Uncharted 4

seems like people like it

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some opinions

This looks way too serious. I miss the goofiness of the other Uncharted games.

Theres nothing special about Uncharted. Why is it getting so much praise?

Is it sony fanboyism because it's an exclusive? Because you have Bloodborn, not this fucking cutscene laden mummy rippoff.

These reviews sure look trustworthy and reliable!

I'm sure glad we have honest game reviewers willing to be actually critical about games and put them to a higher like the industry deserves!™

seems like the word masterpiece is in again

like said, Uncharted games are goofy fun.
they're literally Indiana Jones: The Game

*to a higher standard
I need sleep


I hope it's good, but I'll wait.

I had more goofy fun watching the mummy films, and that had more gameplay.

Anybody have that webm about a man going into intellectual overload over "Wait a minute, that card"?

And most people are braindead retards.

One tactic I notice shill reviewers do is cherrypick at certain regions to make a game seem more popular globally than it is

Knack only outsold Mario 3D World in the UK for a brief time because it debuted at number 14 whereas Knack debuted at 13, lifetime sales of 3D World is nearly 5 million while lifetime sales data on Knack is scarce

It's really sad people are payed to spread disinformation to feed fanboyism


They're subhumans at best.

I don't pay much attention to what journos have to say about anything but I'm quite excited for this game, played the mp beta and it was quite good(some of the most fun I've had in an mp game was with UC2).

And I'm also really excited to see the conclusion of the series, Drake is just a really great.

New Citizen Kane of gaming confirmired?


I don't understand.

>not Lethal Weapon

Top kek.

Journos aren't "people", user. You should know better.

Uncharted is the worst AAA series in existence. I've never played a first party game that felt as shitty to play as the Uncharted series. All it banks on is the 'witty' writing that is a piss poor Indiana Jones clone, albeit a lot shallower.

I'm fairly convinced, that this is the one series, that purely sold on marketing and fanboyism alone and not on any form of merit. Fuck this game and fuck Naughty Dog.


Now you understand politics. Everything in our world is a game.

Doesn't seem so strange.

Am I the only one who remembers Crysis?

It was the tech demo for PCs back then.

U4 is the same for PlayStation.

some video reviews without too much dick sucking

VGTV gave it 8/10

Gamesradar gave it 4/5

and people got mad

That's silly.


this isnt just shilling

Thats some shit taste right there
Go play some Tribes 2 newfag.

Yeah, the difference between it and Uncharted is that Crysis has actual gameplay, is playable at 60FPS and is actually good.

You're comparing a sandbox/linear hybrid FPS to a cinematic control removing QTE heavy generic adventure game.

NeoGaf should burn

Many countries outside the US or Europe don't care about release dates and will break them.

Or smaller independent stores. Sadly my owm game store is part of a big local chain and honors the rules.


They're both generic Western triple A trash as far as I'm concerned. Although I suppose U4 is better in the story and characters department.

U4 is the kind of game you buy used for €9,99 and finish in a week. Seems fun enough for that price.

looking at the game play footage, it looks like it had some pretty creative shooting scenarios. I don't mind a big dumb popcorn shooter once in a while. I hope they use the tech they introduced in this game, derivable player cars, to lead the way for the game we all want: unkarted.

Has it always been like this? Console wars and fanboyism are nothing new, but did the same happen to reviewers/youtubers critisizing something like Halo last gen?

This shit better be better than Among thieves. Also

Fucking worst taste confirmed, jesus Nathan.


It was never like this in the 16/32 bit era.
Most of it was banter and poking fun at one another, while the companies were the ones went at each others throats like mad dogs.

I fucking love Rockcock64

Both of those care taken from to today.

Fuckoff weeaboo hipster

mainstream goty will be uncharted 4, no doubt
Hitman is my goty
Dishonored 2 and Human Revolution 2 might be good as well, but I doubt.

But that's down to the prevalence of the internet nowadays isn't it? I never really gave a shit about forums, comment sections, blogs and all that tripe. so this shit becoming unavoidable irks me. When did it start to devolve into free shilling and (what I assume must be) buyers remorse?


The Saturn/Dreamcast disaster was the first time I got exposed to that mentality.

