Hey guys, just a liberal from Europe looking for a discussion. I feel like the right and the left have reached a point of no respect, no actual debate to be held. I'm looking for a civilized debate without name-calling and I will try my best to respond to all of your serious questions.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll bite. What kind of liberal are you, what ideology do you follow?
If progressive liberalism, why do you support the invasion and demographic-displacement of the white ancestral homelands?
Actually, I support more of libertarian philosophy mixed with some progressive policies regarding healthcare - basically Berniefag, without the desire to help Israel commit international crimes. I support certain amount of immigration, because if you look into basic info on immigrants, the long term benefits are worth the risks. I also understand that vetting is important and necessary - so, what Angela Merkel did for example, was definitely wrong. However, I don't think that what Hungary did was right either. I believe that everyone should get a chance at a safe, peaceful life. Sometimes that means vetting out dangerous element, but letting moderates in. They will, in time, provide additional workforce and families.
Since when did liberals hate freedom of speech? Last I remember all the underground leftist types were fighting against censorship. Is this just another opinion they have when it's convient for them??
I the slightest feeling you're a troll because I can't even recall when a liberal accepted a debate, let alone initiated one, especially since adopting there no platform tactic.
I think it's the loud stupid minority vs. quiet smart majority kind of thing. Same as everywhere. If you think that I am not disgusted by Slate, Huff or fucking Vox, you would be wrong. I do actually try to read both right-wing and left-wing news. The only way I would support censorship in any way, shape, or form would be if it prevented loss of innocent life. So, would I censor the recruitment videos from ISIS? Absolutely. Do I want to censor you? No.
Also, I think that if I wanted to troll, there are a lot of easier ways to do that than through debate.
I'm gonna take that as a compliment, thanks.
First off, stop namefagging. We have IDs here and will be able to differentiate your posts from our own and those of other Holla Forumsacks.
Do they, what exactly are those benefits? If you're going to talk about economic benefits would socialism not fix those?
Does the drawback of breeding whites into obscurity outweigh the benefit of a constant stream of new benefactors of debt?
What about whites? Do you think that making their quality of life less safe is a good thing, or something that should be tolerated?
Moderate until they have a decent population and form a nation with in your nation, setting up their own laws and attacking anyone else.
90% of the refugees in the U.S. alone are on welfare. They provide nothing to the workforce, no cheap labor for corporations to abuse, despite their push for more refugees and immigration.
In 20 years we'll be the foreigners in our own nations. Even if we stopped all immigration, the people Europe and the U.S. have taken in breed like rodents, and will continuously lower the quality of life, and overpopulate our nations, and eventually replace us. We don't need immigrants, they only benefit the rich liberals say they want to put an end to.
The time your peaceful invaders trid to sack paris.
Actually, there is always a small spike of violence during any immigration period, however, statistically the second generation is even less violent than the native population, which is really strange and to be honest, I don't know why. Also, for example, the latest attack in Germany was actually done by a muslim that was already supposed to be deported, however the agency that was supposed to take care of that slipped up thanks to merkels fucked up policy.
It sucks that we don't have a better vetting system, what would probably help a lot would be stopping Saudi Arabia from funding their fucking mosques with Wahabi ideology and trying to manufacture terrorists in Europe. Because we approached the migration divided, without unified policy on vetting, now we are getting the fruits of our own division. That doesn't mean that a safe vetting can't be done, just that Europe fucked up.
To the welfare point - many of the people who were accepted into US did not know English, or had degrees that would be now useless, or had been injured etc. I think that it's normal that for few years you do need to invest into them.
To the moderate point: What is currently happening in Bangladesh and many of the videos you can see online of Muslims being dicks - that is Wahabism for you. I think it would be better if we identified correctly the sect that is causing trouble and fought against it (Saudi Arabia), than to blanket-statement a huge portion of Earths population. I'm not saying that violent muslims are not from other denominations as well, however the majority is pretty solidly either Wahabi or Salafi (feel free to correct me on the second one.)
