Battlecuck Containment Thread
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It's a fake
I hope so. EA knows that placing a nigger or a woman in the front covers lower overall sales. They would never do that with their marketing. Unless they're being funded by (((RedShield))
WW1 really?
So is everyone getting trench foot and bolt actions while one player has an MG and kills everything
All those 2142 Easter eggs for nothing
Thank god
The Western Front of WW1 was mostly trench warfare, but the eastern front was less of that.
What the fuck are they ripping of the Necrovision or what?
Trench club they are real why not a knuckle buster though?
Read a history book. Here, I'll help:
Trench clubs were used during WW1 because using bayonets on your rifle wasn't exactly the best of plans in close-combat.
It's a historical weapon
Real life is parody, get me the fuck out of here.
I Wouldn't mind this actually, at least its actually historically accurate for a change.
Fun fact: A writer at polygon originally thought it was a grenade and then edited the article when he found out he was retarded.
They could focus on Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck and his guerrilla war in Africa.
Would also do wonders to show how well the German treated their colonial troops and subjects compared to the Anglos and Frenchies
but it doesn't, white cucks buy this shit anyway by the millions, just look at the box office for cuck wars
obligatory SWEDEN YES
can't say I'm surprised that a Swedish game about ww1 would focus on niggers
This whole fucking game is a mistake
First WWI AAA game and we get this putrid fecal matter, fucking kill me.
You think they'll include gas warfare?
The C96 was used in WW1 you faggot
WW1 is cool
Too bad it's going to be another playground clusterfuck with respawns being 2 feet away from muh action.
Hopefully, so we can gas the niggers
Holy fuck EA, this some blaxploistation shit.
Holy fuck, all of you niggers except you need to read a fucking history book. Goddamn.
It is if you accomodate the game design to the setting.
If it doesnt then its a clusterfuck and no different from the other games, even worse because it breaks your suspension of disbelief.
That was precisely my point you triple nigger.
I have two entire folders dedicated to WW1 images I can post. I won't post all of them since its about 500+ images combined.
I see what they're doing.
They're testing the waters, going full sjw to see how much revenue they can generate. The sales on this game will decide who they pander too later.
Make sure to demonize it to hell.
What an awful feeling.
You seemed upset about it.
SJW don't buy games, especially not FPS. No if they go that way it's because they want to suck up with the journos.
Would it be possible for you to upload them somewhere?
I have a few, but since I mostly collected them during the deutschaboo phase I went through in high school I would appreciate some other countries.
I wasn't, but it's okay user
There were black people in WW1????
A few regiments fighting with the French.
What's your point? There were nignogs in WW1, specifically the african regiment, and curryniggers too.
Is mega still safe or is that compromised?
I can always blame the fact that I can't read emotions for shit.
Make a fucking Zulu Wars game and focus on the niggers, Ive got no problem with that.
This is just pandering and its going to force down a message down your throat in the campaign.
WWI is European territory, they should be focusing on fucking Europe, not Burgers and niggers.
I heard Mega is dying at some point "soon" because they've been surviving off credit cards and nothing else, but I haven't seen anything about it outside a single tweet someone sent out.
Yes. Both American colored regiments and European colonial troops fought on the Western front, and there was an entire campaign fought in East Africa between German and Entente colonial regiments. Von Lettow-Vorbeck was a fucking tactical genius and if you're interested in the topic you should read his absolutely incredible story.
It should be fine
**Me too lad*
Open a history book, faggot. There were campaigns fought across the world, that's why it was a 'world war.
There was fighting in Africa and India you fucking retarded mongoloid, and France had some of their fighting niggers to reinforce some positions.
Read a fucking book you idiot.
Even with WW1, they managed to make the cover a try hard generic FPS mess. And even worse, it's another cheap blue and orange contrast poster. If nobody had told me it was about WW1 before hand I would never have guessed.
I wouldn't surprised if the setting is just being used to prop up EA's diversity pandering.
