Looks pretty nice and doesn't just play at the western front which is a good things.
Battlefield 5 a.k.a Battlefield 1 Trailer is out
Other urls found in this thread:
Rule 6 mr shill
The name sounds dumber every time i hear it.
Couldn't they come up with something better? Like Battlefield: The Great War or Battlefield: World War.
Looks great
but this shit, just fuck off, fucking bullshit history revisionists. I hope the game fails horribly
You know there were plenty of black soldiers in WW1, right?
Hold the fuck up…
read up you fucking twats
I wouldn't go as far as putting them on the cover, but tons of black men fought in WWI.
In means of graphics yes, but gamplay, well it can't be worser than BF4.
That's not the cover, it's pre-order Harlem Hellfighters dlc
You could have pointed to the colonial troops, but no
I think its actually a cool concept to go back to world war 2 considering the recent stagnation of futuristic shooter
Niggers form the French/English colonies where at those war, so it's not that dumb. I guess they also were treated by niggers.
Anyway, I like this trailer because WW1 footage (and even reconstitutions) always look boring as fuck, while during this I was genuinely looking forward for the action
So, might look at streams
Holy fucking shit i'm dyeing. SWEDEN YES.
Check their Youtube, it's the final cover.
sure thing
Jesus Christ, you guys being paid hourly now?
The colonial troops that Germany, Italy, Britian, and Belgium had are an even better example than this
Where did history lessons go?
I really want to see a feminist write an article about how this game lacks women.
That's because the individual of nubian ancesty is here to illustrate the Harlem Hellfighters content pack
>remake of this without the humor
He looks ubuntu m8
Funny enough, afro americans weren't allowed in WW1 so many of them fought for France or Canada until the Harlem Hellfighters were founded.
Its viraling
Every time an EA game is released this happens.
Happened with Battlefront and will happen to this one.
That move like jets.
Area hazard autodeath. Awesome.
Like any other game like this?
Pretty sure none of those helmets were in the trailer were they?
There were so many fucking filters & blur going on in that trailer I couldn't tell if it was a genuine WW1 game or an alternate history timeline.
I've never dropped a game so fast. They had all those opportunities to make a great game and they managed to fuck up every single point.
To be fair, I waited 10 years, watching TuggieGameReviews for a couple years, waiting for Battlefront. Battlefield is just a franchise that's released every few years.
those aren't uppity african americans aka niggers though
This viral thread may as well just turn into a /his/ thread while we're here
But look up Askari and Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck
There was also the Harlem Hellfighters, though they showed up late. There were thousands of black fighters in WW1, most of them under colonial control
Pickelhauben weren't use after the first month, since they were made of leather.
It looks interesting. I like the idea of a WW1 game that isn't a slow trench warfare game or RTS.
Hoping I'll get in the "beta" and be able to play around in it for a bit so that I can avoid buying it like I did with Hardline.
That just helps my argument, its being pushed as hard.
The nig is probably either an Askari under German command or he stole the gun
I'm not a shill I just want to be a proud prussian soldier fighting french frogs in ypern for the kaiser and the german kaiserreich.
I'm not saying it's a-historical, I'm saying it's dumb
In a war where tens of millions fought and died, that number is tiny and does definitely not justify putting a nigger on the cover
Niggers didnt make me drop it, the trailer and the in engine gameplay segments did
Reminder that the game will have unremovable hitmarkers for that "immersion" factor and no mod support.
Enjoy buying maps for your unfinished game by the way.
Are you really gonna pretend you dont know what a nigger is just so you can be right on the internet? What the fuck do words like PLENTY TONS and THOUSANDS even mean? How weasely can you get
Either the guy stole a fuckload of German gear or he is the first option which I really doubt. This is Sweden and US we're talking about after all, I'd be surprised if they even let people play Germans without reminding that 30 years later they will be evil nazis.
Mount and Blade, Verdun, WWI Source and The Great War for COH
Now fuckoff
remove chimp
Its damage control so you buy the game.
They're trying to justify this shitty SJW tier somehow
Black dude isn't the first thing that comes to my mind when i think of WW1 you know.
I agree about the cover. It'd make more sense if the game took place in East Africa or something, where everyone was enlisting the natives into the armed forces
I'm hoping that's what that desert map was supposed to be
Have you ever seen how fast a propeller aircraft can be, they are still used toda, turboprops you know.
