

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't hate your thread or you user.

shameful self promotion tbh

And a lot of salt was had on that day.


Just for you user.
I didn't make any of them in either pic

I really don't understand that mentality. When I think up a female character, I always take into account her sexuality. Why would I want her not to have a good time ?

that actually does still make me giggle

Where is the rest of it/the source. i still cant find anywhere else with celtonel


most of those seem okay, save for Keeper of Secrets




I know seriously whoever worded those cards has probably never played magic.
That or they're the new set designer.

It's honestly a 50/50

It was a troll. We called him Cooldown user. He'd called people hecklers for saying his cards were shit.

oh so he's in charge of the new sets then.
"Return to Castle Ravnica, Rise of the Spliffmizzit:Timescrew" when?

Where does one even go to discuss custom Magic cards? I never seem to find much in the way of discussion like that on /tg/.

There's literally a thread just for that on /tg/

There's usually a CCT thread. 8/tg/ not so active.

Rolling for character class.

Rolling for class

Every single one of those Magic cards is unbalanced, poorly-worded garbage.

lurk more
>>>/tg/ if you made em, delete it from your folder if you just saved it


these are gud

most of them

Trying to salvage the thread.
I'll save my weebm's for the weeb thread.


I still hate you 'cause I'd rather a LOL thread

Moe moe wwwww

Wait she got her own figurine?
i want one


It's eltonel.


Real or not?

I've lost the ability to tell with this shit anymore.

It's real

Despite being unable to tell, I'm wholly unsurprised. I can't wait for DC to die. I'm surprised it's lasted this long.

Ohhh i feel stupid


To be fair if that line were written ten years ago nobody would care, but today we have a very different context in thinking about what a "social justice warrior" would be.

More like social justice butthurt.

Don't feel bad user, i still love you.

it's total fucking shit at this point who the fuck cares about the existence of DC comics? The writing is so unbelievably bad at this point it's literally tumblr fanfiction tier

hell even that singular panel you just posted is complete dogshit….

Shit thread.


I'd call it a concerted effort, but I've only seen it twice or thrice now, that they've tried to deniggerize (niggerize?) the term

Every fucking time

To be fair, once you've created perfection, everything else looks a little shittier.

But god damn are those awful.

I'm pretty sure that's from injustice, which is god tier

holy shit that made me laugh super hard

I also thought Dr. Pavel's ability was a stroke of genius.

Real, but his character was always a bit of a bleeding heart liberal, being based on Robin Hood. So not inaccurate!

yeah those cards are pretty great.


me too
if i cant make her less lonely at least her figure should have a companion

I giggled, I'm not gonna lie.

oh I didn't even see that.
Those cards are like onions.
They're so layered


Where's the rest, then?


How the fuck is it sexist?


I think he's joking.
I pray he is joking.
He has to be joking.
David, don't do this to me.

There was a time, that having a prom picture like this would warrant exile and even your own mother to beat the shit out of you.

Too early to be a geek


Is it that hard to see a bunch of people having a good time and not shit on their parade?

That shit ain't even canon so like dafuq monica?

I'm throroughly confident he's fucking around. There's no fucking way.

Just those two sentences next to each other should be enough of a hint he should stop tweeting.

who is this guy?


Alright, he's just fucking with people. I see that now.


rollan for class

Shit, I see David Jaffe is on an entirely different level of irony than I am.

Keep in mind, this is something a grownass man is complaining about on the internet.


As a tranny faggot myself, the last one is pure bullshit. The last one is "pity me please!" Gives us tranny faggots a bad name.

I'd actually consider using Bane for EDH.


not bad

You have to go back.


If you don't want to be called "sir" don't have attributes that only men have

neither lol

That's not very funny at all

I find it amusing.

then maybe you should be doing something about the foreign invaders instead of feeding africans

Your next post will be *tips fedora* LARPER


Yep. Full fedora.