Kim Dotcom himself says don't use it. Chinks run it.
feels great man
>World War 1
I hope I can get better at it at some point.
It's based in New Zealand now
Yes, but most of the heavy fighting was on Yurop.
Thats like making a Vietnam War game and focusing on the Australians.
Most media focuses on the Western and Eastern Front.
This is obvious propaganda of the worst kind.
Pics not actually related, but all I have right now
Shut up cuck, the only history book I need is Holla Forums and ever since I got epic red pilled I wont fucking stand for blacks in video games.
Nice falseflagging lefty
So, where should I upload it to?
What's wrong with that? Are you saying that games or movies shouldn't focus on the not so well known parts of a war?
Those coats look really comfy
Im saying they didnt until they saw they could fit a nigger on it.
And now we have this.
Wheres my fucking Zulu War game?
I want to play as a spearchucker and kill the colonist kikes.
How are you any different from a SJW?
I bet there won't be Ottomans.
Naughty goy, don't forget, the Germans carried out the holocaust.
I would love to have a Zulu war game now that you mentioned it.
The nips during the Russo-Japan war had really comfy coats.
If they pander to casuals this shit is gonna bomb hard
Is there confirmation that this is actually true? The pic in OP just looks fake as shit, the cape barely goes with the uniform and it doesn't look like a WW1 soldier at all
That's actually historically accurate.
Source is an early upload to the XBOX store that was quickly taken down. The pic is only of pre-order dlc and isn't the actual cover
>>>Holla Forums
Damn, better luck next time.
German East African part of the campaign when?
That'll never happen, and you know that.
Holla Forums we're trying to discuss video games.
This is why you don't get your history lessons from Holla Forums outside of WWII probably.
Filter, and then mock them whenever they reply to you. It pisses them off greatly.
I hear they were pretty numerous in Africa.
And so the shilling began.
But you can do WWI VR in the backyard. Just dig a hole, fill the bottom with water. Wear shit clothing, then have someone watching you like a hawk, so that if you step out you get shot. Remember to also not bathe and to eat shit food. Were you expecting fighting? That will come at some point, but you'll get shot in the first wave over the top. That's WWI fun everyone can get behind. In the meantime, dubstep.
>"I-I knew that, g-goy! That's what I was saying all along! I actually think it might be cool!"
Typical backpedaling
Although, playing as the Germans during the beginning and slaughtering Frenchies with MGs for trying to rush you with horses would be fun.
So is the WW1 confirmed or not? It'd be fucking great for a WW1 game, since they're near enough non-existent.
2142 easter eggs all for fucking nothing though.
Of course not. just imagine how ape shit the Turks will get bout that. If you have the Ottomans you need the armenien genocide and that will make them go nuts.
SJW scum please go
Holla Forums might be a shithole, especially after mootkins ravaged their half board and all the cancer came here, but at least they arent ad hominen goons
It's probably WW1 or 2143, we'll know in three hours.
Even though I don't give a shit about Battlefield, I just like talking about WW1/
Russo-Japan war when?
The new templar class for Battlefield 5
Hopefully it's WW1. While I'd like another 2142, WW1 games are too few.
But user, don't you like Vurdun? :^)
I don't even know what you're on about with this, but you're quite obviously a braindead Holla Forumsack so don't try to play that card with me.
Are there any videogames about naval combat from that about that era? I want to BTFO the Baltic Fleet at Tsushima.
I played a tabletop game called Battlefleet 1900 a few times back in high school.
none of this makes any sense
first they start in WW2, go to modern times, skip 1938 parts in the franchise and go back to WW2 again, then skip another 199 parts where it's set in the future?
this is retarded
Why live?
The only ones trying to be divisive are shills posing as Holla Forumsfags, or maybe they have started acting like SJWs, but in either case the solution is the same:
Don't buy the fucking game. You do not have to buy this game in the unlikely scenario that you were somehow a AAA garbage eater but were put off by niggo DLC.
