kill myself a lot too.

Boy, I wish I had those things. I wouldn't mind if all of them were gone from my life at this point.

Sounds like you're stressed out, or you're really into horror movies. Anywho, good luck on your interview user.

Late to the thread because I was busy fixing shit

I may've found fixes for my WWE 2K16 issues so once I have more people on the roster, I am officially going to relaunch 4AM WWE, bigger and badder then ever.

Feeling a bit tired, gotta work my ass off tonight with this WWE crap (Coming up with ideas and then creating them) plus finding degenerates to milk for lulz on F-List while also looking for my own degeneracy, of course it goes down right when I fucking find somebody.

Don't feel bad, I think about mine too

Diet sodey to keep me awake and energized.

Not that desperate. There are none of her anyway.

I'll help if I can.
Mah Nigga

It better be worth it.

I'd just run maybe 50 meters till I'm gassed out.

I don't know, maybe for a month or so, I don't remember.
My shitty memory also makes me forget them often so that sucks.

Hospital here. Birthday was yesterday. Coworkers suprised me with singing and balloons and ice cream. Honestly shocked.

Also, the sandwich shop down the road got restocked on All Dressed Ruffles. Literally the best flavor of chips.


Take things one day at a time user. Your situation might get better.

Just so I know, are most of you fairly depressed here?

I am, gaming just doesn't have the same kick it used to. No longer fun, with all the drama, developer bullshit, and other things I've recently gone full /k/. Bought a firearm, been having a ton of fun practicing shooting.

Just non-specific weeb stuff?


Chicago, although all the IT jobs are out in the suburbs apparently.

No one reacts well when I tell them I don't have a car, but can get one easy.

When I'm awake, I think of her, knowing full damn well it would never work out and we both moved on. When I'm asleep, I have these nightmares unlike anything I have ever experienced.

I can't escape.

I didn't get the job I was going for, but I did spend 2 hours looking at cadavers yesterday which was pretty cool. I'd highly recommend visiting your local med school.

You have my condolences user. How old was he?

Cigarettes keep me level, without them I start to just get too antsy. Getting to be really relaxed once every 30 mins with a cig is the best. I don't drink much unless I'm going crazy in which case I start drinking every day.

So you looked for one! You can get custom ones done you know

Dunno if thats really long enough for them to work, have you told your doc yet?

Happy late bday hospital! Hope you are doing ok


Apathy is a pain, but at least you are still getting up and going for run is a way to beat it.
But for me I just keep going for runs until it becomes a routine which makes it easier, motivation is a fickle bitch.

Come on user you should be better then that.
Unless its cheap shit of course.

You can get custom made Daki's if you find a good image of her.
always just an option of course.

I don't think that'll happen, since I'm already awake for a few hours before I get some exercise in. That, and I already drink about two pots of coffee a day.


I was diagnosed with clinical depression in my early teens. Refused to believe it, just told myself I was "lazy".

Decade later, my emotional state has only gotten worse. I was on and off meds constantly throughout my teens at the behest of my doctors and parents, which probably fucked up my mental development really badly. There are days where I wonder if I am me, or if I am a ghost or byproduct of my "depression".

tha'ts a cute wizard, I still need t o finsh hat anime some time

Generally yeah.

Just lie about the car thing. If you need one for the job and can afford one just go buy it when you get the job.

And those feelings will go away eventually for the most part. I used to always get horrible nightmares about my ex but don't anymore.

Its hard to say, really.
I just wake up and realize my life is an endless hell and I will never fix my past mistakes. Its like I could have done one thing to make my life better at one point but now its too late and I have to deal with it

Life is good, son. Kicking back, relaxing, nothing too crazy is going on. Couple of deliveries, no emergencies.

Got myself a Gear VR to try out. I'll play with it when I get home.

I was depressed for 3 years to the point of suicide but I got a job where I lift heavy things and the appreciation of my co-workers when I get stuff done along with the social outlet of knowing lots of people and having things to do with my time helped me get out of that hole.

I still drink alone most nights, but I do it happily and without the crushing loneliness and sadness that coated my previous liquor soaked nights. It's a wage slave shit job but it's fulfilling.

How do you get diagnosed with stuff?

Go for it, then. A fitness expert would probably tell you it's a horrible idea, but I'm not an expert on anything.

Cigs also kill you fam. I'd really like it if you weren't dead.


Only after you pestered me about it. And I know about the customs. You told me.

See previous.

Try not to get a blister.

check em mark

depression is a state not a condition
therapists get money from prescribing you certain meds


Fairly old, in his 50s I think, but he died of cancer, that's already the second uncle from my father's side that has died from cancer in a two year time span.
At least my dad is still healthy and he's in his late 50s, so I doubt it's genetic.

I'll mention it in my next appointment.


Off by one


I do like horror movies once in a while, but the only thing I've been doing lately is card games, Dark Souls 3, and watching Burn Notice and Frasier.

I should be having these dreams after watching The Thing, not after pining for a relationship that won't (and shouldn't) happen.

Why haven't you seen it all yet?
You should give yourself over to the lord and savior, the greatest magic ESKPLUSHIONS!

I hope I do a lot of elbow drops and suplexes.

only saw a few episodes before getting distraced and forgetting.

Hey at least you have a job or school or something it sounds like so you aren't that far gone.

