Broken as shit: The Game

D.Va isn't even objectively good. Her hitbox is huge, and her entire front side counts as her head. Her guns are the most useless in the game, they are short range machineguns that won't do anything if the person you're shooting at isn't clipping inside you. The damage dropoff for these is ridiculous. Not only is her damage shit, but the moment she starts firing she is slowed down, effectively making her a stationary target that isnt even taking 3 hp off of you. For a tank with one of the higher health pools in the game, she is melted down by anyone that isnt Mercy. This is a fucking problem. Her only good skill is her shield, even her ult is fucking useless against people who have played for five minutes. D.Va is a surefire way to handicap yourself if you're into that.

Increase her damage and range and replace her armour with shields.

Despite being a support, Zenyatta can melt though your health in 2-3 hits no matter what. He just has to shoot an orb of discord at you and he does 50% more damage. The excuse of him sharing the lowest health pool with traced is no excuse. Most of his health is shield health which fucking regenerates.

Rework orb of discord and take away the lockon of his abilities.

Mei's entire kit is centred around making sure you get fucked at every corner. Her primary will slow and freeze anyone in the matter of a second, she has a self sustain that makes her invincible and will most likely fully restore her health, and she has a wall with so much HP of its own that by the time you smash one fucking segment the wall will disappear anyway.

Have it so that only her ult applies the freeze effect, her primary still slows. Also reduce her healing done in her ice block and make it destructible to stop it from being a get out of jail free card.

This fucker serves no place in the game, he is just a walking torbjorn turret with self sustain and way too much DPS. As bastion, you can 2000-0 Reinhardt's shield in a couple of seconds. Most heroes barely hit 300 health on their own and will be gunned down in the same fashion but people defend him to no end with the excuse that he can be countered with teamwork. This is false. A bastion in a corner with any of the healers pocketing him will never die. And if he does? Whoop de doo he gets fucking rezed or he comes back in 3 seconds and does the same thing. The game would only benefit from bastion's removal. And no amount of bastion mains defending his bullshit will sway my opinion on this.

Nerf his turret damage to hell, slow his turning speed and give him a 180° field of vision.

Mercy is without a doubt the designated healer. She is shown as such, is written as the full blown healer and plays like a full blown healer. Yet she is objectively the worst one. Her staff works in the same way as the medigun from TF2, point and hold. Except the healing for anyone above 200 health is long and tedious. Her single health healing is easily outdone by a Lucio just being around his teammates. While Mercy has to manually heal, Lucio just does it passively by having his buff set to the healing mode. Even worse so when lucio is able to defend himself better than mercy. His gun is infinitely better than hers and he doesn't have to awkwardly switch to it like mercy does. Her ability to fly to teammates will only work if they're in your LOS, this only makes her one form of mobility useful half of the time. Her one good point seems to be her ult. Which can resurrect people. His self healing is also superior to hers, rendering her completely obsolete.

Have her staff's effects apply more healing/damage buff the longer it's focused on someone, peaking at a certain point. Also increase her personal healing when healing someone else or give her a constant self heal like Lucio has instead of only giving her it when she's out of combat.

His turret instantly locks on as soon as it a strand of your hair enters the general area, it will eat through your health while you will find a hard time taking it yourself unless you're a widowmaker. Besides his turret, torbjorn is fine.

Take away the instant lockon of his turret and slightly lower it's health.

The maps are all in favour of the defending side, most of them feature chokepoints with only one way in and any holes you could get in through will be covered by a hanzo or widowmaker that'll fucking gun you down as soon as they see your face. Every king of the hill map is designed to keep the action in a fucking box.

The game can be fun, but it is clearly broken to high heaven. I know you guys are probably going to sage and call me a shill or dump porn, but I would like some serious discussion about this.

I played one match as turretdwarf, got a 22 kill killstreak with the turret, won the match by a landslide, and never went back. The game is fucked.

I've went 50-0 on multiple occasions just by placing the turret on the elevating panel by the car on Hollywood. His turret is disgustingly broken but Torbjorn himself is actually okay. I've taken to just dropping armour packs whenever I play him now.

Rock paper scissors was never a good game.

git gud

tl;dr nothing can be powerful or ridiculous, and I suck at Overwatch

There should be an actual healer aside from Mercy though. I imagine they'll add someone.

The only issue is lack of counterplay to the turrets. Nothing really counters bastion. He can vaporize anything at any range. Which doesn't matter at long range since most maps have spots he can position himself in which make it impossible to shoot him where he cant shoot you.

And toblerone and his turret, same issue on the range thing, and the fact it instant locks on and targets is a huge problem.

I think the easiest fix would be if both the turret and bastion had a limited aim range. Say something like a 90 degree cone. Maybe 120.

You misunderstand user.

It's not about me wanting everything ingame go be tame or boring, I just don't like seeing obvious imbalance in games.

There are heroes that guarantee success and heroes that guarantee failure. And there are heroes that underperform the role they are built around regardless of the situation.

Only way that I have been able to take them out consistently is using tracers sticky bomb, but doing so seems like such a waste

That is what my brother does, he basically just uses his ultimate to blast them.

Which sounds like a problem on it's own, if the only real way to deal with something is rip the ulti.'s ram is her best damage source. You shield, ram, punch then shoot them as they run away.

I've seen everything you're complaining about easily dealt with, countered, or done well. Was just playing with an amazing D.Va. You're a cry baby with what you're saying about Mei. I think you're misunderstanding this shitty game.

git gud retard, maybe if you played more than a couple matches you'd start to see that your opinions are shit and you're trash

Mei has an incredible amount of ammo at one time, she can just freeze you over and over until you die. You can't fight her at range or she'll wall you off and heal and you can't fight her close up or she'll freeze you and shoot icicles though your head. She suffers from the same shit as tracer where her only reliable counter is herself.

I don't even know if Overwatch is decent. I've played four matches and every match has horrible lag that sucks all the fun out of it. At least in TF2 I can manually choose a server with less than 200 ping if it keeps trying to shove me in Luxembourg servers.

OP it's a casual console FPS. Where everyone is a winner and earns positive progress and rewards regardless of if they win or lose a match.
It has 20 tick servers, comeback mechanics for losing teams, 1 button kill "Everyone's a winner!" ultimate's and an eSports scene setup before the game has even released.
The community is full of special snowflakes carebears already with their "Toxic" this and "Problematic" that.
I have already started seeing "Friendlies", you know those faggots who don't participate and just sit around socializing in a corner or ERPing.

Regardless, It's going to sell millions from Blizzard reputation alone.
They don't give a shit.
Consumers don't give a shit either, because they're pre-purchasing a product with 2 game modes, Capture Point and Payload.

At least the porn is better than Battleborn, right?

You're terrible

Lucio. Never played the game, huh?

What about the stupid big hitboxes? Its like playing DK mode in n64 007

Shut the hell up and start posting the porn already

Bastion's health is so low that a passing breeze can destroy him from this reality, the only way he could possibly kill you is by getting the drop on you and blasting you before you can breath on him, basically, git gud.

And the turret is actually really slow to turn 180 degrees so you can kill it with anyone just by getting behind it (and there is always at least 1 alternate path to flank a point)

fuck no I was thinking of zenyatta, not bastion, either way the turret defense I stated works on bastion too so git gud

He has 300 health, that's actually quite a bit.
He also has a self-heal with no cooldown.

I'm not saying Bastion is amazing because he's easily countered but he still stomps pubs and retards.

…its different on the PC, you can turn as fast as you want.

I'd buy the game if it was 25. 30's pushing it, 40's out of the question. It's fun, but it's unfocused and one hell of a mess. The writing is garbage, the character design is ok. Some of the gameplay feels alright, but I'd rather they just went full ham on 'tf2 except not shit' instead of halfway between that and an assfaggot. Spent about 5 hours in the beta, and while I had fun, I don't see the lasting appeal.

Dva is fine, shes not meant for hard killing, shes there to harrass squishies with her MGs and disrupt shit with her ram, and stay alive forever with her large health pool, when she runs out of health you run around with and headshot everybody with a rapid fire pistol until you get back into your mech and start over again.
Either you are terrible with her or you are just playing her completely wrong.

Zen is less of a hard support like the other 3 and more of a support-offense, being only able to heal 1 person at a time and not even that fast compared to others. he is fine the way he is.

The slow alone isnt worth shit, she needs the freeze to actually do anything of use.
She does need to be nerfed, but removing the freeze on her primary would completley cripple her and make her worthless.