Sega fans were fucking INSANE


Go back to your first post and check to see if there's anything wrong with it

Nothing wrong.

hey hey

wanna cringe?

Oh no U4 is not BAD.

People who say it is bad are just stupid. It has insane production values.

But yeah I only play JRPGs and VNs and the occasional WRPG these days. The only Western game I'm looking forward to is Deus Ex.

Oh shit, I guess that had to be a really big turning point.

Its mediocre so is not far away from bad.
Jesus Christ

Sure is tenouttaten

People said the same thing about Bioshock 1.

how butthurt can one be?



When will people stop paying this fat fuck.

It may be movie: the game: the movie, but their character animations are just great.

What the hell his wrong with this cuck?

At least we now know why he gave Undermeme a 10/10 the Citizen Kane of Vidya.

Memes won't protect you from being ridiculed for your shit taste, user.

This board had daily undermeme threads.

Those were helpful, user. Glancing through them kept me from copying the game.

Pic related

Which were nothing but containment threads for shitposting, porn, and lost tumblrites.




stop sagefagging, Franz

this makes me sick

You must be new here

Holy shit.

The new one here is you.

there's no archive.is for youtube videos and if you have adblock running (yes you do) then you don't give them any money.


Anyone else notice that big playstation exclusives seem to be almost always super critically acclaimed/loved? And any criticism of them is shut down harder than their cocks for nathan drake?
Is the entire world neogaf, or is neogaf is the vocal minority?

I know that you can just upload something as a webm, but who the fuck could be bothered downloading that shit?

And who are you to talk about new when you post a fucking soundless webm?

People also like getting fucked in the ass by with a cactus.

Why are they sucking it's dick so hard when it's gonna sell boatloads whether they do it or not?
Also, all that NOT gameplay in the entire 5 minutes.

the latter.
real normalfags don't give a shit about exclusives.


No, because The Order 1754.
I think the thing is that we're like forty years into this console generation and everything has been complete shit or remakes and remasters thus far so the gaming press are just jumping on the first thing that isn't outright shit so people will think they're not bitter assholes who hate vidya.

I came back to have a laugh.
This thread is hilarious.

When was the last time Nintendoga/v/ was this NagAssaki'd?


I have no idea what you just said.

Why do people care about what reviewers/critics think?

I sold my Bloodborne box already, but I have no interest in Uncharted, so I guess nothing of value was lost.

shitposting material

I didn't even buy ps4 and I'm hoping with all my heart that KoF14 will come out for pc.

It will, SnK would lose a fuckton of customers and parts of their main demographic if that wasnt the case.

Look at the cover; "PS4 console exclusive"

It's coming to the PC eventually, don't worry. They wouldn't make it exclusive to PS4 when the biggest markets for the series is China, Mexico and South America, all of which are mostly PC players.

I'm probably still gonna get the PS4 version so I can play it while I wait for the PC version like a good goy

Go play your feminist walking simulators and casualized trash, pleb

See, this generalization works both ways. Glass houses, etc.

I wanna fug that smug girl

Go play your waifu simulators with less gameplay than Sonys movies.

How is endless space, I love me some legends but I haven't got round to demoing space with uni and all.

I liked it. Its a really good 4X especially considering the date it was released.
Races have different behaviours, different playstyles, and different ship models.
You can customize and create your own ships instead of using presets
Management and happiness of populations is a must.
Research tree is pretty fucking big
Sequel incoming

Go for it, just dont expect something as polished as Endless Legend.
This was Amplitudes fitst game and it shows, game has some quirks but nothing game breaking in my opinion.


Those games aren't AAA.

These games are all AA.


naughty dog is legitimately the most overrated developer in the industry.


Do you have a problem with the French, citoyen?

Yeah, doesn't change the rest of them though.

French are the problem.

These people also loved the Last of Us and that game was mediocre as all hell. I'd even go as far as to say it was bad.

I just wish dualshockers weren't such fanboys. They are good about everything else, but when it comes to sony exclusives or games they are told to be hype for they throw around 9's and 10's like there's no tomorrow.

Wow, Professional Journalists sucking corporate cock once again? Isn't that a surprise.

The only Uncharted that's good is 2, 1 and 3 were mediocre, I highly doubt this'll reach the same heights as the first sequel.

