How is there no thread for this game? Have I just been missing them when I've been checking, or is there some nit-pick that has Holla Forums considering the game cancerous?
Lets fix this.
How is there no thread for this game? Have I just been missing them when I've been checking, or is there some nit-pick that has Holla Forums considering the game cancerous?
Lets fix this.
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't like most indieshit. is it fun ?
Most of what I've heard about it's that it's a Nuclear Throne clone. Is it different enough to warrant a pirate?
Are you triggered user?
And shitload of references also memes to better games, destroying the game's own identity
I've already completed all of this game's content.
I feel like the developers missed an opportunity to differentiate between the characters. They all feel exactly the same to play.
One way they could make the characters more unique is to give each of them their own dodge.
- Character one would have the standard dodge roll as it works now.
- Character two would have a quickstep, which is significantly faster than a roll, but has shorter travel distance, i-frames and does not allow reload at the same time.
- Character three would have a Max Payne style shoot dodge. A downside could be extended recovery time after i-frames end.
- Character four would have no i-frame dodge, but instead relies on a dash for maneuverability.
and so on.
I didn't play Nuclear Throne, but looking at the trailer, I'd say the difference seems to be that Gungeon doesn't go for enemy swarms and tons of rapid fire weapons.
All but the basic enemies are a threat on their own, and you control your fire a lot more than what looked like Nuclear Throne's "fire into the crowd" tendency.
Yeah, the starting equipment is the only difference, and it becomes irrelevant after the first floor or so.
Those would be really good (obvious even) ideas for the characters too, especially since the fucking company is called DODGEROLL, 80% of the tutorial is focused on DODGEROLLING and there's even a side-quest with the tutorial guy centered on his conflict with a guy who blocks rather than using EVASIVE TUCKS
It's pretty difficult and chaotic, which is good for a rogue-lite. Basically a top down bullet hell plus jump dodging and tableflipping.
Some of the enemies have pretty cool patterns, like a book that spits alphabet shape bullets.
The art and animations are above most indie pixelshit at least.
No, the references work within the game's identity.
The whole background is that the Lich in the Gungeon has spent millennia or however long collecting up all these different kinds of notable guns from across the galaxy. So OF COURSE you're gonna find Dirty Harry's Magnum and The Boss's Patriot, ect, ect.
You could say it's a Nuclear Clone
Nigga… The best starting weapon is the crossbow, which is on one character. You're gonna tell me you think half the guns are equal or worse than that?
Sounds like your ass couldn't adapt to the weird guns.
Are you using a controller? Dude, make no mistake, this IS a M+KB game.
PROTIP: when using the mouse, you teleport to the location of your cursor, making those hammers trivial.
You're complaining about aim-assist, but controllers are fucking gimped in this game.
So more or less a different approach to the same kind of game in that you're dealing with fewer but tougher targets, with some added lack of ability diversity. Sounds at least worth a look into since most NT character abilities end up useless or rarely-used anyways.
Carlos get back over the fucking wall
It's more like BoI combined with NT. Gungeon plays at a much slower pace, and has less replayability for that reason. Of course, their developers didn't completely fuck over their community by launching a buggy update and going on radio silence for two months while they "fixed" the game.
Yeah, I've heard that comparison made before. There's definitely a lot of Isaac in there once you get away from the combat, what with the usable items, collectable passives, and the fact that two keys will cover your essentials on a given floor (until the end-game, when they stop giving you items).
It tracks your position and you need iframes to avoid getting hit, which the teleport removes you dumb nigger. It probably got patched, but it's clear they didn't give a shit when playtesting.
Sounds like you're being an apologist.
Fucking kill yourself man.
Plus the advantage is that you can remove the aim assist and aim lock form the controller
No, man. For real. If your evaluation is so poor that you think half the guns are equivalent to starting weapons, then you ARE pretty bad.
You can hold right-click to make a shadow of yourself appear at your character's destination. This makes it so that when you release the mouse button, you teleport instantly. You just wait until the hammer stops tracking your movements and is about to come down, then teleport halfway across the screen.
See above. If you think this is a dual-stick game, you are a chump. The teleport dodge letting you zip unlimited distances using the mouse and the origuni bullets homing on your cursor are a couple of examples I can think of.
as opposed to aiming with the mouse and not being gimped in the first place?
Not really my speed.
On the note of indie shit, though
Risk of Rain. We should get together again some time and do a runup.
I fucking love playing HAN-D.
I played the game.
You have to grind a lot.
It gets boring.
How this ain't a dual stick game dude?
Left you move. Right you aim.
The fact that one passive item let you teleport isn't destroying the core of the game the concept is still a dual stick game
With Mouse you put the cross over the enemy and shoot, with the stick you have a general direction to aim, that's why the aim assist is done to compensate for that lacking. And as I've mentioned before, you can remove it
Take Nuclear Throne, add all the flaws of Isaac and now you've got Gungeon.
I'm talking more about game design.
From a design point of view, Nuclear Throne is pretty low on flaws, but from a technical point of view, it's a fucking mess.
Though in my opinion loop 1 difficulty could use a nerf, I think loop 2 should be loop 1 as it is now and loop 1 could be something in between the current loop 1 and pre-loop. Also nerf buff gators.
Only by your constant shilling for this piece of indie shit, totalasscancer.
Oh, a design standpoint. That's entirely different; no matter how much shit I give jw as a programmer, he's pretty fucking decent at design.
As far as loop 1 is concerned, it only has a handful of flaws at the beginning of the loop.
Other than that, I don't have a problem with Loop 1.
There were a few threads closer to the release date.
I pirated it and dropped it after 30-50 plays.
The concept was great but most of the game feels like they didn't really know what to do with the concept.
The idea that is has a huge variety of guns is utter bullshit when so many of them suck even compared to the utter shit starting guns.
Nearly every active item is worthless.
The passives feel like they could have had great interaction with each other but with how random they all are, it doesn't matter because you'll probably never get them at the same time.
I just think there's too big of a difficulty spike when you hit loop 1, compared to pre-loop.
Unomptimized indie shit. I shouldn't need a high-end computer for such a graphically shitty game. It looks fun though.
I think it's for the reasons that I listed off, but the spike is undeniable. Just making elite IDPD scale like standard IDPD would do wonders, and making it so E.Shielders teleport again. Teleporting is a blessing and a curse in and itself for enemies, since they can fuck up and put themselves in really bad spots.
