Fighting Games: Solo Edition

Coaching is not allowed at EVO after top 16


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Events Happening this week:


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Guilty Gear Xrd
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KoF 2002
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Melty Blood
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For most fightan in general:

For fundamentals in ST (still applies to other games):

Maj's footsie guide:

Viscant's guide on the learning/lab process:

Other urls found in this thread: USA Boxing Competition Rules.pdf




you had 4 GAMES


I wish they would update usfiv, there needs to be a punishment for rqing.

To adapt? But I want it back, SF5 boom too slow.

Good tourney mates I enjoyed it a lot.
Even though I'm salty for getting Mika'd in GF.

Well because you asked so nicely.

why are people so concerned about coaching now?

I can see why people would want coaching gone in an argument of "but its meant to just be player versus player" or something like that. Its honestly very fair compromise to remove it in top 16.

Lets all remind ourselves that EVO and all similar events exists for the spectators, not for the pros. That's just a fact whether you or I like it or not.

Since it is becoming a lot more prominent in fighting games, people are beginning to think about the downsides to it in serious 1v1 competition. Being able detach yourself, observe your own matches, and to make adjustments between games is a skill that individual players need to develop for themselves, and coaching basically gives a handicap to players that haven't developed in those areas.

Oh my god, they have coaching for fighting games. Wow, this genre is shittier than I thought. Even Vietnamese cartoon RPGs sound better.

Coachin Vs No Coachin is like
1.5 Vs 1
Like that one time Justing Wong was bodying (Tokido I think it was) and Mago appeared out of the blue, said a few words and suddenly Tokido made a comeback winning every round against Justin.

Coaching is literally just your friend telling you 'stop jumping', 'stop dping', 'you got this, don't worry' after a fuckup.

It's been banned to stop abuse of it. Julio fucking phoned a friend.

I still want side to side matches. Shit talking is every bit as important and you lose that in head to head

fuck head to ehad

that was as much justin dropping two supers and losing his confidence as it was anything that mago said

coaching should be allowed but as long as the coach is talking into one of the player's ears, the guy he's playing against gets to talk into the other

Some user made some newer version with more games saying he'd add more as it went, been 2 threads now and no updated, updated list

Do you have the original template for that chart?

daigo the beas tv is on, witness art's ascension

No I copied to ms paint and worked from there assuming he'd keep posting it

well, shit.
nice trips


The biggest concern should always be showing the viewer the highest possible level of skill.

To think they are dumping down the level of play just because some people can't keep up is disgusting.

1-5, 0-5

This year's Trancendental Orchestra, a large Japanese community-run team tournament is happening now. If anyone is curious about what high-level Melty Blood looks like in 2016, they'll have it in spades. Japanese stream at and there's an English re-stream at

Because you see people getting bodied suddenly start bodying their opponent after being coached. I think coaching should stay though.

And this thai event, who's invited? The pool is filled with literal whos.


why do I only see gootecks at the most obscure shit?

this gun b gud

Oh man, story mode got leaked guys.

If you're at a high level of play, is coaching really going to do that much to your play that you shouldn't already know? And if you don't know how to play and someone's words will turn a game around, are you even going to be able to achieve what they advise you to do?

I don't know, I've seen clips of people taking advice from large groups of people, while others have none, and it seems a bit shit, but I'm not sure it actually does that much, or if it would be a bad thing even if it did.

Anyone going to BAM8 in Melbourne? Seems like they are giving out a fair bit of cash. No gg though, it looks like, so I'm not really interested in flying over.

I think a lot of people have bad habits, so like the other user had said, if you have a friend there that can say something like you're just getting flustered etc. Should it matter so much? Probably not, but some people get don't have the strongest psyches, that's why you see the salt and rage you do with some people, Sanford, LTG in particular.

It may be something a long the lines of telling them when or not to pick a different character or set of characters to deal with the opponent.

I don't think I ever see smashers with coaches for whatever reason.

As for evo banning it, if it were to speed up the games then they should implement in pools as well because those things always run longer than they want them to. I honestly can't think of anyone so fragile at the top levels to necessarily need a coach. 801 strider had a coach at CEO last year which was arguably one of his better performances and I'm not sure if the coach was present in other tournaments.