He is just the "no fun allowed" character, he is boring as fuck to play and nobody likes playing against him.
nerfing the damage would be enough, the turn speed is too much of a nerf.
not really relevant since most of the time hes sitting in a corner anyways

doesnt really need to be buffed, being able to ressurect your whole team after being wiped out is enough of a reason to play her and worth having on the team.

Taking on instant lock is one option, the other is reduce its range, either one would be enough of a nerf. The health is fine the way it is.

I can see how using a controller might make a lot of things hard to counter, I forgot people were playing on console too

i was thinking of making a thread with a similar op, although i only wanted to whine about dva
apparently he used to not be able to turn all the way around but he had a sheild in front of him.
and speaking of DVa, i cant tell you how many times ive managed to sneak up on a bastion, shoot him in his core a million times and then just have him turn around and turn me into swiss cheese. DVa's gun is so bad, why is her pistol stronger than her mechs auto cannons?
i think she could use a double jump since her dash doesnt always quite get you where you need to be. but the team with a mercy just wins if theyre halfway decent. if she doesnt die, her team doesnt die, its dumb how strong her heal is.

im surprised you dont have anything to say about how easy the snipers are in this game.

I have played about 30 games as Mei. Personally I think she's top tier, highly underrated.

Her hard counter is a good McCree. Mainly because she has to get in close, All you need to do is stun her, then unload your revolver = Instantly Dead. However, depending on how long it takes you to react she can Iceblock between your stun and Unloading.
Aside from Tanks (Due to their HP), I can 1v1 anyone with little effort as Mei. Just Freeze them and Headshot them with Charged Left Click.

I find I really play nothing but Roadhog and Mei currently, mainly due to their self sustain heals, It gives me the freedom to not have to rely on my team and can just push objectives by myself.

I agree with basically everything except Zenyatta, I think he needs the lock-on on his abilities because the only way to survive more than ten seconds with him is to be a mile away from the action and you aren't going to hit jack shit with them if they have to manually connect. I don't think I'd mind the damage boost on discord being dropped but I think he needs at least an extra 25 to 50 health/shields to stop him getting one shot by bodyshots from anyone with a decent weapon.

Both the turrets are just huge fucking pain in the asses that deal way too much damage and with the netcode will usually kill you before you can figure out what's shooting you. Mei could use a hit to her health or something, she has so much ability to control who and where she engages that she should really have to leverage it instead of being able to just faceroll suboptimal engagements with her huge health pool, invulnerable healing block and fast freeze time. The iceblock should definitely be destroyable too, make it give a big temporary healthbar like Lucio's ult or something but as is it's just completely retarded that you can just stand in the middle of any damaging ult and pop that and not only survive the ult but heal back up to full.

Roadhog's fun as fuck, otherwise the game sucks. stick to tf2

I've played this game today, I don't think it's broken enough. It's the most restrictive, no-fun-allowed FPS I've ever played.
Blizzard has truly tried their hardest to make the game play exactly the same for everybody, no matter the ingenuity or technicalities you try to force upon it. It plays like over-engineered garbage. It plays like a MOBA

I think mei's biggest downfall is her range, if you have a medium to long ranged character (or just fucking Reinhardt) you can just stay out of her freeze range (barring ice wall)

do you want to expand on that at all or just throw out blanket statements with no examples

Oh another thing: I was kind of surprised they even had those same panel by panel revealed digital comics tf2 has. I mean, I don't know of anywhere else that has them but I only know that stuff from tf2. And it's not even funny like tf2's were, just kind of bland.

They are obviously trying to ape TF2 in many ways, in this case "fps characters with personalities instead of just being generic shootermen"
Even making short movies that show off more of the characters personalities, much like the meet the team videos did.

Whenever TF2 updated with new voice lines I went into the game files to listen to them.
Whenever a meet the team video was released, I would watch it.
Even after I lost interest in the game itself, I still read the TF2 comics whenever they come out.

I was interested in the TF2 characters and what they had to say, they were interesting and had relatively well fleshed-out personalities for fps characters.

The thing is with Overwatch, none of it has interested me in the slightest.
I do not care about the setting, I do not care what the characters say, I do not care what their backstory is, or any of that bullshit.
They are just dull characters, I do not care about them beyond their abilities.

I agree with the Bastion part. You can't even flank him in his current state. I've tried leaping behind him with Winston, only to melt instantly as he turns around.

D'va however is pretty good if you play her correctly. If you fly into enemies with her booster skill and punch them with melee, you'll do 75 burst damage, which is 50% of the health of some characters. Then just finish them off in close range with autocannons.
In the last game i played i got 2 team wipes with D'va in the same round.

I love how even though there are anons like this who give long and detailed critiques, but you still get Overwatch shills saying "lol everybody blindly hates this game nobody lists any problems".
>you will never get a handjob from Bastion

mei can be hard to dislodge but theres plenty of people who shes just not very effective against. or who just destroy her even at close range.
what people need to realize is unless theyre very mobile theyre not getting away from her, just turn and kill her

thats a thing with her though, she doesnt usually have to allow herself to take damage from range thanks to ice wall. that ties her whole kit together and you sort of have to play on her terms

D. va is extremely good at charging past the enemy team, picking off a squishy and getting out. She may be considered a tank by the game, but she's more of a beefy flanker. And while her ult won't kill anyone that's smart, it denies a large area. Throw it on the point and the other team will be forced to move away. Your team can then move in on the point and keep them off.
He's the squishiest character in the game that needs constant line of sight to do anything. If he's capable of doing anything to threaten you directly, you can kill him in a single headshot. You could also just flank him as tracer or something.
I haven't played since the closed beta so I don't know if she's gotten any reworks but last I remember her ice wall was a minor annoyance at best, her damage was mediocre and her health was ok but not quite enough to justify the range she needed to be at. Somehow I doubt she was buffed enough since then to be a major issue.
You sound like the kind of person who mains winston or reinhardt and walks towards him like a retard. So many characters can deal with him solo. Tracer can outmaneuver him all day. McCree can stun him and burst him down before he can even react, somwthing that's kinda easy to do against a target that's stationary to begin with. Junkrat can shoot around a corner, as can phara depending on where bastion is located. Any sniper can poke him down really easily, as can anyone that's effective at range. If you're feeling saucy, genji can reflect in his face and kill him instantly. You just suck.
Sure she heals less that lucio would over an entire game, but her job isn't to keep the entire team at full. Her job is to pick a dps character like phara or soldier, keep them topped off so they can be agressive while they flank and gives them a significant damage boost.
If you seriously can't see any advantage that high single target healing would have over slow passive aoe healing, you just might be retarded.
The turrets are usually placed at predictable locations. Stop walking into them like a dumbass. There's is always a side path you can take to reach it from behind.
The game does have some balance issues last I checked, but you failed to mention any of them. Good work.

Really I guess haven't ever seen a mei utilise an ice wall effectively, I'm normally in close combat and they just tend to throw up a wall in panic but it's never actually blocking the street properly

I agree that Bastion is horseshit, honestly he's what's stopping me from buying the game at this point. I'll keep playing around to find a counter.

Play of the Game is fucking stupid, too. It just adds downtime between matches and it's always someone who pressed Q real good.

That blue glowy shit on his back is a weak spot.


Yeah, pretty much, I'm in much the same boat on tf2. I was hoping at least one of them would have that charm you know? A good line here or there. But no, it's all bland as shit. Disappointing.

dva is extremely good at charging past the enemy team and getting killed because shes in a huge loud obvious hot pink robot with tremendous hitboxes. free charge for my ult and the safety of knowing the enemy doesnt have someone more useful on their team.

Also, reinhardt can charge bastion. Was on the receiving end a time or two.

She has armor to take stray hits and can do a bunch of burst out of nowhere with a few point blank headshots and a melee. As long as you're not trying to rush past literally the entire enemy team, you'll be fine.

I know, but a lot of the time they have their back up against a corner so that doesn't help much. I've tried the thing where you just deflect all of their shots back at them as Genji but that doesn't seem very consistent.


Doesn't work when a few characters can decimate the entire roster with little or no flaws and counters. I never played this shitty game, but a bullshit-good character in a fighting game can ruin everything.

Roadhog is the closest thing to a Bastion counter currently, his hook forces Bastion back into normal mode.
Hook Pull, point blank headshot x2, quick melee is usually enough to take Bastion out.
Still not great though.

Also doesn't work if they have a Reinhardt shielding him or if he's set up out of hook range of the doorways he's watching.

The only balanced character is Genji. Everyone else is either overpowered or underpowered.

