Apparent Chemical attack in German Airport (!!!)

More than 50 injured in Hamburg airport after exposure to ‘unknown substance’ – media
Published time: 12 Feb, 2017 12:44
Edited time: 12 Feb, 2017 12:45

Other urls found in this thread:


If turns out to be a genuine chem warfare attack in hamburg warfare and not just bullshit this could truly give Afd the election.

Any germanfags have better resources?

I bet it was that infamous Islamic terrorist Samir al-Hayeed again!

archive dot is is a honeypot
don't use it

dude, the same hyde meme was boring like 3 years ago. Now it just reeks of a pathetic newfag trying to fit in by bring up an old, stale meme. take that shit to cuckchan wit the other under dickheads

Anyone have real info?


Definitely PETA or the local automobile club.


Either you're a shill or a shizo. because you know then the fuck ing mod goes nuts, and and (not that I give a fuck, just change VPN address or turn on Tor) but it causes chaos.

So, let's say it is a honeypot. I have nothing left in my life, let the jews come for me and arrest for "hate speech" don't care.

If it is I enjoy seeing how they downplay it.

Actually the same hyde meme is so stale that its funny again.

Watch out, we got a badass over here.

Seeing a ton of other outlets blowing up with the same news. Some mentioned eye irritation. All of them are calling it an unknown toxin/substance.

gas the bikes, race war now


Meanwhile, the German Leitmedien prefer to head their "news" with their fake presidential elections*, rather than a potential terror attack on the German people.

*: It's not a real election. Just a fake council of (((celebrities))) selected by the occupation forces signing off on the agreed upon (((candidate))).

Oyy you're not being antisemitic are you, goyim?



Also, Why do I spend these threads always explaining to newfags plebbitor the relationship between Holla Forums and RT?

RT ALWAYS breaks stories first, literally 45 mins-hour before the West. The trade off is that sometimes they get shit wrong since they don't wait for the big jews to convene their council of the learned of elders and decide on the party line.

So by "real info" I ALSO mean "have the Jews in the West put out their part line on this n this yet?" or "does a german-speaking user with twaater have anything from people on the ground?

Just about all old-fags by now have RT alerts on their browser. They broke Paris, Nice, German christmas market in some cases a full HOUR before Western media touched it.

And AGAIn look at the context– I meant REAL INFO as opposed to SAM HYDE BULLSHIT HACKNEYED MEMES.

Yeah RT are the fucking best.

inb4 it's just a prank bro (stink bomb)

I think I'm the only motherfucker on here who genuinely still hates cuckchan so much over what they did via GG that I still refuse to look at it, even for big habbenings, you'll all claim you don't, but you do since 80% of the time I'm the only one to make a thread on a big habbening. I assume the rest of you–speaking from both sides of your moth– go to cuckchan.

Tolerance incense.

Can only speak for myself, but no. Not remotely tempted.

You're acting really fucking autistic. You need to chill.

How can he keep getting away with these??

Yes, RT SPANISH got taken in one time by bullshit. So this discredits the RT English and the entire site?
Please, feel free to tell everyone what site YOU USE that breaks info faster than RT. And to quote bullshit from RT Spanish Bureau who just opened just shows you're desperate.
Those of us who have been here for ffucking years know what the best site is for breaking news– if you think you know a better one, please share "centipede.."

I'd like to say: No. But, I dared to actually read the regulations regarding the occupation of Germany. Which, I guess, makes me an evil antisemitic Communist Nazi monster.


Nothing really happenend whatever it was is already over.

I wasn't trashing RT, RT's very useful, I just thought it appropriate given the Sam Hyde references.

This happening smells like a non-event to me.

Really. Or what? What are you going to do? I really don't care what anyone thinks of me. I'm one of the very few people who even bothers making a thread here for a big happening bc rest are at cuckchan.
And you make the thread, archive and all you fucking do is catch shit from t hard-ons who are sitting on cuckchan and then pretend they don't use it?
Can call me anything you want, at least I match deeds with action. They fucked us over at cuckchan with GG (and a lot before then), so I refuse to even look at the site. Hotwheels built a viable alternative to having to give those fuckers anything, so I save all my posts for here. The was my only point.

Probably the first time people have actually been gassed there.

Christ man go back to bed or get dressed for church or something.

Not established yet. The wire services are even reporting different things. Reuters is saying the "chemical" was found during a baggage check and spread, AP is saying it was a chemical in the air-conditioned vent.
Within one year– and i hate to sound like fucking alex Jones– we're now reached a level where we cannot trust th wire services since if this ever were an actual chemical attacked, it could get Afd close if not the win.



