> youtube.com/watch?v=FdGxs7wTADI


Other urls found in this thread:


Can you elaborate? I don't speak Arabic.

One nigger anal raped by French Police last week.

Niggers out to "Fuck the Police"

Kek, I remember reading that in passing. Are they in Paris? What's this going to do to Le Pen's numbers?

In Bobigny. Near Paris.

Well, at this point, it can only raise the numbers for Le Pen.



Will Trump being president fix france, or are we going to just going to watch france burn to the ground? I'm fine with either, I just want to know if I should order some french stuff off eBay before their economy collapses. They use to make some really nice chairs.

Did that actually happen though?

Why would the USA President be fixing foreign shit? Nigger do you know what "AMERICA FIRST" means?

Its a toss up. France will probably right itself. Germany? I fear the damage is done. But I mean.. France… The UK..

Im not feeling overly optimistic about it. The trend of baltic and balkan states not being cucks will likely remain the rule for a while. We will see how everything plays out.

I have a feeling though… That how Trump handles this commie kike controlled judiciary will have a huge ripple effect in the global interior politics paradigm.

Nog raped with a police baton? Sounds too sensational, possibly bollox.

destroying europe with two world wars and then say "haha yuropoor cucks"?
well, in the case of france they dug their own grave at least

The trend of only baltic and balkan*


I live in Bulgaria so I'm hoping that Trump's politics wave hits us hard. We haven't let many refugees in and the ones that have rioted were beat up by our riot squads. We barely have money as is and those fuckers think we should give them out better. This year Germany's forcing us to create a better functioning judiciary system and to also add an anti-corruption system in. I hope it goes well. Some Bulgarians are making fun of Trump but he'll be healthy for us.

It is absolutely bullshit. The only possible reason they give for it ever happening is that the officer was fed up with the nigger but stuff like that only happens if the attacker is obsessed with the victim. Anger would induce more beatings not sodomy.

Oh, cool…I guess.

I hope so too. I envy you tbh.. In a smaller, poorer country Id bet the kike propaganda isnt as well funded as in Germany or elsewhere. A small handful of anons with dedicated hearts could probably strike a decisive victory in the battle for the minds of the population. Meme well, lad.

Unless the French cop was a sodomite.

Agreed. Copper gave nog a beating, nog claims rape cos rape = victim bucks. Gives other nogs reason to smash shit & try to kill cops.

Do you seriously believe there are no sodomites in France, a country known for its faggotry? Its entirely possible that the story is true


If I were going to make up a story, I would get my friend to beat me and then say it was the cops. Nobody is going to make up a story about getting anally sodomized

That rests on the assumption the nigger was the one who came up with the story and not some lawyer kike looking to stir trouble.

Goddamn why does RT's live feed lost sound have to be so grating?

Looks like they found a nazi bus stop and nazi taffic lights.


We get oligarchs trying to fund each other which is an issue. But since we're in the group of 4 most corrupt Ex Commie states we have unique issues. Unlike Russia, there's a divide between Communist types and they can't seize total control. Boyko Borisov tried to pull a Putin and get total control but failed. His failures also caused the nationalists to grow quite a bit. They got over 600k votes on the presidential elections last year which isn't little considering a businessman also got around 500k votes.

Things have been fucking weird this year though. I have no clue what's gonna happen here. Even if we're a corrupt hellhole, if the EU is destroyed, our politicians will be forced to make a working economy again so that people don't riot. Joining the EU was a mistake because their funds have just lead priorities with the economy to stumble.

Media-wise, I have really mixed feelings. One one side we have TV channels like BTV that are owned by politicians and on the other channels like Nova which are owned by some sort of Swedish company that just lets them do whatever they want. They bring out some leftist shit but also the typical nationalist things you'd see on TV with very little censorship.

And speaking of meme magic. Since the judicial system here is broke, people make fun of politicians or companies massively if they fuck up, thus memeing them into doing something to fix the issue. Nova likes to do that too since they sometimes point out huge absurdities and they also let the show "Господари на ефира" stay on their channel which generally makes fun of fuck ups on TV or around the country. They even give golden skunk statues annually to particularly shit people.

Also, pic related is Boyko Borisov and Putin together. Dog is a Bulgarian karakachanka by the way.

