Yale erases history in first ever building renaming


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clappistan yes

Purge when?


Psst. It's already begun.

considering how "politically incorrect" the past is, they are going to have rename a lot of places to remove the names of imperialists, slaver owners, sexists, and homophobes.

grace hopper is only famous because of her shriveled dry dead cunt

We're a failed state with nuclear weapons, like Putin said.

Start by renaming all the buildings and places named after Martin Luther King, Obama, Anne Francois, and other marxist jew trash. to something acceptable also rename that mountain in Alaska back mount McKinley

Historically, the enslavement of overwhelmingly African peoples in the United States, began in New York as part of the Dutch slave trade. The Dutch West India Company imported 11 African slaves to New Amsterdam in 1626, with the first slave auction being held in New Amsterdam in 1655. The last slaves were freed on July 4, 1827, although many black New Yorkers continued to serve as bound apprentices to their mothers' masters.[

Yale is shit


I attended Ohio State University several years ago. Unfortunately this isn't limited to Ivy League Schools. It's the administration and professors who project such cuckold thinking onto the students.

Yale was one of the very few good things we had in New Haven CT. Now we only have good pizza

American colleges are a lost cause.

t. someone who made the mistake of going to college

And to think this is what the student body used to look like (ignoring (((Carey Grant))))

They should leave the United States because it was "founded on slavery".


Ironic because Calhoun's support of nullification is the same justification that liberals are using to defy Trump's executive order and even push for Calexit. top kek

You've been tricked into it, professors are the priests of the dark ages, the only ones capable of reading books to a mass of illiterate serfs.

It doesn't matter that everything is available on the internet or in libraries, you have to give them money in order to receive education.

its not funny faggot

I wasn't tricked, it's more of the fact no one will hire you without that meaningless slip of paper that is a degree. Hopefully I can become a chemist or engineer of some sort and it works out. End blogpost.


I see they're attempting to go for authenticity with "street" grammar.

In twenty years that place will be fucking Devry teaching, satellite installation.

Calhoun did nothing wrong!

Nullification was an attempt to settle the issue of the Tariff of Abomination without SC seceding from the Union. Calhoun was an ardent Federalist and strong supporter of the Union.


This is the first thing marxists do when they come to power. Destroy all symbols of the old power structures so the people can't rally behind it.
See St.Petersburg->Leningrad, Tsaritsyn->Stalingrad
This is not much but it's a start.
At the end, Washington DC would probably be renamed to King DC or Einstein DC.

Next up:

Grace Hopper University (ex Calhoun College) files for bankruptcy amid total lack of funding

Let's be honest, they were still faggots back then. Cultivated everything we're dealing with now behind those walls.

These dysfunctional snowflakes are so broken that they need to advertise that they have people that care about them. Which means NO ONE cares about them. Products of the day care generation. This makes them so, so weak.

yale is skull and bones territory

let it burn

Yale is a Jewish school and always has been. Its motto is literally in Hebrew.

This. Was just coming here to post the juicy little nugget about Leningrad/Stalingrad.

The Bolsheviks are here again, ladies and gentlemen. The Bolsheviks are here again.

It is the destruction and banishment of the old memes, so as to create a meme-vacuum for their new Marxist memes.

If you brought him back to life today, he probably wouldn't want his name associated with Yale anyway.

We Russian Civil War nao

Are you implying we wont destroy and rename all Martin Luther Kang memes as well?

Are there any fucking alternatives to college?

Skills and job experience. Some high school drop outs make pretty good money.

Which ones are most valuable?

~~ Yale in CY+2.

Yale should change its name to Dummer.


No, no. We start by renaming every goddamn prison after Black folk heroes.

"This here is the Malcolm X gas chamber in the Martin Luther King Jr. Death Row at the Frederick Douglass State Penitentiary."

Somewhere somebody is going to make a shit ton of money from online education. If they can figure out how to make online degrees credible, meme for online education and actually produce a couple of figures of merit. Combine that with a 24/7 practical labs and flexible study time.

Yes it does but no more liberal superiority because of a bachelors etc. Actual real world results will be the standard again. I hated every second of University and if their was a better way to obtain a "job paper" I would have taken it. At least we don't have to run up debt here to get it.


Yale is named after Jewish slave trader Elihu Yale. It's OK to have your school named after a Jewish slave trader, but bad to have a hall named after a white slave owner. It's OK when Jews do it. Pic related is the university's shield with motto in both Latin and Hebrew.

Yes we are, albeit it is still a cold one for now.

Daily Reminder

Why not just fan the flames and have the Normie's go apeshit over the school being named after a white slave trade too. The whole thing will likely be undermined because it will make them look silly since yeah slavery is against their morals but they are paying out their ass to say they went to Yale, no one wants their school brand name fucked with

Can this retard not think of any word other than great?

never been fond of that whole yale thing