Why isn't Dark Souls 3 as good as Bloodbourne
PC only anons i'm going to level with you: Fromsoft fucked you.
There are people that understandably dont want to buy a PS4 for one game and it sucks that Sony has the rights to bloodborne, but the thing that really makes me genuinely sorry for PC only users?
You got a step down, not an improvement.
Thats simply unfair even if the monetary reasons make sense.
On one hand you have Bloodborne. Made for one uniform hardware with improved gameplay, fantastic artwork, an amazing score and some fresh new ideas the souls gameplay needed. The marketing sold it as a van helsing em up but halfway through it starts to drip feed you supernatural shit in a world you think is a viral outbreak story till you run into genuine AYY's and lovecraftian horrors and reality starts to unravel.
There is a well written, concise story with little "but…perhaps" headcanon "muh lore" bullshit, the situation escalates and the world feels more alive. The new mechanics like trick weapons, dashing and regain and chalice dungeons offer fun new ways to play the same formulae.
Is it perfect? no. chalice dungeons get samey, the arcane items are underused and pvp was a mess. But the core gameplay experience was another demons/dark 1 not another ds2 like 3 is.
But you didn't get that, what did you get?
A reference heavy, stagger based combat design filled, brown and unfinished slog. It has 5 traps in one area, the rest of the game is enemys literally hanging on walls like spiders to gank you and that works once if ever. It has the easiest bosses in the series bar gluttinous demon in DS2 and thats about it. Those teased manus monsters that appear out of enemies? it happens at one boss, and 5 set unchanging enemies after that with no variance. poise is fucked. pvp is fucked and worse you pc users are dealing with cheaters that flag YOU for a banning. The story is barely existent and the most obtuse, overly fan service heavy entry in the series with npcs with two lines outside questlines tops and while i could list many, many more flaws you have simply been ripped off by a step down in almost every regard.
Now its not complete shit, Irithyll is fantastic, finding all the opitional secret areas was a good time and some of the new dual wield weapon designs are fantastic to use.
But you got a step down in every other regard and i dont know if multiplatform development is to blame or its just phoned in but honestly? you deserve better and the worst thing is the better exists already and that is simply unfair and you might not even know any better.
I'm sorry pc anons. This shit is simply unfair.