I was called crazy when I said that SJWs were injecting & destroying gaming with their politics. This is at GDC, this kind of shit needs to go.
Political cancer infecting gaming
Other urls found in this thread:
Can we go back to old days where if an idiot stands on a podium and says a bunch of stupid shit we just start throwing tomatoes and shit at them?
None of this is news. Post something new or piss off, reddit.
I can't fucking stand Marxists. The guy's writings were completely moronic; utilizing outrageous assumptions about automation and production without any real attempts at justifying them. But hey, at least they provided an excuse for violent psychopaths to kill politically inconvenient opponents, so there's that. And now it's supposed to be the "scientific" position? Goddamn imbeciles.
Sage because my post has nothing to do with video games.
repeat after me
Not their politics, not your politics, no politics full stop. Nothing but pure gameplay and entertainment for the sake of entertainment.
Its all part of the subversion process my friend
I posted those images on leftypol and I got banned even though I wasn't shitposting and wanted a genuine discussion
Also apparently leftypol was founded by some of the people from Atheism+ and the RationalWiki, AKA batshit crazy SJWs, run while you can!
Codeword for: We're to fucking incompetent to get hired anywhere. Let's do like the tapeworm and live inside well functioning being's colon, we're entitled to it!
I will dance on their fuming corps like it's 1939.
Yeah, but there are those here that would love their own politics in video games.
We call those people the cancer killing video games.
But what about games like civ where politics are important
That's diplomacy and country management, not politics.
You didn't get banned for posting these images.
Sage for no games.
You're gonna have to have opposition politics in games until we force them out, user. So get to work on those kike gassing sims.
Nice try cancer, we'll force all of the politics out and we're not putting your politics in to do it. They all have to go.
I'm banned on at least 4 IPs from Holla Forums for just disagreeing.
The "be the better man" stuff is what they teach so so you'll handicap yourself and fail. You're going to need some propaganda games that teach people how to fight the SJW. But whatever, I'm talking to the community that killed gamergate with PR faggotry..
Good luck with that my friend, since media tends to be both produced and consumed by human beings with opinions and not robots
You have to go back.
I didn't say there wouldn't be resistance by the tumors like you who want video games to have politics in them.
Why are you shitposting and derailing?
I thought leftypol was supposed to be like pol in terms of being politically incorrect, but from a left point of view.
For shitposting though, or what?
Resistance? Sounds like you're getting awfully political about video games friend
It is, guess the mods didn't like my banter, Holla Forums my be a cirklejerk, but leftypol is far worse, they're a safe space hugbox
You're a fucking retard, we wouldn't have any videogames if this were the case. How many games are tied to wars, countries and political parties in at least a vague way? about 99% of them.
Why are you posting in a shit thread?
What if I told you newfags all Holla Forums is a ironic shitposting board?
I really wish it was, but unfortunately there are actually people on planet Earth who are leftists, I know it truly is frightening these people are allowed to breed
I'd probably say that belief and subsequent posting is probably why you got banned.
I wonder what these even has to do with indie game development or game development as a whole at all.
Nice projecting, but fuck off buddy. Video games are entertainment and nothing more.
This is the stupidest post I've seen on Holla Forums all year.
Jesus man, for someone anti-politics you certainly get awfully political
You're right though, we should all stop playing video games with any kind of political expression or opinions on anything
Why don't you leave? Video games are degenerate, why would you want to be a degenerate?
Isn't it strange how anti-religious SJW liberals are, yet they're the most preachy fuckers in the whole goddam world when it comes to their own horseshit.
Too bad.
You will end up with one extreme or the other as you see it taking over your games. Pick your poison and swallow it with dignity, because there isn't any other fix for it, unless you wanna go to your centrist hugbox.
Infinitely more of a hugbox. I shitpost on Holla Forums pretending to be a diehard marxist/bernfag/hillshill all the time, and I don't get banned. Go into Holla Forums and act like a diehard stormfag or capitalist, you get banned in less than a dozen posts.
Defeatist, huh? Guess we should just abandon video games then, right?
