==user's honest review of HTC Vive==

Ok, so I got my Vive this last wednesday and I have some mixed opinions on it. First off the setup can be a bitch. I had the setup program crash on me 7 times before it worked right. As with
most new tech, it's all buggy as shit and crashes unexpectedly for no apparent reason. On top of that, if you don't have two HDMI ports on your GPU then you have to go buy an extra cable that
isn't included with the $900 (after tax) price tag. So right from the getgo that all pissed me the fuck off. 3 or so hours later (30 minute setup my ass) I finally got the fucker to work.

Fucked around with Tiltbrush and Job Simulator. Both of these (as well as most games available right now) are little more than glorified tech demos. They show a great deal of potential for what can be done with the tech, but they arn't particularly fun IMO. Now I have to say that once it's running, the tech is actually really impressive. They arn't kidding about the 1:1 motion detection. It's really spot on and playing games with it feels smooth as fuck. With your eyes being so close to the tiny screens in the HMD you do get a slight screen door effect but after a few minutes of playing a game I usually
get immersed and forget it's even there. The immersion is pretty spectacular. It can fuck with your brain a bit. I found myself trying to touch things ingame like an idiot before my hand went right through them and I remembered they weren't real. Once you get into the game it's surprisingly easy to forget and react to objects as if they were real. I had another incident where I bent down and almost hit my head on a virtual counter and instantly reacted by jerking my head back even though my head would've just gone right through. I know it sounds like only a retard would react to things in VR like that, but it really does start fucking with your brain after a while.

A few other issues I had were that it's lacking in a lot of basic functions that should come standard with it. A VR HMD should come with a decent web browser as well as a built in way to view VR videos and such. This of course requires
the purchase of an extra program such as Virtual Desktop. There goes another $15. I also have had trouble in that most VR content is supported on the Rift, Samsung VR, and Google Cardboard, but not the vive yet (I guess because it's
so much newer than the others). I've also been going through hell trying to get VorpX (which recently added supposed Vive support) to work. Every time I try to use VorpX with any game it just crashes the game. I'm still trying to troubleshoot that but because the vive support is so new I can't really find any documentation on how to get it to work properly.

And then last but not least is the VR pronz. So I fapped to a few VR porn vids and it was pretty cool. It's not worth buying for the porn yet as there's basically only a very small selection of vanilla porn available right now. Also
this small selection is mostly just a 180 degree view with your head stuck in one spot. You can turn your head around but you can't for instance get up and walk around the porn scene. It's basically like your head is attached to a camera
tripod. You can turn it and look around but you can't move from that spot. I think if VR starts taking off we can expect much better porn in the future. I'm looking forward to the future when the SFM crowd figures out how to make interactive
room-scale porn featuring all of our waifus. We're not there yet, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Overall I'd say I'm happy with it because I'm having fun and I had money to waste anyway. If you don't have a bunch of disposable income I would say wait it out because there arn't really any games for it right now anyway. In a few years
when the price tag goes down and there's shitloads of games and interactive waifu porn then it'll be worth getting.


I told you to not get the fucking thing
I like girls with penises, get over it.

Other urls found in this thread:


And then I failed at redtexting.

This is actually something that excites me tbh. I feel the Wii screwed over motion controls with how shitty its detection was, so hopefully devs will realize this detection is actually good and make use of it.

OP can't inb4, you fucking faggot shill.


Where did you set up the thing?

One of the biggest problems I have with "room scale" VR, besides the price, is I don't have a good open space to set it up.
I imagine I'm not the only one with this problem.

Also have you tried any traditional sit-down games that use controllers or KB/M? I'd like to know if anything is cool that way or if it just makes the game worse.


Yeah I didn't have quite enough space for the room-scale so I cheated a little and setup the vive like I had more space than I actually do. Because of that I have to be careful when playing room-scale games or I'll hit my shins on stuff. Now that I've setup the built in camera that works along with the chaperone system I don't bang my shins nearly as much now though. I still havn't done any KB/M games with it yet because most of the stuff on steam is room-scale and I still havn't gotten VorpX to work. I really want to try some Elder Scrolls and a few first-person horror games with this thing. I'll get that damn program working one of these days.

Also check these dubs.

