What could go wrong?
Sure. Why not? It's not like he killed a white man or anything, right?
Oh. Wait.
I used to love this country. We were good people who were polite and lent a hand where needed rather than trying to police the world. Now that kindness is going to get us murdered. If we're unlucky, we'll get raped before getting murdered.
I have a request for the American anons: if any of you somehow make it into positions of influence by the time the last true Canadian dies, I want you to avenge us. I'm serious. Please make them pay for what they've done to us. And to those who will yell at me for being demotivated, I need to remind you that white Canada is now officially in a race against time between now and the next election to stay alive until we can get our own Trump in power… if that even happens.
It's a real shame that the people who let this man go won't be paying the cost of his next psychotic break.
People with severe mental illnesses never go off their meds. I'm sure this will all be perfectly fine.
We will. You might not get to see it, but we will.
That's all I ask.
Shades of magnotta there…
Fucking leafistan tbh.
If you don't let potentially murderous schizophrenics walk the streets freely, they win.
Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.
This is too much. I just watched some of those shit fetish YouTube videos that are being pushed on children , and now this. It's just too much.
And we're not even near the end of it, yet. It just keeps coming, day after miserable fucking day. I'm incredibly jealous of the Americans, which is something I never thought I'd hear myself say.
Is canada even worth saving anymore? I mean the sole reason they exist is so they can say "hey at least we're not americans!"
So, do the majority of your people still think this guy's super cool, or are they finally waking up to what a fucking nonce he is?
If nothing else than for the sole reason of not letting the U.S. become surrounded on both ends by non-whites.
Gore of the case.
British Columbia is also one of the most beautiful places on earth that I've ever visited. Such climes should be the home to white men, women, and children. For that alone, our descendants will raise the shitskins in Canada to the ground when the time comes.
Maybe our generation's fascist awakening won't come from our hatred for democracy, but from our hatred of kike-run judicial systems.
Oh, I remember this case now.
Har de har har. I'd laugh, but I'm too busy being raped to death.
I don't know. I'm in Alberta where everyone I know claims to hate the faggot, but we don't have the votes to keep him out if the fuck-sticks want him back in. Elections in Canada should be done by percentage of votes per province, not by population, but all the frogs and dipshits want to keep things the way they are because it makes them happy.
The good news is when the muslims take over your country they'll throw Mr. Trudeau from a rooftop.
Roll on that happy day, but I doubt it. He's been too useful to them. They'll probably just cut out his nuts and use him as a harem eunuch.
That is rustling as fuck. Hopefully some of his cops buddies make "arrangements" for that cunt.
Canada is quickly becoming Sweden-tier.
That's one scary looking chink. Literal "i'll eat you" face and everything.
He kind of did.
Damn … I remember when that happened. Didn't he think McLean was Satan or something? Ate his tongue and shit.
It's Canada, user. The only "arrangements" RCMP would make for a psychopathic cannibal is probably bake him a cake.
After this point Canada isn't a first world country… and probably it wouldn't be a white country after 2017…
I hope the judge is the next person he eats.
Can't blame the man for mourning the loss of his father.
Upon arrival, the family took up residence in Peterborough, where Monsef's uncle already lived. They relied on the support of several charity organizations, including the YMCA and the Salvation Army.[10] Monsef has continued to raise money for humanitarian activities in Afghanistan.[15]
In 2003, Monsef enrolled at Trent University,[16] from which she graduated in 2010 with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Psychology.[17]
Ah canadians, you guys are so progressive it hurts !
Underrated, even by Kek Himself.
You smug bastard, you got me!
Someone quickly post me some articles/proof of people being jailed for incredibly small things compared to this OP, making some OC.
Better hit the gym and get swole for the race war that's coming leaf friend. Better keep cleaning your guns too and teach your children how to shoot.
What I got so far.
IIRC he also sold a laptop before taking the bus and ultimately eating this guys face and storing his nose and ears in ziplock bags.
I wonder if God also instructed him to eat his body too?
Underated post.
Well done, leaves.
even the "based cops" here are pussies and cucks. canada is a cuntry of fags.
Raze. Like a cleansing fire.
what a fag.
you couldn't raze an anthill.
Sounds like the whole "god told me to do it" was just some shit made up for the courts.
Or Moloch, seeing how that fucker loves blood and sacrifice
I remember this as it was happening. I'm too tuckered out to get angry about the current situation. I'm tired of being angry at the world but it leaves me little reason to stop. May karma do its duty and repay those that have caused us such turmoil.
So no one is monitoring whether he's taking his meds or not?
That would be racist.