When automation gonna reach levels so overwhelming that every basic need is fully automated as well as the automation itself, and it will eventually, number of jobs will go down exponentially because robots already do everything and need no assistance. So almost entire humankind will live on a welfare. With pitiful number of jobs left, taxation wouldn't produce nearly enough money for all the gibmedat paychecks. This is when capitalistic system fails. And another system arises… what it's called? Where you just get shit for free and don't do jack squat unless you want to? I know it's not communism because it's about having businesses equipartially owned by its employees. I still doubt it's gonna have anything to do with Marxism. More like it's gonna be complete economical anarchy.
Oh, so you're getting banned for shitposting rather than "differing opinion". Makes more sense. Dry your eyes mate.
It's simple, stop buying video games. Pirate the things you want to play. But most people, even here are too fucking stupid to do that.
Woa dude, be careful describing video games as degenerate, you might attribute politics to them!
This. It's hard to put your politics into video games when no one pays for them and you can't make them any more. That way you can keep out retards like
I'm a realist faggot, quit putting words in others mouth. You haven't the sense to realize that if nobody is driving the SJWs off then they'll be infesting everything.
Durrhurr go back to Holla Forums, you're just illiterate enough to fit in.
I'm sure the 90 million people Marxism's killed would agree that video games need more Marxism.
Well I'd assume the original audience, people who got into video games because they loved video games for the sake of video games, could be the ones to drive these cancers out, but you reminded me that those people aren't the target audience for video games anymore.
You'll have a pretty fucking bare library friend
Yeah whatever buddy, you admitted you got banned because they didn't like your shitposting. I don't really feel any sympathy for your position that they are preventing your political opinion.
You're an annoying cunt so you got banned. Wow, I'm surprised.
Are you just on Holla Forums to shitpost?
Yes, on Holla Forums, when I did the same thing I do on Holla Forums. I do it all the time on Holla Forums and I have never been banned, or even warned by a mod. I do it once, in a thread, not even starting my own thread, on Holla Forums, and I get banned for a week, and get the same results every time thereafter. It's literally a hugbox. Quit defending your hugbox nigger. People love to say that Holla Forums is a circlejerk, but they don't go on Holla Forums.
Hey hey, you just realized why there are marxists and sjws in games now. If you've gotta choose between people who hate you and annoy you, or people who don't hate you and annoy you, which do you choose?
Yes, on Holla Forums, when I did the same thing I do on Holla Forums. I do it all the time on Holla Forums and I have never been banned, or even warned by a mod. I do it once, in a thread, not even starting my own thread, on Holla Forums, and I get banned for a week, and get the same results every time thereafter. It's literally a hugbox. Quit defending your hugbox nigger. People love to say that Holla Forums is a circlejerk, but they don't go on Holla Forums.
Hey hey, you just realized why there are marxists and sjws in games now. If you've gotta choose between people who hate you and annoy you, or people who don't hate you and annoy you, which do you choose?
I'd rather video games stop existing so they can die without taint.
I agree with your sentiment, but I'd like to rephrase it; People who would seek to push a specific political agenda, and use any manner of sociopolitical methods to do so, in such a way that their philosophy is the center of the propaganda machine that they'd integrate into the system that creates new video game content, and is hoisted upon a pedestal of absolute and unwavering immunity from any well reasoned opposing viewpoints don't belong in video games.
Games about politics, or games that use politics for a given context or even for the sake of spreading their propaganda, are perfectly fine and deserve to exist. The stonewalling of dissent and preaching of a philosophy as though it is a cult-like religion that seeks to indoctrinate all of society is the problem.
In short, it's fine if you want to use video games as a distribution medium for your shit opinions and philosophy, but people should be allowed to DISAGREE with you and counter your shit with thought out rebuttals. Furthermore, one specific idea SHOULD NOT be allowed any special safeguard over another; if there are video games about Marxist ideology, then there also ought to be video games about Hitler's or Stalin's ideology.
You should do this by creating your own media and not trying to co-opt existing franchises or companies for the sake of pushing your shit. This is the main problem with feminists/Marxists/SJWs. If their ideas are so groundbreaking and revolutionary, then they ought to DIE to try and spread them. They don't want to invest themselves, their money, their time, or their energy into funding a venture that would seek to create a new intellectual property, that would explain their viewpoints, and that would be subject to the whims and scrutiny of a free marketplace from both a financial and philosophical aspect. Instead, they are content to bitch and whine on social media and try to squeeze as much sympathy cash as they can while shouting BIGOT and other such nonsensical shit.