Tell your secular government to do something about it. Oh wait…it's what they want.

Last time we got a Christian government, people won't shut the fuck up about their response to the muslims. Athiest "SEE HOW EBIL IT IS! DEY ARE ALL DA SAME MUH CRUSADES ARE THE SAME AS TERROISM".

You have no one to thank but yourself for it.

Calm yourselves, this is not how we evangelize effectively.

I have never fed an african, I simply live my life an ordinary man for my extraordinary Father.

I'm afraid you'll have to do more than call names to prove a point, user.

But why? Your Lord Jesus Christ has more in store for you than simple mockery.

It's a shame I don't have anything more for him.

Standing by and doing nothing while your fellow Christians help the barbarians, you might as well be helping them yourselves

1270-ish bucket helm best helm

If I could talk sense to Protestants they wouldn't be Protestants much longer.

You faggots manage that perfectly fine on your own.

Hey fellas can I interest you in original Christianity?

user Can I interest you in the original Christianity?

these threads are cancer I love it

post dick

They aren't cancerous, but the people trying to derail them with with shitty roll images, or Semitic faith most certainly are.

The thing about christianity that makes lol the most is that jesus is a cuck baby becuase god and mary cucked mary's husband.

True, also nice doppels mein friend

Man I feel bad for Joseph

Bet god took her anal cherry too, what a perv.

You think god DPed her?

God probably gangbanged her


Does that mean god is a tentacle monster?

god fucks all holes at once probably

No. It just means he's everything.

Nah fam this is God.

It’s the little things.

maybe mary thought penises were god

Hell yeah

Rolling for class

For a liberal? Yes.

The left is filled to the brim with people who want a cheaply purchased sense of moral superiority. They are so desperate to have their moral superiority vindicated that they will literally commit self-destructive acts and take self-destructive positions on issues in order to place themselves in what they believe others will see as a morally superior position. One thing you’ll notice about their mental disorder is that no matter how much they gain, they always move the goalposts even further so they can separate their position as far as possible away from the norm to a position they–erroneously–see as superior to the norm. This is why you see their positions becoming ever more ludicrous as time goes by until you white people advocating white genocide and vegetarians demanding that everyone become vegetarian by law.
The seat of this mental instability actually lies in a low sense of self-esteem. They believe they must compensate for their self-perceived failings by simply being “better” than everyone else.

Nope, my post is “Reported for obvious INTL shitpost and raid.”

But he wasn't talking about your post.
That doesn't make any sense, user.

is Holla Forums raiding currently?

I didn't know Holla Forums still existed

banhammer's swinging hard, so if so they're being dealt with

rollin fam

I'll roll

They went to where they meme about pills and laugh at how everyone here is afraid of Holla Forums

Every day I wake up and thank god I'm not as paranoid as half the people on this board.

i check there every once in a while

i was one of the spinfag spammers there


*tips fedora* LARPER


it depends, what do they do when the party wine is running low?

At least try, you sack of shit.

Obligatory LOL thread image.

I like some of the stuff from Real Jesus and some of the stuff from Fake Jesus.
Isn't it better to be a good person than just have the right beliefs and say the right things?

Obedience to what? Nah, I'll choose to do the right thing, not just mindlessly do what other people tell me is the right thing.

What does it mean to "turn away from Him"? As in doing evil things? Yeah, I'd agree with you on that, but you can't abandon those people, you've got to try to help them change.
Also I'm not sure if homos can be changed, although that one camp that "tried" was apparently just a scam, and didn't really use any proper techniques. Also homos don't really hurt anyone by existing I suppose.

Organized religion is only good so far as it builds community and teaches morality, but the problem is the same as any organization, power attracts the corrupt. Not even that power corrupts, because that's bullshit, evil people are drawn to positions of power. Just strip them of their power and wealth and give it to their congregation and it's fixed.

