Efficient energy

The future of solar power seems bright, but the current reality still leaves much to be desired.

The only other effient means of energy production I know about was discovered by Jean Pain, who used a heat exchanger to keep a large compost heap at a constant temperature suited to methane production. From this system he got hot water and enough methane to run his house and truck.

What other lesser-known technologies exist to decrease the dependance on oil?

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Tell that to the Chiliens. sciencealert.com/chile-is-producing-so-much-solar-power-that-it-s-giving-it-away-for-free

1) build NPP
2) build hydrogen gas factories
3) cars burn H2 instead of oil


Also 100% compatible with battery cars since the question here is the abundance of electrical energy rather than its cost.

Oh, great, I'll go about installing those solar panels right after I'm done shovelling the ton of snow covering my driveway.

where is the fucking reggaetton guy when you need it

Quite the invention by Jean Pain have any more info on it?

non-ironic solar cocksuckers would tell you that with battery power you could melt your solar panels clear of snow. something something "high cost of installation" something something

solar power is unweildy and autistic compared to gasoline

Aerodynamics alone would dramatically reduce the fuel used in passenger cars and the industry already knows it.

put white cucks on treadmills hooked up to generators in front of telephones connected to donation lines for "starving african children"

whatcha doing there

It's just some faggot who thinks every thread is a viable target for one-liners. Filter and move on.

Nice source you got there.

Germany now gets 90% of it's energy from solar and wind. bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-05-16/germany-just-got-almost-all-of-its-power-from-renewable-energy


Future of solar power is shit, because hardly any panel surpasses the cost of its manufacture without tax brakes involved. You don't manufacture solar panels from industrial leftovers, you have to manufacture them from very pure semiconductors which are made of transition metals (general rule is, the rarer the better so far). Also these solar panels, assuming they never break down, will have weathering efficiency effect. After 20 years average quality solar panel is as 80% as efficient as it was during its manufacture if I recall correctly. Sun doesn't always shine and wind doesn't always blow. Future is entirely nuclear or based on shitty gimmicks like alcohol cars but nuclear cities. It all depends on government regulations, but in terms of pure power efficiency you want to go nuclear with thorium/uranium.

Your own source doesn't support you.


I don't think that chart means what you think it means.

Last year Denmark’s wind farms supplied 140 percent of demand.


Seems clear to me. You claim solar and wind to be 90% of Germany's electricity, when that figure is only achievable at peak hours for solar. Both of those methods of energy production are unreliable due to weather.

Solar Updraft Towers. Requires no water, no exotic computer systems or expensive photovoltaics, environmentally innocuous, about $750 million each, lasts for 200 years.

Denmark is a nation of 6 mln people with no serious industry. They are also coastal, where hot and cold currents from the seas generate pressure changes, enabling them to harvest the wind more efficiently than any randomly chosen place. With small nations like that you can generate wind power to supply your demand. This won't work with countries with serious industrial economies like Russia, China, USA. How many wind power plants would you need to support all the steel manufacturing in any of major countries? How about car manufacturing? How about entire industry in your country? What happens when those wind mills stop running, does your country just go dark until they spin again? Most of green power has a serious flaw in its core and it's that sun doesn't always shine, wind doesn't always blow and making billions of batteries to store the energy is just not efficient or even viable.

I wonder what the baseline power supply consists of.

energy can be stored by pumping water uphill, then letting it flow downhill. You can also store residual heat in glauber's salt stores underground.

See? Scientists have been thinking about this for quite some time and have come up with some pretty easy solutions.

Radiant energy, zero point energy and magnetic generators. Check out the works of Tesla, Moray and Bedini.

China seems to think solar power has a future. technologyreview.com/s/601093/china-is-on-an-epic-solar-power-binge/

Doesn't Holla Forums usually shill for Big Oil? WTF

wtf I hate clean energy now

listening to castizos blasting the same shitty reggaeton

These vacuum tubes can keep water at a high temperature in lots of weather conditions.

It's about moving past caveman/industrial era technologies where we burn shit for energy. It's time use fucking semiconductors and crystals like proper neo-Atlanteans.

I expected more Exxon and BP shills here. Good to see people putting up seemingly good suggestions and arguments.
I like the idea of solar panels in space. Not affected by weather, collects more of the sun's energy, but that's an idea for the far future.
Sage for not knowing shit about energy.

China also has no care for their environment so they can dump all the silicon tetrachloride, an extremely hazardous and volatile substance, and sulfur hexaflouride as they please. You're exactly like one those queers that think the prius is great for the environment simply because it has good gas mileage. But low and behold if you actually take a deeper look it's fucking worse simply because of what it takes to manufacture. Solar does have a future and it's great for supplemental power but trying to create a base load using PV would fuck over the environment for any developed nation no matter what environmental regulations. Not to mention that solar is seasonal as well.

got a source for that? I would love to have that info to troll greens with.

In Spain the goverment penalizes people for producing solar electricity. I dont know where you think you are.

I attempted to use yeast to generate co2 then with that make dry ice to use for refridgeration and ac but i wasnt able to. Solar panels work great for generating free energy. Ill have to check out this compost generating methane idea. Also look into hydrogen fuel cells. Currently have a small torch working that runs off hydrogen. The fuel cell is powered by the solar panels too

Nuclear power is the best power. It is a big water boiler, releases no Co2 and the waste can be managed by dumping it into the mountains so that it gets assimilated back into the rock.


France, Ottowa, and others have been majority nuclear for decades. With Gen IV nuclear we have sufficient quality heat to produce chemical fuels from H2O and CO2. Hydrocarbons from the ground are far more useful as chemical feedstocks than they are for BURNING IN A FUCKING FURNACE YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNTS.

FFS. T. nuclear engineer

I support nuclear but I prefer thorium reactors.


can't embed because someones already posted it

Go buy a Chevy Spark, faggot.

B-but muh chernobyl much fuckashema

I once had a person claiming to be a nuclear engineer sperg out at me with extreme levels of autism that the thorium fuel cycle is "uranium for hypetards" and that it is "uranium with unnecessary extra steps". When pushed on the subject of which isotopes a uranium reactor vs a thorium reactor produces I got a garbled response about both types of reactors producing similar levels (failing to mention of what though). Could really need some help clearing up the difference between thorium and uranium because I know that U235 is used to fire up a thorium salt reaction.

I dobt like the idea of having one power source for everyone. I want to generate my own power on my own land

I wish trump would push hard to end the US dependence on Foreign oil.

I don't care if we have to build 200 nuclear power plants, we need to stop giving the Arabs oil.

This. Centralized energy is fine for industry and commercial purposes but I don't want to be dependent on whatever cuck government comes into power to deliver my electricity without fleecing me. Self-sufficiency is an ideal to strive for.


Who will be the first to commercially implement this?

What if we made the wall a giant solar updraft tower?

I propose that thorium nuclear should be used for a majority of a nations power so that fossil fuels can be exported/used for vehicles and basically drastically drop the price of oil which would kill the arab countries nations.


I had read an article where they use septic systems to produce methane too cook with. I believe they also threw food scraps in there and had a certain enzyme they used.

to cook with/ typo

Nuclear is great, what are your opinions on solar thermal plants? They seem to have a lot of potential.

This is what is needed…..simple brilliant ideas like this. Instead, we get a thread of brainwashed shills for entrenched industries.

Nuclear power is the answer you morons.


That's fine, and you can do that, but not everybody else can, which is where nuclear comes in.

Like the industry of shitty engineers collecting government money for "green energy" solutions?

There's a reason why some industries are "entrenched"; they work.

That solar updraft thing is crazy. 1000m tower? for 100MW?


What do you think about Thorium?

Thorium is a forced meme for some guy to make bank shilling his thorium remix videos.

solar thermal plants seem better just on land usage alone.

Most entrenches industries are that way because they are the most cost efficient.


Jews always out themselves. Massive political donations for Government handouts have nothing to do with it, right Goldberg? It must be efficiency.



well how many solar panels would it take to keep a family-sized house with 4 desktop computers and a game console or two powered on all day?

and for much of the night, actually

Thorium requires exotic materials that right now simply can't stand the intense heat required for a viable plant. You would be changing out materials constantly, driving up prices up and making it fincially not worthwhile.

Thorium proponents don't talk about that, saying that in the future materials will be developed. They just don't talk about the fact that metal science is pretty much as far as its going to get right now.

We already have free fusion power courtesy of god. 2 billion years worth and he doesn't charge for access.

It's not untrue, you just need enough battery capacity to last you until it stops snowing and is sunny out again.
Solar panels are actually significantly more efficient during the winter both because it's cold (they hate heat) and there's about 40% more light (instead of trees absorbing the sun it gets reflected off the snow then back off any clouds - this is the same reason it's easier to get a sunburn in the winter.)
Anyone who says "muh snow" to speak against solar is a moron. Also:

I want to see you go scrape the snow off your roof every few hours so your panels can experience a cloudy 4-6 hours of sunlight for the better portion of winter. Solar is nice, but it needs backup, redundancies are the key to hardening systems.

You would probably need at least 210 square feet of panels and a big battery bank and inverter (4000 watts would probably be good). Or multiple inverters. I would need a pen or something to figure that out for sure but it wouldn't take up that much space. Could probably fit on one side of the roof. Building a smaller setup for a trailer i spent like $1500. If i added enough solar panels for this it would cost me another $1800.

I'm in Maine, you cunt. You don't need to melt 2ft of snow after a blizzard like the one coming Monday, you just need to wait for it end and have the panels tilted at an angle + raised up off the ground enough that the snow falls off when the bottom layer melts. Solar heaters to melt the snow off take less energy than the output of the panel for about 5 minutes worth of sunlight - that is easily stored along with a few days worth of power for storms.

Geothermal energy might be alright, and from the hot water you could perhaps generate energy from that, otherwise it's great for heating/cooling your home. Another option, if you have lots of burnable materials or coal, you can give gasification a shot.

In that case we would likely have to resort to refractory, or some other type of stone with a high melting point.

i'll skip this one


Get with the 19th century fellas…
Flywheels are where it's at.

2nd piece of supporting evidence that solar/wind are a complete waste of time.

Metallurgy might be, but what about other fields of material science? What about undiscovered coolants or cooling methods, or perhaps even ways to contain the reaction. Plasma rockets were impossible due to material limitations until we figured out how to use electromagnetism to contain and funnel it, now we have a VASMIR due for testing soon iirc.

Google electricity has been run for years by external green power cubes… can't find anything on this subject right now. look into it. pic almost related

Like they have free energy and we don't. like mcdonalds recipes…


Solar PV technology is still in it's infancy, the amount of money you'll spend on a setup outweighs the amount of money you'll save on your electric bill. I suppose you could run some things such as your water heater off of a solar array or some LED lighting. Wind turbines is also another viable but costly alternative. The problem isn't in trying to get everyone on green energy, it's creating appliances and electronics that consume less power from the grid.

Green energy eventually will be efficient enough to power homes and businesses but you're going to need a lot more than wind turbines and solar panels to keep the factories running.



yeah and that can be arranged, at some point green energy will be cheaper than oil and coal, and this is not actually that far into the future

What they're trying to do in that video is make a perpetual motion machine which in theory is impossible unless there is a law of physics that does not adhere to the first or second law of thermodynamics. Seems that flywheel they made in the video is just one large alternator that still needs an input source in order to start up.

that is why you need storage which is actually becoming cheaper and cheaper
the future is solar with some nuclear thrown in there

It will need to be sufficient enough to meet the demands of let's say an automobile plant or a foundry.

Batteries have come a long friggen way and it's impressive of how much juice a lithium ion battery can hold for lets say a drill but take that same battery and hook it up to a vacuum and it will suck it dry in a short while.

not yet, but it will be and the material in the batteries is pretty much 100% recyclable (well nothing is 100% but close to that )

yeah, that just means a lot of solar power, but when it becomes cheaper than conventional power it will happen just because of economics

that doesn't really make sense because of numerous reasons

1. solar panels in space will be very expensive compared to panels on earth, even if launching mass to space becomes a lot cheaper

2. you have to get the energy down to earth, which means first converting it to some kind of electromagnetic waves, then transmitting, then converting it back to electrons back on earth

all of these steps will have very significant energy losses, so to justify the cost on a panel on orbit vs a panel on the ground would mean it would have to be extremely more efficient than on the ground which I think they simply arent (too lazy to do the math)

solar power is not free energy, the panels have a lifetime and their manufacturing takes up energy

the fuck?

isn't he doing this somewhat?

thermal tower


so its not even close

lets say a photovoltaic panels effiency is 10% (which is lowballing it quite a bit) versus a thermal towers 0,5%

so pv is extracting at least 50 times more energy per square meter than thermal towers

There should be a polycarbonate protective enclosure on that. You can't blame kids for having fun when they pop those vacuum tubes.

they have outside power cubes that give them basically free energy… saw that like maybe 3-4 years ago

got it…

gonna make some research now… not sure what those are exactly.

Hastelloy-N, used in the MSRE.

Nitinol engines are free energy in place with constant winters (((jewtartica)))

Well that does us real good in places such as Texas now doesn't it?

power lines from the centrals… not familiar with hydropower are you?

you dont really need constant winters exactly either… you just need a constant temperature outside that is lower than the room the motors would be in…. so that broadens it a bit peace

Nigger, go build some free energy machines and let us know how it goes.

A car is a tool and can be designed around aerodynamics just as well as aircraft. It's not a fashion item, you absolute homosexual.

it goes dead because opec.


Except you lose about half of it due to efficiency.
Always remember anytime you change energy from one form for to another you lose.
The only 100% energy change is from electricity to heat which is the worst use of electricity.
Even a manual transmission on a car/truck in 4th gear (which is straight through the box no gear reduction or overdrive) is not 100% efficient.

Solar heaters to melt the snow off take
energy than the output of the panel for about 5 minutes worth of sunlight - that is easily stored along with a few days worth of power for storms.

So what is it, like a Stirling engine? That's still not free energy.

Why no one is talking about ITER/TOKAMAK?