No, the choice is between
>people who want you to be on their side or else
>people who want you to be on their side or else
Try saying no to either and you're in for a world of shit. That's why politics need to fuck off. Internet was a mistake.
Maybe since you want everyone to have their political opinion so badly you should allow these SJWs to make their video games.
10/10 post
Well put.
No, pointing out the black vote was what was killing Bernie.
I wouldn't go that far.
Oh yeah? that's the same thing they said about /r/SRS. No ones buying that bullshit anymore.
Holla Forums, this is a business.
Video games are a product.
You vote with your wallet, a million twitter accounts, two million shitposts here, none of that matters, the only thing that will ever have any impact on this market is what you purchase.
When you buy something, you're sending the message "I want more of that".
When you don't buy something, you're removing yourself from that equation.
If you don't buy anything in general, you're not part of any audience, you've removed yourself from it completely, and have no voice.
You can -literally- not do anything in your life as a consumer but buy what you want to support, and what you like, and not buy what you don't want to support and don't like.
That's it.
Everything else you do every day on Holla Forums or otherwise is meaningless, what you see as "activism" is meaningless, it's all about you handing your money in a certain direction, or not doing it, that's all you can do.
Yeah, good luck on trying to get everyone to play be the same arbitrary moral standards as you.
Also, this is a line in an interview with one of the writers in Marvel's Civil War comic. Just to see how these ideas manage to spread despite burning wallets.
You're retarded, games like Metal Gear wouldn't be nearly as interesting without all the political stuff about nuclear weapons and shit tied into them. It's pushing your own agenda that's bad.
You know as well as I do it wont change a thing because the whole problem with these people is they latch onto successful things, run them into the ground, and then jump to the next, aided by their fellow parasites.
No, you are the product. If it is about selling more copies, they would actually be making money from these.
That's exactly the problem, an0n.
The people who make decision have no clue what they are doing and have no connection to the audience. they are suits. Shareholders.
when something makes them money, instead of running with it, they try to find ways for it to make them even more money. By changing stuff. By catering to idiots. By fixing things that aren't broke.
Eventually they end up ruining the good original idea/premise/thing.
The irony is that the "hardcore/oldschool" audience is getting more and more demanding, while the plebs are getting less and less. The gulf is widening. And that's not just in gaming. The process in everywhere in creative arts and entertainment.
Nice thought, bit there's plenty of shit people have to buy and probably don't want to support. I don't like supporting Saudi oil barons, for example, but I still have to buy petrol to get to work.
Also, in the context of video games, or movies or books, the general narrative and what is allowable and taboo can change, and people can be very easily persuaded to change their ideals along with it. It's more likely that the games industry will affect what society sees as acceptable than it stay the same forever.
You're fighting the wrong battle if you think that will stop SJWs and their puppetmasters from doing what they want. Notice that their propaganda makes no mention of politics? They go around that issue by never making mention of politics. They never made an attempt to shove their brainwashing into gaming under the banner of politics - no, tjst would be honest. They went ahead and included itself as a matter of it just is.
So while you're fighting the battle of making gaming apolitical, they had immunized themselves against that by never claiming it ever was. The politics problem is no problem to them. They claim what they're doing isn't apolitical or political, it just is. You're using the wrong medicine for this cancer.
The problem is that people who don't buy anything now have a voice thanks to the internet. They get to vote with how loud they screech, not with their wallet. If they repeat something loud or often enough, and have enough friends, they can do real damage. With that kind of power, they can keep making demands and keep pushing their shit because it costs them nothing, while devs are left with a lose/lose choice until they openly sell their soul to either side.
It applies to both sides, though lefties are more bold because they got to be the winning team this decade.
Whoever's responsible for this advanced political correctness and whatever happenings it eventually culminates in is chemical disorder-tier sociopathic.
People get away with a lot of degeneracy on chans nowadays by pretending it's ironic.
I guess if by lefty you mean neo liberal, then sure.
Everything is political you dumb fuck
Quit posting if this shit was a mistake faggot.
Go away Holla Forums
Why do the commies get two games?