This will support VR :^)


I've tried those on Rift DK and yeah they're fun. Shooters are particularly good because of decoupled look and aim, but third person games also shine a lot. Just being able to look around and not having to deal with tiny ass portal through which you can glimpse into game world that's constantly stuck in weird angles and that you have little control over is a very nice addition, not quite the $900 worth of difference but it's definitely better than playing it on the screen. For simulator games such as iRacing / ETS2 / DCS etc. it's only natural to use VR HMD, if you like those kinds of games, any single one of them already warrants a purchase, especially if you already own appropriate peripherals i.e. FFB wheel /flight stick.

I'm starting to have serious concerns that valve is paying shills to astroturf here.

There's a bunch, but they're like all for the Rift. Dreadhalls can get you to shit cinderblocks despite how simplistic and unimpressive it looks on a monitor. People also played Ayylien Isolation on Rifts, some guy said he nearly shat himself when his cat jumped on his lap mid-game.

Are you some sort of cuck?

Can't disagree after seeing with:

Why can people who sage only say "cuck", "shill" or "reddit" on Holla Forums and then leave the thread forever?

How much are you paid?

The war's over, you can uncheck your downvote box now

We don't have downvotes here, fuck off back to reddit.

No user, I'm a trap enthusiast. Still degenerate as fuck though.

Why arent you here?


Only a redditor would think sage is a downvote.


OP you fucking faggot, why arent you playing regular games with it.
Give us your opinion on that

What reason in particular made you go with the vive over all the other shitty vr setups?

also webm related

If you aren't a shit flinging goon, why are you exclusively flinging shit instead of talking about VR?


Like I said, you should be here , nice try thought.

reports don't appear to accomplish anything or they aren't being reported in high enough quantities and that's why nothing's happening so I might as well have a giggle with it

Why not have fun by contributing to one of the handful of good discussions here, or going and playing some vidya if none of those discussions are to your taste? I know it's tempting to just say fuck it, and pile more shit on the skyscraper sized shitheap that the community has become, but it would be a damn shame if that drove off the good anons who share your hobby and would enjoy talking to you

As much as gaben has pissed me off in recent years with his constant jewing I figured I'd rather go with a valve product than a Mark Zuckerjew product. Also because it had the roomscale stuff which I don't think any of the others have. Also I figured if I was gonna invest in an expensive ass HMD I might as well go all out and get the one with the most bells and whistles. I did consider getting an OSVR but (correct me if I'm wrong) I don't think I've seen anything at all supporting OSVR.


Tip for all you oblivious newfags, we here at Holla Forums don't play games and talking about anything in a positive or negative light is shilling and must be expelled. Anything that isn't a glorious PC master race with the tools of the gods: the keyboard and mouse is a stupid gimmick that will surely die out and isn't worth your time.

I do just jabber around and add to threads, and constantly; I'm only adding my own autism to the vat right now because I'm getting a laugh out of it and he bit the bait

If you bothered to read the OP I straight up told you not to buy it. Learn to read you double faggot.

Do you think it'll last, durability wise? Would you say that the build quality is at the point where you think it's not going to fall apart after a year or so of rough use like most modern headsets/gayman peripherals do?

That is one of my biggest concerns with this VR shit once they get the price to a reasonable point and if they actually make some good exclusives.

Fair enough, but I think people like that would just fuck off if they stopped getting responses

I mean it seems sturdy enough. That being said, I won't really know for sure until I've had it for a year or so. Also not sure what you'd consider "rough use". Are you planning on headbutting the wall with it? Probably won't hold up well to that…

Why is she so perfect?

Honestly the only solution I can see to the behavior is banning the problem users but that doesn't seem to be happening, or it is and they're ban-evading (in a just world I'd probably be tempbanned for thread derailing right alongside him by now). Poking the hornet's nest and ignoring it both seems to result in the same thing, I'm honestly surprised there was any bite this time around since it's almost always just the drive-by shitpost or failed digits-check and then they never show up in that thread ever again

Why do so many anons post pictures of this guy.
He's not a good "trap", he so fucking ugly.

For rough use I guess I'd classify that as a lot of putting on/taking off and moving around with it on.