Dear world, solar power is a scam.

t. Germany

p.s. anyone want free electricity? please take it. seriously. actually you know what? we'll pay you to take it. pls take the electricity pls

there is military research into nitinol from the 70s… dont feel like searching for it right now… must be declassified by now… not sure.
It is like a kind of stirling engine yes but it is also almost infinite in its application. our imagination is the limit.


Put a sterling engine on one of those with the cold plate touching the ground, maybe with some attached rods to transmit the heat into the ground.

A company did something similar. Stirling enegy systems made a suntracking mirror combined with a stirling engine. But it has gone bankrupt a few years ago.

so you have too much
how does this make it a scam? are you retarded?

if you live less than two miles from job and dont ride a bike your a lazy pile of shit




These ones last longer. Also the source of the energy is the sun. And anyway I would pay more to have a better source that doesnt polute. I look forward to finding something better but it does work.


I think solar power is great and the future, but it is misleading to say its "free"

because that shit won't end well it should be done off planet

So if i pay for a flywheel and have to maintain it it's no longer generating free energy?

To expand on this a bit, the car in the pic related is a project called the Aerocivic. It was modified by some guy who didn't have much in the way of formal training and there are no internal mechanical modifications to the car. It's a standard 2-door Honda Civic with some low-power 4-cylinder from the early or mid-90s.

He pulled the drag coefficient of the car down to .17 and gets like 90mpg. No stop/start. No hybrid engine with a battery pack. The Ford Probe concept here had a drag coefficient of .137.

Pahjeet's so fucking retarded this video is unbearable

shitskin goes to germany and uses government shekels to get experience at a (((green power))) company and he can't even justify leeching off germany to study.

Passive-solar systems like Earth Ships. If you don't have to heat your home with oil you don't need oil then, now do you?

I think I actually know how to make one of those work. It's simply missing one primary component that hadn't been figured out yet at the time to make it work, and a modification to the control mechanisms to make it actually usable. This was an experimental device intended to prove a theory, not the device that does something.

Solar septic tanks wouldn't smell very good next to your house

Earthships are a mistake.

Are they tires? I thought they were tires, then I thought that can't be right, they must be stones.


Read up on earthship stuff, they stuff old tires with dirt and put them in walls, and cover with a thin layer of mud.

If anyone took chemical samples on an Earthship atmosphere, the air levels of petrochemicals would be far over industrial maximums. But even inspectors can't imagine hippies would be dumb enough to put stuff with undeclared chemical constituents in their houses with no chemical insulation.

not really, nothing is really free
you could say low or neglible cost

Yes please, mercuric plasma spun in a toroidal shape easily hits relativistic speeds due to vortex speed multiplication (vortex spinning within a larger vortex = very fast) and = no gravity in a field around the engine.

Plus, it becomes a superconducting superfluid and that by itself will give you shit tons of power.

But Scalar Waves are the real shit. That's the way of capturing his "radiant energy". Dimensionless waves which literally collect neutrons to generate over-unity energy. However our brains generate them so probably gonna take eons to figure out how to generate them safely with shielding (no Faraday cage 4 u) without interfering with people.

Missing component is the proper amalgam I'm guessing? Ferrofluid + superconductor at non-frozen temperatures is hard to get last I read. Apparently according to Vimana documents you can create something similar just by spinning a rotating cylinder of mercury on a larger rotor?

Also heard interestingly enough that they had the problem of their mercury repeatedly turning to gold in the torus during early experiments.

What a horrible problem.
"Hans, it's your turn to chip the gold nuggets out of the mercury torus"

Personally, I wouldn't have used tires. Pour some concrete, stucco it up and relax on that bit, passive solar still works without the tires.

I really want to tell you user, but totally not saying anything about how to use a completely alternative superconductor then some shill might figure it out, and kikes could wind up with ancient aryan MY doomsday device! This device could lead us to the stars, or it could sink cities into the depths of hell.
I also want to be nowhere fucking close to wherever the testing is done, even when I conduct my own experiments someday.

I just did a tinge of research on it. Nitinol is an alloy of nickel and titanium that acts as a memory metal (the kind of shit they use to make braces) so when a temperature differential is applied it will return to the shape it was in prior to any bending. the idea seems to be using the force from that unbending to generate power.

Interesting, but I don't see it being particularly efficient.

Put it in the freezer.

Well mercury and a shit-ton of electricity does make gold. Check out the jewtube videos of nuke scientists doing it.

Hydrogen is a dead end. You would need to build over one hundred thousand hydrogen stations all over the country to replace gas stations. And big hydrogen depots to supply the stations. There is also the hazard of shipping and storing flammable gas at dangerously high pressure. Building an entirely new energy infrastructure would be very expensive and take take decades. Especially with big oil fighting you every step of the way.

Instead, just use the infrastructure we already have today. Electricity for electric cars. Just plug them into your garage. Simple.

looks like people are tiring of nuclear threads, how else can we waste time? In your case, why don't you go build a giant compost pile every week regardless of weather, and have fun finding materials. This shit is fine if you have a farm, but can't be used by most people even if they were willing

for what purpose?

but that's bullshit, the eco-commies consider not paying for carbon offsets, or whatever additional taxes they want, a 'subsidy.' It's not an actual subsidy in the form of the government paying them.


Oak Ridge only lost out on the contract design because it was too (((complicated))) for submarines.

I dont think youd want to store it as a gas. Just leave it as water and clean the gasoline out of the tanks

This. They also include as "a subsidy" being able to deduct any of the normal costs of doing business that any other type of company would deduct. Basically, they count the fact that oil companies are taxed on profits as opposed to revenues – i.e. being treated the same as any other company – as a "subsidy".

Fuck those eco liars. They are probably getting tips on from the lugenpresse on how to shill while appearing virtuous.

Thorium is a fertile nuclear fuel, it extends our nuclear fuel resources in the same way that uranium-238 does.

Both of these fertile isotopes can be used in solid fuel or fluid fueled nuclear reactors. The solid fueled water reactors currently in use for civilian purposes include pressurized water reactors, boiling water reactors, and heavy water reactors.

Fluid fueled reactors, such as molten salt and liquid metal reactors, can improve on these designs somewhat. Lower pressure and improved thermal transfer characteristics of the core can result in higher efficiency and less expensive plants. There are design issues associated with these concepts however, don't fool yourself into thinking that LWRs are bad technology.

I am currently on my second startup in the nuclear space and want to usher in an age of nuclear powered christian space fascism.

Yes, we will get waifus

No, she will likely not be half snake, sorry.

What? That makes no sense.

hydrogen is terrible for transport.

the most reasonable chemically produced fuel is likely dimethyl ether.





problems waiting to be solved, batteries or flywheels are one way to smooth out the stochastic power generation of renewables

tis but a fuel cell

it consumes fuel at efficiencies similar to existing gas turbines. The power density is lower and the cost per watt is higher. The lifetime is worse too.

The difference is simple

Both Th-232 and U-238 are ubiquitous fertile nuclear fuels.

Thorium can isobreed with a thermal neutron spectrum and continuous fission product removal.

Thorium when used in a more typical burner reactor still results in much less of the large and long lived transuranic elements, such as plutonium, americium, and curium.

Thorium as an oxide is more difficult to make fuel pellets from, but it is doable.

Existing regulatory environments make the risks associated with innovating nuclear fuels too high. If we were to innovate a new set of regulations it would be far more impactful than using thorium instead of uranium.


do you have a point?
the change is already underway, renewables will become widespread not because of pollution or anything like that, but purely because economics

what if instead of panels I want my own miniature solar chimney like


these goiz are woke af on electricity

The electrical grid is really powered from the sky, by masts and tall buildings.

The first electric lights in the UK were introduced in Blackpool. Notice the giant tower? The really big displays didn't happen until after that was constructed.

Yes we harnessed druid sky magic of olde for Scotland's holiday camp and decided to stop there.

The economics of Jewing you out of shekels, yes. Another example the majority of wind farms are actually just frauds building windmills where ever for that sweet, sweet fed money. They don't even have to confirm that it'll even generate any significant power to even be worth it.

And all that "problems waiting to be solved" shit is just a hammer looking for a nail tier logic, the excess electricity generated is the problem because all of it becomes heat since those batteries you're masturbating to will be full and the energy has nowhere to go and as a result becomes heat so you either keep the solar farms running and damage them from overheating or turn them off which is exactly what real world solar farms do. Good batteries that would actually make storing that much electricity for long periods of time worth it is also fucking expensive and you'd need a lot of those types of giant batteries everywhere requiring a huge infrastructure overhaul of the entire electric grid. Finally solar panels are only economically sound on the smallest level possible, done by individuals for their sole benefit at their own discretion, and not giant solar farms organized by governments or corporations.

You keep handwaving, economics shows the opposite. Why does the government have to pay at every step of the chain to get them produced, and why have they not solved any of those problems in
is a bullshit non-answer

This is exactly the same thing I've seen in my area with windfarms, and they couldn't do it if they weren't mutually jerking each other off with the local government as well. The exact same thing happened with ethanol 15 years ago or so, time doesn't change math or fundamental problems with a flawed system.


the scale wouldn't probably be feasible

yes infrastructure overhauls are expensive, but there are already examples of peaker stations being replaced by batteries


the batteries won't be full if you design the system so you use the energy accumulated at night

there were other problems other than the somewhat random nature of power generation of renewables?

also I don't think wind is really feasible at this point, but solar is starting to become feasible


you didn't watch the video he linked did you.
A quick rule is 'can this make money without government involvement?' If not, then it's not feasible yet. If it's getting close, private investors will jump all over it.

he could outline it before just dumping some videos, I'm not going to watch everything people link here
but that does look interesting

you did it too though

well I said it has to do with price of renewables and batteries, and them getting cheaper to the point of being preferrable to conventional ways to produce power

how good would it be to live in a world where the mean iq is 130 and everyone uses nuclear as they should

science larpers are the worst

Only place I'll accept nuclear is from space.
Rev up them microwave lasers user.

I did that video but im not trying to namefag. I can't stand people spreading bullshit on my board. Science means something and people should not just post bad information. Its the most insulting thing you can do on a message board.

Natural gas is less expensive than flywheels or batteries. Thus, a vote for increased renewable energy means you are paying taxes to subsidize a net negative impact source, as you now burn more natural gas as spinning reserve which supports a larger amount of variable generation you have manipulated onto the grid through tax rebates and free (((loans))).


Just do it DOO IT

for now, but there are places (like an remote hawaian island) where solar + batteries was cheaper, so they did that instead
solar and batteries also keep getting cheaper and cheaper, they are still very immature technologies

I specifically said the energy generated is free not the manufacturing cost. Is free energy a trigger word for you? So many shitty attitudes in itt.

Yeah, and likewise I have solar and batteries to run a water well in the country. That doesn't mean it's remotely comparable. Saying better batteries will make it competitive is meaningless, I can equally say more mature coal tech is the future. Problems waiting to be solved

so many shitty thinkers itt tbh fam. Solar power isn't free. Everything has costs, maintenance, and opportunity costs.

Right but the point is you dont pay for the sun some people cant seem to wrap their head around that.

Tesla's worldwide wireless energy transmission (see Wardenclyffe Tower) makes solar a whole lot more feasible, even in its current state. Daily and even seasonal collector issues related to the sun periodically not being visible become irrelevant once you can transmit captured energy to the other side of the planet.

Then there's also Power Japan Plus' Ryden batteries (embed related), which changes the game significantly.

You should be ashamed.

No shit, but nothing else about it is free. The sun is free to grow cattle pasture as well, but no one will say cattle are free.

I've been building 2 cubic meter compost piles by hand for probably 15 years. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about. If you want to keep it hot, it has to be huge, or turned constantly. I'm only ashamed that I have to share this board with morons like you.

Shilling falls under sewage, not composting.

make an argument any time, you still didn't address that you know shit about compost

What is the deal with normalfags and Akon apparently giving solar energy to niggers in nigger Africa? What are they not hearing?

Absolutely not. All you need to do is synthesize a chain of carbon atoms and saturate that with your hydrogen. The resulting product would have a very high energy density, very transportable even at atmospheric pressures, and can be stable indefinitely (potentially millions of years) if stored appropriately.

Road tar in Aus is perfect to harvest the heat for power to store them in the home emergency batteries, however, I do not know if the whole roads in Australia can power the half or lower of the population. Australia is incredibly depend on the road transportation as it is their backbone of the economy so perhaps if they put the solar over the road as the roof or develop a durable solar road?

its not, there has been a steady decrease in battery and solar costs
can the same be said for coal?

and what i should have said is probably that the problems are not insurmountable, but solvable, even with current technology

the video was mainly whining about net solar metering damaging the grid if the utilities don't adjust, but that is just a shit argument

a very easy way to solve that is just batteries for load maintanence, which will benefit them in other ways as well, not just taking the edge off residential solar
batteries are becoming competitive with gas peaker stations, and I can imagine disregarding just the cost, the load adjustments can be made much more quickly, they are simpler, they can be used to store energy not just produce it, they don't require fuel, they don't pollute (disregarding the manufacturing)

sterling engines get less efficient the bigger you make them, or so I heard.

but yeah, you could still put billions of them instead of a giant one.

I see them as an source of extra energy rather than a source of energy (as in, use them to improve efficiency on stuff, but don't make stuff just to put them there).

For instance, nuclear plants have that water cooling tower, why no one is taking advantage of that heat that needs to be released and put sterling engines to take advantage of that?

Industrial hemp based economy for providing resources to literally any petroleum feedstock industry.

Bio-diesel from seed oik, bio-ethanol from cellulose, natural gas through fermentation of the plant material, pellets for burning

And nuclear,

That's all you need but would require a shitload of investment in setting up infrastructure etc, but a industrial hemp based economy is what ive been writing about.

ctrl+f Geothermal energy
one match

I think people should look into it more, the only downside i know of is that it isn't profitable for businesses.

A method to excite specific chemicals via radio to produce electricity.


