Let the golden age begin.
Let the golden age begin.
Other urls found in this thread:
First post dedicated to Flypeople and Grayys.
Truly they are both the master race.
Good to see that gitgud is making the right decisions again and even gave back that guy's $45.
Wait what? He gave who 45?
The tawwainese hooker with bad teeth.
Could you please explain in detail?
Some people were memeing around and claimed /tg/ admins paid Gitgud 45$ to ruin Hatestation.
Then again, they also claimed I got paid to code memeducks.
Which would be great, but noone appreciates memeducks enough to fork over shekels for them.
Reminder not to fall for the same mistakes yet again.
Newstation is actually good, and thus far, the guy's seeming to try to listen to the community.
Ow that's what you meant by that, thought he finally got laid
Yeah. He also has a ckey created yesterday.
Old code is one thing I can tolerate.
People who pop out of nowhere is not.
Especially after what happened in /tg/. Goons can find another station to infest.
vorecode and dragon dildo dispensers when?
I really hope we can go back to the days of 20+ niggers on the station.
I lost the dragon dildo dmi.
Have you checked your anus?
I fail to see the relevance. If anything, that's even better, as at least he doesn't have the history of you or Gitgud.
Personally, I'd rather risk it with someone I don't know who thus far seems alright, than the devil I well know is a tosspot.
Can't, it's obstructed with something.
Newstation had a good 16 players yesterday, when it popped up.
And that's a weekday, no less. Ain't bad.
And personally, I'd rather risk it with someone I know to be from Holla Forums at all.
Even the other guy, Roleplay Rascal has been with us longer than some random chucklefuck that noone has seen.
There's two possibilities here:
Then he changed ckey because he has something to hide. Like "not your authority".
Then nothing assures us he isn't some Holla Forums faggot or goon scooping up players.
So newstation is the test serv or something?
newstation is running old code while hate was shit.
It's still running that code I think.
It's stable code, and has no problems.
My beef comes with the administration.
It's a ckey generated yesterday, and that comes with problems.
So fucking what, though?
If it's a better goddamn server, with admins who aren't massive fucking incompetent assholes, I don't rightly give a rat's ass.
Again, I'd rather trust someone I just met, than an incompetent jerk I've known for a while.
No, newstation is an entirely new station not run by the shitty Hatestation administration. Namely Gitgud.
Personally I don't buy for a second that "taking a less active role" bullshit. It isn't the first time he's said it, after all.
Talk about hugbox
Or this is yet another attempt to drive people away from a new server because some uppity faggot is way too attached to hatestation.
You want to hear a conspiracy theory I just thought up?
Mark was right all along. Hatestation was made by goons, with the express purpose of keeping Holla Forums folk out of ss13. They wait until we've got a healthy playerbase, and then drop a huge load of drama, bullshit, or just terrible coding in an effort to put a bad taste in people's mouth when they think of SS13.
Think about it. Literally every single time we've got a healthy playerbase, something happens, and the playerbase drops to five or so. Then, as soon as another server pops up, they act sorry, and try to bribe folk back in.
They repeat this process until most every player on Holla Forums is fed up with SS13. After all, they can't have players who are actually good at the game beating them constantly.
I'd find it more believable than this "newguy's a goon spy come to steal players for an unknown reason which wouldn't actually do much of anything besides".
Especially when you consider the whole "I'd rather risk it with someone I know to be from Holla Forums at all." line rather contradicts the policy of inviting reddit, a while back, don't it?
Of course, I don't really believe they're goons. But if I had to choose between the two, I'd still rather take the risk with the unknown guy, than the faggots what've repeatedly ruined a game I rather liked.
Reminder that Koriath already said he browsed SA.
Trying to deny it now eh?
Fuck off goon
Reported and filtered, back to SA goon.
you're tearing this family apart pls stop
I just want to gently derail the thread by posting alien bumholes, why you niggers gotta fight so much?
Were those 10$ you paid worth it?
All I got is this
Sure I do. Thus that my personal belief is you guys are incompetent assholes. Especially gitgud.
Keep in mind, it ain't like this is your first mistake.
Made quite a devil of a lot of them
You don't just expect me to forgive him, just because he realized he was acting like a massive fucking dick and doing something incredibly stupid, do you? Especially when he's done such a rather large amount of time.
I'm not pulling the "goon" card. You are. You made the claim "OH NEW GUY IS PROBABLY A GOON OR INTL SHILL WE SHOULDN'T TRUST HIM", and I simply replied "Here's some reasons why you guys could well look like goon/intl shills yourself".
thats more like it
What happened? What are the deleted posts about? Someone fill me in!
I'm currently testing the Power Armour for Hatestation.
If someone here played on a server with it before, kindly elaborate a bit on what features it had, so I can make sure this code is up to date.
If you haven't, well, you can sugest ideas for power armour.
After porting /vg/s man-machine interface thingy, we can have some Bionic Comandos shit.
All posts by a5d4fd of which I thought was Koriath.
Not sure why. If you want, I can put them into a screenshot, but there;s not really that much for it.
According to this
Mark deleted all post I made before.
Because people are allowed to accuse me of a being a goon without evidence, and I'm not allowed to respond.
I'd have settled for deleting all posts not-related to SS13 at all, but this is ridiculous.
Gotta be the second or third time I gotta talk to Mark and prove I'm not a goon.
No, dragon dildo dispensers and dick sprites are on citadelcode. Vorecode has the "build-your-own-species" workshop and custom starting item options for characters.
Just a recap for those whole may have missed the previous thread, HateStation has returned to the original codebase, which is running at byond:// right now.
Mark is a huge nigger to be sure, but from the responses you got, you seem to be an even bigger nigger than him.
It's a bit unfair to judge my posts by the responses they got, but sure. Maybe I'm a huge nigger. But at least I'm not a goon.
In anycase, I've sent him an email to clear things up.
The good news so far:
Powered armour is in, and works rather well.
The bad news: it uses a ver old antiquated method of activating itself and all it's subsystems.
Tomorrow I'll adapt the mech controls (those buttons on the top right) to also work with the Power Armour.
hey he got one thing true that is a start
fuck yeah new serb
Something's fishy as shit.
I had around 10 players on my server earlier, and 16 yesterday. Pop is probably just falling off because it's 11pm on a weekday. Speaking of which, I'm going to bed.
I just come in here to shitpost until I feel like playing again
Between the 8ch shitting itself, SS13 server code overhaul, and real life shit, I haven't played in at least 3 months
Eh, you may be right.
If you want to shitpost, try the discord. It's real-time shitposting.
At least it stays up longer than 8ch.
Whats this about a new server?
Whos the owner?
It hurts, I can't autism anymore.
Fucking dead at 3am.
Well, in my case the Pizza server down when i tried to play, has no players right now, and i can only play at awkward low-pop times. I can still post in threads during those times though.
So where's the fork the new server uses?
That's just a joke right? I mean that doesn't even have forced ling on roundstart disabled as far as I remember.
I thought it was going back to the old functional codebase not back an entire year.