Yeah, people doing evil shit need to be stopped and reformed if they can be, and killed if they can't be. Although how can you ever know anything for sure? What if you kill a man and new evidence is brought to light that proves he didn't do it?

Yeah, if someone really cared about your feelings he'd tell you the truth, because only by knowing the truth can you be happy, now and in the future.

Yeah, nothing wrong with violence in self-defense and in the defense of others, it's the initiation of violence that's evil.

Yeah, nothing wrong inherently with rich people, it's just when they have control of other peoples lives and control them like chess pieces, using people according to their desires and whims.
Also you need a free and open economic system that allows for upward economic mobility. Opportunities for everyone to get rich. Money isn't a zero-sum game, just because one person has more doesn't necessarily mean that another has to have less, although that does seem to the current system.

Yeah, I don't know if marrying a woman and impregnating her is really a temptation, since isn't that what God encourages anyway?
I mean yeah, it feels good and right, but doesn't that just mean you're a person whose soul is aligned with holy ideals?

Man, Western Christians are pretty cute though, I kind of like them.

You need to think this through a bit more.

What if you've got to murder 30 newborns every day to feed the rest of the world?





I wouldn't call a baby murderer a good person. A justified person, sure.

Heh. If it wasn't so shitty it would actually be funny.

holy fuck I've never seen this edit before.

my sides have officially left orbit and will arrive at pluto in 10 years.




crushing this thread



This is what society is like without gods. We need to feel moral superiority, but we can't rely on old books, so some people just guess and hope for the best.


user, Christianity and Judaism are two sides of the same coin

Well imagine all the niggers we would have if they didn't die by the thousands because they're too stupid to farm ?

you fucked up


>crushing this thread

Do the good deed of laying dragons, of course.


Oh honey…You'll realise one day.
Read your bible.

Was browsing.

I have a different point of view. Fear me.

Seriously though let's get back on topic.

You. I like you.


The one that whips moneycounters in the temple.

Also preferably the one what don't mind me wanting to do a dragon babe.


Did she ever stop to consider "maybe if I shaved off my mane, nobody would think I am a guy"?
I mean, the few trans folk I've met in my lifetime all had that decency, at least. They try to look the part.

wow check your privilege shitlord, if cis people weren't so IGNORANT and HATEFUL they should be ABLE TO TELL and RECOGNIZE a STRONG AND PROUD TRANS-AM THAT DON'T NEED NO IDENTITY POLICE

you haven't seen an attention whore tranny then.
They basically want to try to bait you into misusing one of their 45 different genders and pronouns so they can get a moral highground and act oppressed.

I like you both.

99% bullshit, but only because there's basically no indication of what the organization should be. The early "organized" church was little more than people meeting for fellowship at each other's houses, and Jesus and company seemed to think it was perfectly fine. Nobody would consider that organized religion nowadays.



Post more lewd dragons

I would also like a great deal many more lewd dragons.
Preferably like these


I know one who wears a dress but still doesn't shave their fatass neckbeard

I only post these in LOL threads.

It's made in old MS paint, what'd you expect? Don't worry I'll improve at my own pace :v)



I miss old gmod.


The limitations created a shitty but enjoyable form of creativity, whereas SFM is just movies.


Collage-tier movies at that. I loved the goofy, over-the-top facial expressions that gmod gave us.


>implying I wasn't implying that I like Hitler especially because he has had? lots of friends, as you misimplied

*looks through thread*
*sees all this sexism, misogyny, and racism*
This thread is very problematic :/


It's too late to back out, user. You've dug your own grave.




>implying I can't back out right now


You're looking to be more of a Marxist degenerate, the more mistakes you make.

Enjoy taking the full force of a blow instead of having it glance off.

Read it again and pay attention this time.



Everything about this image is the most perfect thing I've ever seen. There is no way on this earth that this isn't a parody of every single fucking sjdubya there is.

How the fuck am I supposed to read this? Top to bottom, bottom to to, left to right, right to left, it doesn't make any sense.



