Why do people do this?
Why do people do this?
Same reason I shitpost, to get attention.
I don't like your thread, so I'm going to try and fail to get "dubs" (sequential digits) any number of times in a row, and there's nothing you can do. Cry more, bitch nigger. I'm pretty tough, as you can see.
You're doing it wrong, you need to adopt a tripcode and be an obnoxious cunt when you're not wanted and contribute nothing but one-liners and anime reaction faces to threads to make yourself even more hated, bonus points if its an MLP image
Fucking hate how shitposting is glamorized these days
More please!
No, you don't understand. You're only allowed to shitpost if the mods agree with you.
Is this enough of a meta-thread now for mods to bumplock it?
Thats up to the board owner, if you want free speech go to Holla Forums, protip: its the worst board on the site right now
It's about the users rights to decide how the boards are run, strictly or not. If you dislike the moderation you are free to create your own board, unlike on 4chan where you have to put up with it or leave. However, it is most likely going to fail, as you can see by how many "like x board but with more/less rules!" boards are left anywhere near the top. Pro-tip, it's none.
ahh yes, 'Holla Forums with video games'
where have I heard that one before
I found the cure for your autism.
Get a hollow point, noguns faggot.
This is why, in the long run, imageboards are doomed as a model. No one wants to put up with bullshit top-down faggot handcrafted moderation when a minimal TOS+user blocking is available. As soon as a blogging platform figures out how to incorporate anonymity, 4chan and Holla Forums are essentially finished as anything but chatrooms for hipsters who want to relive the 'old internet'.
This is already what they are. And I love it.
And, in fact, you can already kind of see this. The only edge 4chan has over the rest of the internet is "you can be an asshole without losing e-rep", and the only edge Holla Forums has on 4chan is shit that's banned from it.
2ch uses the minimal moderation doesn't it?
With IDs, captcha and other features you can get user moderation working on image boards.
4chan/Holla Forums could probably moderate itself with the right features.
it's more complicated imo.
agreed look at Holla Forums
We just have to wait until the fucking faggots who came here from reddit because of GG get bored and go back, and things will surely stabilize, right? right?
It would be fine if it didn't have a bad board owner.
It has nothing to do with reddit.
reddit doesn't care about Holla Forums, see /r/4chan vs /r/Holla Forums.
Don't blogging platforms already accommodate some degree of anonymity? I mean, you can go to tumblr or wordpress or whatever and create any manner of account with any manner of content. I suppose your content may be looked down upon by some or outright banned from being displayed, and I suppose anything that you upload will be tied to the specific identity that you've crafted, but barring all of this, you can effectively create a multitude of accounts and spread your various personal expressions between them, all without worrying about revealing your "true identity" unelss you're an idiot
The difference between Holla Forums and 4chan is that Holla Forums can't pull that "we were never about free speech" shit without dying (even faster than it already is).
Yes, there is also lolicon.
The people who came here before GG came to discuss waifu cunny and because they were Turkish. May you get what you wish for.
Self moderation is a bad idea, you get enough people with the same opinions all reporting somthing theg disagree with and then you have a hug box. Look at reddit on how bad of an idea self moderation is.
Fucking kike mark bringing it redditfuges. Now we have people who will play the victim even for shitposting
If you want to blame a boogeyman for issues with Holla Forums then blame twitter, irc, discord, trolls, goons, sjw, namefags and tripfags.
Oh god yes
At least its dying off, I may just make a Holla Forums alternative.
You don't even know what shitposting means.
Why don't you guys make your own Holla Forums? Since you guys clearly know so much better than the mods, everyone will happily come join you, right?
Kids are always looking for a new edgy site. Luckily they are getting bored of this broken mess of a site. I just use reddit as a catchall term for cancer outsiders.
I will be the little girl?
Just to go further.
This is the type of faggot you are.
You go on and on about shitposting and newfags but to anyone who has been here longer then a year can see through your meek efforts to fit in.
You sound a little defensive?
Is Holla Forumss declining posts, users and quality threads scare you?
glad to see youre gone tbh fam
I'm reasonably sure that pre-GG Holla Forums banned loli, or at least I remember board closures to that effect, so probably not.
So what you're saying is that you're angry, but also inarticulate and a liar?
that's not self moderation.
self moderation is where you block or hide what you don't want to see.
twitter is an example of self moderation and it's problems have come from the people running it going against self moderation because of SJW crying about "harassment".
