The future of VR: Overkill's The Walking Dead

You literally play as a guy in a wheelchair being dragged around by NPCs. It's a fucking VR rail shooter, and it looks terrible.

Is this the best we have to expect from VR?

Requesting an user provide a webm, I couldn't get it to 8mb without cutting the resolution to the point where it was unwatchable

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they could've made a game where you play a ship captain. Or better yet an Admiral directing battle ships in space. Where you can view both a hud in where your sitting and out the window

Devs will have to innovate instead of making the same tired old FPS genre games. This is a good thing.

Why is Overkill making a new game?
Arent they more confortable shitting out more DLC for Payday2.

Are people going to ask this question every time a VR game is announced?



To be honest that sounds like both a terribly boring use of VR, but probably as close to an optimal experience as we'll get.

I'm sure they'll have plenty of shitty DLC to jew you with on this one as well. 8ch wheelchair DLC when?

Doesn't seem particularly innovative to me. I remember playing Time Crisis in arcades in the early 90s, and it was basically this except the gun actually had force feedback.

Until a good VR game is produced, yes :^)

Can't wait to pre-order the Walking Dead promo DLC for Overkill 2!

What chu get with it fam?

This looks terrible.

It's bland, focuses too much on 'muh cinematic feel' and the whole on-rails thing is bad for making people motion sick.

Meanwhile games like Zombie Training Simulator on Vive are fucking fantastic. ZTS gets straight to the point, doesn't need some dumb storytelling shit just pure arcade fun.

I had to keep skipping through this video to find where the action actually started, and even then it looked bad.

Also, this VR wheelchair thing is a seperate game, they confirmed it's a tech demo, this doesn't represent Overkill's Walking Dead, but the shooting sure doesn't look satisfying and I'm pretty sure it'll be the same in the real game.

Is this the best we have to expect from VR?

I don't know, Hotwheels vs. The Living Dead sounds like a pretty fun concept for a game.

That seems almost identical to all of the other shooting gallery VR games. It doesn't look awful, but I can't imagine playing that for more than a few minutes before being done with it forever and I certainly wouldn't call it fantastic.

Holy fuck this looks terrible

For the next couple years?
Yeah. Doesn't even matter if it's bomb or become a huge success.
Nobody is seriously developing quality titles for it. So even if it sells like hot cakes it'll take some time until the really good stuff comes out.

still no news about VR implementation in S.T.A.L.K.E.R

can one person be this stupid

Just no.
And let's not forget that this overkill we are talking about, their ability to fuck up is very impressive.

Shooting the shotgun had literally no recoil, sound and didn't turn half the zombie and the dude wrasslin' the zombie into a mush at five meters, so they already fucked up.

At 5 meters buckshot would have a 5" spread, instead, since overkill are obviously nogunz cucks, it has a ~40" spread.

I'm imagining a game like Homeworld, where the regular game UI is a holographic display on the bridge of a ship and you can turn around and look out of a window to see what's happening from the mothership's perspective. Would be neat, even if completely superfluous.

Elite: Dangerous is kinda doing that, but you can't fucking get out of the chair in that game, and can only fly one man ships for now, so it's pretty shitty.

There's really nothing wrong with this, as a matter of fact VR headsets, their cost, and the fact that they work so well with prop items and weird controllers might as well be what makes Arcade come to life once more.

How are you people not happy about this shit?

High-end arcades are dead in the west, and that type of delicate VR gear is never going to work in an unsupervised arcade situation.

I agree that games based around highly specialized peripherals can be excellent in an arcade setting (Japan does an excellent job with this), but I can't ever seeing that work at the consumer level.

This is always the first wave we're talking about, I'm sure they'll get more sturdy as time goes on, especially if there's a demand for them to be used in arcades.

Both Valve and Facebook have done a big investment in this tech, I could see them trying to make small changes to it to make it work in arcades if it fails in sales directly to the consumer.

Do you really see arcades making a comeback, though? I think this is a do or die situation with selling directly to the consumer. Frankly I'm perplexed that all of the titles are shitty shooting galleries or casual games that wouldn't appeal to the hardcore crowd, and the casual crowd aren't the ones going out and buying high-end PCs and expensive VR headsets. I mean shit, look at the HTC Vive. Recommended requirements are a fucking 970 and a i5 4950, and the headset itself is $800. That's crazy.

That's seriously like if the Wii was ~$1700 at launch.

Nope, nope, and nope. I loathe being stuck on rails.

I'm not saying that VR is dead to me by any means, just this particular game for being on rails. That's always been a deal breaker to me.

That's it? You're stuck on a wheelchair and have to be pushed around to get anywhere?

Yeah, but guess who is going to bother to make all those purchases.

Nobody, that's who, the game is just some niche crap that it will only appeal those who're stuck with that expensive piece of plastic, plus it tries too hard to be cinematic, which just makes it even less of a game and even more of a… what the hell do I call this?

Normalfags and casuals LOVE vr.
My roommate has a DK2, we invited some people over and we spent the night playing stuff in VR and they were going apeshit over it.

I think if there's one way Arcades could come back it would be trough VR, not to mention like 90% of the games out for vr right now are arcade experiences anyways and the tech lends itself really well to non-games and arcadey things.