You contradict your own argument one sentence later
You can't be all
and in the same breath when i do and decide to not purchase your shit on whatever reasons i see fit to do so, you claim i have no voice anymore ; there's only so much you can ignore when sales aren't meeting expectations and the current audience you were counting on making bank is proven to be either too fickle or simply wasn't there to begin with
And if anything the gamergoys have proven that when you do send emails or even better letters to companies explaining the reasons why you are not their costumer anymore , they do tend to pay attention because in an ever shifting market where anyone can be a potential customer the ones that already are and were loyal for long term customers once and are not anymore , are money leaving the cash register
There's a golden rule when it comes to sales and making a business succesful
20% of your customers give you 80% of your sales
Using political themes in games is fine. These people aren't doing that though, they are turning games into political propaganda.
I think what he's saying is, politics like this that are only being injected to push politics. Games that use political themes are fine.
That wouldn't be a problem if they weren't trying to censor, ban and change everything they doesn't fit their narrow view of the world. If they had their own little corner where they made their shitty political injected walking simulators, then fine. What they really want though is control to what is and isn't acceptable in this industry.
Post something new or GTFO
it's just bad propaganda, bad propaganda isn't very entertaining and leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
i'm getting sick of entertainers acting like community leaders, and now they're going into political commentary.
been thinking this is the result of society crumbling at a community level, and entertainment culture is the closest thing to community nowadays - making entertainment 'idols' into community leaders.
there's some dilemma being put in that position, but it should be okay to be neutral. unfortunately it's the whole "first they came for them,[…] and came for me"
what does a false idol do?
You breathe oxygen. How is that political, retard?
Everything can be political in some way. Sonic the fucking Hedgehog can be seen as a metaphor of a industrial tycoon exploiting the environment.
Its unavoidable. MGS and Deus Ex were so entrenched with politics, that stripping them out would never work. You'd always be an agent of the US government fighting its enemies. You'd always hear some form of opposition to the home team.
What you mean to say, is that Marxists do not belong in video games as they are turning the medium into a propaganda machine.
Isn't this old news?
No you weren't, the reason why the majority of us came here is because of that, Nostradamus.
I agree, but the flip side is you are going to have to accept that liberalism is the popular ideaology of today, and so most entertainment is going to match their views. But they got that way through censorship etc, which sucks, but that's how it is.
It's not marxist ideals taking over the world through subversion, it's just way more popular in media these days to pander to gays/women. It obviously makes money, and it will continue to remain popular until it stops, which it will.
I have to disagree. If the game has political shit going on but allows to make up your own mind about shit, see New Vegas or Deus Ex than I'm all for it.
Of course this requires the writers to truly be 'openminded' and allow different opinions that they don't agree with to be explored, which is something that will never happen in SJW-land.
The USSR was the enemy of the usa, I'm not sure why you find it so surprising that they financed subversion of the us government and intellectuals.
The USSR doesn't exist anymore user.
Wow user, you such an enlightened individual for being completely apathetic and detached.
The USSR does exist. It's now the left and jews in America running the show. Subversion my friend.
Bernie Sanders is your typical USSR agent.
It may not exist anymore, but their work has succeeded. That's the issue here.
That's some real paranoid shit there user
Even our own uncle Holla Forums would do this exact same thing, only on the other far end of the political spectrum.
Where's the political middle ground, where's the people who just want to make fun and entertaining games/cartoons/films without taking sides in this asinine political war.
But it's not. If you see what is being done and said you'll it's no different.
you'll notice*
Middle ground doesn't exist. You're either a liberal cuck or sexsit skin head nazi.
This "asinine" political war affects even you, special enlightened snowflake. TPP? Globalism. Lack of free speech, guns being taken away? Globalism.
It is no longer left v right. It is now globalism v nationalism.
Globalism seeks to eradicate your race, your history, your culture, you laws and traditions. Nationalism seeks to protect them.
If there is one 'human' breed upon this planet, which cannot be described as 'fragile', then it is the Aryan male: all others are thundering faggots by comparison (excepting, perhaps, the Japanese male).
probably at nintendo of japan :^)
What would a game like Morrowind be without all those factions wanting to slit each other's throats.
You wouldn't have been banned if you acted like a rational human being and didn't start the argument with retarded bullshit that throws three different aggressive assumptions that have no basis in reality.
And before you call manners "PC-bullshit" or "hugboxing" consider that you can get banned on Holla Forums for simply having opinions outside the accepted group-consensus, no matter how well you argue.
you know thoughtcrime and trying to open people eyes are things that leftists hate.
