Why isn't Dark Souls 3 as good as Bloodbourne

Why isn't Dark Souls 3 as good as Bloodbourne

PC only anons i'm going to level with you: Fromsoft fucked you.

There are people that understandably dont want to buy a PS4 for one game and it sucks that Sony has the rights to bloodborne, but the thing that really makes me genuinely sorry for PC only users?
You got a step down, not an improvement.

Thats simply unfair even if the monetary reasons make sense.

On one hand you have Bloodborne. Made for one uniform hardware with improved gameplay, fantastic artwork, an amazing score and some fresh new ideas the souls gameplay needed. The marketing sold it as a van helsing em up but halfway through it starts to drip feed you supernatural shit in a world you think is a viral outbreak story till you run into genuine AYY's and lovecraftian horrors and reality starts to unravel.
There is a well written, concise story with little "but…perhaps" headcanon "muh lore" bullshit, the situation escalates and the world feels more alive. The new mechanics like trick weapons, dashing and regain and chalice dungeons offer fun new ways to play the same formulae.
Is it perfect? no. chalice dungeons get samey, the arcane items are underused and pvp was a mess. But the core gameplay experience was another demons/dark 1 not another ds2 like 3 is.

But you didn't get that, what did you get?

A reference heavy, stagger based combat design filled, brown and unfinished slog. It has 5 traps in one area, the rest of the game is enemys literally hanging on walls like spiders to gank you and that works once if ever. It has the easiest bosses in the series bar gluttinous demon in DS2 and thats about it. Those teased manus monsters that appear out of enemies? it happens at one boss, and 5 set unchanging enemies after that with no variance. poise is fucked. pvp is fucked and worse you pc users are dealing with cheaters that flag YOU for a banning. The story is barely existent and the most obtuse, overly fan service heavy entry in the series with npcs with two lines outside questlines tops and while i could list many, many more flaws you have simply been ripped off by a step down in almost every regard.

Now its not complete shit, Irithyll is fantastic, finding all the opitional secret areas was a good time and some of the new dual wield weapon designs are fantastic to use.

But you got a step down in every other regard and i dont know if multiplatform development is to blame or its just phoned in but honestly? you deserve better and the worst thing is the better exists already and that is simply unfair and you might not even know any better.

I'm sorry pc anons. This shit is simply unfair.

Other urls found in this thread:

darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Shield of Want

I am so sorry you bought a PlayStation 4. I hope you will get well some day.

Because BB had all the love put into it. DSIII was just another entry into the series because Bamco wanted one. Plus I think I read that Miyazaki took charge halfway through development.

Someone call the fucking waaambulance.

While I enjoyed Bloodborne more this thread is obvious bait.

Also the Project Beast reveal trailer literally had Ebrietas in it. They showed us the tip of the mindfuck and AYYs but people got lost/absorbed with the beast hunting.

I know it can be done, but I wish guns were better. When I first got BB I liked the idea of shooting, but obviously its a melee focused game.

Probably salty bout all the laughter on ps4 having the one good game. Granted DS3 was a bit shitty, but it was still fun. And I'd rather fuck up buying one sixty dollar game than putting down 500 min to play 1 game on a shit system with pay for online bullshit

Dark Souls 3 is to Bloodborne as Dark Souls 2 is to Dark Souls 1

BB had a nice atmosphere and knowing what went down in that fucked up place made me curious to explore it and find out. The gameplay was alright, all it introduced was shift weapons, otherwise it's DS mechanic core. Unfortunately they made it way too easy with the quickstep, the rally system and having too many healing items.

DS3 felt lacking and had way too many enemies hiding in walls above or behind you to the point where it became tedious rather than hard. Even the trap in BB on the entrance to the Forbidden Woods surprised me more than all the ones in DS3.

Both BB and DS3 won and lost in a lot of places. Nobody wins here OP.

This is what I've found most disappointing about DaS3. Poise being fucked up (i.e. nonexistent) is a major flaw and probably my number one complaint about the game in general, but it's not necessarily a disappointment.
Bloodborne set a really high bar in the music department, and it was a real let down that DaS3 only had one or two memorable tracks. Did they not use the same composer for DaS3?

What is your favorite song?
Mine is embed

Don't understand how you expected this thread to attract anything other than assmad console wars shitters. Especially considering how many people shitpost about this game while obviously never having played it before.

This is just objectively wrong.

thats a sad story user

Gehrman was my favorite until the Old Hunters expansion, which had incredible scores for every single boss. I really can't decide, but I'd say it's probably Ludwig the Accursed and Holy Blade.
Lady Maria and Living Failures are also fantastic.

Lady Maria. I was not expecting another boss right after the failures, but when I opened the door I saw the arena and just marched on. And when the music kicked in and cellos (is it? not very knowledgeable in instruments) played, it set in a very nice mood.

It's one of my favorite fights in the entire game. The score just made it much better. Also Ludwig's track is very nice.

Bloodborne is pretty good and I'd definitely recommend it, I'm playing it again right now, but this meme is fucking stupid and you all need to stop posting it.

It's a side project with a few cool ideas but it doesn't outdo any of the other games wholesale, its mechanics are hit and miss and the enemy reuse is beyond bullshit. Aside from that, the art, characters, and the bosses are generally cool and it does atmosphere about as well as atmosphere can be done.

I enjoyed Dark Souls 3 a bit more than bloodborne and I can see people having a preference one way or the other and that's worth having a thread about, but no one got fucked and neither are shit.

l-let's just be friends

Fun fact - the "latin" choirs in ds2/3 are complete bollocks to sound nice. In BB its real choirs actually singing for real.

If you translate the horrifying chanting in Yarhargul the unseen village its actually the school of mensis calling down the great ones to consume them as sacrifices.
Kind of like how the crazed people at the start of the thing perfectly explain whats going on but you only know if you speak Norwegian.

Best fight purely on soundtrack has to be Gascoigne

It wasn't even worth the 150€ I paid for it. It's truly a Bloodborne machine. Though BB is boring with no replay value after you finished it once. Plus most of the levels are really repetitive and unimaginative.

Oh definitely, Papa G is the nail in the coffin to make you understand how the game works. It's a nice first impression boss that sets the tone of the aggressive gameplay, Cleric Beast just felt like any other giant boss in DS.

I didn't know that about the latin choruses in DS2/3, but I definitely picked up a few words during the BB latin choruses and appreciated their relevance.

I can agree with that.

I love those ones too. Especially when the brass comes in on Ludwig.

Soulsfags in meltdown mode

Keep it in the general you autistic retard

But you're the one who just sperged out.

I'm gonna agree with this user.
The lack of level variation is pretty bad. You really only have Forest, Town and Tower. The DLC added the nightmare town, Fishing Hamlet which was a fun romp, and lab which was a building with a revolving staircase.
Really though BB suffered from the fact that NG+ massively inflated boss HP, all the builds played the exact same unless for some reason you decided to go arcane where you did nothing until you get the moonlight GS from the DLC. (Unless you were playing the nonexistant PvP where you abused the gunspear's arcane scaling)
The gems were stupid as hell and mostly useless, you just stacked your main damage type because papers were so good. The runes were much the same, except with random support effects as opposed to flat damage.
The invasion mechanic was completely ruined "gotta have the bell ringing woman" which meant the invasions only happened in the worst area in any souls game.

Nightmare plains is so abysmally bad. DS2 had shitty design, but nightmare plains outdoes that in every respect, have 0 insight? doesn't matter frenzy still will tick up to max because you saw an enemy 20 minutes ago.

Classic soulsfag counter argument

The DS3 soundtrack is alright.

The gameplay would be alright if it wasn't so half-assed.

Were you waiting around for ten minutes for a reply? Thats dedication i guess, heres one for the road.

I'd really love to hear the explanation on this meme, because it has plenty of replay value. Each weapon is truly unique to the next, strength and skill and arcane and bloodtinge builds and the hybrids between are all viable, some weapons are only usable on a second playthrough, the path through the game is more nonlinear than any other game in the series besides Dark Souls 1 and there's a lot of optional content too.

I'd really like to see some screenshots and proof that you tried multiple playthroughs and genuinely found no replay value.