From what I see its getting shilled all over jewtube and the devs gave money and used their dodgy connections in the industry to get it heavily marketed
Also the fact that its very the same as Jewish baby simulator, binding of Isaac, makes it really fucking popular.
Now you're just being intentionally dense.
Beyond the fact that using the mouse btfo the analog stick by like, 1000% in terms of effectiveness, the items in question prove that the game was INTENDED for a mouse on a design level.
Been playing this game with mouse and keyboard a lot and tried to remap the button for bombing, but remapping buttons only seems to work if you use a controler.
Fun game though, it's like a mix of Touhou and Binding of Isaac.
I really like how there is ammo in this game, in BoI you'd often just straightup win a run by finding a overpowered item and steamrolling every floor, that's unlikely to happen in enter the gungeon
I like it. The guns are all varied and most are fun to use. Never played Nuclear Throne but apparently the guns don't change that much, so EtG has that going for it. Also there's shmup bullet hell patterns.
It's still okay, but this shit makes it frustrating as hell. I've died too many times because the game gives me fuck all to work with then throws me stupid hard rooms. I'd rather just play Isaac where at least my deaths are due to being retarded rather than muh RNG.
There have been since it was announced. It's just that nobody gives a shit about the next FOTM roguewannabe that sends more than half it's budget on marketing. Enjoy your check.
Where the fuck have you been? We've had loads of threads, it was deemed okay at best.
I enjoy it good to play when you are bored.
Litterally the worst character. Cant aim for shit
Cigarettes and anything. They're ridiculously broken even after the nerf.
Checked, and I enjoyed it.
It's a great game, better than BoI. It's probably too hard for Holla Forums though so it leads to tears.
Lol, gee, I wonder what might be the advantage of the other two characters…
Also, the only thing that's weird about the hitboxes that I've seen is that bullet enemies are easier to hit from the side because of their shape, which is stupid, but the alternative would be worse (Where bullets visually pass through the enemy's head because they're going just behind them)
Also, a hint: several guns and starter guns can be manually clicked off at a much higher fire rate (feels like +50% DPS). Try this with convict. Her gun remains useful through floor 5.
Can't aim for shit but his lockpick and reduced shop prices makes it easier to get more items.
The other 2 characters are only really good on the first floor.
Honestly my main gripe with this game is that every single gun is a fucking inaccurate piece of shit. Aiming is almost useless because the bullets fly all over the place.
I had one run that was actually Isaac-tier in terms of broken shit. It was Omega Bullet, then Hexagun, then Hip Holster, and Alpha Bullet added at chamber 5. (So hexagun's one bullet became the alpha and the omega)
It was one-shotting everything except iron maidens and screaming heads (which took the free shot to kill), and there was about a half-second between firing and the free shot-on-reload, so I could usually try to get my cursor to a second enemy for a second kill.
How do you even manage to play melee?
Fightsabre, without a doubt.
I have been to the smith five fucking times without the primer i can't believe this
Fucking wasted opportunity there.
Aiming works fine for me, so either you can't fucking point and click or you're using a controller.
My real big gripe with the game is the ridiculous amount of health on the bosses if you're using anything other than the sling.
Just because making your bosses bullet sponges is a good pun doesn't make it a good idea.
Prime primer is fucking easy to get, assuming you don't spend all your money on guns and equipment.
I never buy anything on the first two floors, the game is fucking cucking me
Am I missing out?
Unlocking the shortcut is far harder than this.
Stop getting hit.
Most broken shit ever? Hmm… The ring that fires in every direction, plus the banana.
The whole fucking room explodes for like ten seconds, and this recharges the ring while it kills enemies. Also works well with beam weapons, and if you have the bouncing bullet passive item, it's basically goat head + bloodwhatever.
Because it's too shallow.
You know you're fucked when you have less depth than Isaac.
Only answer.
And yet we keep getting threads for Uncharted.
very carefully
just stack up drones and you have a ranged attack
loader is best melee
come on rabi ,that's pretty stale b8 you're using; i mean it's the current year+1
Spam them attackspeed boost bits. Eventually look for items to make it so you're constantly in overclock. Enjoy your ARARARARARARARARARARARARAR
One question.
Those items you can get per floor which supposedly make an item if you get them all- do you have to get all five in a single run? Also I've been told to hand those items over to some blacksmith, where is said blacksmith?
Threads don't just appear on their own and every game doesn't deserve one, you homosexual.
That's two questions, user.
You don't have to get them all in one run and the blacksmith replaces the regular shop in the fifth chamber.
best high end = there are tons, gunther is my favorite.
broken synergies = easy reload bullets with anything that has a crazy final shot, or holster with one shot death cannon weapons
low end gun = sling, its too op.
What's the appeal?
I guess I should answer my own questions
Fight-saber is an obvious answer, but I kinda like the Gungine. I never really notice the whole "converts goop to ammo" property, but the speed increase and fire rate is insane.
other than , the biggest potential for broken synergies is if you start stacking table techs (excluding TT Money) along with Table Tech Blanks and some Ammolets.
I've sadly never gotten table tech blanks with a gold or chaos ammolet, but gold especially would let you start killing rooms without firing your gun.
The Makarov, actually. Its basically like a starter pistol, but the flavor text about "It is no better or worse than any other gun" is a communism joke. It suddenly had the Pilot firing more accurately than the marine's pistol.
I think Isaac meets Nuclear Throne is accurate, but the gun variety with all the references and whatnot is an appeal for me. Just wandering around and suddenly finding Earthworm Jim's gun is fun.
There's nothing wrong with my aim you fucking faggot, learn to read. It's the guns, they have RNG accuracy that makes your bullets go all over the place.
I haven't found a single gun yet that has perfect accuracy, except I think some laser things.
When will we get another roguelite with real character diversity like Risk of Rain?
Or one that isn't a copy of BOI/NT?
It's like a bunch of execs saw Binding of Isaac, took all the terrible aspects of it, and made a game out of it. Everything in this game is a fucking damage sponge. Good weapons you can't use because you need to save them for bosses.
The trailer is the biggest fucking lie I have seen in a game. It boasts THIS COULD BE YOU.
Yeah for like the 3 seconds it shows you, then you have to put the gun away and use the pistol to conserve ammo. Every room being a slow fucking crawl of progress. Imagine if you had to fight 6 baron of hells with the starting pistol in doom. Now do that for every fucking room. It's simply not fun to play.
Fuck this game in the ass.
I have to admit that the only way I had "fun" in the game was by getting a game trainer and getting infinite keys.