If it was a chemical weapon and people have been exposed at close range you would expect fatalities by now.


Man all of De Niro's performances have been ruined by him being a complete fucking cuckold.

Naw, chemical weapons are shit.
Those nip cultists spread pure sarin all over two Tokyo subways stations at rushhour and only killed 6 or something.

t. Samir al-Hayeed

I've been reading a lot about the burgeoning ISIS chem war program they've been testing on dogs. See "Blac Fps: The Rise of ISIS" by Joby Warrwick ISIS: Inside etc Army of Terror" by Michael Weiss and Hassan Massan, "A Rage For Order" by Robert Worth along with Peter Bergen and Dr. Scheuer's books.
They realize it will be a long time and they may neve get a truly perfect chemical weapon. They simply want it for the psych impact it would have on the West, even if it were half-assed.

Useless shitskins so far have a body count of 0.


Did these muslims act early because they believed they were next? Were they part of the same cell that was arrested and so had to act before they were ready?

Any chemistry bros able to guess what this gas might be?

Agree with you here. His all obsession with regresses is weird enough, but now all the comments about "beating up Trump?" HE doesn't have enough money at this point that he can speak his mind? I guess that's why they came down so hard on Marlon Brando for naming the Jew, to ensure older actors would keep repeating the Jewish Party Line or realize they face isolation. Sad!

That's fair enough. If you're here long enough, you know the trade-off with RT is that they run with it as soon as they get it without waiting for 6 Jews to get out of bed with their child slaves and give approval.
That's the trade off– if it turns out to IS as big happeing (as with Paris attack, Nice, Belgium) then you get to ave all the gore on twaater before the Jews delete it to save as future redpill material.

Thanks for the references, noted. If they figure out the tech and acquisition channels they're going to have all the opportunity to deliver them thanks to the West's suicidal immigration/rapefugee policies.


Use screenshots for back up

I am open minded - can you link me proof it is compromised?

It's not about the body count user. Chemical weapons/dirty bombs )which rely on radiation obviously) have a very insidious psychological effect. People are naturally more terrified and spooked by that which they cannot see. It's almost parapsychological, it taps into a deep fear within the Spiritus Mundi of the supernatural, of that which does you harm that you cannot see or protect yourself in any conventional way.
For terr, chemical and radiological weapons are by far THE MOST effective, even wit a low body count. A soldier with an M-16 can't protect tourists or natives against a chem/bio/radiological attack. For that reason, they are THE MOST EFFECTIVE weapons of terror.


Search the catalog. This was discussed a few weeks ago when a bunch of archived links 404'd

They get pretty spooked seeing children at a Christmas market being turned into a bloody mess with an enrichment lorry too.
You appear to be talking out your arse.

I've been asking Germans this over and over, and I still can't get a clear answer– is Merkel crooked or stupid? She has a Phd in chemistry so hard for me to believe she's stupid. She HAS TO understand that– just as Ghadaffi warned– Libya was the only wall standing in between "Europe turning black." And he has been proven right.
So now, we have the EU out of Italy literally running a water Taxi service for niggers right off libya coast. So, natural response (well, natural response would be sink them not allowed) but OK, then why not just bomb the boats at night to prevent all this?
Looking to "redpill" a friend of yours who doesn't get it? Tell them the story of Libya and what is STILL happening there.

not everyone is as pathetic as you

t. bernstien the blockhead

Twitter bomb


with trending hashtag.

Really odd that BBC-tier cucks aren't reporting this - hundreds of flights cancelled at a hub airport is big news if nothing else.

I have a graduate degree in a field directly related to this. I can be called a lot of names, many are true, but at least when I run into someone who knows more about a subject than I, do you know what I do? I FUCKING LISTEN.
I've been studying this particular issue for years and it was a big part of of my MA thesis. It's 2 different types of propaganda. Obviously, gruesome images are frightening to people. However, things like chew/bio/radiological are eveven more effective for one reason– the person can be in the process of being poisoned and NOT KNOW IT. HE is forced to sit in a train or bus near a shitskin with a bag who could be releasing an agent and they DO NOT KNOW and just need to sit there.
It has a totally different type trauma it brings about.

They're in the "if it's an attack, please let them be white" phase.