It's still dumb, but now it's dumb more along the lines of my thopter voltron edh.

Unless you transplant your brain inside a woman's body, you'll always look like a dude.


Actually, if you start popping pills before puberty you can look genuinely female, but anyone who takes a preteen's request for self-mutilation seriously needs to get their head removed from the rest of their body.

Not down there, nigger, unless you want to present me such a disgusting vile wound as "acceptable".

Yeah okay, not genitalia-wise. Good thing that this conversation was about appearance, not pulling down someone's pants to check.

yeah that ain't a counter spell for 1.

You must be either really stupid or gay to fall for some of that shit. Hormones from ten, or not, they're uncanny as fuck, not just because of how they act, but how they look.

They're like parodies, and it's disturbing immediately from the moment you notice them.

the thing about esoteric viking paganism bullshit is that no one actually knows what it was so you're free to bullshit your way into anything (assuming you're a hooknose with an axe to grind)

jews are just whites if whites were conscientious, had a long-lasting religious tradition stretching back thousands of years, emphasized education, and had generally higher IQs

Maybe people are disturbing to you because you have autism. To me, 3D people were really creepy and uncanny, but then I got diagnosed and we figured out what it was.

Don't crack up. Feed your brain. See both sides. Throw off your mental chains. I believe in you.

Trannies and traps at best can look like girly men and boys. They certainly fail to resemble girls, and there's no way they'll look any bit womanly. Their only claim to femininity is to deliberately and actively remove any traces of masculinity, but androgynous filth is nowhere near feminine.

No, when you're neuro-atypical, the world is weird and horrifying to you. What you're describing sounds completely familiar.

Pre-puberty there are no traces of masculinity to remove, and with stoppers and replacement hormones they naturally get feminine traits. They can still be ugly as fuck and look half like a man as much as any normal woman could, but pre-puberty treatment generally removes the uncanny valley shit normal trannies have. You normally wouldn't be able to pick them out of a lineup.

They're still degenerates, I'm purely talking about their appearance.

Are you implying that trannies are the world, or something, because if so, then the world must be pretty damn small, considering how much of a minority they make on population charts, dwarfed even by the gomoseks.

You just seem to be a victim of media projection, making you think white women go out with black men, or that there is no right-wing political movement happening anywhere in the world.

I aint no mtg pro but I'm pretty sure you can't cast it without a legal target and since it's a sorcery then you can't cast it at all, right?

Read; they are still ugly as fuck, etc.

As soon as their pre-puberty age is over, they go right back to becoming freaks, since the growth they experience basically fucks them up, chemically-speaking. You can legitimately see them begin to collapse, as time goes on, and makeup can only do so much justice.


trannies are ~1% of the population yet comprise 50% of your fucking complaining


His fault for trying to defend such degeneracy.

Talk shit, and you get hit.

You being wrong is in no way comparable to me being hit, user.

no one gives a shit about what you think is or isn't degeneracy

4 u.

Thanks doc

Lots of ways of giving it Flash. Quicken has already been mentioned, but it's still going to be worse than Counterspell. It's not something you could ever effectively use unless your deck is built around pics related.

How, exactly? All you've been repeating is how I'm autistic for seeing some clown exactly for what he is, or how I'm being ignorant of the world, because I'm not accepting that they're the majority, when that is most certainly not the case.

Every time.

sure but on its own am I right in saying you couldn't cast it?

when you are going on at length about something, and someone says that they don't give a shit, it is generally a sign that you are being annoying

I never said you're autistic, but I can safely say you're retarded since you can't even read IDs apparently.


That means I'm getting to you. Congratulations for getting peeved on a Japanese-American Imageboard.

So what's your argument, then? Or are you going to chicken out under the pretense of me misreading your ID?

if annoying people is desirable why are you not yet a brony

Rollin for mage

Back to LOL

Because annoying you is merely an unintended side-effect. You're letting yourself get frustrated, and I'm not even trying.