Personally, I'm inclined to believe the nigger. This isn't some woman crying rape; no man would make up a story about getting anally sodomized. Knowing France, that makes it all the more believable. They are well known sadists and sodomites, especially around Paris.




Well, you Americans DID destroy and ruin Europe and give it to the Jews. So it's kind of your responsibility to redeem yourselves and wipe clean the sins of your fathers.

Okay okay, you got me. A Jew would. But they are unique. Can you imagine an African doing that?

Oh look, the video is dead because OP was too much of a retard to turn it into a .webm. Thanks OP, go suck your batch of aids cocks now you retarded faggot.

It's a livestream retard.

It's a live fucking kike

what is the red army?

it's a stream, you clueless retard

Think before you talk shit

Now with chimp noises.


kek'd hard

You're retarded.

Why are there so many niggers in France?

Colonizing Africa.

Y tho?

You burgershits better kill all your jews. I mean literally exterminate.
Your government let those rats out in Europe and besides, it's in every white nation's (yes, even you Mr. 56%) to eliminate all kikes first.


She will save France.

But only if you say :


Rolling for holocaust in 2017

Better yet: They did it with a nightstick.

Why? Hard to tell. Maybe the guy deserved it. But knowing the French, they might have done it for the lulz.

Your attempts at D&C are pathetic.

A bunch of drunken mongols that Germany would have defeated if USA didn't invade from the west at the same time, forcing Germany to fight a multifront war against several superpowers.

Jeanne au secours!
Please kill the EU.

Kikes are ungreatful rats. We help them during WW2 and don't get thanks. One of the few things the Commie government did right is remove all of their rights.

Chimput in Sweden as well. Group of 30+ attacked Swedish cops in "enriched" ghetto of Rinkeby, Stockholm. Cops had no chance against them as they fought with stones and bottles and shit.

This was because cops went to arrest some nigger or mud, and the nearby people came to "support" the dindu.

Stream please?

What D&C Cletus? I'm dead fucking serious.
You burgers amplified the Jew problem like it was never amplified before in human history, You owe it to western civilization to fix that now once and for all. After you've done that, you can have your "America First" politics.

No stream, only news.

U wot m8? The Bolsheviks were 95% Jews.

t. europoor stay mad faggot, I hope you all die.

now some faggot is drumming.


Have the cops given this alleged rape victim any sort of tests for anal trauma (I guess it'd be a rape kit)? Wouldn't that clear things up? I'd imagine that a baton up the shitpipe would be fairly easy to determine.


Ours were hired by the Bolsheviks but had antisimetic laws put up. If you ask anyone that grew up during Commie times about Jews they'll all tell you they're greedy and evil and control the world. Also things like them being assholes is often said. Heck, that's what my parents think as well.


this one?


Dubs + victim bux = truth. Nobody is going to randomly mess with some nogs stinky ass just because resisting… that's a crime of passion among faggots. A regular person would just crack his head open

What is the Pan-American security zone?
What is destroyers for bases?

The declaration of war was nothing but a formality at that point, America made a point of involving itself

Was that an explosion?

Thugs running from gas


The people at the camera are proverbially laughing their asses off over the chimpout.


Camerawoman gonna be raped in 3…2…1….

Bitch please, look up the baltic demographics, they men clean toilets in the UK or do construction work in France when their women sell their bodies in Qatar.

The EU managed to do what the USSR never could, the balts have been exterminated, has in: "it's done", they're below sustainable population threshold. Their demographics are worse than anyone else, worse than Germany worse than Japan, even worse than Russia. Yet it's a problem for those massive countries that still have millions of kids every years despite that (and therefore will NOT disappear right away) but for a population that was a handful of millions to begin with it's somehow ok?????

Pic related is Estonia.
Now remember that 1/4 of that is ethnic Russian, with a good 10%+ of Russian foreigners.

Russia will not invade the balts they will just wait for them to die on their own…

Eternal Anglo detected. You can thank Merkel for the shock therapy, otherwise they would have boiled you like a frog.

RT has the worst fucking camera operators. I hate them so much.

Keep working that kike lie Moishe, in the end we'll roast smores on your pyres.

The burning trash fires in the way of the average commuter sure is poignant.

Sure thing, mutt

some chimpout….


trump, if he had any sense, should pull a clinton and do what she did to Syria and get the niggers to try to form a coup so we can exterminate those dirty subhumans

something happening…

One of the two grills thinks it's a great shot to end the stream.