No mistake is too big that you can't fix it.

Gear VR?

And nice! Glad you don't have a sad story to tell for once.

8ch and 4am will be long dead before cigarettes kill me, don't worry

In my case I was dragged around to various specialists after my parents noticed what a weird little fuck up I was. General opinion was that I was depressed or had anxiety or some shit.

I managed to crush down my anxiety with years of practice, so now I can function really well in social situations.

My advice would be to never take meds for "depression" if you can avoid it, because all they did for me was fuck up my ability to think and function like a human being.

This too. Then again, they told me on the internet that losing weight, socialising, eating well, exercising and finding hobbies would ease the pain. It didn't.

Sounds like a wonderful time.

I forgot who's representing you

bruh, hit up tutor user
this is like basic shit

Math is practically useless in so many areas but yet is always required. Such a curse.

Its a VR headset that uses your Galaxy smartphone. Like Cardboard 2.0. 3D head tracking porn, vidya, all sorts of fun.

Glad to see I'm being a good influence then. Hopefully once I get my own daki I can convince you even more!

Just make sure you hang in there until then.

Hope you can find some happiness soon.

I'm digging up my old notes from high school and starting to remember some of it, but I'm too tired to actually work on it.
if I don't get anything else I reach the tutor user

Both better take a long time to die then.

Most people here can help with basic math. But you can really look this shit up on YouTube.

Yeah, but then you might get the one sick fuck who's into necrophilia asking weird things about keeping necrodongs erect or something. I think I'll pass. Also checked.

I haven't done math in years either, but I'm sure that you can handle it after refreshing yourself.

There's also Tutor user if you really need help.

That stuff looks somewhat familiar.
I think if you just look up some high school math websites you can find it

Oh damn that sounds really fun.

Any games for it you looking forward to?

I won't live long enough for it to kill me anyway

You might just have to take a remedial class

foil first outer inner last for the variable stuff.

how did you get through high school without knowing basic algebra? no bully, just curious.

No, I just searched it. I have no intention of going through with it.

You shouldn't worry too much about things you can't change man. Focus on what's ahead of you, not on what's behind you.

I did know algebra, I just forgot all of it. reading notes as we speak.


Yeah, at least I stopped taking medicine for it.

oh. I wasn't great at math but algebra stuck. Trig is all gone.

Why do you choose the words that will hurt me most? No really, please don't kill yourself.

Yeah. Today wasn't so bad though. Had a headache all day.
Maybe later tonight.

Evening, Smokes.

Same here, man. Though porn is disgusting. It always has been, you've just been tricked into thinking it isn't.

Hell yeah.
Mad Jack's Gold rum diluted with a bit of vanilla coke.

Easy as fug. Will drink some more before attempting though.

That witch is pretty cute. Little bit too much on the thigh gap though. It's supposed to be present but subtle, not a main feature.

I'm not too worried about my physical health.

yeah, please don't kill yourself without visiting the number one board
get everything you ever wanted to know about ending your life and leaving behind the people you never cared for!

I'm not really mad. The fucker should always make sure what he is going into when it comes to being under the knive.

I'd rather have a job, but I'm getting the degree to help in case any company may ask for it. I don't think I'll go for graduate. Besides, I was pretty coddled, so I needed this as a stepping point to ease me into the real world. Most likely I'll just leave it all for Sunday, end up panicing and staying up late to finish it.

I miss algebra. I'm suffering with all this vector bullshit and it probably isn't even that hard. I just don't study for shit.

Your dubs mean nothing, it's the truth.

That's the point.

Shhh its a while off.

Thighs should be thick enough to be touching.

Imagine the first thing you see before going to bed and when waking up being her.

I'll try, thanks.
Well, onto something else, have you tried that cola I told you of last week?

ever since I left high school I've felt more stupid, slow and less angry. I miss the hot blooded assertive person I was hope it comes back once I past this test

I hope he died easy at least, and I hope you have good memories to remember him by, user.

Haven't had a chance to yet, but still want to. What were the ingredients again?

Thats your testosterone slowly leaving, welcome to getting old!

Don't need to.

I'm more angry now, just not assertive.

Number one board is >>>/4am/ At least you can hove some fun there.

You have to admit it's kind of a crappy point.

Doesn't mean that it won't happen. I don't want it to happen at all fam.

>>>/4am/ is even more kill than
>>>/suicide/ and that's quite the achievement

Again, could just be stress.


I'm gonna hit 19 in less than 2 weeks and I'm still a virgin

Just fucking end it


Just mix some coke and fanta in a 50/50 ratio and you're good.
If it's too sweet, add more coke and if too sour, more fanta.
It's easy.

fuck no, I refuse!

I'm still trying, Sakug.

this time I actually mean it

Dude, I'm a 19 year old virgin
It's not that bad

Shit faggot you have plenty of time

reaching 20 and still a virgin. if you focus too much on that you will end up as a male fujoshit, AKA MGTOW fedora shit

Oh sweet summer child

I know right? We're beating you at your own game. People should go to /4am/ and give it some life :^).

Stop shilling /4am/ and I'll put it off another 5 years.

Its average for guys to still be virgins at 18/19. Don't worry user. Are you in college?

Right right! I'm going shopping tomorrow so I'll pick some up.

Time to roid up hombre.

Why do you care? Do you live your life as a human being or a character from a shitty college/high school comedy movie?