Right, I know this is a fucking retarded question, but go with me on this: what's a good substitute for a fightstick?

I appreciate this is like asking if there's a sub for a mouse in a FPS or RTS game, but here's the thing. I don't have many fight-actually no I don't have any fighting games. I want to try getting into them but I've priced up sticks and I don't want to spend ~ 50 on a five minute wonder if I don't take to them.
Ergo, what can I use to try and get into fighting games to see if I like them, before I go all in?

Just use a pad.

the controller that comes with the console, or a keyboard?

What kind of question is this?

just get a pad if you've never got used to sticks in the arcade, etc

Could be. Some people have great skill in most areas but have poor adaptability or get stuck in bad habits and are unable to reflect and adjust between games. Having someone else do that for you while you play means you don't need to develop as much, which is kind of a handicap.

Not that having other people to help you develop skills while outside of competition is bad - on the contrary, I feel like competition in general would be better if people learned to better adapt and develop a stronger mental game - but when you're competing, it should only be the skill of the individuals playing that matters.

Some have. Hbox credited his win at Dreamhack Winter to his friend that coached him.

Ryu vs Ken
Nash vs Guile
When's Karin vs Sakura?

this is surprising to me. I mean I get it was NTSC which hbox isn't as familiar with but these particular 5 guys that play smash play each other all the fucking time.

Sak could have lessons with Gouken. So she can have his upwards hadouken.

Might need a new look though

It was PAL actually - NTSC is the US/Jap version, PAL is the Euro version, which actually had slight nerfs to several top characters (Fox is lighter and has a weaker up-smash, Marth is lighter and loses his spike, Sheik can't chaingrab, etc).

And while they have played together a lot, the top players have been constantly changing their styles to change with the times. Armada in particular had been going on a tear during 2015.

sometimes it's something really stupid, an opponent is taking advantage of you crouch jabbing or they notice after certain attacks you start crouching so they setup an instant overhead

little stuff ike that can hit you hard and if nobody says "cut it out" you might not even notice

or you may

Oh hey, look who just perfected me.

I almost took a round.

When is the new KoF14 trailer coming out?

Anyone watching Dreamhack right now? Anything of note happening?

Daigo said he completely abandoned playing a defensive Ryu in 5 and damn his pressure is scary.

Really looking forward to seeing him develop.

Go with something similar to a PS pad because the Playstation pads are known to be good controllers. I'd avoid any of the gimmicky fighting game pads because 99% of them are terrible. I bought 2-3 Pelican controllers and a Mad Catz pad, and they all fizzled out on me in less than a month.

Just to give you a heads up, some characters are meant to be played with a stick (e.g. Viper in SF4 even though one guy knew how to play her with a pad).

Kappa is having a blast making fun of this guy. Kinda sad how he fell from grace because he seemed like an okay guy.

What's the deal with Glity? Is she the Kaceytron of the fgc or some shit (troll making fun of tryhards)?

wew lad

that shit, I have friend in steam who does this. Annoying as hell. He once even managed to beat a 12bp guile that way, and guile is a pain in the ass.

Oh yea, Glity's a tranny. Anyway, what's Kappa's with Glity? He just seems like another KayoPolice the fgc will forget about.

What's everyone's opinion of Guile in this game? I'm a bit disappointed.
I think they shouldn't have designed him around offense.

You have to go back.

Don't lie, user. You would totally DP on her wakeup :^)

wait til evo, it's too early to judge a new character. However, My impression is that his strong defense leads to corner carry which eventually leads to that 40+ hit combo.

Naw man, he doesn't have that raspy voice like Ricki, total turn off :^)


It's also worth mentioning that Hungrybox plays Jigglypuff. He and Prince Abu are the only world-class players who use her, so he does benefit a little bit from matchup inexperience, even among the best players in the world. If you come off of a streak of five or six Foxes/Falcos in a row in a tournament setting, switching to playing against a Puff is really jarring. Hbox's recent successes have kind of become an in-joke within the Smash community about how nobody has any fucking clue how to fight Puff at the top levels of play.

