Nigger Nazis: The Final Hitler Redpill

Nigger Nazis: The Final Hitler Redpill

Why is it millions of Africans, Indians, and East Asians joined The Axis? Because Nazism opposed multicultural tyranny in all forms: Communism, Imperialism, Corporatism, Catholicism, and Judaism. Hitler dreamed of a world where ALL races were free from foreign oppression and could decide their own fate!

Why is it many Orthodox Jews manned The Gestapo? Because many Jews despised how their race subjugated other races. Hitler empathized with The Jews, why a race so powerful yet without a fatherland would take over others'. So Hitler proclaimed The Jews should have Madagascar, an island larger than Germany.

Why is it concentration camp detainees were well-fed and clothed up until when all of Germany was starving? Because Hitler loved The Jews. Hitler understood, if he could bring The Jews on his side, his Third Reigh would last a thousand years. Hitler cried when he learned of the Typhoid Fever Holocaust.

Just because Hitler did nothing wrong doesn't mean he was not wrong.

Why are you shilling this? this is basic history, except your disinfo
not true

That said, a mass african uprising against isreal certainly wouldn't hurt.

Other than asking questions what exactly is the message here?

this guy i know is half nigger and he's the most dedicated NatSoc guy I know. Takes it very seriously

Fuck off kike.


just cause it's not taught in school doesn't make it basic history that every one on here knows. come on, this op has no sources or proof of anything, the redpill thread has all this and more with actual proof

doesn't make it not basic history*

You're such a fucking idiot. You could at least be less obvious about it.

op is obviously trying to make anons who think other races are fine and can co-exist with whites look bad

(1) and done shitposts that are this obvious don't deserve this many retards responding.

Most open to misinterpretation are National Socialist views on the relations between the various races of the world. It has been questioned whether the fundamental racial principles of the new world theory must not breed condescension, even contempt of people of different race. Quite the contrary; these very principles offer the very best guarantee for mutual tolerance and for the peaceful co-operation of all.

We appreciate the fact that those of another race are different from us. This scientific truth is the basis, the justification and, at the same time, the obligation of every racial policy without which a restoration of Europe in our day is no longer practicable. Whether that other race is "better" or "worse" is not possible for us to judge. For this would demand that we transcend our own racial limitations for the duration of the verdict and take on a superhuman, even divine, attitude from which alone an "impersonal" verdict could be formed on the value or lack of such of the many living forms of inexhaustible Nature. But we of all people are too conscious of the inseparable ties of the blood and our own race to attempt to aspire to such an ultra-racial standpoint, even in the abstract.

History, science and life itself tell us in a thousand ways that the human beings inhabiting the earth are anything but alike; that, moreover, the greater races are not only physically but especially spiritually and intellectually different from each other. Yesterday one passed this fact by, and in attempting to unify political, economic, cultural and religious standards for all nations of the earth, one was sinning against Nature, violating the natural attributes of various racial and national groups for the sake of a false principle. Today we bow to the racial differences existing in the world. We want every type of being to find that form of self-expression most fitted to its own particular requirements.

The racial principles of National Socialism are, therefore, the surest guarantee for respecting the integrity of other nations. It is incompatible with our ideas to think of incorporating other nationalities in a Germany built up as a result of conquests, as they would always remain, because of their alien blood and spirit, a foreign body within the German State. Such foolhardy thoughts may be indulged in by a world which has as its goal economic power or purely territorial expansion of its frontiers, but never by a statesman thinking along organic, racial lines whose main care is the preservation of the greatness and along with it the essential unity of his people held together by the ties of blood relationship.

For this reason, we have nothing in common with chauvinism and imperialism because we would extend to other races peopling the earth the same privileges we claim for ourselves: the right to fashion our lives and our own particular world according to the requirements of our own nature.

And if National Socialism would wish to see the unrestricted mixing of blood avoided for the individual, there is nothing in this to suggest contempt. After all, we Germans ourselves, viewed ethnologically, are a mixture. The National Socialist demand is only that the claims of the blood and the laws of biology should be more closely observed in future.

Here again our standpoint is not so very far removed from that of other people with a sound mental outlook. The American Immigration Laws, for instance, are based on definite racial discrimination. The Europeans and the inhabitants of India, the Pacific Islands, and so on, have instinctively held aloof from a mingling of the blood, and both sides genuinely regard any transgression as very bad form. Nevertheless, this natural attitude in no way detracts from the possibility of close co-operation and friendly interaction. And, speaking on behalf of the new Germany, let me once more emphasize:

We do not wish our people to intermarry with those of alien race since through such mingling of the blood the best and characteristic qualities of both races are lost. But we will always have a ready welcome for any guests who wish to visit us whether of kindred or foreign civilization, and our racial views only lead us to a fuller appreciation of their essential peculiarities in the same way as we would want our own peculiarities respected.


