Another Venom event, seriously? Like, yeah Venom is cool, and yeah Eddie is cool, but another one?!?
Are you fucking kidding me, Marvel?!?
Can someone storytime Venomverse?
Its shit, my nigga. Cullen Bunn don't know how to write Brock. But here ya go.
I've seen some horrible things tonight.
The art's alright except for antivenom designs, I guess, but what the hell?
Cullen Bunn is hack. Btw, this event is selling like hotcakes. It pisses me off.
… did they turn anti-venom into the bad guy? If so you can tell just how far gone Marvel's moral compass is.
No, Anti-Venom was Eddie Brock, and the Anti-Venom symbiote died when Eddie cured New York City of the spider plague. That white spider-man is a "Poison" which are some new sort of villian that consume symbiotes.
You're not even trying any more, Marvel
There was a Gwenom, but she got killed by a poison in the prelude to this.
And so Peter is killed right at the beginning of an event… again.
Nah, read the next issue, He survives and he looks like he's going to be the secondary or primary villian.
Dunno if I'd call being absorbed into an alien consciousness "surviving"
Considering this event is Symbiotes and their hosts versus Poisons and their hosts. I'd say it counts. At the very least, the Poison is using Peter as food.
Maybe Eddie will even save Peter before the end.
Not surprised. Also apparently Lee steals Mania's symbiote to become Maniac. Yeah
But Poison was also the name of the character that was Peter Parker re-fused with the old symbiote in one of the "What if…" comics.
That was so fucking retarded. Make way for the best what if peter parker comic.
Since Brockfag is AWOL, I'll take up the mantle.
The only thing Venom Inc will be any good for is the chance to see Eddie rip Lee's arms off and beat him to death with them. Fuck that shit eating edgelord Saskue looking cunt.
Marvel is like a bunch of kids trying to start a fire for the first time. Some kids are using what they've seen from tv, some are doing what their dads did, some are just trying whatever.
Every once in a while one of them gets a spark, then a small flame, then all the other kids drop what they were doing, run over to the flame and immediately start piling wood on until they just fucking smother it.
The kids sigh, go back to their tinder and try again.
This is the cycle of Marvel comics. Any spark that could turn into a stable income is immediately snuffed out by them just putting too much of it out at once.
It's genuinely hilarious that the best thing Marvel currently has going for it is an edgy 90s era anti-hero whose origin story consists of him writing fake news, bodybuilding, and then trying to kill himself in a church.
DiCaprio's walk ? seriously ?
DiCaprio's what?
Did Venom Katie even appear in Spider-Verse?
Meant Venom-Verse, but Venom-Verse does seem to be just as bad.
That got a hearty chuckle out of me.
so i guess is not THAT bad.
what, no it's not. It's already below 50K units. It's not selling terribly in general but for a mini-event comic it's doing pretty below mediocre.
Every issue in stores is sold out here in New York. You may be mixing up Edge of the Venomverse with Venomverse.
This comic feels more like a saturday morning cartoon than a Venom comic, honestly.
I just hate the poison designs. They look so generic and boring.
That's sort of what I mean by saturday morning cartoon, they're very bland and safe looking. Like something from Buzz LIghtyear Space Patrol
What's the difference?
They're too different things. Edge of the Venomverse sold like shit, Venomverse itself is selling very well.
Carnage-Verse when?
Never, this event was pretty shit.
Now, if we actually got to see every symbiote and new incarnations, that would've been dope.
Thanks OP
Wow this is bad.
Wow this got worse.
MJ looks rad though. I've always liked that design though, for Spider-Woman or Arachne or whatever she's called this week.
I thought Marvel Rebirth was supposed to put the brakes on the endless events? At least temporarily.
What's it actually given us, all told? Brief mentions that some of the original heroes who have been stripped of thier powers are still out there, Wolverine back, but not as Wolverine, The FF might come back… and legacy numbers. Whoop de doo.