Thoughts on LGBT

Should we accept LGBT people? There are bigger things than someone's sexuality, and I have literally 0 issues with gay people, and my best friend (a grill) is bi.

However, I cant stand some transsexuals (like Brianna Wu, who is actually nuts).

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Seems like your own problem more than transsexuals'. Just be more tolerant my dude.

Story: I was watching youtube clips with my mom and we were watching Eurovision, the trans lady came on (who won in 2014 I think).. My mom knows my politics(anarcho syndicalism) and has always been supportive.. my mom said "They should shave the beard" and I agreed.

Should they conform to gender stereotypes (i.e. MtF should be 'feminine' wear skirts, while FtM should have muscles and wear tank tops)

is this advanced satire

I am very tolerant.

some food for thought

i agree with the lgb's that the trans agenda is regressive and hurts both gays and feminists.

i support equality but i don't support certain groups claiming rights at the expense of others. trans is cancer.

Sounds like your issue is with Brianna Wu, and SJW.

You've likely seen passing trans people in the street, and not even noticed. Especially FtM.

Who cares about LGBTs, even communists? Just respect their existence or w/e, just don't fall into the trappings of identity-based politics. They are subject to capitalism like all of us.

Obviously, it must be fucking hell to be a trans person


I have no issue with trans people, personally, but I do think that it is a mental illness. Of course, most trans people do as well - that's why they're able to get their medication for free.

I think that many people's rejection of the trans community is based purely upon aesthetics. To be accepted as the gender you wish to be is to be aesthetically pleasing, or to be degraded, through the eyes of a trans person looking at society.


So, sure, trans people are mentally ill. However, we don't treat the mentally ill by denying them their pleasure and berating them for being wrong.

Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, and transition + therapy is the treatment.

The scientific consensus says that youre wrong, and it has done for a while now.

I'm not quite sure how the "scientific consensus" says I'm wrong when I said that I believed it was a mental illness.

Sick reading comprehension.

she is not transsexual, she is simply ugly just like other feminists

Can't tell if this is some sort of troll, and if not how it relates to politics.
Glad to see that nobody but OP gives a shit.

The gay marriage "debate" was a great spectacle to distract the proles away from non-spooky issues.

It's disgusting but we should allow ir because what 2 people decide to do in their bed is none of my concern

Nah but really, she used to be a guy called John.

that's not how this works

the "trans lady" is actually a drag queen and the only reason he participated was to show off his feminine dress vs beard contradictory, and winning the most votes to prove it (since no one actually votes there)

i dare you to try recall the song he sung protip you can't

why is not it said in her wikipedia article?

We accept everyone, but if they try to make the movement about their pet minority issue and hamper the main goals of class liberation and anti-imperialism, they're out because that's wrecking.
You can't have wrecking, it kills movements.
I won't sit there and watch how a movement I belong to goes the way of Occupy Wallstreet.

Wikijews man.

im sorry you took gamergate so horribly.

Homosexuality is just bourgeoisie decadence

Well I would prefer for some trans peolle to try to be somewhat gender conforming if they claim to be that gender and not to be nonbinary or genderqueer which is *different*

To cut down on the transtenders out there


But yeah, why not

Hahahahahahahahahqha majoriry gay white men. You know that shit was whitewashed right? It was mainly puerto ricans and blacks there AFAIK. The LGBT ppl I knew were calling that movie "mayonnaise" due to all the whitewashing.

Wikiledia doesnt like deadnaming people

IDpol shit that deserve to be burned in the streets tbh

fuck off i am not proud of who am i , i am proud of what i made of myself

They just need to drop this IDpol first world shit and read Lacan and the second sex by de beauvoir

If they're down for the cause…why not? But just being into the same sex doesn't make you an anticapitalist or preclude you from being reactionary. Rohm was gay and that didn't stop him from being a fascist scumfuck.

Gulag them or gas them,
I don't care.

SJWs keep him from playing outside with his kid because?

Why the fuck would you give a fuck about their sexuality or whatever other hardly deterministic parts of a person?

He realizes that his family life has been a lie and that he's actually gay, but because he's so heavily spooked he can't accept it and wants to kill himself. Sad, really.

hi Holla Forums, you sure spend a lot of time here

Please don't associate anime posters with Holla Forums. Some of us believe in the emancipation of the proletariat and the worker's right to seize the means of production.

Since nobody else has done it

After gamergate now 'anime avatar' ppl are assumed to be rightist.

No, just assumed to be autists. Which is a reasonable and evidence backed assumption.

lmao fuck that gay shit i aint no fag no homo

Bifag here, the LGBTOMGWTFBBQ movement is shit. You don't need a fucking manual on how not to treat people poorly for being different. They're an embarrassment and I wish they would stop because it makes it harder to be open about this kind of thing.

Reproduction. Population aging. General Health.

ALso I wish they stopped adding fucking letters. It was enough when it was just LGBT.

The T doesn't really belong either. It's not a sexuality. And putting the L first was a major bitch move.

Who gives a shit?

GLBT used to be the primary order, but I think people felt it was a little too on the nose for delineating the real-life pecking order in mainstream queer politics. In recent years, some people also employ other orderings, such as TBLG (is this a sort of oppression olympics? probably), to reflect which subgroups are most "disadvantaged" by society and object to how those groups have historically been reduced to footnotes in the queer "liberation" movement, if that.