This kills the headphone users






Nice, it's good honest imagery to get out how the chimpening impacts the average citizen.


It's the MSM appealing to the mudslimes' inner demons. The average mudslime hates sodomy even more than the average Holla Forumsack, and it's a symbol, the police baton is the state.
It's like saying to camelfuckers: "look at this, the degenerate west is literally raping your asses with their symbols of power."
They're gonna chimp-out, bigly.

They buttfuck little boys and goats on a daily basis.

New link


I don't buy it.

The fug is going on? What are the snackbars yelling about?

Black people don't like "homosexuals".
They define "homosexual" as a man who enjoys getting fucked by a man.
Probably because they enjoy inflicting violence on people.

We need a White version of this over there.

I don't know mate. I don't speak arabic.

It never gets old.


Germany would have never attacked USA if USA stayed out of the war. FACT.


So isn't this exactly what we wanted for a Le Pen win?

USA was worried about the Pacific front so they begged Japan to attack. See: Hull ultimatum.


don't you mean corruption system, user? I don't think germany in their current state would EVER make another country install an anti-corruption system

Trump cannot fix France. Le Pen can, though.

Sweden - New muslim woman tactic on police. You won't believe it until you hear it for yourself

Internal affairs after reviewing the video tapes of the security tapes concluded that the nigger was lying (what a choc).
The thing is that our jewish president went to visit him at the hospital for free media coverage and now the chimps have an excuse to chimpout.

The only reason they want to do it so they expand their businesses along with Austria. There is personal interests involved. I hope that this bites them in the ass though and we just start taking our interests in only. I don't want Bulgaria to be a satelite nation.


The best live straight from the rioters's side

Go back to cuckchan
Reported and Filtered

Reminds of that liberal cunt from some anti-trump rally who began screaming like a pig when a cop approached her.

Oh shit! Get out of there

The police is gazing civilians in there cars periscope.tv/AlgerSousBois/1lDxLRWwBdYGm


Snackbars confirmed for Orkz

Forgot to mention but in the Romania thread there was something about Soros taking away our money. I have no idea what that's about because I only started browsing Holla Forums recently. Heck, I've never heard of Soros up until a week ago. So if there's things related to that, I have no idea.

Jesus fucking Christ, there's being a newfag and then there's you.

I've secluded myself from any politics up until about a year ago. Before that I only knew of very local-related things that were just about my country and about my country only.

We have a confirmed nazi trash bin on fire.



The baltic are fine you mongol the whores being sex slaves in eastern europe are all russians


why do people insist on throwing away their quality of life by allowing these losers in their countries. this is madness.

Rosia Montana

resisting the arrest the stick got in his ass while they wanted to bring him down and litterally got anally ravaged.

May was appointed by her party, not elected by the people.



Because Westerners are taught that they're privileged and are guilt tripped their whole lives. That's what I see.

From what I'm reading it seems like they were trying to Jew out the land for gold. Sort of reminds me of the gold located underneath Breznik. But if anyone tries to mine it away the entire city will have to be destroyed and people have tried to keep anyone from potentially destroying it.

Picture this Holla Forums:

I'm glad the authorities have cleared some part of this story, but I hope this guy will still have his job at the end of it.

This looks oddly like a Soros funded protest. I'm willing to bet this is in fear of a Marine Le Pen victory.


The Japs knew all along about France.

It's about theo lad. 10 cm wide anus tear.

Since nobody else is going to check those dubs I will.
Also France has been one of Americas greatest allies for centuries. Trump supports Le Pen. If France can uncuck itself and Vote her into Power, things will change. It's sad the nation that gave birth to powerful leaders like Napoleon has turned into a refugee trashed shithole. Paris used to be beautiful too.

nazis btfo

Yeah I'm just catching up on this. Amusing none the less. Not sure I'd call this a chimpout though by this particular stream anyways. Looks like a bunch of cuckolds with signs.

so the red army dindu nuffin? even though the US wouldn't have been able to beat the nazis without them? seems like you're just finding excuses to blame burgers for everything

Can Holla Forums confirm if the nigger was actually raped by the police officer? If it's true, i fear it might lead the blue pilled masses astray from Le Pen's warm tender embrace.