On twitter Zoe Quinn or femfreq never have to see any trolls because they can self moderate by making their accounts private or blocking people.
You wish, I never got banned before in my life, maybe the problem is you, ever consider that?
Excellent strawman
Rhetoric has become so poor on Holla Forums that most of you faggots make arguments that actually support mine while not even realizing it.
I understand you like Holla Forums because you can post here without worrying about German though police but please try to learn about the board and consider lurking before posting.
Holla Forums is just the SRS of Holla Forums.
I'm not any of the three, just too lazy to press a few extra keys on my keyboard
:^) pretending to be above it all doesn't really work on an anonymous image board.
Again thanks for making my argument.
You admitted to using "reddit" as a catchall term for whatever you don't like. This means that you are an inarticulate liar.
No it didn't, stop blatantly lying, hurr "thousands of PPH above Holla Forums" my ass, the only people Holla Forums seems to ban are people who shitpost and then don't have the capacity to admit they're shitposting apparently
Who pretending to be above it all?
You made a strawman logical fallacy I pointed out that was your only point.
It doesn't make me a liar, nor does it make me inarticulate. Do you even speak English?
You seem to think you are coming out on top in the eyes of the "public" in this argument, but you really aren't.
I get that you are new, but please try to learn how basic things like ID's work, okay honey?
define this.
Sorry buddy, Holla Forums was the top board for months after the initial exodus, it got even bigger when Moot personally fucked with 4chaims Holla Forums
I used to be a heavy heavy member on Holla Forums
I pains me to see it filled to the brim with newfaggots who are constantly protected by the moderators because they march they way the mods want them too.
When did I ever say that?
You may of not been that user using the straw-man then but you're definitely using it now.
Unlike most of you faggots I know we are just some queers arguing on a chinese cartoon picture site.
Posts only made to get people angry, with no effort put into them and/or contributing nothing to the topic of the thread. Posts that go against the "board culture" can also be seen as shitposting. Example, posting "This is my GF's favorite anime XD" on /a/ would be shitposting.
"shitposting" was invented by SA to describe opinions they didn't like. Since then, it's been sloshing from place to place, giving places cancer. I'm surprised the half-life hasn't run out on it yet.
If you are calling something "reddit" when it is not, you are a liar. If you are doing this because you don't have the vocabulary to describe its negative qualities, you are inarticulate in addition to being a liar.
Shit=processed food that comes out your ass
Post=What you create with shit from your asshole
No, I would be wrong, but not a liar. Calling something cancer, when it isn't a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body, would that be lying too? Stop being autistic.
You are knowingly portraying content as being from a site that it is not, and thereby lying.
No love, shitposting is why Holla Forums is the worst board nowadays, Holla Forums cancer and the like seem to want every board to be Holla Forums
off topic posting that's called.
board culture like dubs and piccolo dick which have nothing to do with video games?
The first thread on Holla Forums is a Trump thread. Am I to understand that Trump-posting is why Holla Forums is so bad?
Most people gave up on Holla Forums because of the low effort posts and spamming disrupting the board imo.
Which ends up with people just assuming any post that shares an unpopular opinion or any post some faggot doesn't like mean shitposting.
Ebin downvote buddy.
There is no point in saging after you have already bumped the thread several times.
You really must be new to claim Holla Forums has is shit as if this is a new phenomenon.
Holla Forums is shit because that's what its set out to be and what it was always intended to be.
Holla Forums is the boogeyman that every faggot uses to deflect someone else's point.
No, you are to say Holla Forums is why Holla Forums is so bad, dumbass
I'd feel guilty being the person bumping this thread to the top now so I refuse
I just said I used it as a catchall term, and I know I'm not the only one. This is just you not being used to "slang" used on sites like this, but you will be when you have been here for more than a week don't worry.
Do you think this is a court of law? You might find it unfair, but if a lot of people dislike you, more than are willing to speak to your defence, you are getting banned, sorry.
Yeah, and it's shitposting.
These are called "in-jokes". You could google it to find the definition.
You have a point
"Shitposting" is a meaningless term and always will be. Any legitimate problem that can be described as "shitposting" can better be described specifically. Calling things "shitposting" is an attempt to get your way without letting people know what you're actually doing.
Holla Forums is also mostly dead. I don't think that the population of a mostly dead board is enough to do what you're saying.
