
Dark Souls 3 just isn't cutting it. I can't go back to it fam.

Its real hard to go back to an uchigatana after pulling the sweet ki pulse infinite combos in Nioh. But i can wait. FOR A WHILE.

Are you a nigger?

You can pre-order Kingdom Hearts 3 and The Last Guardian on Amazon but they don't even have a listing for Nioh


I use it in jest, tbh. I fucking hate niggers.

Shit, are you that desperate for anything?

It was barely worth a single playthrough. Maybe I'm just out of touch with the hip meme game genres these days.

You don't need to let coonspeak obsessed ledditors think they're in good company, user.

I've been hearing a lot of mixed reviews of the demo; is it legitimately trying to go for the Souls audience or is that just retarded faggots making connections that aren't there?


I want the shills to leave.

It has a similar UI, otherwise it's the next Ninja Gaiden/Onimusha.

Stay triggered fam

Has the same general UI, and is pretty punishing.
But honestly there's some neat stuff that you can do to combo your moves using the stance and Ki Burst system.
There's a punishment for running out of stamina where you just sit there like a jackass catching your breath. Enemies also have the same punishment when they run out of stamina and you can see their stamina bar (for human enemies anyways, for demon enemies it just makes them have hitstun if they run out, but they don't naturally recover stamina like human enemies do)


I see this same thread with the same OP constantly faggot, it's always buzzwords, how they cant go back to dark souls 3 and the same image.

The second Ni-Oh is announced on PC you'll be saying it's a weak rip-off. You're not fooling anyone.


smh tbh fam

it seems too good to be true

the loot system is kind of wack but otherwise the demo totally sold me, i was expecting a kinda bad souls knockoff but it totally stands on its own and the combat is definitely better, but it should be since its much more focused on that than souls is

I really like that the enemy stamina bar is visible. It makes fighting multiple enemies viable and places a strong emphases on prioritizing who you attack. Completely different to DS3 where I swear some enemies keep attacking beyond the point of stupidity. Basically have unlimited stamina

That infinite stamina is bullshit.

I don't care about you, PCuck

I missed the demo cause I didn't know it was temporary…

Isn't this just a multiplayer only game? Trash.

How does the "Mark of the Conqueror" work?
I beat the big oni and "bought" it off the store but I was kind of expecting some kind of indication to pop up in my Library somewhere.
I guess it'll actually wait to download when you get the full game.

It's single player. Where do you get your info?

wait, i can still play it. is it no longer on the store? I assume they are actually ending it at midnight. No idea how this timed demo shit works.

Just a hunch considering it's being discussed on Holla Forums and liked by people who like dark souls.

Well now the PS4 has two games worth getting, seriously this alpha was one of the best things I've played in a while didn't have enough time to finish it though since I don't own a PS4. Now the PS4 needs three more to warrant a purchase.

Dark souls isn't multiplayer only.
Where do you get your info?

I hope the nier game isnt shit

so your ass.

It might as well be multiplayer only, that's the reason everyone plays it.

It might still be up. You should be able to play it till midnight.

It's singleplayer dude. Online connection just let's you summon other players to fight with you and it allows you to fight NPC clones of players that died.

a small portion of people play it for the multiplayer only, to most it's an interesting side aspect to the core game.

Where do you get your info? Do you even play these video games you're talking about?

Most people play it single player

isn't that what from has wanted hollowedquit the game player's characters to do?

Nah, there's not even PVP.

The PvP is the core game in the souls series, singleplayer is basically the tutorial. You just hate competition, git gud.

Would you cuddle a Kodama?

Do you even play the games you're talking about, my cuckolded friend?

I never said I didn't enjoy PvP.
Most players will just play it single player with the occasional boss assist.

Yes, and I admit I'm a minority of people who play singleplayer games these days. Modern games and modern audiences are all about the social aspects like multiplayer.

I would get v&

little pepes

so you've never played the game, despite it being a firmly single player focused game with extremely obviously optional multiplayer

you're a sad little failure, aren't you

I did play Dark Souls, you're going to say I didn't.

and invasions, from the design it seems the wants the mmorpg open world with occasional and mixed meetings with other players.

go home jew >>>/gaschamber/

oh you did? You seemed to be convinced it was some sort of super focused multiplayer primarily game. Considering everything you said up to this point. You are also pitifully unaware of other games and clearly run with assumptions that have no reasonable foundation other than thinking because some players of one kind of game have liked it, it must have been because it's a multiplayer game.

I'm totally unconvinced you've even touched a game by from software, and no one takes your retarded, misinformed opinions seriously, you non-contributing idiot.

I didn't say I agree with this happening, but I'm stating a hard truth. Video games are about multiplayer more now. That's what the new audience wants. I'm a minority who enjoys singleplayer and I'm not the target audience anymore, and I haven't been since 2007.