Not that I'm aware of. Would love to play as the nips bombarding Port Arthur.
Glorious US always winz
JewSA pls
To be fair, they could've had their allies not been shit.
Can Germany do anything right? I mean, did you know that the Japs made a stealth fighter? Meanwhile Germany can't into modern flight. Just look at Poland, so much better than Germany. I hear their Winged Hussars blew up German Panzers during WWII. If it ever happens again, it will be a massacre. What I'm trying to say is Poland is #1 in Europe.
They atleast didn't fail horribly against italians all the time.
It almost loaded, but I closed right before it played. Be careful with that thing.
Dunno you tell me.
Thanks for making it obvious
Whats that? Im curious
I have no idea what you two are talking about
Where da white strong independ womyn soldiers at?
nice try bitch
back to reddit
And now Merkel means we're going to have to kill germans again in a few years.
holy shit did they hire the nintendo naming team, the one that coined wii u and new 3ds?
Dont you know that Stalin was about to invade Europe in a bunch of weeks posterior to the start of the eastern front?
If it wasnt for Germany attack on the Soviet Union, All of Europe would be under the soviet yoke.
Stop believing in Allied propaganda
Hope you get to play as Hitler.
Didn't they sign an non aggression pact?
also good job to whoever made that poster, because it looks exactly like BF3/4. if someone told me this was a new BF4 DLC I would fucking believe it
and alternate history means the writers got hang of LSD before writing the plot and ensures it won't make any fucking sense whatsoever
what a time to be alive
Heil dir im Siegerkranz,
Herrscher des Vaterlands!
Heil, Kaiser, dir!
Fühl in des Thrones Glanz
die hohe Wonne ganz,
Liebling des Volks zu sein!
Heil Kaiser, dir!
Nicht Ross und Reisige
sichern die steile Höh,
wo Fürsten stehn:
Liebe des Vaterlands,
Liebe des freien Manns
gründet den Herrscherthron
wie Fels im Meer.
Heilige Flamme, glüh,
glüh und erlösche nie
fürs Vaterland!
Wir alle stehen dann
mutig für einen Mann,
kämpfen und bluten gern
für Thron und Reich!
Handlung und Wissenschaft
hebe mit Mut und Kraft
ihr Haupt empor!
Krieger- und Heldenthat
finde ihr Lorbeerblatt
treu aufgehoben dort
an deinem Thron!
Sei, Kaiser Wilhelm, hier
lang deines Volkes Zier,
der Menschheit Stolz!
Fühl in des Thrones Glanz,
die hohe Wonne ganz,
Liebling des Volks zu sein!
Heil, Kaiser, dir!
Can I play as Hitler and finally exterminate jews?
Oh yeah because that totally never happened. Yeah yeah, it's just eastern Europe but the result would've been the same whether or not Germany had launched a preemptive attack.
It isn't
Because Stalin wanted the ignorant germans to believe that the Soviet Union wanst a direct menace (yet). And remenber that the point of Poland partition was for Stalin to obtain a direct way to German teritorry.
After all, if they wanted peace, why would they let the Poland buffer state to dissapear?
I thought Hitler violated that?
Hitler was fucked regardless if he attacked Russia or not.
Game setting - WW1 Game will not be following authentic WW1 history (in terms of weapons) Game will either be called Battlefield 1 or battlefield (year)
Maps: Armiens - ( City within france, most comparable to Siene crossing if you played BF3).
Italian Coast.
Chateau note MASSIVE church in the center of the map.
Mountain Fort (most comparable to Dem. peak from BF3)
as of last contact with source: he does not know of the rest of the maps in development but he/she has not yet seen an infantry only map
Game Modes within the game itself: (also like to note that this will be one of the largest BF games map wise)
Conquest - Game is leaning very towards CQ large
Rush - Massive improvement over BF4’s Rush gamemode/map layout
TDM - TDM will be in the game
Domination - will be in the game
(potential game mode) - Last Squad Standing - operates much like Squad Deathmatch and elimination mixed together ( teams will be able to spawn on any team mate throughout the match until they are squad wiped. eliminating them from contention) this game mode has a good chance of being competitive.