You mean the "slang" that moot and hiroyuki both filtered because of how dumb and obnoxious it was?
so did you really cap yourself thinking that was in an way relevant?
I do agree that the "sage is a downvote" meme needs to go
this isnt a youtube comment section fam. Crying about fallacies and other inane bullshit doesnt do anything for you. which is why ill ignore that you strawmanned me in the next paragraph.
Also im fair certain Germans still need to worry about browsing here
I disagree with this, Holla Forums should be a combination of all the other boards forming it's own unique thing.
you aren't helping your case, using them as example.
Good, you should be banned for making just a fucking awful crop holy shit. Also it's good to see Holla Forums banning faggots again
Given that they partially invented imageboard culture, I think that it does.
Holla Forums exists to perform successively more grievous acts of shitmoderation; you exist to stretch your anus and invite them in. The bigger, the better. If only you weren't so exhibitionistic about it, but I suppose that's the point.
It is, and I can understand why you would be defensive about it.
There is a pretty good chunk of the board here who uses terms like buzzwords and hasn't a clue what they are talking about.
If you cannot gather what the point of the caps are then I'm going to conclude that you are a part of that group.
Back before you discovered Holla Forums, there was this site called 4chan and on it was this board called Holla Forums
On this board was a list of logical fallacies that everyone new about.
It helped discussion and avoided people being fucking retards to a certain degree.
I will be billing you for this history lesson.
That would be ad hom not strawman.
Its like I'm back on 4chaim.
That is an accurate image, sorry it hurts your feefees
So we should all be feminists con-men here too? I mean, the guys who partially invented imageboard culture are, so we should, right?
This is actually true
I wouldn't even be salty if they had just been consistent with their policy and banned the christfags as well
True free speech is impossible without a proper platform to express it, without laws there can be no freedom, Holla Forums never gave a shit sure, but if you are to have discussion without a constitute then you better fucking hope the people apart of it have an IQ above 100, which Holla Forums doesn't, it used too, but not anymore, free speech is overrated
Isn't "feefees" a popular meme among radical feminists?
anarchism is shit, libertarianism is good.
Spoken like a true Holla Forumsstar
Other way around, its for making fun of feminists.
also you capped yourself lol
Everything you disagree with is a buzzword, and everybody who disagrees with you is a newfag, whoknew? also nobody cared about them then, and nobody does now. Well except for the Youtube comment section philophosy majors. Makes sense.
yes, it's part of the baby talk thing you see on jezebel, SRS, SA etc.
Which websites (apart from our own Holla Forums) has Holla Forums raided? And wasn't the Tay situation due to half/pol/ and Twitter?
That's incorrect. I recall seeing SRS posters talking about "white male feefees" and so on. It's silly and infantile without being profane. It would definitely seem to me like something they'd say, even if I didn't already know what it was.
Damn, i guess they stole it. I remember people using it to mock them.
Every single board on 8ch
No I didn't get your eyes checked kek
When I see someone struggle to understand how the board works and the definitions of common terms used here then despite claiming to be here for a given number of years, yes I consider them to be newfags.
Its not like where a armband YET
Trumpchan is the bestchan
I know that. Holla Forums and SRS have more overlap, tactically and ideologically, than either one would like to admit.
Well, I saw them using it during 2010, so it must have been stolen a long time ago.
That's hardly an achievement. Most of them are dead.
I've been on 4chan since '05 and Holla Forums since '13. Would you say that I am a newfag?
Holla Forums has a bad board owner, that's the beginning and end of the problem.
he should have kicked out imkampfy months ago.
Your opinion is wrong, lad. I like to talk about things that aren't related to politics, and it's hard when Holla Forums has leaked as much as it has.
Not all though
lol sure
I would say that online you can be whatever you want to be.
However if you claim to be a economist but can't explain the ramifications of negative interest rates I would guess you're not really an economist when the only evidence of being so is your word.
I like the politics leak on Holla Forums, its incredibly frustrating to many posters to be chased from to boards now and be able to discuss politics anywhere online with worrying about censorship.
I try to get it out on Yahoo.
So someone is a newfag if they don't agree with your opinions, which you are an expert in?
Your opinion is wrong
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should
So do I fam. But come to Holla Forums on the weekend to see 2 cucktow threads, 3 cuck racemixing threads, and a Floride thread and you'll understand why Holla Forums has gotten a little testy
What is a "cucktow"?