This is either you have a shit support or you don't know when to pull your ass out of fights.

I kill bastions and torb turrets as fucking, nigger.'s skills are either meant to pull your ass out of fights or close the distance between enemies.
If you fight with at medium to long range, you're a retard.

How shit are the people you play against? Jesus fuck.

A good Tracer
or a good McCree..
Or a half-decent

Genji is actually a great counter to Bastion; his deflect shred's through his health.

The only character who can do that is mccree and you need to be at least slightly skilled to pull it off, plus he needs to find someone alone.

The counter for bastion is not being retarded and walking directly towards him.

It baffles me that this game is coming out this month. It needs to be delayed for some serious re-balancing.
There are defensive characters and tank characters that are infinitely more useful than the "offense" characters.
The "offense" characters are a joke. Glass cannons but they forget the cannon part.
And you can tell this game is a broken mess because there is no consistency with time-to-kill.

And just like in fighting games, things people don't know how to approach rekts them. Bison and Dhalsim are not OP in sfv because people got rekt by them day one. Wesker and Sentinel are not OP in marvel. That grappler in persona is not OP.

True, but in situations where bastion isnt a mile away, Roadhog is generally the best choice. If Reinhardt is babysitting him theres not much choice other than to take potshots at the shield until it breaks or get a Junkrat to play artillery and shoot over the shield.

anybody with half a braincell will just stop firing at Genji until deflect is over.

Any competent bastion can mow down anybody who comes into his vision for single second, weather you are walking towards him or if you are a spec in the distance is irrelevant
The only guaranteed way to be able to hurt him without giving him a chance to rip open your ass is indirect fire, such Junkrat bombs, or have Dva/Reinhardt shield you while you kill him before their shield goes down

a few things
There's no depth in abilities, They should feel like tools, Not unitaskers.
Junkrat's mine jump: Same distance and height everytime, no way to steer in the air or utilize it uniquely.
Every dash-esq ability: no traits that would let dedicated players improve their effectiveness and no execution required.
The movement: Unless you have a movement ability you must walk everywhere slowly in the same way. No universal tools of movement, no depth of movement.
It's got no cheese. What reward is there to dedicating research to abilities, it will do what it says on the back of the box everytime in every situation, no questions asked.
I haven't used an ability that has some unique tech to it or something that drives the community to discover. There's probably something there with the reflect-based abilities, but nothing yet to my knowledge.
It's got esport, lots of esport.
You will play every game on a team of 6 people versus a team of 6 people and you will play on the same set of maps that blizzard supplies to you on the same servers that blizzard supplies to you. Spraying the sprays blizzard supplies to you in the gamemodes that blizzard supplies to you.
The only thing the community seems to have an effect on is player count.

in short, 'Blizzard's playground; Blizzard's rules'.

What? Junkrat's mine launches you a different distance and height based on how far from it you're standing and whether or not you jump, and you have an absurd level of control in midair, plus if you wait out the cooldown before detonating you can drop a second one in midair and detonate it to double bomb jump and change your trajectory entirely.

Bastion is either going to be in a corner or our in the open. If he's in a corner, he's severely limiting his life of sight and is really prone to explosives from junkrat or phara, and if he's in the open someone can easily come up behind him and kill him before he can react. And again, a good tracer can dance around him all day and mccree can stun him and burst him down in an instant. And all this is only ever considering 1v1 in a team based game. Stop being bad.

Fuck everything about that game. (well the engine is well done, but the game is ass)

you do not have an absurd amount of mid-air control. At best you can move left or right, but there will be no productive turning that would prove useful in getting around corners or avoiding projectiles.
That double-blast is neat but if I cannot see that being a useful rollout tool, seeing as you have to wait 8 seconds in order to do it.


Every Genji player I come across kicks my ass off.
In that moment they become fucking Raiden and dodge all my shots and teleport behind me while doing fucking midair somersault backflips off my dick.
And yet whenever I try to get gud at Genji I become super shitter. I look like a dying fish.
The shurikens do shit damage and once I get within melee range it's like develop Parkinson's and can't hit shit. I'm fucking mad

Who are you playing as normally?

He's an ultra-faggot "pl4ymakr"-bait character.
Easy as fuck to play with the illusion of a modest skill cap and grossly OP.
They actually had it right placing him at 150 health last patch but they reverted it because the flock of Genji players tears flooded Blizzard HQ

While I'll admit that it's kinda dumb for her assault rife to have more damage than soldiers, this does not make her overpowered by any means. Stop being shit.
It is literally the most telegraphed attack in the game. He even has the courtesy to yell out "HEY RETARD DODGE THIS BIG SLOW MOVING PROJECTILE" in weebpspeak a second before it comes out. If your entire team somehow dies to this, they're literally retarded. And considering you're being matched with them, you probably are too.

I never said overpowered, you illiterate fuck. It's just stupid to have a class-based games if you're going to water it down like that.

It's area clear, not the damage. He's a fucking sniper.

I haven't been playing long enough to pick a main but I like Roadhog and Lucio

I disagree. Again, I have only been shutdown by a fast reacting McCree. Every DPS/Healer has such low HP, all it takes to kill them is damage to freeze them + headshot from charged bolt.
Granted yes, If I run directly at people, down the middle of the map, out in the open like a retard, they will kill me before I get to them, but that's why you flank, use cover and the map to your advantage. Going around the sides of the map is where I encounter the majority of my 1v1's mainly picking off snipers and "Friendlies".

Maybe the Mei's you have run into have just been Tumblr Whales and Waifufags.

I love roadhog so much, but his ultimate is so damn situational I rather just not use it unless im near a cliff.

I wonder when Summer comes around if Blizzard'll release summer/pool related skins and put Mei in a two piece bikini to show off those massive jugs.
It could totally work too.

Well with roadhog the hook is your best friend, the short stun can either allow you a good melee hit or a shot to the face with 100% flak damage, with genjis low health you can wipe him out almost instantly.
Can't speak for BR huehuehue, I've never played as him

Same here, user. But I've found that using it on crowds of enemies is very very effective. It does so much damage up close it's incredible.

-Bison was a day one reaction until people saw the bullshit in Mika and Nash. I never heard anyone complain about Dhalsim.
-Sentinel was bullshit until he got nerfed. Wesker required a little skill to be bullshit, but Jean Grey Phoenix was all kinds of bullshit even if you knew how to counter her. Jean Grey matches weren't fun at all.

Some characters are flat out bullshit like:

That fucking knock back though, I can never get the killing blow if that damn gun knocks them out of my effective range.

You're right about it being so situational.. But in close areas or against walls there's nowhere for them to go and the knockback just serves to disorient them while you kill them.

Almost a week later and I'm still fucking mad, I actually enjoy the game a bit despite its obvious flaws and shit players.

It supports DirectX10.1 :^)

You'll just keep falling for their shit won't you.

only broken shit I'm feeling is the game kicking me during crutial moments

5 times in one game
still winning

I hate this the fucking most out of everything. Fuck whoever came up with this naming convention, I hope they die in a fire.

holy fuck I didn't know we were in a smash bros thread!

Does anyone else play Reaper? It feels like his popularity has really dropped off.

I think he was really popular because he is edgy and nobody expected him. Then people figured out to expect reaper and he lost being completely easy mode. Now you have to be tricky and sneaky.

He's always felt really weak. Like his damage is just OK at close range, but that's his only range.

nigger what?
Reaper can literally one-shot anyone with 200 health at close range if you get a headshot, if you aren't retarded and actually land your shots 2-shotting people is ridiculously easy

True enough I suppose. His toolkit supports flanking people then running away pretty much, but it seems like the average pug just runs in head first.

I also wish his character wasn't so edgy, god damn. The first unlock I got for him was him ranting about how he's a psychopath.

I always felt his damage was fine, considering I always focused on gibbing supports from behind.

Melee is at Evo 15 years later because of that unintentional exploitation bullshit.
Counter-strike has communities based around exploiting unintentional physics engine quirks, and creating content, and hosting player-run servers.
It's that kind of stuff that gets people playing your game for reasons other than just the core gameplay decades later.

I agree that this game feels like a mess in terms of balance

Can somebody tell me the difference between Symettra and Torbjon?
They serve the same purpose and both have almost limitless amount of sentries.
I played my latest game with her and dropped like 10 mini sentries and nobody could set a foot on the payload.
Torbjon is also not fun, just spawn turrets an youre golden.