Pigeon Game mode - Game mode that operates like what we saw on BF:HL where you must hold/carry around the objective to capture it which when captured gives a point to your team, then resets.
CQ and Rush mix that’s played on the maps Scar and Amiens. Where one team must capture flags to move up onto the map much like Rush works.
Vehicles/Transportation Horses (war horses) Light tanks - one seaters (will have a self repair function) Heavy tanks - Three seaters. Scout Plane - 1 seater functions as a jet without Pods or heat seekers Bomber Plane - self explanatory. Two seater plane - Gunner sits on the tail of the plane with a mounted gun. Rhib-like boats to reach shores Weapons Heavy prototype weapons Fully automatic weapons much like assault rifles DMRs snipers LMGs Grenades variations are as follow: Impact grenade Incindiary Gas Grenades Hero Gadget (Flame Thrower and Gun Combo)
Classes: Medic Support Assault Recon
Overall game enhancements
Dynamic weather on every map which includes:
Fog Rain Snow along with others
various of these will rotate on each map making every time you play it different than the last.
People that have been invited by EA to alpha test/give feedback
JackFrags has been invited and knows of the game’s state LevelCap Knows of the game’s state PonyLion Knows of the game’s state Westie Knows of the game’s state
Thanks for proving point
History is written by the victors
They're a good working class. If only they had an elite caste of rulers to guide them to a brighter future…
Are you retarded? The Soviet Union could have conqured up to Lisboa. Also the nordic countries and Italy and Greece.
It was an agreement of convenience for both of them, destined to be broken by one if not the other. Germany didn't want to repeat WW1 and the Soviets weren't ready to fight Germany (yet).
The deal was just a means for both of them to easily conquer Poland, after that was done there was no point in continuing the pact except to not be pincered by both fronts, which happened.
Did a crystal ball tell you that? Assuming the Germans wouldn't have been able to stave off a Soviet invasion the Allies might've been slightly more pissed over Soviet occupation of France or any of their other allies.
>Probably just going to play like COD with rifles, instead of proper Trench warfare
>Normalfags will defend this
Please tell me this is fake.
Remember Black Ops?
Honestly, I'd rather have 2143 be made by a more competent dev and not be published by EA.
If only they hadn't patton'd Pilsudski.
Poland could have joined the Axis
Marlowe Briggs. My bad.
Hitler was just a young fuckboy in WWI
Id pay for that
There is still a slight chance that it won't go down the CoD route. There has to be someone at DICE that knows it would not work in the context of WW1.
Then why did they supported the Soviets since the beginning?
You dont want a big super power state like Russia, so the obvious plan would have been to support other european powers like Germany.
But it didnt happen. Because the Soviet Union was part of the globalist to take over the world. While the Third Reich was a menace to them, even if it was good for Europe.
This does both
it has our favorite juden on the cover
That would be really funny to watch.
Face it, bro, Poland is way better than Germany now. What good games has Germany made?
Nigger please
Its already dead
Hope is the first step towards dissapointment.
Let go user, go play the Refractor games.
They were seen as less of a threat than Germans, duh. It was an alliance of convenience, destined not to last, not unlike Molotov-Ribbentropp. I guess they also assumed Russia would honor their agreements about restoring sovereignity to occupied nations, the dumb fucks. New President of the USA and a leftist Prime Minister of the UK didn't help with that either.
Pls no
I hope that'll be the next game from Destructive Creations (Hatred, IS Defense).
And the cuck of the year award goes to DICE
You will surely get the Karkland.
Shit game.
Is that because you're underage, or retarded? Look at his fucking club and Mauser, you dolt.
