What vidya has some great artillery anons?

What vidya has some great artillery anons?

Preferably ones with huge ass artillery barrages that are weighty as fuck.

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Ground Control II had some pretty sweet artillery.

Red Orchestra 2

To my great shame I never really played Ground Control II user.

Guess it's time I dug through the share archives and download it

You don't need spectacular artillery. The best kind of artillery is artillery that is hard to use, but effective if used properly.

I've said it before and I'll say it again.


Supreme Commander 2 with RVE has the best artillery in any RTS.

I always found the arty in wargame actually rather underwhelming.

Warzone 2100

Units are entirely customized so you can make anything you want, including all kinds of advanced artillery vehicles.

Empire Total war probably has the best arty of any TW game, but they're all good.

The artillery is difficult to use and doesn't kill often but it makes sense considering balance. If it was to be fun, it would have to be OP. It's still SUPER useful for taking out ships though.

World in Conflict wasn't too bad. Loved calling in the barrages and BRRRRRRRRRRT with the A-10s.

For all it's flaws I actually found Rome 2 artillery rather fun :^)

Did somebody say ARTILLERY?!



also, Ground Control - the first one.

Good fucking luck trying to get it to work on a modern computer though. Depressing.

World in Conflict has some amazing Arty.
It actually damages the ground.

Arma 2 was also amazing for Arty.

Advanced Wars thread when?

When a new game is announced
Never Ever

Playing Company of Heroes 1 as British on a bridge map is absolute cancer if you spam howitzers. Once you spend all your population points on howitzers, the enemy literally can't do a single thing about it, and it's just constantly bombardment raping all their units and their base.

Stay salty Kraut

No, I was the one who loved playing brits on bridge maps to spam howitzers. It was fucking disgusting and I couldn't stop laughing at how broken it was.

To be fair user, British when they first came out on COH1 along with Panzer Elite were pretty OP, they both got nerfed a little too hard I'd say. Although Commandos are hilarious on Victory Point maps especially with light tanks that have the penetration to bitchslap a Panther .

On a side note, what vidya has the best nukes?

Stupid fuckers want to keep shitting out Fire Emblem shit since they fucked up AW so bad with GrimDark shit.

Company of Heroes does,

at least if youre like me and create a custom game with the sole purpose of making as many walking stukas as possible, then walling off half of the map and barrage the fuck out of any enemy attack the AI tries to pull.

By the way, anons, I was thinking of trying out some other strategy games and Im torn between buying Men of war and World in Conflict.
Which one of them should I buy? I want a realistic game, with a lot of unit variety and a lot of destruction.

Is the game any good, though?

All the threads Ive seen of it ever since its release were complaining about how buggy it was and how many options from previous games it was missing

World in Conflict is more or less Ground Control II~ish.
Men Of War is more like CoH but with much more detail (flanking, cover etc. are more nuanced and important).

If you wanna blow shit up with little care WiC, wanna work for victory MoW.

It's not the best Total War and the Warscape engine is kind of shit, but it's fun now at least. If you like Total War games you'll enjoy playing it no doubt, just not nearly as much fun as playing other Total War games.


Wargame Red Dragon


Have they fixed Verdun yet? I stopped playing due to bugs meaning that it took me something like 9 minutes to be able to call down gas.

I wasn't aware it was broken?

Command and Conquer Generals

The progression in it was severely bugged, so godforbid if you unlock the next tier artillery or gas which would start going crazy and give you double cooldowns cause it cycled through each ability till it found the right one.

What annoys me the most out of them is the morale damage they give and the high probability they will stun your unit if it's near it's aoe

You got good taste user, i like you. But you didn't mention naval bombardments from Fall of the Samurai.

Park a fleet of your ships within supporting range of your army on the campaign map and you get the ability to call for naval fire support on the battle map. Dropping the hammer involves setting off a flare at any chose spot on the map. Both sides can see where the volley will target and AI will actively try to avoid it or scatter troops who are within the firing zone. The bombardment acts on delay after setting the flare. Concentrated volleys hit a smaller area but take longer to set up (giving AI troops more time to scatter), wide-area bombardments give the AI less time to react, but scatter their shots over a larger area. The more guns carried by the ships in the fleet, the more shells you get in the bombardment.

COH2. As much as I hate the shit balance in that game and quit playing. It's artillery is amazing.

American Civil War: Gettysburg

Just watched some gameplay
It looks pretty damn interesting, I might check it out

For SP I'd go Men of War. Destruction is what it does best and direct control is the tits. If you have no interest in PvP the original game is worth getting more than ASSQUAD 2.

Map editor will let you do fun things too and there's plenty of mods.

If you want to play coop vs the AI then it's even better as it'll let you play the single player campaign cooperatively with up to four people.