Thought-crimes are inherently a right-wing -concept. You are not allowed to even think bad about the emperor/king. Niggers don't realize that the reason supposedly communist nations in history have been shit is because they turned out far-right in practice.
This is not news
Why did you bother
Lefties are already able to post on Holla Forums.
It really was only made as hugbox.
this thread exists
Where are the video games?
There used be be leftie discussions on Holla Forums.
It's not like they were all banned when they started to migrate to Holla Forums.
Read the unabomber manifesto
Jesus user, there's actually legitimate reasons for hating Holla Forums and you pick the dumbest fucking one of the bunch
It's much much less shitposty post than the garbage was spewing.
Never said Holla Forums didn't have it's share of problems too
So far everyone complaining about getting banned from anywhere is all from shit posting.
Well done guys, bringing down the power structures.
I think you're thinking of Germanic, Celtic, Scandinavian etc rather than Aryan. Aryan is a indo-Iranian culture group.
Shitposters need to fuck right off. I'm glad the mods aren't letting people just fuck every thread they disagree with up anymore.
Doing things "ironically" is a way for dumb people to pretend to be smart by doing their regular dumb things.
leftardpoop is a problem, like metastized cancer. this wouldnt be a problem if all the retards would just stay there instead of shitting up the rest of Holla Forums
and thats why you idiots are the laughing stock of Holla Forums
I fucking hate Marxists so fucking much.
Did you read anything I wrote, you fucking idiot?
Why are you so afraid of an ideology nobody even follows properly anymore?
They made me hit Post too early.
Anyone who is a Marxist deserves to be knelt down on the ground and shot in the back of the head.
I do however have sympathy for the dumb children. If any person under 18 should be found to be a Marxist in any way, then they shall be put in a box fit to their dimensions, and they will be kept there until their 18th birthday, wherein they will be let out of said box, knelt down, and shot in the back of the head. I pray for this future every day.
There's no righty vidya yet, user. Show me a game where the jew is the main bad guy. You can't. Show me a game that calls out immigration. You can't. It's all implied and never direct.
I'm on my way there, but I need to get good first.
What's your name, friend? I've got a bullet and some etching equipment here, and I want to make sure your justice is special.
You are in for a surprise
Of course he read it, why do you think he's laughing?
Edgy. I guess it's easy to just hate and pretend that makes you powerful when you know the future ain't gonna bring anything good.
Anyways, does somebody actually know what the benefits of Marxism mentioned in OP's post actually are? I assume that none of you are actually arguing about shit without knowing what it is about, right?
Postal 2?
Vince Desi probably browses Holla Forums
They exist, but Holla Forums never talks about them. If there isn't something for the dumb teenagers of this site to feel threatened by, the thread goes straight to page ten with zero replies.
Holla Forums : Celebrity gossip and SJW boogeymen
Middle ground doesn't exist. In every historical situation where two sides are fighting over something, the neutrals in the middle of the conflict will be the ones to take the most shit from whoever wins.
You can go ahead and try and figure out wether you want your race destroyed or not, but this isn't a situation you can step back from and claim isolation and neutrality towards. Nobody can, really, even those who don't know that it's happening.
Back in early march and february we had nearly 10 of those post a day. Eventually the mods are going to start banhammering repeat threads, it's what killed 4cuck's Holla Forums.
Saying marxism has benefits is akin to saying that using an Iso-tron dividing reactor has benefits.
Guess what, it doesn't exist, the benefits you speak of are bullshit because the actual thing required to achieve this is non-existent.
I don't see any anti-semitism being called out in the reviews.
Gee, where have I read that before?
Postal 2's plot revolves around a convenience store that is a front for terrorists
Then why is the useless sack of shit quoting shit that isn't relevant to the argument?
Retards are gonna interpret shit as they please. I wouldn't be too surprised if the point of OP's presentation is that Marxism kinda leads to something that resembles a co-creative and proactive business environment, which actually is a good model for game development.
Just look at Holla Forums. I visited the place couple days back and the fucking morons actually believe that nazism promotes free entrepreneurship.
To be honest, Holla Forums doesn't actually understand most of what they're saying. They generally fall into two categories:
1. Trolls
2. Confused poor people
So it's no surprise that they fall for Hitler's arguments.