Its not a joke, the only draw for Newstation is that its doesn't have GitGud, and since the new owner is a fresh ckey, they may even prove to be worse as things progress.
3/10 you tried
I thought the whole point of a new server was that everybody wanted to go back to the previous codebase not back to pizza days.
If the new server owner reads this please don't stick to Pizza code there were tons of things that were added after that were actually good like illegals for MoMMI's, AI being able to pick lawset, chainsaws, a ton of ease of life things like autolathes being able to make basic power cells, protolathes being able to make a bunch of new shit, science goggles having reagent scanners, painted lights, nerf guns, the non shitty suit sensor console, ninjas not being common as fuck random events that allowed murderboners to continue, a bunch of fixes to xenos and cult constructs, fucking forced antag garbage disabled, various fixes to borgs, space vines actually working and so many other fixes and additions.
Please not Pizza code. I know the previous H8 code before gitgud went insane had some issues but I'd rather have those issues than losing like 200 minor features that were added after Pizza and like 500 fixes even though a handful of those features were shit.
The point is literally no gitgud because gitgud fucked the userbase not once, not twice, but three times.
if that's the real reason, then H8 is back to its old code right now.
But the H8 server is back to the way it was now, and GitGud has apoligized. We should just bury the hatchet instead of needlessly holding a grudge.
You mention two other times of GitGud screwing the userbase. For the sake of other anons and for the sake of argument, do you mind recalling these other two times?
What I'm saying here is that your insecurities don't matter, the bottom line does. And the bottom line is, H8 is back to normal and is being actively updated.
No thanks. I would have considered it if gitgud hadn't throw a fit in the threads where he basically told everybody that only him and coders matter and essentially told everybody to go fuck themselves and acted like H8 was the reason the code existed to begin with when the codebase goes back way longer than H8 was a server.
user the abused housewife
Its your decision and you're at liberty to make it.
But if and when you eventually decide to come around back to h8, you shouldn't feel bad about it, because it is after all the right decision.
But gitgud wouldn't be involved regardless if it's the Pizza code or the latest working H8 code. I don't see why the code should go back like a year of updates.
Especially considering that year had some of the best updates like forced antag being gone meaning you could actually sign up as a janitor and not end up as a ling 9/11 times. So many retarded TG things were undone in that time that going back as far as Pizza is almost as bad as using new TG in terms of features lost.
Hello gitgud desperate for players
I'm not sure why bigslice go all the way back instead of just pre-dismemberment, but my point is that even if the code was broken to shit and the server didn't restart correctly half the time, I'd still play on it because of the lack of gitgud.
And what I'm saying is all this hate for GitGud is just needlessly petty now that he's bowed to our demands. Is what he did truly so despicable? Is insulting your personal pride so unforgivable an offense?
nigger he changed the codebase without even talking to the community about it
And now he's changed it back and hopefully he's learned from his mistakes.
As misguided as he was, GitGud didn't change the codebases out of malice or spite, he genuinely believed that he was working to fix the deep-seated problems in the h8station codebase. Personally, I'm hoping new efforts will go to fixing /nu/-tg to eventually become a replacement codebase, but only after it has all the h8 features we've come to know and love.
And bribed the admin of a server that managed to bring back 20 legitimate (i.e. non-griff-only) players to shut it down since hate was empty as soon as it went up, killing both servers because nobody wanted hate. And metagamed and adminbussed the server to death another time. And helped in adminning his cancerous metafriends which literally nobody liked even before, who did even further damage to the server and community.
Of course, every single time, "I'll take a backseat I promise p-please come back ;_;", and not once has he himself personally said that, it's always been a third party.
As great as not having gitgud is after the hissyfit he threw I just can't bring myself to go back that far.
There's too much shit I got used to having and at the same time there's absolutely no way I'm going back to gitgud because he made it perfectly clear he considers the players to be worthless.
I guess I'll just stick with local servers on my own for now.
I don't know if your gitgud or his meta friends but this is not the first time he learned his lesson. People are tired of him and his shit server. you can only abuse the player base so much before they just get fed up and leave.
Nobody wants too see gitgud anymore.
both of this so much
0206a3 is literally the ggidf
this tbh. three strikes and you're out. dude has had a controversial run start to finish. what's more is how obviously emotionally charged his little tirade in the thread was.
doesn't apply because he'll just get all worked up some other time when he does some dumb shit. the thing about gitgud is the nature of his technical role means he will creep back into an administrative role as well, which he is fucking terrible at doing.
i miss kura and reisen even if reisen was adorably autistic in a way.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I guess you can't get /vg/station? Playing that was basically the most fun I've ever had with this game.
Most people (used to?) dislike /vg/station as being way too complicated (also the codebase is completely broken, e.g. borgs can't reclassify because the UI stops responding, serverborg can put down shit they spawn from their modules but not pick it back up which makes them unable to ever use the module again, etc.). It might be viable on a 50-man server, but not on a 20-man one, let alone a 5-man server which is where we're at now. Even then, it may be viable but that doesn't make it good. Beside the bugs, there are issues with medical being so tedious that the preferred healing procedure is literally to kill and clone someone.
Overall, you probably liked /vg/station because there were a lot of people more than because it uses a good codebase, I'd wager.
Another cool bug: the UI state doesn't update correctly if you have some sprites like the active welder in one hand (none of the hands or bag slots update to reflect actions you perform).
Plus, there is so much shit happening that even on /vg/'s beefed up servers, it runs pretty slow.
I never really saw many issues at all but I'm not really that picky. The amount of stuff in that version and the fact that it still stays fairly cohesive is absurd considering their policy of people just throwing stuff at it.
Too busted and the movement is fucking wonky.
You guys are willing to give up one entire year of updates and content to spite a guy a you hate.
A guy that is retiring in a week to focus on his degree.
A guy that is depressed as fuck and barely shows up online, either on the discord or any other place.
This is the pettiest thing I've seen on 8ch, and I've seen plenty of petty things.
At least tell Bigslice to use Hatecode pre-dismemberment. If you want to "stick it to the man" don't force the rest of the playerbase to lose all that content.
Has anyone had a shot at trying to run the client on WINE? I switched to an OS that respects my freedom earlier this year.
GitGud doesn't deserve any pity; we asked him nicely once to turn the server back to a non-shit codebase and he acted like he never needed us.
That said, I agree with your general point and I don't think there's any reason to hold a personal grudge against GitGud and we shouldn't abandon the H8code.
If you're on linux, you should try using the webclient.
WINE works, but I remember folks having to do some extra steps to get it to run, but I'm on Windows and wouldn't know exactly.
IIRC there's a webclient at
If that doesn't work, or you want to play on some other server, google Byond Webclient.
As far as I know, it's the most reliable wya to play on Linux.
And he doesn't need pity. He's as out as you can be. We asked him to stick around because there's one thing he's good at: the technical side. Keeping the server up and all that.
We all (not just the playerbase) asked him to not meddle in the playerbase anymore. At least not without talking with people.
He agreed.
You don't need to give him pity, and you don't even need to like the guy.
He could have picked a newckey, and joined us with another name to fool us, yet he sticks with his name precisely because he knows he fucked up and is owning up to his mistakes.