The game is not too good, too many characters act like single weapons of TF2, like Symettra being a mini sentry and teleporter while Torbjon being a normal turret and wrench.
I could go on with the problems but i'll leave at that.
Im still gonna get it mostly because here in the third world the game is very cheap and I need a new MP game to sink hours into I've lost control of my life

Not to mention that faggot Hanzo. He can shoot his ultimate through the wall and kill your whole team in one hit.

the fuck? they serve completely different roles.
Symmetra is used for her utility, turret dorf is used because he's a fucking asshole on defense
torb has a max of one turret. How the fuck is that 'limitless'?

not even going to bother responding to the rest of the post because you have no fucking idea what you're talking about
play a couple more matches, get a better grip for the game, and come back

And then you get a game where everyone can kill everyone in a millisecond. Fighting game? Can't nerf that infinite, got to buff the others so that they all have infinites and all matches are decided by who gets the first hit in.

Something does too much damage? Can't just lower its damage, got to inflate health pools and increase everyone else's damage output which in turn creates an even more fucked balance because you have to rebalance everyone's damage output every single time instead of making the overpowered character a little weaker.

Anyone who actually believes in "don't nerf OP things, only buff other things" is a fucking retard with zero knowledge of game design.

The difference is that Symmetra is a Support for some reason, so if you pick her then plebs will think nobody needs to play a healer.

I've been playing this game for a fairly long time and here's my shitty opinion on it, playing against level 20-30s+

The game is much too locked down. Everything you do is what Blizzard wants you to do. There's no advanced movement or aiming mechanics, what's on the box is what happens ingame. No depth at all.

All aspect of individual skill is completely removed from the game in favor of team composition. I could write a lengthy paragraph but long story short, this game could be a MOBA and the ingame meta and gameplay wouldn't change an iota.

Playing against retards is a very different game vs playing actual experienced players, at which point it just becomes a rock paper scissors regardless of how good you can aim. or how bad the other guy can't.

I really wanted to buy and enjoy this but it's just extremely casual shit. It's very polished and very shallow.

I agree. That shit makes 0 sense.

Because of the Teleport. The reduced travel time can be just as useful as a healer if not more so.

why is her big toe so square?

and her turrets slow. She offers a lot of utility.

You know… I really like Junkrat because he's similar to the demo from TF2 but I can't help feeling like Pharah (or whatever her name is) kinda just plays the same exact role better. Junk has the traps but that bitch can basically fly forever and also has a knockback. In my eyes they're the same character with a very slight twist.

I like the game a lot and I do agree with this.
They made it so you could only play your character one way - and the way you play is how they intended you to play it.

I can't help but feel like the reason it feels so shallow is because the game actually did get gutted toward the end of development.

The game was supposed to have "loadouts" in a sense where you could customize your characters' abilities to an extreme margin, to the point of almost replacing your kit and definitely playstyle with an entirely different one; however this idea was scrapped because it was tied to the progression system and the developers didn't want to gate abilities/ability customization behind a progression system (in that case a level 1 would have very little chance versus a level 50) and decided to scrap the whole system about a year ago.

It really is a shame too, because even though I still do enjoy the game quite a bit I feel like the game could have been much better with a customizable kit and set of abilities for each character.

junkrat's ult is a good line breaker

Pharah's is bleh

Yeah the ult is the twist I was referring to and is really the only thing that separates them imo. Pharah's ult is… okay. It can get you a kill or two. I just feel like her kit is so strong anyway it doesn't matter that her ult isn't amazing.

Motherfucker he screams some moon shit before it comes out, and the dragon itself is loud and slow as fuck.
If you havent gotten out of the way already you have nobody to blame but yourself

And its not even a fucking instant kill, it deals damage over time.
So even if you do just stand around like a brainless twat you can just walk out of it, unless you were already almost dead.

Her charged orb attack also goes through Rheinharts and wilsons shields.

I only have fun with Roadhog

Junkrat has the fact that you can lob shots over shields or around corners going for him.

Git gud, erry time i see bastion or dwarf on the enemy team its a free win.

DVA is used to harass backline

Mercy and Lucio are the best coz of rez and still do damage while healing+speed

Mei, shouldn't even allow her to get close

Overwatch launch reminds me of TF2, L2P

does anyone want to play with me my only friend is gone for the weekend.

I'll second this. One of the reasons the 3D F-Zero games have so much replayability is because of the exploits, tricks, and strategies found in their engines. GX wouldn't be complete without the myriad Momentum Turbo techniques players can pull off to reach maximum fast. If your game is just a homogenized box of bland with nothing for high skill players to sink their teeth into then expect your game to be slowly but surely forgotten

How the fuck does it decide the play of the game

you might have interrupted an ulti, kill streak or someone doing something the game deemed significant

I agree about the dorf. I think he's fucking garbage and his sentry is trash. I honestly don't even see the point of playing him. Don't understand why anyone thinks he's good.

You'd think they'd see the other guys hiding behind a shield and be smart enough to recognize they could be doing the same, but no, every time I try to play Reinhardt I get retards who think the right place to be is in front of the tank where they're sitting ducks.

Any skins released that fix tumblrbait's dykecut
Cause other than the disgusting hair and the bland as fuck voice acting typical to the game, would recieve snu snu from

I'm surprised that no one has mentioned that this game is pretty much exactly Dirty Bomb, which my friend got me to play for like two days forever ago. Shit gets old fast.
I'll play it this weekend, but Blizzard can fuck its own mouth to death if they think I'm going to pay twice as much as TF2 costed when it still costed something.

I'll join you nigger. I usually end up playing support, because no one else ever wants to do it.
Just like in every fucking game ever.

I refuse to play her pretty much because of her fucked off hair.
Also because you're better off being Mei instead of her.
The arctic skins are the only acceptable ones she has.

I almost forgot about Dirty Bomb. It could have been a lot better if it weren't for the typical Nexon Jewery that permeated every facet of that game. Any company that attempts to do that half-assed """""""""F2P""""""""" model deserves to have their kneecaps busted in with a fucking sledgehammer.

A focused healer. Duh. Zenyatta has a heal too :^)

theres a skin where shes in some kinda Russian Arctic Army outfit, can't see any skin or hair.

I think the game is a repetitive, unbalanced, scatterbrained piece of trash, but as soon as I heard Lucio and other characters use spicy maymays such as "i can't even", I dropped this shit harder than an ugly baby.
80% of the fucking roster sounds annoying anyways.

And I almost forgot about Nexon.
Man, I used to get down on Atlantica Online some years back, before I came to the realization that it was literally pay to win.

Also, work with your fucking team and get good m8.

Don't get me wrong, I totally agree. It's shit.
Just let me enjoy the NEW and SHINY of it before that fully sinks in and I disregard its existence for the rest of my life.

What's your blizzard account name bullshit, friendo. by the way I have crippling social anxiety, so I'll try my hardest to not be a pain in the ass

Didn't Dirty Bomb avoid the usual p2w traps?

I get ya.
Just the fact that the devs actually think that memes and things like Mei referencing goddamn "Let it go" from Frozen is a good idea for character writing really irks me as much as other aspects of the game that I don't particularly enjoy.

My name is GhostRobot.
[spoiler]We're all here for a reason.[spoiler]
Hope you don't expect top tier shit out of me.

I remember the amount of grind to get a new character being fucking ridiculous, but the game was such ass I couldn't be bothered for me than a couple of days before dropping it and calling my friend a faggot for getting me to download it.
So at the very least, they really wanted to motivate you to give them dosh for that.

Oh hell no. They have to be the worst company in existence when it comes to that stuff. I wrote a long-ass autistic rant about this, and now I've finally found a reason to post it.

The thing I dislike most about this game is the awful pay-to-Win model. It sports the same model as the uber-popular League of Legends, where a selection of characters are free for a designated time slot before being rotated out for other characters.

The idea of the model is to let free players experience most/all the characters without paying (provided they play at the right times), giving them a taste without actually giving them the outright freedom to play as them whenever they want. This way, if a free player plays as a merc they really like during their rotation, they may be inclined to shell out cash money in order to own him. Though it is possible to buy these mercs without spending real money, it takes a very long time. Obvously this is good for the devs, but not for the players nor their wallets.

I have two major problems with this model. For one, this game is only in beta and the devs have already put in several outlets through which they can nickel and dime players of this 'free' game. You can buy individual mercs and specific loadout packs, although there is a starter pack for thirty dollars that gives you five decent mercs as well as some additional goodies. In addition to this, there are XP multipliers for purchase that level you up faster for a certain amount of time, as well as special cases for sale that are guranteed to put out good loadout cards.