Oh I know they love it, but do they love it enough to fork over the asking price?

Well, no, that's why arcades would be a good settlement for them to use VR

FFS they are wasting the potential here. Even making a railway shooter but putting you on a wiifit board and the different posion of your weigh would make it move or take cover as house of the dead or time cops arcade type or even actually simulating a movement with the balance differance
instead you are a paraplegic that get pushed around

No, just idiots.

Fuck, that looks even worse than overjew 2.



totally innovative when the ninturd virtua boy did it

It's innovative as in you're using a gun controller instead of mouse. You know, actually fucking aim instead of doing babby's first shooting attraction with 4 out of 6 axes being auto-aimed.

Forgot the pic.






yea I've been burned before by them so I never had hopes for it

Fucking hell, this is the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my life. If you're going to do an on rails shooter, don't use some garbage IP like The Walking Dead. Use something like Star Fox. This video just cements my belief that VR is a shitty gimmick whose only use with the current state of the tech is for porn games.

Funny story. Overkill said they can't fix the shotgun physics cause of engine issues and it would require a re-write.

Some Payday 2 modder fixed it right away with a .lua script. Overkill didn't incorporate it.

Good thing rail shooters are no big favorite thing in VR. People more like regular first person shooters, with newfound control scheme of actually wielding a gun via motion controller instead of using a mouse. Or a gamepad, as console plebs are used to. I shit you not I've seen one dumb fuck commented on Hover Junkers youtube video asking if there's aim assist. Aim assist on 1:1 motion controls. That's the kind of faggotry those dipshits exhibit. It's then also a good thing that quality VR is only coming to PC and consoles get pitiful shreds.


The limits on the VR that they can't overcome will mean that everything is going to be rail shooters or tank controls because all the fun ways of moving around fucks with your brain too much. Not much room for anything but FPS games. Even the strategy games will be FPS by proxy since it's a headset and you'll be sitting in a chair.


Why do think this shit comes up every 10 years since '80s and fail miserably?

Sign me the fuck up.

Someone is making that game exactly. I don't remember the name though.


Oh wait nevermind that, he probably meant Pulsar. But that game is indietrash-tier and VR support coming never ever.

It's just an on-rails shooter.

This shit looks like a House of the Dead 3 ripoff, the shotty with rail shooter elements. And that game didn't needed a screen strapped to your face to give depth.
Plus that insane pellet spread in such small radius.
Like most VR games, what's the point if it turns out as a glorified arcade game?

I guess this one'll be The Sitting Dead, huh?


That's because StarVR, being stupidly high res (5k), have/had a very limited refresh rate (60hz if I'm not wrong). That, along with 210° of FOV makes moving on your own very motion sickness inducing.
The HMD is interesting, they were adding eye tracking and focalized LOD after buying some other VR developer and it seems like a solid piece of gear. They could probably keep that resolution with higher refresh rate by now.

Jesus fuck how did this get approved?

That's exactly what it is, StarVR is aiming for the Arcade business scheme as regular computers can't do 5k on stereophonic rendering.

I hope this meme will die already, that's absolutely false as long as your FPS are high enough. Even with the shit resolution from the Dk2 that wasn't a problem, shit load of people playing older FPS with 0 issues. The Vive demos do the whole teleporting thing to force people into using the room function.

Again, going for the arcade-approach here. Why people can't read shit before spewing bullshit on the internet?


Reality is trying to spell it out to you: VR is dead on arrival.

But why, user?


Stereophonic is also relevant for VR but nowhere close to the expense of stereoscopic rendering. Wish it weren't so but sound hasn't really improved since the Soundblaster XiFi. Maybe VR will finally bring some advancement in this field, it's about damn time. No improvement since 2005 is just ridiculous.

Have you ever worked in an arcade? Even old machines cost close to a grand by themselves, and you're telling me I can buy an arcade experience for $800 with good build quality AND it works with multiple games?!

what am I looking at and how is that thing airborne

the camera shutter speed (or whatever it's called) is set to match the rotation of the propeller

so each frame is taken each time the propeller is in that exact position, creating the illusion that it is standing still

These niggers had one chance and they fucking blew it.


This looks worse than House of the Dead 3 and that came out in 2002

Awful, even as a rail shooter they could've done 10x better.

Oh boy, a VR game with random crate drops in VR and you have to buy keys for $2.49 in VR, and likely need to buy the $50 key controller to imitate using a key to unlock it.

The only redeeming quality is if it's still 4 player co-op and each person is sitting in the wheelchair at the same time. Considering they already announced that the Payday crew is going to be in the game, I stopped caring.

Lets assume you already have a high-end PC that is capable of running the VR gear. If you want that arcade experience, you're going to need to get some specialized peripherals with force feedback, so that's going to add a couple hundred more on the cost. Let's also assume you're going to pirate every game, so that ~$800-1000 is your total cost.

Do you honestly think you're going to get your money's worth out of a bunch of shitty shooting galleries, rail shooters and walking simulators? For about $5 in quarters you can go beat the classics like Silent Scope, Time Crisis and CarnEvil, and honestly once you beat them, you're probably done with them forever.

I don't see this paying off at all unless we get some extremely talented developers making truly innovative VR games, and so far I haven't seen a single VR exclusive that could be described as anything but terrible.