Holla Forums is obsessed with cuckolding, this is nothing new. I get called a "cuck" by sexually frustrated teenage Holla Forumsacks on an extremely regular basis. tbh the word has started to lose its meaning and now just means "person I dislike"
If someone repeatedly use terms they don't understand the basic meaning of then I consider them new.
Also believing someone would believe you when you claim to be on here since 05 when since that time you would've experienced at least 1000+ posts of clear children declaring the same thing you would know claiming to be here for any given amount of time is not going to be believed.
You can trust me, I'm a highschooler who found this place last night while looking up the place that's "too extreme for 4chan"
MGTOW. Men Going Their Own Way. Basically autist who believe all woman are evil sucubi and that we should abstain from their. Its cancer lad
*tip fedora
So you are using feminist memes and blackballing anti-feminist organizations?
That's, uh. That's pretty heavy.
good shitpost, lad
No most Mgtow are just scared men who have dealt with false rape reports to begin with.
Most of Holla Forums weirdly idolizes women while claiming other are white knights.
I think many of them are young kids who haven't got laid so they get frustrated encountering men who willingly forgo having sex.
Ah so it was you, I was wondering why the hell someone is posting decades old bait and hadn't taken into consideration the fact that it was a newfag.
Pretty much. It's Holla Forumss equivalent to faggot. But the literal cuck threads are obnoxious
Eh hard to back a group that claims half of the world population is evil
He's too busy modding to come help your fat ass.
do you know what the second most popular board is?
Surely, somebody who has been gifted le 8ch gold and upboated on this subchan as much as you have, knows what we say about people who loudly cry "newfruit". :^)
Yeah it does sound pretty annoying, not gonna deny that.
What's going on in this thread?
So what you are saying is that it is more likely that exactly half of the global population being evil is more likely than a specific group of people being evil?
Knowing how to make a post doesn't stop you from being a newfag, m8. If you are new to the board then that makes you a newfag regardless of how many YLYL threads you have been in.
This thread is so fucking shit!
The 'why' is because you haven't fucked off to reddit already where that idea belongs. Whatever reason you have to post here right now will never become obsolete.
No, I'm just saying Holla Forums hates more than half of the world population.
Sorry that people are talking about things that don't interest you.
ok lad
They hate everyone, their board approved doctrine has become so specific if you agree with 99% of the narrative but disagree with 1% then you are JIDF kike loving nigger.
So in a sense they hate themselves as well.
I'm having a good time though.
you know it wasnt always hostile with mgtow. But man are they smug assholes
and the frustrated virgin line you can say about 90% of this site
hol up
yeah i get the irony. But come on nogs are much worse than woman
Actually, my other site would be Twitter. I come here for nostalgia, and yes, the reason I post is in fact becoming obsolete, in no small part due to the buzzword shitflinging (ie. "reddit").
I'm not saying that Holla Forums or 4chan will die, only that they will dry up and become irrelevant, much like SA did.
No, the fact is that Holla Forums is made up of a large group of people with different opinions on different topics. Meaning you will always find SOMEONE who disagrees with you, and that person will call you a faggot.
Holla Forums used to be a place you could discuss multiple types of political structures not just natsoc.
As much as I dislike socialism the split with Holla Forums only made the place even more of an echochamber.
I enjoyed arguing with people who disagreed with me, at the core of Holla Forums that's what it was about good discussion and arguments.
Now its just a circlejerk enforced by moderators.
It used to be its not anymore.
See my first post, the moderators are willing to ban anyone who argues against the board approved narrative calling anything dissenting "shitposting"
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Does this count as a shitpost? Don't tell me this wouldn't be considered a shitpost.
Have you considered the fact that you are wrong? I have seen your post and you were being a faggot. You deserved to be banned. Go on, make a Holla Forums alternative. I can't wait to see it get 34 posts then fade away.
Good enough.
I thought this shit was gonna be easy.
nope he's correct about Holla Forums.
Yeah, no, fuck you newfag, Holla Forums was never relevant, it was just full of shitstains like you who were convinced it is because you're that much of a self-obsessed child.
No I know I'm not wrong because I know what a shitpost is.
Disagreeing with someone and making an argument on a board that is made for political discussion nothing I did would be considered shitposting.
This is literal 4chin's level of justification.