Dude, where are you even getting this? It's clearly DLC. See:
Who the fuck is going to pay money for a literal pack of niggers?
This is completely untrue. The Red Army circa 1941 was devoid of any competent leadership since the 1938 purges and was still recovering from its manpower losses against Finland. It was in the process of replacing its 19th century Mosin-Nagant rifles with the autoloading STV-40, its air force and tank armies used woefully out of date vehicles such as the T-26 and various biplanes. Given the world war raging so nearby, Stalin had approved a plan to modernize it and bring it to military readiness, but it wasn't meant to be completed until 1943. Maybe he would have attacked after then, I don't know, but he definitely wasn't planning to attack in 1941 or 1942.
kek that would be pretty good actually
Funny, it's actually one of the games that are universally liked in Poland.
The other one is Gothic 2.
You fight the Al
You fight the Alqaeda on Medal of Honor. If that counts.
Yeah, MoH 2010 was great. MoH: Doorfighter was bad.
Is it confirmed it's gonna be WW1? If so why's their a faggot nigger on the cover?
Unironicly im kinda hyped
I know it will be DLC shitfest, but come on
Alt-ww1 is the setting that i always dreamed about
Looks cool.
I'm assuming that's a Harlem Hellfighter.
I want a Hitler skin from when he was serving.
if that nigger shit is for real then that is some disgustingly insulting revisionist bullshit
You can do better than that, fam. Suvorov based his claims on circumstantial evidence and got a lot of things wrong.
For example, he claims that the Red Army was planning to invade because it was building paratroop regiments and tanks which could supposedly only go on paved roads, when those kinds of units are also suited for defensive operations.
There's a reason he isn't taken seriously outside of places like Holla Forums.
Horses confirmed?
And no one in the real world takes you seriously, lefty
Alternate timeline :^)
Look, Holla Forums is cool because they promote opinions that aren't really popular, but you aren't entitled to your own facts.
Holla Forums, are you ready to make stom of steel real?
even if it's based on a "real" containment regiment you know they're going to set it up so every fifth person running around during the great fucking war that defined us a people will be a nog
Seriously, flatlanders?
That's pretty rich. Even if we assume your ebin nazi fanfics are true you have to concede that a majority of people believe in what you call historical revisionism.
kek, nice arguments faggot.
Suvorov is 100% believeable. He make the Soviet Union as too much powerfull of what it was, and many other mistakes he made.
But the idea overall is spot on.
WW1 sounds cool, but
I don't even give a fuck about a nigger on the cover. This being a WW1 based Battlefield game has caused my penis to become so engorged with blood that I am but seconds from passing out as I type this. I'm full blown aboard the hype train and I don't give a single fuck about the faggots on this board that will endlessly rag on this for being a game that more than 3 people actually want to play.
Come to think of it, will we get to play as Mussolini, Hitler or Moseley?
There's always mental role playing. I personally will definitely be role playing as a young corporal named Adolf.
Nah, basically nonsense.
mean to
No, it's literally just nazi propaganda. It's based on faulty reasoning and is unsupported by any academics with actual knowledge in the field.
And before you use the classic cop-out of "only sources I provide are legit, because anyone who disagrees with me is brainwashed by Jews", consider that that is another way to justify your beliefs in the face of evidence to the contrary. Things such as the Kaityn Massacre and the mass rapes of German women are universally considered by those same historians to be undertaken by the Soviets.
Who had an unusually large supply of nigs to kill
Hitler was actually a brave soldier and was awarded as such for his actions during ww1. He got the Iron Cross second class for bravery and survived both wounds from a shelling, and later a mustard gas attack. Don't buy into the kike ran media's propaganda that Hitler didn't do shit during the war. He was based as fuck his entire life.
[patriotic throat singing in the distance]
Cannot fucking wait my friend. Running around as a young Hitler wiping out nigger scum on the Battlefield.