Experiment replicated here
(video part 2 is duplicate of part 1 with slightly better quality/ commentary)

Can I get some insight from some hams / radio chemists / autists on this one?

Imagine the Jews you could oven in that thing.

Solar Powered Ovens

While on this subject are there any means of limiting the thermodynamic diffusion of energy as heat/electromagnetic waves so that energy can be kept in one location indefinitely? I know superconductors pretty much don't lose energy in transmitting it through wires.

I ask looking at the long term on a cosmic scale, where the radiation of heat would leave all bodies essentially dead.

I imagine some kind of implosion could theoretically draw in energy and convert it to mass, though we lack to means to do the inverse of mass energy conversion now. It will remain that way for some time since modern physics is more concerned with how "we're a computer simulation", or how a thousand multiverses are raping your asshole. I already see enough hidden figures when I'm looking over my shoulder, clutching wallet; I don't need anymore in my NASA.

Needless to say there are more immediate problems, and with Winter-Chan showing that we need less energy in the atmosphere to send some of them back to "Syria".

Maximum retardation!
Seriously fossil fuels are the new technology!
This is why you fail the debate and no one takes you environmentalists seriously

Lets put aside the fact that this line of thinking is idiotic.
I don't give a shit what technology is newer, the question is what works.
Lets see some facts.
Literally cavemen burning wood is biomass!
This is somehow new?

Did you ever see windmills in history books?
They are literally medieval technology!

Did you see water wheals in history books?
They are literally medieval technology!

Solar might look new however what is biomass if not letting the sun shine on the plants before you cut them down and burn them?
Also all oil and coal is dead plants that accumulated over the millennia.

I bet oil needs a new re-branding like cutting the forest down and burning it for energy got with biomass.

You fail thermodynamics so hard.
The best place for you bozos is to start watching some peak oil they are bullshit(do to nuclear and exaggerating "its totally happening now you gays!") however they explain a lot of the basics.

You literally can not run the world on this.
There is a maximal amount of energy you have in the food you eat.
This energy is from the sun, your body does not take all of it there is some of it left in the shit you make.
Now think of it like having a $100 you take -$80 so there is $20 left in the shit. All you can get from it is max $20.
Did you ever try to push your car on the road?
Do it until you can no longer.
This is the amount of energy in oil.

This was your $80 of energy from your food.
And you want to run your car on the $20 that was left inside the shit you took or the scraps of food you left?
How precisely can you get the $100000 that is in one tank of oil you have from the $100 in the food? Even if you burn the food directly its only $100 and you want to replace oil with this?

Back in the old times we used to run the world on animal and human labor that was based in energy from food.

One tank of oil is worth hundreds of personal slaves, requiring plantations to feed.

You will get a net energy loss from the shit tank that will break and stink up the region. Also in Africa people burn cow shit, health hazard and tiny energy source however its energy only pathetic energy.



Even people who don't believe in climate change understand that there is a finite amount of fossil fuels and that we need to figure out renewable energy.

Accumulators (anglos are to retarded to know the difference between accumulator and battery) (a battery once used becomes trash a accumulator can be recharged) like in your phone or laptop will degrade over time.

People who post about
Are retarded and don't own any modern electronics.
From experience everyone can see how fast accumulators degrade over time.

It will be cool for 2~3 years however after this you need to replace these fuckers fast!
And building a accumulator costs more energy not money energy then this solar shit ever made.

You are losing energy on this and the only reason you think its good is that you have propaganda 24/7 telling you how green energy is the future and massive subsidy scams for green energy so financially it looks great, however you can not cheat the laws of physics with tax cuts and creative accounting.

you mean is there a way to reduce entropy globally? not according to current physics theories, no

how is storing energy cheating the laws of physics? gasoline is basically stored solar energy
batteries (yes batteries, the term has nothing to do with the fact of being rechargable or not) is just a different way to store this, the energy is just stored in a different way chemically


yep, this was news to you?

do you see the issue here?

everything outside of nuclear fission and fusion is powered by the sun
I was not calling oil "solar power", just pointing out the false dichotomy with gasoline versus batteries, as the posters argument basically boiled down to energy storage being physically impossible or something

oil just magically appears underground or what?

well actually the sun is also powered by fusion

and fissionable materials on earth are the result of fusion happening on other stars and then supernovaeing

He's right: if dinosaur fossilization extends to them existing because of solar energy radiating on our planet when they weren't extinct and being burned in our cars, then it's the result of solar radiation.

Did I write this? Reading comprehension.
Accumulators start to degrade over time so you need to make a new one to replace your old.

Got this?
Are we on the same page.

Now here is the question, what amount of energy do you need to build a new accumulator to replace your old?

oil is actually mostly made of plankton and algae in the sea, not dinosaurs


algae photosynthesize, (ie turn solar radiation into sugars from water and carbon dioxide), and when pressurized and heated, this turns into crude oil

so the chain is not actually even that long, just takes a long time

das racis

petroleum =/= gasoline

You're jump cutting the process from oil to gasoline which is, if understandably unintentional, is still slightly intellectually dishonest. Otherwise, we'd be pumping pure refined gasoline straight out of the ground, bypassing the need for energy consuming, chain-breaking distillation.

depends, but if we want to utilize renewables energy storage is pretty much a must

of course manufacturing the energy collectors (whatever they may be) and storage takes energy, but batteries can be recycled almost 100%

mining for fossil fuels also takes (a lot of) energy, refining them etc. so whining about the manufacturing without taking this into account is misleading
fossil fuels are also subsidized massively, and they have hidden costs (people getting sick and dying from pollution for example)

you are trying to say the payback for solar + batteries is actually negative?
for some renewables this might be the case sure, but I don't think it is for all, especially if the lifetimes are extended

How much of an idiot does one have to be to believe our current electric grid is build for the amount of electricity needed to load cars and trucks? Hint, it's not.

you could burn the crude oil itself as well, but yes you have to refine it
I just didn't think it really mattered to the point I was making


No technology available to store the amount of energy needed. Just build batteries. The green propaganda is strong with this one



No, I knew what you were saying and I'm sorry if I came off nit-picky. I just thought it was important. You make good points and I am enjoying your perspective.

That depends. The electrical grid is made up of three. East, West and Texas. East and West transmission lines are interconnected. Texas is self-sufficient and has access to biofuel, nuclear, natural gas, oil, and coal. Their transmission system can handle that load and, in fact, could charge consumers to tap into the grid should they choose to co-generate power back into the system, thus lowering the prices of kWh that utilities charge.

East and West grid, however, have privatized transmission lines who's systems are only upgraded when those companies deem it necessary as a form of price control. If you remember Enron, their biggest scam was having an electrical grid that COULD support large amounts of voltage, but they would institute rolling black and brown outs to keep the cost high, pocket the money from the outage and continue business as usual.

you could also put your faith in Yahshua Messiah and he'll take care of your energy needs. Just like he feeds the fucking birds and shit….

Full stop!
This is not the question.
We are talking about energy, it costs energy to recycle/build/whatever accumulators.

How can I put this for you.
Think about it like money(yet its not money) if the entire lifetime of a operation(solar panel+accumulator+other) costs $100 and you get $90 in total out of it you are having a net negative.

If it costs $100 and you get $101 out of it the profit is pathetic.

if it costs $100 and you get $999999 you have some great operation going on.

The fact that you even fail to understand the question would disqualify you from the conversation. The rest of your post demonstrates this perfectly.

the point was that crude oil is basically stored solar energy
if you refine crude oil to something else, its still stored solar energy

i know.
My point was its all pointless. Theres either a good end or a bad end.

Bad end is war next week. You don't need new tech for that.
Good end is Yahshua comes back and you won't need to bother with foossile fuels or any kind of fuel anymore

When he comes back because he will, (the last war would destroy the earth) you better have already put your faith in him.

Children can not into basic energy calculating.

I go once more with the example to demonstrate to them why they are wrong.

Lets say you have 1L of oil and it has 9999 of energy in it refining costs -999 so 9999-999=9000 its still a positive net gain.

If the total refining cost is 99999 you get a net negative 9999-89999=-80000.

The problem is no one ever taught them this and they are getting confused because the operation is not a instantaneous one step process.

This is why they post complete and utter bullshit.

Also getting real life data on this is extremely difficult companies hide these things under industrial secrets.

Fuck I fucked up.
Was supposed to write:

This is fake news, I remember an user actually explaining that Chile infrastructure is so bad that their power grid are not at all inter-connected, and their solar plants are connected to a ridiculously small grid like a few villages max, so they alrgely oversupply it without any possibility to sell the energy.
The experts concluded the cost needed to connect the grids will never be covered by the solar plant in a million year, so they decided not to do it and just cash out the sweet bucks from the green energy lobby for their advertisment.

you didn't read my post did you, that is exactly what I said, I'm just disagreeing with all renewables being net negative, which you seem to state

but this is clearly wrong for some renewables, like hydropower

plants which use energy intensive processes like polysilicon refinement are usually built next to hydropower for example because the power is so cheap, even though the location might be remote and thus the transportation costs will be higher

I got your point man, now you are just getting incoherent

your argument about all renewables being net negative from an amortized energy production standpoint just doesn't hold up

some renewables (or some implementations of immature technologies) are net negative like early windpower, sure

but not all

It's nice to know you took a basic econ course, but the hidden costs of gasoline are only going to increase as time goes on, namely having to engage in debt inducing occupation wars in order to secure oil supply by removing leaders who don't want to trade oil in USD. Since 2001 alone the majority of the debt we've taken on are because of these wars.

I see you don't understand my position.

1) I'm not saying all renewables(whatever the fuck that is, depending on definition) are net negative (medieval water wheels are net positive after all)

2) I see that your reasoning is confused, you jump from one subject to the next and ignore the actual point of the discussion.

3)I understand your writing perfectly, its only the fact that I also understand where you make a brain fart and a mistake in thinking.

If you write to a inquiry on the net energy balance something like

And a actual quote
The moment you realize how retarded this is you will stop posting.
I was talking about the ENERGY cost, you are using word games with your multiple definition of a word.
We are not talking about this! Your reasoning is confused!

I will referee you to

I'm talking about energy children.

you did bring up subsidies in your first post and the hidden costs off everything going into renewable energy production like manufacturing etc, so failing to mention the same things for oil is a bit misleading (as oil is massively subsidized as well for example, and the hidden costs in higher healthcare costs ties directly back to the amortized efficiency)

if you want to take into account the lifetime costs of each method, you can't just pick and choose to do it for one of them if you are pretending to depict an accurate picture

but even if we disregard the wars, pollution etc. of fossil fuels, then the cost gap is not really that large and is constantly shrinking as battery + solar tech is progressing

you still also haven't expounded on how exactly laws of physics are being broken (whatever you mean by this)

what if I were to order the cells separately, build the frames and wire them all together myself? Wouldn't that bring the cost down amazingly?

did I? (I can swear that I did not) Quote me on this.

How on earth can you subsidies ENERGY calculations!?!?!?!
I'm talking about ENERGY COSTS and only mentioning monetary costs.

This is getting pathetic.
You are mixing 3 definitions with 3 completely different meanings all the time, your ramblings are confused.

1) monetary cost
2) ENERGY COST!!!! (this is what I'm talking about!!!!!)
3) healthcare costs

The rest is complete confused babbling with jumping from one subject to the next.

yes, about half of the costs (at least in residential solar) currently are installing costs

how do you not understand that people getting sick and going to the doctor is not energy neutral? all of that costs energy as well

but even disregarding that (as I've said again and again), solar is getting competitive with fossil fuels
in some places it is cheaper than coal plants

Are you some woman?
You can not formulate a coherent sentence and are jumping from one concept to the next only because the English language has similar words next to one another can I even get you to acknowledge

Can you even acknowledge these concepts are different?

Also I'm waiting for the quote

This is a testament to histrionic nonsense and/or derailing the conversation.
Your thinking is massively confused.


photovoltaic solar average cost is 125.3 $/MWh versus 95.1,115.7 and 144.4 for coal

and just under this is something quite noteworthy

with this trajectory, it won't take long until pv solar is cheaper than coal (even the cheapest form)
adding batteries to the equation lengthens the timeline somewhat, but its not "against the laws or physics" or anything like that

what do you actually equate to energy costs? everything we do has an energy cost in the end

maintaining a hospital and all the processes that go into it are not energy neutral, thus if pollution makes people sick and thus raises the need of maintaining more hospitals (which use energy) then pollution is a hidden energy cost

Dude, check your privileges ASAP

Still waiting for

Translation you can not thing coherently or you give me my quote.

2) Can you acknowledge this?

Its like you lack the capability to hold a single line of thinking.
Address my points don't jump all over the place.


I quote myself:

ENERGY not money!


here is your comment about subsidies (again)

you are free to bring up the net energy costs of these technologies, but monetary costs are usually quite indicative of the energy efficiencies

also, could you give me a definition of your energy cost? where do you draw the lines

sorry for my low energy humor brother

One of the few places you can shill for big oil by accusing someone of being a woman.

Similar system with a rubber tube.

Congratulations! No really non ironically I congratulate you on staying on point and proving me wrong.
I admit I did use this word when I did not remember it correctly (actually after some posts I demanded the quote to see if you are even capable of quoting me to prove a point).


Now there are points you missed like this one

2) Can you acknowledge this?


Not if they are subsidized.
And they are in multiple ways.
This is why I say


I don't really work with definitions(see feminists wanking about the textbook definition of feminism) I use more concepts and simulations.

I think I have given you a description of what I'm talking about in my posts if you are asking for a unit lets go with Wh. However getting the actual data in the industrial sector is ultra hardcore hard and possibly illegal since a lot of this data is industrial secrets.

you could remove the effect of subsidies on the costs to get a more realistic cost, but you would have to do this for fossil fuels as well, which are subsidized even more than renewables

but even with that, there is a clear trend of solar pv getting cheaper


you can't seriously be suggesting that this is purely because subsidies
the technology itself is clearly getting better and thus cheaper

Thank you for acknowledging that subsidies distort the picture and monetary calculations are flawed.