They put the gas in vessels which broke when they hit the floor like most normal bombs.
They were used by the Germans and Austro-hungarian military for a long time, they even had camouflage, but were later replaced with the Stahlhelm which was used in WW1 by the Germans too.
Yeah, but they were still used by several colonial powers during the war. Shouldn't be on the cover, but I did see someone mention that it's probably the cover for a Harlem Hellfighters DLC (Why they'd make DLC for when the war was almost over is beyond me)
This is reminding of that thread where people had to explain to OP that Mafia doesn't automatically equal Italian Mafia
You mean a public demo to generate twitch interest?
Here have some more triggering stuff.
That fucking amount of disrespect. What is going on with edgy electronic music and WWI?
Daily reminder that this is not alt-history and all that cool shit actually existed during ww1
No live pigeon in the box? What a ripoff.
EA will fuck this up and the trailer is cinematic but I'm surprised.
I want to say people are retarded but schools don't teach WW1 they barely teach WW2 besdies MUH HOLOCAUST.
Not pictured: the endless waiting around in trenches fighting over the same territory for years
I'm not wrong, am I?
You're not. There's the possibility he looted some tasty German engineering but I doubt these retarded fucks know what they're doing.
Fuckoff autist
tbh fam, they still got everything wrong, like what the fuck are tanks doing in something that looks like Africa?! They were only deployed on western front in France and Germany.
Yes. Before they came up with armored vehicles warfare was unberable and dull. Russia still someway managed to fuck things up before the invention of tonks.
What's the deal, does a nignog make you that triggered. Those of you that have an idea of history know that one of the main reason of the outbreak of WW1 was the colonies, so it's no surprise that a nignog is involved. But what do I expect from people that just have played dwarf fortress and dungeon keeper in their life.
DICE was like the last decent thing to come from Sweden, this is just sad.
You guys seem pretty triggered by a black character in a video game.
Welp, goodbye, verdun
you were good while you lasted, but no amount of snowball fights and sending letters home can compare to flying a biplane.
Jesus christ, this is one of the worst ones ive seen
Lots of shills today
If they would be really progressive, they would've made the main character white German.
For such talks about acceptance and not judging people they sure like to avoid sympahtizing with Germans when it comes to any war.
Get one (you), get a second (you) for free!
Meh. At least the major players in the FPS market are actually trying something new. Have to give them props for that, but doesn't change the fact that this is DICE and EA. Expect the worst.
Just for fun, Battlefield isn't very realistic but who cares.
When has Holla Forums ever liked a game.
I mean, there's a Holla Forums thread up about it:
>>>Holla Forums5915798
If they were going down the colonies route then they should've chosen a pajeet.
But they got the blackest fucking coon they could model.
why would you not be triggered by non-representative representation of WW1? how many black people were there? how many niggers even?
Except is right, while only Russians used women in army (and the female battalions got disbanded due to under-performing, which is extremely hilarious considering how entire Russian army was underperforming the whole time), the possibility of soldiers from colonies serving is not out of the question. Though if I was in charge of this I'd rather have an Indian soldier, those were more present in British army.
Yeah nah, they know exactly what they're doing.
Guy said "main reason for the outbreak of the war" was the colonies, not the alliances.
Here watch this channel, they are awesome.
Also read this book - Storm of Steel, it is very good, from a perspective of war addicted German. Unlike most others it isn't anti war book. Hitler also liked it.
This is gonna fuel the Holla Forums for weeks.
Why are you guys so upset at EA for pandering to their target audience?
He was a nationalist proud to do his duty, not some "war addict"
There's always faggots coming here from either cuckchan or Faggit, what's the problem, u mad everyone still hates niggers?
stay casual as fuck, user.
It really isn't that great feeling when they go back to WW1 just to make it World War
Can't wait for that gay romance
Fuck i take that back there aren't many WW1 games. Was thinking of WW2
Sorry, not everyone is a predjudiced edgelord like you. Same as SJWs with their "everyone this this is right but conservative reactionaries".
Personally I was here from the first exodus, I assume you came here during Holla Forums cuckening.
This takes me back…
He wasn't addicted to war per se, more like adventure addict. Read up on his exploits prior to war, he joined FFL.
I'm more bothered that there's anons that might legitimately believe there were no niggers during WW1.