Before I stopped using headsets altogether, I used to have them fall apart in under a year. The band would break, the mic would get all floppy, the drivers would just stop working. Not cheap shit, $100+ headsets, and I'd clean them every week and treat them like they were made of fucking fine china.

I'm very suspicious about the durability of any new peripheral after all of the shekels I've burned on that shit. Hell, my fucking $200 WASD V2 Custom TKL has no better build quality than the $70 Quickfire Rapid I got to hold me over when I had to fucking RMA the WASD (and pay shipping) when the keys started chattering, and I've gone through countless deathadders that started double-clicking inside 2 months before I got a G502 that has lasted me nearly a year now.

I think the hotpockets are sensitive to handing out long bans because then these people ban evade and start creating a bunch of meta threads trying to stir shit about nazi mods and rulecucks to create more community infighting

don't bully, user :^)

Because it butthurts faggots that secretly want to fuck him.

Wouldn't a range-ban solve that? I imagine a few innocents would get their toes stepped on but that would be solved with a simple appeal and a look at that IP/ID's (however 8ch handles unique-user data, I don't think it does raw IPs) post-history to make sure they weren't histrionics upset they got banned for shit-stirring.

Pretty good on you, user. Nice and comprehensive. I like that, fairly rare around here.

I think personally I will wait until they've got a good method for movement or at least some kind of functionality what actually makes games, if you will, playable.
As it is, you can only do things from one single spot, it seems.
Maybe we'll see more games like Surgeon Simulator, or a rather interesting trench warfare type deal where you shoot a machine gun at advancing krauts.

Probably still going to be horribly expensive, though. But you never know.
Maybe we'll get some skulljack wires some time, Matrix style. I'd have a hard time not becoming a vegetable thanks to that.

Honestly I think the best way to solve it would be to just report the most disruptive, serial shitposters, and ignore the drive-by's who will move on to another thread and try again if no one takes the bait. Don't get me wrong, if there was a 100% surefire catch-all banning solution that would remove them all right this second, it'd have my full support, but outside banning all proxies (which would piss a lot of people off), I don't think that's ever going to happen so we've got to make the best of it

That's pretty gay, user.

How shit must their taste be that they want to fuck an ugly faggot like that?

Rapp pls go

He was popular as 'linetrap' on 4chinz back in the day.

REDDIT! SJW! cuck! cu… !

No U!

Why are JoJofags always so smug about their severe autism?

VR threads are worthless as long as hiding by ID is broken.

Fix your fucking site hotwheels.

Rift is capable of room scale with two cameras.

Playing regular games is shit.

When launching a game via Virtual Desktop, I'll get awful flickering that makes everything all by unplayable. Don't that problem on the Rift.

I guess launching other Steam games through their own system is good enough, but it's not really fun or practical playing most non VR games in VR.

I look at the lower resolution and think to myself "I have a 4K display. Why the fuck am I suffering through this headset awkwardness and lower visual fidelity ?"

Tried Dungeon Defenders 2, HOTS, Team Fortress 2, Everspace. Would rather play them on a 4K display then in VR.

VR doesn't improve non-VR experiences.

Wasted potential, dear user.

Not following you. What should I be doing differently ?

Honest question, even if you were interested in this, in 5 years it's going to be cheaper, have better options for everything, and there might actually be games for it.

So why the fuck buy it now?

Same with everything, hd tvs, consoles, etc. It's cheaper and often times a better product down the road. This is where jews try to recoup their profits from r&d and marketing so prices for the shit are unnaturally high.

Why is everyone posting Bailey Jay?
The faggotry in this board has been steadily increasing.

there will never be games the install base will never be big enough to support a AAA game

I can bring some hotties

Why are /fit/chicks best grills?

With a 4k monitor you can use the phosphorlut 4k preset which is as close to a perfect reproduction of a high-end CRT as you can get, which just looks fantastic with emulation.

One could argue that without early adopters, there wouldn't be a cheaper, better product down the road.

I could post more steven joseph instead :^)

probably cause they're as g-d intended them to be

yeah but you gotta let the normal fags take care of that for you.

For phones and TVs and shit, of course, but I think VR is too expensive and niche for normalfags. I think it needs to attract the type of person that spends thousands of dollars on star citizen ships. That guy with an incredible amount of disposable income and a terminal case of child-like wonder and optimism.