I'm being pragmatical here. We win nothing with personal grudges. We LOSE with that shit.
Instructions taken from here. Download the latest BYOND for Windows. Also, make sure you've installed both WINE and winetricks.
To get everything good make sure you use these from a terminal before installing from the same terminal:
export WINEARCH=win32
export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine32_ss13/
export WINEDEBUG=-all
winetricks wsh56 wsh57 jscript mfc42 vcrun2013
winetricks ie7
winetricks ie8
And then finally install BYOND with whatever installer:
wine 510.1341_byond.exe
Bash script to start BYOND:
export WINEARCH=win32
export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine32_ss13/
export WINEDEBUG=-all
wine "C:/Program Files/Byond/bin/byond.exe"
Webclient only transmits properly over HTTP because Lummox can't into HTTPS. Anyways the proper link is
everyone has shit to deal with
I don't even think we have to say good bye to dismemberment, actually. IIRC Koriath fixed the hand sprites bug.
It depends on what kind of graphics card you have mostly. Also depends on BYOND version, WINE version, codebase. For the most part it shouldn't matter. I only say this because some cards don't support the lighting system our most recent code has, or can't support hardware acceleration in a virtual machine.
It works a-ok on Wine using this guide:
Alternatively use the web client.
Another thing about Linux: Some window managers rely on alt-click to perform functions (most notably moving the window). Change the dragging key, and if that fails put the window into fullscreen and it should stop interacting with window manager functions, allowing you to use alt-click properly.
Nobody is abandoning the code people just don't want to play anywhere that gitgud is in any kind of administrative position.
Doesn't look like it's going to load for me
I fixed something, try
I just get a buffering circle
nvm I disabled my adblock and it seems to be working now
Use uBlock Origin and you should be able to leave it on.
That's what I was using. It's probably not a big deal to allow it for this one site.
Yes, I always play through wine and it runs perfectly nowadays. Normally you shouldn't even need any special settings except installing IE since byond uses it for rendering, and you'll want riched32 to get some of the fonts to display right.
Wine is not a VM.
Is this prind or koriath? Place your bets ladies and gentlemen!
I'm aware. I put that there in case he was considering running a VM to use BYOND. Or anyone else for that matter.
Gitgud(tripfag) is from Something Awful
"Hatestation" is the newest Goon server
Remove goons from Holla Forums!
The effects can be emulated in software, surely?
At least there's VGA passthrough otherwise, though it's not too convenient.
This game doesn't really need to be made any more janky than it already is
I just wanted to play some Comfy non-antag, when i get antag i always feel like my lack of robustness ruins the game for everyone else.
Welcome to forced antag being a thing again. The most retarded and shitty thing TG has ever done.
if it's low pop don't even bother doing antag shit
Mark either come and play or go the fuck away
I usually fuck up as a traitor
If Git"goon"gud really regrets it, then make him give control of hate to someone else.
He didn't seem depressed when he was telling us we were all worth less than shit due to not being staff.
He only changed because another server came and he's scared.
Fuck Git"SA"gud
Fuck off goon
Supply evidence or fuck off
Someone else? Like one of your people, yea?
Leave it. If you ask for evidence, Mark will delete all your posts.
hi there, my name is (1) and gitgud is a delusional egocentric prick
Holla Forums pls go
New serb should really think about disabling forced antag, i believe koriath patched that in one of the older revisions of hate, before dismemberment was a thing.
It's a simple if command
So, which server i should play on first?
Yeah, I disabled that.
On /tg/, the system tries to pick antags from people who have it enabled.
If it fails, it does a second "sweep" including people who didn't pick it.
Main complaint was forcing people into cult, because atleast 3 guys had it on.
I made so it picks traitor if multi-traitor rounds are not possible (not enough people with cult on for example) and extended if noone has antag prefs on.
mite be down right now because host is working on code
Hatestation. Pop in on the discord, Derflammen werfer is already teaching someone else, he'll surely have time for you.
Can you make it so that if there isn't anyone with antag preferences on, that the next person arriving to have antag preferences on would become one?
Hope it wont take long.
I wanna be the law.
That's already a thing with latejoin traitors.
If not, we just need to change the configs.
Just report mark, maybe mark will ban himself again.
Well, the way latejoin traitors work now is that it takes the mode, counts the amount of antags and the amount of players. It doesn't add a second traitor until there are at least 8 people on the station or so. If the round starts with no traitors, it doesn't add any until it hits that second traitor quantity mark; it assumes there was at least one antag at the beginning of the round.
New serb for sure.
Ah well. Gotta tweak it then.
After I finish Power armour
Reported and filtered, go back to SA you fucking goons.
You'll never get your 10$ back, also
Looks like shitposters are back
Newstation is the draw of petulant faggots with a hateboner for GitGud. The guy running it is a fresh Ckey, sorta suspicious, and it uses archaic pizzacode.
H8station has the latest H8code being worked on.
The current trend here is that Newstation has more people, so if you care more about population than features then go there. But don't let these faggots turn you off to H8station, given how this newstation is quite unproven.
You say this kind of shit, shilling the SA server here on fucking Holla Forums and tries to call other people goons?
Fuck off
Yes, chase me away with your expletives and non-arguments. It will totally work, just keep bringing in fresh accounts to AstroTurf your position.
Sage for off-topic.
Not really new. In 2 or 3 days you're gonna be browsing another thread, someone is gonna mention SS13 and another (1) is gonna post "don't bother, it's all goons".
Give it another week, and Mark will start banning this threads because he suspects we're all gons and won't bother talking with us.
We've been here before. Several times.
Cross your fingers and hope we survive this time. Last time, it was a close call.
[citation needed]
Whatever server you feel like m8.
To be honest, /tg/station. It's filled with retards, it's the perfect training ground before dealing with real nigga shit.
Nigga i'm playing newstation because it's running an actually good codebase, not because gitgud is a shit.
I'd play either station depending on how many players are on, i don't give a shit as long as we get spessmen with something that isn't broken.
Don't you have a goon server to shill?
I love how you don't even mention that your precious goon admin(Gitgud) already said mĂşltiple times that he doesn't give a shit about the players, also
You just blew your cover goon
Sure buddy. Keep telling yourself that.
I am currently on H8. I can confirm we are back to the original code instead of the NT fork.
Hmm, how should I put it?
Holla Forums without shitposting is like a tree without leaves.
Wew lads, totally not biased at all.
But pizza is actually good, because of the lack of new features like broken dismemberment (which was fixed recently, thank god) and memeducks which void all checks for ear protection like earmuffs.
Regardless. Yes, hate does have some really neat shit that they added recently but i still want to play with actual people than an empty server. I hope some peeps hop on hate today to test out the new features i guess, if not, it's gonna be newstation for the rest of the day.
br8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8
Yes, I realize I am responding to it anyway
bls stop responding to drama inducing niggers
But it's funny to watch them try to insult me
still it's like giving food to niggers, they're only gonna steal more from you
Kek, you'll need a newmeme to spout.