Plenty of people never found places like cainhurst or knew you could go there right after amelia, some folks prefer a linear sequence i guess.

Or I just made lunch, checked a few other threads, then checked this one again to see how badly you were shitting yourself.

Soulsfags are worse than undertalefags at this point.

Sorry to disappoint, but I've played both and enjoyed both. Both have their own pros and cons, both have reasons to love and hate them.

Still better than most of the shit current out these days.

Frenzy is really the shittiest mechanic the game has. But Insight, however, was very interesting. I just hoped it would change even enemy's movesets, rather than just appearances and the Cathedral guys having the ranged arcane attack.
I may be wrong since I didn't test it out too much but it was still nice seeing the changes it made to the game world and the lore implications, like the Hunter's Dream changing it's theme.

Still spewing maymays and not answering.


Now you're sperging with greater intensity.

Off the top of my head, Gehrman's song talks about hunting the beasts, Ebrietas talks about her weeping (over the Altar of Despair) and of course there's MALEDICTUS too.

It's a game that takes place in a plausibly sized town and the surrounding area and still manages to have a good variety of scenery based on the districts of the town and the class of people that lived there. Better than tripping over a new civilization every five minutes in Dark Souls if you ask me.

I'd take another shot at the gems because they're much more useful and modular than just straight weapon upgrades, try combinations other than just increasing attack percentage.


What did you make?


Please don't do this

To be fair I didn't start this.

a BLT with egg and some fritos*

Hard boiled, I'm guessing?

The fact that it has a few optional areas doesn't mean it's non-linear. They even end up in dead ends. Cainhurst ends in the secret throne room after martyr, the Celestial Congregation path ends at Daughter of the Cosmos. There's the complete dead end of Amygdala.

If you want to nerf yourself. There's gems that increase your damage at full hp, gems that increase your damage vs certain types, Gems to invalidate your weapon (mixed damage is still worthless due to how souls handles it, Papers also don't have this problem because they don't nerf your physical), and flat % damage gems. Rally potential gems were useless because of the overabundance of HP items. I don't even remember any other gems, and I dicked around in the game for a long time.

It feels like there's no real enemy variety or progression because of that though, you fight the same guys shouting "AWAAAY AWAYYY" for the entire damn game, looking exactly the same but with a red tint.
I'm fine with not tripping over a new civilization every twelve steps, but the areas within the town were non-distinct. You could find your way around, but there's not a real sense of progression. "Now I'm in this area with a red tint over everything, now it's nighttime as opposed to evening"
Like lets look back to demon souls. There was Bolitaria Palace. It all took place in the exact same tileset and area, but there was a sense of progression because you were moving towards an obvious goal of the main castle. While 1-2 and 1-3 kind of blend together because the penatrator was a massive pussy and I forget he's in the game unless I try to remember. The sense of "oh I'm getting closer to my goal" is there.
The optional areas of Bloodbourne detract from that, especially because certain areas aren't especially connected. The Nightmare areas are just random warps, and the final boss just takes place where you started so once again, no real progression there as until you read into it, it seems like a random trigger of "I killed mergo's wet nurse time to fight Final boss-kun. If you go for the moon presence end it still doesn't really flow, you found the real workshop, you killed Ivoska or w/e her name was, you killed the other NPC who gives birth to an ayylmao. NOW FIGHT THE MOON. While it makes sense lorewise, progression wise it's still lacking.


There are 68 different enemy types in Bloodborne.

Nice try.

There are only seven mandatory boss fights and the others can be done at your leisure.

The Amygdala "dead end" leads to the chalice dungeon where the Beast Claws are found.

I feel as though you're really underestimating the benefit of gems that affect stat scaling, that affect, say, thrust damage (useful against the kin) and the bonus damage to beasts and kin is very useful.

The only place you fight the villagers you're describing are in Central Yharnam and the first area of Yahar'gul during the blood moon phase, so I don't know how to respond to that one. If you want a Boletaria style progression towards a certain landmark, the Grand Cathedral is heavily accented in pretty well every skybox.

The nightmare planes are all also stacked on top of each other. Nightmare of Mensis is above Nightmare Frontier, Fishing Hamlet is below that, Hunter's Nightmare is below that, it's not randomized at all outside of the Nightmare School.

And in the Forbidden Woods with white coats and hats. Thought that was pretty cheap, the same enemy different color stuff

One more step for this board to become Reddit 3.0

Dark Souls 3 Simply Exists due to the fact Bloodborne is not coming to the PC, I wager

Sorry OP, but I've see too many console exclusives go from "best ever" to "actually not that great" the second they get PC ports to ever trust anyone when they say this shit.

Its not a fair trade off. Witches, Werewolves, Aliens, Vampires, old gods and nightmares on one side, REMEMBER SOLAIRE XDDDDDD on the other.

Like i said. You deserve better.

You literally teleport to each of them.
Also Fishing hamlet is in no way connected to the Nightmare school. Only way to get there is through the clock tower which is connected to the hunter's nightmare, where you have to get grabbed by a very slow and deliberate grab attack by a certain enemy in order to get there.
There's no inter-connectivity between the DLC and normal zones. Just because "You can see it in the distance" doesn't mean it's connected. Lore and gameplay are different.
Also >flat damage vs type is not flat damage
the hell? Seriously though, it's better to focus on your main damage type for the purpose of maximizing dps.

Certainly doesn't feel like that with how many "AWAY AWAAAYY" you see.
Without DLC there's
Human Mook v1 (sword, gun, torch, spear), dogs, Box Monsters, Kidnappers, Bosses x12, Snake Guys, Snakeballs, Dr. Fly, Werewolf guy, pig, ayylmao, Treemonsterthing, Big Guys with cinder blocks, Wymyn, Crystal Gekkos, Cross/stick dudes, Large axe dudes, Gargoyles, Ghosts, Tiny dudes, Beast Cloth werewolves, and… that's it.
And that's all I can honestly remember from my playthrough a month ago.

I don't own either. However I beat the first game yesterday for the first time

I watched my friend beat bloodborne today and DS3 a few weeks ago, however

I feel sorry for the main fan base of DS1. I had some complaints of the game when I played it, but through enjoyed it. My Main complaint being the walk to EVERY late game boss, notable Seath and Gweyn. However, I suspect people were not allowed to complain about DS1, or they would of got told to "GIT GUD"

also, speaking of favorite Blood Borne Soundtrack.

Made the boss way better then it was

Oh yes, you also forgot Man-Face-For-A-Chest.

Remember those times, Holla Forums?

Yes they are, that's why there are Amygdala's corpse's in the Hunter's Nightmare and why a shell lady falls from the sky when you're walking in it. Also, if you go to the beginning of the Fishing Hamlet and look down on the water you will see the Hunter's Nightmare.

What's with this "you" shit? Typical sanctimonious sony nigger. You obviously care, or used to care about the series as well.

Series is done for good though, yeah. 3 was definitely not all bad, but dumbed down, and just like 2 it will really need the DLC areas to make amends for some of it's problems. Hard to pick up for a second playthrough, that's for sure. And sunbros can get fucked. The meme character is even confirmed in their precious lore to be a random nobody.

That's not connected.
"Oh look these two areas are completely isolated from eachother, but they're connected because you can see one in the distance"
Lorewise they're connected, but in the sense of gameplay they couldn't be further apart

What? I really don't remember that enemy at all.

Even then I think that's the only place where some villagers with oil urns and some with torches cooperate, to go with the forest having and oil-polluted river.

Don't DaS1fags cream their pants over being able to see the Archives from the Undead Burg? The point stands that the Nightmare planes aren't random warps, it's all one single area. I didn't have a problem with Latria 1 and 2 being separate because you don't directly walk from one to another.

You might not being using the right words or might be misremembering, they make a distinction between +Attack percentage (which stacks with every damage type), +Physical attack percentage, and then the arcane and bloodtinge percentages. They even distinguish by just adding to the damage by integer or by percent. I would normally say to each his own but I'm not budging on this one, with subsequent NG+ runs it's very, very important to customize your weapon based on your prey. Stacking three +28.8% physical damage up gems versus choosing ones that increase thrust damage, infuse the weapon with bolt and then stack a bonus damage against the kin for that is the difference between life and death versus Ebrietas.