You're making this play out like an MSPaint comic. Get me?


you pride yourself on being annoying


At least it's accurate.

Nope. I've pretty clearly stated that I'm merely arguing, and you're exploding over it, like AIDs Skillrex.

Not my fault if you can't handle any banter, but I guess I shouldn't expect any better from weekenders.



Never has a LOL thread made me so angry.

I giggled

Why don't you click my ID and see for yourself what my arguments have been, numbnuts? Calling someone chicken when you make a mistake isn't going to make you look less retarded.




Please explain how dark music snob store is less offputting to people than enthusiastic bright Gamestop with a man rambling about how good something is, even if you don't know all the details

This is the same guy who wrote words.jpg? I'm guessing that's intended to resemble his standards for literature.

You can't cast a sorcery when something else is on the stack so no, you would never be able to cast it.

Your argument is that I'm wrong, but I don't see any evidence from yourself proving that.


If he went with something like IDDQD he probably wouldn't come off as trying so hard.

Yes. He also was the one that praised Dark Souls and Spec Ops for being better than literature.

But GG happened and he did a complete 180 on his view of video games.


by what standard
what literature

why is he drawing about games if he clearly fucking hates them

Harsh words coming from the man whose favorite video game is fucking Spec Ops.

He had a lot of comics about video games like the removal of content over time and all that.

I mean, fuck gaming sites and journalists were growing shit for years but one person mentions his Z-list girlfriend fucking indie devs and a journo and it becomes Manchurian Candidate-level control on people.

because she wants to shame you for liking video games, you fucking white male

Don't be too harsh on Spec Ops, it's the best video game adaptation of a film in a while, even if that isn't saying much.

anyway, sounds like a waste of time. like someone writing essays on how much they hate writing

I don't see any evidence from you proving that pre-puberty trannies still magically look like men despite never going through their biological puberty that causes your jaw to widen, more hair to grow, shoulders to broaden, the adam's apple to lower etc.

It's almost like you're talking out of your ass.

you're not arguing anything, you're loudly complaining about things and insinuating that if the reader dislikes this, it means they "just don't get it it"

the first comic in this is a traditionalist argument against video games, but because it comes from this guy, no one notices

What do you mean?

I enjoyed that movie way more than I thought I would.

On the contrary, you never had evidence to your own claims, in the first place. Not even a simple graphic out of you, but I'm sure you'll try to ignore the burden of proof being on the one with claims, here.

I'm downtalking degeneracy, and if you get in a miff over it, then you need to toughen up, rather than remind everyone in the thread how annoyed you are, and how much someone's post doesn't matter to you. That's what I'm dealing with, here.

Fucking retarded shitcunt what does he think happens at every melee kill, at every chainsaw kill and everytime you open a door?

How do these dumbasses explain mascot platformers like Mario, Sonic and Kirby?
Oh yeah, my dream is to become a cartoon hedgehog that chases a fat guy that turns animals into robots! My ultimate power fantasy!

The first Dark Souls seems pretty damn consistent. I don't understand why anyone would bother trying to compare it to literature, though. Apples and oranges.

I mean that the argument in the first comic– that games are juvenile, callow, stupid, not a real medium– plus the fellation of literature and "classical" mediums, sounds like what a traditionalist would say if asked about video games.

Of course, no traditionalist will actually say this to your face in the current year, because they need to groom members and they're not going to tell you that your chosen diversion is shit.

You are using a meaningless snarl word ("degeneracy") to frame your complaints as morally important. I didn't care about "problematic" and I don't care about "degeneracy". Please perform your missionary work elsewhere.

It is someone's dream to become a cartoon hedgehog that chases a fat guy that turns animals into robots.

Neutrals don't win, user. They never do.