I've seen anons mention that the US should annex Canada to save it. At this point I'm willing to believe that it most likely would make it better and if we do end up doing that, Trump punishes each and every Canadian politician responsible for making it and letting the country get into it's current state.
this is your brain on liberalism.
We will, Canadanon. We will avenge you, purge the shitskins and traitors, then annex the land. This is all bullshit.
would the frogs in plebec let themselves be anschluss'd by trump?
It seems the leaves can't even muster the will to give a schizophrenic cannibal long-acting injectable antipsychotics as a condition of release. Nope, they'll trust him to take daily oral meds that have quite unpleasant side effects and which their voices tell them to stop taking. The schizos typically switch to weed lmao instead and then go full bore psycho.
Daily reminder to never turn your back on a schizo, regardless of whether "they take their meds". I feel empathy for schizos the way I feel for rabid animals–it's sad, it's not their fault (if genuine schizophrenia), but they need to be put down and/or used as organ donors.
How the fuck can they release the savage that did this back into the general population? A Canadian patriot needs to handle this. Put a bullet into the head of te judge as well. You will be a hero.
Quebec is probably the only place in this place that you can find a decent concentration of people who love Canada, and they only love 1/10th of it. So no, unless trump forces everyone from New York to San Fran to learn French.
Someone should cut the chink's face off, and wear it as a mask while they torture the cucked officials on live stream. Would watch/10
Why haven't he gone to that stinky chink and killed him ?
why kill himself instead ?
Now the chink is alive and free and also have two bodycounts in his resume + gibsmedat + liberal support.
Goddamn it leafs, you guys are truly hopeless.
if you harvest the organs they carry the schizo taint, only sell them to israel and chinese.
Leafs should join their local Wolf Pack / Soldiers of Odin
frogs are in a mixed bag, most hate him but the faggots in Montreal still loves his progressive bullshit. Not surprising considering Montreal is almost only shitskins, Jews and faggots at this point. Problem is the number of people in that shit island do have a heavy weight in elections. The fact that the three biggest cities make up for about a third of the Canadian population and they are all degenerate loving bots programmed by the Jew makes the fight extremely hard when it comes to electing a Canadian Trump. Not to mention, we don't have a two party system but a plethora of choices which makes something like Castreau win.
They'd ask for special rules for governing themselves, like being able to take part in some international conferences and shit. They'd also ask for every federal document given to them to be translated in French. They are stubborn people. Even if most are bilingual, they'd still want to be catered to in French because its the last sense of identity remaining there, after some 250 years of attempted forced assimilation by Anglos.
truly the eternal frog is the most obnoxious of the romance speaking peoples
This tbh, justice should be served.
To them the Anglo invasion is exactly what the beaner invasion is to Texans. Can't really fault them for that, although on paper France did lose the war. The stubbornness is exactly why they weren't assimilated in the first place. That and an extremely high birthrate before 1960. families of 10+ kids were the norm there up until the first world war.
That's of Julius Evola, user.
Nice job.
Come here, you.
And get immediately arrested for "hate crimes," whether or not we'd actually done anything. Hell, I'm probably already just days away from that just from C S I S monitoring my shitposting.
You spelled "demand" wrong.
Off by one, but still top tier, user.
Does Canada even have prosecutors? Get that beast away from the public.
never take public transport or this will happen to you.
does anyone know of any good video editing software I can get for free? I use gimp for image OC but want to start making webm/mp4's
sage for offtopic
Holy fucking christ, what the fuck is wrong with that Judge? A fucking chink gruesomely killed him and he just lets him to be free because "lol mental illness he dindu nuffin" this is just fucking totally retarded.
Not only that but he fucking ate the guy apparently. Dudes a complete nutcase and I promise he's medicated as fuck and docile which is why they're doing this but guess wat? Now he's out and free to skip pill day all he wants so don't be surprised when in a few months he thinks he can handle it no meds and does it again.
I've worked with the mentally unstable and they HATE the pills, can't blame them since it makes them zombies barely able to function unless ordered to. Once he's sick of that he'll flush them pills say he's taking them and then go get some take out in a back alley somewhere and wind up in court again.
I miss the days we just hung murderers because it seems the more "civilized" we try and be the more shit like this happens.
This. I have no faith in this country anymore. All of my energy and optimism goes toward the US and has for some time. I want there to be at least some sort of fighting chance for the west/whites since I know it damn well won't be saved by us.