Be warned that Wargame has terrible AI. In the first two games it will outright cheat and artillery hidden units while Red Dragon's AI only has assault-move your spawn as a tactic.

Frankly fighting humans isn't much better.

Game is also very heavy on the micro.

Posting some non RTS artillery. Chromehounds lets you be the artillery


Earth Defence Force 4.1 has artillery, strafing runs, orbital lasers, intercontinental missiles, and flying fortress cannon fire.

Get Atilla or the original Rome. Better in every way.

It may not be as spectacular or devestating as artillary in larger scale RTS games but I always found the basilisks in Dawn of war really satisfying.

Those things did way too much damage, thanks for triggering me

I loved playing Into the breach as IG just because you could fortify your side with turrets and heavy weapons teams then bombard the enemies entire base from yours due to them being so close together.

R2 actually runs decent, Attila runs like shit

unless you're just messing around for fun, arty is best used to shock and stun enemy units, even armour, then you move in with your own guys and just wreck them. artillery by itself will almost never kill anyone except for infantry out of cover. it's good for burning a few trees or flushing out infantry though


God the mortar in assend suuuuucked

also, the nebelwerfer is fucking awesome

Total War has some good art. Unicorns in NTW are OP. Cossacks has some good art, especially with the Baddog mod which comes with BTW.

YES! Into the breach was my favorite map for that very reason. Just place a hellhound, two machine guns and a ton of guardsmen in the middle while you bombard their shit back to hell. It's fun as fuck.

Ready to unleash eleven barrels of hell

The unit quotes and voice acting was one of the best parts of Dawn of war.

Just for the sake of mentioning it.
Planetary Anihilation have pretty much same artillery as SupCom but only regular artillery cannons.
So it is strictly worse version of SupCom but SupCom one was so great it is enough to put it here.

Coh1 looked/felt so good.
Played the closed beta for coh2 and was really disappointed. After years I recently bought coh2 after a friend said they kinda fixed it. It is still the same shit as in closed beta. I have severe buyers remorse.

Oh, that must have been before I started playing.

The only real bug I know of is that you can hit people with artillery inside the fort in Douaumont, but to be honest the ability to use artillery in there is the only way to deal with the absurd turtlefest it becomes, so eh.


In that case Imperial Guard with Grenade Launchers. Nothing more trollish than watching the enemies be permastunned and unable to move due to grenade barrages.

That was my favorite map when I played with my cousin years back. I was IG and he was SM. Since we played mods, fortifying the entrance didn't work all too much since he'd do an orbital bombardment and rush land raiders into it, but taking heavy losses. After his attempts, I'd always satscan his base and pound him with my basilisks, before attacking with baneblades and russes. It would never work. We had a game last for 3 hours in a total stalemate and we got sleepy so we quit.

Thanks for the memories, anons.

I'm such a cheap piece of shit on Total War game.

World in Conflict has the best artillery, without doubt, from the player controlled MLRS and heavy artillery to the batshit fucking insane support options.

IS Defense has some damn good artillery.

we need a combination of men of war detailedness and coh over-the-topedness.

Men of War is 40x more realistic, intricate, fun, and historically accurate than COH. It's just better, also Men of War has best artillery.

If you want a realistic game, play Combat Mission. If you want a fun game, play Company of Heroes. If you want an awkward, unoptimized, and unenjoyable mix of the two, play Men of War.

Who are you referring to here?

Also, my favourite artillery units would have to be from Dark Reign.

git gud

does anyone even ever get to use sturmtigers in mp? i swear i have never even had to the chance to spawn one except in sp. probably pretty op though

have none of you played PR? the artillery effects are fantastic.

Saw one just the other day. Presumably got annihilated by the fucking Churchill AVREs the enemy team had going, though. I don't think they even got to do anything with it.

Here, fegs.


Fuck off




I bet you two are a couple of casuals who've never even heard of the Combat Mission series before.

Well I don't know if this is strategys games only but when it comes to artillery strikes that are big enough to turn a neighborhood in Japan to dust would I recommend EDF 4.1 the shadow of new despair.
The Air Raider class can call down a mortar strike, a gun ship barrage a cruise missile strike and air strikes via a tactical bomber and you even have access to a MLR tank.

The Fencer class on the other hand can be turned into a walking artillery unit by equipping him with two back mounted grenade launchers or javelin rocket launchers. but you can easily blow yourself up if you don't watch out and trust me this will happen a lot.

Nah. You usually get anally annihilated before you even get the points to spawn these. (And they're limited to one as well.)

Skirmish vs AI you do get to play around with them though.

If it gets to the point where you get Sturmtigers the game has pretty much gone on far too long.