Don't forget to post vidya games~
Webm thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>not vidya op
hopefully the hotpocketer won't bumplock this one
Slow thread tonight.
It's Friday, all the normal fags are out with their friends
I've said it before about this webm, but I love hearing girls with deep voices.
Will I be able to get into this game even if I don't like guro?
I want my 3 minutes back.
You'll never get them back
That's your own damn fault.
The world must be ending and no one told me.
Their first film did better over there than either Britain or the States. The DVD for the Holy Grail comes with Japanese Subtitles in all regions. Azumanga Daioh had a reference to the defence against fruit sketch.
Monty Python was a thing in the us? Didn't knew that.
My dad watched Holy Grail at the theater.
what the fuck is a 'video game'?
You forgot the best theme.
first time converting pls no bully
what was this from i need more rich evans in my life
Previously Recorded
Rich Evans and AIDS Moby stream flavor of the month video games on Twitch and then reupload it on youtube with the occasional game review. If you're lucky you'll catch Jay dropping in on the conversation. Half the dialogue is them reading the joke names of channel subscribers.
Previsously recorded.
They do reviews for popular games, a lot of the time indie games and upload their twitch streams. The reviews are kinda like half in the bag by RLM but much worse since Jack sucks off nearly every pretentious walking simulator they play. That particular webm came from the extra video from the Quantum Break review which was actually decent because both of them were shitting on the game hard.
I mainly like to listen to their streams as back ground noise.
Probably. But if you're into VN-ish games and can deal with anime.
Do you expect me to read that?
Bumping with random jap shit that I don't have thumbnails for webms in the file viewer.
how do I give webms thumbnails?
Give me a few minutes and I can shit out a better one
Well, I know what I'm doing the rest of tonight.
its just like /k/s brownes
I request all your nikkis
Here is a cool some user posted yesterday.
M8 I can't read nip and my webms don't show thumbnails when I go to upload. This is a crapshoot.
That was me and I got it off some other user in a previous nikki thread
There is a criminally severe lack of multiplayer games where you can build your own car and do mad skids to the tunes of badly written spaghetti disco.
omg 4chan was right all along
The Guy is Baking and he is baking the Apple Pies in the Oven and he is cooking the Apple Pies in the Oven and once it is Ready and they say I want you to Eat 50 Apple Pies at Once and eat them all right now and he started to eat Apple Pies and then his Stomach got Upset and they said that is too bad then he Finally Fall down and they said Get Up then he barley eat 50 Apple Pies.
Ok that one was shit. Moving on.
The Guy is Frying up the Ground Beef and he is Cooking the Ground Beef and I am Getting Tomatoes and Lettuce with Cheese Ready and i get the Burrito Shells and he is using the Taco Seasoning on the Hamburgers once it is Ready then they Say I want you to eat 50 Burritos at Once Eat them Right Now then he started to Eat Burritos and he kept on Eating Burritos then his Stomach got Upset then they Said That's Too Bad then they Said Eat 10 More Burritos then he finally Falls Down then they Said Get Up eat 5 More Burritos then he can't take it anymore then he finally Eats 50 Burritos After While.
A hundred million years, and squids are quicker than women to utilize physical objects as tools.
I ain't clicking that shit nigga, post a webm or mp4 you lazy faggot.
Close range?!
Post more Frenda please.
It's been a while since I've seen innocence like this.
I fucking hate aidsmoby
I don't think a more disingenuous unfunny cuck exists on this fucking planet.
That's how I feel about visual novels.
i am aroused
I would if I could FUCKING FIND IT.
seriously, how do I give my webms thumbnails? I have to sift through a sea of traffic cones here.
install gentoo
Dear god, anime is so fucking shit it hurts.
I swear to fucking god, user, you better not be watching pewdiepie. I'll fucking cut you.
Maximum faggotry.
What a god awful song
Posting rich evans is fine. Posting Aidsmoby is unnacptable. IF your gonna upload pre rec cut that fucking nigger out of the footage
Got any more?
sauce for this anime?
It's Mitsudomoe.
found the channel
thanks man.
I had the computer hibiki beat my ass so many times, but I don't remember this at all.
What the hell was going on there? A zombie outbreak or something? That reminded me of a better version of better than this
That would be interesting marketing for a zombie story. Don't show the zombies, show the effects of the zombies.
Have we reached the point where implications of zombies are scarier than the actual zombies?
That is just 30 seconds on a Russian street on a normal day. There is a reason they require the installation of dashcams in order to get car insurance.
Nah, just Russians driving.
Shit, I actually know this russian girl who's loved one was just in a fatal accident.