Ayy, that's my plan too.

You ever try pepsi and milk?
also what happened to the faq on /suicide/?

being in a rush to lose your virginity to a raging whore shouldn't be your priorities while still being only 19
you've got plenty of time ahead, tho I fear your generation's "women" are all not worth it anymore
maybe look for an ara

Best do it now, because the shilling won't stop.

I know your dirty plans satan! They won't work!



Why do you hate /4am/ so much? I'm only doing what Huey is asking of me. It's what he wants.

Hi satan

I still stand by it.

When did you lose your virginity?
Implying you ever will :^)

no, I'd rather not shorten my life span
and not sure what happened with the faq
it's probably become obsolete, since barely any new people come by

Do it for him…

Never, I can't even hold a conversation online

I have nothing to say anymore and I should go get some breakfast so see you tomorrow maybe.


In college

Being collectively denied sex by women all the way to where your 19th birthday is less than 2 weeks away and your still a virgin tends to sort of make you semi-dead inside.

No matter what clothes I wear, no matter how I style my hair, no matter how many gainz I make, none of it matters. I'm still a virgin. I'm still a failure as a man. And I've still never felt paradise.

Cant wake up.

Everyone has already been getting to for years

Is she an autist?
I was 20, lost it to a friend/later gf

Shame. It was a good read even if I'm too much of a pussy to do it.

Alright, we got 2 movies playing tonight, both about Scooby and his adventures for lolis and finding best grill.
it will start in about 15 minutes, so get in faggots

Cya mugi, hope you cheer up some. Good luck!

Thanks for that tip again, I'm really looking forward to it.

Night, other K-ON girl.

He's the hero we deserve.

Later man.

this is a common mistake youngsters make
it's like looking for something you've lost, as long as you do it actively, you won't find it
but once you start looking for something else it will come to you out of the blue
have patience and focus on what you want to do with your future

23 kissless virgin reporting in, you have nothing to worry about.

How did that work out?

How old are you now?

Probably never, since every time I actually get into conversations with people my age I always have to keep it going unless they were already talking to begin with. Though knowing my luck I'll find someone, I'm sure of it. Optimism to keep the soul going. That and jazz.

I don't want you to die either.


I thought you liked the shitter? You used to always wait to post with him. It's just 4am related fun, not a new 4am.
You don't actually take his shitposts seriously do you?

You're in college and it actually sounds like you are attempting to get laid. Some fat chick will let you throw your hotdog down her hallway eventually. Chill out.

Not if I have anything to say about it.

Nigga there's more to life than getting laid. It took me a while for me to realize this.

you don't really have a say in anything :^)
not here and nowhere else

I have depression and my brutal humor doesn't help with anything

I won't, family's got a history of cancer that kills them before the cigarettes do. No one in my family's died of smoking and they're all really heavy smokers.

>b4-4 "get down" music video gets posted again


the thing about having sex is that once you do it you realize you've been bending yourself out of shape for years over something that's kind of whatever. it's fun, it's nice, but it's not lifechanging.

You're not missing out on much, it's not as good as people pretend it is.

It was okay, but we split in november because I had too much uni work to do. I didn't realise how upset women can get when you don't give them round the clock attention. In hindsight, we didn't have a lot in common either, and now I miss my previous ex more than I do her.
Also the sex was 6/10.

nigga, there is also more to life than life.
once you realize that life is just death in drag you can intune yourself more with the cosmos.

I wouldn't worry about it. :^)

You sound really desperate. If you keep up that appearance you will never get laid. Just stop trying so hard and it will happen naturally.

You're young, don't fret.
Having bad social skills is not optimal but work on your physical appearance.

Get /fit/ and get /fa/.

I'm a legit wizard and doing good, get on my level. Happiness is a choice.

I see you too mini satan. G_D STANDS ON MY SIDE

Hey if I go to a drive through I have a say in what I'm ordering

How you fellas doing tonight?

Playing some xenoblade chronicles, the one on the wii. It's pretty neat and comfy so far.

My family has a history of cancer too. That shit can still make you worse.

Spiritualfags get out

I am /fit/, one of those people that doesn't gain weight and I've never been able to hold one in my life, not even as a child or teen
Thanks autism, you're a fucking joy

Nihil Novi Sub Sole, just chillin' like a villian.

catching on math and getting ready for some comfy scooby doo and gundam

you must love our mother earth as how you lover you mother
come one, kiss your mother (earth)
you know she wants it

I highly doubt you have any say in what goes around here.

Look at this jewcuck.

It's whatever.

I unironically love that song, but it's posted so often.

if you have a high metabolism, change your diet and consider working on your back muscles, it will save you a lot of pain and ache when you get older


Nothing just seeing butthurt in the cytube. :^)

What the fuck Hobo, that's fucked up

What math are you doing right now?

I guess.

What's your definition of /fit/?

Either way just stop overthinking and just act.
That's what normalfags do and that's what I've learned to do to an extent with great results.

Don't be afraid to be rejected, go up to girls and ask them out.

skimming through basic algebra for my placement test thing for community college.