You have to go back to leddit asshole with your "bernstein" bullshit. That was never a thing here, and never will be. IF you had an IQ over 100, you'd have realized it was because the FUCKING TITLES WERE WRITTEN IN CURSIVE and TEACHERS WOULD BE TERRIFIED TO MISPRONOUNCE A JEW NAME IN A WAY THAT MIGTH BE OFFENSIVE.
Keep your fucking leddit meme in your cesspit. And keep yourself there.


Hollywood actors are rarely as rich as you think they are, especially if they have a divorce or two behind them. Add in agent fees, SAG-AFTRA membership dues, etc the lifestyle is a sham unless they happen to be genius-tier with financial investment.

Most likely De Niro is relying on SAG-AFTRA membership for health insurance, etc and needs to keep getting film roles to keep his membership. So he's basically willing to do or say anything that will ingratiate him with his liberal overlords.

Tl;dr all Hollywood stars prostitute their ideals to the liberal sacred cow.


No, he's right. When it comes to truck attacks, guns, smelly men waving machetes etc people believe they will never be caught out, they can always run away etc.

Gas is undetectable and unavoidable.

I am not saying it is rational but people are not rational.

user, are you forgetting Big Black cock ran the famous headline after the suicide bombing by a Syrian in a German Christmas market in 2015 "Syrian man dies in explosion in Germany."

that was an actual BBC headline after a syrian suicide bomber blew himself up trying to get into a christmas market in 2015.

ncbi.nlm.nih .gov/pmc/articles/PMC1121425/


Is someone cataloging these?

I like how the blast had it's own nationality. It was a German blast, it read mein kampf and probably voted for Drumpf before killing that peaceful refugee.

Subversive, right? Islington kikes.

Blast the Syrians, bomb war now!

thank you. At least you have common sense. There are over 50 papers on this by serious researchers, they all say the same. People need the illusions of control, no matter how irrational it is they always feel like THEY ALONE will be the one to survive a bombing, shooting, whatever,..
Bio/Chem/radioative terrify people since they cannot see it. Peter Bergen writes extensive about this in the book he edited "the Osama Bin Laden I know." A big part of Zawhiri's focus after 9/11 was trying to convince the US they had a "dirty bomb" on US soil for fear Bush might use a nuke.
As an old fag here (32) who get up poor, I'm fucking amazed at the amount of info you all have had at your disposal from probably as soon as you could write and yet I run into maybe 1 or people if I'm on here an hour who seems to have even read a single book anymore.
It's bizarre as fuck. I'd have fucking killed growing up for access to to the books, documentaries, discussions, youngerfags have. And instead of trying to learn something, you slag it off.
ANYONE who seems to know more that I do about something and is earnest about it, I'm always interesting in hearing what he has to say. I'd suggest you all earn a similar attitude. On the few instances you have people on here you can tell know their shit and have advanced degrees, take advantage of it.

kek, thanks user, this was the one. Thank God someone grabbed it before the bastards changed it. THIS is how out of touch they are with normal Whites.


It was apparently pepper spray

http:// www

I would love to see a thread where oldfags can pass on valuable experience for people to selfhelp but unfortunately since a few months these kind of threads get ankered/deleted/spammed/slid etc. the 6 quantillion trump threads seem to be more important :^)

Hmmmm not sure I buy that

That would be most welcome indeed.

You're not alone user.

I'm injured by your doubt in the news user.

German authorities are obviously trying to cover up what really happened

Sam hyde = Trotsky

http ://

Der Hamburger Flughafen ist am Sonntagmittag vorübergehend komplett gesperrt worden. In dem Bereich, in dem Fluggäste und Handgepäck kontrolliert werden, hätten zahlreiche Menschen über Augenbrennen und Reizhusten geklagt, sagte ein Sprecher der Bundespolizei. Er sprach von einer starken Geruchsbelästigung.

Mutmaßlich wurde Pfefferspray oder ein ähnliches Reizgas versprüht. Man habe eine entsprechende Kartusche gefunden, diese könnte der Ursprung für die Belästigung und die gesundheitlichen Probleme sein, teilte ein Feuerwehrsprecher mit. Der Stoff habe sich dann über die Klimaanlage im Gebäude verteilt. Man gehe nicht von einem Terroranschlag aus. 68 Menschen seien untersucht worden, neun kamen in Krankenhäuser.

Auch der Flugbetrieb war mehr als eine Stunde lahmgelegt, zahlreiche Maschinen zu anderen Flughäfen umgeleitet. Die Zufahrten zum Airport wurden gesperrt, auch der S-Bahn-Verkehr war unterbrochen. Hunderte Reisende mussten bei eisigen Temperaturen vor dem Flughafen ausharren - am frühen Sonntagnachmittag konnten sie wieder zurück in das Gebäude.