Hbox himself has way too much exposure for this to be the majority of the reason for his success, and the top players are way too familiar with him to be completely stumped, of course, but Puff is really unique and Hbox really capitalizes on the mental weaknesses of his opponents.

He can't be worse than Alex.


What a fantastic learning experience! I'm sure you'll be able to improve your game ten-fold after that.

It gets even better when you consider the auto-punish that Puff has, which is her Rest special move. It's stupid on paper - five seconds of lag after an incredibly powerful attack which is active for exactly one frame - but since Puff is such a mental character, it changes the whole dynamic of the match, which is a good thing to me; it adds variety to the game. I understand the perspective of people who dislike having lopsided moves like that (Rest will usually kill you if you get hit even at 0%), but I find it really interesting to have the viability of Rest as a kill option layered on top of all the normal stuff you have in a match.

People also used to get crazy salty over Rest, but now they know how to punish it. It's a shame.

I'll stop talking about Smash now. Just wanted to wax poetic.

art as in arturo ts sabin?

It seems to me like the matchups with against him among the top players are usually lop sided. People are either ready for him or they aren't there aren't usually very very close matches against him. His di in general is probably the best or up there with armada as the best and most consistent. You rarely see either of them get juggled.

crouch cancel rest a best.

Yeah he was in Japan for whatever reason so Daigo had him on his stream and Art did first to five sets against Fuudo and Daigo. It was merciless, Art almost cried.


I never got this angry at SFIV.

The only thing stopping me from trying to break this stick over my fucking knee is that it would probably shatter my kneecap.

I just try to not be a huge bitch and it comes naturally from that point.

Honestly I've never gotten super mad at fighting games, sure it gets frustrating if you're always losing but I never get so mad I feel like breaking something.
I would say playing in person helps. The only times I get really mad at fighting games is online when I know I could've done something but due to lag I fuck up. Playing locals is a lot better because there's no lag, and you know when you fuck something up it was your fault alone and it's something to work on.


Buy an Arizona Ice tea, drink it.

and gitgud

I only get mad when I lose because it's a fucked up character match up like Nash vs. Alex or something and not because the other guy is better

The LONG AWAITED SALTY RUNBACK, or at least attempted, by LTG vs. Viscant!

Trigger warning:

Bodies will hit the floor.

I hope it doesn't disappoint you to tell you they're cool with each other now

Daigo vs Art

The only way they're cool is if LTG showed the slightest bit of contrition. I doubt that that happened.

But it has always seemed mostly an act.

Why wasn't this streamed though?

Daigo is just so good at using every tool he has available to him at the right time.

Why even live?

Mirror Match



It's an ok game, but I'm sure you can find something better.

Come on mate it's not that bad.

Surely after the whole batman thing warner brothers will step their shit up.




i hope that fag gets a clean haircut instead

I mainly get mad at myself for being so shit

saved the psd to make look pretty later


Wouldn't even pirate this shit.

Thanks for the advice guys. I'll just see if I can find my old 360 controller. I know the playstation is said to be a good controller but it's far too small my massive man-hands and I've never got on with the dpad.

Pad is fine if you never were an arcade player.

Thaiger Uppercut has the real Sagat~ he's a muay thai kickboxer.


Dreamhack Austin 2016

Xrd challenges and stringing combos together is hard as balls. It's almost like you're learning how to play guitar.

4th Strike

Most of you probably know this flash: . Reminder that this is nearly 10 years old. Where's the time going, /fgg/?

they're really notā€¦especially considering Xrd's input buffer is longer than +R's.

Xrd's execution barrier isn't too bad. Guilty Gear was always the game that felt the most "right" to me in terms of input leniency.

Good job. It's always the case with me that I'll do a difficult combo once, then not be able to do it for a bit, then maybe do it again, and still have to practice constantly until I can do it three or more tines in a row.

Having said that I struggle with GG combos and although I do reasonably alright in matches, I can't do most combos. Yeah, the input is lenient but I'm still not good enough for above challenge 17 with may.

A number of May's challenges are actually kind of dumb, there are more optimal combos that do more damage and are easier to execute. Remember to watch the demonstrations for button timings.