Then give me good sources of what I should believe then. I want to know
I've read some pretty pozzed books about ww2 and all of them have had to admit he was practically a war hero
join my clan and refuse to kill anyone but nigs
You have no fucking idea what youre talking about, allow me to help you.
Zepplins, tanks, jeeps.
No. Just no. You have no idea what the fuck man.
Imagine this.
Fucking ww1 is awesome!
I'm assuming that's either a random member of the Harlem Hellfighters or Sgt. henry Johnson.
I have no idea how they gonna implement these into the game though. Gun jamming mechanic would be cool tbh.
hopefully they don't just go for some time travel cuckery even though it's probably kind of likely because going to ww1 would alienate 99% of their current playerbase when there are no jets and choppers and main battle tanks and automatic rifles with huge scopes
Looks like somebody overdosed ww1 diaries
jokes on me, i love ww1
Speaking of WW1… This game right here is the fucking shit.
WW1 had airplanes, tanks, and automatic weapons, and it also had high power optics.
It is shit, we already know this, but thanks for the reminder.
That was free on PSPlus at one point. That was a pretty good game.
Sounds fun for a game but it's probably never going to happen they will implement something like that.
Imagine crushing niggers in something like this.
useless airplanes, no tanks until the very end where they were mobile shields more than anything, automatic weapons are entrenched machineguns which don't really scream amazing gameplay. But this is post-battlefront DICE, so there isn't really a lower limit on how awful this could be.
Isn't that thing, slow as bricks?
Sounds fun.
Adolf, please
Nigger that sounds awesome, if you are to impatient for some more tactical gameplay go play cowadoody
I think there might be mounted troops.
Anyway, the Eastern Front was a hell lot more fluid than people imagine it to be, but that's assuming they're even going to portray that theatre.
aw shit I bet the nig will be a hero character like from battlefront except you run around smashing whitey with the club and take a 100 hits to go down
I think you retards are forgetting that this is a video game.
You can read pretty much anything about the period and it'll agree with me, because it's not like this is a point of contention among historians.
Basically, that fucking retarded bastard known as Stalin said that anyone who said anything bad about Soviet-German relations was an Allied spy who was trying to incite hatred between the two countries. Also he had begun the construction of defensive works even though he told everyone "we'll totally fight in other countries, not here", but they weren't ready yet.
I just realised how funny it is that they armed the black dude with a club
Top fucking kek.
Every once in a while, you have to give the nigs some credit. Plus, this is not just a band of nigs, this is a band of nasty girl nigs. That's actually really fucking interesting on its own. Plus their nickname was given to them by the Germans, apparently, so at least they respected them.
OP here, Im probably going to delete this so I can make another containment thread from scratch so that newfags dont flood board with threads wheb this trainwreck is announced.
Someone cap or archive this tread if you for some reason have something you wish to remember/maintain here.
is it because they weren't sent into danger
Could that shit even turn?
Holla Forums is triggered by a lot of shit tbh
Very slowly.
do you really think we're going to post 500 more times before it arrives
Don't delete it you faggot, it's working just fine.
Thread is about to reach bump limit and the announcement is in 40 minutes.
Screencap the thread if you're this butthurt.
I would be happy as fuck with slow tanks and biplanes. Sorry I'm not some baby that is fascinated by shiny things and fast movement.
The problem will be the maps,the factions and the weapons,hell even the vehicles .Considering the last battlefield attempts there will be a shallow number of maps at start, probably two-three factions,everyone can use everyone's weapon and everyone have vehicle. Which is the most distant shit from the WW1.
Or imagining driving this as getting filled with holes because after a few seconds on the front.
Eh, you have a point.
I personally don't give a fuck about the game, I just like WW1.
Well I mean anyone could get carried away spinning up the legend of their mascot animals
Political correctness wasn't a thing back then, bro.
That's true. All we're probably going to see is a bunch of bunnyhoppers running around and spraying each other with prototype SMGs.