That doesn't seem accurate either. Have you heard of "ein frischer fröhlicher Krieg"?
nobody is saying there were none
The salt in this thread is glorious, the best part is that some retards in this thread are probably posting in the GoymerGay thread as well pretending their movement is about ethics in game journalism.
It's pretty obvious that if they had the power SJWs have they too would be censoring video games for not falling in line with their views.
Niggers made up a very VERY small percentage of armies during that time
Yes they are, you're just mad people still hate niggers :^), stay triggered faggot
Hi newfag
Damn, RIP Verdun
Heres a (You)
Oh, I assume you must be one of those faggots who would avatarfag on /legion/, then?
not sure where your retarded idea of GG comes from
lets see some non hacking gameplay you little no-skill lonely faggot, you should give in to those thoughts and kill yourself already. You already know for a fact that your parent's never loved you, you living today is just a burden to them and you're a complete disappointment to the family. I bet you got bullied everyday at school and just laid there and took it like a submissive little bitch, so its why you choose to cheat in every game you play huh? Mommy and daddy issues?
I'd be arresting kikes, not controlling who makes muh vidya gaems
Obviously he's just baiting for this particular reaction. He even used smug anime girl, that's a dead giveaway.
Wew, this is some next level sjw pandering
The term's chock full, user.
This shit is fucking perfect, thank you EA, both naziboo Holla Forumslacks and sodium rich goons are crawling out of the woodwork…
Salt for the Salt Throne!
New for them at least. The shitty elements remain.
I just noticed
Why the fuck they need to put the fucking Juggernauts from modern shooters into WW1?
On that we can agree
Yo thanks bae
Battlefield 1 for the Xbox One? But I thought this was supposed to be next gen?
I'd like to thank black people on behalf of all the western Europeans for saving us from the Dirty Germans in WW1 and WW2
Well there goes a second chance to turn Battlefield shit-thread into cozy WWI history thread.
I guest such things are too much to expect from this site.
Back to containment, Johnny.
you're combatting a strawman of people's actual position
hope you feel good about "winning" against that
nobody is saying there were none
Here's my suggestion: Create a thread with OP being something like "Now that Battlefield 1 is announced, can we talk about World War 1 games that are not shit"? Big AAA announcements are bound to always incite shitposting like that.
You guys know if this outsold infinite Warfare. You know how Activision will probably respond by heading back to modern combat? Calling it now!
CALL OF DUTY Current Warfare
plot summary
Ive only ever posted on Holla Forums, I was here when it only had 1.5k users, 8th gen was saged and dubsbombed, we had regular Rob, S.T.A.L.K.E.R and E.Y.E threads and shill threads like these were dubsbombed before Mark got all pissy about people dubsbombing blatant Nintendo shill threads before he sold his 3DS.
Shit was actually comfy and shitposting awasnd shilling were at a minimum back then
Good times
I go to /n/ sometimes
Now fuckoff back to Holla Forums
So german army is represented by a nigger? Why?
It's like having a woman represent the turks…
Doesn't really remind me of the first world war either. Instead some modernized shit.
Alsace-Lorraine isn't a colony you idiot.
Call me a shill all you want, but I am actually optimistic of this
Then why are you getting so triggered about one black guy on the cover? What rule dictates that the poster boy or the protagonist of the story has to represent the mean of individuals participating?
Because it gets an emotinal reaction from dumb-fuck SJWs such as yourself.
Not to mention the guy in fucking full-body metal armor hip-firing an MG.
No… they will respond with this
But Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4 were good games.
Oh, I forgot: m-muh VOIP
and who said I was buying it cuntrag
Everytime, they dont even change their posts, most is copypasta at this point
Cuba also send like 40 soldiers, should we put them on the cover?
Because Cubans don't differentiate as well as blacks.
Nigga looks like he's about to drop the sickest mixtape
Not even a price announced
And BF3/4 DLC sucks
If its BF3 but with WWI tech then its not shit
WWI was the war where people were given midevil armor and swords to attack people close to trenches. Its going to be goofy as fuck
Does BBC stand for British Broadcast Channel or Big Black Cock.
He's not even on the cover or in the games story it's just a poster for the harlem hellfighters DLC pack.
I thought post quality was going down in late 2015 but Holla Forums straight up became shit this year.
