SEGA Thread

Any nigger good with SEGA CDs? My model 2 is having an issue where it'll play games, then just quit playing the disc altogether for no reason, be it burnt or retail. It'll refuse to load any other one either, but if I turn it off for a while and restart, it'll be fine again. What the fuck is up with it? I can barely find fuck all to do with it online.

General SEGA thread. Anyone been paying attention to the new Saturn game engine? Looks interesting.

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Hmm that sounds pretty bad, you could always go for the emulation route. The Wii does SEGA emulation surprisingly well.

I've just recently bought a Saturn with a universal chip, shits tight. I can see why the console failed but it has some great niche titles. I don't know how a console like N64 has this meme-retro status when it doesn't have a tenth of the great titles the Saturn has.

It's annoying as fuck. Can't play Sonic CD without it crapping out, same with Keio and Sol Feace.

Saturn fell off the map with how poorly it was handled, since even SEGAs president (forgot the name right now) basically handpicked what games were released for the thing. Most probably don't even know what the Saturn is nowadays if you randomly asked someone.

Controller is comfy as fuck, and it has a good amount of shit to play. Guardian Heroes, Mega Man 8 (best version), Saturn Bomberman, Dragon Force 1 (and 2 fan translated), etc. Sonic Xtreme is now playable as well.

Only need DOOM to work well and it'd be set.

What's this? Emulation or hardware clone?

Literally new game engine for the Saturn to develop games for it.

That's completely not what I was expecting. I want a good Saturn hardware clone that can play backups from a hard drive or some other kind, but this is still cool.

Got RHEA for the Saturn to play games off an SD card.

I beat Ryu ga Gotoku Ishin recently. It was very fun, kind of a shame they never brought it over because I think it would have been well-received, especially back in 2014 when the PS4 had 0 actual games.

Isn't that expensive as fuck and super limited? I still want one though, and the equivalent for Dreamcast since emulation looks like it's stopped for that.

It is, but given what it is, it's sort of understandable. DC has a lot of ways to play shit without needing a disc drive, to the point you can stream games over a network to it to play. Performance varies though.

Reicast is coming to PC, so worth keeping an eye on.

Holy shit, that's the best news I've heard in a long time.

Reicast is already available on PC yet it still being worked on. I think theres no 32bit version yet either. Its very promising, I own a DC yet Dreamshell has shit compatibility and GDEmu is ridiculously priced, I can't wait to have good emulation in case my DC dies on me.

Just googled it, sounds interesting. Never heard of it before, you say its playable? The controllers are great for what makes the Saturn: fighters & shmups. The 3D controller on the other hand… Also, I'm pretty sure by the time the Saturn was released Kalinske had jumped ship, who can blame him though seeing as how SEGA of Japan kept fucking him over.

Dreamshell is only good for very small games, and even then, it varies. I can't even play Mega Man Xtreme Legends without lag.

Apparently it is. Have it downloaded, but haven't given it a go yet. The concept seemed interesting, and the design of it is interesting enough to play (as well as a little hard on the eyes in some places). 3D controller is interesting for what it is, and always funny to see how comparable it is to the Dreamcast one.

Yeah, one can clearly see the inspiration in the DC controller, which while not being as awful it is a bit annoying on the hands. I find it easier to rest my middle fingers on the triggers, any other finger would start to hurt after a while.

Sega will release mosy of their games from Yakuza to Virtua Tennis on PC this summer.

Screencap this



Theres your mistake, are you also surprised when you see SJWs in Tumblr? Or faggots on reddit?


Isn't that only the development build on PC?

Sega 16 is the site to hang around if you really want to fix hardware problems. A lot of the regulars have a lot of experience in troubleshooting, repairing, and modifying Sega systems with things more complex than even an s-video mod.

half/vr/'s been a shithole lately, what's the deal?

Did anyone ever figure out what the "SEGA Cyclone Development kit" that SEGA trademarked was for?

It's finally been put on the Saturn again. Got it downloaded, but forgot where grabbed it. Think it was on Sonic Retro.

Been tempted to lurk more often there after going through the homebrew on show, seems like a great site.