18-22 are basic stuff, you should definitely know how to do things that are at least similar to these. The hardest thing is probably forgetting to release forward before hitting K for 19.

23 is unnecessarily hard, most people will go into an air combo off ball jump instead of a dolphin loop rep. You'll have to look at the demonstration for this one, I don't know how to consistently get the micro dash c.S after j.H.
24 is back to basic confirming stuff, you'll occasionally do something like this for round ends.
25 isn't terribly hard if you know when to hit her c.S and when to cancel the 2H into vertical dolphin. Hit c.S while Sol's belt is around May's hat, and don't cancel 2H into vertical dolphin until he passes over your head.
26 has an ender similar to 24. But everything before the super is something you'll be using a lot if you use May as a more mixup-oriented character.
27 isn't an optimal dust combo, the most optimized for damage is j.H > j.H > j.SHD dj j.SHD > ensenga
28 is kind of dumb, the micro dash 6P after yamada is pretty tight. I can't get this one consistently.
29 was a nightmare before 1.1 increased the input buffer. IAD j.P or j.K links after wallsticks are just something you have to practice. Pay attention to when you recover from the horizontal dolphin, because you pretty much need to IAD as soon as you do.
30 isn't too bad, the counter hit gives you plenty of time to fully charge 6H.
31ā€¦fuck 31. The timing of the last j.H into landing and hitting 6H is insanely tight. I think you can sneak a j.K in there before the j.H, but don't quote me on that. It's easier in the corner for sure.
32ā€¦fuck 32 even harder. This is the only challenge I haven't been able to clear. I've gotten really close, but the two bits that really fuck me up are releasing the hoop dolphin slightly before you cancel the charged 6H into horizontal dolphin and the last micro dash jump,

This, the challenge 39 is only hard because it adds filler that makes the timing more strict and less effective then it needs to be.

OK, I double checked, and I can do 18, 22 and 24, but not 17.

Thanks for your tips, especially what the optimal dust combo is. Do you main May?

yep, May is really the only character I play. dicked around with Ky a bit, but I don't actually know how to play him.

Kum Haehyun overview.

Raven overview.

Who's your vote for the best character in V Holla Forums?

I will never not laugh at her serious face peeking out from the belly of an old man.

What is that heresy.


This game is hard as FUCK

Arcade fighters are bullshit

Computer players do so much more damage than I do and they pull of these nutty combos out of nowhere!

Have you tried improving


Universal safe meaty for both back-rise and quick-rise pretty much every time, press a button and you'll probably anti-air, loads of damage, loads of stun, meterless reversal.

Everyone agrees it's Ryu

Chun and Ryu.

they are SUPER slow on balance in this game, maybe its the smallpool effect but its fucking laughable how tiers have formed here in 5

They are slow, but what do you mean user with the tiers?

They nerfed mika and jumps after two premier events, what more do you want

When did they nerf Mika?
All the updates have been bug fixes so far for every character, no buff or nerf so far. If so, it must have been a sideeffect of a bugfixing, like that slide of Mika was grab invul when it shouldnt, which got fixed alonge with Dhalsim slide and other things.


Settle an argument: is it ever a good idea to have characters you're forced to unlock? The kind of stuff where you can't play as Akuma in vs. mode until you beat arcade mode with Ryu in under three minutes without losing a round.

No, fuck that, real hassle for anyone who wants to have tourney setups (or even for casual play).

If they don't announce that the character is in the game/is a boss character then yes
Can you imagine how nuts it would be it Akuma was secretly in the 5 right now

Well, in the past you wouldn't have people clamoring for a tournament for a game when they haven't even put ~20 hours into it. I think, generally speaking, Esports is ruining people's expectations for games.

I think I first heard about it with people playing Quake, that people ignored the single player content and got right to MP, but now it's really weird because the MP rarely works.

SFIV had you unlock a shitload of characters in vanilla by doing various things, Super corrected that, but I still think it's normal to do for a character or two, like Akuma, or Seth in IV's case. Beat game once on normal, you unlock Seth.

Does V even have a boss character?