That was fixed 2 or 3 days after they were introduced it was a badly nested check in the code
Right. Looks like, it's time to open two windows and try to compare myself later.
Oh, and newserb got nice, but forced ports quads.
Is there a way to get darker UI?
How do I get darker UI?
In-Game hud? Try fiddling with character setup.
BYOND Game Window UI? I afraid, it's not possible.
idk though
It's just the usual shitposting done by a third party that occurs every single time there are two servers running.
As far back as early Pizza this happened, an alternate server opens and immediately accusations of either everybody on the alternate being goons or of everybody on the main server being goons start popping up in the threads.
As it turned out later the person behind it is some friend of Marks who just sits around in the mumble all day and tries to stir up drama, usually by accusing people or groups of being goons. I think the guy is a board volunteer now.
funny bit is that he does that to any comunity he joins. He was in atleast 3 MMO guilds form Holla Forums I played and 2 minecraft servers and even a shitty Terraria server
At this point, I think stirring drama is his hooby.
sounds like someone I knew from the old /sft/
literally stirred up shit to watch
what the fuck is this shit
Looks like Hatestation.
You can only really pick between the shitty preset ones. It's not like with /vg/ where you can pick between 3 different styles and then pick a custom color to go with it.
We truly are the wandering Jews of space station
That one was picked because it was animated and kinda fits the game.
It was also done when people were still digging through the game and finding secrets.
Might have been the only time that game was fun to talk about it.
We oughta replace it, but we need an artfag to draw us a new one.
Give me the exact dimensions and I might fix something up.
480x480 IIRC.
If you can make multiple frames, Byond animates it automatically.
Truly we live in interesting times.
People lurk a lot.
Moreover, the time is off for a lot of folk. Weekday gaming is pretty rare.
Newserv has been getting a steady flow of decent folk, though.
Stick it on your laptop and go to your local library.
I believe newstation is making the switch over eventually, but for now we're using pizza as a temporary lot while some shit in hatecode is to get fixed. May be wrong, though.
So if Gitgud is getting the boot, who is actually stepping up to take his management role?
Gitgud is not getting the boot, and there are some dumb fucks who'll go to his server(hate) just to be trated like the cattle that they are.
Gitgud is not getting the boot, that's why new station exists in the first place.
did the new serb go down?
Looks like Koriath is acting as the new face. Kinda ironic, since unlike GitGud who is only accused of being a goon, apparentlyaccording to user Koriath actually admitted to browsing SA.
Users like this will remain needlessly salty and be the lesser for it, but you don't have to be them.
Dude is changing the start screen because of all the people triggerd by undertale.
you failed in taking my geans you perverted slut!
I don't get why people care so much about this sort of thing. So many folk use it as an excuse for shit behavior.
It isn't a good excuse. If you are depressed, fine, but don't you suddenly go off acting like a nigger and expect me to think nothing of it.
Don't you have some cock to suck, you battered housewife.
GitGud already bowed to our demands, anything thrown at him now is just spite. Its hard to characterize your response as anything but bitter and angry.
He didn't seem very depressed when Newstation wasn't around.
Funny, isn't it?
The fuck are you talking about? This wasn't some fucking strike where people had demands this was people just plain abandoning ship because he was acting like a complete asshole. Some of the people he was giving shit weren't even doing anything more than asking for ETA's on missing features getting restored.
christ we should have never stopped hosting altstation
reminder to mention JustL in every ss13 thread as payback for the 17 hour shoah
the mention of his name makes mark shake in his adult diapers
He certainly lost his chance to renegotiate on even terms with the users when the alternative station we were threatening to put up, actually went up.
And what's to say he won't get """""depressed""""" again and kill the server?
Besides, he said If himself that we players are just cattle, so why does he care about where we play?
He never took the station down and never threatened to, that speaks to the end that he won't take the server down on his own whims.
GitGud speaks through results, and that's a hell of a lot more than what most of us can claim.
Latest hatecode is shit, though.
Newstation really needs to just use a old model of hatecode, you ask me.
Speaking of, sorry for being the worst coder in SS13 history.
Also reminder that it got merged back into hate because of a scare about Mark killing the general because of all of the "HES A GOON" shitflinging.
Problem is, this ain't the first time he's done shit.
Until he's completely 100% out of hate, I ain't going back. His word after all ain't worth shit any more, after all the crap he's pulled over time.
You don't just accept an incompetent lying asshole just because he said, by proxy no less, "sorry".
You're so fucking new or blind that you don't even know that the server only died because he disregarded what the players wanted and just forced /tg/ and then baycode on our throats, even If this reduced the pop from 20-30 to 0-5.
Anyone have that image of a clown and a chef boxing in the bar?
Keep in mind, for what little it is worth, Koriath was the one that started the claims. The post has since been deleted, sadly, but essentially he said the fellow with a new ckey could be Holla Forums or goon, just because he's new.
Gitgud is only taking a "step down". Which is to say, he ain't doing shit, and will be back to his old antics before long.
Which is ironic, since according to some anons Koriath browses/browsed SA.
I posted a rather nice little conspiracy theory earlier.
I don't really believe it, mind you, but I do feel it is a fair bit more likely than newserv being goons.
Plus, I really don't see what advantage they'd have by making an infinitely better server that actually listens to the players.
Regardless :
Running away from nu-/tg/ was a choice players made. He never intended to abandon H8 code, instead it can be interpreted that he was giving us much-requested features like the new ventcrawling system. I'll admit that the jump to the NTBase was ill advised, but from what I hear he did it because one of our coderscykablyat endorsed it.
What I don't get is why you think GitGud did it just to kill his server.
You're too much of a drone to talk with.
Then his speech is shit mate.
He changed the station code at first on a whim and according to him they would run it until the end of the weekend and see if they could get it to a state where most missing features were back. Some people stopped playing at this point because they didn't really care to play TG, others stuck with it.
Then about 2 weeks later when people asked in the thread about how progress was going to bring back features he freaked out and started calling people unappreciative assholes who don't appreciate the coders and staff enough over fucking nothing but people wondering about progress.
Then the very next thread he flipped the fuck out and went on about how the opinions and input of people who weren't coders or him meant absolutely nothing. Including people who actually took the time to report bugs and shit on the issues page and various other people who made PR's but weren't official coders.
People now aren't avoiding HateStation because of some misunderstanding regarding the code people are avoiding it because gitgud is a fucking asshole.
Everything he has done lately suggests that he's an ass.
I'm not saying GitGud did nothing wrong, but that he's already done all he can to make amends. Holding it against him now is counter-productive, given that he's been the main driving force towards progressing the code.
Can this Newstation give a list of any planned features? And if it can, does it have any way to get those features coded? I don't see the answer to these questions being an affirmative anytime soon, but fuck me for looking forwards instead of back.
His amends don't mean shit because he has repeatedly gone back on them in the past. It doesn't matter how sorry he is, he's an untrustworthy fuckup, and you're an apologist drone.
Go fuck yourself.
Why don't you give examples instead of calling names? Since he's done so much wrong in the past, providing evidence should be easy, yea?
Calling on events that are no longer in living memory isn't very helpful to the thread.
