Oh by the way, Tropico thread.
Not committing election fraud
You mean, Jontron simulator?
How is it, really?
Can I be Fidel?
Nice trips but you can only do that in 3 (maybe 4 too).
3 is better than 4 and 5.
Even worse. It's one of the "free" games on PSPlus that came out yesterday. He's playing it on PS4.
Pinochet is there but not Chavez
Tropico 2 is best Tropico
I am told this game is alright. Is it?
Is it a SimCity with politics?
I want a game based on Trump as president more. Tropico gets boring fast.
I've been playing Tropico 5 non stop the last few weeks. Game is just so much fun.
I dont really get the 'presidente' feel. It's more of a simcity light. I guess Tropico 4 is better for that?
You know how the new terrible SimCity tried to do agent-based gameplay where you can follow every citizen around and see where they live and what they're doing?
This game does that properly.
It's comfy for a while but after a while gets boring. They also lock half the game behind DLC so pirate if you do want to play it.
Pretty sure that guy wasn't a commie.
Tropico 2 is the best and 3 is second best.
But Pinochet is there.
>Not being a benevolent dictator that gets perpetually reelected because you're truly making Tropico great again. While also taking a cut of the tax payers money for your personal foreign bank account, of course.
That's Tropico Reloaded on Steam?
Putin is that you?
for a second I thought this was a thread about american elections, forgot you could do all of that in tropico
I don't see a point in play the evil greedy dictator in Tropico. I mean, you can launder money even while playing nice, and it's too easy to create a prosperous economy. Combat is dull too, so there's absolutely no point in being an oppressive dictator.
you are not restricted to be a commie, you can side with the usa or the ussr, and in later games with the eu and/or china
4 is basically exactly what 3 was but better.
I personally found five to be the most enjoyable.
Is there a story to this or did Jontron just get namedropped randomly?
That would honestly be even worse, somehow.
Either way, OP is a huge faggot.
4 really left a lot to be desired as far as being an oppressive ruler goes. The Modern Times DLC had a Prison Camp building you could make, and it worked as a sort of tiny-ass farm that prisoners were forced to work on. They should've made it a hell of a lot bigger though because there's no way to make it profitable without just incarcerating your entire island.
I thought of picking up the series after hearing how fun it is
Which one is a good start for a newcomer unfamiliar with the genre?
yeah, iirc in 1 you had the option to BE Fidel, 3 onward you can make your custom presidente and even his dynasty, but a Fidel lookalike is basically the baddie of Tropico 4 anyhow.
Your assistant in all games is Pinochet all but in name basically.
It's Sim City during the cold war and with non-politically correct caricatures. Not much for politics since you can potentially be a communist dictator being installed by the CIA who rose to power via a velvet revolution and who farts a lot.
You should probably just stick to the basic needs and go full police state as early as possible then
man I haven't checked on this show in a long time due to Adultswim becoming shit, is it still good or has it devolved into even more lol so randum and leftist propaganda?
What I like about this game a lot is how correct it is with representing immigration problems on a small scale. Also I like how many fucked up things you can get away with as long as you have enough bread and circuses (and homes).
The problem with assassinating criminals is you get 3 rebels every time you do.
Unless you have secret police but then you can only have 4-5 secret police on the entire island and it takes a long time for them to work on a big island with a large population.
And your memes are stale.
Look at Jontron, now look at the Tropico guy.
See the resemblance?
Is Tropico 4 any good? I couldn't find a torrent for the third gameā¦
I played it and liked. From what I heard, it's essentially the same as Tropico 3 and most of the critics came from it's lack of innovation in comparison to the previous title, but that wouldn't matter to you if you're just starting with the series.
It's shit, user. You're shit.
Tropico Reloaded gives you both Tropico 1 and 2, I believe.
I got a torrent of 3 off Kickass.
4 is 3 but bigger and shit-tons of lame DLC.
USE LESS TEXT IN YOUR MEMES LEFTY/POL/, you are disgracing our branding!
So its basically a utopia based around gun tourism. I like it.
Makes me imagine a tourist resort dedicated entirely to /k/ommandos.
Such places probably exist already.
it exists
its called Chernobyl
It's too bad Tropico 4 and 5 are too piss easy to ever require acting like a dictator.
3 was already easier than the first game (but at least in a good way, building was frustrating in that one), but I still had to watch out for my relations with the superpowers and I was forced to act like a brutal dictator to keep my position. In 4 I never got invaded no matter how indebted I was and people loved me no matter what I did.
The problem with all Tropico games after 2 is how idiotically easy they are.
I enjoy them fine, of course, but I commit electoral fraud on principle rather than out of need since winning is fucking easy as all shit. Then again given the state of most democratic countries that might just be realisticā¦
What other sims should I try?
Tropico 1
On a more serious note what are you after in a sim game?
Does it have to specifically be city building or are you open to things like Rollercoaster Tycoon or trains?
What about things more like god games?
And to give you a quick list:
Rollercoaster Tycoon games.
OpenTTD (which, by the way, is free, has fucktons of mods and is sometimes played in MP by anons here).
Dungeon Keeper 1 + 2.
Theme Hospital.
Sim City (not the new one).
Black and White, 1 is much better than 2.
Airline Tycoon (possibly a hassle to get running nowadays).
Most of these aren't specifically city building games but I'd say the scratch the same itch.
I can never remember if Cities: Skylines was any good since I never looked into it so ask another user for that.
I kinda see it.
Oh and some of the Anno games are ok. I'm not a huge fan of the two most recent games but you might like them. Generally the older the game the better it will be.
Finally try Caesar (start with 3) and Pharaoh.
Some of the Settlers games are good but the series is rather hit and miss and the best games are relatively old.