The drop rate for items is too low.
I've been having quite a bit of fun with it, but I guess your mileage may vary. Still working on unlocking the other secret character and finishing the game with that damn robot.
Were you playing an earlier build of the game? Keys used to be rare as shit but since one of the last few updates I find myself drowning in them.
My only complaint is that the weaker enemies scale up floor by floor too much (a basic bulletkin that takes three basic pistol shots to kill on Chamber 1 suddenly takes four to kill on Chamber 2, and so on), turning into damage sponges as you said, which kind of inhibits the feeling of progression.
you could stop being a faggot and use your guns that have ammo. Sorry you don't understand how to play and think you need to use your start pistol all the time. Whole point of the game is use a gun until you either get a new gun or an ammo drop. But youre too autistic to understand that.
Eh. I tried it and it wasn't for me. I prefer the "mow down huge swarms of enemies in seconds with a giant gun that launches nukes and another gun that shoots 5 spears at the same time" feel of nuclear throne
Flakkodiles aren't even that bad.
It's the fucking rats. They shouldn't be tougher than bandits
western game designers in a nutshell, they don't get games.
would mods fix this game?
Are there any games that couldn't be made better with mods?
Fallout 4
I think there's a higher chance of getting ammo drops if you use non-default weapons.
Might not be true, but I've personally noticed this when I get a weapon I fancy using to clear rooms.
I read on the steam forums that the bullet sponginess was added so the consoles could run the game; otherwise, they would have added more enemies instead of what it is now.
Mite b bullshit but who knows.
I'll guess I'll drop some tips here for people playing this game. I can clear all 6 chambers consistently and be swimming in ammo most of the time.
Never pick up keys before finding the shop. If you haven't picked up any keys before find the shop, it's guaranteed to have one for sale.
Brown chests are generally not worth the key spent to open them. They may still hold something valuable if you've already picked up a gun on that floor.
Choose a character for flavor. Their differences aren't big enough to really change anything. Player skill matters more. Be accurate, don't get hit.
Don't use your infinite ammo gun. The game will drop more boxes of ammo if you use your other guns. Don't get hit while clearing rooms because that helps to increase room clear rewards too.
Unless the attack is obviously meant to be rolled, rolling should be your last resort. Don't hoard your blanks, use them. They replenish when you reach the next floor.
Your chances of getting drops after a room also increases the longer you go without getting hit.
It does? I thought that was only part of certain passive items.
HAN-D was my first time i was playing with all the relics and so i unlocked the final one.
If you stack 4 giga durilu breaker from the orange chests every attack you do becomes a ranged blast that has unlimited range and pierces through every enemy.
Combine that with one or two Brilliant Behemoth and you have won.
Coolness (which is what the passive items you mention raise) reduces active item cooldowns and adds a constant bonus to the hidden percentage that increases the chance to get drops after a room. Every room you go without getting a drop increases the percentage by 1% + your Coolness stat, if any, resetting back to 1% after you get one. IIRC clearing a room without getting hit increases this percentage more than if you get hit clearing a room.
pirated it and played for about an hour. The tutorial seemed simple enough, and I enjoyed the dialogue. It seems extremely boring as far as a dungeoncrawl shmup goes. Shame, really.
Hey by the way, can anybody confirm this key meta that I've heard about with this game?
The idea is basically that if you don't get any keys from beating rooms (and don't touch any that do drop, the rat won't take them), you're guaranteed to have a key available in the shop.
I keep forgetting to try it.
Some other wiseguy told me that you could drop the crest from the sewer at the start of chamber 2 and then just return to grab it when you need it, but that got patched out before I could try it. Any pirates using older versions might be able to do it though.
Salami Swami is practically drowning in kool-aid, but the game itself isn't SJW. Just as well, he had minimal involvement in its actual development prior to update 95.
Also the only human character is a stronk womyn of color
He's right though, that game is made by some massive SJW faggots.
Enter the Gungeon seems like it's getting shilled hardcore on here, for a generic meme-tastic wannabe-bullet hell roguelite.
70% of the items are memes and forced references. Some of them so bizarre that I can't understand why they bothered. Why the orange from God Hand? Pathetic attempt at earning "gamer cred" I suppose.
Is this screenshot supposed to entice me to play it? I play dungeon crawlers from the fucking 80's that look better than this bullshit.
Is it a coincidence that she is the worst character in the game?
Holy fuck are you serious?
That is easily the cringiest thing possible to have in a game
I'd rather play a shitty minecraft clone on the 360 that some autist put out as a joke while drunk than play that
I've noticed you in a bunch of threads avatarfagging with Rebel.
Is she your waifu or something?
Rebel is one of the best characters to play as, also prenerf chicken
You can take a browse for yourself if you really want to waste your time. It's almost nothing but direct references to other games, making "look at how hip I am" references to Holla Forums jokes and memes. There is almost nothing original in this shit-heap.
Absolutely disgusting,
Also what's up with millennials calling every reference and shout-out a "meme"? Do they not know what it means? And why do they cry about race and gender in fiction, are they fucking SJWs or something?
Seems like there are a lot more normalfags recently, I see ID politics shit in every thread; it's all over this one.
double post
Both of you guys are retards who like to eat shit.
At least they didn't give everybody except the white guy a "They did nothing wrong" backstory. (White woman's a brutal criminal and the black guy is a coward)
This. Some faggots need to go back to halfchan if you want to call everything a meme game. This is a Devolver game. Same publisher for BroForce ffs.
Sorry, who's a retard?
The only difficulty in this is a shitty grind to get the teleporters to work and not quitting out of boredom.
The game isn't hard. It's shit and padding. It's fun for the first hour or two then it turns into a snore-fest.
Yes, it had some fun concepts like "Knock over this for cover!" but then it just becomes: Enter room, knock table over, if not table then dodge around a bunch, Kill stuff, next room. The ammo concept can be done away with it because you seemingly never run out with how often it drops.
It's okay for a short bit, long play times it's boring as hell.
Hard? Not at all. And that screen shot is shit.
What's wrong with making a video game about guns full of references to other fictional guns?
You still haven't actually answered my question. What's wrong with it? They still had to actually create and program the game. People don't play it because it has references, but because they like how it plays. Ergo, it still has to stand on its own merits, mechanically speaking, in order to achieve any degree of popularity. I don't see how it's so unfathomable that there can be room in the industry for games that tread entirely new ground along with games that pay homages to and reference other games, and that it is possible for people to enjoy both.