So because our politicians fucked up we should stop letting people in and do what? Shoot at them? I get that you don't like other cultures or that you are frightened by them - that is perfectly normal, but we need to solve this crisis and the only way to solve it is by working together and to make sure that we have a system in place that can protect both them and us.
Cool, how about you go over and reform Islam for them then. Then, we can let in millions of cheap labor for corporations who will displace us from our own homes. This isn't another culture, this is multiple other races, multiple religions, multiple ethnicity's. they have their own ways of handling them selves. They will not, and will never be compatible with western nations. And even if they were, why would we want to kill our selves? Our culture, our religions, our ethnicity's. Your lack of self preservation and making up excuses for aliens is insane. Do you think Wahhabi is the reason whites in South African are killed? Humans are, and will continue being tribalists. Either we dominate in our regions, or they do.
The politicians are purposely doing this, you faggot. They take their marching orders from rootless rich kike cosmopolitans that don't give a single fuck about their own nation. Shit like this in Europe has been going on since the early 2000s, and even earlier in the USA.
Why don't you make pissrael and the gulf states take in some refugees?
Absolutely you pussy. Both the politicians, their supporters, and the refugees.
Maybe we could rustle up a negotiating table or two to help facilitate this. sage because namefagging should never be tolorated
I have no idea what namefagging is.. if you mean choosing a different name, I'll stop. Yeah, seems like a good idea for us to negotiate.
So the biggest economic, social and military superpowers (America and European Union) can't handle refugees? The reason that whites in south africa are killed has literally 0% to do with this issue.
It's one thing to be a tribalist, but another one is to wish millions to die because we can't risk it, even if we could, with the money and resources that we have. Not to mention that the risks themselves of being killed by a refugee leave me kinda cold.. several bilion to one..
I'm so sorry you have to see this, Americans.
I'm sure you'd love that. I used to call myself a liberal too, years ago. Until I realized I was willing to put my own beliefs under scrutiny and discuss them, while others were not. This alone ensures that if you are currently a liberal, you won't stay one for long.
You mind explaining what in the unholy fuck a "social superpower" is?
No, we can't handle millions of foreigners who drain our economy and out breed us, and cause riots resulting in martial law. The Roman Empire fell, so will we.
Which is why Trump wants to set up temporary safe zones in nations bordering Syria instead.
For now. In 10 years when they're the majority, you won't be saying that with a knife to your throat.
1. Do you feel that you are morally superior than most conservatives?
2. Are you atheist and believe that religion should be abolished in order to achieve peace?
3. Do you recognize the doublethink and conflict between Muslim doctrine and feminism in the liberal agenda?
4. Do you really enjoy RPGs, comic books, sci-fi, VR, and other portrayals of fictional reality?
Is that why most terrorist attacks are carried out by second-generation immigrants like san bernadino?
That doesn't excuse it, there should be no immigration at all, whites should have a right to live safely among their own people.
You still have not stated what supposed benefits to it there are, and whatever they are they surely are rooted in the artificial need for imported labor.
This is all a plot, a conspiracy if you will, devised by bankers who wish to capitalize on the dwindling value of debt-backed fiat currency. For a nation that possesses an economy based on fiat-currency, to survive it needs a constant stream of new benefactors of debt, and immigrants are the best way of acquiring said benefactors.
They have lower IQs and are more likely to take out large loans that won't be paid back because they have no real investment in the country they reside in racially or culturally, this benefits the bankers on two fronts:
one is they get their constant stream of new recipients of debt, and the second is that the native population(who contributes less to the fiat-based economy) is demographically displaced.
Think about why they want demographic displacement? I can assure you it's because someone wishes to create a population dependent on the state and the native populace of white countries is far too self-sufficient. Communism would never work with whites, so they must displace whites before they implement communism, which would ultimately either result in the creation of a mulatto slave-class or a complete and total economic failure which would lead to the deaths of millions as seen in Soviet Russia.