Like when the moderators were doing it for free and faggots were saying
Meanwhile there was only one GG thread and 10+ similar smash threads.
somehow newfags started believing that Holla Forums wasn't a political board it was an ideology called Holla Forums.
I don't even think imkampfy is serious, he's probably a leftypol faggot fucking with the board.
Nope, I'm correct about Holla Forums
This is it exactly.
Then you would have better arguments.
Eh i agree. Holla Forums has gotten better since cripplekike unbanned all the VPNs. L.pol makes threads and we go back and forth without too much memeing.
even though i wish they would stop "falling asleep" when ever the conversation gets heated, fucking commie nigger lovers
None of you are correct about Holla Forums
This is it exactly?
"Underpopulated and incapable of regularly generating new and interesting content", or, "relevant to the common interest".
What's going on in this thread?
Is this a containment thread for shitposters?
Yeah this is it.
This is happening already. It's far easier to just call people a cuck/shill/redditor/tumblrite/etc, and strawman their argument into oblivion than it is to actually attempt to understand their position and explain yours to them. Also people have a pathological need to always prove that everyone else is wrong and they are right to the point where fun is no longer allowed
For example
That's just an example, the same thing happens on every board with both Holla Forums shit and their respective topics.
The truth is that Holla Forums and the 'alt-right' are Putin psyops designed to make Americans more amenable to his agenda, just like with all the commie organizations back from the '50s onward.
Fair enough.
I won't say whether Holla Forums is shit or not
I will just list the facts as far as I see it.
I realize you want to sound like you know what you are talking about, but making shit up is not the way.
Once you leave, there would be no one to watch the ads.
i've never played a good video game
and if you go to Holla Forums putin is a jew puppet. funny how the world works
but youre wrongnigga
this whole site lost posters when it went cripples
we've been over this
no many users get tired of the same trolling lines in every thread
and some l.pol users think its just a commie board. and some Holla Forums users think this is just a dark souls board whats your point?
now i know youre full of shit. those get replies like "fbi pls go"
come on fam.
The entire site has had this problem for a while now faggot. Remember when 8ch was almost completely unusable?
Why has this thread not been nuked yet? Oh wait.
If this was my other computer I would show you the screencaps of some faggot claiming to go out and burn down one.
It was pretty sad just like /numibia/ and the make believe faggots there.
Funny I gave a list but you could only take issue with two.
Then you have no idea what your talking about M8.
From the very beginning since the first exodus, Holla Forums was larger.
That gap was only increased when Moot made Holla Forums into /cuck/
Before any of the posting problems occurred Holla Forums overlapped Holla Forums a year ago.
And determined I was correct.
"Troll" has lost any meaning, this should be obvious when Troll is used by normalfags to deflect from actual criticism.
Just like i would be in the right for punching someone back, i would be in the right genociding every fucking slimy kike pushing race mixing, and every single foot shuffling, crotch grabbing, "muh' DICK MUFUCKA!", drug dealing negroid.
A large influx came because 4/pol/ was fuxked by moot. The hypw died down and people realized they like vydia more than politics. get over it
lol back to the youtube comment section i see?
are you going to sperg out about that word to?
Oh, a whole post? I guess you were right, delete Holla Forums I guess.
Sometimes I do it without an actual answer just to make people mad.
Then I figure it out and post the solution after a lot of "just google it :^)" and people losing face.
I might be a pervert.
Or people got tired of it being a hugbox.
There isn't anything to get over, its odd that you would even say that when its you who has been acting like a defensive faggot.
Depends are you going to continue to use it as a blanket term for posts and ideas you don't like.
Compare and contrast your behavior to a typical lib, see any similarities yet?
Nice strawman
I never said I wanted it deleted I just want it to stop being a hugbox for nazi larpers.
Oh no, the big bad Nazis are Holocausting you by disagreeing with your true fact opinions? What a shoah!
Oh look even more strawman?
Is it this hard to make an argument without resorting to liberal levels of strawman?
I have no problem with natsoc other then them thinking that natsoc is the only true governing type.
Especially when a republic lasted nearly a millenia and the first country to be natsoc lasted less then 20.
I guess you think living as nomads is the best form of government since we have done that for the longest? It's funny how you scream logical fallacies when you don't have an argument, but your own posts are seeping in them.
sorry comrade. your history revisionism won't work here
its okay fam keep being a stalwart defender of meme works on an anonymous yugioh forum. we're counting on you.