Nach der Sperrung des Flughafens wurde damit begonnen, alle Menschen von dort in Sicherheit zu bringen, wie der Polizeisprecher sagte. "Wir räumen das komplette Gebäude." Die Feuerwehr richtete Behandlungsplätze für die Verletzten ein. Zunächst war nur die Plaza am Airport gesperrt worden. Hunderte Reisende mussten bei eisigen Temperaturen vor dem Flughafen ausharren. Die Airport-Plaza enthält die zentrale Sicherheitskontrolle für die Fluggäste mit Kontrollstellen und Gepäckausgabe. Die Plaza schließt die Lücke zwischen den Terminals 1 und 2. (AFP, dpa)


Time to kill the 9th precinct.


Tabaré Vázquez was at the airport

The Hamburg airport was completely closed temporarily this Sunday noon. According to a spokesperson of the federal police, several people complained about burning eyes and coughs in the area in which costumers and their luggage are controlled. He spoke about a strong unpleasant odor.

Allegeldy pepper spray or a similar gas was sprayed. A corresponding empty cartridge has been found, which could be the cause for the inconvenience and health issues, according to a fire department spokesman. The gas was sprayed throughout the building by the ventilation system. There's no indication of a terrorist attack. 68 people have been medically examed, 9 have been transfered to hospitals.

All flights have been halted for more than an hour, several planes have been rerouted to other airports. The drive way has been closed, the tram-line was cancelled as well. Hundreds of travellers were forced to wait outside the airport in the frigid cold - they were let back in early this afternoon.

According to a police spokesmen, the evacuation of people had begun after the airport had been closed off. "We're evacuating the entire building." The fire department set up first aid treatment facilities. At first only the plaza near the airport was closed off. Hundrets of travellers had to wait in front of the airport in the icy temperature. The airport-plaza contains the central security checkpoint for passangers and their luggage. The plaza closes the gap between Terminal 1 and 2.

so it was a dry run for a gas attack

Danke Germanon.

It could be old people who already had breathing problems. But they should at least know what it is, not "or something similar" bullshit.

Careful not to cut yourself on that edge.

What are the effects so far? I've only heard of "eye irritation" which isn't much to go on.

These have been happening pretty often. It's usually some mall cop tier security guard at the airport who accidentlly uses the pepper spray, which goes to some nearby air conditioning vent and spreads around the area. I've heard about these at least ten times in the past two years.

doubtfull, big ass trucks mowing down people during a festive holiday didn't give AfD the election, i doubt an unseen threat like poison will either


Whelp, now I'm mad. So much for a relaxing Sunday.

In the case of MOST actors, you are right. In the case of the actors I mentioned, De Niro and Brando? Brando owned his own island in the Caribbean and De Niro bought up a big part of Tribeca before if was trendy. Those 2 are/were rich as fuck.
DE Niro is so wealthy he doesn't even need to do big movies for money anymore, he does they shitty little movies with Jennifer Lawrence and And the Jew director for almost no money. De Niro is wealthy as fuck. When he was at his break, in addition to the Tribeca real state he was getting a piece of the action through his production company of everything his films made.
I think having the retarded kid with his negress wife probably fucked him in the head. That has to be a weird kind of "racism" in away, doesn't it? De Niro, dating and marrying exclusive negresses? Like he has a master.slave plantation fetish. He's also half-Jew supposedly, which made explain a lot…

They killed 11 (14 as of now), but injured 6,300 (this includes minor respiratory irritations).
The Aum cultists used a low-purity Sarin gas satchel, as compared to the one they used in Matsumoto which killed eight people with one satchel.
Had the Aum used the same gas in the train, they would have killed hundreds.
tfw riding same line as the gassed trains in nipland

I will never forget how anons were betrayed by 4chan because of some dumb whore.

I hate to even think this because we need as many real Germans alive as possible, but better now than after elections. The board doesn't know much about Germany elections since Germans tend to suddenly turn into snobbish motherfuckers (when they in process of literally using their nation!) as you try to pass on some advice anglos and Americans learned from Brexit and then Trump campaign. Suddenly one will turn and say "we are not as shallow as you Americans."

Apparently, the dumb fuck doesn't realize that German political parties pay millions of shekels to bring in American political and media and advisers for their campaigns.