It has nothing to do with fear and everyting to do with the natural instinct to preserve one's race and culture. You liberals are suicidal, and democratic capitalism is your noose.
I'm quite sick with the flu and need sleep - this will be my last post, really just wanted to participate to set a good precedent for future debate - debate is very important in learning how the enemy thinks and how they can be combated ideologically - even though the time for that has long-passed
also: don't bump this faggot's thread until he stops namefagging and lrns2ID
Explain to me why I have to protect them?
In objective, non-emotional terms.
Saying we should be morally responsible for what our government is doing without the consent of the people who largely disagree with every thing they're doing, is a form of collective punishment. You're saying the entire nation deserves to suffer to help poor people that our government killed or damaged against the peoples will.
Problem, reaction, solution.
I don't want niggers, chinks, and arabs shitting up my country.
you fucking pussy faggot.
Do you support Freedom of Association and the NAP?
Do you want me to be shot???
I SWEAR this isn't a cult, goyim
defoo for moly or youll b sorry
Long term economic benefits (Mexicans in America, people from Ukraine in Europe). Not to mention that if we don't, we set up a precedens. That if we ever need to run, they can refuse us based on what we did then. I'm pretty sure that taking care of people does increase your chances to be taken care of too (not ensures them tho, I'm not blind.)
I would love if a billion useless shitskins died tomorrow. If I could push a button and kill off every shitskin instantly I would. They are a drain on the planet and serve absolutely zero purpose.
You fucking liberal faggots make me sick. Every life is not precious. Equality is a lie. Certain people deserve to exist more than others. Nature is the ultimate fascist, you insufferable pussy.
No - although as everyone ever since the beginning of time, I do think I'm right on most of the issues. That doesn't make me a better person, just a person like everyone else.
I'm an atheist, but I think that peace has to do more with economic prosperity and social equality than just religion
Yeah, it's pretty fucking obvious.
And yes, definitely yes.
If you gonna go into whole morality issue - yes we are morally responsible for what our (((goverments))) do, because we should hang them long time ago. If you want to let them because you personally didn't bomb Iraq or muh colonialism - your grandchildren will be killed or 90 IQ brown mixed race. But at least you will have your feeling of moral superiority.
Syrian safe zones Nigger. Do you think it's that hard to accomplish with the military capabilities we have and don't even know about?
You have not explained the long term economic benefits.
Native whites breeding more to replace the elderly population would produce more economic benefits than any perceived benefit by an immigrant group. Do you concede this point.
Do you honestly believe that even if we helped them now, that their nations would help us in some mythical future crisis? Do you honestly believe that even if they were willing, it would be better for us to flee to their land than to remain in our own to fix the problem?
Sorry, just heard about it now, I guess so?? But I really don't know about it at all.. sorry.
There aren't any "long-term" benefits of immigration. It's a short term labor fix that's, as the previous poster said, meant to patch up the global economic systems (faux free-trade, global lending, etc.) which are entering a new stage of their development (read: degeneration).
The argument that we should do it to "ensure our protection" is so weak it actually undermines your position. Who are going to run from in our countries? Could it actually be we're letting in a fifth column?
Mass incarceration and drug trafficking is benefiting the U.S. economy? Ukrainians share our same values, religion, and in some cases ethnicity. They come from a high quality of life nation and are used to working. They will obviously assimilate much more easily, and won't destroy our demographics. Assuming we don't take a shit ton and put them in all in a single location, taking them in is hardly an issue.
No thanks.
Those total states springing into existence
Lolno. Half of ISIS is 2nd gen European muslims.
You are a complete retard and don't know shit about them. The western world is a literal hell for any muslim and double hell for an arab muslim. Because Sodom and Gomorrah were pretty tame compared to what's going on in any major first world city. It's the young ones who see it for what it is and try to fight it with their limited ability, hence the terror.
To stop the islamic terror you would have to kill all homos, liberals, drug addicts, sluts and blasphemers.