If only you can acknowledge that

Can you acknowledge this?

Anyone who knows anything about money or economics knows that money is a piss poor measurement of anything really.

Speculation is another factor.

This is why I'm using ENERGY who does not depend on some speculators or other idiots behaving stupidly.

You want me to explain this ENERGY calculation once more?

well thats what we have, you could come up with some numbers if you like, but until then all I have is your conjectures, you haven't given any real numbers yet

I could try to google it, but I wasn't the one making the argument

also speculation usually results in prices going up (like in your example), not down, unless there is some kind of cartel or monopoly

pv panel effiency has also gone up during the years, so they have objectively become better as you can see from the picture

There's a project at my university trying to turn your regular water heater into a thermal battery similar to that system. Heat it up in excess during the day with solar power, and drain it off during the night.

welcome to thermodynamics 101
tomorrow how to stop being a faggot

The fuck am I reading?
Are you on medication or something?

For everyone else who gets it
If there is a bubble for green energy this means the prices are distorted like the other bubbles in history.

Everyone makes money if their sector is in a bubble.


And this translates to cheaper energy prices, one it collapses they go back up.
Basically uncle rich fuckbag gave them money so they got themselves more power-plants.

The stock prices not the energy prices.

Want me to post the energy calculation or explain it to you?

Post your mandate from shillcorp showing what wording they use for selective retardation.

yes, with data as well
both for the fossil fuel chain and pv chain
if you have it, why haven't you done it yet?

I might try to find something later because it is quite interesting

If kike mods go full shut it down you know where to go to have real free speech


check my dubs

This post is literally without sense.

Solar power is a cancer.


so you have nothing to back up your claims
well then

sun is basically a big nuclear explosion

by happenstance, I stumbled onto something relevant


this being the metastudy


which suggests that solar pv is actually starting to become more efficient than from an energy payback perspective

when I was talking about the "chain", I meant the manufacturing etc. all the steps necessary for producing the energy under the lifetime of the producing method, including decomission

nly one study incorporates eight [32], and another nine aspects [42] including detailed analyses of maintenance, transport, recycling/landfill transportation, and auxiliary services. The embodied energy cost in higher order manufacturing stages, I.E. the embodied energy in the machinery and input used to produce the materials that go into the solar module supply chain, are only covered in a minority of cases using LCA software [42], [43], [44] and [45]. Similarly, raw material transports between facilities in the solar module supply chain were covered in only one study [46], whilst possible to specify this aspect in LCA software this was not described in studies employing the LCA approach.

this was probably something like you were thinkging about?
as you can see hydro is easily the best (disregarding unproved technologies molten salt nuclear reactors) which I mentioned already
hydropower is cheap and renewable, but not possible everywhere


solar power works on a fundamentally different concept from nuclear.
To put it retard simple: solar power (specifically photo-voltaic) uses radiation to excite free electrons in semiconductive silicon. Nuclear boils a bunch of water.

To give some comparison, imagine putting a bunch of solar cells in a nuclear reactor rather than boil water. Not a whole lot of energy would be extracted that way. Now imagine getting close to the sun and using its heat to boil water instead of using photovoltaics: that's a metric fuckton of energy right there,

I don't really think that is retard simple lel

Ok, let me put it this way:
There's this thing called "valence:" it's how many electrons can fit in the outermost shell of the atom. This helps to determine the element's behavior.
Silicon can fit 8 electrons in this shell, it has 4 when not bonded to anything. For this reason, silicon loves to bind to itself. 4 silicon atoms can surround 1, each sharing an electron and filling all openings in this outer shell (and each of these has 4 atoms surrounding it making for a very stable, very pure solid mass).
Now let's say you replace some of those silicon atoms with an element with 5 valence electrons. It will still bond, but each of these atoms will contribute 1 "free electron" to the whole mass (such a material is referred to as N-type silicon). This electron is fairly unstable in this state and, with a little "push" from a photon, can break free from the mass to search for a more stable place to be. "Where would that stable place be?" you might ask. Well, just as you can include atoms with 5 valence electrons to get "free electrons," you can dope another piece of silicon with atoms that have 3 valence electrons to create "free holes" (this material is known as P-type silicon; and yes, "hole" is the scientific term for an empty space in a valence shell).

From that, pic related helps to visualize what's going on:
essentially, a free electron absorbs light and now cannot stay where it is, it needs to find a hole to go to. so from the N-side, the electron wants to reach the P-side. It cannot cross directly from one slab to another, though, as the point of contact is the point where the electrons and holes neutralize each other (this point is called the "PN-junction"). So this rogue electron must travel through conductive material (a wire) to reach the P-side. As it travels through the wire, it will energize whatever you put in its path.


so whats the lifetime of a consumer solar panel, and is that determined by the amount of material?

lifetime is variant on a lot of things, i gotta do something so i can't explain all of that now. but one thing i need to get across is those electrons don't stay in the P side and the holes don't stay filled. once the electron reaches the P side the now positively charged N side extracts an electron from the PN junction and the electron that just moved to the P side embeds itself back into that same junction.

I just had an basic electronics and quantum mechanics course (different courses), so I have some idea how the photoelectric effect and semiconductors work
I was just pointing out your explanation wasn't "retard simple" as you used concepts that most laymen would not know about

As an electrical engeneer as well as a man who plays tricks on people, that video is complete bullshit. He didn't produce a circuit, components, nor a cohesive explanation for what is going on within the circuit and is clearly using external power. Otherwise he would have left the lightbulbs in the whole time to show it spinning up. The reason this does not work is because the law of conservaiton of energy, energy cannot be pulled out of nothing, it requires a source of matter or enegy to work. "quantum" is just bullshit mumbo jumbo to convince cultists that they're special. Fly wheels work but that's just abosute whooie. When you look into power generators, please user, do your homework.

I'm back, and i figured it would be easier to just throw this link at you:

I'm more of an automated systems guy. So my knowledge of semiconductors is mostly in the realm of practical application rather than theory. I wouldn't doubt you know more about that stuff than I do.

conservation of energy is kinda the thing free energy types want to disprove. The logic generally falls along the lines of "we were wrong about other things in the past so why can't we be wrong about that?"

t. someone who's wasted much of his life mentally masturbating over the idea.



hydrogen has a really low density, which means that you need a yuge storage tank for a small distance which would have to be made of special materials because it can just pass through regular steel

it's the only way it would work, non whites dont have empathy

Nuclear energy cannot be scaled down in order to be used in cars, trains or planes.

You know nothing. The electric demand at night is so low that they have to shut down entire power plants. That’s bad. Electric cars charging at night will help smooth out the demand. That’s good. Electricity is already abundant and cheap. It will be even more abundant and cheaper without Obama shutting down coal power plants all over the country.

Congratulations! No really non ironically I congratulate you!

This is exactly what I was talking about all of this time in

I only thought "Energy returned on energy invested" is to difficult of a name for people confused with:

PS: I'm convinced that BIG hydro and Nuclear are the future.
Oil/gass/coal are also good.

Solar is for toys.
Biomass is literally cavemen tech re-branded.

Watch out for the sleeping abos!

Do note that current proposals have those towers at 1.5km high.

I remember a showcase of this on TV about a decade ago saying they would work best at ~4-5km high.

what you said in the beginning was that renewables are net negative

this was the problem I had from the beginning, and you saying something about cheating physics
I never said that solar is more efficient from energy invested vs energy out standpoint than fossil fuels are, but they might be on par not too far from now and maybe even better as the tech progresses

and even if we never got them on par, they are other considerations than purely ROI on energy, the main one being the RENEWABILITY, which fossil fuels are not

fossil fuels is just biomass which has been pressurized and heated under the earth for millions of years

I do agree that we should use nuclear power more, especially in places where solar is too inefficient, but nuclear is not really a long-long term solution either, it is used up, non-renewable

I can tell you a few ideas if you'd like.
as mentioned a few times ITT nitinol has potential.

it sure does, and if you can't see how I'll explain if you ask me nice.

The efficiency isn't very high it is true, but when the source is free efficiency isn't all that important a factor.
The usefulness of nitinol alloys is that it can be made such that by applying a temperature difference it changes the thermal energy to mechanical motion. If you use ground water at a temperature of 60ºF and hot water from low temp solar collectors at 160ºF nitinol's action will allow you to extract some of this thermal energy and convert it to mechanical.
I've figured out a way to convert this motion into rotary motion in a way that is far more efficient than the diagrams shown in

Nignogs have potential

Doesn't mean it is applicable to anything or even remotely useful.

That is pure nonsense.
Capturing the source isn't free.
It is the same with wind power, even tho the wind is "free" it is barely on par with taxed-to-hell coal.

Low unstable output means low price of energy.

Good luck with that. Small temperature difference makes for bad efficiency. It goes hand in hand.

There is no reason why nitinol engine would be better than organic rankine cycle.

You could fill solar collectors with some organic material, like butane or R134a. It does not have to be water. Vacuum solar collectors are made like that already. Small amount of water in a tube. It means it heats up faster and is more efficient.

It is cheaper to just buy grid energy.
I doubt you could even run a groundwater pump with that output energy.

Yeah… tell that to the Stirling engine.

Commiefornia actually does it pretty well. People have solar panels on their house but are also hooked into the power grid. If they get more power than they need, instead of trying to store it in batteries, they sell it to the grid. Then, when they need energy because it's night time/cloudy, they buy from the grid, which is mostly fed by natural gas.

Similar systems are used for pool heaters in FL.

The Problem is that just like PV it's only effective when the sun is out.

So everyone who has 50cm of snow on his solar panels right now is fucked.

Anyway when talking about the energy of the future we should differentiate between

Individual demand is the easy part. Especially for rural areas. (Daily reminder that you should own your own house!)

Put solar panels on the roof, heat water on the roof, maybe combine water tank with sterling engine?

Seems cheaper than building your own dam or coughin g up a million for a wind turbine.

The problematic part is the industry. I can only hope fusion will come around. In the meantime we should be focussing on thorium/breeder reactors.
Will cost a shitton to build, but should depreciate nicely over some decades.

Think 4th dimensionally: the supply of fuel for nuclear fission plants would never be exhausted until long after nuclear fusion is a viable successor and supplants fission.

Kill yourself please greenkike

Glad we can have a intelligent conversation.

I'm not really using this word.
I'm criticizing solar, not some all renewables.

See I'm advocating for BIG hydro and solar needs to go home and be placed in toys like these cheep solar power calculators.

If you want to be pedantic nothing is renewable the sun will burn out and destroy this planet eventually so you sticking some panel to the output of a finite and ticking time bomb is not really renewable.

However I'm not pedantic and playing word games.
Since everyone can see how bullshit this is.

Word games.
I can counter with a smirk like

Oil is far more concentrate and energy dense then you burning wood or grass or shit.

True, want me to give you the nitty gritty secret? Want to know how the far future will look like? It will literally be the middle ages. After we use up all energy stored in pockets on the earth we will not have this technological society and we are going back, back to a time when everything was 100% renewable. Medieval tech works however you will not have your robots and computers and phones and planes made in factories.

Between this point and now there will be a lot of madness in super world wars that end up with mad max style gangs using the remnants of technology to kill one another over the last remaining energy sources with the possibility of global extermination. If humanity does not destroy itself then it can painfully go back to medieval times.

With little hydro water wheels, and medieval windmills, and biomass from burning plants and wood.

This medieval civilization will last forever, with no energy to go back to the stars they will live like this forever until their sun kills them with radiation do to its age. After all life on the planet is dead do to solar freak radiation eventually the sun will burn out and explode destroying this planet.

All stars in the universe will eventually burn out and after this astronomically long fireworks display there will be nothing left then darkness. Welcome to the death of the universe, the eventual fate of it all.


yes, but at that point we have other problems, compared to other forms it is renewable

we don't need to go back to middle ages if renewables and nuclear, get good enough

actually it seems like we will stop using fossil fuels (at least oil and coal) long before we run out simply because the alternatives will be cheaper

why are you so against solar? it is net energy positive right now, and is getting better
it is also scalable with the use of batteries

You stated the reason there. It's the closest we will probably come to free energy, it's scalable and the panel you buy now will last you twenty years. It's already feasible as a replacement and there's still a lot of room for improvement.

Now imagine you're an (((entropy worshipper))) that needs people dependant on centralised energy so you can control their lives.

We were wondering at the start where the shills are…

The source is printed right on the image itself you autistic turbonigger.

nigger how new are you?

fuck you for bumping this shit, NRDC is not a source anymore than a generic 'Zerohedge' would be considered a source without pointing to studies or source data. But guess what you fucking shill,
NRDC has gotten millions from Open Society

also relevant climatedepot.com/2014/11/17/green-disinformation-on-fossil-fuel-subsidies-report-described-as-subsidies-normal-deductions-of-expenses-and-capital-costs-from-revenues-for-calculation-of-taxable-income/


nah, I won't report you, I'd like to try to see you defend yourself first

This is advanced faggotry.
Calculate subsidies given, then divide by kilowatt hour produced.

Idk go talk to NASA about it
It's a longitudinal wave versus a transverse wave, not fucking rocket appliances that you would see the same phenomenon you see in every other wave where both forms are possible.

Plus, we all know that standing waves interact strongly with natural resonant points to generate exponential increases in energy. Apply the same shit to the fundamental frequency of either the Earth's field (Schumann) or the fabric of space (related to planck length? ie. zero point?) I'm not sure, but I mean come on what is crazy about longitudinal waves versus transverse waves.

Maxwell-heaviside equation makes it all the more obvious you're having this shit hidden from you. Sigh.

Yes, according to the green left, "subsidy" is apparently defined as "the absence of a penalty I believe should exist, unique to this industry"

That kind of disingenous bullshit makes me want to buy pic related and livestream it being vented to the sky.