Ugh. This is what happens when you do business with American Moloch worshipers.

Napoleon was corsican

Dude, this is so gay. What are all these white people doing out there? They should know it's not going to be a compelling political demonstration against misbehavior of police or whatever. Dindus are going to throw a fit.

Would the French people come out these numbers if one of their own were raped by migrants?

Putting that in quotation marks doesn't mean that Germany didn't issue a formal declaration of war against the US.

if they did the media would never report on it

It doesn't discount the fact that the US was provoking the Axis. They helped British ships attack U-boats with depth charges, allowed volunteers to join the RAF, supplied them, etc

those fucker should be investigated i saw them protesting recently in another city cause a nigger got shot down because he was killing someone(and it's old) it's our nigger live matter.

Stop posting and kys lurk more

Yes my fellow goyim, it's all the fault of the Russian women that they were enslaved after being promised cleaning jobs and then taken to Israel to be raped

the US were a bunch of fags in ww2 but they shouldn't get the majority of the blame. There never would have been a war without churchill and stalin being antagonistic faggots

Any luck finding other streams? It's still early in the evening over there.

Anymore streams still up?

RUSSIANS IZ GOOD BOI DEY DIN DU NUFFIN. And for the most part it is Russians fault tsar vladmir the faggot and the gopnik brigade dont give a shit about thier women thats they they are desperate to flee that shithole.

Churchill and Stalin would have been able to do fucking all without the US.

Russia would have been BTFO and Churchill would only be able to make more angry radio broadcasts.


A stream in the riot zone


Is the correct one

England, France, Poland and the Soviet Union propagated it. The USA only came in to finish it.
Fratricide is the real crime of the world wars (pl)..
and it is undeniably of jewish origin.


I think it will heat up even more as police chopper are send in

What are they chimping out about?

What's the cause of these riots?

With that dam in Califonia looking like it's about to brake any second now and this, tonight is looking pretty comfy.

police accused of sodomising a black. unclear what actually went down but this is the reaction

I'm at a loss, too, Holla Forums

Is this about that video with the two cars where they were dragging some nigger into the backseat?

Wtf is the big deal?

Huh. So what your saying is it's a mystery then.

On monday a french gentlemen of colour got a police baton shoved up his ass by 4 policemen
5 days of riot later
Teh trollbunal statued that the man of colour shoved the baton up his own ass and that the cop are in fact innocent.

On a side note the pepper spray also suffered of a malfunction therefore the pepper delivered into the gentlemen of colour's throat was just a misfire

I thought you were joking about the anal rape thing, did that actually happen?

going out on a limb here…cop is black/arab, right?

Its only 9pm and riots are going strong for 5 hours allready

Officially he was accidentally raped by a police baton
As a reward he got a artificial anus and a 7inch tears in the anus

Are you fucking joking?

This is an even more hilarious story than freddie gray

Do you know that le front national are just a bunch of jewish masons at work
Not to joke they are the association of the GNF and GOF lodges


now gas yourself, kike masquerading as an anglo

i think you mean yiddischphere. WWI cemented rothschild control of brit military.

I was making a joke and it was fucking hilarious.

Trump is a german

He's some burger mystery meat

It's gone. Too many dindus. Plus the next fucker to run the place is going to be a bat shit insane Commie whose going to put them out of their misery and into a new hell that is straight out of the third world. No one goes there anymore. I sold my apartment in Paris in 2006 I barely used to chinks ffs because I could see it was over then. Very sad.


He's more Scottish then German.

Is anything happening?
Last I saw the streamer was just driving.

The dude is taking a lunch break, he is going back in at 9pm

Never change France


That means "save us" or similar, right?


If that's literally true, then:

Shitskin > Sodomite

Especially if that sodomite is an oil drilling faggot.

How can you accidentally sodomize an arab with a baton with his pants down?

Just look at this scheming Jew. This is fucking planned hoax meant to stir shit up. Or distract from something….?

IGPN (the French police of the police) after investigating the rape allegations determined that it wasn't the case, there was no buttrape.

The wall just got 10ft higher.

Marine will be president. Anyone saying otherwise is either non-french or a traitor and actually pretty retarded since the FN is at the highest it ever was and tops the %voters at 25%

That never happened. The commies were all run by jews

Which means fuckall when USA had been a total fucking Jew for years, supplying and funding the Soviet Union and yet claiming that USA is not taking part in the war.