"I promise you I am quite free from all racial hatred. It is, in any case, undesirable that one race should mix with other races. Except for a few gratuitous successes, which I am prepared to admit, systematic cross-breeding has never produced good results. Its desire to remain racially pure is a proof of the vitality and good health of a race. Pride in one's own race – and that does not imply contempt for other races – is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them."
–Hitler-Bormann Documents (Feb. 13, 1945).

How is this shit any different compared to cucks going on and on about "republican" MLK?
Get back to your shed.

But in his heart, Hitler knew: /Pic Releated/.

vkclark go home

This dirty hajeet said to me: "Your Führer can only be victorious because it is the Gods themselves who dictate his strategy to him. Every evening, he doubles himself and comes here to the Himalayas to receive their instructions."

I wondered what Adolf Hitler would have thought of this unexpected explanation of the victories of the German army. I said to the holy man then: "It is, in this case, unquestionable that he will gain the war".

"No," he responded, "because there will come a time when his generals will reject his divine inspiration and will disobey him – will betray him."

And he added: "It cannot be otherwise; if he is an Incarnation, he is not the supreme Incarnation – the last of this cycle" – Alas!

But that is not all. How could I forget the atmosphere of the orthodox Hindu families that I know best? That, for example, of the house of one of my brothers-in-law, then still alive, a doctor in Medinipur, where I was at the time of the Norway campaign and the beginning of the France campaign? All agreed with enthusiasm with my suggestion to go to the temple of the Goddess Kali – to the "House of Kali," as one says in Bengali – to return thanks to She who at the same time blesses and kills for the triumphal advance of the soldiers of great German Reich. We went there in a procession, carrying offerings of rice, sugar, flour, fruits, scarlet garlands of flowers – in the absence of the blood sacrifice the idea of which the family rejected as much as me. I still recall accompanying a youth also proud of his Aryan descent, standing in front of the terrible Image with the curved saber. Inhaling the incense fumes, soothed by the enchanting musicality of the Sanskrit liturgical formulas, I sometimes closed my eyes to see better in spirit the imposing fresco of the procession of the German armored tanks along the roads of Europe. I intensely lived my role of unifier between the oldest living Aryan civilization of the East and this Aryan West that Adolf Hitler was in the process of conquering in order to return it to itself and to regenerate it. Then I looked over my nephews and nieces, and the young Brahmans, their neighbors and fellow students, who had accompanied me. And I dreamed of the day when I would finally see the new Emperor – the eternal Emperor – of the Twilight Lands [Abendland = West], awakened and emerged from his mysterious cave, and when, greeting him with my extended arm, I would say to him: "Mein Führer, I bring to you the allegiance of the élite of India!"

That did not appear an impossible dream then.

lol isn't it funny?
Nig nogs trying to we wuz everything
Won't acknowledge they wuz Nazis too. Kek!

Hitler is viewed in a positive light by millions of non-Europeans – who would have been viewed by Hitler as 'untermenschen'. Most of the time, however, it is not the historical Hitler, who is celebrated, or even wished to reappear, but a figure of fantasy with few real attributes. Hitler has a cathartic function, in which each culture projects its specific experiences, preferences and problems.

In the corrupt and chaotic economies of South America, Hitler is read as a code for order and national unity. Africans, on the other hand, admire the strong man in him, the myth of power, but also the enemy of the former colonialists France and England. Also in India, from whose history Hitler took his ideas of the Aryans and the Swastika, Hitler is transfigured into an aid in the national liberation struggle against the British Crown. However, in East Asia, Hitler is merely present as an aesthetic influence in fashion collections, commercials and the restaurant business, uncoupled from Nazi policies or World War II. This is not the case in the Arabic and Iranian centers of Islam. Not only is Hitler celebrating a renaissance in the Middle East, but the modern view of Hitler is closest to the historical one.

Agreed, Hitler's tears say more than real evidence ever could.

Really good post m8.

The "diversity" was a byproduct of the entire world being arrayed against Germany, Hitler needed every human being he could get near the outset of the conflict. Try to understand a thing before having a verdict. Thanks.