Never mind that this is a model actively designed to try and drain the user's bank account as fast as possible. They're a business, not a charity, and they're out to make a buck. I understand that, even if the model is completely terrible. My largest gripe is that they've already gone ahead and put this into a game that's only in BETA. It's not even finished yet and they think it's already good enough to suck up your next paycheck. It's shameless and should put a bad taste in any gamer's mouth.

The second thing I dislike about this model is that it's managed to convince gamers that it isn't pay-to-win when it so obviously is.The problem is not with the loadouts. They aren't exactly dealbreakers that will give one player OP gear while the F2P player is left in the dust, as the easily obtained loadouts contain the same perks as the higher valued ones. The only thing the shiny loadouts offer is cosmetic glitz, which I don't care about. If there ever were a way to make money off of a free game without making it P2W, it's through cosmetics.

Hear me out. What makes this game P2W is the same "merc rotation model" that LoL has been getting away with for years now. When you shell out money on this game (that is still in BETA), you get an advantage over players who have not spent money in the form of more tactical versatility. If you and even just a few people on your team have every single character in the game to choose from, you can pick and choose accordingly depending on what map you'll be playing and what role you'll be playing. If you're going up against a team full of people who only have Aura, Skyhammer, and maybe one or two other temporarily free mercs, you're going to fucking steamroll them. Ever had a team in TF2 full of nothing but snipers and spies? Remember how well that worked out?

If your team has a sniper and theirs doesn't, you don't have to worry about counter-snipers. You can just hang back and headshot people all day long, they won't be able to touch you. If your team has someone who can plant, defuse, and repair things incredibly fast (such as Fletcher), you're gonna blast through every single objective much easier. They won't be able to defuse fast enough, they won't be able to repair fast enough, and they won't be able to keep up with how fast you can bring back your EV, no matter how many Skyhammer airstrikes they throw at it. If you have a Rhino with a medic constantly at their side to revive and heal them (heavy/medic is still a killer combo even after 8 years, man), that's another tool in your arsenal that used correctly will throw the game your way. I could go on and list more, but I hope you get the idea. I don't think it's even this bad in League.

Though it's certainly 100% possible to win as a team of free players based solely on skill alone, it's an enormous hurdle to overcome against a team of people with fatter wallets. Everyone has to work triple overtime in order to deal with the curveballs the other team gets to throw at you simply because they threw some cash at the developers. I've seen it happen, but more often than not I've seen games get completely crushed because our healing stations and airstrikes (which are basically worthless in the Underground level, an otherwise fine level, might I add) were worthless against a team with mines, grenades, snipers, cloaking devices, miniguns, and giant sky lasers at their disposal.

I really want to like this game, but there's too much BS on top of all the fun gameplay to make it consistently enjoyable. Wait to see if this awful model goes away once/if it ever comes out of BETA. It's entirely possible that the devs will just take the money and run, leaving the game as it is and doing nothing other than taking off the BETA tag as suckers continue to pay for the game, but I digress. I've heard people say that the model isn't P2W, but rather it's only "pay to accelerate". Really? That's just splitting hairs at that point. You're paying for an advantage over other players who didn't pay, and no matter how you look at it that just plain sucks. I won't support this monetarily, and I don't think anyone else should either. If they're going to go for a F2P model, they should do it right, and not use one that actively goes against the player.

Boy it felt good to finally post this

Jesus tap-dancing Christ, it's all coming back to me.
Fuck that game and fuck that company in particular.

Since blizzard is a piece of pure unadulterated shit i think it actually requires a "full"gamertag™, as it wouldn't even let me search for your username without the added #, so I'll give you mine; its BarberForte#1179.

I always said "if I wanted to play a game where people with more money have a clear advantage over me, I'd just play real life."

There's numbers? What kind of Nintendo friend code trash is this?

shes not as bad as i or anyone make her out to be but shes not great either and its pretty easy to negate her, and i think everyone should feel like theyre great at what they do. most characters in this game feel pretty fantastic, but shes one of the few that do not, perhaps she was nerfed at some point. it wouldnt take much to bring her to that point, just something to make her slightly less predictable, as it is shes a big brick that people sometimes let kill them when they underestimate her.

i think bow samurai has one of the best ults in the game, he doesnt need to expose himself to use it, its on demand area denial that can force enemies to either take the bad dragon in their ass or hopefully move into a disadvantageous position. you seem like you know how to play, so you know how great forcing the enemy to move can be even if you dont kill anyone with the ult directly.

it could be that theyre terrible, but you have 2 seconds to react to being frozen, its plenty of time to react in one way or another..
do you happen to know if the ult freezes faster if youre shooting them with your primary fire while theyre in your ult?

Could be worse to be honest, not everyone can afford the dota2 model but as you said, not something I'd support with my money.

How the fuck could it possibly get worse than that, just stick to Jewing people over with cosmetics and let people play the game for Christ sakes

Would it have killed them to let you launch teammates or project some sort of paladin aura or something

By it could be worse I mean it's not full jew or korean mmo tier. What you describe still gives an advantage to the paying players but in an insidious way, not outright superiority.

Right, I almost forgot about those awful Korean P2W models. The kind where you buy an item that you get to use for a few weeks and wipe the floor with everyone, at which point they make you pay for it again. Stuff like that gives me night terrors, I tell ya.

Hanzos ult isn't that great at area denial. All anyone has to do is step out of the way slightly and it won't hit them and they're still capable of shooting. With D.vas ult, you need to run to cover as soon as you can and keep the mech out of line of sight fo a few seconds. A good example is the first point on kings row, a hanzo ult would mildly annoy people at most whereas an exploding mech wins you're going to get the point as long as your team knows how to take advantage of the situation.

To play him properly you need a good team that knows how to properly take advantage of you.

That thing is basically just there to let you feel like you're contributing while you slowly walk over to wherever you're needed.

It's a decently strong poke on a long cooldown so squishiy characters can't poke you back forever. It's also good for finishing people that escape with low hp.

That's my favorite tip

How can this game be sixty dollars?
The FPS games at that price usually have a campaign, multiple gamemodes and more maps and weapons than this does.
Its not a bad game but my god is it lacking in content for the price.

Call of duty comes with what, a campaign, a full standalone mode, a shit ton of guns and perks to make your own characters with and like same number of maps these days before DLC? I may not like call of duty but it at least comes with content.

autism: the post

No user you misunderstand
This game is 40 dollars, which makes it completely okay


Fuck I recently had to deal with Heroes and General because of a friend with abysmal taste as long as he can play anything german in a ww2 setting. It really takes an incredibly shitty game to put f2p bad practices and questionable fps gameplay in perspective.

I seriously don't understand this. The price reveal was a big hit to the Overwatch hype train i feel.

They could've created the next Hearthstone or League of Legends with this but they chose to sell it for 40$. I don't get it.

cant you kill the robit before it explodes, or will it just explode earlier? ive never seen it happen, but i remember someone saying to activate matrix while you jet the bomb at the bad guys. i know its affected by reinhardt charge from experience, brought it back to me like a faithful dog. im pretty sure anyone behind his shield is immune to it. hell i dont even think it does damage to the shield, it doesnt make any sense, but thats how its work out for me i could stand like 6 feet away from the thing with the shield up and not take a scratch, maybe winston shield works too. he probably didnt have to do it considering that but hey, showed me whos boss.

hanzos ult is somewhat narrow but with a bit of foresight you can deny the enemy cover, because its not as if he has trouble killing enemies without the ult, he just needs a clear shot and it can provide that.

tf2 was 20 bucks on launch if im not mistaken. overwatch is pretty good, but i couldnt justify 40 bucks unless you were really looking forward to this but im more of a jaded cheapskate these days.
correct me if im wrong, but to be fair a lot of multiplayer focused games end up being around 40 bucks in the past, wasnt battlefield 2 about 40 bucks? and i dont think that game got free content updates. supposedly this one will, but i wouldnt be surprised if they put out some expansions later. if they dont though, then maybe theyll be on the path to redemption. but lord knows theyll be throwing away any good will the game potentially generates in the future.

They could have at least tried to align themselves to CSGO's price, definitely more people would try it out, get their friends playing and pay for some skins.

I'm here for the porn, tbh.

Maybe they need the money to fund their little pixar shorts
That's probably a better goal than funding the development of a shallow multiplayer shooter

You're right in that the paywall more than likely killing the game, and that theres no way this game is worth more than $20

But I do miss actually having to buy a multiplayer game in order to play it.