Dan would make a cool hidden character. Fake grimdark Akuma like intro, it's just dan.

catherine takes the cake in that regard since the entire multiplayer mode is an unlockable

Here is a funny question, but is there a way to decrease level/difficulty in the arcade version of FF special?
I CAN beat the game but some characters suck major dicks, Andy in particular, and i would just like to train and practice moves against easier bots.

Hit the dip switches/service mode.

Okay, and what exactly is a service mode?

Service mode is basically the "option mode" most arcade machines have, particularly fighting games. That menu lets you change difficulty, the timer, and so on.
You should use Fightcade for it since you can access it easily with a key.

Capcom straight-up said that outside of bug fixes they weren't changing balance for 1 year with V.

You can either say they're lazy or they want to see how things shake out in the long-term.

That's probably for the best honestly. Not only is the meta constantly going to be shaken up by the addition of new characters but players tend to have knee-jerk reactions to anything and everything.

First example that comes to mind is MvC3 where everyone was bitching that Sentinel was overpowered and it ended up getting his health nerfed, though in the end he was far from broken and the health nerf didn't help.

What is the cheapest and greatest fightstick to buy for someone who has never used a fightstick before?

define "cheap" and "great"
also platform(s) you'll be using it on

I'll be playing on PC mostly. Maybe XBOX 360 on occasions. By "cheap", I mean under $100, and "great" as in "won't fall apart after a few months."

You could get a used 360 Madcatz TE for over 100 and under 150, but under 100 American Dollarydoos you'd probably end up with something fun-sized unless you do some smart ebay lurking.

I probably should have mentioned that I'm from Canada, but thanks for the advice.


Snake Eyez dropping Zangief and thinking about using Ryu. I just hope he sticks with Alex.

This year will be stupid boring if all we get is Nash, Ryu and Chun.

I wonder if Ono and Combofiend regret the decision to not make any balance changes for an entire year considering the state of the game.

You misheard him.
He says that he has a Zangief, Alex and Ryu.
He's talking about dropping Zangief even if he's really hurt by that to main Alex and have Ryu as secondary.

He also mention how a big of a deal is those 4 extra frame lag from the PS4 when he plays on tournaments since he plays and practices on PC.

I wish they gave the rest of the characters range Chun and Nash have. Almost everyone else feels like a midget with stumpy limbs.

Nah, he dropped Zangief for Alex, he says that the character is dead. He'll probably play him on stream but won't compete with him.

He never said that he dropped Gief but that he is about to.
He'll main Alex if that happens with Ryu as secondary.

Servers down in sfV or is my internet shit?

servers are down from 9 am to 4 pm PST

Why is this game so addictive

Iktf, I had to try the Overshill beta last weekend and see what all the fuss was about. just keep practicing, there's still time.

Now that major companies are forgoing arcade releases, consider this: why not remove timers?

Can't play reactionary footsie with 8 frames of input lag, dog. Why so laggy?

At least PS4 and V-synced PC version are consistant. haha.

How do I fight a fireball heavy Ryu as Vega?

I feel sad that were not getting MKXL for PC, I enjoyed the game.
Does anyone still play USFIV or everyone is playing SFV? Is it even worth it? I want to get it because I need a fighting game for playing online

wait you mean remove in game timers? Then how are you going to have a tourney if matches could go on for more than 5 mins a round? The point of the timer is to force the you to take risks and get the life lead against your opponent.

use the v skill or jump over them. then use fba to cross up and get close to him. Or start off the round getting in his face

But if there's no timer, then you HAVE to take risks to win, you can't just get a life lead and play keep-away the entire round. Let's be real here, no one likes time-outs.

The video scared me for a moment, made me think Daimon had a fuckhuge grab reach.

>Capitalizing single words mid sentence when you can "bold" them
You'd have a game where people just sit there because it's safer then attacking and it would make bad match ups more apparent due to the timer not forcing reactions, even Daigo's 60 second, 10 block limit fighter idea outclasses this.

Well fug I missed the apostrophe

I have no idea how you've come to that conclusion. "Not playing" isn't a winning move.

As if that's supposed to be a negative.