That enemy list is also pretty funny but indicative that you need to go back and play it again. And play the chalice dungeons this time too, a good third of the enemies in the game are unique to the chalice dungeons.

Thank fuck for that, now I can play the games and actually have an opinion about them without immediately getting 100 replies telling me the other game is better, Im baiting or my build/skill is shit.

They are in the area where they is that giant eye looking at you causing you frenzy. They throw boulders at you.

They are called Lost Childs.

When will it end? I was discussing DSII with a normalfag and I said that I thought that the warping took away from the game and made everything disjointed. His response? Gitgud. Is this who people talk about when they mention "Soulsfags"?

Dear god I thought we were rid of those threads

My MAJOR complaint is walking to every boss.

Its like, the makers KNEW once you got to anor londo, losing souls wasn't a punishment anymore, since you had everything you needed at level 60

So what did they do?

Make you walk there every time.

If you fell in the Nightmare frontier and the game would show you the entire descent to your death instead of cutting it then you would see it.
But if that were to be included like you say it should it would ruin plot development and people would complain "this death takes forever omg".

But sure, let's keep 4 entire areas connected, that ought to work out.

To be fair, post-Anor Londo was rushed and incomplete. I know that's no excuse, but you can tell where certain areas like the Tomb end abruptly or just weren't polished.

Oh right forgot about those because those were an awful design choice.
How could I forget such fascinating enemies as "random ghoul man" and "the same boss for the 19th fucking time seriously who the hell thought this was a good idea" don't worry if you slog through all that nonsense, you can get to a decent boss who's first 50% is invalidated by the whip chain! honestly NG+ bloats boss HP to fuck and back no matter what, and it's a massive slog to get through the chalice dungeons once, I'm not fucking doing that again on Bloat HP.
I never played past NG+1 because seriously HP bloat is real, hope you like farming gems, even matching weaknesses, swapping weapons to the one dealing the most of the type you want and all that other nonsense.

Also DS1 fags are stupid as hell too. I hate that M-muh lore shit.

Right, I fucking hated the nightmare plains, I completely forgot to mention them out of sheer hate.

"I-if you fell in the game, the area that's not in the game originally would be there because ???"
Look lorewise doesn't fucking matter if in gameplay there's no connection between the two.
I can say Shrine of Storms is connected to Tower of Latria because "you can see the sky". Sure lorewise this may work, but gameplay wise there's no damn connection.
Also the lecture hall doors are teleporters again. Lets not forget how you even get to the lecture hall. Touch a skeleton, or get killed by Amgydala while holding the tonsol stone

So you don't like Dark Souls?


Alright man, explain this video to me then. Why does an enemy fall from the next area? Is it magiks? "B-but it doesn't matter cuz it's lore is for lulz and it doesn't affect gameplay."

That's in the Hunter's Nightmare which is directly connected to the Fishing Hamlet.

That one is because nightmare yharnam is the sea floor, hence being covered in sand. Its a dagon reference. The hamlet isnt floating, its at sea level.

Sounds like you took on Depth 1 chalice dungeons late in the game, you're supposed to go there pretty well as soon as you beat the Blood-starved Beast. Which could be the second boss you fight.

Disagree, I think it's the same NG+ scaling as DaS1 and 2, but if it really is more that's a good thing. NG+ back in Demon's Souls actually meant the game getting harder every time, not easier every time.

By the way, Chalice Dungeons do not scale with NG+, they are always a set difficulty and the bosses / enemies always have the same HP.

Now this is just childish, and that's not even untrue. I have no problem accepting the five archstones as a single world because each area is consistent with the next. Do you really have a problem telling that both Latria levels take place in the same area? You warp from one to the other.

I don't know where people want to draw the line in Dark Souls and say "this half of the game is incomplete", I think everything besides the levels necessary to ring the two bells of awakening and get the Lordvessel are weak. And even Sen's Fortress and Anor Londo were starting to show some awkward dead ends and empty spaces.

Is it just the load screens that's bothering you? If you want to say that the warping in the clock tower counts as a connection, you may as well call the Nightmare School the connection between Nightmare of Mensis and Nightmare Frontier.

It's obvious after the Lordvessel. The only people that can say for sure what is "incomplete" are the developers.

once youve seen all levels and bosses, theres nothing left to do but to replay the same game again. 0 replay value. same as all other souls games, really

I was talking about Lady Yharnam. Seriously the baby's cry isn't big enough, so the whip chain actually invalidates her first bit.

Also actually I do have a problem with the connectivity of Demon souls, it's 5 very distinct areas that play out in a linear fashion.
The linear fashion is what makes it work though.

Okay let me explain this for you. Gascoigne is linked to Amilia by a very disctinct set path. Even though there are multiple ways to get from point A to point B. You can actually follow the path.
Now lets take Great one reborn to "Guy who runs away and has a cage on his head"
You have to get touch the skeleton which teleports you to the upper floor of the lecture hall. Then you have to use the upper lecture hall doors to get teleported to the other nightmare plains.
Teleports disconnect those areas, because without those teleports there is no connection between those areas outside of lore saying they're connected. Which for all intensive purposes means they are in no ways connected.

Is the thread frozen?

Ah, gotcha, I misunderstood

Games which are wholly interconnected without any load screens are a diamond dozen. And it's not just the lore or the backstory of the game telling you those two areas are connected, you know they're connected, you just moved directly from one to another by an action, it was just an action besides walking. Given how this games messes with Euclidean space I don't see it as any different than opening a door in an older console game, seeing a loading screen, and then entering the room.

I haven't felt the need for much of the same after DeS and DaS, wish they'd get back to other things for a while instead of milking the premise dry.

Yeah, but take super metroid. Sure elevators are just glorified teleporters, but it doesn't flat out teleport you. That's the distinction. They disguise themselves as something other than teleporters to provide a path you can retrace.

BB's main game is mostly connected. There are loading screens when you teleport around, but you've gotten to those areas once by non teleport, or in the case of Unseen, it links back up to the areas you've already been to connecting the area.
The problem with the nightmare areas are they're flat undisguised teleporters. "You touch a skeleton and got teleported" is much more different than "this elevator is a teleporter but it's an elevator so just pretend"
Doors do much the same, while yes in actual practice they're teleporters, they provide the world connectivity outside of "teleporters"

It's because it's a Sony exclusive.

The second the series went multiplat is the second it went to shit, so not surprise all the non-Sony Souls games are utter irredeemable shit compared to the exclusives, they're funded by a shit publisher that releases cheap garbage on all platform, unlike Sony who actually cares about making sure the products they publish are perfect.

I guess I'm just an apologist because of how much I like the game, but I don't see how a higher plane of existence needs to work by the same rules as the physical world. I have no problem saying that touching Micolash's mummified corpse teleports me across dimensions, they even mention that the Mensis cage works as an antenna elevating your thoughts to higher planes.

Hey, I'm fine with that. But as I was saying that's only a lore justification for why those areas aren't connected.

Does anyone want to play DasII with me? I've grown pretty bored of the game in general and I could use a co op buddy to slam through the game with or do some NG+++++++++++++ whatever runs

heres a (you) i can tell you put in some work on this post



The item description also implies it works the same way as a plague doctor's mask, the beak is filled with incense to mask the smell of dead bodies while Eileen does her work.

Figures it took an NPC tougher than half the bosses in the game to take down the Crow, even in her old age.

It's easy to say that FromSoft "fucked us" with DaS3, but the reality is that they were never going to be able to pull off something of Bloodborne's top-to-bottom quality by themselves.

With Bloodborne, they had the moneybags of the Sonyjew and Japan Studio for asset creation, sound design and QA. Whereas Bamco just played the role of publisher with whatever budget they put up for it. This is why DeS and Bloodborne were host to new, interesting concepts, and Dark Souls ended up being comprised of the scraps.

Around the time of The Old Hunters release, From even opened up a new studio devoted purely to art asset creation, because that shit actually takes a lot of time from design to final model.