I just finished playing it for a bit, it's fun but it feels shallow, I can't see myself playing it for any extended period of time so I won't be buying it, its price is the main factor in that because it just feels like too small of a game that I won't play much to pay a large price for.
I played Reinhardt a lot, mostly out of necessity because team mates pick what you'd expect, but I love everything about him.

How do the microtransactions work? I think they're all disabled in the open beta. 40$ would be okay for a multiplayer-only title with full content.

It goes

They've went 20$ too far on this one from how i see it.


you have no idea how hard I am laughing. I just went through the exact same thing.

i find that sometimes it isnt worth playing a dedicated healer and i might do more service to the team picking someone who can keep them alive in other ways like reinhardt or zarya. sometimes soldiers heal is enough if were just taking too much vietnam type damage. when it gets that bad you still gotta be able to put your skills to use instead of relying on dumb zombies.

i honestly have no idea. im largely disinterested in cosmetics unless theres a big sale and im really enjoying the game.

ive had far more luck on mcmeme after some time in the target range, i didnt notice until then that the view shoots upwards with each shot, so make sure youre sliding your mouse down a bit to compensate.

It will be shit because it tries to copy tf2, which is shit.
It will be very popular with casuals and sfm porn people, then the hype will die down and it will have a third of tf2's userbase.

People keep making the argument that D.Va's massive armour supply keeps her alive. No, no it does not.

The damage reduction given by armour is so fucking small that it may as well not exist.
Armour blocks 5 fucking damage, so a 140 shot would be 135. D.Va's entire front side is her headbox so you take in the critical damage from getting shot anywhere in the front and the fucking awful damage reduction, then you get a walking target that can't fight anyone outside of 5 metres.

I've played the game a lot now, and among the huge roster I've narrowed it down to just Roadhog. No one else even slightly interests me. He is the ultimate shutdown machine.

I'll probably just main him until the beta is over and be done with the game forever.

Porn of Roadhog pulling Pharah out of the air and right onto his dick when?

Joke's in all of you, shit doesn't work on my computer a long side with Valve's sausage party.

brb playing an actual videogame.

Actually, my casual friend who bought every halo, bought destiny, bought titanfall etc, even called it boring.


Halo's appeal for me was always splitscreen play with friend, it is a very shit shooter otherwise. I'm guessing Overwatch just makes it unsatisfying to play with your bros.

Whoever decided that there's no damage falloff in this game is fucktarded.

On a somewhat related note, am I the only one for whom Mei was ruined when they learned she was a chink? I don't even know why, but she went from waifu to hot garbage instantly for me.



there is totally damage falloff in this game


There's something I really don't understand, egyptians went extinct a hundred of years and mudlsim took their places.
How the fuck they will reappear into the future?

She's not a Chink, sure as hell wasn't born as one, creatively speaking.

Overwatch is casual normalfag console rubbish and isn't even worth the bother even if by some cosmic miracle it went f2p. Even DOOM was better than this stack of faeces.


You know koreabot's gun is a machine shotgun, right

Someone said there wasn't not too long ago, and I just went with it. We are taking into account that D.Va's cannons fire like a shotgun, right?
Why are we bitching about the amount of damage armor health reduces again then?

Good prediction, here's mine

there will be a robot version of KKK.

This fucking artist game me my ancient Egypt fetish.

10/10 game, Blizzshits.


LMAO I knew Holla Forums was retarded but this is a new low

This play of the match shit is retarded.
I got one with D.Va a little bit ago, and I'm not even sure I killed anyone during it.
Half the time it's just someone using their ult, and the other half of the time it's Bastion just existing.

They really really want the good goys to buy the microtransactions when the game comes out
If the game was actually free to play they'd probably go full warframe

I don't understand why they didn't just do the Dota 2 thing and make the game free to play with paid for cosmetics. I mean it's not like Dota 2 is doing more harm than good to Valve's bank account right now.

They will pay.

People pay $10 every month to shitpost; People had tf2 inventories worth thousands of dollars and paid for hacks; People gave money to Shekel Citizen.

It's esentially dickwaving contests behind paywalls where the house always wins.

You and me both user.
2d browns are wonderful.

They should rename play of the match to 'quickest kill successions of the match' to not upset the autists here.

It's a mixture of quickest kills in succession and ult shutdowns. I think it also counts you comboing a kill off a teammate's ability. It also definitely counts for more if the kills are done on the objective.

I thought Holla Forums was supposed to be good at video games?

How new are you?

I thought it was just based on how many of those fire points you earned in a short amount of time

was playing with some mates and we put turrets on those moving platforms at the end of the snowy map in the industrial area, we were getting our asses kicked before and once we did that the game was a breeze, the enemy team never came close to capturing the last point.

I just don't see the utility, D.Va's pretty simple and doesn't have a lot going for her on paper

its not like you cant bumrush people with the jet and use the defense to escape
any thread mentioning overwatch contains the highest amounts of concentrated autism and butt hurt ive ever seen

sounds like you didnt win fast enough

She's got the best movement ability in the game on a 4 second cooldown paired with the easiest to use shotguns, and an ult she can catapult across the map that is capable of wiping the enemy team.

That being said she is pretty much fodder against good players.

She sure is good at getting her killing streaks posted at the end of the match, but they're a dirty lie.

I can only imagine the lag and general inaccuracy of the shots.

not to mention tickling someone across the map counts as an elimination if they die afterwards

When I was lv 10 I had 1 purple and 3 gold skins.

I-I guess I might buy it when it drops to $20 is a bad tank, not a bad character.

I don't know if it had anything to do with or some PoV shittery

Holla Forums is 90% casuals that just complain about anything and when anyone is actually good at something here they get called an autist and all you get is

20 ticks? No wonder.


Haha you're so cool user teach me how to be as cool as you

Thanks for wasting 2 minutes of my time game.

Happened again.

What the fuck blizzard.


It's easy. You just stop giving a shit about this game, get your dick out and start pumping.

might as well save you the time since you were going to pick DVa

See I'm not shit like you and actually win games.

Classes that almost copy TF2 characters identically and a payload mode lifted straight from TF2. I'm enjoying Overwatch but let's not bullshit here, buddy.

Game is dead on arrival.
It's been out less than a month and already we can see the first arguments about it
We're one fucking patch away from

There is something called FLANKING. I got killed by flankers several times in turret mode and I did the same to others a few times too. If you use your brains you can do it too.
I think flanking can be done against the dwarf's turret too but it will be a bit harder. My turrets usually got destroyed after the other team realized where they were. It was always one guy in front of it while the other came from behind.

That always happens to any game.

Though the game seems to have a fairly long queue time for a blizzard game that's just come out.

Turret spins around almost instantly, faster than the TF2 turret.


That said the best character is because she is the hottest and has the best porn.

Imo this game needs to get rid of most ults and make most characters (except tanks) a bit more resilient.



Why don't they just make it p2p? That way at least one person would have good connection is my waifu. I didn't even knew about her untill beta came out.


People are debating on the balance of a new multiplayer game


I know that feel user. Its called being a Holla Forums's cockslave. You basically obey everything Holla Forums is telling you and don't play video games.

Since i founded Dark Souls 2 and Dragon Age Inquisition better games than Holla Forums described to me, i stopped being Holla Forums's cockslave.

[/spoiler]Although i'l be honest, i am not buying it after beta ends. Even if i liked the girls,[/spoiler]

Yeah those kill cams are absurd. I'll run around a corner and die and then on the replay I was apparently standing in the middle of the street jerking off.

Stop trolling user

You forgot its also beta. Its also made for fun, not for balance.

Should I screencap this and come back in six months?

Have you noticed that not a single person plays as Zarya, despite he is being in beta?

It's releasing on the 24th.
And there have been pro teams for months.

Surely Actiblizzard can afford better astroturfers than you, Pajeet.

When beta closes by the way?


Yeah yeah, i bet your favorite fps game is cs:go or tf2. And you are gonna tell me about praising something heavily marketed.

Fuck, only two days left, gonna return to playing it.

that's because she is utter shit and isn't ever useful. her role is better filled by almost any other character. just like dikes in real life!

You can have both, I don't know where you people get the idea from that balanced games can't be fun.

I have this one friend I met on Holla Forums a bunch of years ago who is exactly like this. He has strong opinions on games before they launch and he's basically just a parrot for anything Holla Forums says. Like yes, I have opinions on games before release too based on previous history of the developer and general trends or just from watching the development cycle but I'm always willing to try something for myself and see if I'm wrong. Not him, though… if Holla Forums said something it's like it just got ironed into his brain that it's true.