If you just want matches, just use fightcade. If you actually want to play SFIV for the meta, I think it's still got some people. But the vast majority are on SFV.

There's no time out anymore you nigger, you're not going to acquire diplomatic truces.

But it's safer and if you've ever watched the safer option sticks because they know, the other guy knows would know how to get out after the block string, you'd have literal 20 minuet matches of nothing but chip.

MikeZ go home

TLDR: timer forces reaction and action, without it nothing ever happens because there is no hurry for anything to happen to stay ahead or catch up, and removing it causes any incentive for aggression to stop.

"No coaching" is a retarded rule. No actual sport has that rule, because it doesn't make any sense to not be able to hear about strategy while you compete. Boxing doesn't do this shit.

Uh, user. In boxing seconds aren't allowed to coach during the match, only in between rounds.

You lack reading comprehension, friend. I was implying that when you can only win by killing the motherfucker you can't have people just sitting there. If they're sitting there, they're not winning. Even if they go strictly for safest shit.

Furthermore, the implication that timer forces action is false. You certainly don't need timer in other games to make people kill each other, why have it in FGs?

That's not true. Coaches talk to their boxer during a match constantly, just from outside the ring. They only aren't supposed to be in the ring because it would cause logistic problems.
And rule 3.36 from

I'm not finding any of those in non-British rule books. USA Boxing Competition Rules.pdf

None of these say anything about that.

And that's going to take a while because there is no rush by either side.

But nothing is rushing them to go ahead and fight back right away, if they attack first they can get countered so why attack now when both him and the opponent can wait all day.

Then they're just get punished for trying to do aggressive shit like daring grab leading them to never try it leading to further more lack of aggression.

Because you can block, when there is an immediate risk being at a disadvantage to the other it forces the player to have to get back into a close or a ahead position.

For an example i'll use Dark Souls for an example, you can watch matches of them literally doing nothing but shields up for ages but a thing here is that the chip is very large and anything can chip for kill and guarding for too long fucks your stamina meaning it only works for so long leading to it giving up, so the aggression is favorable because you're still doing the damage and effecting a stat that causes them to both attack and defend, but in fighting games and especially current ones guard break isn't a by any means common, the current SF game removed any sort of chip KO expect by super.but raw super or block string super is never a good idea.

For another example, shooters, nigga you can't block the bullets so you aggressively shoot them first instants and win, fighting games again because the defensive option is so great and the aggression just sets you up for being countered/punished, yeah they have to attack eventually to win but it'll take so long that they've probably already left to play somewhere where the rules aren't boring as shit.

Even fighters with guardbreaks like Garou mark of the wolves where they have the Just Defense or similar that offers a huge frame advantage + heal for using it, so why would you risk attacking when this could happen to you + benefiting them.

Fighting games are as defensive as the player and if they have more and more time to be defense it becomes more and more the definitive way to play which is 1. much worse to watch for Eat-spworts, 2.less fun to play because he can just sit there and eat chip all day waiting for a punish so why should you even bother. 3.Match ups for characters go form 4:6 to 1:9 due to the longevity and war of nutrition leading to the scales tipping more and more for the one with the advantage.

Fight A with timer:

Fight B without timer:

By removing the timer you're removing a core aspect needed for the game to functioning input by both players forward, people being pushed to heightened aggression by the timer has lead to some of the greatest come backs in events.

Even Chess in tournament play for the sake of forcing reaction and aggressive play made a rule them under differentiating time limits and / or set move limits to force them to think in the moment and what is the best reaction they can think of now, not in ages since they have literally all say.

all day*

oh you love fighters?

Anyone happen to know what the hell I need to do to fix this just started recently I don't know what happened but I need my fighting games pelase

why does guilty gear have to be so hard

Fuckton of movement options, defensive mechanics, move properties, and cancel mechanics tend to cause new players to struggle a lot. Don't give up, keep playing and you'll start noticing improvement soon enough.

Is it possible to make a fighting game that isn't a clone of Street Fighter?

What organizer thought it would be a good idea to have 2 of the games play out right beside each other in the same room?

Dreamhack should go back to its roots or go full professional imo

Preferably the former

Salt intensifies

What are some good fighting games that I can get my casual friends to play?