Im having a wonderful time at the MGM grand theater. Thanks
Really then it wouldn't be hard for you to identify what logical fallacies I'm using.
I'm curious user, help me improve my rhetoric.
Tell me what I revised and to you what really happened.
Troll isn't a meme its a term.
Good to see you understand what quantifies a meme as much as you do what quantifies as a troll.
Who is screaming, I'm challenging you to actually prove me wrong yet you've failed to do so several times.
I think your projecting your frustration on to me.
I told you. but you closed your little ears and shouted into the wind
A BA in memeology
Dont be boring fam. I expected better from a seasoned memeologist
You did no such thing.
It's Dr, to you.
I actually have a doctorate in cataloging dank memes.
If you want read my thesis on why pepe is now a normal fag meme and there is no use saving it.
He did set up an argument and he is defending it now by proving you wrong.
Oh really? What was it he proved wrong?
guys, I'm having trouble getting laid, could you add me on steam if you have a solution?
My steam ID: Stary
Thats not fair user, if you're not going to actually show me where I made logical fallacies then that user doesn't need to explain why.
I'm still waiting for your lesson.
Forgot to add my smug
/a/ pulls the exact same bullshit, posting cropped pages from a manga with no source.
and I get it, I do. you want to feel superior to other people and you want them to use the tools available to them to find shit themselves. but then you get these crops that don't reverse image search very well and you want to find the source but its damn near impossible 2 years later when you're reverse searching and just finding the crop in 4chan archives.
Sometimes it makes me want to punch a weeaboo /a/ fag on principle.
This thread is cancer. Are we being raided by Holla Forums and Holla Forums again? Holla Forums is not your battleground, faggots.
My biggest problem with /a/ is that their elitist pricks with awful taste.
Its like if we had a board dedicated to "hrdcre!!111337" games and when you went there it was full of The last of Us faggots declaring it the pinnacle of the industry.
I think they assume that everybody else already knows?
I run into this shit all the time. Google for a problem, click on the first result and it is a forum post. Guy explains his problem and it is the exact same problem I have. Scroll down and first reply to that thread is by a mod who locks the thread and tells op to google…
Or even worse some idiot sends him the solution in a private message.
no u
Also people who crop out the artists name for some reason and then refuse to tell it. Even worse on videos because you can't reverse search them.
Thanks user, I'm glad hotwheels sees it the similarly.
Up until now I've just been having fun. But YOU faggots need to fucking get lynched.
yeah that's just it. obviously if I'm reverse searching the crop 3 years later I'm not asking to be spoonfed. If your goal is to get people to use the tools available to find shit themselves then this behavior is detrimental to your goal.
Fucking hipster faggots with their obscure chink mango slices.
You are trash. I am glad you are on Holla Forums and not /a/, please stay that way.
That defeats the entire purpose of not spoonfeeding.
Then give up on ever finding it.
don't you have an obscure korean manwha to act smug and superior over?
inflation fam. Now facebookers can afford them
LOL did crippledkike take too many painkillers?
Holy shit nigga, re-evaluate your life.
You should be able to recognize it. It's called not being trash.
I'm capable of doing that while calling out little shits like you.
Why did you include this? I doubt you will find anyone on /a/ defending Persona.
If you hate anime so much then why would you care about wanting to know sauce on anime images?
admit it, you just want to be asked because that small moment of knowing something someone else doesn't is the closest you'll ever get to holding power over another person.
we should throw garbage like you into the ocean.
I met a faggot from /a/ once
He played dota and would bitch about the mistakes others made while making them himself.
He also bragged and pretended he was in the mob.
You /a/ faggots act like edgy middle schoolers who are the pinnacle of hipster casual.
You like shit manga because its obscure but at the same time you like moe bait because it helps feel that vacuous hole that you feel in your chest when you think about your life.
I don't hate anime. I enjoy it.
I hate you.
If he recognized it, he wouldn't be looking it up to find out what it is to begin with.
You're not being spoonfed BECAUSE the image is NOT reverse-searchable.
only on channel 8
If you can't find something, then accept that you will never find it. Or go to >>>/rec/ if you want to be spoonfed. I actually want less people to ask for source, it's cancerous newfag behavior that only makes more idiots feel like they are in good company.
its a crop, it can't be searched.
No one I believe is from Holla Forums I'm pretty sure /lpol/ is just a parody.
