This is not bait

This is not bait,
I genuinely want to hear you explanations.
Explain how fascism or nazism is not left wing when it centralises control in the state and reduces economic and often social freedom?
I'm not a Holla Forumsack, I browse there board as much as yours.
Pic related

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Rebel Absurditiy alread debunked this. Watchi this video and learn from it.

That quote isn't from hitler, its from a Nazi party official from before the party purged itself.

Also socialism =/= big government

I dunno, this has all the makings of a bait post.

Hitler, though he called himself a socialist to try and pander to the working people, never had the intention to distribute the means of production to the workers. He banned unions, strikes, reprivatised banks, protected corporations, and took out communists, anarchists and even socialists in his own party. Much like Stalin, he was an opportunist and a “political schizophrenic”.

Socialism is literally big gubermint.
As soon as you restrict my economic rights or violate the NAP I'll put a bullet in your brain.
Anyone who takes that away is a fascist, that's usually leftists.

t. rich business owner exploiting workers

Haha you think I have a job

t. rich NEET
private property is a spook

Shut up Striner cuck
You step on my land and I'll start opening fire


Its a reactionary traditionalist mystical ideology that is obsessed with hierarchy and defends private ownership of the means of production that's how.

That awkward moment when you attribute words to Hitler only to learn they came from his mortal enemy.

Sounds awfully like capitalism and its property rights.

Simple, they were alliying with right-wingers thorough Europe(rexists, falangists, nationalists, radical conservatives etc.), while killing people classified as left-wing(socdems, anarchists, commies)


The term 'left wing' changes depending who you talk to, but the socialists here consider ourselves left wing, and liberals not left wing. What you pointed out as part of fascism has nothing to do with workers owning the means of production.

Socialism is not 'big government'.


You just answered your own question.

That's a Useful Idiot quote, fam.


why would conservatives and lolbertarians show their support to fascists in spain and central america if they were practicing socialism and communism ?

burger who claims to know US values, even though he's probably never read the constitution

quotes are neat


memes. Democratic economy = leftism.

By the way, Hitler never said that quote. It's a Useful Idiot quote idiots say Hitler said.

that's a quote from gregor [email protected]/* */ you shitposter

If you looked at his actual policy, there was nothing leftist about Hitler's government. He supported privatization and opposed labour unions, and to my knowledge he never had any beef whatsoever with private property.

He did not abolish a single piece of private property and was in the business of crushing class struggle. He did not believe in a stateless, classless society.

I think that's all that needs to be said, the rest is just his famous "charisma" -lies shouted loudly to people who had just been fucked over by the whole rest of Europe-

Hitler was just in the right place at the right time.

Duh, they were less communistic than the catalonians. You can measure this using the freedom index whose calculations were originally pioneered by the heritage foundation. See all countries can basically be measure on a sliding scale with efficiency and freedom on one side and equality on the other (that means equality is the opposite of freedom and efficiency). We are in favor of freedom and efficiency which the Chicago school and the Austrian school proved right (thats why we're called "right wing").


If you don't understand how Fascism is not itself left wing based on what you know of it then a short explanation on an image board isn't going to sufficiently fill in the gaps in your knowledge enough to clarify.

off yourself

Socialism is worker control of the means of production, and the State in this case should merely serve the purpose of protecting collective property as a common good, from any outside or inside forces that would to take or hoard it.

Thus, Hitler was not a socialist as much as he wanted to be to appeal to the worker masses of Germany at that time. His regime did no shit to combat the "capitalistic economic system", in fact the capitalists benefited the most from the war, given the industrialization, the boom of the gun manufacturement industries etc.

Pic related.

Anyway OP nobody really likes to admit it but Useful Idiot really was a socialist, he was just also a bigot and most socialists don't want anything to do with him. Basically a socialist and not a communist, because communism is classless (including race, nation etc.). We're communists, which is the important difference.


Because "left-right", as vague a divide as it is, is not "less freedom" (left) to "more freedom" (right). The original use of "left-right" was in French politics, with the "right" referring to the ancien regime. Far from "more freedom", quite frankly.

The divide is roughly understood with "left" meaning the dismantling and/or softening of existing social/economic hierarchies and the "right" meaning the maintenance and/or strengthening or social/economic hierarchies. This is why Communism/Socialism, political positions which advocate for the overthrow of existing capitalist economic relations (as well as racism/sexism/etc which are seen as social hierarchies that were at least partly the product of capitalism) is "left". Nazism, with its doubling down on "natural hierarchy" is completely opposite this. It emphasizes the "foreign intruder" (Jew) as the problem rather than the existing economic and social relations at the very heart of the society.

Nazis reappropriated socialist rhetoric to win the working vote, in a charade to pretend that workers would be voting in their own interests. Nothing more, nothing less. It's no coincidence they murdered Useful Idiotites the first moment they got.

I'm not OP. my econ professor said something to that effect in class the other day (sliding scale between efficiency and equality is why communism doesn't work) and I figured y'all would get a kick out of it. To her credit I think she's a Keynesian not an Austrian, so at least she isn't completely batshit.

I know you're not OP, I was talking to OP.
I didn't even know you were shitposting, lol

OP is your definition of left-wing "reduction of economic and social freedom"?

Can anyone really be this pants on the head retarded?

The left/right dichotomy is not about state vs. lack of state, but about equality vs. hierarchy.

A big government which centralizes economic life doesn't become "left-wing" it it runs a command economy for the enrichment of a king and a small noble class. Neither does a society move to the right simply by collapsing into warlordism.

Nazis believed in a social hierarchy with "Aryan" Germans at the top - and in practice, with wealthy "Aryan" Germans and party members way above the ordinary German prole. They were, in fact, so hierarchical that they believed hierarchies were naturally inborn and that some peoples needed to be enslaved or exterminated solely because of their lineage. And that the Fuhrer's word in and of itself was law.

Pic related.

I don't know how many times I have to repeat this.

Socialism is an ECONOMIC system where workers own the means of production. Under nazi Germany, private property and bourgeois still existed. Therefore Nazi Germany and Hitler wasn't socialist.

Get your memes out comrades