BF3 > BF4
This thread need more "buzzkill" and "Holla Forums hates vidya" posts.
Havent seen those for a while now.
Battlefield 4 was indeed a good game, one year after it was launched and all troubles were fixed.
but as say, it's still inferior to 3
wrong BF4 is better than 3
Racism, mate. It would be fighting right wing white men in the US.
Battlefield 3 and 4 are both shit, series shouldve stopped at bad company 2
Are you even trying?
You're fucking right.
I like them both and played both of them but BF4 was nice for the free DLCs and the remastered maps.
Speaking of which, how do you know he's not in the game?
Except the image in particular is for the Harlem Hellfighters DLC, which seems to focus specifically on the battles involving that regiment
I have not seen a single negro in the trailer.
Even Bad Company 2 was too much. But then again I'm still mad how badly 2142 got shafted.
Ive deposited 15 shekels to your account goy, good job.
Let me get this straight
It started with 1942 user.
Imagine where we could be with the amount of things you can destroy and interact with in the enviroment instead of these scripted events. Or what would've happened if they would've continued with the 2142
Put a chink on it.Aren't they minorities too? Why the fuck is always niggers?
Yea you could see the severe decline in bad company 2 but it was still decent.
I'm saying the colonies didn't matter that much in causing the war.
People here have always known they were going to jump the Shark.
Even normalfags knew that.
The real question was when?
How many times has there been a darkie in the cover?
At least read before you reply
too much
Exactly why I dropped battlefield 3, it was just call of duty with vehicles
You sure showed me
Doesn't really compare though, Call of Duty started with 3 ww2 games, Battlefield started with 1942 then had Vietnam and BF2 before being a futuristic shooter and that was just one game, CoD has a bunch of futuristic ones.
Dude stop. They are inventing new breeds of niggers and jews at Holla Forums over this. Let the salt flow.
We wuz
Urban Chaos
Every PES and Fifa
San Andreas
Give me chinks,nips and gooks.Where is their depiction? Didn't they fought in WW1? This is racist
Technically it's not revisionism, but black combatants were a small minority in WWI so that cover is blatant pandering.
You really aren't better than SJWs
Keep pretending
As expected of a swedish dev, surprised it took this long.
I want to fuck that Lego
I thought 2142 was earlier in the series. Sorry.
Still a pretty big departure from the previous games in the series.
Nah, it was BF2 with missing features, map packs, dlcs, premium and CoD tier progression.
Again, prove me wrong
There's a historical basis for having nigs in the game, and if it's a themed DLC revolving around a specifically black regiment, then it still makes sense for a nig to be on the image
They're trying really hard to make Jamal look like a badass when in reality he'd be digging trenches and wouldn't be trusted with a firearm.
careful nigga, them bitches be crazy
This is advanced autism, folks
All DICE games look pretty, but are shallow on content and rushed by EA.
Battlefront was a good example of this. They have to patch in new content constantly and then make everyone pay for the maps they wanted from the originals.
If only
But Battlefield 1942 is 1
Everytime I see this written I can stop but think how far up its ass this industry has gone.
That's why I said BF2 with missing/streamlined features. Metro definitely was CoD tier and there was this one CQC map pack I haven't touched but it still had some relatively big maps compared to CoD. It was a shit battlefield game though and made me give up on the series entirely.
Like always, I'm not a CoD fan but Dice and EA will have all the right to laugh at Activision and it's repetitive game when they release one that work perfectly since the very first day
You and me both brother
Never bought an EA game since then, never will again.
You posted the same exact thing on Holla Forums
Nigger, President Wilson himself ordered for as many able-bodies men as possible to enlist, and that included nigs. They weren't the majority, but they're undeniably a part of WW1, not even counting the colonial troops
Once again publishers show they know nothing about war or weapons.
posting for the bump limit
This thread is a fucking shitshow.
As for the game, it looks pretty interesting.
To be honest this is at their loss, they're pandering to a minority within a minority in all advanced nations, if they're really pushing for this shit they must've been paid from someone higher up to not lose all their actual video game revenue from the production of these loathsome miniatures.
And theyll do it again on E3 and several times before its released.
And so the cycle begins anew.
EA shills are the most rabid Ive ever seen.
Not even NuDoom is being shillled this hard.