Start them off with whatever version of Street Fighter II. Branch them off into the likes of the Mahvel or Vampire/ Darkstalkers series.

I'd say MvC2. It's fairly simple mechanically and with easy to pull, flashy moves.


Virtua fighter

The only people I ever see taunt are PS4 players.
Just sayin'.

I'm going again this year. GL user, I didn't reg to play this year since I'm not even half as confident as I was with my shit USFIV Guile, but I'm hoping to play some more casual games than I did last year, only played a couple and one was against a Chun that was so suffocatingly good it kinda killed my drive to play during the event aside.

Also I need a PS4 stick, I've been playing on my PS3 hitbox for a couple years now and while I love it I know that it isn't the controller that makes the player, and with my next purchase I might as well go back to regular stick.

Are the Shadaloo Madcatz ones any good? I've gotten pretty adjusted to the small buttons on the hitbox and I don't know if I'll transition back to 30mm too well.

Cos Austin, Texas has no space.
Going to call Laura's fireball a mango from now on.

Mortal Kombat is as close to casual as you're going to get. Combos aren't too hard.

This one might be a stretch, but KI isn't too bad with move inputs. The training mode in that game is actually good.

Like said, get the older fighters like SF2, and expand into the other games.

MvC2 and 3 aren't what I call easy games.

BAM 2016
SFV top 8 now!

Ken mirror


PSN Skullgirls anyone? zarking_photon

Also, if you really like fighters, you should go to /fighters/ and help make it less dead

But, if you DID run away and hold onto a life lead, the game would go on forever.


Double KO on 3rd round doesn't count
FANG is perfect!

Just in, Wrong. :P

>perfect survival hell w/o buffs on all characters and alt. costumes unlocks secret boss in round 101
>it's mecha shin satsui no hadou mangekyou sharingan dan

Justin Wong if you didn't get it.

Also Haitani's Blue hair Necalli. RAAAAAAAAAAA

Chameleon Momochi beats Green Razor Xian

Mago Karin Ohohohohohohoh


Xian, Mago, Momochi, Haitani in top 4
Ozzie is freeeeeeeeeeeee

Delete jab anti air fuck sake

Necalli Wins

Jab anti-air dash under to change sides

To be honest, I didn't think he'd last so long.

Might as well list every fucking fighting game ever

I think that is the idea of what the person was trying.

I should just stop playing fighting games.
Too bad i bought a stick i have buyers remorse.

Because he can't win big tourneys

you're probably playing too much online. You should spend more time in training mode practicing meaties, combos, etc. Online is only for testing your strategies. Infiltration doesn't even play online, he just uses the training room

If I want to frustrate the other person, who do I play in GG xrd?

I hope you like Mai mais.

There's something very wrong with her character model. The legs look like shit, tits are like two water baloons, something's wrong with the faceā€¦

Girl on right is cute as fuck

I've only ever gotten Socially Paralyzing salt from losing in tournaments. It would take a lot from me not to just silently walk out if I lost, especially if it's from fucking up.

Not a fightan player, but I'm curious - what's wrong with coaching?

In a fighter you are suppossed to 1v1.

If you take advice from an outside point of view in your favour its no longer 1v1.

It is another part of a fightan skill to know what you are doing wrong to change it and adapt, a third guy would just be cheap.

Coaching can lead to many things.
There's probably more.

They're getting bigger!

As already said, it discourages developing the ability to adapt to a opponent's tactics which is a fundamental skill. A outsider to do the thinking for you unburdens the player from focusing on that which, in turn, isn't beneficial to the player at all.

I see the point.
But it's allowed in physical sports right? Like boxing? I mean both sides can have advisers right?
I'm just curious, not really arguing there.

I'm not sure if the tournament organizer has actually made public his reasons but I assume it's probably the downplaying the 1v1 aspect.

when you realize everything except SF is trash.

have to agree its weird, you got coaching in other esports games, even in traditional sports, so I don't really see why EVO cant have them. I guess theyre going to ban audience cheering soon too, for giving too big a morale boost or some shit.

but street fighter is objectively the worst fighting game of all time

who are you kidding all fighting games are shit.