Im not really surprised the Fagourno's like Uncharted series.

Only reason I like is that it somehwat fills the Indiana jones hole/ craving Ive been missing but I just hope this is the last Uncharted Naughty Dog makes

and makes a new IP something that isnt Le Ebin gunz and Grim dark setting.

ITT people pretending the Uncharted series is worse than it actually is just because The Last of Us was a shitty movie

they're never breaking from le cinematique experience dramatic REAL HUMAN STORIES shit. it gets them too many good reviews from journos with low self esteem who want games to be a respected artform, thus making them respected critics, which leads to good sales.

Naughty Dog will never go back to making games like Jak and Daxter or Crash again, their new SO ART MUH DRAMATIC HUMAN STORYTELLING SO GUD fanbase would have a collective shit if the next game they announced wasn't grim, realistic, boring, and uninspired.

Daily reminder that The Last of Us started as a gritty Jak and Daxter reboot

Besides, most of the team that worked on those games has probably fucked off by now.


They can't go back even if they want to because there is exactly ZERO people from the original team that made those games left at modern ND.
I can not even imagine how cinematic Crash with a "human" story would look like.

Still not as bad as Nintendo, every Mario/Zelda gets an automatic 9.

What I want to know is why anyone cares about reviews anyway?

After the IGN review of Nier I stopped paying attention.

Actually tLoU was a pretty good movie considering the capeshit Hollywood makes these days.

who was the writer they drove out?
didn't hear about this

Amy Hennig.


Neogaf on suicide watch.

I've never played an Uncharted game, but they don't look bad by any means. They look like solid TPS/adventure games.
So what's the big deal these faggots like it?

Nice try

How can you people play games like mushroom zombies and national treasure 4, the gameplay is crap and that's all that matters, are these just games for the easily entertained casual masses? Cos they fucking suck and the forefronted handholdey stories are complete dogshit in my opinion

They're not good by any stretch of the imagination, the climbing is fun for like 5 minutes and the constant shootouts get boring

Correction, reviewers and journalists like it.

Plants vs zombies 2 looks fun tbu

you're joking but that piece of garbage probably has more gameplay and innovation than all of these 3rd person cover shooters combined

and it's shite

It's true that UC2 is the only decent one, but at the time everybody was wowed by the graphics (because the PS3 design is so fucking retarded it took Naughty Dog sweating their balls off to get it to perform well). That's the only reason they were praised was the graphics and the "muh cinematic experience" people

plants vs motherfucking zombies
2 person team, basically, and EA couldn't even clone it (PvZ2 is a crashy f2p mess)

so then they just made it into a skin for a class based team shooter, talk about admitting you're out of ideas

Uncharted isn't bad, honestly.

Knack outsold super mario?
No way.
Hilarious if true.

Naughty Dog has never made a good game. why anyone buys their shit is beyond me.

Everything they've made has been shit. Get fucked.

Alright there's only so much dick-sucking I can take in so little time. I'm going to leave the Internet for about 5 minutes and then I'm going to come back to argue about more senseless shit.

Knack was bundled with the PS4 at launch.

exactly, anyone who thinks these are good games is better off watching actual movies. Uncharted's story is kingdom of the crystal skull tier, I'm sure these are scripts intended for movies but got rejected and used for games.

Poor Nintendo. They're so fucked if they don't deliver with NX.

Epic post.

I'm actually impressed he manages to sound this eloquent with a dick in his mouth.

My opinions are never wrong.

Misspelling of smörgåsbord.


casuals that deny being casual are absolute cancer

why do sonyfags ignore the one really good exclusive on PS4 and waste their time praising garbage like this or that western horror VN (until dawn)?

are you full of shit?

Not every PS4 came with Knack at launch, there was just a Knack launch bundle for a while.

It influences the market

oh ok. people buy games for their kids on the consoles they want. nobody wants a nintendo console. so why would they buy a game for it?

ps4 was the popular console, so naturally people are going to pick games for their kids on it.

lego games, disney movie games, platformers, etc.

I actually know a guy in my company that picked up knack. he doesnt like it, but he lets his kids play it. he picked up the PS4 so he can play video games. he primarily plays battlefield 4.

Not to mention that fucking Capcom wasn't that retarded to release SF5 only on PS4.