Not claiming to be any…ultimately authority, but given that I was obsessed with both Brexit and Trump and spent pretty much every waking hour manipulating it (was one of the ones who helped destroy the "revote" petition to the Commons for Brexit revote by adding votes from Vatican, North Korea, Nauru, etc.., then emailing it to the Daily Mail political reporters multiple times and then Big Black Cock picked it up).
If Germans/French want advice from oldfags here who were involved with Trump from the beginning and later with Brexit, they have to get off their asses and be willing to translate. Between the ~60 of us who really did actually work with rigging polls & petitions with bots, producing memes, et… they could get genuinely good advice if only they'd take it.
They have to lay out info for who their targets are, what their concerns are and where they rank (terrorism, jobs, etc…) and we can work from there. Honestly believe we could have put the Austrians over the top (for fuck's sake "With Open Gates" had over 20 million views) if they took the time to do more translating and explain the status quo to the people here who actually make OC propaganda.
Within the next few months, we can hope the leddit types will return to their home, this place will get no more press, and only the hardcore, motivated will remain because that is when board is most efficient.

No, I remember that thread back in November and it turns out that was a false alert. I probably still have the link somewhere


He's a moderate nationalist at best

LEddit, you can keep trying but still don't fit in. It's now "edgy" to point out that a fucking 3 year meme that's forced by a few idiots (probably him, actually, since they shitcanned his show) is "edgy?"
It's now "edgy" to point out a forced meme stopped being funny years ago? Can you go back to leddit or 9gag please? Thanks.

It's fuckinging leftypol/antifa just trying to cause chaos here. When it was actually checked, it wasn't even a real url. Just the usual leftist scum trying to gaslight. It was esp bad after Fire Safety Operation but pops up every now and then.
You'd be shocked at the amount of people using this board who actually don't know fuck-all about computers. So the marxist scum make some outrageous claim but couch it in techie-language the average person cannot follow, they don't realize they are not on leddit and that there are actual scumbags who come here for the sole intention of causing confusion and chaos so they take it as gospel, and then the rumor spreads.
If you don't want to use, use fucking a different archive but has been no proof that anything is wrong with Each time a person has posted "proof " of this, I've followed it back and proved that it's not a real file and then the motherfucker will just disappear.

You sound like a faggot talking about clothes that are out of vogue. On top of that, nobody cares if you're entertained.


You should write a guide or something. Seriously.




sam hyde is a hero and a real human bean

This sounds familiar, like what happened to that flight which got diverted in Canada some time back, and the "chemical attack" on a London airport last year.

RT Français is pretty good too when there's happenings. I check it when RT English is slow on the updates and they'll often have more info in those instances.

what the fuck user

I was thinking the same thing.

of course not goyim! would never send your IPs to a spook school



Yeah that's the feds alright.

if you've ever gone to an archive and saw a spinning loading.gif then your IP was harvested. they did it to an archive wikileaks tweeted once

I wish we all weren't so fucking retarded then we could make an archiving website.

OP of this thread is such a perfect stereotype of the angry deutsch autist

Total spergout, killed the thread tbh.

How's the weather in Tel Aviv?


It was only Pepperspray you guise!!!1

15°C and mostly cloudy

Gas yourself.

W-what? I have never heard about such a thing.


To be entirely fair, a well constructed radiological weapon can be far more terrifying than any explosive even for logical reasons. It can kill lots people, but more importantly, kill them in slow, painful and utterly untreatable ways. By the time you know you're in danger you're already doomed, but can take weeks to die in intense pain. Then there is the cancer. An all this on top of impressive exposure range if you hit something like the water supply of a major city.

Fahrenheit isn't a jewish name. It's a German name.

And still Germany uses Celsius

Well ISIS has the knowhow to lead a development program and utilise these chemicals thanks to inheriting a lot of chemical weapon expertise from Saddam and other arab nations, the problem is a lack of facilities and the small number of trained people.

They're having to work in makeshift facilities with large numbers of untrained people to do the grunt work.
And even then they're having difficulty obtaining precursor chemicals despite the aid of the Turkish government.

A bodged/fucked up chemical weapon attack is well within their capabilities.
We need to see what comes up next, will the victims show symptoms of anything?

Germans hate themselves and want their culture and people to go extinct. Them not using Fahrenheit means nothing.


Germans tend to fear chemical / radioactive attacks a lot more, even if the number of ppl killed is the same. It's sort of a visceral reaction. Still, the AfD getting a full-blown majority is unlikely. 30% might be possible if it turns out to be a big thing and Merkel fucks up by saying something like "we'll just have to live with stuff like this".