Pretty much, only in Nioh nobody invades anyone. When you die in your game it saves your level, equipment, and your place of death and then your grave will randomly appear in other peoples game for them to fight.
As a nice bonus the grave also lists your cause of death so it can give other players a heads up of dangers up ahead.

then don't play the multiplayer in a game that explicitly only has a summon other player for coop as the only multiplayer solution? You are a special kind of retard, aren't you. Then again, you think the souls games are multiplayer focused despite it being easy to disable multiplayer by simply not using an item for the entirety of the game.


a little Holla Forums but i just noticed that they've highlighted his blue eyes.

William Adams was white

He was the OG weeb.


They port a lot of their shit though so it could still happen. It's not like Bloodborne where sony's first party staff helped make it.


Yea but them suddenly going from that to ps4 only doesnt bode well

If you're gonna get triggered every time sony scores an exclusive that is similiar to a souls game you have a long and miserable life ahead of you my dear afro american friend.

Fuck off retard

Grow up, child.

That game sucks dude

You will soon enough

I wonder how many classes of weapons the full version will have? I wonder if we'll be able to do an Onmyo magic playthrough?

From when weebs were real men!

I like how if you run out of stamina you're dead.

Then don't run out of stamina.

me too, it's actually a good feature but nice try being a sassy cunt

it's a souls game beat for beat. apart from combo moves and stances and unlocking combos and abilities.

So there're three stances,
High (Heavy)
Mid (Medium)
and Low (light)

And there are two different base attacks for when you are in each stance.

SO you know how in DaS you can have a heavy and a light attack on the face buttons, well now there are six of them and depending on the stance your enemy is you can use up to any combination of those six attacks depending on how you feel like approaching the enemy and what weapon you use.

so pressing square (light attack) in the low stance deal a very quick attack and does really not a lot of damage but you might do a combo with low stance, dodge back, change to a light stance, block and then deal a really heavy attack (Triangle) in a high stance and finish your opponent off. Then on top of that you have combos, my favorite being the pole sweep on the ground which requires high stance with a spear and then you do a half circle with the analogue stick nd then press heavy attack and you'll do a sweep with the spear dropping your enemy (or enemies) to the ground.

I guess so far that's all I've really played, not much but there's no pausing, there are shines you can level up at but it seems to have more going on with them as far as interaction goes, the combat has far more options and I guess that allows for more organic shit happening and has lot more freedom in the way you play.

the other user was right though the UI is exactly the same, menu systems function the same, your stamina works the same, it feels similar.

I had the most fun with the stances, it felt like I only needed a spear and a sword to really take on most enemies because there's so much variety as far as attacks that you can do with the weapons and to top it off enemies change stances and use the same attacks you do which beat some zombie dude just wailing at you with some made up attack in a hallway

I meant change to a high stance and then do a heavy attack.

pretty funny


Every time you do anything you spend ki, stamina, when your ki is fully spent you'll run out of breath and have to recuperate, leaving you in a recovery anymation that leaves you fully exposed to take a shit ton of damage.

The ki system has it's own thing going on, you press R1 at the right time to "reload" your ki, that makes you recuperate your ki much faster.
Not only that, but if you "reload" into a stance with R1+any stance you'll get ki back even faster and can chain it into attacking because you're back in ready stance immediately.

As for enemy stamina, the system rewards you massively from making them run out of stamina or robbing them of their stamina with moves such as the kick, when an enemy runs out of stamina you can punish them with special attacks that do massive damage, making the combat overall more technical and with a more precise, calculate kind of pacing.

If you haven't understood how to manage your own ki and propely cut into enemy stamina and just play this like a regular souls game, you end up being overall slower and working against the game intended combat pace instead of working with it.

Low stance can dodge to Ki burst as opposed to hitting R1

Yes, the trade off is that you can't consume enemy stamina with the same efficiency, do less damage overall and so on.
It's pretty balanced but obviously being a beta it needs lots more balancing, various improvements, more movies etc, we're still far away from the release date anyway, i'm sure they took all the feedback the players gave them and are implementing it into the game as we speak.

Hopefully the feedback they got was a little more useful than the two million "pls nerf the game it's too hard" from scrubs that couldn't even get to the second shrine.

It's good for keeping your combo going though, you can do it to keep up pressure before swapping into different stances. It's really useful if you're going for crazy combos

Well it's 7 and I can still play it so I don't know what's going on.

He's actually aryan

as i mentioned earlier i've not played a lot of it, so i'm glad you came in and explained the rest, i only played about an hour of it.

yeah, you barely scratched the surface. Any comparisons to from's souls games is incredibly superficial.

Ironic shtposting is still shitposting you illiterate underaged niggers.

of all the flavors…



There's no denying it has a very similar initial feeling but you're right as i said if offers way more in variety as far as what you can do and how you do it and that's where it becomes it's own thing and leaves it's comparisons to souls behind.

It's pretty much the UI and stamina management.

…And he chose the right one. Autistic, maybe, but not salty. Famposting is ayy lmao tier. It jumped the shark in March.

I can still play this shit. What is going on?

Oh gee it's this thread again.