You will know Kek through His son, Pepe the Messenger, and His daughter, Kekette the Waifu Queen

There may be lesser waifus adored by Kek worshipers, but Kekette is an up til now neglected part of the trinity. Through her the Kek godhead grows in power and leads us towards total Aryan victory, which is but an obscure fantasy when only mortals are counted on for guidance.

Give her your devotion, the energy of desire otherwise wasted… for without her we as a race will be consigned to the dusts of history. Our praise has tapped into the surface of Kek's glory, but can't you hear Kekette's call?

Kekuit speaks to us through cat girls

It's keket not kekette you illiterate retard.

Kauket/Keket is a snek, not a frog.

This. Please be less illiterate in the future, OP.

This is now a Bastet thread

There are variations on the names of the gods, if you look into it. Kekette is a feminine alternate of Keket.

Metadubs confirms the divinity of Keket/Kekette.

Oh, and here I went searching for a picture of Rana. Meh, at least I don't have to come up with a joke to go along with it now.

Threads like these are what happens when our findings spill over to the normalfags, the comic readers and the videogame players.

Posts like these are what happens when conceited faggots can't into esotericism that's been on 8/pol/ for years.



That's a roundabout way of calling this thread cuckchan cancer.


The Jew fears Kek/Pepe/Kekette. This is the natural growth of Aryan mysticism, and it scares the Synagogue.

Little FYI, the anti-kek posting is /christian/

Jews subverted the fuck out of Catholicism, which is sad, but they could never subvert an ancient frog god of chaos, his meme messenger Pepe, and his sexy daughter Kekette. There is no institution to be infiltrated and turned into an anti-White tool. A pro-White, anti-ZOG religion fueled by rage, humor and sexual frustration will never be subverted like the Catholic Church was. Kek cannot be stopped because the Godhead grows organically, and the truth is chosen to destroy the (((chosen))).

You're an illiterate tool who made a shitty thread about Kauket, whom we all knew about already. This did not deserve its own thread.

So why are you so adamant about opposing her worship?

Double dubs confirms anti-Kekette posters are anti-White.

Digits negated, nigger. You blasphemed lord Kek's sacred numbers.

Nice try, Moshe.