Please tell me that's not halfchan.

It is.
Don't worry, the screenshot isn't mine, it's from someone on his twitter.

Reminder: You escaped.
unless you're one of the few from before the largest exodus

What's to cringe?

Also I don't get all the hate for Uncharted. It has fun likeable characters that actually have personalities, the places you get to visit are interesting and beautiful, and the gameplay switches between interesting puzzles, platforming, and action gunfights, it might not be groundbreaking, but it doesn't need to be.

Disliking Uncharted is like disliking Indiana Jones because it's an action movie.

There's so many bigger cancers, it's just weird people focusing on this.




This sounds like they are trying to make it more of a game than the last in the series. It honestly looks like it could be a fun movie.

Get ready for buttblasted anons, Jay.

Why bother with Vidya at all of your just playing semi interactive picture books?

Ill blast your booty

Really user?!

Uncharted is a huge franchise and UC4 will outsell Bloodborne. Fact.

Why does Nintendo keep using Mario in every marketing material?

It is as it is.


Hate to say it but it looks pretty good. Never played any of the uncharted games though.


Because they're fun. Yes I play games for fun. Not for competition. Not for challenges. Not for socialising online. Not even for shitposting on Holla Forums. Did you know I've never checked my trophies?

Games are entertainment for me. Trigger alert: I even care about story and characters.


I don't know what else i expected.
Fortunately i have 10 people ready to try out the game and tell me if it's decent or not.
If i just relied on Holla Forums i'm pretty sure i wouldn't be able to play any game ever released anymore.

Actually i'm not sure why i even come on Holla Forums anymore.

Full on edgy hipster mode 24/7, every game is shit, everything is shit in general, nobody plays video games, we don't even organize servers and play video games like the old days anymore and when we do someone just hacks em or starts griefing everyone else so they die out.

What even is the point of this board anymore?
Even the shitposting is boring, it's mostly copy pasted shit from years ago, and the endless faceless stream of "hurr projecting Holla Forums is not one person sage faggot shill nigger kike" etc.
It's just boring, everyone here is boring now, the copy of a copy,.

Type Moon is garbage, go read a real VN like Suck My Dick Or Die

>>>Holla Forums

Winter Soldier was alright, but its basically a shittier version of the story of MGS2

You gotta love how the first reply is platform wars bullshit.

no shit, I never argued otherwise

just because something will sell more doesn't mean it's good though, do you think GTA V is the best game of all time?

Uncharted is also an action movie, and a decent one at that.
The problem is that it costs $60 and has these awful "gameplay" sequences that consist of massively casualized combat mechanics that only look cool because of extremely good animation.

It's a good feeling

It might be awful gameplay for you, but I honestly found it really good in the first three. It does what it does perfectly, and the combat can also get quite hard if you're not playing at the default difficulty.

Have you played a real shooter before?

Try vanquish, it's even third person.

Vanquish is a character action game made by platinum, it's the complete opposite thing from Uncharted.

Vanquish is shit. I appreciate what they were trying to do (a non-shit version of a modern military shooter), but the mechanics are kind of borked (slide boost is pathetically short), the bosses are shit, it's just not a great game overall. It does make a good first impression, but it wears thin shortly afterward.

you're using it wrong, if you notice it doesn't start draining your energy for a bit after you start using it, so you're supposed to use that time of free boost to gain some speed and lead into a roll, and repeat and change directions often to keep the enemies spinning.

most people would describe Uncharted as an action-adventure with shooting mechanics, I don't see how vanquish is any different other than actually being good at the shooting parts.

You could also cite Max Payne here as an example of how to do a TPS well.

Well it's like comparing Unreal to HL2, they're se same genre but the mechanics are completely different for a good reason, despite both being still enjoyable.

I mean just like you can play Vanquish as a normal cover based shooter without ever going deeper into the mechanics, uncharted can also be played as a more run and gun TPS.

They both offer different styles of gameplay, but neither forces one on you.

Why don't you just read a book? I'm not even jokeing, I relay want to know.

Because weebs are only in it for the pictures of lolis.

I think you need a book

Posting on a pgone. Can't type

Neogaf is basically part of Sony's marketing division.