There's a right way to go about it and it's definitely not portraying Marx as a hero who dindu nuffin like assassin's creed does.
Now you're just pulling my leg. I played that and I don't remember any of that.
I honestly wouldn't mind more politics in video games as long as they aren't attempts at manipulation and as long as they agree with my political views.
The real problem isn't politics in video games the problem is leftism in general and politics in vidya existing to push an agenda rather than make an interesting story.
But really all left wing politics are cancerous and need to be purged that's the real problem.
/vol/ - video game flavored Holla Forums
no one said being correct was easy. they say that about being evil. why don't you just rob some banks at this point since you want money and are obviously not left wing enough to want be a welfare sponge.
Meritocracy is inherently leftist. When you say you hate leftism, you are saying that you wish for more despotism.
Why are there so many Holla Forums faggots on Holla Forums?
These people need to be purged and forced into their self made containment board.
What's Hitler's argument?
underrated post
That national socialism totally isn't a far-leftist ideology mixed with tribalism.
Anyone who posts on Holla Forums deserves to have their limbs pulled from their body and their face burnt off.
If you think the SJWs in the OP are actual marxists then you have fallen for their shit.They are liberals who want to make money by causing controversy and catering to the popular liberal society. They are trying to make money in a business.
muh SJW jew good goy nigger marxist
>>>Holla Forums
I thought it was Holla Forums with video games. Now it's Holla Forums with video games?
Given that Holla Forums is unanimously voting for Trump who wants to censor both the internet and video games, they certainly aren't any better than the SJWs. Political retards simply should be banned from the industry altogether.
People who think video games are anything but toys to have fun with are our enemy.
I will be glad when the election is over and this shit calms down. At least Holla Forums memes are funny. Holla Forums has yet to come up with a single funny thing.
Nigger the whole idea behind the right wing is supporting hierarchy and meritocracy doesn't seek the destruction of any hierarchical system only the restructuring of who occupies what position.
But then again arguing with lefists in general is fucking pointless.
What Holla Forums has figured out long ago is that wasting time on arguing with your enemies is fucking stupid and that you should instead focus on destroying them.
Maybe instead of using our memes to tell me to go back to the most populated board on Holla Forums you could use one of your own memes.
Oh wait Holla Forums doesn't have a single good meme because you people are soulless human garbage who could never get a gut laugh out of anyone.
Why would you come to the video game board to discuss politics? I'm sure you would be much happier and in better company to go to a board that is about politics instead. You would be happy, we would be happy.
You are seriously underestimating the social and judicial influence exerted by media deception, crocodile tears and a vagina.
And while you may have a "vote", the lobbyist will probably get her way instead.
Holla Forums has given us a pretty nice meme though.
Laughing at their retardation never gets old.
still never should have split off from Holla Forums since now they're both considered echo mchambers
Source your statements if you want people to take you seriously you deluded libcuck.
Keep at it. One day I'm sure you will make me at least crack a grin.
That is, I add, as long as you continue to sit on your ass and do nothing.
Do you remember when Holla Forums was video games and not politics? It's getting so hard to picture now.
Whole idea behind Right is to support a pre-existing hierarchy even if it's stagnant and holding humanity back. It's only as good as the people who land in power by chance or brutality are.
Well, that's fucking convenient way to justify refusal to have any discussion. Or higher thought… Instead it's just MUH DIK and MUH BLUDGEON. You are the fucking degenerates in this world.
Why can't it be both?
Why can't you fuck off?
That's not a source you fucking loon. Provide one or stop spouting bullshit.
Didn't answer my question.
Is it possible that you don't like mass immigration of an alien group into what you considered your territory?
Unfortunately it appears that the amount of anons who don't want to talk about politics is in the minority now. Question is when we decide to fuck off to a less politically charged imageboard.
What makes you say that? What did they do?
Why can't you fuck off?
As the situation in the world gets worse politics will become more apparent in everyones lives. Hence them appearing more and more on places such as this.
I'l be looking forward to salty tears of the fence sitters / shut ins as it seems things are only going to get much worse so politics will only become much more common here in the future.
Thats because you were talking to leftists. You knoe, the people that are always talking about everyone's freedom of speech and expression. Unless you happen to say something that pisses them off.
Then they can't wait to tie your ass to the back of a Toyota hybrid , drive to the nearest liberal arts college, and mount your corpse in front of their Fidel Castro building for the continued study of wjy america sucks.