Also many people are frustrated about the conditions of Holla Forums and can't help but vent when they are here.
We would never be here in the first place if other imageboards made a safe haven for us and allowed us to off topic post in a thread.
The more things change the more things stay the same.
Exactly. Lurk more isn't just a meme.
How did you know he was from /a/? Did he tell you? I which case, he wasn't really.
Good. People hated Hitler because he was right, let it be the same here.
Then check the artstyle against other works, retard.
Bullshit. I've found tons of crops by reverse searching. You're just a lazy sack of shit.
I think it's because Holla Forums and Holla Forums are trying to help people, even when it only makes things worse, while /a/ ends up being the culmination of too many negative aspects to be anything other than hated.
I only hate /a/ after their love for kill la kill.
Which they tried so hard to like ironically.
The nigga reeked /a/ I know how to smell it out user.
I figured 1eb5b1 to be one of them before he admitted it, I'm disappointed I didn't call him out sooner.
Well that's embarrasing
if you want less people to ask for source then posting stuff that can't be sourced independently is really against your goal.
So I'm supposted to compare a 200x200 image of anime face against every mangaka's art style ever?
oh ok. I'm completely wrong and a lazy sack of shit. your unverifiable anecdotal evidence about your magic ability to get google to reverse search cropped images to find full manga pages just invalidated every complaint I have.
I'm glad you're able to admit it.
user you're wasting your breath.
When confronted with smug posts you can only out smug.
They don't understand rhetoric only smug faces.
It might as well be, they make Holla Forums look like the pinnacle of free thought.
Like, take this for example. I could find source for this since I recognize the art. How do I do that? Because I'm not fucking new. It's not hard.
you're right, of course.
no use explaining to garbage why it's trash. it just is.
There were better shows being aired that season anyway. They were only into it for the porn.
That artist makes the sluttiest fucking ahego faces, my dick is diamonds every time.
So really you admit you only do it to feel superior?
Did I ever imply otherwise? Who do you think I am, some normalfag from facebook?
His dragon quest stuff is top-tier.
I'm just saying its not hard to feel superior to anyone here.
There are greater challenges.
This thread went to shit really fast
/a/ might as well be, all the posters there are gigantic faggots
The mother and daughter scene shit was the hottest.
I wish I could find more ahegao with daughter x mother.
Rev up those tags
I've done everything, I'm pretty sure I have beaten off to every mother x daughter ahegao in existence, that is currently translated of course.
Time to find new tags then. I suggest tomgirl.
Reminder: /a/ is codeword for /mlp/
It'd still be pseudonimity, not anonimity.
Congrats, you learned how to reverse image search.
For fucks sake m8, use saucenao
no comment on being a horsefucker then?
You are getting really desperate, aren't you?
8ch must be full of terrorists then according to google searches
Remember kids, don't do drugs while pregnant.
Get over it if you can't find it.
There are so many hints IN THIS VERY THREAD. There is no excuse for you.
well if you want to see the full abject failure of reverse image searching of crops.
thanks for proving my original point.
nigger, I aint even searching for the source, which is a point you two seem to miss. I'm pointing out that the whole argument of "spoonfeeding is lazy you can find the source yourself" is bullshit because the tools don't fucking work. I know damn well you've dropped enough hints that I can find this shit on exhentai, that if I wanted to I could find it via tags, but the point is that if you are only reverse image searching this crop to find the source later, say after the thread is dead, you won't be able to find shit.
And that is our point. You are bitching about nothing. You are worthless.
The point is that spoonfeeding is for lazy faggots. It's your job to find things for yourself, and if you can't, then you're going to have to live without it.
but why make it deliberately hard to find it? Why crop out names and stuff like that?
I am in source threads a lot, like on /wx/ but also on other boards and I keep running into files where the upload made it hard to find the source on purpose by cutting of the logo and shit like that. Why not put the details into the file name or something like that?
to make you stronger.
to be a faggot, to be elitist, to propagate the shit in the op. so in 10 years someone will make a thread on 4reddit about their post.
Its all the self gratification /a/ can get, the only time they can feel superior to another person is when they think they know something that someone else doesn't. hell, 46e323 and 1eb5b1 were practically edging at the thought of someone searching for source that they know.
they also want to increase their own value by creating artificial scarcity. by making mundane things seem scarce and rare they make themselves more valuable as the only ones who know the source of said object.
