Mfw Dragon's Dogma and Dark Soul raised my standards so high I ended up with no games to play

I always liked and played action games, and now I'm in peril. What do you guys play, when you can't see your top game anymore?

Other urls found in this thread:

Dork Souls is the most overrated game on the internet at this point, its practically Reddit-tier shit now, way to have shit taste my friend

Go play Gothic 1 and 2.

That's some fine hipster mentality there. I guess DMC was garbage all along too.

Those are hardly action games, and as RPGs combat is their weakest part.

Play older games, get used to the aged graphics.

Oh, so you have shit taste. Okay, enjoy your shit thread, laddy.

It was overrated since the beginning, I remember when Halfchan wouldn't shut up about it either, its Undertale-levels of shillery m8

First is fine if you're not autistic about framerate, 2 is perfectly fine.

Great. Just replaced G1 and 2 recently and they're still just as great as on release.

They still have a significantly more immersive world than anything bethesda has ever shat out, and they're one of the few RPGs where if you git gud, you can kill shit that is well beyond what you should reasonably fighting at that time.

Huh? Isn't it all stats-based like in Morrowind?
Truth be told I touched Gothic 2 more than 10 years ago and don't remember it well.

I don't mind shitty graphics. As a matter of fact DD has exactly that. My problem is that most older games has pretty shit melee combat.
Exceptions would be games like Blade of Darkness and Jedi Knight sub-series, but they're vastly outclassed by DS and DD.

I feel the need to post this.

Dark Souls is purely a matter of taste. DMC was mindblowing for its time (as was OoT) but both are rather dated today.

Well, he's right about what people say vs. what's actually in the game. It's hilarious how mad he is though.


I got you, onii-fam.

It's 60% skill, 40% weapon/stats. It's actually closer to Dark Souls with the timing and pattern recognition required than DD is. It offers ridiculously good rewards for exploration and fucking with shit well beyond what you should be fighting. G1 is 8/10, G2 is an easy 9.5/10, and Gothic 2 Gold (with NOTR) makes Dark Souls its bitch with how hard it is.

I don't play anything made after 2004, unless it's an expansion/patch/mod for a game made during or before 2004. Sure, there's tons of good games in years after that, but playing them only reminds me of how far the industry's overall quality has fallen. Video games beyond 2004 don't exist to me. I have yet to be disappointed with this approach.

try monster hunter.

You must have low standards then

Fuck off with your meme game

check em




You have not played Monster Hunter.

"x" to unequip, since there is nothing to unequip you need to enter to select equipment.
But why is he so mad?

Some autists are easily riled.

Go look up some 'DGMurdockIII' videos

This is true, I haven't played it.
I thought it's one of those shitty portable JRPGs with tamagochi/dating sim elements.
Does it have good combat? Are there non-portable versions out there?

Post some better non-crazy action games then.

we should compile an infographic of challenging old games for gamesnobs

Jesus Christ this guy is beyond retarded.

Who is he?


Nigga its ALL ABOUT COMBAT. I would say it has better combat than DS series.

Only non portable versions are MH3U for wiiU and a ps2 version? IIRC.

yes very

but be wary of the grind and lack of a good PC game

It's got fun and difficult combat. I haven't played Dark Souls yet so I can't really compare the 2 systems. My friend who has played both MH and Dark Souls loves both series so there must be some similarities.

There are PSP versions of the game that you can emulate and the OG PS2 version as well. I started with MH4 ultimate (3ds) while there is a bit of rng padding for crafting drops the amount of content and monsters to fight is obscene.




It's what I've been doing after getting to the point of speed running DaS.

Working my way through Ninja Gaiden Sigma at the moment, which I highly recommend if you're an action game fan. I haven't had this much fun playing a game in years.

You owe me 3 minutes for wasting my fucking time with this retarded shit.

I'd say it is very similar to DS, the main difference is how it handles it's challenge.

MH is all about managing your resources, and avoiding a monsters attacks throughout a larger area. They also do things aside from fight you, like flee, stumble, and get hungry.

DS has enemies focus only on you, with few to no invincibility frames between attacks. You can often die in a single hit from a boss if you do not block.

Overall though, the combat systems are fairly similar, nearly identical in some spots, though DS combat runs on Mana and Stamina for attacks. You are meant to die, while in MH you are meant to hunt, and if you cannot win, run away and plan. Running is not an option in DS.

You are a mainstream casual. Come back when you've taken down an apex rajang or something.

Actual gameplay vid of MHX.

Dragon's Dogma is overrated. I have been playing it a while now, but I just can't actually get any fun out of it. Plus, mystic knights sucking something terrible for stat growth means I am in a rut where I can't play my favorite class.

I've been playing SS13. I feel like when you hit that sort of rut, you go for something multiplayer and chaotic, like that, Gary's Mod, or ARMA or something.
The idea being "pretty much every lot is different because the enemies aren't something the AI creates, they're real people who are unrobust shits".

this has to stop

why even play?