I have a fucked back, no matter how hard I try it's still a fucked back
Every part of my body is a little bit fucked up
E.g. skin, allergies, asthma, scoliosis, autism

Can't, sex is what I want with my future, its all I want out of life at this point

You have no idea, go over to halfchan /fit/ and look around, it should be pretty easy to find my posts
I dont feel like typing it all out here or even copy and pasting cause I need to go to sleep
I have to leave around 11 at the latest and go to visit family and pretend to not be dead inside and I already fucked up and stayed up way too late

theres no point without sex

no, thats not what everyone else says
its the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, the be all end all, the highest, the ultimate, the greatest thing in existence
I dont let people know how I feel in person

I gotta go to sleep
If the thread is still up later Ill respond more
Im gonna leave it on auto update so I can see responses even if not


Oh fuck off.

I can run as far as the average human can, I consider that sort of /fit/ and I'm thin
I have have a mental disorder, I can't do anything right

seeya elliot roger

You're about to get sorely disappointed user.

Sex isn't this magical outwardly thing.

there is work outs for any condition, read a bit into it

you are craving for something you have never experience, you're being told how great it is and how awesome it feels, it's the kind of shit you'd heard from addicts talking about their drugs
don't fall for this meme

There is only ONE god and her name is Ritsu

Why not just hire a hooker if it has you so down?

nigger just get a whore on craigslist if you're so fucking desperate, god damn.

Well you're hearing it from normalfags and we already know how shit their taste is.They're just hyping it up so they can control you, don't let them.

you'd best be converting soon, nigger
meme magic is unforgiving

Alright, I did you math. Someone mark my work.

Also tanks.

50-50 rum and coke was a bad idea.

Ritsu is the worst K-on though.

where's the fun in that?
I'll guess I use them as notes then.

pretty x's/10

All waifus are beautiful

That's a nice tank.

Non-reproductive sex is pointless. You might as well be jerking off all day. If you go on like this you will go mad.

Good idea, you don't want to place low on that test. Could cost you some years. I know I had trouble with that shit.

Not with that 5head.

It's an algebra x to differ from the multiplication x.

It's probably not correct, man. I had three standards in 20 minutes before attempting and I'm shit at maths.

smh tbqh fam

Listen man, hear is how you get sex.

1. Get a gun
2. Go to time square
3. Play Russian Roulette with yourself

It will get you laid I swear.

a really pitiful attempt at humor
chris rock level at best

Oh that makes sense I guess, I never did anything like that when I did it though.

Whats gotten into you kemono?

I'm 32 and still a virgin.

Don't fret so much m8

Be honest here.
How many of you /r9k/'s are asian or partly asian?

I'm honestly curious.
There seems to be a pattern with asians to spergout and kill others and/or themselves over getting their disks wet.

Oh and please don't kill other people just because you think it's better than it actually is.



movie us up.

I'm a spic

100% white, I ain't no chink

I'm white.

I guess I can make one more post before bed
chans are like a drug that helps to numb the pain temporarily, along with vidya

Wow, Ive gone from everyone and their dog on chans telling me I'm a loser failure virgin nerd faggot who needs to non ironically an hero to people saying its nearby

Religions say its so good its a gift from god and set strict restrictions on it to control it because they want to control the masses and they fear its power
People have week long fuck fests after marriage, a week dedicated to nothing but sex (honeymoon)

Songs idolize it, movies, tv shows, vidya, I could go on and on >>9252838>>9252841
cause with hookers you gotta use a condom and condoms are said to ruin it and I belive it

Go wash your hands with gloves on for an example

I dont belive you about it being no better than fapping

What do you mean by that?

I'm half Pacific if that counts.

Obama told me to get rid of you fucks.

So, can you cast fireballs yet? Or still stuck just using magic missile?

You know exactly what I'm talking about

one hundred percent white my gwailo friend

you strike me as a very gullible teen, user
you are being fed junkie logic and don't apply the least amount of scrutiny yourself
your body is telling you to make kids through your libido, you're not supposed to substitute that function which keeps life going with momentary and temporary pleasure

sadly no bullet yet :^)

on that test paper they used a dot in the middle of the line for multiplication and a regular x for the algebra x.

Nope. Had yellow fever in highschool if that counts.

I can be classy sometimes.

Hey hey, are you maori? You get brownbucks from the government in nz if you are. You might even be able to claim some land as ancestral too.
Also pacific islanders and american indians are very genetically similar and both descendant from asians.

Well, good luck.

AH that was it!

I took all my college math courses in the first two semesters I went so I wouldn't forget that shit. Was doing like 3 classes a day but at least I got it out of the way. I hope those credits still count if I go back but I really doubt it.

No, I'm not Maori.

At 30, wizards are brought into the magical world, and replaced in this one by a double who shares their memories but none of the magic.

You can always buy an onahole if you get bored with your hand.

Not really.

Of course not, safety when handling firearms is quite important.

It wasnt meant to be funny. It's more condescending. If he is going to say sex is the most important thing to life and only have it be about the act of sex, then he is being an idiot. It's good to have sex, but if you only use it for pleasure and not for eventually passing on your genetics, then what was the point of you havine sex? To get a high that could be achieved by drugs or extreme sports.

The reason I wanted to know is because it still surprises me to this day how much of a fucking retarded faggot Rodgers was.

If he wasn't such a fucking sperg he would be swimming in pussy like he dreamed of.
The think is that 99% of the time even if you've got everything you still need to be the one to approach women or else they won't do shit, but I know for sure that he was waiting for them to throw themselves at him.