Which, in case it wasn't obvious, would be equivalent to releasing 8.6 metric tons of CO2, or about half a year's worth of carbon emissions for a typical American.

get on my level

Hm. Restoring carbon to the atmosphere that was pulled from the atmosphere, in a carbon neutral cycle? If only you were somehow burning "fossil grass"…

If you are looking for ideas, epa.gov/energy/greenhouse-gas-equivalencies-calculator-revision-history

This is it right here for all of you retards. You want efficient, cheap energy pulled right from the atmosphere around you? Read teslas patents you faggots. It's not even difficult to understand. Just spend some time on it. Study ALL of his patents. The ones posted here are ideal but the best one is his radiant energy collector. Get on Yahoo forums and join the forum onesmallstepforman and Google for Lawrence rayburn to get additional details on constructing variable nested or pancake inductive + capacitive coils that are tuned with the earths resonant frequency, or a harmonic, and which act to compress the low voltage, wide bands into higher voltage, stacked resonance, narrow band which is fed into multiple staged nested coils to keep compressing the band more narrow and into higher voltage. You then take this output run it through an LC tuning circuit and step it down so the output is ready to be dumped into battery banks and used by an inverter to power loads. I've replicated numerous of teslas patents. This last one I'm stalled on due to serious health issues. What I've described is an entirely passive system powered by the resonant capacitive field between the ionosphere and the earth. Save this text and use it as a general guide while studying aforementioned radiant collector patent. Lawrence is a useful source of info but the faggot is a Jesus freak and won't give precise blueprints for replication because he thinks Armageddon is near. Just go to that forum and save all of his posts offline and print them. He knows what he's doing as an ex naval signals comm. guy. I was a research scientist who has published studies using fmri and magnetoencephalography and I've studied teslas work extensively.

Save this message and any on here discussing tesla as part of notes for learning and building once you comprehend what tesla was doing in each patent you work to replicate.

how efficient are the turbines in a hydroelectric dam?

yes it is, if you can get it. Believe it or don't user but there are places that don't have grid power.

I'm guessing it's just a hydrogen fuel cell, since it takes in methane, which is comprised of CH4. A lot of this "secret crazy tech" is usually pretty simple.

By time that happens we will likely be quite avid in the exploration of space, the technology is there, unfortunity it's not profitable for corporations(unless the government were to fund it) so we're stuck down on this rock for the next few hundred years.

Hey guys.


Hear me out.

What if?

What if guys.

What if we erase all (sub)human life in the middle east. Then turn the whole region into a gigantic solar farm?

Rate my idea guys.

you might want to look at some recent work from Vanderbuilt

Tesla and Moray were the best and easily proven. For alternative stuff similar vein, Thomas Townsend Brown and also T. Gaelen Hieronymous. All had interesting approaches which nullified requirement for or made free energy plausible.

Old British Lister CS design and similar stationary engines easy way to get started that is proven and simple. 80k hours+ no parts to service on modern oils if you know what you're doing.
Runs on about anything you call oil and even oil water blends, coal gas, methane and other stuff.
Longest produced engine in the world (90years+) parts brand new still being made in India today.

Nuclear energy is a net loss after you factor in producing and storing it for 300k years.

On demand power and supporting populations where they unnaturally are is worth that to some though in the 60s. Most plants are ageing.

The only reason it really exists is for nuclear weapons and niche research as we have other ways to make power now.

Fuck man. I want to believe.

why isn't tesla's stuff being used? who owns the patents?

No where remotely close to as efficient as the tesla turbine. Seriously, remove that ancient design and update it with the 120 year old but far more advanced tesla turbine to increase efficiency. Any talk of applied efficiency and energy without tesla is simply ignorance.

US dollar is kept afloat by the petrodollar. It's a Love/Hate relationship which I assume will take a lot of political maneuvering to deal with. Probably won't be able to do it in 4 years.

his stuff is being used. look at Jim Murray's generators, he figured out Tesla's high-frequency switching combined with a geometrically designed magnetic rotor which creates magnetic fields which Lenz's law doesn't fully apply to (no resistance to the current flowing) - this isn't a crazy idea as even dyson vacuums use the same idea (reluctance motors)

This means you could effectively have a battery made out of a spinning rotor with two external magnetic dipole fields, waiting to be dumped into power at a moments notice. look up SERPS and a few of his other things. apparently he keeps getting buzzed by the party van etc and FBI has been keeping track on him for years. he owns the patents but he refuses to work closely with any big investors so he's stuck making (relatively) shitty prototypes in his shop. he still has actual demos though

Oh in terms of patents JP Morgan owns all of Tesla's stuff, innit

i get fuckin mad cuz I know a ton of electrical engineering eggheads but they all get confused as soon as i even mention a reluctance motor. that shit isn't fuckin magic, it's just a properly geometrically designed active rotor, but they don't seem to take it seriously. that's not even getting into the interesting terahertz-scale switching that SERPS was getting cool effects with

Wow, some one who has actually studied this topic at depth. Now how many faggots does it take to start replicating publicly available tesla patents.

All the really useful shit is PUBLIC. The fb I DID NOT run off with his best and most useful work. It's all online accessible from the USA patent database or torrents.

except you can only use it in stationary applications because of its gyroscopic effect acting weird with any torque applied perpendicular to its axis of momentum.

Thank fuck people get it. I too laugh my ass off when people say the best tesla stuff was taken, read his shit you morons. It's not that difficult to do, you have to really get your head around his quantum (what others thought was crazy) stuff later on if you want to truly understand his masterplan though. you don't need that for free energy though.

I hardly come on 4/8ch etc but this sort of shit is really the only place left which isn't totally shilled to fuck. Got into this in the earlier days of the net, when there was less content and easier to find, before the shills were really weaponised, it was easier to find info then. Now it's hard but when you find it (like here) it's good.

knows what's up too.

Well, I see a potential problem in those who've read and who understand his patents not having the required hardware and engineering knowledge, those who have the hardware not having time or interest for his patents and those with the engineering knowledge being too busy with creating a new molt that saves $0.000001 per plastic cap for their industry boss.

It is being used. Not everyone advertises it. Being eccentric enough to ignore kike controlled academia with arrogant fags who think Einstein the fraud was some peak in physics makes some hoard their work as a Fuck you to everyone who ridiculed them, or they're christtards.

I've personally demonstrated lighting up gaseous bulbs with no wires connected using real as high frequency current patents. You can feel the bulb vibrating and as you move it closer or away from the energizing circuit it grows brighter or dimmer.

If I wasn't so fucked up from health issues I would have finished a working useful replicant of his radiant energy collector by now. I would have published a DIY off for others. The best I can do is keep working on my health try to finish what I can where I can, and point been fags to study teslas patents and ignore stupid shit like faggots claiming the FBI got the good stuff or that aliens have tesla the info. Victorian era science was the peak of much physics and electrical work. The fucking kikes knew this and started portraying tesla as a nut meanwhile promoting worthless, contribute nothing, kike, Einstein and other kikes like Michelson and Morley as leaders.

Motion, electrical phenomena, and ether are the fundamentals of the universe. Everything else are geometrical patterns of these core things. Look up Dayton Miller as another gentile proving the ether exists and is in motion.

Look up mendeleev. He created the periodic table and predicted numerous elements. Kikes kiked his work and that table doesn't even look periodic any more. Google periodic table Russell to see how it should look. It's so natural you're going to instantly realize what I'm saying is true. Mendeleev also concluded there is an ether and it's size from the periodicity of elements. Google mendeleev ether and read up. Remember, ALWAYS determine if the scientist is a kike or not. They warp and hide things so you're stuck working with jewed models that benefit them.

Teslas patents are open source. Faggots like the Tesla electric car of this century don't even use his patents. They pretended like they released a bunch of useful patents on their car a few years ago but I looked at all of the energy system ones and these fucking assholes CLEARLY do not use any of teslas work such as the implementation of DC impulse patents that put massive inductive coil "back emf" spikes to use in a circuit. Instead these cocksuckers shunt those spikes to ground like the faggots they are. ALL of teslas later systems moved from AC to DC impulse.

Fuck the pieces of shit who use his name to sell garbage that doesn't even use his patents which are long open source at this point.

Any one can confirm what I'm saying by learning how to read circuits, study teslas DC impulse patents, then look at what the faggots from tesla motors published. Fuck them. They should hang for not only using his name but for intentionally promoting shit that has nothing to do with his patents. Either a kike or a mason or Intel must be running that company and all of this shit makes it seem like replicating his work is difficult, or pointless (since they tie his name to things he never did).

Stop wanting to believe and study teslas actual publications. Primary sources are always #1. And he was an empiricism of the highest order.

He did the hard part. Everything else is spelled out in patents.

care to name a few of these DC impulse patents?

what do you think of the Plekhanov brothers work?

A properly designed circuit set to operate at resonance alone will eliminate the issue of resistance. People don't realize all of this shit was solved along time ago. Most scientists are high functioning worker bees. When I worked in a lab I realized that. They lack the creative spark. They also fail to see how they're ultimately going to jew themselves and others with the work they produce as a cog in the wheel of kike science which is geared to dominating and wiping out non-jews.

The geometry is a critical part of this energy work. Resonant systems rely on an ideal geometry between the reactive capacitive and inductive phenomena plus the hard ware (wire length) and materials factor in. God I miss being able to do bench work. Soon I hope…

Everyone who does this work needs to be careful of inhaling solder fumes or metal if a circuit malfunctions and runs hot. I'm still recovering from lead poisoning probably from soldering in a closed study. Solder in an open room, wear a ventilator, have a hood ventilating, and wash your fucking hands after handling solder.

Thorium is not a fissile material.
The "sperg" was right, throium reactors run on uranium, still produce a shit ton of waste products, some of which can be made into bombe.
In other words basically everything that is claimed about thorium is wrong.

Yeh unfortunately that's me in both posts instead of 2 People who get it and have researched the topic in depth. A DIY is almost critical because no one fucking reads primary source material and sits at a bench to replicate it. Tesla gave use the DIY but not fine enough details to get monkeys replicating his work en masse since kikes own all the factories or would sabotage any mass commercial attempts.

Total bullshit. You were doing well until you over reached with your fantasy.
Electrical oldering fumes doesn't cause "lead poisoning" because lead doesn't evaporate in relevant quantities at soldering temperatures.
The only reason soldering stations need fume extractors is to remove the flux fumes, specifically rosin.

Trust me I know. I'd still be doing some kikes bitch work in brain imaging research I'd not for an injury that keeps me mostlybed bound, hence my opportunity to study this work in fine detail and the little bench time I get due to health I almost always nail a replication 1st time around.

Guys can do this. Focus long term. Break the work into smaller chunks, keep logs, knock out reading and replication as you have time. Once you get to reading you can actually daydream and mentally picture all of the elements of the circuits and how they work. You get some break time at work or commute on a bus or subway and you've got time to daydream or read.

Break the work into smaller pieces. I know it can be done. Oscilloscopes can be had for $150 these days. Function generators from China are cheap too. Baby steps.

Second this.
I've heard about the impulse electricity, but not really been able to find anything about it.

Hydroelectric is great given you have the right location

By the way, there is nothing special about reluctance motors, they do not magically do away with resistance, they are used for high power density, in fact they have disadvantages and again, their relative lack of use is not because the Jew is hiding them, it is because they are difficult to drive properly and requires precise timing (easy now due to microcontrollers being cheap and easy to develop.)

By a way, your hero Dyson is a little bitch, he is NOT a genius by any means.
All of his "amazing inventions" have existed in industry for decades, or centuries in the case of cyclones, all Dyson did was put totally ordinary industrial machinery into consumer products then use the power of Jewish marketing (thanks Bernays) to create a hype.
What's that? You want examples? Sure.
Nothing more than an industrial cyclone, these have been used for over a hundred years on factories like saw mills, to separate the sawdust and neatly pile it up without the need for filters.
Actually yes I dcan, Dysons new "revolutionized" hair dryer is nothing more than an industrial air multiplier shrunk into a size that a woman can hold.
It's a great invention, for taking hundreds of dollars out of a man s bank account and giving it to Dyson by convincing women that they MUST HAVE THE AMAZING NEW SHINY THING.
The "amazing Dyson air moving fan with no blades!!!" Uses the exact same operating principle as air movers used in zone 0 hazardous environments where sparks must be avoided. These use a supply of compressed air to move a much larger volume of air by squeezing the primary through an anus (hurr hurr, funny word, me 13, right?)
Dyson is however a great example of the wealth of Western male creativity being pissed down the hole of consumerism, millions of man hours to make a new sort of desk fan or hair dryer, instead of pushing back the frontier on things that MATTER.

Or just don't a retard and make gasoline and diesel. Energy storage and transportation not the issue, producing the energy is. The whole oil scare is fake news. When we run too low on oil, we can finally go back to nuclear power like we should and use that massive overabundance of power to generate hydrocarbon fuels from carbon taken from sea water.

Its a pile of wood chips. There's no invention, decomposition releases heat just like normal oxidation does.

Look earlier in this thread for one of his patents that uses DC impulse

I'm going to give a list of patents, several I've replicated, that are components of, or utilize DC impulse.


Find these at USA patent office online or download a tesla patent torrent which will have them. * means major circuits. Other patents comprise of components or design info that is incorporated into major circuits.

You'll want to make some of his custom liquid capacitors and variable caps plus inductors from above patents to be used in the
major circuits. And you need to be familiar with the principles cited in some of the above patents such as designing for resonance, determine proper wire lengths, proper frequency ranges for specific effects. There are more uncited pagents that are useful such as custom vacuum sealed bulbs that use hardly any energy to light and put off a more natural light spectrum than modern bulbs.

Vacuum sealed bulbs operated with DC impulse are far safer and superior to the fucking Chinese silent weapon cfls filled with MERCURY and sometimes running dangerous frequencies.

Snag those patents. Read the titles. Pick some simple ones to study and get used to like the capacitor designs. And set some long term and short term goals to knock out. Just practice safety at all times. Don't get shocked and don't fucking breath solder fumes. Build an isolation transformer to run everything from. Do not fuck with any of this unless you learn safety basics. I'm not going to presume your skill set.