I hope I'm wrong about this.
What happens in that webm? it isnt working for me.
The silver lining is that if video games become banned, they won't be able to be infected by politics any more. It's better to let them die than to live being a corpse only used for politics.
And who exactly called you crazy? This has been happening since around 2007.
Considering movies and television long ago stopped being entertainment in favor of being political, it's not a baseless concern. Regardless though, I wish video games would stop existing entirely at this point, old games are all better, and cancer has consumed modern vidya entirely. It's politics now, not fun.
Reminds me of those fuckers in my college using the controversial topics of today as proof that capitalism is shit and we need communism. Like they think Bernie Sanders isn't an actual socialist. I really hate them. It reminds me of what my high school history teacher said "Communism maybe sounds like a good idea on paper, but it can never work, humans will want to do their own things and it will just result in totalitarianism."
"aryan" just means proto-indo-european
people stopped using it to refer to the european branch of their descendants because muh hitler, which is why people like you think it exclusively refers to the iranians and indians now
pedants are all massive cocksuckers but pedants who aren't even fucking correct are the worst
It's weird how you find Holla Forums memes funny, and I don't. It's probably because they line up perfectly with your edgy politics, and I want nothing to do with them.Funny how humour works. But then again it might be because Holla Forums are just really, really funny guys, rather than annoying and stupid fucks
I used to enjoy coming to Holla Forums and reading up on games, posting stuff, laughing at shit. Not so much anymore because everyone has to be the victim of SJWs and Jews. A game can't even have a black guy appear on their game cover without causing a riot from Holla Forumstards. They are right wing SJWs
Stop feeding them. Talking about politics and blaming Holla Forums is EXACTLY what they want you to do.
Can someone make a counter argument to this in case I meet a Marxist that uses this as an argument against capitalism?
this is demonstrably false, though
look at how sales of capeshit bomb when it gets pozzed (Whor being the canonical example)
Just him saying that the conspiracies are worse than what GG thought…
I don't give a flying fuck about any of your politics. My only political aspiration is that this shitshow civilization holds together until I die so I can keep playing vidya and enjoying my life. What happens next is of no concern to me. It remains that you guys don't make me laugh and Holla Forums does. I don't care about who is right or wrong.
But user, you're being political by not wanting politics :^^^^^^))) everything is politics :::::^^^^^^^^^^)))))
This has been the case for a few years now, Americas Army is a very clear case but all AAA "realistic" shooters portray 'merica as the good guys and push the "war is noble" shit that was common until TV let the average person actually see war.
isnt it great
end of 2016 or the death of this board cant come any sooner
he deserved the ban, but 4 weeks is 4chan level hotpockets
I blame Mark for a large amount of the cancer. He openly welcomes it and refuses to moderate it, while letting shitposts like this thread stay up.
This is a thread about politics in video games and you're whining about politics?
How about not posting in this thread and ignoring it? Not every thread on Holla Forums is about video games and politics.
Ask them who were ever killed by capitalist. I assume you know your shit when it comes the ukranian genocide and Mao's failed industrial revolution
Bonus points: Give them any testimony of a person who's lived in an actual communist state.
Once again, undertaint proves it will always be attached to faggtory of the worst kind.
It's not hard when you have no sense of humor. Holla Forums doesn't give a shit about Holla Forums, they never have. Every thread you think is started by Holla Forums isn't, it's just a Holla Forumsirgin who likes to shitpost on Holla Forums knowing that you'll take the bait every time and start going off on long rants
No, you're just going to be the first one against the wall to be shot once the opposition dies.
What the fuck are you talking about retard?
But marxism isn't right wing.
But Marxism doesn't lead to anything like that. It leads to the the fundamentally incorrect idea that people are equal. Even in game design, this is dumb. The graphics artist is nowhere near as important as the coder or developer.
What a faggot, right? Where the fuck does he think he is, a video game board?
That's loss of innocence for you. I wouldn't blame the whole situation on Mark, as it's a much wider problem.
Games didn't used to be without nuanced political messages because of better times or better people, it's because it was inconceivable that they'd even be used as such tools.
At most you'd have some titles that are about as subtle as fast-food licensed games that functioned more like advertisement than anything else - a far cry from the gradual erosion and supplanting of norms you see now.