>tfw no /fit/ gf

hey Holla Forums
remember this is a product review

talk about the op review the product or vr in general

keep it Holla Forumsidya

fuck off shill

OK, here's a product review.

OP lives at home with his parents. He could pay them rent, but instead he spent about a thousand bucks so that he could fap to VR porn and pretend he wasn't in the same room he watched Spongebob in decades ago.

He sounds like their target market.

OP, next time you have $900 and are vaguely bored, get three hookers.

Serial, or parallel, either way is fine. Better use of your money.


That's some next level bullying, user. Why not use your powers for good and bully marxist indie devs?

thank you user for being the fall guy
sounds like i'll be waiting a while.

ITT: summer

If there's no good software then they're fucked.
I bet the sales numbers are abysmal.

Have you tried using a keyboard and mouse with it yet? How are the controllers in comparison? Does moving around really cause so many issues that devs have to implement teleporting?

Interesting review, thanks OP. guess the vr meme isnt what its cracked up to be

Took care of the shitposting

This is the future we chose. Check these flash-tier graphics.

Better late than never, hotpocket-san.

what the fuck.

why are people like this guy not institutionalized

So, OP, would an accurate summation of your review be something along the lines of:
>Pros: Fucking virtual reality motherfucker


Have some HTC to keep it VR related.

This has me wondering if fitness VR shit will take off. Something like eurotruck simulator but on a tread mill, running through the virtual alps or some shit to get fit for your VR waifu.

Followup question, how much can you sweat in these things without bricking them?

Probably still won't ever be anything more than a gimmick pushed by huge companies as da fyoochur like the last few times it's been tried but there's definite showcasing that the tech's improved.

Thanks for cleaning up my and the other guy's mess, surprised I didn't get a slap on the wrist or anything though.

Wait, are you OP?

No, different guy. Half of the thread's missing since the last time I checked since I decided to sperg out and mess with somebody who won't uncheck his "do not bump" box under any circumstances.

So why did you answer me? It's rude to address people who aren't speaking to you.

Sorry mom.


no bully


How long before the first VR related accidents start happening? If dummies couldn't handle the Wii without throwing the remote like Thor's hammer, can't wait to see what happens when you practically blind someone and let the wander around the room.

People already slamming their expensive TVs and running into walls and other shit while in VR. What are you, living under a rock?

Pretty much, I don't pay attention to much outside the board. I'll have to search it up, sounds like a giggle.

Wii fit and Kinect sports were supposed to revolutionize the industry about a decade ago. And to be honest wii fit with the balance board is a pretty decent product for a beginner doing yoga and body weight exercises.

Decent product doesn't mean worth it though. The same applies to the Vive. It could have 4k curved displays per eye running at 120hz and a massive FoV plus 2ms input lag with eye tracking and it'll still be shit if there's no worthwhile software or content to use it with.

This is the new business model in the tech industry; make a platform where you take a 30% cut and then try getting the next angry birds or minecraft on it. Instead all they get is swamped with poorly produced low effort unity made garbage by a different breed of opportunists.

It's all about risk management and they let third party developers take all the risk. They're getting exactly what their investment is worth.

Some let's players have already smashed their tables and jumped to hit the ceiling because they forget they're in a constrained space IRL.

Should have gotten a Topre.

If we're lucky one of them will smash his face-cam by accident.

lets hope so


OP here. I just woke up. Stayed up all night watching weebshit.

I'm sure some idiots will hurt themselves. Worst I've done so far is kicked a pepsi over on my carpet.

Had hookers before. They were fun for a bit but I got sick of em pretty quick honestly.

I knew what I was getting into. Also when you have literally no other expenses blowing $900 occasionally isn't that big of a deal.

My parents don't want rent and they don't want me to leave. My parents are fucking weird and super clingy. Every time I've tried to move out they lose their shit. It's pretty fucking weird, but not paying rent is nice so I just go along with it.

More or less yeah. Also just too expensive and not enough games for it to be worth investing in for most people yet. If VR does take off (and who knows if that'll happen) I imagine it'll be pretty badass a few years down the road though.

Srry for double-posting