They're the lamb that the winning dog gets to gnaw on, and you should know that. Refuse to heed the call, and you will only be in the way of the victor. That's all I can tell you.

you're all faggots

Oh, okay. I wasn't sure if you were endorsing that retarded comic or what.

You sound like a fucking faggot.

All totalizing, invasive ideologies are the same. You're a plague rat.

In the end, they've been talking about dicks for hours now.

What about rogue-like or strategy games where you get your shit pushed in until you get good at it? Also a power fantasy?

And how do they explain the popularity of walking simulator and telltale like "games"?

Did you ever stop to step back and realize you're making a call to arms on an anonymous imageboard?


By all means, be annoyed. Reply, as you feel.

You think moderation means anything, when it's been practically proven that there is no middle-ground to be taken, in these types of situations?

There is a right and wrong, in this scenario, and ignoring that won't make things any easier for you.

But user, there's always a middle ground.
It's called I don't give a fuck about your ideological internet wars, nigger.

I'm not annoyed. I'm pointing out that you aren't doing yourself any favors by criticizing neutrality when someone points out that you're getting lost in dogma.

I don't care about that other shit, I just noticed that and wanted to talk shit

this is a double bait, isn't it?

Your organization preys on people. Theirs preys on people. This is not "moderation", it's rejection of all predators, not just the least friendly of them.

When the hell did the subnormality guy become Quentin?

Hold up, are you saying Jesus mantled God?

what does that mean in this context

yeah, me too, I'm watching streams and browsing this infected open sewer for fun, should go to play some vidya now

thanks for blogposting you fucking faggot

you're welcome

He has nothing to contribute to the thread, just ignore him and he'll fuck off to someplace more suited for him.

Ever played Morrowind? "Walk in someone's shoes until they walk in yours" is the basic idea. The player character didn't succeed in his trials because he was the chosen one; people's belief and his success made him Nerevarine.

(19) is right, I'm already bored, you're too serial

so like "if a bunch of people believe really hard it'll come true"? Like meme magic? Yes, Jesus was meme magiced into being the son of god. But only by the will of Kek, which is ironic in and of itself.

Nothing wrong with spreading the good word, dickhead.

That's the magic of it, though, user. You can't! No matter what, you're gonna get pushed to the limit, because as the conflict rages onward, and the protests escape the rallies, things will only become more dire, mass hysteria, etc. You can only sit on the fence for as long as it is there, and sitting on it in the first place won't do a good job of keeping it up.

How am I getting lost in a dogma, though? It seems alright.

Yeah. They "prey" on people. Maybe in your fantasies that you use to keep yourself a moderate, but otherwise, all you can do is pretend one is not in the right.

*tips fedora using sticky tongue*

I'm not a moderate. I'm strongly against both you and the SJWs.

Please stop calling things meme magic like some kind of teenager on facebook.

You’re mentally ill and will be killed in the forthcoming economic collapse.

If I had a door to slam in your fucking face, I would.
Fuck off, evangelist.

It's too late. "Meme magic" is a meme in itself.

I've been away for 2 months, do we not use that phrase anymore or are you just some fucking summerfaggot

Don't be in denial, now, user. You'll settle in with the crowd. Don't you worry. You'll have more in common with one side, than the other. All it takes is for you to realise that.

Confirmed for pissed off. Congratulations.

That's pretty edgy.

This is what autism looks like.

It's the weekend. That's why.


Neither, it's just stupid.

Lurk moar, newfaggot, and enjoy the weekend.

confirmed a turbobabby, please leave

Hey, what's going on over here?

Are you sure that autism doesn't look like the guy who's going around talking about how you'll be "killed in the coming apocalypse" for making fun of him, or the guy who thinks that internet shitposting circlejerks are warring armies?

That's kind of strange!

"weekend" confirmed for forced meme

Hello ?

Who are you?


Rolling for either a summoner or a cool fighter class




What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

I'm pretty sure Weekend posting is pretty much confirmed to be a phenomenon since the early days of the internet.