However, I think one of the reasons LGBT stuck which rarely gets mentioned is that it aesthetically looks more balanced than other configurations. L and T are both made entirely of two straight lines (minus any serifs) while G followed by B are both rounded on the outsides and flat toward the center.

I'm no graphic artist, but it wouldn't be difficult to create an LGBT logo that when rotated 180º still read LGBT.

G ???

✞ God, because you have to say grace before you eat.

Why wouldn't the treatment just be bringing them back to their original gender? There's a reason porky is pushing transitions so hard.

LGBT is a spook.

Who gives a shit, as long as no one is forcing anything on anyone else, who gives a fuck what anyone does on their own time?

The issue I have with this picture is that after having met a lot of people you see in the window, I can say most of them are mentally ill from fucked up childhoods. If the image of a well adjusted, loved childhood like the 1990 image is meant to represent is accurate, it seems unlikely the 2016 image would take place.

It is a bourgeois construct. LGBT are counter-revolutionary and will be sent to the gulags.

Pick one.


Let's admit that these gender spooks aren't going to go away until we get rid of the root problems, best we can do until then is make things a bit nicer for them.



What's with the Indian guy on the scooter?

Its our most recent sopping wet dank cancerous meme.


Homosex is bourgoiuse

I thought it was


as much as I want to GIMP that to make it "communism is bourgeoisie" and fill it with memes, I need to sleep.

Comrade Pajeet.

We should not give a fuck about them.

There are bigger things than someone's sexuality.


Tumblr get out.

Delusional sick people.

That is a sweet list of flawed and misrepresented sources.

Maybe you just haven't met the right trans people? I wonder how you would react if you met me (passing MtF).

What specifically is it about trans people that you don't like?

+1 I think of my involvement with the LGBT community to be separate and secondary to my leftism. Also on the whole it's more personal to me than it is political.

Transtrenders are what happens when feminists try to appropriate the experiences of people with a legitimate intersex condition (actual transsexuals) because it is politically expedient for their "post-gender" ideology. A medical condition where your brain and body do not line up is totally different from people who break gender roles.

You would gulag a fellow anti-idpol socialist, comrade?

How am I delusional for having gotten treatment for a well recognized medical condition? Please explain.

Do you even have to ask?

Also Revolutions aren't fought/won with sissies.

You understand that not all trans people are Chris-chan, right?

Who ever said I was a sissy? And regardless, peak physical strength is only one element of a revolutionary skillset. You don't need to be in the best shape of your life to spread leftist ideas or run a worker cooperative, comrade.

Nice spooks, fam. Way to propagate those Holla Forums memes.

Be whatever the fuck you want, I personally like being male but if other people want to be something other than the classification currently accepted by society that's fine. It's pretty separate from the economic struggle of people, though.

yeah, nor do I care, I seek no one's approval and certainly not from a delusional faggot.

Yeah… you surely are doing a terrific effort to spread them over the internet.


Why should we make things nicer for idiots? Stop being a moralfag.


Why do you want a different economic system when someone smart like you can easily exploit others and achieve a wonderful life like that? Don't support idiots, if they were smart they'd be on top.

Lol. You can't even argue your own points. How cute.

Maybe you should think a little before you open your mouth, yeah? It's just so hard to take you seriously like this…

I don't care about economic systems. I can do well under any of them.

Already do. Got a few suckers paying my mortgage right now, thank you.

You should give it a shot.

I'm not arguing with a freak.

also if a revolution where to happen you would only be a dead weigh.

Homophobia is spooky shit dog. But yeah, there's no reason not to accept them.

Gonna be really funny seeing these fags thrown in ditches during the revolution.

How about if you just think it's funny to bully them?

Yeah, it must be because they're "freaks" (spook) and not because of any sort of social relations. Hurp de durp de doo.

Blaming the ones around you for your first world problems…


Their social relations are the way they are because they are freaks.

Idpol is ready for the revolution.

Not gay.

Lmao, you arent left wing. Back to Holla Forums spooklord.

this meme has gone too far and it has lost all it's value if it had any.

People see them as freaks and always have. Not my fault. Fags were freaks before capitalism and they will continue being freaks after capitalism. And I personally take pleasure in bullying them.

The only spooklords are moralfags like you.

This FFS!

This Skeletal mate understands.

ok fam

You are now aware that homosexuality was only taboo because of christianity.

no, your shitty non-arguments are literally spooks. like what, we need to deny people because some falseflagging basement nazi on the internet thinks they look ugly? you don't even have to use stirner terms to see through this dogshit


I like big cocks.

Me too.

I like you two

No, more like "anime nazis' i havent seen normies call the alt right autistic. Also, that meme is getting ran into the ground

LGBTQ is used as the general term or LGBT+

Fucking hilarious to see Trump use thst term at the Republican convention

I dunno, i mean gender as a performancd isnt limited to feminists, also the SJWs who talk about being tucute i dont think theyre feminists specifically eve. If it came out of a similar culture.

1. We don't have the technology to do that. Why would you think that we do?

2. As with all medical decisions, the patient should have the final say. Body surgery is a lot more appealing than deep, invasive brain surgery. A lot less can go wrong.

3. Changing the most fundamental parts of a person's mind raises serious questions about what it means to be a particular person. It's similar to the teleporter-death problem. If you change someone's brain significantly, are they still the same person or have you just killed them?