Anyway, Bloodborne is one of the best games I've played in the past few years, while DaS3 ended up being forgettable. It's a damn shame. Let's hope they get their shit together for the next game.

ayy lmao

The only time sonyggers bring up DeS or BB is to shit on the non-exclusives in the series. Everyone can see through your bullshit. Enjoy your $500 game with drops to 15fps though :^)

at least whining is free right?:^)

I would enjoy BB far more than DaS3 were it not for the shit framerate and input lag. Sometimes I wonder how anyone can stand to play the game like this.
It's holding it back, it could be so much more. Alas Sony needs to sell their crappy consoles.

Nigger please. I liked DaS better than DeS, and Bloodborne is far better than the rest of them. Have you considered that it has nothing to do with exclusivity?

Of course not, because you haven't even played the game.

My partner owns a PS4. I played bloodborne on there. Just played like the same old shit, didn't even have the great medieval europe aesthetics I like. Victorian aesthetics are fucking ass. The weapons are way over designed for my patrician tastes.

I don't know, I prefer DS3. Yeah it's highs aren't as good, but it's lows aren't as low.
Like Chalice dungeons and Nightmare plains are the worst.


Isn't that a term faggots use to describe their fellow AIDS spawn?


The only thing Bloodborne has on DaS3 is that the dodge is literally just the Quickstep and everyone has it.

Bloodborne is also "melee only" club for the most part unless you build bloodtinge as there's no real magic.

Dark Souls at least has different types of characters, which IMO makes getting summoned for PVP more interesting as folk (if they're not just following the cookie cutter build) will have different playstyles and there are dozens of weapons to accommodate almost every playstyle and for that I do favor the Dark Souls universe just a little bit more. Call it a bias, I don't give a fuck.


While I played and enjoyed both of them, I kindly ask you to kill yourself for making such a reddit-tier thread.

Dark Souls 3 and Bloodbourne are different games in a lot of ways, and they're both really good in their own ways.
You see DS3 as shit because you're playing it like if you were playing Bloodbourne, the same way someone would thing Bloodbourne is shit because they're playing it as a souls.

Besides, Demons Souls is better than the lot of them.

And yes, I'm saying that is most likely that the only fromsoft game you've ever played is Bloodbourne, which makes you a faggot.


I wouldn't say that.
BB on the whole whenever I play through it, I hit a lot more of "Ugh this part, time to slog through again" especially once I get to chalice dungeons if for some reason I'm pants on head retarded and want to do those again.
I've never really gotten that with DeS, DAS1/3.
even DaS 2 for that matter.

I was going to buy a PS4 solely to play Bloodborne and DeS, but then found out PS4 can't run PS3 games.

The fuck? I don't want a literal bloodborne machine

Checks out. Back to Neogaf with you.

The same people who defended Bloodborne when it was being previewed are the same folk that are dissing Dark Souls 3 right now.

So you can go back to Bloodborne Station 4 and immerse yourself in the game you got trolled so hard defending. Stop trying to bait Holla Forums shitlords because you're analpained from the past.

well to be fair the 20 healing items per latern is only if you dump money/get lucky drops.
And the cost of bloodvials scales up through the game

If I could edit posts I'd say "still defending".

I've played BB before, you can go to the first location where the enemies drop about 12~14 blood vials a visit for a good clear. They're not hard to find, nor are they too much of a hassle to obtain.

So what if they scale in price? They still drop like mad at that original point.

yeah, but if you want to avoid grinding they become harder to come by.
I see what they were trying to go for, but yeah. The overabundance of healing items is a bit silly

The cost of bv's scales up because the echoes economy increases the further you progress. They are still comparatively cheaper late-game than they are at the start.

Bloodborne looks stupid fun, but I'm not dropping that many burger shekels on a Bloodborne/Dissidia box

Doubt it.
DS2 was a remake so that didn't really register as a "new" game to compare it to when DS3 came out.
Really it's not worth it BB has some nice segments, but it has the hands down worst segments in any of the modern FROM games

there are bloodborne style enemies and weapons in darksouls3, its just they purposely made it dark souls and not bloodborne because darksouls 2 was such a disaster.

its what dark souls 2 should of been, that's why all the items related to vendrick shit on him.

Basically this.
They fixed dual wielding.
They fixed stale melee combat (8-direction rolling, running while locked on in any direction, etc)
They basically fixed everything that needed to be fixed in a proper manner.

Sadly, I will be honest the whole no poise """""bug""""" is kind of a shitter on the entire game. However, I feel the reason the recent update has been delayed so long is that they're finally fixing it. Well I hope at least.

how retarded do you have to be?
fucking americans of all people making these mistakes

3 is almost as easy as bb, the game clearly feels balanced around nopoise in the same way bb was.

Switching poise "back on" (which i'm still not convinced isn't just toggling hyperarmor on) would require a complete overhauling of PVE to make it even remotely challenging.

Go back to bed.


I'm not even a part of this argument I just got triggered as fuck

It took a while to bring Dark Souls 1 to the state that it is in today, considering the state it was at on release. Remember the pre-patch Ring of Fog?

darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Shield of Want
For example.

Flipping Havel Moms
I'm still 90% convinced we'll see the three masks in the DS3 dlc and perhaps even something like the wood grain ring. I'm just calling it now they were too popular.

thats in the game.

unless you meant
which is also in the game, carthus bloodring.
well, kinda.

Nah, if it doesn't give you the anime flips for dodging then it doesn't count as the (thank you) dark wood grain ring.


The faggotflip ring is in the gamefiles, expect it to be in DLC.

If they do re-add it, I imagine it'll just be cosmetic, otherwise it'd be a better bloodring without the huge damage taken penalty.

I want the Bone Fist from DaS2 DLC3. That shit was silly but fun as FUCK.

Bloodborne's soundtrack is so much better

Only track I remember from Dark Souls 3 is the Soul of Cinder boss fight theme but that's only because it has Gwyn's theme mixed in to it.

I don't know about that. Aldritch kicked my ass. That second phase of his is murder. He kept spamming his arrow rain and sweeping me for a prettymuch instant kill.

Then the nameless king who was also unkillable for me for a while.

Unparryable Gwyn final boss was also a challenge. Sulyvahn, and the abyss watchers are also no cakewalk if done solo.

You're way slower than the bloodborne main char, so the bosses seemed harder to me.


Aldtirch is a 4 shot with great chaos fireball, the rest are roll tutorials.

ehh, ill just buy a ps3 when it has a library of 10-15 decent exclusives. And ill probably get that new revision that plays everything better.

Did the same with a Wiiu, too bad those are still pretty expensive.

The exact same shit happened when Dark Souls was first released on the 360 as well as PS3 and then again when it got released on PC

JW is the cutest pig

would eat for christmas

What'll they call the complete edition of DaS3? "Dark Souls 3: That's How Many Original Ideas We Had In This Game"?

You probably have a slow weapon. Straight swords and rapiers ruin the challenge tbh.

I don't know about pvp though. It's all been bullshit and I have no interest to play anymore since linking the fire. I think I've survived one invasion. It doesn't seem like a match. They always do much more damage and take much less damage than myself. Like being two shot by a evangelist club or one shot by zwei parry after I've laid into them a bit and they're fucking naked and fast rolling like they've stats to spare.

It must suck to not be able to buy a $460 game as an impulse purchase and not have it affect your finances whatsoever.

It's much better than Bloodborne. Are you guys retarded? Have you even played it?

Are you just shilling for your shitty PS4 or something?

All From games are overhyped shit but Souls 3 is the first game I'd actually consider pretty good. Bloodborne still had way too many glitches, cheap trial and error, fucking terrible shit performance (same as Souls 3 but worse), world no variety at all.

I wasn't aware gargoyles could use King Crimson. On a more serious note i do think DaS as a whole gets the short end of the stick in a lot of areas such as power stancing getting dropped in DS3 and NG+ does next to nothing when Das2 gets different enemy placement and such. It seems like they can churn out good ideas but it's hard to find correlation or reason as to why they just forget why the ideas are good. They're pissing all over the map and i really don't understand why, exclusivity or no.

Can't think of anywhere else to ask this, so here we go.

I'm fighting the Old Demon King now, and for some reason every time I'm about to attack him, my targeting unlocks and I go back to free camera. It makes it impossible to lock onto him and completely disorients me, and because of his size and the collision detection on his club, I get stuck on his model even when he isn't attacking.