What happens if the new wizard and his double fuck?


They can't, they never exist at the same time.

White. The last angry virgin shooter was the Supreme Gentleman and he was mixed race.

He was just an unlikable prick who wanted to pussy to fall into his lap out of nowhere just like everything else he go in life.

These fucking wizards and their bullshit dimensional magic.

Granted if catgirls were a real thing and we could purchase them for domestic ownership I not only would but I would also stick my dick in one.

Mixed-racefags look weird to me. Uncanny valley kinda stuff.
Also being mixed he had no single, strong identity to rely on and became lost because of it. It's only natural that someone who doesn't know who they are or really belong to anything would lash out at the world. Mixing race should be avoided at all costs because muh purity AND scientific AND psychological reasons that blah blah etc etc holy shit fuck typing jesus christ.

What a pathetic existence, you're no better than an animal, worse even, at least animals have shown to care about more shit than only sex.

I'm going. Night guys.

I'd better head off too.
Night man.

[spoiler]I'm mixed.[spoiler]
I'm doing pretty well for myself, outside the fact I've stayed up all night and I've got a heartburn.


I can attest to this
people who think having a diverse heritage is cool are fucking stupid

Night m8.

I need sleep


Bye anons

They would look better than that

Just use ** instead of the spoiler boxes.

we use double asterisks before and at the end of the message here
like thus

What if they end up looking like Bagi?

Seriously, get bent, only SJWs and stormfags give a flying fuck about race.

It's not a racial thing but ethnicity.

Have fun educating kebabs to be Europeans.

Eh, fox girls are better anyway.

Culture is more important.

Do you think Art was created for the sole purpose of pornography

They're equal for me, and a bit more impractical because of the bushy tail


I've been here since the "1st" Exodus and this is how I've always done it.

Didn't even know you could do it like that, thanks.

People were bored so they drew stuff and made sand castles.

It's still retarded to use ethnicity as an identity, unless you're talking about the associated culture, which is valid, but still should only be a partial factor in your identity as a whole and not even a really important one.

You're thinking of culture, not race. A kebab born and raised in an european family in an european country will act as an european.

I agree.

Do you think the real Akari Did I spell that right is trapped in those eyes

Bushy tail is more comfy. It's a much better option in my opinion.

smh fam

It's just like owning a dog then?

There are plenty of unfortunate children in my country. No need to adopt kebabs. Also inbreeding is quite common in Arab cultures and Pakistan. Not exactly the best type of people to introduce into your population.

it's actually spelled "Garbage"

Now hol up, yes Culture plays a part but race can play a bigger part, those with Kike DNA are shown to be more deceitful even when raised in families that are against deceit

europe is importing a culture that wants their culture gone
they are importing their own literal death, it's got the be the single most cuck thing since anthony burch

Jake Rapp is a bigger cuck by the way


London has a large community of Jews that don't even speak English. They've been there for centuries.

Euro's suck at assimilation.

that's debatable
but definitely undeniable that he is a cuck who rivals burch on many levels
what man takes his wife's last name smh

I was hoping that all it takes was something like what happened in Cologne and France for sheeple to wake up but they're so deep up their own asses it's not even funny anymore

Seriously, this looks like some anime or manga to me
Why the fuck would Trump have it

Gonna head off. Later guys, everybody take care.

Oh, I agree kebabs have a shitty culture, but as long as they adapt to the culture of the country they're moving to, I see no problem with immigration, but only if they integrate to the local culture.

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure that isn't cultural as well, people tend to expect that from jews, even if they weren't raised as one.

The Germans also allowed Erdogan (Turk Pres) to silence a comedian that mocked him using an 1830s Prussian law. They did this because of Nato shit and his power to just flood europe with refugees.

Bye, nice dubs

Morning folks. Why is starcraft a shadow of itself? Is it still a ded game? I want to relive the glory of playing at WoL launch.

Same here. Too depressed to stay awake. Have a good one.

You're a fucking nigger.

Each race and even ethnicities have different temperaments, intelligence, and "affinities" (for lack of a better term) for certain trains of thought. Twin studies have looked into this. You take some nigger identical twins, split them up and put one in a black family and the other in a white family and they both have similar aggression, IQ, even crime rates. Fuck your marxist ideas that we're all equal and that you just have to try hard enough and that education can solve anything. It fucking can't. Each race is different and these differences extend into every facet of their being - skin, blood, brain, personality, everything. And it is that difference that lead to the differences in cultures around the world. You must remember that these cultures were formed when each race was pure and the only mixing was done by few travelers on the small scale (or invading armies on the larger, but still comparatively small scale). Just as each race is a product of their environment, their culture is that race's best fit behaviours to survive in it.

speaking of germany being cucked
Germany just paid fuckloads of money to turkey to take back some of the refugees
now here comes the fucking twist
turkey wants their citizens to be able to get visas and move freely through europe
can you imagine what happens when all those rapefugees get citizenship and just go back to germany?
actually Merkel is a bigger cuck than Burch

Thats his ex wife.

Why do you think?
He's probably shitposting on here right now.

That would be fun.

Oh okay, I really had a debate with myself about it

I hope he is

And you have the gall to imply I'm the ignorant one here.