She really does seem like hot garbage. I've played her a couple times and just felt like there was no point in picking her over other characters.

How much more history of disappointment do you soppy cunts need for Blizzard? Are you going to buy Legion too because maybe they really did stop shitting on WoW despite nearly a decade of doing otherwise?

Hearthstone is fun. I never played HOTS because it looked shitty. I haven't played WoW since TBC. I haven't played Diablo 3 yet but I heard it got better after the initial fuck ups on release.

Ultimately I'm playing the beta and enjoying it. I admit it feels a little shallow, though.

My point being that I'm not a Blizzard fanboy, if that wasn't clear.

They should have had one, at most two days of open beta imo.

People are wizening up to how shallow the game is.

You guys burgers or in Europe ? I'm looking for folks to play with, I'm yuropoor though.

Of course a balanced game can be fun, user.
But this is going to be a battle of pros vs casuals. Something that might be balanced in the hands of a pro might be ridiculous in a pub stomp. And something that might have to be balanced so the casuals can continue to have fun can ruin it for the pros.

The fact that pro teams have already existed for a game in beta is a huge warning bell for me. But hey, in this day and age, even mediocre games can somehow keep a pro scene afloat.

I instinctually hate this game simply for the absolute laziness when it comes to artistic direction. TF2, the game this one is so very desperately apeing, had a very distinct, cartoony, art-deco style inspired by 20th century industry, and made team affiliation incredibly easy to spot (before valve added cancerous cosmetics). Overwatch has no consistent art direction beyond "vaguely cartoony/futuristic" and simply copy-pastes generic archetypes and tropes together (usually with some kind of uninsipred "twist" to make it seem like some kind of thought actually went into the design process) to make a bloated roster of characters that is obviously meant to pander to as many people as possible.
This is a game made by committee to try and corner both the TF2 and MOBA market, then shilled EVERWHERE to make absolutely sure that it's the next big thing, despite the fact that everyone will forget it exists in 2-3 years, whereas TF2 has lasted for almost 10 years and is STILL the best team objective-based shooter on the market.

tl;dr Overwatch is a corporate abortion shilled to high heaven and doomed to obscurity after making a quick buck for activision

I hope the amount of porn increases.

That's all this game is good for, really.

the fact that every thread for this game isn't just a porn dump is undisputable proof that these are shill threads

I know people that pre-ordered this game, why?

Not like the amount of porn can decrease

It has a pixar ripoff artstyle, and is trying to copy league of legends more than TF2
Get your shit straight

Yeah well you just lost a customer, who's laughing now?

And anyone else think the damage is random? I just got one shot by the floating indian robot with one discord orb then one hit from his charged attack as a reaper.

I also found that the number of melee hits requried to kill bots in training mode appear random.

It's entirely possible that it has absurd damage spread.
I wouldn't put it past Blizzard

you can dump porn. no ones gonna report you

i didnt, and it actually really pisses me off. DVa is at least regarded as a child by other characters. i think blizzard is largely against lolis because they dont want porn of them. to tarnish their image. i remember hearing something along those lines about children in wow

Remake the game with a focus on speed, bring it to Unreal Tournament levels. There, game is now actually decent.

the genie robot has a charge attack secondary which i think could one shot lighter classes if they all connect with at least one headshot. i think its 25 damage per orb with up to 5? further boosted if he casts discord on you first, but i dont think you can cast while charging.

yeah, he fucking hurts.

Only one hit according both my screen and the death cam

My experience with the game has been

It's a shame, as some of the waifus like the big-titted Eskimo or the muscle chick *if she had non-shit hair* are appealing to my fetishes, it's just the gameplay is embarrassingly shallow and just feels like a MOBA or some shit..

Typical Holla Forums

That's probably the easiest way to tell that you don't belong here.


I should have said "increase faster"

was there a blue beam attached to him from a mercy? thats a damage boost, combined with discord it should be enough to kill a lighter class with a headshot

You shoulda've seen the amount of people whining about Ni-Oh.

Are you seriously surprised there are no lolis in an American game?

Ohhoho, you would be surprised how many people are braindead then.

Because not everyone's a pathetic jobless faggot that will never amount to anything?

I'd rather just have a Reinhardt tbh. His shield is bigger, lasts for as long as he likes and he's a cool germany cyborg knight, not a retarded parody of their slant eyes who play Bllizzard's dead as shit RTS.

Sorry about you being a faggot user, hope a cure is found soon.

wew lad

Are you twelve or just retarded user?

I'm guessing both.

I hope you don't mind if I add you too. My account was made when I was like 14 or 15 so the name's kind of embarrassing, any way to change that shit?


not to mention he just eats DVa for breakfast
dont even finish her off if she runs away, let her live so she can be useless for a half hour. just remember to shield your defenses so she cant gain charge to prolong her suffering

good post


Everyone whining about:
The game says differently at literally all levels of play. It's not fantastic, but pretty much boils down to nobody playing Bastion at high levels.
All of them can be shut down except Reinhardt's slam (Widow's wallhack is a sign for everyone to get behind a Reinhardt shield, Hanzo's dragons can be REFLECTED by Genji, and Zarya can shield Tracer's pulse bomb target and boost her own damage a shitton).
Skill based matchmaking. If you're not shit, then keep playing, and see how long you destroy people for. For me, it was about a week, and then I started playing against Quake and TF2 pros.

Oh, and PotG system sucks. Nobody likes it and Blizz can't figure out how to fix it.

Which is what blizz is counting on considering their entry fee

You forgot about everything countering McCree's ultimate.



How about the part where the game is shit?

Played it, it was shit.
It just plays like an assfaggots in first person to me.
I was winning and just not having fun.

holy shit what?

How do you shut down reaper that jumped into the middle of your team who has armor and shield and is being healed?

I dunno, it's fun chasing her down when her shitty robot is dead.

Wish I was so shit at this game I get matched with D.Vas who charge into enemies and lost against reinhart ) =

You faggots can't stop talking about this shit, can you?

Go away.

Bump to upset the faggot : )

I know, user. It's hard.

Ya. I even made a webbum for you.

He can't have more than 75 armor and 25 shield. He could be shielded by a Zarya on top of that, just for hypothetical silliness, and his ult will still do exactly zero damage if a reinhardt blocks it (which obviously requires people are positioning well).

Added. Where do you live, in what continent? Changed my name to something less shit

Clearly I am the faggot for liking a Blizzard "We make toys for children now" game.

*Not liking, even

wew lad

Tried the game only because my friends are big Blizzard fans. Not too bad with other but then again what isn't? Only interesting characters I found were Genji and Roadhog

No it just means you're shilling it. All publicity is good publicity, isn't it?

You hook him, and then chain a single shotgun blast into a melee.

Roadhog a best

D.Va is fine, considering she's never meant to damage all that much. She's far better as a harass and ult neutralizer. She never wants to engage in a fair fight and that's why her other skills have such a low cooldown.

Every single one of those characters is hard countered by Pharah rocket fucking every single one of them at range or from above.

Bastion's range still needs a nerf though, his deployed mode has no fucking falloff and his self-heal, despite being clunky and somewhat difficult to use in a split second decision circumstance, ends up making him pretty ridiculously strong against anything that isn't Pharah. I haven't found any team comp or strategy that works except Pharah, and it's a bit stupid.

I'm going to need you to stop talking about games. We don't like shills around here.

So we're agreed. Let's lock the thread and never look back. :^)

Game has a lot of aiming and mouse issues. I feel like my accuracy is a lot worse than it should be. Not to mention there's some really awful input delay problems unless I turn the graphics all the way down. Even then there's still moments where it feels like the mouse just accelerates randomly. Even just strafing and trying to keep a bead on a single point, it just feels off. Not sure how to explain it.

I think that having damage dropoff is the best alternative to making a weapon really inaccurate. Complete rando bullet spread will always be bullshit and leave things up to rngsus

We're having fucking daily threads of this shit game when there are STILL threads of this pure shit alive.

How the fuck you guys can play this monstruosity is beyond me, and those should not be welcomed here or we'll get swarmed by fucking retards.

I get this too, especially with Pharah and Black Widow.

Doing it wrong, D.Va is the best.

I'm having fun with it despite all its issues.

I was thinking why I'm not doing so well in it as compared to say UT4, and I realized that Overwatch is more of a luck than skill based game.
If you die in UT you know exactly why you did and what you could do to avoid it but in Overwatch if you run into an enemy ability at low health or an ulti you're shit out of luck and will most likely die no matter what you do. Same story with a turret when no other players are around, unless it's at low health or you're a tank you're completely fucked.