Anybody have any advice? I know there area shit ton of bugs with all of the Souls games, but that doesn't mean that I don't still want to play them.

Bloodborne has the whirligig saw and viable fist weapons, along with the best version of the Moonlight Greatsword.

Bloodborne is also far better at having a sense of place for the player character, and instills fear in ways Dark Souls never could.

It also has best girl.

Maybe the general?

Try fighting it unlocked, he's big. Or check the options menu, I remember there are one or two for the lock on that might be confusing the game.

Yeah, I really want to be told to "git gud" or "go play Skyrim" by a bunch of giantdad memers.

I checked the options menu, and that didn't help, but I'll give it a go unlocked. Thanks for the response.

Maximum shortcut porn. I fucking love Bloodborne's shortcuts. Most of the areas (if not all) have a single lamp in them.

That would be true if boss fights didn't unnecessarily spawn a lantern upon victory, resulting in two lanterns awkwardly close to each other. The Old Hunters probably has the worst examples of this.

Not as bad as Dark Souls II's bonfire placement since it doesn't have any negative effect on the gameplay, there's still good lengthy levels between the checkpoints, but it's still an unfortunate oversight.


That was easily my favorite part of the game. I was giddy for a few minutes, like when Dark Souls 1 had you basically go in a circle before you could go to Anor Londo.

The random dungeons sometimes have it, but it's rare. Still like it when it happens though.


That was beautiful.

This vid gave me cancer.

Unseen village is the only thing that truly sucks in that game. From a lore point it's great but playing through it once the ritual is broken is just straight up boring.

You complain about the most insignificant shit. The healing item limit in DaS didn't even matter because you just don't get hit very often in souls games.

Demon's Souls is easier than BB and it's probably the best game in the series.

Faggots on Holla Forums just want to act like they're hardcore so they pretend the souls series is hard when it's not.

>he bought a ps4.

Bloodborne seems fun, but defintely not worth buying a console for

Only if you spend your time tediously farming moon grass. The Estus system is infinitely better than the moon grass in DeS because 1) it eliminates any need to farm, and 2) it means you can't stock up to 99 healing items and then munch your way through an area you are struggling with instead of gitting gud.

no, but nioh, gravity rush 2, persona 5 and much more definitely make it worth it. nioh especially.

the reason is that Bloodborne is a game that Fromsoft really wanted to work on, whereas DaS3 is a game that Bandai Namco wanted them to work on for the sake of money.

wew, that's some repitive naming lol. fromsoft is so shit.

persona 5 is coming to ps3 lol

bloodborne was new fresh IP from a studio that can pull out nice IPs out of their asses which is a rare trait nowdays

dark souls was very good, ds2 shouldn't exist and was nothing more that a cashgrab

thank god they made bloodborne and gathered some goodwill to make ds3 a good game

I hope ds3 was last dark souls game, they should make what they want, not rehash washed out ideas


why settle for a downgraded version?

Bloodbourne wasn't that good.

better level design, strong mechanical cohesion, excellent enemy design and boss fights, and above all, consistency.

story shitters ruin everything.

we get it you have a good game, we don't care


Nope. Nearly all the bosses were wolf variants.

DaS3 has been confirmed to be the last souls game, and thank God the series ended on a high note.

It hurts me inside when there are references to DaS2 though. I don't want to be reminded of that game's existence.

actually slightly incorrect. The First Phase of the Day Cycle is the Wolfmen; as they are the lowest lifeforms to be produced by the blood that is consumed. Uncompatible Failures, if you will. Vicar Armelia is the last of the Beast Related Bosses.

The Second Phase of the game has you face Eldrich Hyrbids, Aka people who have mastered to some degree the usage of old blood. This also reflects on the enemies in the midgame, who are the results of such experimentation.

Last Sequence of the game has you facing The Great Ones, and Rom being the Precursor to this sequence.

dark souls 3 was just kind-of average.

It just had to be better than 2 in order to succeed (Gee I wonder what that reminds me of…). So far I'm not sure if it really is better.

it's better than 2, but that's not much of an accomplishment. Game still has notable issues like turntable enemies, although its lessened notably, level design is pretty shit, worse yet the nioh demo followed shortly after das3 and showed how to make a slow, deliberately paced action game properly.

I had no difficulty seeing it in a more objective light. I wasn't in a rush to play it, and I'm currently sitting on it maybe 1/6th through the game.

The later areas are better. Unlike DaS1 it improves rather than worsens as it goes on.

I'm disappointed Holla Forums

Because they tried to take Dark Souls and add Bloodborne and instead of a fully realized game we got two half-realized games mashed together



In retrospect, I think we came out on top.

That is pretty much it.


Loved DaS3, hated BB, liked DaS1. Not sure what you're on about

Dark Souls is a cursed series and every entry therein is exactly a 6/10 and nothing else because of when Bandai cucked the development.

Fromsoft fucked me when DaS2 was released as a broken, buggy mess that was nigh unplayable. Actually, the fucked you too PS4 user, and continued to fuck non-30FPS players for God knows how long, because a year or two after it's release, I heard hearsay that there was a patch. Not immediately after release, but ages after. Bloodbourne after.

Arguably, Fromsoft fucked me when DaS1 came out and required GFWL, but I never played online and piracy was a quick fix for that.

I don't know why you think DaS3 is some special event just because the PS4 got an exclusive. One of two, might I add. I'd be worried more about myself if I were you.

Dark Souls 3 isn't even good at all, OP.

he was not a king cause he didnt take the true throne. dark souls 2 goes over this

No, thank you

But it has the Nightmare areas.
That removes any and all argument for better level design.
Also Chalice dungeons, which are copy and pasted 20 times and you need to run through I think it's a minimum of 11 times to fight Lady Yarnham

Were you even trying to seem like you've played it?

Five chalice dungeons, and the Nightmare areas are only maybe 10% of the game. Not like DaS1 where two thirds of the levels are bad.

5 chalice dungeons you need to play a minimum of 11 times if you get ideal drops.
And that 10% is so far below every other part in any souls game.
It's seriously the flat out worst level design I've ever seen

I only ran through once and had materials to spare, you're full of shit.

yeah that's 11 times.
Lower Pnuema x6
and you need depth 5 xyz

If you can't count, I guess it is

Shiiiit son, you just murdered your own argument.


Not Beasts
Witches of Hemwick
Shadows of Yharnam
The One Reborn
Wet Nurse
Celestial Emissary
Lady Maria
Orphan of Kos (or some say Kosm)

The chalices necessary to get to Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen are Pthumeru, Central Pthumeru, Lower Pthumeru, Defiled, and Great Pthumeru. And there are no "ideal drops", the treasure is not randomized and will provide you with all of the materials necessary to get to the final ritual with a single run.

I don't even know if you should count every beast boss as a "wolf variant", the darkbeasts and Ludwig certainly aren't very wolf-like.

I got a PS4 for $270 which is the only reason I got one

No they aren't you need some drops from the other chalice dungeons to complete the ritual for the Great.
Red Jelly x2 doesn't drop from Pthumerian

You want Bastard of Loran, from Ailing Loran

And enough Ritual Blood (5), so I had to run Lower Loran.

Hintertomb and Isz are completely optional.

It's lower loran depth 3 or great Isz depth 3

Bastard of Loran isn't used in the Great Pthumeru ritual, he's right, it's Red Jelly. Two drops in the main game and two in the Loran chalices. But that's only one additional chalice and it's a guaranteed treasure, so the claims of grinding still don't hold up.

Except it's depth 3, so that's more grinding for ritual blood and materials to make those.
Not to mention you need 25 arcane haze for the Great

You don't need a lot of Ritual Blood (3) to perform the rituals, it's even the treasure for some of the chalice treasure rooms. I understand the "eleven times" is facetious but you don't even need to run through more than once. Ritual Blood (5) can even be purchased from either of the bath messengers.

So use the arcane haze extractor tool.