Not gonna lie, that sounds like complete bullshit and I'm gonna need you to present those studies, but even if those studies are true and accurate, it would just prove that such traits are hereditary, not that they necessarily come from their race.

Germanics went from being niggers chimping out on the frontiers to being the center of knowledge.

Culture over the centuries changes. Also, white families can be ultra-aggressive and retarded. Look at slavs and the american deep south.

Really now? The Goths and Langobards all had their laws and after the fall of the Western Roman Empire they integrated some of the Roman laws into their systems so they could deal with the remaining roman populace.

They weren't savages. You confuse Germanics with Nordics.

Also, sub-saharan africa actually did have civilizations with legal codes and considering where they originated and what geography they had its quite impressive.

You're acting like a glorious fire wont rise from the ashes of 4am.

What the fuck is DQ

Don't fucking do this to me

What he's eating looks like what happened when an Aussie went to Mexico, saw a Taco and though "nah mate this is trash, it needs to be a meat pie mate.Mmeat pie makes everything better"

It's like a Mexican dish because it was Mexico day

A good chunk of Roman code is still around thanks to them, but yeah the Langobards were better.

I know little about them but from I understand they marched around Germania with a 50km killzone of sorts where people of other groups would be killed on sight.

Also, didn't they massacre Roman cities?

I know that
Just looks like an Aussie version of a Taco

What is DQ and why are you shilling it


Fucking hell anons, why did you all had to start talking about food when it's past 7 am here? Do you have any idea how hungry I am now? Thanks.

Nothing is more Australian than a four n' twenty pie
And we barely even have mexican food here, never seen that dish in my life
I'm Tor by the way

Half a bottle of Mad Jacks and I'm still capable.



Also J.P Rushton of University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario did one called "Genetic and environmental contributions to pro-social attitudes: a twin study of social responsibility"
All point towards a genetic bias for a bunch of social behaviours. Genetic correlation means groups with large genetic differences (aka: races and ethnicities) will have different means, medians, modes, and so on just in the same way there are different averages for every other traits. Crossovers, sure, but overall differences definitely.

Nothing stopping you from doing some research of your own too. It's a really interesting subject.

So how do I exactly ask why you're shilling it

Just in time for breakfast, you should be hungry now

I know, I prefer Mrs Mac anyway and by the way when I said you should get out of Melbourne I meant go to the Riverina or something not 'Merica but what ever

Australia's fucked, I'm not staying here

There's a difference between shilling and just using a couple of images.

Not to be rude user but its 4:30 and I don't feel like reading studies.

I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting you to actually link said studies. It's a bit late, so I'll probably just fast track through them for now, but I'll try to read them in more detail after getting some sleep.

Fucking plebeian. The pursuit of knowledge is the greatest venture a man can take.

Fair enough I guess but things could change very fast if Fortitude gets Senate control in this election

That won't happen, that's why I'm fucking off to a different country

Where do you flee?

America if Trump is elected, Iceland if not

rip me

You do have a point. Very well, I'll read though them right now.

I'm sorry to tell you this but you know what happened to them right?

No, what?
I have a plan b so it doesn't matter that much

You know right that after the Panama Papers dropped there leader resigned and got replaced by a diversity happy fag from another party, imagine how fast a country of 250,000 will Turn into an Islamic hellhole

Well fuck that, going to Norway now

There is literally nothing wrong with importing Syrian refugees. They're humans just as much as you are and need help.

Not even funny

You're right. It's hilarious

Look I know there people are cool and hated the banks but its not going to be hard for the Islamics to take over like they have done to Sweeden, Germany and the UK

I don't know man, that seems wrong for some reason.


It's saturday, user, that makes it okay. Not really.

Its Friday

Wait never mind it is Saturday days have been so samey that everyday feels the same

I know the feeling.
Doesn't help that I'm most of a day ahead of all these americans either.

real subtle move there, persona

She's supposed to be based on the average futaba user, so expect a shitload of memes to be thrown around during localization.

they better be squid kid references

The memes will come. You better be dank enough to handle them.

I'll have you know that I am a meme machine

You better be the memest machine.

you know it, brah

Good. I can only wish Kek safely guides you to the lands of few memes to educate them on the greatness of accepting memes into their life.

I am ready for Kek's meme magic

If only we all were as accepting of Kek as you

A reminder that only the most hardcore memers post on >>>/4am/

is that you shower defecater
I wonder if we can use meme magic to undo the arab invasion in jewrope

it's my birthday today

let's party over at
you can hang yourself with balloons

Happy birthday spooder. I have nothing to give you, except I have a bunch of random stuff on my mediafire if you want it. This is a happy birthday song.

I'd need alot of balloons

I don't really want anything, money would help send me to america for awhiles but other then that

Don't stop at undoing it. Keep going until the arab menace is eradicated. Throw in the Jews and Holla Forums will help.

I'm sure your pedo friends at Holla Forums will celebrate.

I don't got none you greedy spider. Way to turn down free things that aren't easy to find.

Happy birthday, did you get a dino dildo?

well if you want

no no jurassic fancy ticklers for mes

Moonriders albums

renaissance music

c64 music

system shock enhanced

doom games sans chex quest

You better fucking play it

thanks, I already had ss enhanced though


You're welcome. I hope you didn't but that shit.

no I picked it up well before all that

I bought you a game for your birthday, I spent my money on you
Respect that decision and play it


You mean System Shock portable then?