I like the analogy of computer security in the olden days. Back when the door was wide open for anyone to fuck everything up and security wasn't an issue. It's not that there were advanced systems in place to counteract attacks, or that the penetration techniques weren't refined enough to bypass systems, it just wasn't an issue. Nobody even thought that attacking computers could or would be a thing. It was just unthinkable.
Conflicts between some random parties that happened to use computers, like activists and corporations, used to use different means of disrupting each-others agendas, but once the first excursions into this world of computer exploitation got some recognition, it became a valid arena of combat. From that point on, not just the interested parties, but everyone involved in computing gets to bear the collateral damage.
At least arcade games and older titles are generally set in stone, withstanding attempts to inject narratives where they don't belong.
Mark's still a faggot, though.
More like a hostile co-opting of my hobby.
You're replying seriously to a thread long ago derailed by either goons or rabid stormfags.
You were also off by one. What a shame.
Here's an attempt
ELI5 pls
What is Marxism?
This thread is so shit you can't even get dubs in it.
It's a shame, isn't it.
Holla Forums isn't a containment board for political discussion Newfag
Who said anything about Holla Forums? Fuck off.
Holla Forums went to shit when Holla Forums showed up and all the arguments that were supposed to be on Holla Forums moved to Holla Forums since it's the only board both Holla Forums and Holla Forums visit.
It's less about where they come from and more of getting them to leave Holla Forums.
I'm not saying there's not a hostile takeover taking place, but folks even coming up with the idea that a hobby like video gaming could, would or should be taken over as a vehicle for completely unrelated messages is what determined that things would start going down the tubes.
Or, you know, they wouldn't be co-opting video games if vidya had never been discovered to be a viable target. At that point it shifted from an 'if' to a 'when'.
Your ID can be highlighted and a quick skim through all your posts. All of them is you whining about people talking politics.
That didn't happen, both have been arguing on both boards and continue to do so.
Hate to break it to you but that's not how this works, implementing rules or deliberately pushing things to getting people to stop will only make one side leave and the more fanatical side will stay and not shut up but since it's bannable (or getting shunned) to argue with them you are now flooded with the other side and can't do anything about it.
Oh I see, you're an Holla Forums goon. Fuck off.
Explaining Karl Marx's insanity would require several posts. Read the Commie's Manifesto if you want a full in depth look at what the mentally ill think is an effective government system is. If, on the other hand, you want referential material, see Mao Zedong, Kim Il-sung, Joseph Stalin, Zimbabwe, and modern Cuba. These are the productions of marxism.
Already explained that you're stuck with one group or the other. Video games are popular now, and while you can be selective about what you play and thusly filter out political trash, you will never find a way to bring up video games without, eventually, bringing up politics.
Just a reminder,by the way, that when Holla Forums and Holla Forums were smaller and quieter, you didn't see nearly as much politics on Holla Forums.
What did >>9251533 write? And why the fuck was it deleted?!
Not if we build a wall to keep you and your war out. :^)
Already explained, as have others, it doesn't matter what you do. One group will be dominant. if you have to choose, do you want the ones that hate your very existance, or don't? Eitherway, politics are inherent to discussion.
Why don't you fuck off?
Just play old games
Work on that backlog
They can't poz up your past
Don't buy any of this new shit
Don't pirate it either
When you finally finish your backlog, lift weights and read books and make friends
Thank fuck. My money is on the shitposting cartel remaking it soon.
Great rebuttal faggot. If you want a safespace go to Holla Forums with the rest of the SJW "NO DISCUSSION ALLOWED!" types.
Fallout 3. Tenpenny Towers.
But the right hates me just as much as the left. The left hates me because I'm an evil cis-scum male who like sexy women. The right hates me because I'm brown and therefore deserve to have my property stripped away to be given to someone of the right skin color and have chains slapped on my wrist to serve as their servant, or to be executed in as brutal a fashion as possible. Why should I side with either when both are actively looking to fuck me over as much as possible?
What about Deus Ex?
Actually Holla Forums should address that before Trump has a Zapatistas situation.
I don't like it one bit.
If anything, whites came in and stopped all the fucking bloodshed between their own fucking race.
Sounds like your shitskin ass is fucked, user.
webm is 4minutes, embed is 20+minutes