Good job on proving how much of a newfag you are, though.

can people be this retarded?

What you're gonna do is you're gonna try to turn "weekend posting" into a meme and then use it to smear anything that makes you butthurt. Then other people are gonna start using it to describe your posts, and you'll abandon it.

I want to fuck totori

I've been in naval bootcamp for the past two months, I do not know what is popular right now. know that I like the concept of meme magic, which was some shit to behold after the ruse cruise was over. Prayer to orion and Kek was what got me through and I'm holding on to this shit.

I remember a similar looking comic with males having a bunch of job choices and females having slim pickins illustrated by guys choosing to go in all the hard labor jobs and females being forced into those cushy nice jobs.

weekend and summer posting is like 2000s tier shit, like the oldest old fag can tell you that it was a thing in his day.

You posted an image for ants that doesn't belong here. You might as well have posted an Image Macro, while you were at it, or something straight off of your funnyjunk folder.

I assume "other people" currently means you, right now, in which case, you will attempt to turn the term into an insult towards people that remind you of me, and then after everyone tells you to fuck off, you'll abandon it.

It got you through boot camp?
Dude are you fucking with me right now or did a dead god from ancient myth really give you strength because you saw it on an imageboard?

Calm down. He's on a roll. Typical weekendfag.

You're trying so, so hard pin some bullshit on me.

The "oldest oldfag" said that "summerfags" were a myth and that 4chan actually slowed down over the summer. It's just bullshit to use when you want an insult.

Those are literal fantasies that they're complaining about. Only reason they're aren't demonized is because most of them are progressive. See the appeal of games isn't pretending to be the video game hero, it's the same appeal that people like to play chess, crosswords or even just throwing a ball at each other. It stimulates the mind, which is the exact opposite that these walking simulators aka fantasies do. A true power fantasy is a game where you can't lose and that's a shit game and more of an action movie. This is where the video games are patriarchal instruments arguments fall down a ditch and make a glorious crash.

Boot was pretty easy actually, but I just kinda did it because I thought it was funny.
kek is alive and well, I assure you.

am I being le baited right now?


It was a pretty small image, user, and a Holla Forums suited one, at that.

Even today, you still trust that faggot cuck, and I'll never know why.

Do you miss him, or something?

I have many Holla Forums reaction images.
I'm fully confident you will use that to call me an SJW liberal shill.

No. I'm just calling you somebody from not around these parts.

I think full/co/'s okay, but not perfect.

What a fag.

I'm actually appreciative for guys like this.
I'd rather have people think games are for lonely losers so it keeps the hobby on the fringe, not pandering to the lowest common denominators.

My God, it's like a completely unironical Quentin

Can't wait for his comic about playing 3DS in public.

Guy is Sanzo.

Not really sure where best to find his translated stuff, sadly.
e621 has some.

It's a bit wonkey, but for the most part it is down and right to left.
Use yer noggin'.

You may look like an ugly-ass woman, sure, but you can at least somewhat look the part.

This somehow pisses me off more than most the shit I've seen posted in these threads. And I've seen some terrible shit, like that one tranny comic for instance.
I think this is made worse by hitting closer to home, where I know for a fact they're wrong.


I love it when they do my work this easy.

You can.

I like the continuity
If you didn't have eyepatch guy having an eyepatch, I would've thought it was the standard shitty comics on the internet
Now it's slightly better than that!

Thank you based user.

I hate to blow my own horn here (i don't tbh), but I always try to pay attention to stuff like that. I really hate when people cut corners like that; copy-pasted panels, no attention to continuity etc. Thanks for the feedback anyway, maybe in the near future I'll use Photoshop to make these instead of Exp Paint.

I don't know, the art style kind of serves to help make the horrible massive textboxes not feel as pretentious. They sort of soften things up a tad.
Exercise caution, as different styles can majorly shift the tone.