>mfw Athena is Bison's spare body

Are you niggers ready for Q and Oro to not be in this game until sometime late next year, if at all

You know, it certainly seems like Capcom is trying to rekindle all the hype this game had before they decided to release the interesting half of the cast at a snails pace as DLC. They're effectively dangling the carrot of "more interesting characters to come" in front of the playerbase in hopes that all the hype they've built up before the release doesn't die out before the inevitable second wave of interesting DLC characters start slowly dribbling out like piss from the end of a dick stricken with prostate cancer.

still looking like psx cgi

Which means better than any fighting game with 3D graphics so far?

not xrd

They keep doing this 'this is what this character would look like if they were in the game' but they look the same as they always have. Put some fucking effort in it.

idk why you guys keep marketing this as the savior of fighting games when all you have seen is a tiny bit of footage and a couple details about the mechanics. And it's also a console exclusive.

But Xtrud looks terrible, like an upscaled PS2 game.



Is Pocket Rumble a good fighting game ?

Take a guess?

Thanks. Is there any good accessible fighting games or are they all shit ?

I can't really say, I'd say Rising Thunder [rip] was ok, the problem with accessible fighting games comes down to, you've made it more easy, so with that the people who already could do the things that mess new players up can now do it more easier if that's a way to explain it.

Like when Rising Thunder [rip] came out and it was pretty much SF4 but with 90% of the execution barrier gone, nothing changed, people still got out spaced, still got tic thrown all the time and DP baited.

A fighting game that would be made for complete accessibility would be so over balanced and stale to play I doubt it could be by any stretch good.

tfw this is how the honda v guile matchup was played in Super SF4 and it was still in Guiles favor.

Whens the Jackie Chan Fists of Fire tourney fam?

You must've played some amazing PS2 games back in the day, unless you go full strawman and post a raw model as "proof".

This. Casuals need to get good or get out, messing with the formula just to make it more accessible results in a stale, one dimensional shitfest.

Ok, upscaled Gamecube game, even though it's not much of a difference.

If your idea of better graphics is more polygons = better then sure.
The artstyle they went with in Xrd is to keep the illusion it's a 2D fighting game while everything is actually 3D models with a ton of shaders slapped on them and they did a tremendous job at that. Technically SFV looks way better, but you don't need to ask me twice which game looks more pleasing to the eye.

Xrd does not look like 2D though, it looks like ps2 gamecube game with shitton of bloom on it. Your own picture is the proof of that.

Thanks again, I wanted a game to play with my friends who don't know how to play 2D fighting games. I will stick to SSF2x online, I guess.

Confirmed having never seen it in motion.

Personally I see more appealing SFV than Xrd.
However, the background of Xrd is way better.

What's more Xrd style is actually great and look's really nice, it is just my personal opinion.

Boys, how do you get casuals to stay when they get into fighting games due to a new game but will leave in a few weeks?
Also related but how do you also get someone who is ultra-casual to see how deep the rabbit hole goes without turning them off from the genre? I'm talking people who play third strike on keyboard as Q and get their opinions from gootecks.

I want kof to survive and not become the next hipster cred game when shitting on street fighter.


I think it would be better for you to help him get his fundamentals in shape in one fighting game, then maybe he'll be confident enough to play others.

sfv is pretty beginner friendly

It really does, and it looks great, at that.

Nigger please.


Is your KOF 2002 team supposed to be Terry, K', and Kula?
pic unrelated.


Wasn't that a thing that happened in sf4?

I got a Qanba Q1 in late 2014 when it was on sale for I think $60. Not a huge discount but whatever. It lasted a year and a half before something happened. Now it randomly disconnects and now I'm shopping for replacement parts. I don't know what the problem is and I'm hoping it's a cheap fix. But $60 for a stick that took quite a bit of abuse traveling in a backpack every week and seeing a bunch of use, I think I got my money's worth.

Chinese junk. Only thing good about it is the PS/Xbone/PC conmpatibility

That game whatever it was called sure disappeared real fast.

Yatagarasu: Attack on Catalysm?

Maximum poverty + shit netcode = dead game.