Precious memories

britcucks are the fucking worst

They would know if it was that you dipshit

The problem would be the server being taken down and traced back to the creator by payments if the provider narks. I could make an archiving website myself if I truly wanted, but I wouldn't want that crap traced back to me in Canadistan. I suppose I could pick a server in some small country that's lawless, but it's not worth the risk to me as if it gets compromised, then I get flagged to the alphabets for being a possible leader for the future shoah.


So was it muslims or the authorities don't know the motives yet?

but it's you who's so autistic and out of place

This archive page doesn't have anything related to Henly-Putnam. Also, google analytics are used on every website and are used as a tool for website owners to see traffic and other traffic. I am not saying it's not another cog for the NSA, alphabets, but those statistics is why websites mainly use them.
But OP's archive link doesn't use google analytics either.
I can't tell if you're just some /g/-Holla Forums lefty that's fucking with the non-tech savy Holla Forumsacks here, but that image is bullshit.

The fag doesn't even bother making a link to where he grabbed the source of the webpage.

The police is saying it was pepper spray and probably not a terrorist attack. Could be propaganda, of course.

German source:



This poster is Sam fishing for compliments. Do not fall for his ruse.

Obviously white people are to blame, it forces muslims to do these things all that white oppression.

Anything can be a honeypot. Whatever HTTP server they're using could log IPs for whatever GET/POST requests were made, so you would not know as that's all server sided and not public. 8ch is probably a honeypot too. Stop being a faggot and tell people to put themselves behind 10 boxxies (VPNs).

Your best bet is finding associations of the company or website with other worrying entitites. You would have to actually find legal partnerships or funding.

Regardless, I am very sure most of the anons on this board are already flagged from google/youtube searches or from 8ch alone.

For instance amazon already uses algorithms utilizing linear algebra that can detect if a woman is pregnant based off her search queries and offers products for moms who are or not pregnant. So the same identification could be applied to Holla Forumsacks.

But that doesn't mean doesn't delete archived webpages.

Why the fuck would someone even use pepper spray in an airport?

I kind of mixed that up. They first found out that it was pepper spray. Later some police goon said it most likely wasn't terrorism. I didn't mean it as an inference. The police didn't give any evidence for their claim afaik.

Suicide vest too expensive?

I meant to imply that if someone had used pepper spray as a form of self defense, it would have been noted in the news report.

"woman pepper sprays unruly passenger", or some shit. Or some officer used it.

Instead, we get an article about pepper spray (maybe) that was used for "lol-I-don't-know" reasons in a place that has cameras everywhere.

This was clearly a chemical attack. I agree with the previous user, it was a dry run.


try harder, faggot. This is just the "work place violence".

ofc it can go off in a trashcan…there will be at least 10 peppersprays a day in this airports trashcans, sooner or later one goes off


Seems like it. You'd want to test how well you could circulate the gas before you go through the process of cooking up a batch of the real stuff. It would be a shame to make enough gas to kill 1000 people but only 5 die, and then security clamps down to the point where you can't pull off another attack. But of course most Germans probably won't be willing to think along those lines, and nothing will happen until the point that another, actually deadly, attack happens. Then merkel will blame Germans for not being tolerant enough and bring in 1,000,000 more mudslimes.


I think we should start saying things were Merkeled when stuff like this happens.

For example
'Child Merkeled in swimming pool'


We need to stup focusing on lemmings and for soldiers and focus on the head of the snake itself.

It sounds like something horrible too.


Some of us exclusively use VPN/tor though so obviously we all don't post on that shit site. We get refugees by the day though.


You are correct.
Shameful German display.


Nigger did you just give us the actual target/sacred cow/overlord that we need to attack? I don't know how we haven't seen this before, we need to go after the board - the kikes behind the curtain to make them stop jerking the actor fags strings for refugees.

Lets get to it, lets name the SAG-AFTRA.

I knew an actor who got his card from his mom's influence and getting bit parts all through his childhood, his mom got breast cancer and she had to do kike-tier propaganda to keep her medical benefits. He had suddenly started getting druggy and fag roles once his mom got sick too - he knew he would need the card if his mom got too sick to work.

These fags and kikes look to low level, too diverse, not enough noses to be running the show.

These look like targets


You laugh at this kid, but if he was female you would want to fuck him. Pic related.

Apparently there is STILL gas in the ventilation system and more people got sick today.


dats it maaaaaann.

-Out of place
-Intended as an insult
Please leave.