The game is made by swedish developers
this one is the best
jesus christ…
People want a Call of Duty Killer so badly without realizing that the only one that can kill CoD is another CoD
Yeah, people making an opinion on the game based on a cinematic trailer.
Worry not, We'll be the ones laughing latter for the downgrade and the bugs
So… I'm guessing it's a sub-saharan soldier, likely from Nigeria (British Empire), holding a pistol and some sorta mace; probably one native to his country.
I fail to see the issue.
Dice really should start learning counting. Seems like they missed out on some essentials here and there.
And normalfags will still eat it up.
Honestly beyond that I want to see how much of a joke the game will be to make ww1 combat appealing and "exciting" enough for the triple A shooter audience considering the tech and weapon variety there was back then.
A war is what western society fucking needs today as a wake up call from its decadence. Half of SJW cancer is being overly sheltered and making a scene over utter bullshit – having to endure a war would set the priorities of all those fucks straight.
All kikes will be killed.
All queers will be killed.
All trannies will be killed.
All spics will be deported or killed.
All niggers will be deported or killed.
There is nothing you can do to stop it.
what was wrong with them, I enjoyed them both
Doing Gods work anons
Ill be laughing when they announce another Battlefront next year in their never ending quest to annualize shitty overmarketed shooters and get those shekels fast and steady.
Watch the shills make another thread tomorrow complaining how the big bad shitpistets killed any discussion of the no gameplay announcement.
anyone know where I can get the sequel for this comic it's impossible to find.
Is this the one?
inb4 cant into sadpanda
can't into sad panda.
Like Pottery
Tell me about ww1 veterans, why do they wear the nose?
what's this? the most cancerous game company around releases a trailer that tells us literally nothing but it looks great and whips the retards and normals into a buying frenzy? impossible
It happened again this year?
What a surprising turn of events
You have to be blind to not see that was a Turkish fuckboy.
WWI games in general are a bad idea. Most of the time soldiers were just sitting in the trenches hoping not to get blown up. When they attacked offensively they usually relied on the old style of walking out into the open in lines, taking aim and firing if they weren't mowed down by machine guns first
There is no way a game can deliver an accurate experience of this war.
at least there might be something good to come out of this
Smell my cheese
It was a horrible tactic, but it was practiced in WW1. I'm pretty sure someone tried it with a Lewis, as they were fairly portable compared to other LMGs of the time.
I think it's pretty neat but I am instead going to appropriate some of these ideas for my fantasy world.
Honestly, though, they're acting like fucking faggots.
look man, i think this game looks like shit too, but you need to educate yourself. read infantry attacks by erwin rommel (yes, that rommel); he made his name by being the ballsiest ww1 commander around and almost exclusively was involved in highly mobile actions
Everyone is going to be a special snowflake now, hooray.
Wasnt the nigger tipping you off?
Tell me more how a WWI game would not be possible because you would be gunned down as soon as you went over the top or how they would spend their time hiding in craters or being bombed by mustard gas.
While ignoring the fact that most wars are like that.
Snow is white user
Black Ice, fam. Can't deal.
so much meat on this hookity hook
Interesting, but since it's EA I have 0 hopes for it.
Speaking of which, BF51 is being received much more positively than the new CoD. Could BF be taking over as the most popular shooter on the market? I'd love to see CoD de-throned, but EA is the last company I would want to take over
It doesnt matter if call of duty is dethroned, call of duty dethroned medal of honor and nothing changed.
Looks pretty cool.
Last time a BF game excited me was BC2 and 1942.
Might pick this up.
Most of those people are Battlefield downbiating are Battlefield fans.
And half of them will buy CoD as well.
CoD is going to sell well but not as well as Blops2 and Battlefield Juan will sell around BF4 numbers.
Cowadoody trailer was actually more interesting to me than this turd.
Maybe its because its Sci Fi and all the casual mechanics make sense and the music.
I dont know and doesnt matter, both games will be garbage.
Remember Hardline? Of course you don't
It's no different to 2143 in that regard
you faggots are just like SJWs
anyways if they actually make it a good battlefield game and don't fuck up the launch I might even pay money for this.
key word: might
fuck off, it makes you gag and messes with your vision. It'll be more of a way to disorient enemies and force them to look around for gas masks.