Yeah, and fuck Medal of Honor and Call of Duty for cashing in on the reputation of guns like the M1 Garand and MG42.
I've seen this exact sort of argument on /tg/, and it cuts both ways.
Binary enjoyment product.
Column A:
>It's a Shit clone of Nuclear Throne that's less fun!
Column B:
>Nuclear Throne is actually fun and playable, even if it's a buggy piece of shit sometimes
That said, it's not worth money, and they take from the Edmund school of nerfing the piss out of super good combos.
That, and a personal quirk
I'll take Nuclear Throne or Spelunky any fucking god damned day. Hell, Isaac is shit, but it's playable on all runs
For a second I thought you were describing a Dark Souls thread.
That's nice but I doubt you've gotten very far.
If you'd actually played all the way through you'd know this isn't true. There's currently a bug resulting in ammo having a 0% chance to drop if you clear the last enemy in the room with the starter pistol. So once you're low on ammo and using the pistol to conserve it, unless you know how to game it by killing the last enemy in the room with a gun with ammo, you get no further ammo. This is why people complain about the ammo shortage late game.
It's lazy, uninspired, trite, a transparent attempt to appeal to the "gamer crowd." It shows a lack of ambition when you have to steal from others.
And I think this lazy uninspired writing is equally reflected in the fact the game is a lazy uninspired clone of Binding of Isaac/Nuclear Throne.
In short the game is nothing new, nothing interesting, nothing unique, nothing you haven't seen before already.
Yeah, I didn't get far because I got bored and still 30 minutes before I could do a steam refund.
Man, this whole argument is bullshit. There is nothing new under the fucking sun. People like you clamor for originality, and then its you same fuckwits who shit on every minor variation on convention because you fundamentally don't know how to have fun. That's your problem.
I mean, here you are, dissecting the artistic merits of including a Metal Gear Rising meme in a game that's HEAVILY referential. To return to the WW2 FPS comparison, its like complaining that the game features too many dying Germans, or arguing that MG:Rising sucks because melee combat is a bad game mechanic.
Its like, motherfucker, you're playing the wrong game.
Sure, and RTS are intended for controller because panning the camera is better with te left stick
TWO items that I could name off the top of my head.
The RC rocket and Big Boy are also guided by the cursor, so make that four.
It demonstrates design intent, yes. Use your head.
See, the way you can tell that you have no argument is that you have to put words in my mouth and rely on a reaction image.
There are plenty of games that are better with a controller.
But you've done nothing but sound like a shill this entire thread so I shouldn't be surprised, OP.
Undertale created a ton of OC yet Holla Forums hated it for that.
At this point, you're kinda demonstrating that you don't understand what "Derivative" means.
I mean, explain to me how the Super Meat Gun is "derivative" of Super Meat Boy.
Did Super Meat boy ever give you a gun that fires saw-blades?
Then what the fuck are you talking about?
Undertale wasn't fucking original. It was tripe inspired by NES JRPGs that had a completely backwards "moral message" and a sense of humor ripped directly from Tumblr, all written by the biggest Earthbound fanboy in the world.
its not like you get a choice what items there are. or do you?
Great concept, needs to be updated with more reliable ways to stack curse and coolness. So few passive items drop that every run starts to feel REALLY samey once you've seen most of the guns and realized that only 5% of them are actually good.
Ciggs need to be cheaper and in the first floor shop 100% of the time, Spice should be a guaranteed drop from the Oubliette boss, and there should be at least one guaranteed source of curse on each floor. Ciggs and Spice are already balanced around drawbacks, and curse will fuck your shit up once bosses get corrupted.
The TV dropping on roll is also bullshit since there are various hazard rooms that require rolls to traverse. Taking up an active slot is a decent enough challenge, but it's just begging RNG to not fuck you with room selection right now.
The ending sequence after the Dragun was amazing, and Stinger is my gunfu.
You can throw the TV across gaps.
Well I guess that's useful. It's still just a little too annoying for my tastes. The Oubliette and shrine place were great because it was actual optional content with stronger enemies and so the skill involved with completing them is the pulse-thumping focus of the game. Dragging the TV around just means being autistic around pits. The worst part is that I trained a habit of rolling into rooms action style and doing that can easily get the TV stuck in the previous room to get stolen.
So much could be fixed just by adding in options for starting with additional passive items at the cost of the meta-currency like that silly random gun mode. Starting with one Spice pre-consumed and a stat up candy, or all the table flip techniques. Get the vampire lady out into the Breach and have her offer pre-cursed runs.
After you run through the gungeon a few times and are just left with the grind to get good and hunt rare unlocks, it feels so soul-crushingly unrewarding. I think optimal strategy really would be to leave as many of the bad guns and passives unpurchased, because even the good ones feel insignificant due to how huge the gap between the best weapons and the rest is and how rare passive items are. Active items seem slightly better, but good luck getting a specific one. I'd love to play around with the singularity again, fuck if I know when it will ever drop again.
Here's the cream, apply twice a day
I wish they'd increase the drop rates of passive items like bullets.
Way too many times do I end up with loads of guns and no proper power ups on them.
If you want to make the game fun, you HAVE to go through the secret rooms to increase the chances of yourself becoming overpowered, and it still doesn't go too well sometimes.
Had no idea it was hard for some people.
See? You even type it out and you aren't using that useless brain enough to realize you're full of shit.
You're criticizing the game having like, a hundred-some guns ("Scores" of them, said the promotional stuff, I think) that are homage to movies and video games, and calling that derivative.
You can't be "derivative" of scores of different movies and video games of widely varying genres. How fucking stupid are you? That's the difference between a simple reference or homage and ACTUAL derivative work. The latter being a label you want to slap on everything because its your hate-wank buzzword alongside crap like that buzzword salad you directed at Undertale.
Personally, I think what's missing is some risk/reward decision-making. I'm trying to remember if this is what Isaac was like when it first came out.
Right now, the only real min-max decisions are based around spending money/key vs holding out for something more expensive/better chest on the next floor, and the trade-off of buying an item and knowing what you're getting vs buying a cheaper key and getting something random.
I also kinda think there's a certain absence of stakes with some of the decision-making.
Like, again comparing to Isaac, there are Devil deals, curse rooms, sacrifice rooms, blood machines, and devil bums that will all trade you something good (or even just let you gamble for something good) in exchange for health.