There is a video of a fucking old WHITE GUY throwing a stone into a shop. A fucking baby boomer…. Fucking leftists.


are they saying he was so analy ravaged he needed to recover in hospital? I can't even describe where my sides are right now.

I hope the let the Legion loose on all the niggers, muslims, jews, asians, etc

France belongs to the French period.

What an ironic meme.

The Europoors are in worse shape than we are, and they're doing it to themselves, but all the black Jewish propaganda they buy into gets produced here.

Our destinies are linked. Whites are the smallest racial group on the planet. If we write off Europe and laugh at them we lose half our population, and set ourselves up for the same fate.

I don't know what we can reasonably expect from the current administration, but we need to do everything we can. To save us all.

How is anally raping a nigger even a crime? A celebration of non-white anal sex. Isn't that like the diversity death cult's equivalent to the Coming of Christ? The real problem is that the police officer wasn't shat in the right hue of shit brown.

Anal tearing is a thing.

Good. Things like this helped Trump win. France needs more of this. Way, way more.

Considering Paris is like, 90% niggers of some variety already, I'm not surprised. That city is entirely third world tier already. If they dont elect a nationalist party and start shipping those niggers back, then that entire nation is as good as dead in the next 10 years. All economic, cultural, and scientific achievement that they may have produced will be completely stopped.

But its good they're chimping out, its gonna give rise to people fighting back. The more they act like animals, the more people will see them as the animals they are


Rip France!

Has the full video leaked anywhere? Accidentally shoving a baton up someone's ass sounds strange, but it could make it clearer.

It's not going to get leaked because it doesn't exist. It never happened.

excuse me?

>rotherham and all the other cities

i hate these people.

Nice picture except for that one lampost in the middle. Almost had a perfect anti-juppe image.

I've never much bought into the whole Rotherham thing. Rotherham has a population of 250,000; which means that every single female child in the entire city would have had to be groomed and raped.

Every single one of them. That's just fuckin' crazy, ya know?


What? No, estimates are around "just" 1400-2000 victims.

They didn't rape him, they fucked him with a baton.

France burns, equality being their religion signed their death warrant over 200 years ago.

We haven't had too bad a record with female PMs in the UK to be fair. So long as the left aren't allowed to fuck everything over yet again after May's fixed everything, hopefully we'll be okay.

And they are suprised that blacks chimped out? Great job french police, you brewing beer that you will have to drink soon.

Germany has been trying to take over and destroy Europe for centuries by exporting their commie revolutionaries and stirring up the workers and lower classes in their neighbours through subversion. The sad thing is, because they've finally stopped doing so via their military might, they're now getting somewhere.

May isn't going to fix anything. She's a pro-Sharia, pro-immigration, pro-feminist, pro-Europe establishment shill who's been regroomed to fool idiots into thinking she's the second coming of Maggie.


I havn't decided if the land should be reborn into a Gaulic/Breton state or made great again as a Franc one. The people of the land find themselves where they are because they don't know who they are and have internal stresses. Dame Lombarde, this song helps.

The first few seconds scared me. I thought it was a giant man in the distance.


Back to cuckchan with you. We don't "Mummy May" post here.



Drive the shitskins from France!
Poitiers 2.0 - Electric Oooga Booga

They are all white, fucking disgusting.

Holy shit Hollande visits the Nog in hospital for a photo op, pity the police are all niggers too or they would fucking riot themselves.

Excuse me for hoping she'll do better than the last 5 wastes of oxygen we've had since Thatcher, rather than wait another 3 years for some improvement.


Do Swedish cops not have shotguns or tear gas?

as you say, muhammad.

Coming from the anglos that did conquer europe and destroy western civilzation thats rich





New live from the riots


Chimpout is back

Live from the riots

The choppers are send in

uh yes
are you retarded?
theres african tribes in the congo where you have to take BBC up the ass as part of the initiation ritual into manhood from boyhood

Why the fuck would they riot ahead of an election? Do they not realize there's a chance a candidate will purge their kind from the country if she wins?

You must have something for BBCs if you felt it was so important. Fucking degenerate.

Too bad the news can travel through the internet and word of mouth… The lugenpresse has no power here.