Actually lets just break down all the materials you need to make the Pthumeru tree

Ritual Blood (1) x2
Ritual Blood (2) x6
Ritual Blood (3) x9
Ritual Blood (4) x9
Bastard of Loran x2
Arcane Haze x22

for the bastard you need
Ritual Blood (4) x9
Coldblood Flowerbud x4

Now Great Requires
Ritual Blood (5) x9
Red Jelly x4
Arcane Haze x25
Living String x1

However the red jelly there are 2 ways to obtain
Great Isz is
Ritual Blood (5) x9
Pearl Slug x3
Arcane Haze x25
Lower Loran which is
Ritual Blood (5) x9
Blooming Coldblood Flower x4

Which leaves you short Ritual blood 5 from just running through those alone going for force drops.

How can you be short of a material that can be purchased infinitely?

To be honest, I thought bloodborne was rpetty garbage after I did a new game plus playthrough and also did the dlc. IT boils down to a shit ton of farming, lack of viable builds outside of about 3 and maybe a 4th late game, and how often the enemies/bosses become sponges that hit hard during NG+ and the later dungeon levels.

can't be purchased until you make a depth 5 root with all possible offerings


I see that the wiki says that, but I have never created a root chalice and it still shows up in the shop.

Doesn't show up on my file, it may just be related to having a depth 5 root in general

Or it might just be NG+ that triggers it

Either way point is, if you're going there on a fresh run, they're not purchase-able

Bloodborne is like if Dunkey decided to make a Dark Souls parody, and for extra keks he made it Playstation exclusive.


This post is how to spot a PS4fag 101.

It also inspired some OC.

Don't worry, we have Dark souls 1.


Kill yourself.

So I can play an undub. Atlus is really shit.

Hey so what do you guys think of gun builds?

I beat the second boss and at this point I'm running the Rifle Spear and the Repeating Pistol. Upgrades go straight to the repeating pistol first.

I'm putting my blood echos in Blood Tinge, Arcane, and Vitality.

I figure Arcane will become more important and viable later (much later when I actually get a spell or two) but for right now I'm keeping it at 15 to help me with blood vials and bullets.

Have fun with the cannon for 4 shots and then sitting there with your thumb up your ass in PvE.
And while that build is super viable in PvP and is considered one of the better ones, PvP is pretty dead. Not like you can even get invaded unless you're trying to

So its really not the sleeper build for killing shit like I thought it was?
What about the shit like the bone ash that makes your bullets super for boss fights?

I assumed you were using that already.
Bosses just have too much HP for it to really be viable, even abusing bone marrow ash

oh right, also the bullet damage for the gun spear is arcane for whatever reason, so you gem for that for PvP gunspear shananigans.

well from what it seems like, every boss can be parried.
Part of the idea is to be able to step back and spam the shots while they attack, get that parry in, and hit em up like that.

Supplement with oil urns and molotovs.

then later use whatever magic I can get my hands on. It comes late enough in the game (that much I remember, I never beat this game) that I have to assume its got to be good.

Is the actual single player experienced THAT biased towards strength and skill weapons and guns ONLY as a parrying device?

And some bosses can't be parried.
Don't worry your arcane build can be viable… in NG+

oh you have the DLC right? Or else your arcane will never be viable

Gross. All I want to do is beat the fucking game at least once.

Yeah I have it.

Yeah BB suffers from some pretty bad balance issues.
Fun game, but jesus the balance endgame is fucking horrible.
oh right magic also consumes bullets, in case you didn't know.

Yeah I knew that that's why vitality works great as pocket ammo for both gun and magic.

I figured with Arcane high enough I wouldn't need to farm as much.

That's really disappointing though, that the only builds they WANT you to use are Strength or Skill builds.

like basically you use the cannon with bone ash and that'll deal about… I want to say around 1.2k with decent tinge?
It used to be the old speedrun route was cannon

the cannon got nerfed really hard though.
I haven't messed around with it for a long time


I stopped caring about Souls games after DaS2. It happens to every series. It gets popular, it becomes shit. People now refer to things as 'souls-like' or make out Souls games to be the benchmark of difficulty. It makes me sick.

I played Demon's Souls, the best in the series. I got all the trophies for it 3 different times on the EU, NA and Chinese versions. I'm that into it. Then DaS1 which was great. Then DaS2 which made me drop the series.

Then I went mustard and never looked back. The series is completely fucking done for me. DaS3 came out on PC and I don't give a single fuck. I'm not getting it after the disaster that is 2 and trying to get me to pay for DirectX updates, massive downgrades that the update still failed to achiieve.

Fuck FROM and fuck soulsfags. Blade of Darkness is better anyway.

Japs are super fucking casual though.
Like just recently they nerfed… I think it was Senran Kagura 2's first boss who was a tutorial on dodging because jap players couldn't beat it.
The boss was easy as shit and exploitable as all hell

oh fuck those gooks.
Worse than hipsters.

There's always modded to hell Skyrim.

Don't forget the mobile gaming focus now. I don't understand why PC gaming is unpoluar in japan. IS it because the market established itself differently?

And more, though it's more Blade of Darkness than Dark Souls I think.

I assume they view PCs as more work tools than anything else.
Which kind of makes sense, I know people in the states that are like that, especially ever since the advent of smart phones.
Why have a big bulky PC or an expensive laptop when you can browse the web on a phone?

Shit, some faggots post to here on a phone.

I'm having fucking deja vu here.

There's many reasons.

PCs are more expensive, either off the shelf or building yourself which is supposed to be cheaper.

All the games they give a shit about are on consoles and mobile devices.

PCs for gaming have a reputation for being mostly adult content or just VNs with adult themes and as popular as that is… is still niche.

Japanese also still have a huge market for physical content and copies which modern PC games don't cater for. Japs just like the discs, cases, extra artwork etc. They're not into the whole digital download thing as much as you'd think depsite the crazy good internet they have. They also relate digital downloads of games as pirating, at least on PC. And piracy is a big no no to them because piratable stuff is their biggest source of income so they take pride in it.

So? Are you on your computer 24/7? I sometimes check here on my phone when I'm in bed or bored on public wifi (if they don't censor here). I seldom post, though. Just because my browser deletes the cache of my post when I go to fill out the captcha… but that's because my phone is old and planned obsolecense via software unoptimisation updates n' all that.

I hate typing on a phone anyway. But if I had a better phone with faster soft keyboard I'd probably post a little bit more on mobile.

Oh fuck me she fucked me raw for a good five times.

Senran stunlocking is a real problem.

modding skyrim is like painting a turd golden and expecting it to suddenly not stink anymore.

as those videos nicely show.

After heavily modding it with the shit you see in the videos and more I've had some fun with it. You pretty much have to build a new game though and use some ENB to make it not look so boring.

Dark Souls 3 isn't the last one, they're just taking a break for a while.

they're right
before it was ported to pc ghosts and skeletons didn't give souls, among other things that made the game harder

it has still the same shitty combat, terrible animations and camera; also, having several mods makes it even more unstable than it already is.

Strength, skill, and then the hybrids with arcane and bloodtinge. Pure magic builds in Souls aren't viable until late game anyway, and pure faith builds aren't at all viable, BB isn't too different.

As close to a pure arcane build you're going to get is playing as a Lumenwood.

also fixable
Can be rebalanced to be faster, and as seen in the videos, changed to be something like blade of darkness.

Sadly one thing I haven't seen a fix for are the open areas in skyrim that are filled with nothing just to make the game "big".

except nothing in skyrim was ever fixed or "rebalanced"? just look at the shitty two videos posted earlier.
seriously, stop deluding yourself

check IDs nogger, I posted those videos, and you do know there are mods for rebalancing and fixing the combat right?

It takes a shit ton of work, but with the right mods bethesda games can be fun… well, aside from the newer ones that seem to be moving away from mod support.

source please?


oh the birony :DDDDD

Ahh, a faggot was at your side all along.

well he's right. the magic is literally nonexistant without the DLC

At least DeS, DaS and DaS2 didn't force you into a generic knight guy/generic melee hunter role.

It does seem like a litmus test for taste

But most weapons are played more or less the same because of how fast the game is. You will always use the same openings in bosses' guard no matter what weapon you use, because you're obliged to get close/mid range to fight. Bloodborne has 1~2/5 of the possibilities that Dark Souls has.

Also the exploration is less rewarded than in DS3 despite BB's level design/overworld being tighter.