Gungeon has the mirror and a few items and shrines that give you curse (an invisible stat…), which buffs enemies but increases money, and there's one shrine that takes from your max life to give you a damage boost.
You're awfully upset, and dedicated to defending your shit Nuclear Clone, which is the first definition of derivative that applies to this piece of junk that has to draw people in with half-assed "homages" instead of trying to do anything unique on its own. References are a substitute for writing. It's what you do when you can't think of anything good yourself so you pussy out and rely on other works to carry your piss-weak creation.
And it's nice that you completely gloss over the second definition which also does fit this piece of shit game:
Many of these items originate from or based on other video games. Thus they are derived not from the makers but from other people's works. Therefore, these items are derivative.
This shitty game is pandering to the same crowd that The Binding of Isaac brought in. It's generic flavour-of-the-month indieshit and that's why we've more or less ignored it.
I like the game, quite a lot to be honest.
I didn't like Binding of Isaac that much.
I don't like Nuclear Throne.
I loved Rogue Legacy.
I loved Crypt of the Necrodancer.
Now, the game art is quite well done. They put a lot of effort on this one.
There's no SJW on it neither pushed agenda. There are two niggers yes, but the Marine is suppossed to be a coward and I don't know about the Hunter since its the one I have left to finish at the moment.
4 Main characters, 2 secret characters and one unique character for player 2 with a possible PvP ending I don't like locking a character behind player 2 or not letting player 2 select a character at all.
The game plays great, it's smooth and there's no problems on performance.
RNG heavy, meaning that you may get a lot of stuff or nearly nothing making your runs a nightmare due to how enemies HP scale through rooms, first boss requires 200 shots with the default gun.
Burden of Knowledge bullshit, you'll have to alt tab to use the wiki nonstop in a shop just to know if it's worth buying it or not till you learn. Same for shrines and other stuff, they don't explain jack shit and expect you to maybe ruin your run just to learn.
Really good boss fights with 4 secret boss fights like the Lich, he's the shadow of the Main Menu with the revolver and he has three phases with three HP bars
Game actually requires skill and even if your run is fucking shit with RNG you can still make it worth through effort. Enemy bullets are very well illuminated making it less of a pain
Too many gun references and 80s movies references, at least there are no memes except the Nano Machines Son from MGR
Grindy as hell just for the sake of replayability.
Characters are fairly imbalanced, Marine and Pilot are in my opinion the best from the 4 starters. Pilot is an RNG machine that can open chests for free and buy 10% cheaper. Marine has the best starting default gun and has the best aim+reload time of the entire cast. Hunter is an RNG machine that can find random items while clearing a room with more chances than the rest. Convict is fucking shit with a bonus on damage when you get hit, in a game where you are suppossed to not get hit.
Even if it has coop, it doesn't have online. This gets me mad.
tl;dr: The game is actually good but it has Rogue-Lites flaws like BoI ones. Do not buy it unless you're a fan of it.
nice blogpost
nice heartfelt vidya post
Are you fucking serious? I usually do that to save ammo.
Thats a lie, I got ammo drops even without having another gun that wasnt the default one with the pilot.
I even made a tl;dr for you faggots.
i was trying to counter bully
Once you kill at least one character's past you can pray to the statue at the beginning of the First Chamber to immediately start the game with 9 Curse, meaning increasing it by 1 by any means summons the Lord of the Jammed.
I always get a chortle out of idiots who think there really is such a thing as true "originality", as though all of human creation isn't influenced by something that came before it.
Oh sure, you want creativity? Let's just take a look at some classic vidya, using your philosophy on originality.
But sure, go ahead, keep raving about that magical "originality and creativity," as though it's some kind of pure, unadulterated essence and not a constantly changing paradigm relative to culture and technology.
Seriously, come and show me something that's truly original with zero influence from something else, I'm just dying to see.
Sorry, but there is a glaring difference between a setting that the creator personally cared about and a setting that was created in a board room by market research monkeys. Regardless of where the inspiration came from, we can see the shallow soulnessness wafting off of "Enter the Gungeon" like steam off of cow shit. Keep chortling, Schlomo.
I love how this post is as venomous as it is empty.
"Shallow soulnessness wafts from the game," yet absolutely nothing tangible is cited to back this up other than some vague notion that the game was conceived of by a "boardroom of market research monkeys," even though the development team consisted of a whopping four people. Hardly the image of a vast, greedy megacorp you seem obsessed with making them out to be.
And then of course you cap it off with the insinuation I'm some jewish shill (ironic given your very jewish methods of argumentation). Guess anyone talking about videogames on a videogame board must be some covert marketer!
I didn't even buy the game.
I just downloaded on release and I'm enjoying it so far, I'm waiting for a bigger discount, something like 50-75% off
What's Dune based on? Who did Lovecraft copy his shit from? There is such a thing as originality, it's just becoming increasingly hard to not be similar to older shit and most people just don't have the capacity to be original. Original shit is like colours outside the visible spectrum, the average person just can't fathom that shit.
On topic, I pirated it, played a run or three, and just didn't really like it. Felt like a slog, might just not have gotten lucky with RNG.
It's boring as fuck looking but "Shallow Soullessness" is ridiculously exaggerating it. It's clearly a labor of some form of love.
History, for starters. The Fremen are a pretty obvious allegory for Islam, and how it was perceived in the Western world, especially after Laurence of Arabia had such a wide influence. The Harkonnen were supposedly based on the Nazis, with the Baron being inspired by Hermann Goering (who was known for his lust and love of decadence and opulence). And the idea behind the "spice" being the center of the economy for humanity is obviously drawn from the value of literal spices during the Colonial and pre-Colonial eras.
Now obviously this is much more inspired then if it were just drawn from other media that came out at the time. I'm not saying something can't be unoriginal; obviously, making a gray first person shooter was uninspired when CoD was big. Making a 2D platformer was uninspired in the early 90's. Making a sandbox game is the uninspired thing to do now. But I'm just pointing out the retardation in saying Gungeon is totally unoriginal for borrowing ideas from other things.
Hardest 1st stage boss right there.
The hardest boss in the entire game besides the secret ones is the fucking Tank prove me wrong please
Even when the jew doesn't have some big agenda, you can always tell their presence by how they fucking act.
See? You get your pathetic bullshit exposed and you jump straight to "LOL U MAD?"
Why don't you start in with the reaction images now, choosen.
This is an argument as thoughtful and person making it.
But hey, don't let me stop a good, "STUFF AIN'T AS GOOD NO MORE" rant.