Or maybe some people just find good crops while they're fapping and want to use them for reaction images.
You are saying this as if you think it would hurt us. Shows us all that you belong on facebook.
Yes but it is human nature to share good things found with your other hunter/gatherers, so others can enjoy it and you can share in it, helping the overall tribe. Its the shared experience that strengthens the pack psychology of human beings. If you go against that human nature repetitively, you have to have an ulterior motive for doing so. not saying you can't post a quick crop if you think its funny but you're a habitual offender which shows that you do it for deeper gratification.
another interesting observation, I have given 1eb5b1 attention, so thinks that he can get more attention if he singles me out as an outsider and rallies the other posters against me. he's brought up facebook twice hoping that I would bite the bait. Facebook being the epitome of outsiderness to him nothing could be more outside his circle than facebook.
I could make a case study about the psychology of /a/. Deeply flawed indivduals. Even worse than Holla Forums with it's father issues and latent homosexuality.
you know I was just having an argument about alignments, and you helped me convince the other guy by being a good example of evil intentions. if a character makes the world a worse or better place, for his own selfish reasons he is neutral, if a character makes the world worse out of spite then they are evil.
do you understand this? jews are neutral and you are evil, you are literally a fucking cartoon villain and not even the fun type.
Nigger we're on the fucking internet. I don't have to show you shit, it's a collection of pixels.
You really think you are smart, huh. That's kinda sad. Also, I would have been calling you out, even if I was the only one. Unlike you, I have actual believes that I stand by, I don't cater to the crowd around me.
He's probably projecting massively now. Kind of strange to think you're mindbreaking an user just because you aren't telling him sauce.
They really are pathetic, these normalfags.
I wouldn't call them evil, just extremely selfish individuals who are possibly on the autism spectrum due to a lack of empathy or understanding of how their actions impact others.
I think it's a saving grace that they are here withholding animoo porn and circlejerking about how they've "mindbroken" me on the interwebs instead of having some position of importance where their selfishness could do real damage and lasting harm.
Just waiting for the next post to be a paragraph or two of him doing psychoanalysis on why he should be spoonfed.
Speak of the devil
Wouldn't you know it, user? We are evil because we don't spoonfeed. May Satan's hand guide my crop.
Yeah, we understand how not spoonfeeding 391430 deeply impacts his frail psyche. We must be real monsters!
Destroying the human race as we know it!
Usher in a new age, of little girls!
whatever avoids some self reflection and self awareness.
Hmm? No in-depth, pretentious armchair psychoanalysis this time? Did we really break you?
Stop using my image newfag.
what, and talk to a wall? you know why you do things. I was explaining to everyone else why you do things.
It would seem that way to a pleb. I seem to have struck a nerve, you're still here talking about how bad my psychoanalyis is in a dead thread instead of moving onto more chink comics.
I just check back when I see a new reply. And, You haven't struck a nerve,I've been posting this whole thread.
It's my image now, homo. How does it feel, this ntr?
Kill yourself newfag shitstain. You're just proving everyone who shits on /a/ right.
Really? How? By not spoonfeeding? Oh no, what ever shall I do, I'll be crucified on /a/ for that!
It's acceptabe if you can't reverse search it and it's some obscure shit.
fucking cancer
Don't you dare someone else cancer.
what the fuck even is this thread
Good job.
Tremendous fun is what it is.
Why don't you go back to your dead board to improve "quality"?
And suddenly, the veil comes of. /a/ is "my" board and not yours. Your false concern of earlier still stands, however, as a reminder of your shamelessness.
I though crossboarders were considered cancer on /a/. Especially those going to Holla Forums.
8/a/ was never my board and I stopped going to 4/a/ circa 2012. Now kill yourself.
It's fine as long as you don't make it obvious that you browse Holla Forums, dumbass.
After you.
Considering how dead it is, I suspect 99% shit up Holla Forums and pretend to be elite /a/ only faggots who necrobump month old threads there.
It's not that dead, but you keep saying it. Do you think it hurts my feelings or something?
One thing I really appreciate about /a/ is that they always manage to trigger the newfags who can't find source on their own and don't even bother to try in the first place.
Keep doing what you do /a/ for you are definitely in the right.
Consider me triggerd.
Life is good.
What? You solve problems yourself? How fucking privileged are you, shitlord? Check your privilege, non-retarded cis het.