Nice resolution. Would be even better if you could do it at a solid 60fps. 😂👌

Meanwhile… on PC.

nice argument there laddie

Op your thread is baitshit.
If you played it, you know BB is the best in the serie.
If you didn't play it, either the salt clouds your judgement or you reasonably get mad at this consolewar faggotry.
What was the point of this thread?

I play for PvP.

Bloodborne PvP is horrible.

This was the only memorable track in DaS3 for me and that's because its the only one with any sense of fucking energy. Makes you hype as fuck once Vordts second phase starts, even though he is only the second boss and easy as fuck.

But I think Motoi Sakaruba is a hack, I really wish FromSoft kept Shunsuke Kida on from DeS to see what he could do with a bigger budget.

I just can't go back to Bloodborne now that I've got Das3, 60 FPS makes that much of a difference.

And the next game From is working on is going to be a VR title, and you can fucking bet that's going to be a wakeup call for the ps4 crew. Good VR requires a ridiculously high resolution at 90FPS, and the PS4 is going to look so fucking bad compared to the PC there'll be a sea of tears.

How could you consider that track better than Pontiff?

Depends what you want on a souls game.
There is no equipment load in BB since its about the fast pace, so it would be weird to thinking about equipment load, so fat dodge is not there.

It BB was a really refreshing because of the simple but easy change to its core gameplay of being fast.
I personally had problems with DS3 because I chose the warrior and thought heck it would be easier, but in reality it was dumb choice since I am usually the build of a knight. Also, with this I hope they could have soul farming since I do like white noise in my games. So going trough a section only to go back and start over with overkill.

There where really no incentive to do so in DS3, but the good thing with DS3 it follows the story and lore of DS1 really close was surprised actually.
Also the series fatigue is coming, everything feels like I've seen it before and I've done that.

I'm from the original Demon's Souls so for those dude Dark Souls was an upgrade in some levels. While Dark Souls 2 was kinda meh, felt it was a mess. Dark Souls 3 is good but it has that fatigue going, its almost hard to start the game. but its my opinion.

You didn't like the Twin Princes music?

Have you ever actually been summoned?

Even without the optional areas, a lot of bosses don't have to be tackled in order, so different areas end up different depending on the order.

Dark Souls 3 is the best soundtrack (besides Bloodborne) because it isn't Motoi Sakuraba. He barely did any of the tracks for 3, it's almost all Yuka Kitamura.

I probably like them on their own but my point was that I can only remember the vordt fight. Every other track in the game (and das1 and 2 had this also) just sound so alike that they may aswell be the same song for me.

I'm excluding the soul of cinder fight of course since the memorable part is just gwyns theme.

Whereas when I think of DeS, a game I haven't played nearly as much as DaS1 or 2, I can clearly remember the Adjudicator, Tower Knight, Old King Allant, Fool's Idol, Maneater, Flamelurker, Maiden Astraea and Nexus themes.

Motois bombastic horns and choir samples just make it sound so messy and needlessly chaotic. You could argue that DeS and DaS aim to accomplish different tones but even then, I don't think DaS1/2/3 does well enough in the audio department to set itself apart from the work of others in the teams catalogue.

Most weapons are not even remotely the same speed. Are you trying to tell me that the Blade of Mercy and Ludwig's Holy Blade are both the same speed? Or that the Rakuyo and the Beast Cutter are?

And how is exploration rewarded in DS3? What is there even to be found? There are like two optional areas, the rest of the game is a series of tunnels.

except they're all melee, and you attack during the exact same openings. They all play the exact same way. Some get less attacks in during openings, some get more. That's literally the only difference. They'll all do about the same damage if you're specced into them, some exceptions apply.
Like in DaS1 if I really fucking wanted to I could run a ranged build.

Except the hybrid firearms like Reiterpallasch and Rifle Spear and Simon's Bowblade. Or the Holy Moonlight Sword and the Kos Parasite and their arcane attacks. Just to name a few.

If you're trying to say the enemies all have the same openings that is just flat out wrong, there are plenty of slower enemies like the Snatchers or the Watchers, or the hunters in the Nightmare.

Please, go take a screenshot of your save files right now, show me how many weapons you've actually tried, because I don't buy that you've done more than one playthrough for a second.

Nope. Rifle spear is a shotgun, Reiterpallach doesn't do enough to matter even on max bloodtinge, and Bowblade is the same. You're also limited by your bullets and since the rifle spear is the only decent damage one outside of the cannon (may it rest in pieces)
Kos Parasite, Moonlight Sword have slightly different damage types, but once again play the exact same fucking way.

No I'm saying no matter how you play, you'll do the exact same shit during every boss. You doing a arcane build? Bop him with the MGS
You doing a skill build? Bop him with the skill weapon of your choice here.
Doing a bloodtinge build? The fuck are you doing a BT build for, but you point blank with the rifle spear's shotgun

Also yeah hold on here, let me go take pictures of my 7 save files for some blind fanboy on the internet.

They're not "all melee", which was the original claim. And you're only limited by the bullets if you're not smart about managing them.

Right, I remember AOE attacks and ranged arcane attacks with the Saw Cutter and Threaded Cane too.

Seven save files, sure, although a cynic would say maybe you're nervous about revealing how little time you've put into the game and invalidating your arguments.

oh yeah those AoEs… that are point blank.
And those ranged attacks… which are the length of the threaded cane.

And for all extensive purposes they are all melee. For 3 of those examples the ranged is completely useless, and one is literally a melee ranged shotgun

Oh my god. First it was "-like" now it's "-'em up" that's become the new vague genre suffix.

I blame reddit for this.

What do you think "AoE" stands for?

Go try it, right now, the MLGS ranged attacks have better range than most firearms.

Did you mean the other way around? I don't think I've heard anyone call anything a Souls'em up.

If it's a Point blank AoE. How is that not melee.

Melee means physical hand-to-hand combat, not all combat within arm's length. Might as well call Beast Roar a melee attack.

It is.
It's melee ranged!
It doesn't matter that it hits 360 around you when it's still can only hit shit hugging you

Did you just have a stroke?

What do you not understand what melee ranged means?
Is this your first day?
Okay so everything has a "range" associated with it.
Typically Ranged attacks refer to things outside of arms reach.
Melee Ranged refers to things that are in melee range.

Oh also you still run into bullet problems even as a arcane build just because of boss HP if you're only using the spells and no melee. I just checked, MGS's is only slightly longer than the Whip form cane. so I was right.
The fact that it takes bullets, has a charge time, and all that other nonsense to deal as much as a few melee hits means it's nonviable to try to use only that (outside of PvP where gunspear is still the best weapon in the game)

Check again. 0:17, even after the projectile seems to "vanish" it can do damage. It's easily twice the range, so you were wrong.

It's a self-contradictory term if you look up what "melee" means. There's a term for it we've already used, it's an AoE attack.

Stacking the Formless Oedon runes and taking minimal damage so you can use your vials/rallies for additional bullets, it is viable, as long as you're playing the game well.

Oh so when you said that all weapons are melee, you meant the only viable weapons are melee? Have you spent time trying to use only that and can say with certainty it isn't viable, or did you just give up?

except AoE has no real indication of what the range is.
AoE just describes the arc of the attack.

So you are you just going to dance around the fact that every weapon plays the game the exact same which is Melee?

Also that's only like 1 foot longer, chain whip has stupid range.

The only Cane move with remotely the same range is the jumping attack, and that's because the jump covers the first third of the distance, even the backstep+R2 move doesn't reach that far.

It says that it effects an area, which it does, while melee only works when the weapon model physically makes contact with something.

I'm the one dancing around? You've already backpedaled from "all weapons are melee" to "all viable weapons are melee", and every counterexample magically doesn't count because you judge it to not be viable.

No, I'm sticking with all weapons play melee.
There's some have a few ranged attacks which are vastly inferior to the main melee that every one of your examples has. Except the saw spear which is a melee shotgun.

Also if the AoE hits all around me but people have to be in range where I can hit them anyways, it's still melee ranged.
Doesn't matter that it's a slightly different area of effect. They're in range where I can hit them anyways and doesn't change the main point that all weapons boil down to "hug the boss's safe zone, dodge his one attack, and then hit him in his weak spot with whatever weapon because they all play the same" unless you're doing some gimmicky strat where you spam the MGS beam.