Oh yeah if you can get it it's hilarious, but failing that, making the enemy focus you and dealing no damage because of your skills is D.Va's true purpose. It's why she pops out of her mech on death, to encourage people to focus heavily on her and fight for that kill.

Don't respond to the avatarfag, I've seen him in multiple threads across tons of games, he hates everything and his opinions are just as shit.

that's because it's a MOBA, not a shooter

its gotta be a lore thing, or can he reflect many ults?

He can reflect bullets
How many other ults do you know that are bullets

Bastion and Torbjorn's turret just shouldn't be deploy-able on top of moving objects. I don't get why the fuck you're allowed to deploy a turret ON TOP OF the fucking escort cart.

Either way a lot of the balance in the game just feels off. Some classes don't seem to do any decent damage at all, where-as others get to throw heavy damage all over the place. Combine this with people sometimes having insane health pools, either because they're tanks or because they're buffed by an ultimate, and you just end up with half the classes using peashooters.

defense matrix is a pretty powerful skill but its cooldown isnt really short enough if you have to hold the fort or go balls to the wall offense. like you said, she wont make the cut in a fair fight, if that one use of it wasnt enough to swing the fight in your teams favor and shit goes down, you either have to tickle the enemy or else actually go toe to toe with them so she can do damage, which will get her killed extremely fast. being situational is fine, but shes almost completely unable to perform otherwise and is quite average at what she actually can do.
i would not count on pharah to take on zenyatta at range or above, he is very much within his comfort zone attacking someone out in the open like that, if he spots you in time he can drop you extremely fast.

he can deflect a hell of a lot more than bullets apparently. it would probably be easier to list what he can not.

Like what
And don't you fucking dare say "arrows"

List of things Genji can't deflect

Projectiles like arrows.
The description of the ability says "projectiles". I would assume literally every projectile in the game can be deflected, but when it comes to abilities its more of a question whether the thing you throw is classified as a projectile or not.

You have to be pretty retarded if you think defense matrix aka counter everything has too long a cooldown. Learn to position you retarded piece of shit.

Genji can deflect another genji's ultimate too. I'm guessing since it counts as a projectile due to increased range or something retarded like that.

well this video seems pretty old but its terrifying

it has too long a cooldown to make a meaningful difference in an actual fight against competent enemies, yes. i dont know what kind of retards youve been playing against that put themselves in a position where theyll be in a bad situation when they know your defense matrix is up. oh you prevented some damage? congratulations, shes not unique in this regard at all. you playing against bots?

Basically the kids saying that D.Va isn't good are the retards who charge into five enemies and cry that they died.

And they can't aim, including the defense matrix.

I hope ranked games are implemented soon so I can laugh at the retards saying D.Va isn't great.

you have no excuse for never having played the game youre talking about

What is D.Va then? A less mobile, higher damage close range brawler compared to say, Winston?

First mention of SJWs is in your post buddy. The criticisms of her in this thread is that she's a shit character with shitty hair

Admittedly not. I've found she works the absolute best on flank. Her ult is great at applying pressure, but never feel compelled to use it until you're sure the team can't really deal with you.

Also never use it in the air if you can be sniped or hooked. People instinctively look up when they hear her voice line.

I feel you're measuring her dps output a little too harshly. She can do comparable damage to Reinhardt and Winston, but loses to a charged Zarya and Roadhog.

Ultimately, the idea is that you switch heroes to match the situation posed and gain an advantage. Every hero is situational, D.Va's strength being that she gets to manipulate the situation, harass and nullify entire ults, while also getting some crowd control with her general nature as a massive target.

She's not hard to kill, she's incredibly annoying to kill, like a fly that just won't stop buzzing. Her mobility lets her get behind the team and just force the enemy to focus you. Who doesn't want the "easy", "out of position", "vulnerable" tank that they know only takes a few hits? You have to kill her twice, who wouldn't take that opportunity, having cracked her shell to go for the kill? That's exactly what she wants, and if you play into that she'll do impressive damage out of her mech.

She's not useful in open areas typically, but she can help push past a Bastion nest that's too hard to push through otherwise. Put her in a corridor or tighter situation though and her guns apply some great pressure, and defense matrix will just carry you to a team wipe. Her damage is statistically higher out of her mech thanks to her pistol having far greater range, and she's slippery enough that people ignore that fact, or you can easily finish off any weak heroes that already took a beating from the front.

Sorry you're too shit to react to players

People are literally complaining that defense matrix's 'angle is too narrow'

This fucking board.

My point is that when there's a long range sniper or such around, D.Va needs to fly around a limited amount with not all that stellar speed while Winston can jump almost anywhere with a single leap to fuck some snipers up.

a somewhat resilient ambusher who can hopefully outlast her opponents. generally relying on enemies mistakes more than personal skill.

switching characters is a part of the game yes, but in her case the situational aspect isnt necessarily tied to what your enemy is playing but the positioning of your enemies which can easily change, although thats absolutely a factor since certain characters either punish her easily or completely negate her harassment campaign.
wanting enemies that you cant stand up against to chase you is hilarious fun but wouldnt it be more effective if you presented more than a meager threat, relying on enemies stupidity is not a very reliable strategy.

every post i see in favor of DVas effectiveness seem to be favorable anecdotes and strawmen.
some anons even mention melee with her, which has been nerfed, admittedly her guns do more damage than melee at melee range. i have a feeling some of the people who say shes alright havent been putting her to practice lately.

so uh would anyone like to play?

No, ask halfchan or reddit.

Why would I do that when there's been two OW threads gone much past 300 posts?
Obviously there are anons interested in the game.

Just go back to playing your dedgaem hatfortress and fuck off

Shills and retards are not welcomed here.

I was going to play with you until you revealed you were a faggot. Fuck off.

keep deluding yourself, retard
the site is dead as far as users go and has no influence. Marketing teams wouldn't even bother with it, even if they fucking knew the site existed

keep crying though nigger, I'll be the one person today to acknowledge your existance

Those two were proven to be actual shills.

It has been proven by Mods that there are people making this kind of threads that has 0 post history on Holla Forums or Holla Forums for that matters.

Yes, we have shills and we have retards. Sometimes we have both, like you.

Keep eating shit, by all means, I only see this game as a containment game for the likes of you.

Then by extension that makes this a containment thread
Which you are posting in

again, keep deluding yourself you blithering retard
nobody fucking cares about this site, there's no reason for a marketing team to even notice it (first all because they don't even know it exists)
Maybe during the sites peak but we're quite a ways detached from that time

proof or fuck off

also someone having no post history is not indicative of 'shills' you fucking idiot, not everyone has a static IP (if you use one when browsing you're a fucking moron)

If this game has this much interest in the open beta, I can't wait for the inevitable generals that are going to form on release, and hopefully I'll see you there :^)

He can deflect fat Mad Max's hook- It happens to me all the time. I'm starting to get matched up with people that aren't shit and it reminds me that I'm actually bad at videogames.

Like I'd trust satan to tell anything more than a half-truth.

(several hours later)
Add the other guy and then add me through him or something. Apparently there's numbers after your name, and I don't know what mine are.

You can tell what region people play in by their start of their battletag #
e.g. [name]#1xxx would be a burger (or NA) and [name]#2xxx would be a europoor

Pick a hard counter against one of them and you're almost guaranteed to do okay.

I notice most people seem to be attracted to the "playmakr!!//!11"-bait characters like Widowmaker, Tracer, Genji.
Absolute cancer all three of them

fuck off shill

why the fuck couldnt they have just given you all these fun things at the beginning instead of locking them behind CoD4 cancer progression

Except the UI is excellent, basic features like matchmaking actually work, everything is fast and nice, and the jewery is clear up front.

I've put 400hrs+ into DB and enjoying OW enough to drop it. It's a shame but it's clear that DB devs don't have the resources to make it actually good. Also DB is not p2w, just pay to show off.

Holy Christ.

He can deflect Reinhardt's wave.

you mean a sly wraithfag

every post i see questioning DVas effectiveness seem to be unfavorable anecdotes and strawmen.

some anons even mention 'mah low mobility' and 'mah low damage', which shows how retarded they are. Admittedly her guns do more damage than melee at melee range, and the retards here probably go into panic mode and shoot wildly, missing everything. I have a feeling some of the people who say shes not good are just shit at video games and should stick to Widowmaker, Tracer, Genji.