I did the same with Battlefront and Hardline
Be seeing you
Jesus Christ user
Fifty inbound
Don't care about what the stormfags and shills in this thread say about the game, it's Xbone limited-time exclusive and made by Dice and fucking EA.
That's everything you need to know.
And done
Everytime, like clockwork. Go choke on a bag of dicks
oh really? Because both you and them get triggered when a character has a skin color that you don't like and ignore almost everything else in favor of bitching about it.
What a waste of dubs.
What that? I cant hear you over the sound of you gargling cum
I didn't say like, I don't give a shit
besides as pointed out above they certainly existed. They were in the vast minority, but they were there nonetheless. If they want to market their game with it then I don't give a shit, I'll only care when they inevitably fuck up the launch and sell half the game as DLC.
Hi there SA
what part of it looked like shit? They haven't even showed a game this is just some shitty cinematic trailer.
Nigger lover.
Uhh that looks more like it would fit in with Destiny or Star Wars Battlefront than it would a WWI game.
What? WWI was a massive memo to all nations that trench warfare=nogood. The only time we saw trench warfare after WWI was the Iran-Iraq war, which is considered one of the most brual wars of all time.
No it's not, good job Holla Forums
This is going suck fucking dick, god damn I hate watching my favorite games get raped by faggot corporations.
b- but it said in-engine footage at the beginning
Though yeah, I will continue my tradition of pirating these types of games purely for the campaign, BlOps 3 left me satisfied with theirs, I'm wondering if this will be good and I enjoyed BF4's campaign
I bet you suck dick for free.
You fucking retard.
That campaign was the single most incoherent, pointless and idiotic I've ever played. Nit a single shred of tilt made sense, it was just set piece after set piece in different environments to show off the engine and that ending? What the fuck?
Of course I let Irish die- that fucking idiotic Nigger ignored direct orders for no other reason than "sheeeeeiiit" and the consequences of which ended up with tons of people killed and even with the Gook whore's betrayal and how little sense it made it was still more plausable than Irish's motives were.
I'm that guy who enjoys a character because of his voice actor and Irish's VA is a crook in a TV show I used to watch back then
And even though it's shallow, I need my eye candy games once in a while, unless it's just eye-candy-walking-simulator, then it sucks
Speaking of eye candy, is Project Cars worth pirating, considering how I never liked racing games? It does look gorgeous
The 15-year-olds from Holla Forums are plaguing this board like the fucking mudslimes in Europe.
Go home.
Nice Divide and Conquer attempt, Faggot.
What the fuck?
That was meant for
Stop treating Holla Forums like it's your territory fag.
and the saddest part is that i even had a sliver of hope after BF3, BF4, and Battlefront
I'm glad someone else pointed out that using dubstep in a trailer for a WW1 game screams incompetence.
Absolutely disgusting.
Fire your marketing people EA.
That way they could work the 5 into it.
It's like poetry
But why does he have a C96?
Because it's a iconic pistol with a shit ton variants some had box magazines for faster reloading.
More [pew pew] per second.
The "DEV's" thought it looked cool "
[Design Cuck 1]: we need our box cover art to look cool.
[Design Cuck 2]: Give him a C96 he'll look cool like "Han sole".
[Design Cuck 1]: That is a amazing idea.
[Design Cuck 2]: He's gotta be black though.
[Design Cuck 1] Of course.
Also the German army never actual adopted the pistol instead choosing the 9mm Luger over it. Because of being chambered in 9mm and the C96 wasn't.
sry meant Han solo
← This is the imagery that the design cucks are trying to provoke
Warhammer edits when?
watch them put women in the front lines. I bet they do that. They did it in Battlefront.
This games going to be so bullshit lol.
not soon enough apparently
God emperor is now a Proud blackman, Horus was his rebellious white son
warhammer fantasy
Sigmar was actually a Proud blackman
Post modernism
i don't understand the logic
literally kill yourself please and stay in your cancer containment board while you do so
I just repeat what I said in the last thread. I am totally into wwi, but I am also into police games and star wars. EA fucked up their last police game and they will probably fuck this up too.
I hope it fails but there is no way that this game will fail, reddit is in love with it.
Also, you know why I like wwi games? Check out ro1 (you probably can't because nobody is playing it anymore), the gameplay is slow, every hit you take is deadly and most people use bolt action rifles instead of spray and pray rifles.
So… Ark without guns?