Well that's just silly. If you're talking about the guy now hosting the new station with a CKEY made like wednesday it's probably more likely that it's just Aclarke/Turbotracker who has been known to do such things in the past.
Either way I personally don't really give a fuck about whatever he did but still don't plan on playing the new server it until it at the very least it disables forced antag assignment. Especially since if player numbers somehow get high enough it can lead to awful situations such as there being enough people for nukeops but only 2 people have it enabled resulting in 3 people who are potentially new to the game becoming ops just so that it can hit the 5 person team.
Literally never, this is the first time he absolutely wrecks the server with a codebase nobody wanted. And besides he's stepping down from it for that.
God he fucked up hard as shit and i don't even want to play hatestation with the absolute abyssmal playerbase it has but fucks sakes, if we don't have two competing servers nobody does shit to get things right. Calling for killing hatestation because it's "goon" where's the proof? Them fucking up isn't enough reason is retarded, newstation will just end up with no competition and thus no incentive to be good at the playerbase or with the need to improve the old code.
That artifact was neat.
88/88 Hitler approved
Stahp responding to the gitgud defense force. Just take post threads from here and the previous thread and consolidate them in some pastebin, then post the pastebin at the top of a new thread, to prevent anyone new from responding to the drama.
Newstation's new startup splash is fucking great, by the way.
Couple of issues:
Ling sting is supposed to go through exosuits, thats the ooldsting's gimmick.
It's kinda bullshit though.
An exosuit is suppose to be a kind of protection,
At least make it message something. It shouldn't be unnoticeable that something penetrated a suit.
By low pressure tiles, you mean tiles within the station?
That's some odd behaviour. There were some bugs with hardsuits and lightning a few months ago. Might be caused by the same thing.
Also: I got a few hours free.
Current round is kinda too chaotic already, but join Hate and ahelp next round to sign up for the Mecha Fightning tournament.
Good job.
have any of you ever realized
gitgud is a faggot
but there's a group of shitposters who routinely shitpost about him, demanding his head sjw style because they want to make both severs stagnant and eventually empty because the entire thread is just full of niggers screaming.
or instead, just want the threads to get banned completely by mark (stagnant serb, empty serb)
I should know about shitposters who want the Holla Forums server(s) to die.
I introduced emilyinspace to the server
how come I can't connect to hatestation? is it down or something?
Hatestation's ip has changed from byond:// to
damn I didn't even notice the IP had changed, thanks man
Traitor, was it really necessary for you to kill the CE?
it wasn't even an objective.
I never did before this. I do now.
Mostly on account of his consistent fucking up, and that god-awful attitude of his.
I just want gitgud gone. Then I'd be happy.
Well, if hatestation dies out, either from a lack of players or from whatever, I'll host a server with hatecode.
I love how the goons are begging for us to give gitgud another chance to ruin another server, or to at least use his code.
Reminder gitgud has killed at least three servers: Hate, Fire, and Alt. Disregard anyone begging to use hate code, Gitgud and Koriath sabotaged the code not once, but twice. They fucked it up for windows byond servers and forced players to spawn as memeseeks if anyone tried to use their code to try to make the competing servers look incompetent. This also violated the opensource license because they were supposed to distribute the code they were actually using. Their staff cancer and their code is cancer, stay away from both.
I do like hatecode. Pre-dismemberment, at least. After that it went to shit.
Ya, nah, unless you can point to the line in the code that causes this I'm going to have to call bullshit on you. Infact your whole post reeks of disinfo. Goons don't stand to gain anything from GitGud staying where he is.
Prove me wrong, and give yourself a nice fat (2).
anyone here at the time can confirm. (25) posts defending him makes it seem a lot more like you're the disinfo fag.
Okay. Any more perfectly reasoned and rational claims you'd like to make?
It actually happened when altstation was up I believe. Koriath changed some lines in the code so it would automatically spawn you in as meeseeks. This has been changed after major backlash though.
Dunno when specifically he is talking, but early on, the meeseeks were incredibly glitchy, and that was such an item that occured from time to time.
It also made no indication you pushed the button, resulting in people pushing it more than once thinking they lagged out or something, whcih resulted in a meeseeks without a task spawning in, of which was also were completely fucking invincible outside of gibbing, and more often than not invisible too.
The windows bit, though, is definitely right as of tgcode adition. Don't know if it is still an issue, though.
I don't mind the hatestation code, however fucking meeseeks and those ducks need to fuck off as soon as possible.
MEeseeks were always terrible, even after they were "fixed", I do agree.
Don't really know much about duckcode other than that it broke a fuckton of shit.
It's crystal clear that you have an agenda. Nobody believes you're disconnected from this whole mess. Either you're a goon trying to kill the community by endorsing gitgud, or you are related to gitgud (e.g. by being peyton). Eitherway, you've done nothing but
-deny hard truths
-blindly defend cancer
You don't get to say someone else is spreading disinfo.
I would say it's more due to the massive amount of gitgud dicksucking going on, personally.
Basically, what said, it's rather apparent there's a major lot of Gitgud suspect love you hold, considering you blatantly ignore things that anyone with any experience with Hatestation would know about.
Along with the demands that people forgive him just because after acting like a total tosspot for ages and getting the whole server killed, only when another server arrived to take his place did he apologize, of which he didn't even have the decency to do himself. Rather leaves me skeptical of you. Either you are a major mod dicksucker rulecuck, or you are, as f32b22 said, gitgud himself or his friend.
I don't rightly buy that anyone is a "goon" here, personally, of course.
I've done none of those things, if you believe otherwise then that's your problem. Everything I've said in this thread is traceable back to my ID which I have not obfuscated.
All I've done is urge impartial judgement and interpretation of the recent events that have unfolded. Thats my agenda. If you have trouble believing me, then again, thats your problem, not mine.
I've made no claims that need defending, the only crime I'm culpable of is holding an unpopular viewpoint. If you make a claim that something happened or that so and so did this, then the burden of proof is on you to prove it. And if you cannot or refuse to, then don't be surprised if I call your actions disinforming, as much as you'd dislike.
I use goon as an umbrella term for anyone who wants to harm this community just for the sake of it tbh, be it just random, very dedicated trolls, shills playing a very long game, or actual goons.
Then you harm the term by destroying its definitions.
Fair enough I guess.
I could buy that. Given that he rather blatantly ignores a lot of shit what's happened, it's fairly likely, assuming he is being truthful, he doesn't actually play.
Fuck off Koriath.
No, I know what happened, I'm just not too terribly asspained about it. What you all seem to have trouble coming to terms with is that someone else might experience the same things as you and still come do a different conclusion. Its just reality.
If you know what gitgud hás done and still defend him you're fucking hopeless.
Hi Koriath! It looks like the audio from hate and alt deciding to kill both servers is still up. I believe that's where the memeseeks sabotage was first made public. Enjoy:
Make sure to check out at around 24:08, although the whole recording is just full of cancer.
Reminder that the Discord is literally Mumble2.0
Every time I pop into this thread, there's always some drama about the admins going on.
What's the deal? Does the game itself foster this kind of division and autism or is it this particular community?