Which would actually be nice. Pretty much the only reason people here don't support ISIS, is because they are foreign, politicaly ignorant and being used by jews.
Depending on the crisis, we may not be able to stay. If they were to help us, no idea, but I don't think that helping them is gonna make it less probable.
Yeah, no, if you were to keep that up, you'd Joffrey the whole population up. Short term, it would be better not to have massive immigration, of course. But we have it so we can either send them back to die or help them. Not to mention that you can't force people to breed without massive breach of human rights and to be honest, I would probably sooner leave Europe completely and go live my life elsewhere than to live under such regime.
The best state is small amount of immigration and a lot of reproduction, but that simply isn't feasible.
Bold statements
Tell me if you can, why do you seek to undermine and inevitably destroy the social mores that gave birth to you and your parents?
Do you believe that an ideological substitute for yourself will be able to be generated from the result of your destructive behavior?
If liberalism is the "best" path for humanity, then why can't it hold up to simple reasoning, or better yet: Humanity?
I expect the same worn out answers that can be unraveled with simple logic, and even simpler emotion.
So a fear of USA projected as a fear of consequences for not being pathologically altruistic.
So we radicalize you by being scary patriotic and you radicalize us by being pathologically altruistic.
Politics is now domestic abuse
Where did you get that statistic?
Compared to African and Arab nations, user.
It's basically the right to choose who or what you want to associate with.
If I don't want to sell to blacks, gays or chinks, I legally do not have to. If I don't want to rent my land to Mexicans, I am not legally obligated to. Should people of this right since it is immorally wrong to tell people what they can or not do with their property?
Keep in mind, people would use this law (myself included) to keep and or build all white gated communities, farms and or cities.
Oh nigger you really have drunk the cool aid haven't you. If Mexicans and Ukrainians are so good for the economy then why the fuck are Mexico and Ukraine both 3rd world shit holes.
Arriving in Europe or the US doen't magically not make you a fucking low IQ ignoramus with a backward shitty culture.
Yeah, no, because I kinda like my rights too and nobody is saying that it wouldn't apply to atheists as well.
Stick around here liberal. You'll learn to love it. Especially take a did in the redpill thread, heres a little to peak your interest.
From ISIS videos, where they tell their stories show their Euro passports.
Also If you didn't notice, all the executions are being carried out by people with british and french accents.
To be honest, that made me laugh pretty hard. Hey man, if you stop, maybe I will stop too.
not that user but,
Assuming that you are white or even a shitskin, do you really see yourself equal to the niggers selling shitty drugs on the street?
Also, there currently a thread about Race differences. Take your time to research if you want.
You do believe in money?
Would you prefer to live in one of those universes as your own?
what about high crime rates coming from blacks?
what about there always being the potentiality of groups being turned against eachother either naturally or artificially?
what about the resources necessary in order to keep this from happening?
what about the anti-liberal measures implemented in order to keep this from happening?
are you aware of the paradox of liberalism? you need to enforce it. it's similar to a tolerant society being tolerant of intolerance.
one group's liberalism is different from another's.
the only way a society can become more liberal is if it is homogeneous. this is why facism is necessary for liberalism in any given state. it is a matter of scope. all multiculturalism does is increase the quantity and potency of conflicts of interest.
it is necessary for a multicultural society to become less liberal in order to make it appear functional.
No point of discussion with irrational self-contradicting hippies with zero grasp on reality.
'''Do you have any type of survival skills?
Can you grow your own food or supply yourself with clean water to drink without relying on others?
Are these skills outdated or should they be taught and preserved?'
In relation to the alternative reality topics, Do you recognize the left's obsession with this genre. It appears weak to me and an inability to cope with reality when still do passionately followed after adulthood. Is it just a hobby or is it a comfort zone?
Alright, probably you're trolling and screen-capping responses to this thread, but I'm going to post one more time to satisfy my autism.