Trigger Twins is the only 1st floor boss I've managed to flawless so far
Gull and King always get me at least once with some attack combination that's impossible to dodge
Love of money.
Screaming Snektits
I have perfected everyone except the Tank and three of the four secret bosses. But the secret bosses doesnt give you a shit if you perfect them anyways, neither Dragun but I did perfect him.
Trigger Twins is a problem because it summons minions and it fucks up the timing and confuses me, it's just that I need more time to kill them and then I fuck up due to that. Gull is just stand still shooting and then strife. King is the same, no need for dodge button.
Then for the second bosses, the Medusa is the hardest due to some of her bullets have homing, Beholster second due to Ads and Ammoconda easiest.
For third stage you only have cannon and Tank. Cannon is easy unless he fucks you up with a random teleport while screen is black, this happened to me a few times.
Finally as a fourth, depending on what weapons you have, one is harder than the other. But if you don't have special weapons with certain special effect, then the Wall is the hardest.
Fuck you and fuck your homing, I just want a perfect run from you, why are you playing hard to rape?
The tank is the easiest Third Chamber boss by far. After it was nerfed it's almost impossible to not Flawless.
The Cultist remains the most irritating to deal with, at least for me.
I don't have the game original, so I don't have the Tank nerfed as you guys do.
Really? She's pathetically easy. I'm not sure what you mean when it comes to homing shots. Are you referring to her screaming stage? If you just stay close to her and move through the gaps in her bullet waves instead of backpedaling, none of them will ever home in on you.
its another devolver-backed FOTM
That's like asking me to cite why every dating reality show from the early 2000's was shallow. Do you have eyes? This game is generic rogue-wannabe with phoned in pixel art #1006. I'm willing to bet they're also selling the soundtrack for $2.99.
So you, like several other people, are complaining about exactly what the game IS.
Not the quality of how its concept is executed, just the fact that it EXISTS.
Nothing that the developers actually did WRONG other than make the game, just YOUR OWN MISTAKE of playing THE WRONG GAME of a type that you hate (and that you should have know you were going to hate before you even played it, if you even did play it).
Seriously, fuck off out of this thread. You don't have anything of substance to say. Your words are shit, and you more so.
So, you admit that it's a cookie-cutter profit cow and you're mad that I'm pointing it out?
Just ignore the kike, all he wants is the reaction you're giving him.
I'm not mad about anything. I'm pointing out what worthless sub-nigger scum you are that your criticism of vidya consists of the inherent nature of a game rather than failures in execution.
Also, what the fuck is a "cookie-cutter profit cow"?
You mean it falls within a genre and is meant to make money?
Well now you need to get out of here because you're a filthy fucking communist if you have a problem with that.
When someone goes about making a game with primary goal of money and secondary goal of actually making an interesting game, yes, that is exactly what makes this shit. You hit the nail on the head, you just tried to word it nicely.
I'm a fan of the genre. This is just a bland clone, riding on the coattails of a trend. Maybe I'd take it more seriously if the shilling wasn't so aggressive. Maybe if I had heard about it organically from actual fans of roguelikes (like most of the roguelikes I actually play) as opposed to a poser like yourself.
You aren't a fan of shit. You're a shitposter, pure and simple. Now confirmed.
Sorry. I thought this was a shitposting thread, considering that's synonymous with gungeon thread.
Only thing worse than a shitposter is a salty shitposter who sucks at what he does.
Tough break man. For some reason Gull still manages to catch me off guard sometimes.
You are mad, and also a shill.
All those things you cited took inspirations from other media but their execution of similar ideas were vastly different, and in doing this created their own identities and meanings. They did their own art, they did their own stories, the found their own meanings.
Enter the Gungeon is a Nuclear Throne clone. The only thing it does new is how it fucks everything up. Do you know how many indie clique shallow repetitive wannabe-roguelikes are on Steam? A hundred, probably more. And even most of those have more of an identity for themselves than Enter the Gungeon, even the worse ones.
Every creation is a product of its time, of its place, of its people and culture and beliefs. What people make today will influence what people make tomorrow, as perspectives change and new notions are considered. The times change, as do the people, and so does art and creation. In some ways it is cyclical but it never perfectly replicates the past even when it tries.
This is a half-assed copy of better games that came out only a handful of years ago. Go ahead and keep apologizing for it, but it will never be original no matter how much you point at the rest of the industry and yell "B-BUT THAT'S NOT ORIGINAL EITHER!" on whatever grounds you can think up.
Salty obvious shills are worse than both those things, tbh. Tell me more about how anyone who doesn't want to try this game is a commie kike nigger lol.
Not wanting to try a game out just because of how it looks is a really stupid move.
You'd end up missing really great games out of that.
You don't lose anything by trying a game out, if you dont like it, well now you know it's not your thing. There's a thing, called videogames, where we are suppossed to like here in Holla Forums. Tastes are different and should be respected, as long as the game is good or at least decent.
If you don't enjoy a genre you shouldnt call it shit if you don't like it. I don't like Grand strategy games and I don't call CiV shit, meanwhile I can clearly call shit the flavour of the month Moba shooter.
Explain to me why you would call this game shit in an objective way and not subjective please, I'm legit asking.
How many Gungeon threads have even been made since it was released? By all the whining going on you'd think it has been getting "Original Borderlands" tier shilling, when I've seen like two or three tops (and the first one made immediately after its release was shitposted into oblivion). God forbid someone wants to discuss a game they've been playing if it dares to fall into a category that triggers some other user to the point where they feel they need to make a running commentary instead of hiding the thread or reporting it if they genuinely do suspect shilling and aren't just shitposting buzzwords.
Aside from the reasons I already listed, if the game had merit outside of hype novelty, there wouldn't be almost daily shill threads since before it released. This thread would be filled with honest, intelligent discussion, instead your best impression of anonymoose Holla Forums leegun.
This is the third thread I've seen. I think it's a bad game though credit where credit is due, it has a lot of heart and love put into it myself, but it sure as hell hasn't been shilled.
Basically, there's a group on Holla Forums who thinks any new game getting attention is automatically shilling unless it was made in Japan.
So for real. I'm usually on Holla Forums unless there's a specific game I wanna talk about. Is this what its like when somebody wants to say something positive about a game? People IMMEDIATELY run to the "shill" line, regardless of how many threads have actually been made? Cuz this is behavior usually associated with goons, when you've got Holla Forums-tier motherfuckers intentionally shitting up your board content.