Neogaf liked the Order 1886.

that sure sound like a unbiased publication

You're aware people can do more than one thing, right?

I read books
Play videogames
Watch anime
I sometimes even watch some good old TV

You are pathetic.

Great argument.

if i can watch the game on youtube and get the same experience there's a fucking problem

Every time I see something that makes me go "Man, Holla Forums went to shit", someone always posts something from 4chan and makes me appreciate this place more.

it's not getting better




the fuck's your problem, dude?

Why do so many games get 10/10? That shit means "Perfect", and as polished as U4 is, I doubt it can be perfect. Especially since previous Uncharted games get dull fast.

well, maybe this one doesn't?

A game should get a 10/10 if it's exemplary, not "perfect." There's no point in having a score that you're not going to use, and nothing is perfect. Scores don't mean much, anyway.

Is this sonynigger or sony shills or a combination of both doing this shit?

I'd like to believe, but Uncharted's gameplay is too basic to keep playing for long. The only time where it mixes things up is when you get a puzzle.

So the best in it's class, more or less?

stop meme shilling, you shitpost shill

That's my take on scores, yes.

He's being ironic isn't he?

Yes. He's a borderline SJW, but he's still capable of irony. I think that must cause him a lot of cognitive dissonance.

It doesn't have to be 'perfect' per se, you just have to not be able to think of any element that could have been improved in the game.

I wondered whether I'd feel sad or angry when this moment came. Now I don't.

I don't see how that criteria differs from perfection.

Why do people like these games? The gameplay looks so boring.

Journalists love it because it is a game that plays like other games. This is what journalists mean they say polish.

He isn't wrong.

try playing it. The Star Wars or Indiana Jones films was never that complicated either, it was just a simple adventure with likable characters. I look at Uncharted the same way. I would say start with 2 1 is legitimately boring as hell.

fuck, you're right.

lol what a fucking loser

True. Colluding propagandist parasites should qualify as subhuman.

Being a person who reads books, watches TV and movies, and plays games is pathetic? How? That's absurd.

why is rockcock64 so based?

One of them said a sane thing, another pointed out a joke word and the first took banter at PC muster rice fuckery
What's the hold up? are Redditors here still mad at that cucked place?

Lets get some uncharted 4 spoilers in here

Drake doesn't die.
The biggest spoiler is that there's a Crash Bandicoot level in the game

why is having pride in your country a bad thing? and for that matter, why is being religious a bad thing so long as you're not a fucking evangelist?

Uncharted would be better with less combat elements and more jumping around elements, non?
Like I don't know make a game about running around through tropical islands jumping over pits in the jungle and fighting off wild life, ancient temples and like indiana jones tier traps while collecting, I dunno cool gemstones and artifacts or some shit, they got a game like that?

Strictly speaking, nationalism isn't even necessarily pride in one's country so much as a political philosophy. Someone can dislike living in a country but still advocate nationalism as a policy.

More significant to me is the fact that this game apparently "dares" to tackle these three things which are clearly minority opinions in the modern western world. There's nothing at all daring about going after things that most of your target audience dislikes.

The problem is that games have gotten so bad its more fun to trash them than to actually play them
Now you could put this as a fault of Holla Forums but really its a fault if the industry its self because they don't make good games

Most people don't even play games much less finish them.

The fact remains that some games stand out from others due to the time and talent put into the environments/character models, excellent and plentiful gameplay ( like Demon's Souls for example) or both.

It's been a while, although I think it's mostly ex-xfags behind most of it.

A nation is a group of people with shared characteristics (history, language, culture, values, sometimes race) who want to live together. Nationalism is the political view that the nation should govern itself independently. (This is called a nation-state.)
Throughout history, there have been many multinational states (mostly empires), though the prevailing trend in modern history has been the nation-state.
I'm lefty as fuck (in the Holla Forums, working-class movement sense of the word) and also nationalist as fuck. But a lot of people, especially liberals, don't actually understand what "nationalism" means, and find it to be a big scary word that they use for whatever is bad at the moment. They use it in cases where "chauvinism" (exaggerated or aggressive patriotism) or "jingoism" (advocacy of foreign war) is more accurate.

Never played Crash 1 did you new faggot?