You say you sympathize with libertarian positions, but you don't even know about the NAP? About freedom of association? Buddy, you need to do some reading or you aren't going to get a lot out of what we're telling you. The arrogance of you saying "I think I'm right" when you haven't even done a cursory level of reading is revolting.
This response would get you laughed out of any middle-brow university's philosophy course on freedom and rights. Read up on the concepts of negative and positive freedom, please.
Wahabism is the natural and inevitable outcome of at least sunni islam.
Only global mud genocide can prevent islamic terrorism.
And how do you justify forcing me to sell you or anyone my property on your terms? Why am I being forced the only two options of 'sell to everyone or no one' on to me? And how is me choosing what to do with my own property violating your rights? Are you not violating mine to free determination?
That would be a good start.
You know the "super irch 1 % you idiots love to bitch about they are all jews….
foreigners (jews) run our press, media and the government. All the BS that is being pushed that causes life to suck that much more… crime ( they stir the pot to rile up the blacks and import in terrorist and criminals), degeneracy, inflation,etc. jews are behind it
Go become a public defender in a predominately mexican, black, or muslim community and get back with us. You'll be begging to roll 88s.
Wouldn't the safest course of action be to simply let in no Middle Easterners at all? You can't really vet them. They can just do this thing called lying. One thing that it'd be impossible for them to lie about though would be their ethnicity. We all know which part of the world Muslim terrorists come from.
This. The law professionals in my inner circle are the most bloodthirsty next the public school teachers – and that says A LOT.
That's exactly what people do to protect their borders.
You know, in Russia and China there are minefields along the borders and the border troops shoot first and ask questions later.
You mow any intruders with machineguns.
The problem is Islam and its extra dysgenized shitskins, not other cultures per se.
You do not often hear about Christianophobia, Buddhophobia, Zorooastrophobia, Hinduphobia, Sikhophobia, Taoiphobia or Sintoiphobia.
Would you care to address the trend of 2nd+ generation Saracens in European nations contributing to the vast majority of recruits from Europe to Jihadist organisations such as ISIS?
To prevent this you would have to forcefully prevent them from being Muslims as Jihad is core principle of Islam. I know progressive liberals such as yourself are keen on forcing your boots onto the necks of other Europeans but could you please start advocating the same to be done to Saracen stock and start repressing them as well (it will only be equality in action), the sane amongst us are getting a little sick of our people being massacred in the streets and our children raped by your benefits of diversity.
You know something is wrong with your ideology otherwise you wouldn’t be here flirting with us like this. You know that Europe isn’t as safe as it was and you understand that it has been facilitated by the spread of “progressive liberalism”. You will reject any argument made by us under the guise of it not being backed up Government sanctified sources, and if it is you will find another reason to dismiss it. It’s all in vain, you know things are very wrong and that you are a part of the problem.
Unless you are rusing, in which case CEASE at once!
nonone that isn't British or Germanic should be allowed into the US. Anglo-Germanic= American
The balkans are covered in landmines to this day.
to add to that also fuck them why should we make room for ugly blacks and allow them to breed out our people in favor of theirs?
This guy has to be rusing. What's interesting though is that the trend of second generation immigrants becoming even worse than their parents is infinitely compounded by a rediscovery of radical Islam. I thank God that the Mexicans in America don't have a radical, imperial faith.
I don't doubt it in the slightest, but the implications of source butthurt makes me chortle.
Tell that to the patron saint of cocaine-slangin'
Human rights, user? Human rights are a meme. Literally a social construct, in the real application of that term.
Where will you go? White countries invented human rights. White countries are the only places with those "rights" presently guaranteed by the state. If incentivising people to have more kids is a big violation of rights, where will you go? The Middle-East? China? South America? Please.
1st gens are not any less radical. They just know how to taqiyya better while 2nd gen shitskins feel entitled due to citizenship papers.
mexicans like blacks revert back to their voodoo magic shaman religions/superstitions given enough time away from white influence.
It was their parents who were radical, well radical in so much that they left Islam for their is no "moderate Islam". It is what it is, the holy texts and teachings are VERY clear on this.