What's the matter bud? People are actually interested in a fun game with a cool setting? Expected the usual full/v/ bashing of something just because it's AAA without even paying attention to the actual content of the game? It's OK friend. That new 8 bit, fan created Steins;Gate side scroller reboot will be out soon, you can just play that.
Or image, that it's a video game.
Read the rules newfag
It certainly was and it started with the abolitionists. It just wasn't called that yet. Most of today's "social justice" traces back to the slave nigger thing
Are you triggered that you dont get a blue highlighted name on this site unlike reddit you fucking faggot.
No you don't, they're niggers, no one gives a shit about them
Dude, you're just reaching at this point. Look, just because I'm proud of my race doesn't mean others can't do shit right once in a while. Killing Krauts is the national sport of the US anyway.
I'll keep an eye on it.
sure is goy
You seem the only one triggered here user kun.
Also a reminder that you hold no power over the thread and I can delete fucking everything just to piss people like you off.
Rule 6 nigger lurk some moar
But I'm a Jew, goy.
How long until mudslimes say WE WUZ REICH N SHIT?
Except the people losing their shit over this apparently.
How the fuck is this gonna work? Tonks were barely used during the war, and when they were they were giant landships like the A7v
nobody's perfect
You guys know DICE could put in some advanced technology and excuse it as "Secret Weapons".
I'd rather crush niggers in this
Who cares about tonks when you have awesome infantry fighting hand to hand in trenches or storming fortifications?
If you call making fun of niggers "losing their shit"
Guess I wont have to delete the thread after all.
only has 74 posts still
I'll give you that. Maybe DICE will have a pretty good CQC System for fighting in the trenches or something.
Maybe some aerial combat? WW1 is the First Air War, after all
I love you.
If done correctly early access can be successful, and considering some of the animations in the trailer it needs some work. A recent early access game I really enjoyed was grim dawn as well as Ziggurat. But of course it understandable to be hesitant.
Rule 8 nigger
Let it be, that thread died when you made this one.
Maybe add the link to the reveal or some shit like that
Good luck with that
Are we seriously trying to hype something made by post-Battlefront Dice?
Here's the livestream if you really want to see it. It's got LvLCrap as a host. 30 minutes to go until they show what you want to see though.
Except the Jewish people.
I made this so the catalog isnt flooded
That aint ww1 nigga
Who is that beautiful man they're interviewing?
meant for
Every game talks about "the human element of war" yet it's always the same shit. I want a game where I can just dick around with my buddies.
B-but muh originality
I think they're playing 4
Yea, they're just killing time until the reveal right now. They have LeveLCap talking about various BF4 maps.
They had a game like that once, it was called Battlefield 1942
Daily reminder that LvL can't even use burst fire weapons.
A lot of WE WUZ damage control ITT
Don't you have to burst-fire with fully-automatic weapons anyways so you can actually hit shit past 5 feet?
I hate that fag.
Apparently the Hellfighters were pretty fucking metal.
It'd be cool as an expansion or something, but WWI games should primarily be about European powers and not the US.
the sites fixed you yiffing faggot stop using the script
chat is just full of people talking about niggers
they are useless in hitpoint based shooters
Stop oppressing me, shitlord, I'm dragonkin and need my ounce of dragon pussy!
Some "white" people, are really just light-skinned black men.
Cultural marxism?
If you can burst fire the M16A4 right it can go over 800 rounds a minute, and you can still hit targets at distance if you want to and it has a fast as fuck reload. The M16A4 is the best AR in BF4.
The term then becomes "tap fire", but yea.
DLC, and with further inspection, it's really not a bad unit to put in a WWI game. Nigs were pretty okay.
You meant to say AN-94 i'm sure.
I do better with the M16A4, the AN-94 is still beast mode though. It's funny how many people you hear running that thing in full auto-mode without realizing they're handicapping themselves actually.