Just sayin'. You might see it a lot here, but its REALLY not normal behavior to spend a ton of time talking about a game that you hate and have never played.
I don't think it's just "any new game". These users are obsessed with the game's identity (developers, looks, fanbase, community etc.) and have an extremely narrow definition of what an acceptable game is. They seem to care little about the game itself.
But user, there hasnt been dailie threads of this game on Holla Forums.
Sprite work is amazing, music is decent, gameplay is decent. Nuclear Throne was novel and it had more threads in Holla Forums, I never liked it but I never shitposted in it.
Well you see, we were having that and while I was ignoring you alongside some anons, we were having that too. We stopped having those when we started replying to you due to how annoying you are.
user you are just retarded., not going to reply your shit and derail further anymore.
You're being intentionally ironic here, aren't you?
Welcome to Holla Forums, now fuck off.
You're assuming that the cancer in this thread is actually making any real judgements about the game and has any criteria or goals in mind other than being cancer as an end in itself.
Protip: the people who go around very quickly making accusations that people around them have the worst possible motivations (i.e. they're shills) are the people with the worst possible motivations (i.e. they're goons).
I can't remember if this behavior started on Holla Forums and migrated to Holla Forums or vice versa, but both boards have suffered it for a couple years at least.
I think the hate is (((someone))) shilling for NT, actually. Gungeon is a far better game. But then Holla Forums was super autistic about Isaac for months after release too, so I dunno.
I said some good things about NT earlier, and I think it's leagues better than Gungeon, but I wouldn't recommend anyone actually buy NT because it's more or less abandoned despite the fixing it needs. That and Rami's a giant cunt that doesn't deserve money.
That said, Gungeon has polish, but that's all it has going for it, at first Gungeon looks impressive but the game gets repetitive and stale after just a few hours of play.
We've got mods who like to post cross-thread post histories of the shills they're banning, which ends up kinda demonstrating, "The shilling is real".
Its not, nigger; its fucking spiteful degeneracy. What's there to get hateful about? You can rationalize all kinds of shit you want about "oh, buying bad games incentivizes bad games getting made", meanwhile, the cell phone market has exploded with money and micro-transactions have not only become a norm, they've become a norm with regards to trading real money for in-game CONSUMABLES.
Meanwhile, here you have this site, which HAS VALUE as a free-speech zone, and you want to fill it up with stupidity based on irrational hatred.
This is goon nonsense made to destroy our boards, and fuck you for acting like its normal.
Nuclear Throne is faster and has better design. It's tougher, but also lets you recover from mistakes.
You get hit in Gungeon, you get punished for it. It grinds you down through attrition. In Nuclear Throne, I bounce back from full health to a single hitpoint mutliple times in later areas.
I got thirty hours out of Nuclear Throne. My only real quibble is that there's no "true" ending.
That and you run out of ammo too fast while looping.
Not to mention how even if you manage to unlock it, it fucks your run over because you spend all that shit on something of no use until the next run.
Dropped like the hot piece of shit it is
Don't forget that the shortcut leaves you worse off than if you didn't take it.
If you can already flawless the first floor, all you're doing is reducing the amount of resources you'll have for the second floor and further.
It's been normal on the Holla Forums I've known for the past 7 years. Don't come into here acting you know what Holla Forums is or should be you stupid Holla Forumsack.
It's almost like they're not meant to be identical games. Isn't it possible to like both for different reasons? I feel like, because they happen to be in a similar genre and both have lots of guns, they get compared to one another too frequently. It's like calling things "Souls-Like" because of a few familiar mechanics.
The elevator thing is just to unlock some items and the Boss rush. Also it's only useful on the last two floors since they let you pick up two/three items for free.
If you need bucks you're doing something wrong, for example, try playing Pilot or Hunter (Pilot would be better) and in the first stage: Find the room with fire in it, bring a barrel of water (it should be like 2-4 in the entire stage, you can move it around, its tedious) or use something that has water on it, get into the thing that opened and press E; a secret room will open.
The secret room will require 2 keys, RNG your way with Pilot if you want or use keys and you'll be in an extra stage to get even more money. I didn't need to do this, but maybe you do
The shortcuts are basically there if you want an extra challenge (if you're a masochist, I don't see the fun in skipping straight to Chamber 5). The real point of unlocking them is to unlock Boss Rush mode.
we really should.
they just updated it too so you don't have to worry about falling through the floor and shit.
although part of the way they made the game more stable is by capping some the the items such as the frost relic
Isaac is a better game than Gungeon, too. It's got better, more varied pick ups. It's just a slow, but it has better pacing overall.
Gungeon won't be a good game until they make drops less stingy, buff the shit tier guns to a point where they're better than the default pistol, and health scaling is removed.
See, here's what gets me about that: If not for unlocking guns, I don't know why you'd unlock the elevators, because they're completely useless except maybe to run down and complete a hunt when you have two enemies left on it. Reason being, I've read that you don't get Hegemony credits when you use the elevator.
I mean, I could understand not dropping credits on boss rush, but why the fuck do it on the elevator? Or especially when you use the Sorceress, which makes all but the first time you use her a complete waste.
Now that I think on it, that sounds like it probably is the reason for it.
I had enough.
This game has way too much shitty little thingies. It gets tedious, punishing, and unlocking anything takes way too much grind.
Also, the dependence on the RNG is too much.
I don't care how long you've been on Holla Forums (less time than me, ha), "What sucks about Holla Forums" has always been "What sucks about Holla Forums".
Yeah, but on balance, when you compare the number of runs that you basically have to DEVOTE to the elevator, it really doesn't compare to the inconvenience of, "Oh… I completed my hunt in chamber 2. I guess this run will be under-utilized in terms of hunt completion"
Evidently not, but this is an anonymous imageboard, you can lie about yourself all you want.
But that aside, if you don't like it, you don't have to stay.
I think Gungeon could really kick the "bullet hell" aspect up a notch to really set it apart from NT. Even the most basic bullet kin enemies should fire a 3 bullet spread.
As it is right now, I'm not really feeling the bullet hell until the 5th chamber.
How big is the characters' hitbox? Is it roughy the same size as their sprite?
If they did increase the number of bullets, would the dodgeroll need to be adjusted in any way?
You'd have to cut down the hitbox for the characters significantly and boost movespeed by at least twenty five percent. Probably more than that.
I have no hard data, but the hitbox appears to be slightly smaller than the character. Bullets can visually overlap a small part of the character and still not count as a hit.