The second generation are simply Muslim where as their parents (for tactical reasons for the most part) were unobservant Muslims, that is to say were not Muslims.
m8, this shit is crypto-catholicism, it's fucking huge with spics.
How could I forget. Fucking skeleton warlock worshipping cartel motherfuckers.
That's absolutely true, but there's a weakness in the immigrant children who feel a need to signal even further than their parents to compensate for not having any ties to their land. That's what I was alluding to, but obvious both have no business in our nations.
This. Savages gonna savage regardless of percentage of White rapegenes.
Even Albania with its predominantly European genetic background is an absolutely barbaric shithole due to one drop rule.
death Mary…. which is heresy and I believe related to some indian death deity which as also a woman.
Yup I meant white influence as in white people being in charge of the civilization… At one point an Austrian monarch was in charge of Mexico.
Well it looks like OP was indeed a Ruseman, he has Rustled our feathers nicely on a monday morning and scampered off chortling to himself.
Sandliberals retreat when threatened, but they will be back soon, and in much greater numbers….
Not Mary, a demon masking itself as Mary that appeared at a temple in Mexico at Guadalupe.
I suspect it of being some kind of lich, they're known for raising the dead, forming armies, and sacking shit with them. kek will solve it
No harm in keeping our debating skills sharp in between mememagical shitposting.
I used to think corporeal undead as physically impossible but after all those mememagics I am starting to be spooked from the plausibility of skellingtons walking among us.
This was entry-level shit
>tfw can't sleep because keep coughing myself up
We all have a skeleton inside us user, they're fucking everywhere.
But really, that "toynbee idea" guy was onto something, the dead can theoretically be raised under the right conditions.
Will I obtain a Skellie gf?
Didn't mean to post the Saracen SK8erz.
You got singles for a reason, faggot.
right-wing carving squads when
I think he's gay lad
Stop fat shaming the skellies.
P-please no…
boner inducing.
>boner inducing.
You can't say Paris is safer now than in the 60s, you can't say east LA is either, you just can't. It amazes me that people admit that the government will lie to your face but can't believe they will fudge numbers and cherry pick to get it to match a socially acceptable answer.
That ID.
They can stay in Turkey and liberals can send them money.
your porn-addled mind is the only thing that's lewd here
Nothing wrong with liking a nice pair of Boobies.
You don't love the foreigner, you just hate your neighbor. The middle class are being enslaved through taxes so that polygamy leftovers can live a life of luxury.
boobies doesn't lead to one getting "boib8" out of that niggers ID, you're a degenerate user.
Calling out Boobie ID's is a time-honoured practice. It is our culture.
We just shitposting now, boys?
What do you think, should I drink my beer or go to sleep. It's 2 in the morning.
wouldn't that be 8008 and shit like that?
beer promotes oestrogen tbh.
better sleep = more testosterone
What is the best alcohol to drink then that promotes the least amount of estrogen?
Rum, made from sugar.
It isn't a textbook play but it counts IMO.
Say b00ib with a Boston accent.
Eurofag here. I hope you realize some day soon that no amount of righthink on your part will save you. Liberals always eat their own.
You do realise that the majority of blacks in south africa are immigrants?
That they came AFTER whites built the country?
Do some research, SA is EXTREMELY RELEVANT.
Germany accepted 2.5 million migrants, from 2015-7. Only six of them are now gainfully employed.
Yes, thats a start.
Source? If true, could be useful.
i've got one question, how can you believe in the equality of the races? how come there are no african superpowers even though most of africa is full of oil, gold and diamonds? how come niggers, after 150 years of freedom, affirmative action and racial quota still live like backwards porch monkeys?
well what great civilisations have ever prospered south of the sahara before that? not many, if not none
yeah niggers started out poor but most of them could keep their jobs, the only difference was that they got paid now. irish on the other hand were treated way worse and never saw affirmative action or any similar programs, and still the irish are better off in todays society than the niggers