Its definitely the community, you shouldn't get involved if you can avoid it it'll blow over in a week or two until the next big thing happens.
The admins tend to either be or become fags.
This goes for everything ss13 related.
It's always the same admin group. Peyton has always been in charge, and he and gitgud have always adminned people everyone unanimously hated long before they became admins, and as expected those people abused their position and metagamed to shit, killing the server.
Because the same group of admins is never purged, the pattern repeats.
There's a reason people miss nel's and to a lesser extent firestation.
If I took off these admin privileges, would you die?
Yeah, fuck what the community wants right?
Gitgud called, he wants his motto back Koriath.
You claim that:
1. GitGud and co. actively attempted to destroy h8station and altstation.
2. Koraith made it so that any other server using h8 code would have players spawn in as meeseeks.
From the recording you've posted, I have gathered that:
1. GitGud and co. have terrible voicechat manners and speak over each other alot.
2. GitGud and co. honestly sound like a bunch of stuck-up pricks who spout off about a bunch of inane and meaningless things, and who are largely incapable of holding a meaningful conversation.
3. GitGud and co. were discussing the future of ss13 and altstation as h8's "testing" server. Generally, they seemed dissatisfied with the BYOND environment and expressed a desire to move on to alternatives. I suppose if this is what you mean by GitGud wanting to destroy H8station and altstation, this is the closest thing said that can be construed to support your claim.
4. Koraith made it so that if someone else copied the h8station code and modified it without checking the code thoroughly to spot his snare, they would end up spawning in as meeseeks. This can be conceivably construed as an act of sabotage, and its no wonder Koriath quickly backpedalled on it.
Yes, you went the extra length to provide evidence for your claims, but the "proof" isn't as watertight as you claim. Still, you put more effort into your shitposting than most and that alone deserves recognition.
Also I forgot to mention that I think you're right and you helped alleviate my ignorance about the problems the community faces from the shit rolling downhill the staff, but I don't regret taking the stance that I did since I managed to get results like what you posted. This stuff needs to be saved and spread whenever the character of the H8station staff is in question, for the sake of those new to the conversation.
Sage for double post.
The thing that gets me is that people who had a problem with Gitgud joined the discord.
They talked things with him with little effect and then talked to me.
I then talked to Gitgud, he talked with the guys in the discord, and everything was fine.
But lo and behold, you open the thread and it's filled with niggers who refuse to talk at all.
It's 100% memes, salt mining and shitposting.
This might be the only thread where you can accuse someone of something and when pressed for evidence, you're called a goon.
Gotta be the only thread where people don't really care about content, only that someone they don't like who barely does shit anymore is still around.
And fuck you Mark. Ban me if you want, or delete my posts. I have a right to reply.
Recently, /tg/ station has closed down a fantastic Pull Request to their code:
Basically, it's an away mission where the crew is suposed to invade a "moonbase" where Mecha Hitler and his army reside.
Now, being the entrepeneur station that we are, we're not gonna let all that good work go to waste.
We have to ways of implementing this, I'll leave it to be discussed and read on responses in the morning the thread better have not 404'd from your shitposting.
Basically, we re-adapt the whole thing and turn it around. Mecha-Schlomo rules the place, and Hitler is your pal. Fight along side the SS to take down Space Jews.
Main disavantage? We're gonna need some artfags to sprite a few things.
Since this is a videogame board, and at least half of us played Wolfenstein you better we keep it as it is. But we change the rewards at the end. The one who clears this mission becomes Der Fuhrer of the station, ranking higher than the captain himself.
Oh and for a few laughs.
This PR was denied because of Cheridan. After 20 or so people said YES WE WANT THIS all it took was one faggot saying "no" to cancel it.
If you want even more laughs:
Aparently /tg/ is trying to implement dismemberment but they're not really having a lot of sucess.
They should stick to dismembering the AI and sec borgs.
They should stick to fixing their common radio first :^)
Holy shit. You pulled a file that's 2 years old.
I won't even bother explaining again that the shit I said was joke. We've been there over 2 fucking years ago.
You are so desperate to be right, you're pulling ancient shit out of your ass.
Next you're gonna post my profile of League of Legends AGAIN and ignore that the last match I played was 3 or 4 years ago too.
Do yourself a favour. Get on the Discord. Talk to us. Either me, Flammen, Rascal or Gitgud himself. Just talk to people, instead of shitposting 24/7.
M-Merely pretending
Damn, you must have had a rough chilhood.
Did you grew up on Halo or something?
Anything at all to deflect from the actual issues with the server. Literally bread and circuses.
Try to tell me mech-schlomo ain't a meme.
How about you add original shit instead of stealing shit from \tg\ that's so bottom of the barrel that even they didn't want it.
Although that after we got meseeks, I don't think you really care as long as they reference something you like.
I take it you prefer the second alternative.
My favourite too, requires little sprite swapping.
I don't care, I ain't playing on hate anymore.
Just fill the server with memes such as this and busywork such as pests, I'm sure the few cocksuckers left won't mind.
that mission looks bretty dank
Man, what is even there to report in
You guys aren't even defending Newstation with underhanded shit like this.
The whole thread has nothing about newstation.
No greentext stories, no screencaps from it.
How about from now on, people who prefer Newstation play there and talk about it, while people who prefer Hate play there and talk about that instead?
Sucks that Cheridan's ancestors died in Awchitz, I guess.
Actually I said they did kill both, which is true.
Wrong. The entire point of alt was to not be hate, anyone with half a brain would know the two working together in this fashion would kill alt. Killing alt was intentional.
You've got this a little backwards: he says if you hadn't checked the code AND modified it, anyone spawning in would turn into a meeseeks. You had to make a modification to avoid turning into a meeseeks, anyone using the code without changing a specific section of code would end up with a server full of meeseeks. This is also how they violated the open source license. You're supposed to publish any changes to the code, they made two versions and only released one.
Mark, pls do this.
That's weird, because gitgud doesn't seem to think so.
Two years later, and you're still using the same 3 images.
We mocked you when you spent an entire year posting them.
We called you the 1 year madman for a reason.
But you are dedicated to your cause.
You wouldn't seettle for anyting less than 2 years. Congratulations.
You are now the 2 Year Madman.
All this fucking server drama, this is exactly why PizzaStation go fucked and died. Remember when we used to get 20-30 players on the weekends?
HateStation was about to get there too until even more fuckery was going on, both messing with the code (Which I'm not against but make another station and fuck with it on that) and again drama. Now our fucking servers get 10 guys max on a good day. Fucking shit man, we all just want to play spessmen
Kek, reminder that theypardoned Emily because she was a grill
I'll never stop being amazed at how much drama a 2d spess sim can generate.
Hate only died due to code fuckery.
We had drama back then too
I'm sure it's completely by accident both you and koriath have made the same simple, mathematical, mistake of thinking 2015 was two years ago.
Something I learned from this threads:
You open them, pick one of the server adresses available, join the station and immediatly close the thread.
It doesn't even matter what station you play in.
Back in Altstation vs Hatestation debate, it was spectacular. OOC was chill and civil on both stations, but you hop on the thread, and it's a mess of autism.