You didn't escape shit. Platform wars happen all the time here. It took like 4 months before people could actually talk about bloodborn without people shitting up the threads with console war shit.

Holla Forums is almost as bad as cuckchan.

All the good posters got older and have less of a presence online due to various factors.

If I had any doubt before on whether on not they got paid off, there's none now.

or they just didn't want to deal with the nygger outrage

Then why are they all saying literally the exact same thing using the exact same buzzwords. It's possible to suck that Sony dick to appease the masses without using the same technique, after all.

they've used the exact same buzzwords since Uncharted 2.
it's just laziness.
people recognize these words and all the fanboys get their dopamine shot.
job done.

God this is so true. I bet even here there are people who watch more ecelebs and Twitch than play videogames.

Is it me or the two reviews are cuts of the same footage?
Didn´t Sony let them publish their own footage?
Did they really played the game?

Thanks for the insight. I was using nationalism as a synonym for patriotism, which it still can be, but I understand how those other meanings are much easier to see in a negative light. It's still a stupid fucking article, though.

Fair enough. And you're right, it is a stupid article. I was just trying to show another way that it's stupid (namely, using a political term incorrectly).

there's a different embargo on footage.
they probably had to take footage from a demo reel provided by Sony

Crysis 1 was a great game, its feeling of tackling an objective any way you wanted remains unparalelled.

can PCs run it on ultra now?

I'm not shitting on Crysis. I just really like systems-driven games that let you be creative and play how you like.

Why do you even bother replying to obvious bait? A game is not determined a game based on the amount of gameplay it has, now a VN sure isn't a game, but JRPGs are and it's such a broad spectrum that covers so many subgenres, it's just ridiculous to say it's not a game because you don't like that it has a story or that it's heavy on dialogue and trying to force your views down other's throats.







It's the only reason anyone plays it, the singleplayer is pretty meh in the Uncharted games due to you having to climb shit 24/7. It is easy to tell he is a shill when he pretends that the multiplayer is insignificant.

Why are the graphics so bad?

I've never understood people like you.
I mean, if the multiplayer was any good, you'd think ND would shit the fuck out of it, no matter how niche the community is.
so I'm still kind of doubtful about you, because you're shilling in favor of something even the creators ignore.

I've always been confused about people like you.
I mean, if the multiplayer was any good, you'd think that ND would shill the shit out of it no matter how niche the community is.
but right now, you're shilling for something even the creators ignore.

I've always been confused about people like you.
I mean, if the multiplayer was any good, you'd think that ND would shill the shit out of it no matter how niche the community is.
but right now, you're shilling for something even the creators ignore..

New Naughty Dog fanboys don't give a shit how terrible or meh the game is, they literally want the game to be a CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE™. So as long as there's fancy setpieces and Nolan North attempting to make jokes while trying to get into Elena's pants, they'll keep their belief that the games are masterpieces of our time.

Eh i don't buy it.
You could say that about most mechanics in any game. Even early blizzard games have casualized mechanics, but they make them work with great balancing to still make it a challenge.
The mechanics need to be exploited to their fullest in order to actually progress in the game, and at that point the mechanics are no long casualized.


So is it better than 8/v/'s "everything is either shit or not talked about unless its some edgy niche weeb game like fromsoft games"

The only two things you actually do in the game is climb and shoot. The climbing is boring as shit and you have to be retarded to enjoy it and the shooting is at least fun, even if casual. In multiplayer most of the time climbing is only there to act as cover and to sneak up on other players so most of the time you are just shooting shit, while in singleplayer you have long as fuck linear sections just to get to the next cutscene. Naughty Dog shills for "muh cinematic experience" because that is what they end up showing in the trailers, that is the only reason I can think of where it actually becomes worthwhile to do so. Uncharted was never really about story when you take into consideration what retarded shit the developers added.

Uninstalled it soon after, thought it would be at least entertaining enough to be worth a pirate but I never felt so insulted by a video game

I liked the first 3 uncharted games. Probably won't get this one for awhile because I don't want to spend the money on a PS4 at this point.

I want Tocs 2 bad, but gotta wait till September.

top heh

You have to go back.

w e w

jesus fuck
you're probably the most cancerous person on Holla Forums right now

Reddit please leave

I like funposting once in a while, but I don't make shit threads to do it.