Regular tungsten filament bulbs can run for centuries, they fail after a few thousand hours because of cartel actions by manufacturers, this is common knowledge.
Original Edison bulbs are still running today.

Plakhanov brothers don't ring a bell but then I've been recovering from severe metal, especially lead, poisoning and my memory has been fucked.

Are these the guys in bum fuck Russia or an eastern block country that have videos showing them lighting bright car lights and burying a car radiator as a phenomenal grounding mechanism for their circuit?

Be careful with his work, though. Always have a Geiger-Müller counter on and nearby as you experiment.
Tesla got ill and went insane in the end because he exposed himself to x-rays from his work.

thorium full stop

I've read some of Steinmetz's work on impulse energy and I've read most of Tesla's patents, that's why I asked the question.
Much of what user 2014e6 has to say is nonsense and catchphrases and it's difficult to say if user is just parroting words or actually understands what he's talking about
>tfw and which act to compress the low voltage, wide bands into higher voltage, stacked resonance, narrow band which is fed into multiple staged nested coils to keep compressing the band more narrow and into higher voltage. You then take this output run it through an LC tuning circuit and step it down so the output is ready to be dumped into battery banks is as close to nonsense electrically as it gets

they were working on replicating Tesla's wireless energy transmission experiement.


Look faggot, I have about 10 hair test over the past 4 years and in 2015 my lead levels in my hair spikes to 15ug/100mg hair and I can't think of any sources other than hand reloading bullets and soldering. I react intensely to more than 1mg of DMSA, the one authorized treatment for lead poisoning that I'm aware of. I have a compromised liver from Lyme disease and other decade plus health issues, so whatever someone else gets in their body they will tend to clear it better than someone like me.

You want to tell me precisely how I got lead poisoning be my fucking guest otherwise all I can do is speculate on the known sources where I've come into contact with it. Want to be a faggot over that speculation, go ahead.

Technically yes, since Th-232 is bred into U-233, which is fissile. Still, you do not need to mine uranium for the reactor, and that's what fucking matters you moron.

a LFTR incinerates its own garbage through extra neutron flow. It's a self regulating system, you get heavy fission products, the fission products eat up extra neutrons so you need to pull out the control rods a bit so you get more neutrons which then get used to kill the dangerous fission products.
Why is this important? Read about the iodine pit, you cunt.

read what I typed above you retard.

In other words you are acting like a brain dead shill and you have no clue what you are talking about.

Please tell me you wash your hands after handling lead.

I didn't say anything about a Dyson. I commented on Dayton Miller. You're mixing up posters. A tesla DC impulse based motor is something I'm familiar with, Reluctance motors no. The former is extremely efficient.

Yes I'm fully aware of this. You can't study teslas work or Victorian era work and not discover it.

He was sane to the end. And I do have a Geiger counter even though I don't operate at those frequencies or with high amp circuits. High amp designs are orthogonal in function to teslas impulse work. The impulse work relies on high voltage at high frequencies which doesn't through off dangerous rays like high amp circuits.

I can make a guess that makes a lot Kore sense than soldering, yeah.
Large quantities of molten/burning lead at high temperature and distributed as an aerosol, vs tiny quantity of lead alloy at 250c or thereabouts..
You know how forensics tests for gunshot residue? They examine your clothes or swabs of skin for the presence of lead dust in the form of tiny spheres.
Every time you shoot unjacketed lead ammo, you inhale lead dust. Even worse if you do indoor shooting and your primers, are they lead based? Do you cast your bullets too? That scum on the surface of the lead pot is oxides of lead, bad stuff.
People who have occupational exposure to solder 8 hours a day don't get lead poisoning, but they do suffer lung damage from the rosin if precautions aren't taken.
tl;dr yeah, probably your guns and reloading, shooting and casting, not your solder.

I've noticed old oilfield engines are incredibly simple and easy to work on and can use a large range of fuels. If you're off-grid but have fuel available, old engines are probably the most robust thing you can have

Y'know, I'm finding it hard to believe, considering the overabundance of autism around the chans, that there isn't already some goldmine of free energy stuff akin to the murder/k/ube if all of this stuff is really so simple. It begs the question: if creating free or simple energy systems is so easy then why in the hell has no one done it and made it widely available?

There is millions of tons of U238 that can be bred just like thorium. You still have to mine the thorium, where the fuck do you think it comes from?
That's untrue, LFTR requires continuous fuel processing to keep it from being poisoned.
Yes, they poison the reaction, which is why they have to be removed and disposed of.


Ever notice how these posters all show up at once? The way flat earters and shills do

Have you noticed that there is some form of nuke-hysteria/alternative energy and alternative housing (cabins or goy farming threads) in the catalog at all times recently, and they'll keep getting bumped regularly? I know what conclusions I've drawn.

Get a Lister. Early 20th century Listers are good as gold and spares are easy to procure.
There is a bit of a misconception that "modern engines" run on completely different principles, this is untrue, all that has really changed are the anxilliary components, the fuel injection system etc.
Tell you a rule of thumb to check scrap yard engines like the Lister, my daddy told me it (Lister like pic related, I grew up with.)
If you are buying a non-running standing engine like this, crank it over, if you heard the fuel injectors freak, buy it because the most expensive and complicated part (the fuel pump and injector) is working good enough to run. It will probably run first try once cleaned up.


By the way, don't rely on electrical starter, these machines were designed to be started by hand, flip the decompression lever (on the cylinder head) turn it until you can't go any faster, then drop the decompression lever back into place and pull off the starting handle.
There you go, an EMP-proof prime mover that can run on the filthiest and cheapest diesel known to MSN (Heavy Fuel Oil).

It's overabundant in Earth's crust. It's much less rare than uranium.
No, it requires constant fuel processing to stay fueled.
Great source you got there, a butthurt anti-thorium activist.

For fucks sake, you can read steinmetz with no problem but can't comprehend the effects described in a series staged nested coil inductor design? Maybe when you finish reading steinmetz you can go build a simple rations receiver or a sliding nested coil adjustable inductance + capacitance receiver, hook it up to a scope, watch what happens to the signal as you adjust the inductance + capacitance.

Tuning for the ideal standing wave and then passing that to additional staged nested coils which compress the band even further and push the standing wave peak even higher is not complicated but it's also something I've never seen any text describe any where.

Catch phrases are trigger words. Like kike or nigger or the like. Just stop and mentally image the concept conveyed by the terms I use. A picture works better for most so I'll post something later since I've had 1 hour of sleep today and popped a klonopin 30 minutes ago to try to knock myself out. I have images on my laptop that will readily convey the nested coils with multiple stages and I have pictures of the oscilloscope from 1 stage to the next compressing the wide band, low voltages into tighter bands, with higher voltage. I think traditional coils suck though because I was only getting 3x the voltage from one stage to another and Lawrence rayburn was getting 10x at each stage. I think pancake coils are ideal for this though because they're easier to wind similarly, they're 2 dimensional cutting out the 3rd axis of variability in the field which instrinsically effects the strength of resonant coupling from one stage to another. And then there's the very simple fact that a pancake coil has a very simple field that's shaped like a whirlpool funnel, which ends at a focal point. You can easily tune that with the next coil better than sliding a helical coil in and out of another helical coil.

This shit is not difficult to visualize especially if you have any actual bench work and have closed your eyes and pictures these fields and how they should look based off of probing around with an LC meter and resonant coupling.

Go fucking google the words if you don't understand them rather than dismiss them as something they are not.

And certainly build a nested coil receiver and meditate on the effects of the nested coil and adjustments. That's the entire premise to tapping and utilizing the resonant capacitive field between the ionosphere and the earth.

People, there is a good reason why no current technology attempts to tap this field in which rarified air permits massive lighting bolts through with predictable periods.

It's one of the "greenest" sources of power there is. "Oh Yeh lighting. Gee why aren't we studying that phenomena and tapping what causes it?"

I've been trying to describe it but apparently some think I'm not credible. Keep reading steinmetz and see how far that gets you. Reading has its place. Bench work must follow.

It would be easier to transport water and do electrolysis on site. Only problem is forming water again.

I didn't know any old engines even had been converted to electric start, most are so easy I never thought of it. Cranks for small ones or bodyweight for large. The most modern thing on most I've seen is some sensors on the flywheel for timing, which being added-on bullshit, stick out and grab you when you're starting it.

They used to run them on the crude oil being pumped, not sure how common that is anymore. Most here use the natural gas from the well now.

So spit it out.
You know how forensics tests for gunshot residue? They examine your clothes or swabs of skin for the presence of lead dust in the form of tiny spheres.
Every time you shoot unjacketed lead ammo, you inhale lead dust. Even worse if you do indoor shooting and your primers, are they lead based? Do you cast your bullets too? That scum on the surface of the lead pot is oxides of lead, bad stuff.
People who have occupational exposure to solder 8 hours a day don't get lead poisoning, but they do suffer lung damage from the rosin if precautions aren't taken.
tl;dr yeah, probably your guns and reloading, shooting and casting, not your solder.

Huge problem for you. I said hand loading bullets, not making bullets from scratch. I hand loaded copper coated fmj .30 cal bullets in 2012 and 2013. No smelting involved. But those bullets have lead in them which is why they are on the possible vector list. Some painted boards that I sanded in 2015 were on that possible list until I ran multiple lead testing kits on the paint. The house was built after lead was removed from paints,so for known sources I'm back at solder fumes plus a shitty liver. It's entirely possible there's an unknown source. But all of this is speculation as I already stated before you decided to attack my integrity for promoting safety for others and newbs who maybe decide to study teslas work which is directly on task with the topic of this thread.

Back to the topic…efficient energy…tesla being the alpha and omega on the topic.

not the image I wanted

So don't believe it. Move on and leave the thread for people who want to be productive in discussing the topic. "If man could ever fly why hasn't it happened yet…." That's your club. Be amongst your own and be content. Let the creative solution seekers work without your nonproductive contributions.

Good for you kike. It not like the last century was the result of teslas work or anything.

believing in something without showing any proof and claiming you're being productive isn't Holla Forums

and I never mentioned tesla

what do you mean by a
series staged ?
your statement
is something I've seen in text many times and if you'd studied what you claim you'd have seen it too
>mfw Tesla uses the term resonant rise several places in his patents to refer to just such an apparent amplification of voltage due to resonant coupling effects

Yes we are getting jewed that is a fact, but as for that lightbulb in the video

Draw line between above two points
Find lifespan at 4 watts

Sorry for shitpost, but I got triggered

I fucking love this thing. I remember hearing a tiny bit about it on the history channel back when it wasn't shit but I hear so few people taking about it today.

My main concern though is how it would operate under a load. Sure it can get really fucking fast, but I don't see it having much torque to it. I mean,you're basically using a vortex to spin a disk, meaning that disk needs to be light or you're gonna need a lot of pressure to spin it. When you include the fact that attaching this turbine to a generator would introduce a new source of friction and weight, it's really not all that surprising that this thing never took off.

Using water instead of air might solve this problem a bit, but I'm not sure to what extent.

I love pol. I really do. But damn is it a slap in the face when pol discusses energy.
There's always the usual nuclear energy shills yeah i know, muh fuck a shima, muh cern o bile and usually fossil too. And so many fucking retards who have no idea of physics. Just spouting some esoteric bullshit about Tesla great inventor while absolutely not knowing what the fuck they are talking about.

Yeah yeah, I'm spergin out, but I needed to say it

Oh god I hate tesla turbine meme spouting fuckwits. It has extremely narrow range of pressures where it operates more or less efficiently, everywhere else it behaves exactly like a flywheel with air nozzle blowing at it with fuckall efficiency, because that's what it is. Most notably, it's only highly efficient while free running and has fuckall efficiency under load. Even at the time of invention with piss poor bladed turbine technology it was still inferior to them, and nowdays it simply blows a huge cock all around.

The Joule thief is a great example of this pulsed DC spookiness. I once powered a 100W LED chip with 5W input power nearly full brightness but I'm pleb tier and couldn't make a circuit that didn't ring like a screeching microphone

What do you expect? Holla Forums is basically a congregation of schizos.

I figured as much. Still the idea of using a vortex to drive the turbine as opposed to just shooting material past some blades is quite brilliant.

Correct me if I'm wrong which I probably am. I'm not a fluid dynamics guy but if you were to use water instead of air and make a toilet-bowl like configuration (water blasting through an inlet and draining through a hole in the middle) you may be able to use vertical blades to basically do the opposite of the tesla turbine.

That is, the turbine would run slower than if you just put a conventional bladed one at the water inlet, but you'd have a fuckton of torque as you have all that water pushing the blades around.

You powered it with well over 100W - there were some losses in inductor, capacitor (if you used one) and transistor. Joule thief is a DC/DC voltage booster circuit. To produce 10 amps at 10 volts on the output, it has to drain 100 amps at 1 volts on the input, losses excluded. Your curcuit produced audible noise because your inductor/capacitor configuration operated in audible range switching frequency. You need smaller inductance/capacity elements, they have higher oscillation frequencies.

there is much debate over the actual source of the electrical power behind lightning. But as of yet there is no practical method of capturing this energy.

my fav is the valvular conduit

Tesla turbine uses boundary layer laminar drag. Blades use bernoulli effect and plain mechanical pressure. Tesla turbine produces no torque when speed of driving fluid and turbine wheel are matched, and it produces more torque as speed differential increases. However higher speed differential (slowly rotating disk with same speed influx) means fluid gives away it's energy quicker and "descends" into the central outlets quicker, delivering less of its energy to the wheel. Hence tesla turbine efficiency goes to shit if you load it even a little, and it's torque goes to shit as well. Bladed turbine always produces torque because of bernoulli effect when speeds are matched (blades are basically wings and always produce lift if there is any flow), and due to oncoming fluid pressure onto the angled blades when rotor speeds are low even if speed differential is so high that blades stall and produce no lift. Bladed turbine produces more thrust at lower rotor speeds i.e. under load, and is more efficient while loaded. But also it produces some torque even at highest rotor speeds so it's efficiency doesn't suffer too bad when it's lightly loaded.