It's incredibly simple-minded to say that because a large number of weapons focus on melee that they all play exactly the same, when they're all varied by speed, range, moveset, damage type, every possible way a weapon could be varied.

You mean the Rifle Spear?

When you say they have to be in range surely you mean they have to be in the area of effect? I can't hit enemies crowding behind me with a melee attack unless I use a spinning move like the Hunter Axe's transformed charged R2 or the Rakuyo's L2 move, and both of those have a windup.

Oh please, I understand that some things are inconvenient to your argument but dismissing it as "w-well that's just a gimmick" is weak. MLGS beam can be used in the same way the Soul Ray can be used against groups of enemies.

Not really. You're hurting your overall damage for no reason other than you can.
That's a gimmick.

Also yes the rifle spear, that was just a typo

Also All of them play the exact same way. Literally all of them. You can't do some tanky build because the game's doesn't allow that. The game's super restrictive that it wants you to play "Melee ranged fast unarmored" characters. There's literally no variation if you go Skill or Strength or Bloodtinge or Arcane. You all play melee ranged fast unarmored/light armor character.
You want a slightly slower but more damaging weapon? Well you play the exact same as the faster less damage weapon except you have to be slightly more cautious on your attacks because you have to commit more.
It's a large problem is souls games that all melee plays the exact same. And since BB is a melee only game unless you're purposefully gimping yourself. you see where the problem arises.
The other souls games have slight variations because of poise/armor/equipload. but BB has none of that. You're always the exact same character archtype

Melee Range* sorry typo

But I could if I really wanted to. Same way you could use a bow in Souls if you really wanted to, right?

Bloodletter's transformed form absorbs damage if the fights with phantom Brador are any indication, I haven't personally tried that one. The DLC shield is also surprisingly viable as long as you're not fighting a large boss.

Armor counts for nothing in NG+ onwards in Souls anyway, the damage can only be "tanked" with a shield.

Well then that's not "exactly the same", is it?

Just for kicks, please, go ahead, share your gold standard for a game with melee weapons where the melee weapons are not all similar in the way you're describing.

Lets look at oh I don't know Dark souls 1 even!
take a look at spears.
You know how you can block and attack at the same time with them? That's a variation on their play style that other weapons can't do, that's not hamfisted and nearly useless. And it severly alters your playstyle of the weapon without completely ruining your damage.
Compare that to any weapon in BB where the variation is "you hit with a different element", "you have a long charge up that takes longer than it does to just wallop the thing for more damage", or "It switches into a gun/bow form that does next to no damage"
Also the fuck you talking about Bow only runs ruin 90% of the bosses in DeS DaS1 and DaS3. Headshots actually deal really fantastic damage that melee can't compete with for some.
also the DLC shield takes up the
Lets say I want to wear heavy armor and just go toe to toe. Hey I can do that too.

Also if we're talking NG+ BB is the worst of the souls games. Massively inflated HP, reliance on RNG gems to deal decent damage, poor hitboxes become more pronounced the more one shots there are.

All of those have way more practical use than the shield/spear combo in DaS1, which has the same range as the normal R1 spear attack. An attack which will briefly stunlock most enemies anyway, so having your shield up is not particularly useful.

I mean it, don't dance around the issue, name a game with varied melee weapons. I'm waiting.

Hey, no you can't. Not even fucking Havel's set can reasonable tank damage past NG.

Demon's Souls by far has the harshest NG+ health scaling, this is not up for debate.

Yeah but NG+ in Demon souls isn't RNG on getting good gems.

Also I literally just named one can't you read. It lets you play in a vastly different way compared to "you swing slightly slower/faster and it has a different attack pattern" And I can actually you know not just fish for holes in an attack pattern and can play a lot differently. While in BB all weapons just fish for the obvious gaps and get attacks in there

Can you? I responded to it and the idea that it lets you play in a "vastly different way", which it doesn't.

Or you could rely on weapons with moves that give you hyperarmor, tank the hits during the move and then get a little health back with the immediate rally. I'm starting to think the problem is you're just not that imaginative with your playstyle.

Great plan! I'll be sure to belt that one out against the whole 4 or 5 bosses in the game who stagger on each hit!

Also great defense

No need to throw a fit, easily half of the bosses stagger like that. I am also not talking about boss fights specifically, I am talking about PvE.

Hey, you're the one who keeps saying "that's a gimmick" or "that's not viable" or "that's not different" any time something's brought up, there's always some excuse as to why any strategy other than R1 spamming isn't really a difference in the combat. Sounds like Dark Souls is definitely more your speed.

Are you by any chance the goalie for the Nepalese soccer team? This defense is phenominal.
Compared to this game where R1 spamming is literally the only viable tactic. R2s do horrible damage unless charged, (once again rifle spear is the exception) take long enough to charge that 2 r1s outdamage them.
Good defense again there hombre.
PvE the normal enemies are total non-issues and if you're wasting resources on them be it HP/Bullets you probably shouldn't be purposefully gimping yourself with your unarmed only run.

But hey keep throwing shit at the wall and see what sticks, I'm only going to make fun of you for being a blind fanboy

I was just being facetious but holy shit, you really are just bad at the game. No wonder you're not getting much from the combat, you're playing it like Dark Souls.

"Viable" doesn't mean "cheese this boss in the most convenient and time-efficient way possible the wiki told me", it's any way the game can viably be played. You can't be complaining about a lack of variety in playstyles when you treat any style besides R1 spam as "gimping" yourself. Maybe I like having fun.

Why do you think I am the only person left in this thread still talking to you, >(48)? This is some unparalleled autism, and that's saying something for Souls threads. You will do anything to shit on this game, any time something's inconvenient to your argument w-well then that just doesn't count.

Bringing up post count
Damn next you're going to say I'm shilling

Actually no, since I didn't expect anything. It's no secret that from is shit.

Funny thing is I had to reset my router at some point in the past few days and was posting before this, and all combined I don't think I have even half of your posts.

At least you don't have to bother trying to argue your moronic points any more, not that there's anything to argue. I might be able to try to match your autism but I'm not even going to try to match your smugness.

Running away from a losing argument.
Damn you really are Nepal's goalie.

Please explain. I must have missed this weapon.

Motoi doesn't really love to use horns and and choirs as much as you're making it seem. He loves softer songs with an underlying energy thanks to Cymbal's, stringed instruments or any other thing he can come up with.

80% of DaS3 was done by Yuka Kitamura who did most of Bloodbornes OST as well.

Take a look at the composer of each of the songs:

Main theme (Yuka)
Ending Credits (Yuka)
Firelink theme (Yuka)
Pontiff Sully (Yuka)
Vordt (Yuka) -
Dancer (Yuka)
Twin princes (Yuka)
Yohrm the giant (Yuka)
Abyss Watchers (Yuka)
Dragon Slayer Armor (Yuka)
Secret Betrayal (Yuka)
Ancient Wyvern (Yuka)
Oceiros the Consumed King (Yuka)
Soul of Cinder (Yuka & Technically also Motoi)

Iudex Gundyr (Tsukasa Saitoh)

Deacons of the Deep (Noboyushi Suzuki)

Wolnir (Motoi)
Cursed Rotted Great Wood (Motoi)
Crystal Sages (Motoi)
Old Demon King (Motoi)
Aldritch (Motoi)
Nameless King (Motoi)

I would argue the main reason the songs aren't as memorable for you is simply due to the fact From clearly wants to emphasize the multi-phase aspects of bosses and is placing more of a focus upon having the fights be action packed and intense - Hence having Yuka do the most of it. Yes, it makes a lot of the OST jumble together, yet it serves its purpose well. Also this is something that can be felt even in DaS1. Prioritizing mostly the idea of the action of the boss over the emotion. This is why the few sombre or more quiet pieces of DaS1 are recognizable compared to the louder more intense action fights that are as quickly forgotten.

Its really not the composer that matters at all. Its the material they are given and what From wants. Which is now more "Epicness." Even in the softer tracks. No matter who From will get for future games, get used to this style from now on.