Stick to the station you like and abandon thread.
Nice try.
If you don't play on the server you complain about, then you arent a part of its community, now are you?
I have a funny little story for y'all
He jumped me and the assistant in the hallway, and I miss my mindswap, accidentally taking the assistant's body instead of the wizard's. Suppose that's just as well, my fireballs would have killed the assistant too. Jaunt off as the assistant chases me in my own body with a scythe
guy trapped in my body shows up to assault me, my Mindswap no longer on cooldown
I had fun
The reason why pizza died is because someone got a(very weak) dox on riesen.
so retarded. there's nothing but cheap lulz and memes nowadays.
I wasn't referring to what has happened recently, I meant old mistakes gitgud and crew's done before what make this effectively the straw what broke the cammel's back
Yes. For some reason, every SS13 other than Nel's server has terrible adminstration staff that inevitably falls into autism. I have no idea why. Every one that I have seen is like this.
Hate is no exception. Just up until now, people've bared with that autism.
Because it couldn't've been Gitgud, he never did anything wrong! He is a saint, and anyone who doesn't suck his dick is a goon shill!
Fuck off already. This drama was caused by Gitgud acting like a selfrighteous nigger making decisions that were horribly shit and destroyed the server for a lot of folk.
He literally said that only the admins and coders matter.
I think that's more than a fair thing to get uppity at, you insufferable authoritarian bootlicking faggot.
I know the feeling. Try doing something weird every round that involves other players. Sometimes it ends up being funny in ways you didn't intended.
Like this round:
Prepare to become an unperson, like anyone who ever dared to support a new server
Fuck, You do not know how much I want to make a server that encourages roleplay.
Sadly a third server would split the community even more.
Drama was caused by Gitgud and co.
Don't blame the guys rightfully outraged by it.
Drama's been going around hate for years, anyway. It's just that this time, it finally popped the barn, and a lot of us are fed up with it.
A lot of us were part of the community. We also were before gitgud and co decided to fuck up the code for no reason and insult those who dared suggest it was a bad idea.
You could try to talk with the Newstation guy or the folks of Hatestation about it.
Some guidelines about it and whatnot.
I remember we once had this discussion back in pizza, noone mentinoned it again.
The issue is that it tends to take 2 years of spessmen before you begin to enjoy RP.
Also, when someone says RP people always think of autismal shit such as yog
Everyone that liked hate but doesn't play there anymore is an unperson.
Hate is at war with New, hate has always been at war with new.
Praise big brother gitgud for his amazing inventions such as a 8ch serb(no 8ch serb ever existed before gitgud got it?)
Freedom is Slavery
War is Peace
Ignorance is strenght
I do have the potential with talking to both of the servers about it, but I'd rather not make another server until either hatestation dies or newstation fails.
Alot of people who play ss13, especially regulars usually have 2 or more years under their belt with this game.
Please don't mention these people ever again.
Roleplaying on their server makes my body naturally produce a high amount of ethanol.
If you think Yog is bad, try baystation.
Banned for running in the hallways.
For what little it is worth, I always try to if I can, and often enough folk will follow suit.
I've started a few gangs outside of gangmode for instance. Also had some fun being a cheap lawyer a few times. Even managed to win a case against Medbay for a clone's retardation.
Does not exist
For what it's worth, my immediate thought was that rather nice little Urist we took refuge in once a while back.
Apparently a lot of folk had proper characters and shit. We sort of buggered it all up. Two guys died to one fellow what hated music, for instance.
i need proof just for laughs
Bad RP strats lad
that sounds suspiciously meta to be honest
That's pretty good.
If anyone would like a roleplay server, I'd happily make one. But I'm not going to make a server until atleast one of the two servers has died.
Didn't happen to me. It was back in Pizza.
The lad it happened to had some screencaps though.
Another guy that I'm pretty sure is still around was banned for defending himself.
If he's around he'll tell the story better, but it was something like this:
Silly shit like that. I visited their forum once search result on google and saw one of them post: "We take RP too seriously. Sometimes we forget to have fun."
Meant to say, it was on baystation, but back when we were Pizzastation.
If someone could post Koriath's introduction forum post for when he played on bay it'd great too.
It started out like:"hello peeps my name is Koriath"
The gang? I can understand that. For what it's worth, I never do a damn thing as said gang leader.
I've started it three times now, and every time it's devolved into chaos as we either get blamed for everything, sometimes merited thanks to one of us being a tator, or get immediately labeled "EBIL GANG" and murdered by some validhunter.
But damn is it fun. I don't ever do anything besides handing out uniforms and shouting "GREENSIDE", and attempting to recruit. Every time, we end up with arms grabbed by somebody, a bunch of booze, and a healthy bit of animosity with the local security forces.
If there were more people like you, I'd fucking start the server up right now.
mining union vs greenside tonight at 11
There probably are, the hard part is finding people to start hte lot.
Keep in mind, every time I did that, I managed to convert at least a third if not more of the station.
Granted, a good half of those didn't do anything as gang members besides their regular job and shouting "GREENSIDE" in the chat now and again, but still.
Being a horrible bureaucrat paperpusher is also pretty fun. But, tragically, likely to get you lynched as the crew. That, or completely ignored.
Still, nothing better than walking into Security where they have a know traitor in perma, and releasing the guy because "You failed to sign the arrest form correctly".
Albiet, that did get me lynched by security.
Trying any form of Bureaucracy on any job but cargo will get you lynched for some reason, and even on cargo people will ignore it most of the time. since you just do 3 shuttle round trips at most and just sending crates are usually enough to make enough to last the round.
And in Cargos case that is only because Points.
Like i was walking past HoP office during a (declared) nuke ops and a Unknown killed HoP for requesting that he removed the helmet he was wearing so he could verify the ID before giving all access.
We also were before gitgud and co decided to fuck up the code for no reason
There wasnt really any "and co" in that decision. In fact, the rest of the staff quite flatly disagreed with his autism. I told him that if he wanted a new codebase, he would have to put it on a test server and put us back on the hatecode, that way, once the new code had all the features of hatecode, we could let the community decide for themselves which one was better.
I don't think you were wrong to leave, but I know gitgud isn't trying to kill any SS13 servers. He's just a massively stubborn faggot when he gets his mind set on something and gets really pissy when he gets told no. Best thing you can do against that is ignore his bitching, continue playing and demand change. Then you'll leave him with only two options: Listen to the community, or leave. Dopaper was the one who brought me onto the staff team, so frankly I consider him the boss. I'm also an ideas guy. I like to come up with new shit to add to the game, and occasionally do gimmicks to entertain everyone else, such as Donald Trump or Malthazar the Mute.
The real issue is that you can't have RP in a vacuum. There are some prelims, such as
1- there having enough people currently playing
2- nobody griffing
3- a community which usually plays along
4- enough tools to RP
On 4, some things can be improved: paperwork could be a very effective RP aspect (especially with stamps and other forms of approval), for instance, but they take way too long, relative to round time, to be worth caring about, and juggling papers with the way the interface works is pretty annoying.