I didn't use any capacitors but I tried every inductor I could lay my hands on from transformer cores of all sizes to old Soviet ferrite rods for radio antennas. I even tried pouring concrete around the inductor and after that submerging the whole kit and caboodle in mineral oil. Shit refuses to not sing, nothing seems to kill the sound except distance from it.

As far as the power consumption goes I obviously don't have access to sophisticated calorimeters but my multimeter and kill a watt both agree the circuit consumes 5 watts, so I'd appreciate your thoughts on why that is.

as a high solids pump the design is used in many applications

Energy doesn't comes from nowhere. If it's 100 watts on the output, it is even more than that on the input, period. If you get a different figure, you're doing it wrong. Also the "thief" refers to the idea that it drains the batterry completely of it's leftover energy that by itself produces too little voltage to drive anything. It "steals" whatever energy is left inside, as in it's otherwise "locked" in the battery and is unusable.

Again, what you need to do is to configure your circuit to operate in inaudible oscillation range. It's accomplished by applying some god damn fucking math and picking your circuit components properly.

do you mean irradiating our water supply?

This half answers my question, but to clarify: this pic is a top down view.
Obviously, the current blade configuration I have would be inefficient as fuck as they would disturb the shit out of the vortex, but I'm sure you can see ways of increasing this efficiency by changing things a bit. I'm just a lazy artist.

You seem to be mush more knowledgeable in this field than I am. Do you think this would have any real advantages?

Tell that to my multimeter. My theory that doesn't break CoE is that the BEMF effect voltage spike causes the LED to emit at much lower amperage, so it's five watts in, five watts out, but twenty times as much light.
It's that or I start wildly speculating about the luminiferous aether.
Also the Joule thief is not just a DC-DC transformer it's basically a BEMF effect generator.

Cool, got any results?

So cite some references that discuss used nested coil geometry to compress signal. I've never found a thing referencing that in all of my searching online. The radione receiver is the sole device next two the tesla radiant receiver that I've come across which does this and there just is not a lot of info on it.

Let's see these plenty of sources you have.

Series, I.e. the signal is not transmitted from one stage to the next in parallel. Google series capacitors to get the idea, but rather than caapacitors the components are nested inductive coils which permit the adjustment on the fly of inductance an capacitance by sliding the nested coil in or out of the putter coil.

Google what a simple variable inductance+ capacitance rf receiver looks like and you can see the nested coil design. I don't see how you can say in one sentence you don't understand that but then your next paragraph says you've seen tuning these same coil for ideal standing waves. Maybe you meant you've seen tuning for ideal standing waves with other circuits?



One thing I have noticed is that many of the benefits cited by Thorium advocates are really benefits of molten salt reactions, and could be used in uranium MSRs, which are being worked on.
I think they should get uranium MSRs up and running first since there are fewer regulatory hurdles that way, and then develop a thorium cycle more slowly.
I then think underground growops powered by nuclear energy (powering light sources, pumps, nutrient production) should be developed and maintained at a readiness level that would allow for complete replacement of all land based agriculture within less than a year's time.
This way we would be prepared for nuclear war and natural disasters (e.g. ice age).

animals feed off photosynthesising plants, the basis for all life (bar perhaps life deep underground) on planet earth is solar energy.

Oil is fossilised plankton and algae.

what part of this don't you get?

Water was the intended driver. This device could be used as it's own generator by attaching magnets on a plate attached to the non output side of the device. Then you pair it up next to a coil. I can't remember all the details but I vaguely remember that the water output was intended to be hooked up to the tesla one way valve.

No debate at all. The earth is a negatively charged capacitor relative to the positively charged ionosphere with the air acting as the dielectric in between the two. When the dielectric becomes weak enough and the ionospheric charge high enough an avalanche condition occurs,lighting strikes, and all of the charges are briefly balanced, no different than a spark gap.

Yup, blackstone oil engines and many other types stateside. Old, slow and runs forever is the key - you can with enough spares (pistons/blocks/heads/bearings/crank/rods) last a lifetime with ease…. I'd bet you'd only use bearings and possibly a head/cylinder at most. I have a pre-war Lister CS 12-2 and it has some wear but not much considering the age.


Inductive conversion of thermal heat to electricity via tesla based DC impulse circuits. No violation of CoE, just disinfo and/or comete ignorance by academics of the phenomenon. It's no different than hydrodams converting ambient water movement potential to electricity in their circuits. It's just the ambient energy source is thermal rather than water motion. Tesla discovered this over 100 years ago with his DC impulse circuits, hence his move from a.c. systems to DC impulse.

N save has published more on this and so have others. Just get the concept down and replicate the tesla patent at the beginning of this thread with the diagrams. That's the one that does this thermal conversion. Ignore the naysayers. They're kikes or academics lacking insight and intuition.

* N. Zaev is the author.

You still get friction via the vid related effect.


this might be in line with your thoughts, although it is hard to determine exactly what you mean as you are using non standard phrasing and terminology ie;

see what Mr. Beaty has to say

That doesn't "disturb the vortex" as much as turns it into regular radial turbine with unnecessary plates embedded in it.

You can't drive LEDs with twenty times as much voltage, they'll disintegrate instantly. Even if you drive it with just two times overvoltage, it'll visibly degrade, mere half a second worth of burst with five times overvoltage will reduce light output by 80%. You can try these fun LED-destroying experiments at home using a 9 volt battery, a regular red LED (lowest drive voltage) and a 10k pot to control the voltage. What really happens is that you drive your 100 watt strip with maybe 50 watts, hence it doesn't appear at full brightness, and you attach your multimeter wrong so you get invalid readings.

Back-electromotive force has shit to do with any of it but yes that's how inductance works, you'll see it more often in electric motors than radio circuit inductors but there's nothing special about it.

That piece of shit is literally an electric motor shorted onto itself. When you move magnet across a coil it generates power, and if it's shorted on itself it uses 100% of the electric power it just generated to stop the magnet from moving.

I was basically using "friction" as a blanket term to refer to any force that impedes movement.

I can't find my pictures from my scope when I had been testing proof of principle with the nested coils. I think they're on my windows drive that died and might need the TVS diodes replaced. If I have time I can try to clear my bench and set up my coils to take pictures of the the signal at each stage.

Note that the picture here shows a standard coil on the outside, then in it goes the tesla bifilar coil which has special capacitive and inductive properties, then you go to another standard coil inside that, lastly to another bifilar, which transfers over to the next stage. The stages are all in series, but to simply say series fails to denote that there are discrete stages as the picture better conveys. I did not sleep well last night so sorry for being short on patience and not conveying myself well.

Compressing the signal should be as easily or more easily understood by a wider audience rather than referring to Q factor which is going to force newbs to have to google the phenomenon where "compression" should be readily understood. That's how I see it at least. And like I said before I'm still dealing with metal poisoning and I may never regain some of the memories I lost, and I might have to re-learn a number of things due to potential permanent damage from the lead. I'm just trying to get information out there tied in with where I had left off in my own experiments/replications and research so that hopefully some other high functioning individuals can see a worth while area of research even if they have to train themselves from scratch with circuits and electricity like I did back in 2007. By 2009 I was replicating some of the more basic Tesla patents (I was stuck mostly stuck in bed so most of my time was spend studying the patents and visualizing their functions) and that was while working on a graduate degree. So it can be done. People just have to be interested and motivated, and you can't go wrong studying Tesla and victorian era scientists work. There is a shit load of dusty but entirely useful patents from that time period that blow away all of the so called high end stuff today.

I'm also including the radione circuit that my god damned cell phone kept ruining the spelling of with auto correct.

Here's text to go with the radione.

And page 6. I gotta sleep and deal with other shit for a while. At least think over the staged nested coil design and if you study tesla's bifilar coil patent you can fully understand the inductive and capacitive nature of the coil and what it's doing in that arrangement.

You're completely ignoring what he said about the lowered amperage. The pulsing nature of the circuit completely changes the function. I've run LEDs on voltages way over what they're rated for on a DC impulse circuit or simply holding them close to one of Tesla's DC impulse circuits where the vibrations from the circuit are causing it to light up. It's not lighting from traditional "electrical" phenomena. Constant DC has functions differences from constant AC which both have functional differences from DC impulse. And back EMF has everything to do with DC impulse. That IS the impulse.

Solar has a very small future. We will never move away from oil, it's simply too useful. Coal and oil for the mid to long-term, and nuclear for the future once it's safer. Oil will be drilled for a long time, and in the very far future we will just synthesize it. Nuclear unfortunately will probably take a very long time to perfect. It's just too dangerous, and will be set back when EMP causes FukushimaX100. Better hope Trump hardens the electrical grid.

Ironically, solar is perfect for moving off the grid like I've done with my cabin.

Yeah given that you're a crank who cannot into basic electronics I'm not at all surprised you don't know how to use a multimeter.

Sure you can. A million volts at zero amps is zero watts and guaranteed not to break your LED, a million amps at one volt is a million watts and will turn it into a fine mist coating your workspace and person.
It's called ohm's law. See your red LED experiment for proof.

Thanks for the PDF and other information I'll read that and those patents after work today and let you know whatever questions I have this evening. My first is pretty straight forward, is BEMF effect powered by radiant photons generating some kind of solar wind effect? Probably an ignorant question since I haven't read the material yet but I can't help myself.

With voltage drop across the LED being 2.2 volts anyway. If you got million volts on one terminal and and zero on the other terminal, with voltage drop across LED 2.2 volts and 20 milliamps of current, AND with 450 000 ohm resistor in series that drops another 999 997.8 volts and conducts 2 amps of current at almost million volts and therefore dissipates almost 2 megawatts worth of heat. God damn you can't be as stupid as not to understand relation between voltage, current and resistance while referencing it.

holyshit how are there people actually actively shilling against solar??? pol is either totally full of mass maket shills or just kiddos from leddit whom dont know anything

SPOILER : you cant bring a coal power plant everywhere you go

You can't bring a solar "plant" everywhere you go if you want it to be big enough to produce a substantial amount of power.
Also, it's less reliable as a cloudy day will give you less energy than a sunny day.

Solar isn't terrible, but it's not particularly useful either. Most people advocating it are misguided eco shills who vastly underestimate the land area required to get a usable amount of energy from photovoltaics.

You can't bring solar power farm everywhere you go either, brainiac. Which among other places includes high overcast areas, areas near north and south poles, forests, canyons and of course subterranean systems.


im p sure the solar array on the roof of my tiny home that is fully powering everything works 100% fine
i know you redditors are not very smart but let me let you in on one weird trick


This is pedantic. You're completely ignoring the collapsing magnetic field and continuing to pretend we're talking about a standard transformer, not to mention missing the point of my last post in the process.

Are you an academic?

this kid from reddit.com has been posting massive paragraphs of text trying to act very smart for over 24 hours
the whole time he is just trying to disprove everything people are talking about what a dummy

Green is just a buzzword. Pretty sure those are just methane fuel cells. Not to say that methane fuel cells aren't dope.
With an efficient anaerobic digestor, like OP's, you could totally power a farmhouse or something. Anywhere with a nice source of waste biomass. In fact, you could probably replace the heating coil inside of the compost pile with the fuel cells themselves. I'm sure they give off enough heat.

Yeah this guys has it. google bloom energy if you're curious. they're just methane fuel cells.

Hey! Pretty neat, Pajeet!

3rd image isn't even a complete circuit. The complete circuit would also have a connection to ground.

Pic related. Capacitor is 100% arbitrary. In general, bigger capacitor would result in more stable almost-DC current over time and over higher loads. The output voltage can be adjusted by the primary:secondary winding ratio, but you'll still only have a tiny bit of current available at your disposal.

This still isn't free energy, as the energy you're harvesting is simply the potential between RF transmitters around you and ground.

What "collapsing" magnetic field? Surely you mean "oscillating" magnetic field. Yeah the oscillatiation radiates away your precious energy, and? To put it really simply, inductor acts as a flywheel for the current. It's hard to spin up and doing so guzzles up a lot of energy, but once it's running it's hard to slow down and you can extract a lot of energy doing this. There aren't any special effects to it, that's all it does. In joule thief it does literally acts as a flywheel. First the transistor is fully opened and current going through the coil steadily rises (because the coil resists increase OR decrease in current), then current through transistor becomes too high for current going though the base to keep it open, and the transistor shuts down. Then the only way for the current to escape from the coil is thorugh the LED. The coil will resist any change it its current, and will drive LED at whatever voltage it takes to produce that current. Key component is resistor, it's carefully picked to produce just right amount of current on the output by closing transistor before coil is overcharged. 1k resistor produces about right current to drive an LED. Higher value produces less output current, because with higher resistance on the gate the transistor will saturate and shut off faster, with coil having accumulated less energy, vice versa for smaller resistance. Inductance power of the coil determines oscillation frequency, higher inductance coils oscillate slower - they take more time to charge and also discharge longer.

I may not be an academic but I am a scholar allright. And even at that I'm miles higher educated about electric shit than a crank who tries to measure power of an oscillating circuit using a fucking multimeter instead of proper tools, sees bullshit readings like what the fuck did you even expect, and attributes that to some weird possibly undiscovered effects instead of his own retardation and ignorance.

It's exactly like solar power except with lower frequency. Except there is far less energy in it because stars produce more light in visible and UV range than in radiowaves.

Also you don't get DC output from AC input though a coil transformer. Putting a cap on AC output nullifies it, I have no idea what were you thinking.

Through the gate.

No I do mean collapsing as I understand it. My non scholarly understanding is that when current runs through an inductor there is a counter force that opposes it and when the magnetic field collapses the reverse voltage of the energized state of the inductor is excited in the circuit by that opposing force. This reversed voltage is what's actually conducted through the LED.

I also have in my bedroom haphazardly hanging from my ceiling a circuit l built out of a transistor from an old stereo controller, a transformer core from an old fluorescent light, a 12v 1a wall wart from a cheap old rechargable drill, a bunch of salvaged wire, and Chinese LEDs from eBay.

