The shit is going down

KKK Imperial Wizard Frank Ancona Found Dead Near River in Missouri

Frank Ancona, the imperial wizard of the Traditionalist Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, was found dead Saturday near Belgrade, Mo.
Ancona's body was found by the Big River in Missouri by a family who was fishing, the Kansas City Star reports. The cause of death is currently unknown, but officials said that an autopsy would be conducted Sunday.
In a statement, Zach Jacobsen, the Washington, Mo. County Sheriff, called the incident a "tragic and senseless act of violence," according to the Kansas City Star.
Before he was found dead, Ancona, 51, disappeared on Friday. His car was located by a U.S. Forest Service employee on Forest Service property, who then called Missouri Highway Patrol for further assistance, the Star reports.Ancona's family has been notified of his death, according to the Star.

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inb4 christcuck d&c

this is like the third thread of this. Is someone deleting them or is OP a fucking retard?


Missed the first reply, Moishe.

Communists are celebrating this apparently

fuck off faggot

Not for long…


Actually they do have a cause of death
Gunshot wound to the head, burn pile found next to the abandoned car, body found bloated floating in the river. Two arrests 'unrelated' on drug warrants to two individuals now in custody. Sheriff's say nobody has been charged yet in the murder but that may change by tomorrow. Analysis: usually klansmen and these redneck unintelligent types are involved in methamphetamine or drug trafficking in some way, if not just users. Sounds like a robbery or a crime by someone involved in this scene.

This is one of the main reasons National Socialism is in no way related to the KKK or AK or SkinHeads, they're full of degenerate behavior and often times extort their own kind and promote homosexuality.

You, sir, are and idiot and your thread a shit.

There's a kebab joke there somewhere

What is AK?

AK is Aryan Knights. Tbqh most of them end up in American Prisons, for their drug trafficking and corrupt behavior. It's in those Prisons where they extort white inmates and rape them. So they promote homosexuality in this fashion and it continues upon their release.

What makes these degenerates associate themselves with Nazis??

Because they're edgy. Seriously that's it. They don't know anything about NATSOC, they just dislike non whites so they prescribe to nazism, but they don't read mein kampf or probably read much at all.

Fuck that FBI honeypot. New KKK when?

It was probably an accident, and if it wasn't, it doesnt matter because nobody is going to do anything about it.

We are left hovering somewhere between the early stages of Rhodesia and Brazil, and protip: we arent getting out.

I doubt most of them even have the ability to read and even more so doubt if they performed a genetic test upon themselves that they have 'Aryan' blood at all or even understand the definition of Aryan.

Some Croat youtube commenter in the context of the Serbia/Croatia war was referring to different aspects of the right in his country as "chauvinists" vs "nationalists", where chauvinists are those who are just fueled by ignorant hatred (including towards white Serbians etc) whereas nationalists are those who actually care about the cause and put racial interests above petty local disputes. These skinheads/KKK/etc strike me as the former, being basically the liberal strawman of dumb racists whereas we have actual facts and ideology underlying our beliefs and act from knowledge rather than lash out from blind bigotry.

Probably killed by blacks.

Pretty much why we distance ourselves from skinheads and people like The Daily Stormer. We're actually intellectual and upstanding citizens instead of degenerate dumb faggots.

The second KKK did nothing wrong though. The third KKK is a FBI honeypot through and through however.

I remember a post from cuckchan where a Holla Forumsack saw some skinheads at a bar and went up to talk with them and ended up getting mugged after he refused to do drugs with them.

Honestly, how many people do you think really believe in NATSOC like Rockwell did? I feel like maybe less than a few thousand in the US. It's like were some animal going extinct.

Probably a few thousand at most, before Holla Forums probably a couple hundred. Good news is that this ideology is very elitist and explicitly not designed for normies. It's not like communism where everybody has to believe in it for it to work. It's intended for a small spiritual elite to lead the masses kicking and screaming to a better world.

he relaxed around blacks, or niggers as I like to call 'em.
deserved it. KKK is CIA.

Like Rockwell said, NATSOC is the pinnacle of human evolution and spirit. Just think if the entire world was white and under NATSOC.

If I had to guess, several hundred thousand and growing quite fast. As for men who identify with natsoc ideals without expressly saying so, usually not even knowing that term, I would guess in the millions.

It doesn't make it any more secure you fucking retard

Kill yourself, FBI

What are the chances that the rest of the trailer that this pic was taken in is a meth lab?

Who gives a shit about the KKK?

Matches my estimate, as your numbers well illustrate.

Could serve as fuel to get blm moved to the terror list, I guess. Might as well pull something out of it, if we can.

Let's hope whoever buying his meth was of a melinated persuasion.

This is probably the best explanation. KKK is always the lowest tier Whites you will ever meet. NEVER get involved with the Crystal Jew.

FBI mole? Did the klan take care of a rat in its ranks?

That poor FBI agent… :^(

I wonder if he got redpilled before he died.


and no one cares about kkk feds


I don't particularly like the Klan, but if we had threads about antifa's gay-bashing of Richard Spencer, then there's no reason we shouldn't be discussing this too.

Damn, that's not far from where I live.