Increasing bullet count could potentially indirectly make the roll even more useless as there would be even more bullets that a player could accidentally roll into.
I don't think the hitbox needs to be made smaller so long as there are enough reasonably sized gaps between bullets for the player to slip through.
You haven't seen Stage 6 neither Bullet King, have you?
Well I'm sorry mate. The grind on the game for the elevator is kinda pointless and I feel ya, I just don't mind doing it because I like the gameplay, I have the elevator as a side quest.
I just play the game normally trying to get X thing to fix the next elevator, if I dont have it, I just try to kill the past with the character that I didnt finish.
There's no need to grind for the bullet though, the "hardest" part to build the bullet is IMO the first piece, gathering 120 (110 with pilot) bucks in stage 2 is not always doable unless you use the secret stage in Stage 1.
The only content I haven't seen is the glitched chest.
I can consistently clear all 6 chambers of the game, good run or bad. My issue is mostly with room clearing and basic enemies. For most of the game (basically until chamber 5), room clearing just involves circle strafing enemies, completely avoiding the enemy bullet patterns.
I think boss fights feel sufficiently bullet hell like.
If you want more shit. Try praying to the statue at the very first room of the game.
You'll get 9 curse. Try to get cursed a 10th time and you'll see what Cursed is meant in the game. If you havent already
Yeah, I hate that statue. Having tons of the jammed everywhere is okay for the extra dosh it gives you, but I DON'T want Red Fandango dogging me, so I'm cut off from every other source of curse in the game (the best items, mirrors, cursela's shop, some shrines.)
Its also a huge missed opportunity that beating the Lich after praying to his statue doesn't unlock anything.
I could be wrong, but I think his reference to chamber 6 might have been because that's where the devil bullet-kin appear, who do have the three-bullet spread. Although to your point, they'd hardly be a basic enemy, appearing only in the end-game.
So no explanation. Got it.
Dogs don't bark for secret rooms, you guys.
Speaking of secret rooms, why are they so shit? Best I've found so far was a brown chest it had a heart inside and I was at full health. Thanks, game.
Usually, you spend a blank to get another blank or, hopefully, a key. Doesn't help that they're a bitch to find and follow no rhyme or reason to placement, though.
Best I got was a blue chest with armour next to it.
The chest was locked.
The game has many flaws like, the version Im playing (pirate) the Tank was OP as fuck, some weapons were top right OP and others were shit, one upgrade would be more of a DOWNGRADE than anything (quantity over quality bullet), blank-secret room being ultra shit, not having the NPC who we can sell stuff in all runs, secret Stage should not require TWO keys, there shouldnt be doors that require keys.
The dog barks when he smells a Mimic
Yeah, I'd definately like to know what changes they made in the update that "Made secret rooms more predictable", I think was the wording.
I think the loot pool for secret room chests draws from the same pool as those chests that you sometimes find inside cages, since those can also contain pickups, but its retarded, since secret room chests require effort and resources to find, and a caged chest often requires TWO keys. Logically, the reward should be BETTER than a chest that the game just plops in your lap for exploring.
The real thing that the game needs, though, is content. Its the sort of game where any content update is going to feel obligated to include guns, but that's really their lowest priority, since what they're severely lacking is enemies (so they can nix HP scaling), bosses, secret content for chambers 3, 4 and 5. More NPCs and shrines with exotic effects, and a point to chamber 6 beyond just being a desolate floor with enemies and a single gun muncher.
So it's identity is Ned Holness.
Why not a Gauntlet?
A Challenge room that is infinite and each 3 waves you get a gun + pick up with a gun mucher of infinite uses.
Then do the typical 100 waves and in the 100th we have Jammed The Lich as the final wave and if you complete it, a secret character that makes everygun have infinite ammo. You know, kinda like an overpowered character as a reward so you can mess around.
I'd prob love to do that shit.
I mean, there's lots of different high-concept additions that could be made in terms of extra modes, characters, guns, and all sorts of stuff like that, but I'm thinking more in terms of fixing the much more fundamental problem of, "It gets boring after a while".
There's much less flashy content that can be added alongside the marquee content (like a gauntlet mode) that would fix that.
For example, they badly need to add more room objects into the common rooms besides tables and barrels, then devote a few new weapons and items to creating synergies with the new room objects.
The Lich's. Yes. He's a very bad creature. Maybe even worse than Ned Holness.
Also, there's the whole thing where literally everything in the game is linked to guns. That's actually a huge part of its identity, since you want to be a faggot and quibble about nebulous concepts.
They really need to fix the core gameplay, while they're at it:
>The drop rate is too fucking low It should be at least 15% and increase by 5% every room with no drops
Absolutely bigot
I'd agree with you about scaling health (Which needs to be fixed with greater enemy variety) and the drop rates.
I don't know about ammo, though; you're not the first to say it, but I don't get it. I've NEVER been forced back to my starting weapon after leaving it. The key for me is that once I choose a weapon, I use it until its empty unless there are very specific tactical situations that call for a switch. That way, any time ammo drops, it always goes to a completely empty weapon for maximum benefit, even if my held weapon (with ammo left) is my best. Within reason. No saying, "Well, the Fightsaber's half empty, but gotta refill that Derringer"
That's the problem, for me. I don't want to be tied to one gun, I want to constantly be switching between varied, fun weapons to suit the circumstances.
Please. Have you seen her official art? Rebel's proportions are completely unrealistic for a bandit and the signature of waifufaggotry in the design team. Only the finest nugget-esque physique of a fat, stupid, dime-a-dozen bandit is suitable for me.
The green eyed bandit is the only picture for repeating numerals I have saved on this computer, and I'm too lazy to download more or get my folder off of my old rig.
Just had a really good curse run. The Polaris is very close to being a game breaker.
i identify as bullet kin.
6 Heart 10 Armor in Stage 5. Jesus fucking christ that polaris.
Fuck off casual
My health will fluctuate all the time in Nuclear Throne. My health will do nothing but slowly drop in Gungeon.
that combined with the terrible slow levels if you just get unlucky and don't find a good gun
but I feel you. When I get down to 1 or 1/2 heart I basically crawl a la MGS
I don't see your point. A game that is focus on guns is the best thing for make reference for weapons of other thing. I bet you hate Broforce because the character are from movies of the '80 And this game is also CIA lover for the pilot is a win in my book
I was wondering why that term drew such negative associations my mind.
I guess the pilot didn't fly so good