Growing up I used to get sort of mad when people would say that US is better since I liked it here. Now I get mad when people here scoff at the US. For as many things that you can rip the US on, at least they have some sort of spine left, and that's more than I can say for this place. Everything about our culture has been reduced to "It doesn't exist and here's why you NEED xyz." I can't even watch hockey anymore without diversity being shilled to me. I can't look at politicians without seeing them as simply different levels of turbocucks who just want to run us over with the third world. You can't publicly criticize diversity/feminism since you'll get called Hitler, and no one will dare back you up. You can't listen to the talking heads without them blatantly lying to you saying that Canada has always been multicultural (with the implication that it wasn't different European culture, but instead all of stuff we see now). And now of course more than ever, we're just blatantly at the stage where we're just replacing the population while calling it "Helping those in need whether you like it or not."
So push for the docs to switch them to injectables.
Of course, the correct solution to the problem is as I outlined in , but barring that at least you know they can't fake it or accidentally their meds into the sink/flushed themselves down the toilet/stolen by friends. Then again, some docs are retarded. I've seen some decompensated schizos who were still on adderall "for ADHD" and the shrink saw no issue with that. Gee doc, think that giving amphetamines to schizo might pose a problem?
Also, have you ever noticed that only opioids, amphetamines, and antipsychotics are "drain magnets"? No one ever accidentally bumps 180 tabs of ACE inhibitor into the toilet, but god damn the adderall can make flying leaps across the room to land in the running garbage disposal several times a year, amirite?
thank you user
stay away from discussing any "women's issues" in public as a penis owner. let the cunts deal with their own shit.
even if people are open to your red-pills if they see you as a "misogynist" you'll be cast out because
if you must talk about feminism shit, do it with unmarried young males
Not to mention the ones who have their own unique brand of logic.
We will, user. All these bastards, kikes, and shitskins will pay greatly.
Fugg off by 10
Kill all nonwhites
"If you let the cannibal eat you, you win!"
more masonic executioner foreshadowing. Holy fuck are these people obsessed with head cutting.
French-Canadian girls are the only leafs that are hot. B.C. girls top out at an American 7/10, and the subtracted points are all from the face.
I know your pain user. I was the man that lived with butthurt kike. I got shut down, I lived with occupy vancouver and was the man that tried to save the woman that died there.
I was raised by cucks and my mother chose to cut my foreskin off.
I met the book clubs of the daily stormer and found them cucks.
I'm waiting for a day of the rake to pay the Poo-in-loos back for shredding my resume instead of hiring me, and the Asians for literally spitting on me. I live for their comeuppance.
There are men among cucks, and we will be resurgent.
It's a long way to Tipperary indeed.
Let us paint, just give me the ink.
There is a better drug for schizos. here, I just tested it in a psych ward. Shoulda seen the nurses faces afterI gave it to their worst folks:
There have been a surprising amount of mental illness related crimes in Germany too. I don't mean refugees claiming to be mentally ill, I mean schizophrenics running around in public without supervision and getting funny ideas/freakouts in public places.
Known schizos shouldn't run around without a handler.
As someone who has a relative with schizophrenia I can say one thing with certainty, they can never be trusted to continue taking their meds. I have a feeling this won't end well, but of course, CANADA YES!
Everything surrounding mental health, pretty much everywhere, is absolutely retarded.
tbh, I would lose my mind if I lived in Germany right now too. It's likely a coping mechanism.
are you actually implying psychotropic drugs work?
They have, in addition the "science" behind it has no credibility.
There's a reason Hitler locked them up.
If you live in a Western country and don't feel suicidal then your mental state is questionable.
Feeling suicidal at being trapped in our progressive hells, surrounded by aliens, cucks and feminists, with your traditional values and personal identity attacked on a daily basis, with no apparent way to halt the decline, is a completely normal response.
Of course, he shouldn't have given into the urge, a good start would have been to read some Evola.
But for those who have never felt suicidal despite what is happening to our lands, I can only say fuck you, you have internalized the sickness and maybe even enjoy it in parts anime, trap porn, not having to be manly, being relieved of the duty to be masculine because 'getting in touch with your female feelings' is 'acceptable' now.
People have been (((trained))) to enjoy it, though. My brother (who went to university) is a bluepill from hell, and feels pity for me that I can't just see how great diversity is. I've tried to educate him, but he moves goalposts or outright starts calling my sanity into question. He turns 40 this year and should have grown out of this shit, but he and his wife are unable to have kids and I think this is why he can't really understand why I get so upset with this bullshit. He can't picture his kids getting hurt by these fucks because he has none, but it's all-too-easy for me to do so. I worry every day about my wife or children ending up in the shit-smeared hands of the swarm of rapist-killers we're importing.