Threads like these are why I don't come to Holla Forums, came here expecting autism and cynicism and was not disappointed.
it takes barely any whites to control a country filled with apes, just look at south africa, the only reason the 10% whites aren't still running the place are international pressures, when everyone else gets to the stage where they're too weak to interfere they'll probably just casually take back over. I really doubt europeans are going to get anywhere near 10% before there is "pushback"
your rose-colored nostalgia googles must have some serious lsd in them to believe this
of course, since you post here after all
Here friend, >>>/reddit/ should be more apropriate for a gentleman such as yourself.
you don't know about the insane good times in that game? Some people stayed in servers for 10 hours at a time setting up crazy stunts
And the African campaign was total maneuver and guerilla action. It was pretty bad ass
What a loss
like in every other game?
yeah, i guess it was proto-minecreaft
I'll remain skeptical until I see game play footage, if it looks fun like the older BF games (pre-BF3) I'll buy it in a heartbeat.
And yes I hate both EA and DICE at this point, however BF will always be a franchise that I can actually have fun in, regardless of the quality of the game. Games are mean to be, you know, played for fun?
Oh, fuck me. I wasn't even thinking about how there's probably going to be U-Boats and shit in this new one. Oh God, I'm in Battlefield heaven.
battlefront reskin calling it now
Did you ever actually play Battlefront? The game was generic as fuck and a massive disappointment and a piece of shit, but those graphics tho, best looking game I ever played. If they get those level of graphics in a game that's actually good, then this game is going to absolutely destroy every other FPS out there.
French and British Colonial troops were mostly white. As the name imply.
Colonial is the term for Europeans colonists. Indigenous is the term for locals troops. What typically happened is that you had a Colonial unit with an attached Indigenous unit making the ratio 50% (well not even 50% since all the officers and most NCO were Europeans too). Only places that ended up with special status in their empire had full indigenous troops (some of the Maghreb for France who kept their royalties/government, like Morocco and Senegal IIRC, India for Britain).
Germany wasn't nicer to the locals than France or England. In fact they're openly described as the most violent (save probably Belgium) by contemporary sources (at a time Britain and German colonial troops rendered assistance to each other), and the ones using show of force on the regular (to which historian/anthropologist have explained by the bits Germany got where populated by openly hostile and war-like tribes. Other say that the heavy handed approach of Germany only fueled resent).
tbh i got bored of playing boring old white dude evrytime smh
Can someone turn this into a webm? I'd really really like that.
Holy shit, I am so assblasted.
You answered your own question there. :^) Also cuck numales to show how progressive they are.
I don't know if anyone has brought up the worst part of this.
There are going to be black men and white men fighting in the same trenches in this game. I'm not a fucking stormfag but that's just fucking wrong to revise history like that.
You want /his/? ok
Let's start with a Fitzgerald quote from "Tender is the Night" on what this war was about.
This war did not include Africans. Africans existed in this war entirely as a result of European colonialism.
Blacks were an extreme minority in WWI. The African theatre only existed because of colonization.
But let's talk casualty numbers.
17 million people died in WWI. 20 million were wounded. 11 milllion of that 17 who died were military deaths. the rest were civilian deaths.
East Africa saw less than 250,000 civilian deaths. They saw similar numbers in colonial african deaths (so, about half of that were actual africans.)
America joined in 1917. Here are the notable African units in the American military:
It is disrespectful to the millions of French, British, Germans and Russians who died in this war to put a negro on the cover of this game.
derp =(
Let me add more
70,000 casualties a month at the Battle of Verdun.
500,000+ in 5 days at the first battle of the Marne
1.5-2million lost at the Battle of the Somme
The East African theatre was inconsequential in this war. It only existed because of German, French and British Colonialism.
Just put my pre-order in B^) not even joking
Germans used Askari African troops extensively, even in parts of the European theater although regiments were segregated and you wouldn't see black and white troops together
Remember one man save japan for 40+ years from socialism
Otoya Yamaguchi we salute you.