Measured with my kill a watt it powers two 100 watt LEDs drawing 20 watts from the wall. Is my kill a watt hooked up wrong too?

Studying EE here; trying not to be pedantic but couldn't help myself.

Collector, Base, Emitter for JFETs
Source, Gate, Drain for MOSFETs

Given his focus on current, and given JFETs are current controlled devices, 99% sure he is referring to a JFET.

Sorry, back into the shadows for me.

*Collector, Base, Emitter for BJTs

Wow, can't believe I missed that with all my autism.

The field doesn't "collapse". It increases in strength when coil is charged and decreases in strength when discharged. And in joule thief it increases and then decreases cyclically, thousands of times per second - it oscillates. If you short a charged coil onto itself, the current would stay like that forever (provided it's in a superconductor) because the coil resists current change. This is how your MRT supermagnet coils work - they're charged once and then run like that for months and even then not forever only because there are tiny losses present.
Yeah go figure. Digikey? Mouser? Checking the fucking datasheets? No, never heard of.
You need a digital oscilloscope to measure current of pulse electricity sources, because you need to integrate instantaneous readings over time to get proper figure. None of multimeters let alone consumer grade meters gonna have the necessary circuitry to do it.

Yes I know.

lurk moar faggot

Sortof off-topic, but has anyone else been thinking about resonant computation? I.e. creating a basic "self-tuning" circuit that "learns" to resonate at the highest amplitude, and then using a number of said circuits to perform computation? Because I have. I'm pretty sure that's how brains work, resonant coupling of senses with muscles to form feedback loops.
Problem is, I'm really shitty at visualizing electromagnetic fields and have basically no hands-on experience so I'm having a hard time figuring out how to actually build one of these things. For a simple example: create an RF circuit that automatically tunes itself to the highest amplitude signal within it's range.

Oscillation frequency typically determined by some of the following: capacitance, inductance, resistance. You can try using photoresistors in an oscillator circuit to control its frequency. Determining highest frequency in a band signal is a fourier transform task. There's no simple way to make one, not without expending bullshit amount of passive parts or using a microprocessor, at which point it's pointless to even purpuse because using said microprocessor to compute your shit bypassing entire thing would be more efficient.

There used to be some old movies where a person would ride a stationary bike and paddle it to power his television set.

It was done for comedic effect, but I see how this could be a good way to transfer energy while working out.

You can realistically produce 50-100 watts. That's nowhere nearly enough to power a TV. You can however charge your phone like this, which shouldn't take more than 20 watts.

lolwut, i dont think you think that chart means what you think it means.

Let me put it another way:
Imagine you play a sound next to a guitar. If you hit the right note you can make the string resonate, which then becomes louder because it feeds back into itself. But this only works if you hit the resonant frequency. Now imagine a string that vibrates in response to a sound, only this string is attached to a spring at one end. As the strong vibrates side to side, the weight is pulled upward, and the greater the amplitude of the vibration the more the spring is stretched. If the amplitude starts lowering, then the spring pulls itself down until it's reaches the peak again.WHich means that, within the range the string can be tuned to, it automatically seeks out the peak amplitude and oscillates around it, essentially tuning the string to resonate at whatever frequency is played.
There are sever limitations though, the spring can pick up sympathetic vibrations, the string has a very narrow range it can be tuned to, and it's extremely difficult, if not impossible, to extract energy or signal from the string without either damping it to nothing or just picking up the source sound.
But I think it can be done electrically. Imagine a wire that increases or decreases in length until a standing wave forms inside it. This is where my ability stops. All I can think of is an an antenna in sries to a capacitor and inductor and in parallel to a resistor. As the voltage increases, more and more signal passes through the resistor, and as it decreases it passes through the capacitor/inductor simulating a longer antenna.

Not in the way that you're suggesting. The brain is a pulse-based computer, discrete (1s and 0s) but asynchronous.

Let's use the example of gripping something. You reach out to grab your lover's cock. Your hand continues until you get a touch signal that excites some neurons to the point of splorting in order to tell other neurons that they shouldn't splort as much. Then, you make the conscious decision to begin closing your hand in a mongling fashion, which excites enough neurons that they splort all the way down to your mongler. From there, your hand slowly closes on the cock and you get a building pressure signal. The more activity your brain gets from the pressure signal, the more likely something is going to happen i.e. you stop mongling the cock.

tl;dr: Neurons work based off of an all-or-nothing principle and while there are resonances on the macro scale, it's not really how motor function works.

I think it is both abiotic and biotic.
They drill down 40k feet now and find oil, that is 7.5 miles down. If it came from the surface how did it get that deep and accumulate into a reservoir?
I can visualize forming within the earth and being pushed towards the surface, but I can't visualize forming near the surface and being pushed that far underground. Unless some how the earth has gained another 7 miles of dirt and material over its entire surface.

Oceans are deep, user

Nope, you're wrong. Sorry. Brain is a direct connection of sense to motor. Imagine an amoeba, chemical sense for prey, electron pump motor for movement, charge accumulator for triggering envelopment.

You literally just explained what I said in a different way using incorrect terminology. Good job, I guess?

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All-or-none_law
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulse_computation

I guess I should note: "Sort of describes a pulse computer" would be more correct. Amoebas have literally nothing to do with neurons because they're single celled organisms. You don't "actuate" a transistor, you retard.

I take back what I said. Everything you said was wrong.

What about ringing ole' Yellowstone with geothermal plants is that the correct word? sorry layman here.
I mean that caldera is fuckhuge, and if by some means we could slow or halt it's growth would it not help protect the environment and more importantly my ass from it blow up again and coating a good third of the continent in a foot of ash? which would fuck up my PC's cooling, again VFI to me.
It would solve the electricity generation problem, and protect our VFI farmland in the mid west. No to mention that most of our cattle herds would be affected.

these are probably the best way to heat your house
combined with huge water tanks in the basement to act as a heat battery and a wood powered boiler for the worst winter days.

I don't feel like typing if you don't. I also either don't know of care about terminology so I'm just winging it with the wording. Work with me here.
Also, whatever you think I'm talking about, you're dead wrong. Pulses might occur, but I'm not talking about the mechanism, I'm talking about the abstraction:
I'm saying that's how brain computaion works. The pulses are a transmission artifact, what happens when you have a billion sensors, a billion motors, and a billion switches instead of three. A regular wire wouldn't be able to work, you need frequencies that can be overlapped. You also need to impedance match the sensor with the motor, which is simple in an amoeba, but in a large creature with tiny eyes and giant muscles you can't use a regular transmission line. Take the example above and replace "voltages" with "spiking rates" and boom.

Anyone have physical models of this working?

When discharged it reverses and spikes voltage, that's what I mean by collapsing.

So if I'm understanding you correctly my little 12 watt wall wart is pumping out >200 watts of power? Why doesn't it melt? Would my grid power meter be able to detect this usage better than my kill a watt or multimeter?

It doesn't reverses, it's in fact attempts to stay the same, hence there's current output at all. Picture analogous device made of water pipes. There's a crest (LED) that water normally couldn't overcome. You open the valve and let the water accelerate through a buffer pipe. Then you instantly close valve and water's inertia will push it over the crest.

It's probably only 50 watts, maybe less. If it was 200 watts the LEDs would shine brighter. Also just why the fuck would you power LED strip from a wall outlet via joule thief? There are far more efficient voltage booster circuits. But also, why the fuck would you drop voltage and then boost it, losing efficiency every step of the way? Use an appropriate power supply that produces correct voltage form the get go.

I have used 30v boost circuits designed to light one of these chips and they produced a crazy amount of heat and notable 60 cycle hum themselves, thanks China. The Joule thief does the same job for a fraction of the energy with no real heat to dissipate. Maybe the real story here for you is my chips stay cool. I'll post a picture of the circuit I've still got wired up for no reason other than this is the longest I've ever been able to talk to anyone about this.

My use is to grow plants, so this particular circuit has been run twelve hours a day for a few weeks total last year.


wtf is a botanical cell?

this fucking thread won't die

I believe it's one of the less objectionable things in that image, but I don't know either. I want to know who has solar septic tank and thinks that's a good idea.

Thanks for the PDF and other information I'll read that and those patents after work today and let you know whatever questions I have this evening. My first is pretty straight forward, is BEMF effect powered by radiant photons generating some kind of solar wind effect? Probably an ignorant question since I haven't read the material yet but I can't help myself.

BEMF is strictly the emf dump created by the rapid collapse of the magnetic field in an inductor. The surge is like a spring that has been released after being compressed. BEMF has highly different traits when one compares between DC, AC vs. DC IMPULSE. The latter actually causes the conversion of thermal heat into part of the BEMF response. Russians who have authored papers on this describe it as the inverse of a normally driven coil by DC OR AC. Normally driven results in entropy while DC IMPULSE results in syntropy. The N. Zaev paper is excellent. Get all of his publications if you can on the topic. He ran numerous e experiments. I'd have to refresh myself with solar wind to comment on that but Lawrence Rayburn did cite a link to recent publications about an experimental engine relying on these techniques. I do not expect any such designs to be released to be used in any programs. It's more of a dock tease for those who are becoming aware of this different circuitry methodology.

Pic related. Capacitor is 100% arbitrary. In general, bigger capacitor would result in more stable almost-DC current over time and over higher loads. The output voltage can be adjusted by the primary:secondary winding ratio, but you'll still only have a tiny bit of current available at your disposal.
This still isn't free energy, as the energy you're harvesting is simply the potential between RF transmitters around you and ground.

The 3rd image doesn't show a load so it's not complete. Blah blah Blah.

Your circuit is worthless as you haven't studied electrical phenomena long enough. If you study teslas radiant collector patent and patents of others within 40 years of his work, such as Plaussion, you would see the utility of resonant tuning with the earths resonant cavity as opposed to random construction hoping to snag weaker rf carrier signals. Why post at all? Go look at these patents by men smarter than either of us and comprehend what effect proper TUNING has on power levels.

Thank you I'm struggling still to wrap my head around all this but you've given me more relevant information in a few posts than many months of online research yielded me.

There's alot of information in that paper by N. Zaev that confirms what I've been able to piece together from Tesla's work and other people's. I'm just going to have to read it until it makes sense.

I'm going to try building one of these adjustable capacitors as described in patent number 464667 as a first step, and hopefully one day acquire an oscilloscope. Am I on the right path? Thank you for all the help so far.


All you nuclear shills and misguided anons need to read Atomic Suicide.

tl;dr The mineral kingdom has it's own ecosystem just like the plants and animals and we're fucking it up.

pleb please


The point is the fuel is free which makes it free energy, it is energy you didn't pay for except for the infrastructure. An example of not free would be a combustion engine, where you pay for the engine and maintenance as well as the fuel, instead of just the panel and maintenance.

Its like trying to explain FOSS to microsoft shills

Solar roadways are a scam. It's much easier to just put up panels.

is this company a scam? if not they're gonna be the biggest battery company in the world


thats 90 mph with 47mpg
looked it up

if you see this buddy, look into IV chelation. some good stuff out there for getting rid of the lead. check out dr. paul anderson in seattle.

The main problem with solar/wind/any renewable energy is Storage. Without proper storage, you cannot have proper "always on" reliability.

Sure you can store generated electrical energy using batteries, but batteries are EXPENSIVE and GO BAD over time requiring replacement or require frequent monitoring and maintenance. You can mitigate these if you severely restrict their storage capacities though.

Hydrogen Gas isn't a terrible storage medium, but you lose a lot of energy on conversion (Not a big deal when your energy is free) and uncompressed hydrogen gas requires a LOT of space depending on how much energy storage you're needing. This space requirement then makes it difficult to transport as well as you can only have so much in a given area (truck bed).

One benefit of hydrogen though is you can utilize it in nearly any standard combustion engine with minimal modifications. However you can also start fires if you fuck but but hydrogen fires aren't nearly as dangerous compared to petrol fires. Hydrogen fuel cells can be used instead to generate electricity directly from hydrogen gas.

One solution to the storage problem though is using wood. You can create hydrogen gas (aka wood gas) using a wood gasifier which is basically just a specialized furnace for heating wood but not fully combusting it. You can look up people who made these modifications and it's basically just adding a hot water tank to your car/truck and you put wood in it and generate hydrogen gas on the go.

Hydrogen Gas factories are not useful unless hydrogen gas delivery infrastructure is built to every home (we already have that with natural gas and maybe could be used instead but there may be issues with that). Alternatively, gas compression methods that don't have high risk could be used. (Currently, super cooling hydrogen gas in to liquid form will save a ton of space, but it must remain cold as if it warms up to a gas again, the pressure will cause whatever container it's in to explode, like a popping balloon, not a fireball, but could lead to fireballs).

Centralized factories are not exactly economical, however distributed generation may be effective. If every gas station generated it's own hydrogen on site and stored it, or individuals did the same, you could have an effective infrastructure. You may still need new sites built to fill in the gaps.

Solar works by absorbing energy from photons, which don't require a complete circuit.

The received signal from the antenna is AC. The transformer is to adjust the voltage if necessary and the cap is to make the output more DC-like.

yeah that's the good nuclear we arent seeing yet


you mean leaking radioactive heavy metals into our water supply that it doesn't do if disposed of properly
or if thorium as a nuclear fuel isn't a scam, harmless waste products being disposed of into the same places.

one or two
If you want to go super overkill
maybe 4-8 with a more substantial battery bank.

make that 4

The approximate mileage on a level road burning non-ethanol gasoline at 85 degrees F ambient (29.4 degrees C) is:

95 mpg (US) at 65 mph (2.5 L/100 km at 105 km/h … 40.4 km/L … 114 mpg (Imp.))

85 mpg (US) at 70 mph (2.8 L/100 km at 113 km/h … 36.1 km/L … 102.1 mpg (Imp.))

65 mpg (US) at 80 mph (3.6 L/100 km at 129 km/h … 27.6 km/L … 78.1 mpg (Imp.))

50 mpg (US) at 90 mph (4.7 L/100 km at 145 km/h … 21.3 km/L … 60.1 mpg (Imp.))

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