Enhanced is actually worth picking up because it fixes portable's resolution issues. Only worth if if it's free though.

alright then thanks

Glad I could give it away for free. I got mine off of Holla Forums's vola, but I don't think it's still there. Never buy from Night Dive,

why's that?

Because they're a shit company that buys the rights to old dead games and then orders C&Ds. Reason why System Shock portable was taken down, why Powerslave ex was taken down. Then they take credit for them.

oh I was wondering if they did something other then that

Nope lol. When they do make their own "remakes" they're shit. Like that one Strife thing. Worse than gzdoom in every way.

ah right

Happy birthday homospider-bro




Shit in a shower or unleash all your dick pics in a 4am thread and they'd have no choice but to go there then.

Knowing the average person in the thread, they'd rather retreat into the cytube, the discord, irc, steam groups and skype calls. Besides, they could just make a board to avoid it.

How do you even know what will happen until if happens? If it happens at all?

I know that Mark isn't going to do anything with the thread because he's scared to get shit on by a bunch of shitposters. I'm just going based on the fact that I do nothing but shitpost instead of add to the thread.

Only one way to find out imo. Been a while since 4am had a happening anyhow.

None of us do at this point.

The happening will come soon enough. Assuming I can wake up and actually give enough of a shit to show up.

The way I see it something has to happen here close to one of the meta threads Mark makes. That way enough people will complain to him about 4am.

Heh, methinks ya got nothin! Nothin!
If you honestly want more 4am just plug it into r9k and maybe make some pic related images, or stamp a 4am board logo on them and use intermittently while shitposting other places.

Dont lump me in with you. I wasnt even in this thread to shitpost in. I've been good for a while now anyhow. No troublemaking here, nope.

I shitposted harder than everyone else which is why so many bunkers were made to begin with.

I think enough people complain about the threads enough for them to bring it up in a meta thread. I'm going to do it.

Nah, I'd rather scar myself than shit up a thread.

I can't even tell if you're serious.

He is. He's not that bright and made it clear really quickly when talking with him outside the site.

Nigger, I know that. How do you know who I am on /4am/ but not here?

Since when have you scarred yourself?

100% serious. I've been nothing but angel wings and choirboy eyes.

>I dindu nuffin

I'm not that smart.

I've already cut off skin that I could have had stitched back on with nail clippers because it was in the way. I cut it because I hit it against some broken glass trying to pick it up.

I've been talking to you in the webm thread.

You fell for it.

Oh no.

Prove me wrong. I've been exceptionally good lately. It's you who's been causing trouble really.

Oh wow, so hardcore.
Thats about as metal as Tor "cutting his arm"
You're gonna have to think bigger if you want more people for /4am/.

Hey, I tried

I got bigger

Wait, you're not Sakuga. Nvm. Carry on.

I didn't mean like that! I meant firewise not dickstuff.

You're the one who brought dicks into it. You sure you aren't the bottom?

Wait, what did you think I did? I'm so fucking tired right now I want to die.

Methinks you're just thirsty this morning. Go fap to something. And no. You're the bottom

Should prolly sleep then
Don't worry about it, its not important

wew lad

I guess I've graduated from 4am threads.
We're all gonna make it.

I gotta take a bath eat then sleep. Just tell me what I did.

Number's there because I was searching my id to find out what I did.

Show where I brought up my dick. You're just trying to shift blame and talk about my ass is all.
You perv

You'll be back

Dont worry about it. Go take a bath and go to bed. You need sleep.
Dont forget to eat


Just tell me fam. I don't have all day.

Not if I can help it.
Not after what these threads have become. I'm just visiting because the thread's still active when I'm awake.

Aren't you going to congratulate him?

Good luck out there fam.

Yeah, things are pretty bad right now. Congratulations on getting your things in order. I hope you have enough money to buy all the things you like.

Never mentioned my dick. I said show where I mentioned mine. Besides, you were giving the implication there. What else could you mean by

Don't worry bout it user. You can always stay even if you got it all under control.

He already knows im proud of him.

How does one listen to dubs?

thanks mang

You mentioned playing video games while watching anime and how dubs help you keep up with the plot, so you're basically listening to audio dramas with spotty acting.

That's good. It's nice to have some motivation when working.

I'm going to follow your lead and leave there threads for a while. Just stick to the cytube like I used to I guess. Was nice posting here again for a while.
You fags have a good one.

Thats what I told ya to do.

Well a guys gotta multitask sometime. Sure dubs suck, but so does Fallout 4.

thread ded

faggots, the lot of you
talking all high 'n mighty about how much of a hardcore shitter you could be
those are the definitions of procrastination if I have ever seen any
"Oh yeah tomorrow I'm definitely gonna do it!"
drop that fantasy of /4am/ ever being a thing and move straight to


not yet, faggot
there is still people who need my guidance to

How ironic.

Thanks for the kind words.
Aren't you wasting your time with this as well? Or is this your noble cause?

a bit of both
some people need to be reminded

at least I shill a board that has a use
I wish I could say the same about you, friend

It's low usage rate begs to differ :^). Unless its just a user retention problem. heh. Get it ?

It's ok user. We can be useless together! How do you plan to kill yourself?