I always think about how it would be fun to be able to work for one of those viral marketing or undercover shill groups. Most of them seem to do a pretty shitty job though, so I don't know.
Well that's basic horror isn't it? Not showing the monster and leaving it up to the audience's imagination is often times much scarier.
I hope zombie shit goes away soon though. TWD can't stay popular forever. R-right?
Since he himself admit that he shit at reviewing games, can we spot pretending that he not shit at reviewing games?
What the fuck is this garbage?
What sort of lowly scum would produce/animate/consume such degenerate and perverse pedophilic media about primary schoolers in such overtly sexual situations?
I hope everyone involved in creating, distributing, and watching this shit dies violently from being anally raped by a baseball bat wrapped in razor wire
How's it pedophilic?
How is it not?
Anybody have that one of the guy getting an oculus and using it to fap to 3d renders and 50 cent?
You were implying suppositories were somehow sexual. I've had hemorrhoids before don't do that. No one likes suppositories or hemorrhoids user.
quit playing dumb
They're not real children. Japan has a lower age of consent than America or Europe. Cultural differences make it more acceptable in Japan.
Shut the fuck up and post more vidya webm's you massive insufferable fucking faggot.
That can't be real hardware, even mednafen sounds and looks better.
Yourocuck detected.
good shit
I really miss a lot of older booting up screens, but I've always seen PS1's on a regular enough basis that I haven't been able to. It just seems so normal to me.
Did you guys ever see those people who didn't realize the PlayStation logo was a P and a S?
isn't that art of fighting 2 muh nigga?
Better quality.
German dubbed anime
That is a new one
Forgot to sage
just art of fighting 1
the nigga here is a eraserhead haired nigga in art of fighting 2
Did someone try this again with all setting turned "off"? I am curious to see what happens is that case.
for anyone wondering
It would be great if there were an actual good legit boxing game out there that wasn't just the usual EA sports shit. Ready 2 Rumble boxing was a cool little arcadey way to play a boxing game, but it's not the most polished way a boxing game could be done and get's old after the first playthrough when I played it.
A good old action RPG where you play a boxer, maybe with some out of the ring encounters would be cool.
The children depicted look way below the consent age, and even then, you're only fucking deluded yourself.
Man he's fucking lost it. How long till he offs himself I wonder.
That isn't how 2d fetishes work
You're a weirdo, stop liking what I don't like.
That wasn't said in either my comment or the video, good job.
Good taste nigga.
and Now im depressed
Is that done by the hell cop people?
Awesome. I fucking love anime.
Did Inferno Copu get something else?
nvm found it
just as bad as buzzfeed, why are you even linking to this site? use
Sauce is Space Patrol Luluco and yes anime was saved again.
Best one in the thread.
Much appreciated.
Never disappoint, Holla Forums.
R.I.P. Sonic…
Be the change you want to see in the world.
at least post something while you complain
That was such a terrible anime.
Why don't more games have shit like this? Didn't really matter anyway since the reloads were so damn rare you'd never get one.
Birthday Warning has been Issued for Ontario on Tuesday June 7, 2016 and it will be a lot of Birthday Cakes and Ice Cream Cakes People in Ontario You Have to be Prepared for the Birthday it is going to Happen on Tuesday June 7, 2016 Birthday will be So Powerful for Ontario It will Have a lot of Birthday Cakes, It May Have a lot of Ice Cream Cakes and It May Have a lot of Decorations and Balloons as well. People in Ontario Be Prepared Have your Pizzas Ready, Have your Burgers Ready, Have your Chinese Food Ready and Have your Decorations and Balloons Read. There will be a lot of Mess Especially in Toronto Ontario and North Bay Ontario and Severe Birthday will also hit Southern Ontario, Northern Ontario and Northwestern Ontario Including Thunder Bay and People in Ontario Be Prepared for the Birthday On Tuesday June 7, 2016 Take Care and Stay Safe and Don't Get Caught in Birthday Stay Safe.
The onion is nice, but they are not really uploading any videos these days.
At least they still make articles
They're all about their joke-but-technically-genuine clickbait nowadays.
because real news became funnier than its parody.
What is this from?
Deadly premonition.
Fucking awesome
Can someone webm this? please?
Anyone have the "danzo buta" Japanese meme?
That's it. What's the fucking source?
I don't have a translation, but here's the original video.
Thanks! Hope a translation pops up.
Kill yourself
I am in love
Late reply, but set a different program like MPC as your default program for webms/mp4s.
IA left gobbergaber because he got butthurt that people gave him shit for getting sucked off by his Asian gf during a stream.
Hey, don't give jimbo bad PR :^)
I wonder if illusion workers are big fans of that anime.