Moreover, roles like lawyer, chaplain and librarian are typically completely ignored no matter what kind of RP they try to do. For instance, I've almost never been allowed, as a lawyer, to take the defense of someone security handcuffed.
On 1, this has two components: with not enough people, there aren't enough people to interact with so no point in an actual RP. Moreover, with not enough people, players have to break their role to go setup station functions that are critical. On the latter point, this can be improved by modifying the map to have some utilities running from the get go, such as generators in every room that can be fed by people whose role is performed in that room, perhaps by using a stationary bike or running in a hamster wheel or something like that.
3 also goes two ways: people should actually try to play along, that is, let themselves be tricked (it doesn't have to be by purposeful omission, but it could be e.g. the HoP giving all access to the clown because he did something funny, or giving extra access to non-critical areas to a crewmember who asks for it because he doesn't have any criminal record), but they should also avoid garbage RP like ooga booga, SJW muh oppression so ebin, hitler in space, etc.
2 is self-explanatory: can't RP while dead, nor while everyone else's dead.
Also, for fuck's sake, stop repeating shitty RP every other round. Let it rest at the very least. Or you know, kill it and try something else. Can't RP if every night is faggot night.
Agreed. It's very annoying being a reporter and having to fuck with the BBCode. I once tried to grab an assistant and teach him the ropes so we could get more coverage and it took him a while to get it all figured out.
Buttons for BBCode like vBulletin forums w h e n ??
Librarian as a librarian doesn't tend to get much action. RPing a reporter though works out well since it doesn't require other plays to play along. Just about every time I've done it I've gotten action on it.
It's pretty dank creeping around with a camera and trying to get good camera shots.
It'd be nice if cameras weren't so fucky. AFAIK no codebase has ever done anything to them.
don't use the n word…!
Maybe the books around the station (how to hack, how to cook, etc.) and the notes (like the one in botany) should all be in book form in the library archive instead, so that the librarian actually has a (minor) reason to exist. At the very least, the librarian could then print books and deliver them to the right department, this causes some kind of interaction.
Perhaps if we had more extensive books (like full chem and food/drinks recipe listings) this could be good, as people wouldn't have to alt-tab to the wiki, but without a search function it could be annoying to use still.
the library becoming the wiki sounds like a really good idea
Something I thought up a while ago was to take one of the computer sprites and make a "Writing Assistant" computer.
Something in the library, Law Office and Abandoned Office maybe crew quarters and it can easily create new forms and other stuff like that with a few clicks.
Add to that some standard forms being already availble.
For instance, the HoP office has a photocopier. But since you have to get the form BBcode in the first place, it kinda nulls the point of it being there in the first place.
Imagine something like this:
>each place that requires paperwork has a filing bin and that already exists
Means you can hand out two, and if you need more simply photocopy the remaining one.
Personally I would not be found using the books if they weren't efficient in how they present the information. For most recipe heavy pages this means a table. I know you can make suitable tables in HTML and we could have pre-made books with the recipes, and the author would be Nanotrasen Corporation.
You'd also have to find someone to maintain up to date recipes. It'd be really cool having a bunch of Nanotrasen books on what the equipment does while wiki could be more powergamey in giving exact numbers.
I've literally never bothered with this but now that I'm thinking about it, in combination with forms that could expedite writing news articles.
I like the Writing Assistant idea.
You could parse the source code itself to generate the table, it should be fairly straightforward.
We already have hair manipulation (shaving, styling, coloring) and lots of clothes. I doubt more crayon colors would change anything, and an official tailor or barber is not viable given how relatively short rounds are.
could make it a point system like shaft miners have for the librarians
i really just wanted more crayon colors for black+white so it's possible to leave white glove fibers and frame faggot mimes
Tell ya what. I agree with other anons when they say a Barber or Tailor job is a bit too superficial to the game.
But: we can add a small room in crew quarters with some supplies for it.
Grab a few outfits (cargo is your friend here) and you can start your own Tailor/barber shop.
Dah. It'd just be nice to have system in place. Give assistants something to do. It'd be nice to be able to make robes, armbands, hats or what have you to encourage gang identities, religious identities, etc. I've always wanted to make a cult with yellow robes as outfits.
Only reason I brought up barbers because I've occasionally used mirrors to change appearance if I'm wanted. Wouldn't a barber system be as simply as making it so if you're sitting in a chair, and someone targets your head with scissors, the current mirror menu comes up?
Then mirrors can be no choice and instead is a roll to see which horribly fucked up hairstyle you get.
Also didn't some other codebase get dank new jumpsuits? Whatever happened to porting those?
Chaplain has a bible for that. Pic related.
Kek, I was thinking of a "rolling" mirror, kinda like they have in backstage. You can drag it around and people can use it.
But the scisors idea is kinda neat and easy to implement. I like the fact that you'd have to rely on another person to use it.
And if you run around with it, a 1% chance you'll stick it in your eyes, because people shouldn't be running around with scissors.
in lieu of autistic character descriptions, haircuts must take on a characteristic role
That sounds almost like the Kings.
Instead of shitposting so hard it turns away new players, shill Newstation and post empirical evidence of GitGud's faggotry other than "was a faggot who made the station shit for a few days".
Conversations, logs, whatever, save it and post it.
Remember when Hate was dead because everyone played on Altstation instead?
JustL is and will always be a faggot who can't take sitting a round out. Who the fuck dies three times, making them traitors two more times before dying and then makes themselves a wizard.
We need someone competent who knows how to code in DM, not just someone who can host unless you want a game that never changes.
Hatecode is pretty awful internally, /tg/ has great optimization but has a lot of things nerfed and otherwise undesirable for an average Hate player's gameplay style.
Koriath did add the "spawnAsMeseeks" config to Hate for a while which sort of griff'd Altstation. However it's worth noting it was GitGud who egg'd him to do it.
newstation is really empty but at least big slice has not done anything fucking stupid yet and at least trys to please everyone
Plus 510 lagfree thing actually works AND the absolute madman actually updated the changelog
i just want to play without fucking retarded admins and people
Then fucking get on.
newstation is less empty then hatestation
I saw more then just 5 on it
newstation needs to get a stable population and needs more pr
I'd play more but I was feeling the burn
thank you jesus
new round starting in newstation
make security great again
I'd be on, but I get shit connection here, what last time I checked gave me a good 500+ ping.
Maybe I will try at the library.
That's what I get for trying to play stealthy traitor
What a round to be alive!
You were really close.
The assistant and CE survived.
No I wasn't, you would've been dead 5 minutes in if that bomb hit the SMES proper.
SMES stopped supplying the APC after the bomb hit and I had to shut down the lights/environment in order to survive longer.
Then I should've hit the APC, good tip for next time I guess.
which server actually gets people on it
its on and off but newstation is getting more people
hello help
my computer's hard drive apparently crashed and I lost everything but my reaction images
now I can't get byond to run video games
am I missing some shitty plug-in like shockwave or something?
Flash player, that's it.
Also updating IE works if you're running XP pre SP3 or some old retail version of seven.
Fresh thread
Anyone up for a late night round?