How many certified kills do you guys have?

those who have used it properly of course don't come back
there isn't an official counter, at least none I am aware of and we can't really ask the customers to give reviews afterwards :^)

Are you a moderator or BO there? Are you the only one not allowed to kill yourself?

You should probably lurk a bit more that board you're trying to shill.

Have you even tried? Cause I'm sure a few would be willing to mention you in their suicide note at least. Sounds like you're really not appying yourself here.

contrary to popular belief I am none of those, actually
I just remind people that there is this place where miserable piles of empty shells congregate and talk about their lives
it makes you think twice about the things you actually have in life before you carelessly throw it away

what am I gonna have them do, write "thanks user! :)" on a piece of paper?

I'm talking about current year, the board is more dead than its users

Nothing can be more dead. It's like being wet. You cant be more wet. When you're wet, you're wet. That's it.

No wonder your user retention rate is so terrible. At this point you should just send em to
and let someone more capable deal with em.

it's a metaphoric comparison if anything
you can, technically, certainly be less alive than someone or something else
if your feet are wet and someone is completely drenched, technically they are more wet than you, but that's just semantics

That picture doesn't look right.

So you made 37 posts of this shit? Seems like a waste of time on your part.

Doesnt look right how?

It looks like a man.

Thick outlines whereas there are none in the background, making her look like a cardboard cutout.

That too. Also

Youre not wrong

Just an artstyle is all. All about aesthetics. At least I think as theres not much else going on in the pic.

Whelp, I got chores to do so im out for now. I might drop in later before going out to steal last post tho. You guys have fun, was fun posting with ya as always.

welcome to neo 4am, you must be new around here, these threads have become a melting pot for avatarfags and disgusting literal faggots sharing dick pics

I usually get up, have breakfast and sometimes make it in time for these before I am off to work, it's hardly wasted time to me

But user, only girls wear a bra.

I know all about those since I have lurked and posted in these threads since March 2015. The faggotry shit was pretty bad, but I'm fairly certain this thread won't last long in its current shape. I don't mind seeing your posts, but they seem silly. How is you telling people to kill themselves going to accelerate the purge of 4am? Telling someone to go end their life is a very common thing on imageboard and I doubt it bothers anyone at this point.

You sweet summer child. Leave before Imageboards corrupt you completely.

That hasnt happened for a while, unless you mean in personal chat n shit. Which is more their thing than 4ams.
So you take time out of your day to spend time in 4am. Clearly you enjoy it. You just dont wanna admit it!

it has happened so much as twice in here, so it's not a one time thing anymore
you missed the part where I sometimes make it in time, I don't specifically wake for them

you will find that the topic of mortality comes up a lot in here lately
being faced with death can change many a mind if they are willing to let it be changed
it's like a shock therapy where people start to associate certain behavior with pain if you will

I'm sure he won't develop bad taste and start liking crap like traps.

Yes when you have time. Doesnt change that you go out of your way to come here and shitpost. Face it, you like 4am!

What are you, some kind of furry?

I used to like it here, of course
one more reason I bother to even come here at all

I've been found out.

Oh im sure you still do, otherwise you wouldnt still be here. If only to complain and rage at people.

You got a lot of nerve. Y'all are one step up from mlp.
And I obviously know its you Kemono
Wait, does mlp count as furry too? Or is it its own subgenre?

there was a point when mlp out-autism'd even the furries
it's in a league of their own when it comes to degeneracy
but probably still less autistic than furries, simply because they have been around longer

I separate it from furshit. It's a different kind of autism.
>I obviously know it's you
I'm just playing along. Just trying to have a bit of fun.

I've always judged them on the level of the derailment/degeneracy. So mlp ranks worse than furry ever could.

Thats what I was wondering about, especially after the whole monster/furry thing.
I bet you like the lusty argonian maid

There are some good games featuring furshit. You can't really say the same about mlp.
The /monster/fags like to pretend they are normal. That's what I don't like about them.
>I bet you like the lusty argonian maid
Maybe a little.

Alright I gotta go for good for tonight was fun everyone.

You're not wrong there. All i've seen from mlp was some good art, which was ruined by the clop.
I always figured it was more they thought they were their own fetish. Wanting to fuck monsters def isnt normal, thats for sure.
That's cause its a good book! Always wished there was a quest in one of the elder scrolls games centered around the premise

mlp had a lot of things going for it
they simply got C&Ds left and fucking right from Hasbro
a team that was making a fighting game even had Lauren Faust offer to make new characters for them so they could finish their game

the best I ever saw with furries, the community and not just furrydom itself, was autistic art that is sold at even more autistic prices

Bronies do that too, for example this guy managed to sell this.

With furshit I just stick to japs and authors that publish books. I recently ordered a sfw 100 page book that was released during this year's Kemoket.

I'd still say there's more money to be made off of furries than bronies
either way, both are autistic and love to inject their shit into everything that is popular

What people need to understand that you simply can't get into commissions and start raking in the big bucks. The big figures you see are just idiots paying for commissions by really popular furfags, because on FA pageviews are all that matters and having your shit OC featured on the page of some popular furfag artist is what they want. They don't give a shit about quality.

The only way to make money without connections is to draw really disgusting fetish shit for the loud minority of faggots like diaperfags or whatever.

you can still make a fortune with quantity over quality, yeah
really really niche fetishes will get you a lot of desperation bucks too
I always wondered why especially furries have all this disposable income