Fine, I'll post someone who's actually good. This is the best chargeblade player I know of.

heh op, nothin personell but ya need to learn the art of making threads on Holla Forums. basically don't do anything too daring that can somehow be conceived as trolling or shilling or your thread will get saged and possibly deleted by the embarrassing rulecuck mods that the good sheeple of Holla Forums depend on so much

As plebby as this thread sounds remember that it can always be worse.

Is this guy really that much of an idiot?
There are several games what do this lot this way.
You highlight the slot you want the item to go to, and it shows you a list of applicable items.

This guy must be a retard or something.
Not sure what he's going on about the "x unequip" lot.

Maybe he ought to try playing more than his typical Bethesda brand shit.

Nioh might be right down your alley. It seems like it's in a similar vein to DS, but is different enough to be interesting.

Because frankly, watching a moron fuck up engineering so bad I have to walk over to engineering, demand his ID, set up the singu for him, and then toss his ID into said singu never gets old.

That, and a whole lot of hilarious circumstances what arise from idiots being dumb.

If you are robust, you typically do things one way, most the time, and it is all like second nature to you. At most, you do something different to do something different, or to piss other folk off.
If you are attacked by a robust guy, you die, usually quickly, in a rather dull manner typically. If you are robust, you still, typically, will die, as your attacker has the first strike, and, typically, that should hopefully incapacitate either immediately in the sense of a baton or taser, or over the course of the conflict with a syringe. If it isn't something what's stunning, you're just going for brute damage, you have to be clever about things, sure, and that can go either way sometimes, but that initial strike should give a major advantage even then.
Now, if you see it coming, that's another story. Say for instance, nukeops, or something.

Robust folk are a tad dull most the time. Not unfun, but typically less.
The best fun is how those robust guys deal with the unrobust, really.
Nothing like watching sec fail for ages to catch a single assistant, then when they finally grab him by luck and AI lockdown, manage to lose them in the halls when someone runs by.

Say what you will about Capcom but they seem to know how to handle Monster Hunter.

The combat certainly is much better than Dark Souls. Hitboxes have improved a lot over the years and enemies don't just turn on a heel to follow your rolls mid attack.

It's incredibly rewarding to slowly learn the tells of each monster and both evade attacks and find the right openings.

I fucking wish I were that good at CB, much less hunting in general.

What was the list even for anyway?

Downloading a MH4U .cia file now thanks to this thread getting me curious

What can I expect?

da1 was good, ds2 too, ds3 is fucking boring to play. DD much more superior in terms of fun fuck know why, but DD just more enjoyable to play.
As for "muh standards", kinda yeah. That is why you should play in 2D ACT and quit be such a fucking faggot.

A pretty okay handheld game that is going to feel like shit after coming off of DaS, but will eventually click if you give it enough time.

Top 5 Todd Howard facts.
None of them is about him being a lying piece of shit.

If you're new to MonHun, getting your shit kicked in and extremely long hunts (20-30 minutes each)

If you're a veteran, Meet the Charge Blade and Insect Glaive and Mounting and Je Suis Monte!

I do not even.

nope, not today.

I actually despise this man. He's everything I never want to be.

I don't have a problem with grind, but yeah I've never played before

Yeah I was sort of expecting something along these lines as well so I guess we'll see

Its not too weebshit is it?

ot even sure how this shit possible, but i enjoyed ds2 more even tho it's shit, with ds3 just can't bring my salve to play in it.

Now, this might not irk me so much if these faggots were talking about 1/10s or something, but this dumb tosser goes and says "7".
Fucking hell.

It's got some cringy weeb elements when you're running around town, but when you're actually doing shit there's none of that.

It's a game with a shit learning curve that can take hours to get into.
Off the top of my head:
-A number of quite complex systems to learn
-meager in-game explanation of systems
-starting off slow with gathering quests and smaller monsters
= a somewhat painful starting curve.

Past that the game is glorious.

If you're new checkout the 8ch general for resources (and the subreddit if you'e a pleb like me). Despite me shitting on him earlier, gaijin hunter has some of the best videos for introductions to weapons and other mechanics of the game. Kiranico is the online mh4u encyclopedia.

>Games shouldn't be held to higher standards! Let's inadvertently insult the game industry by giving everything undeserved 10/10s because we're fucking shills!
Slightly angry right now

Probably just burnt out.

Its boring as shit, from blew their load of ideas on bloodborne.

Nice trips my friend

Meh, afraid I'll lose interest do to lack of attention span but maybe I'll get into it we'll see…

It's not so much grind as much as it is learning to git gud at fighting monsters. The real grind starts when you're trying to get 2% drops from monsters that take 10-15 minutes to kill, and putting up with shit parties to get them.

Also, in terms of weebshit I'd say there's little. The Localization was done by 8-4 and it shows. Dialogue is pretty cliche and what story there is is probably ruined by it. That being said, the main focus of the game is the monsters, and learning to dance with them could be as enjoyable as learning Artorias for the first time.

not really. But i agree with it is boring to play.

I should add that as said, the main hump is getting gud. Knowing how to play is the difference between a beginner 40-50 minute hunting time and a veteran 10 minute hunting time.

wew neo/v/ has shit taste

I want Dragon's Dogma 2,why Capcom is made by broken jews? Why they don't want my money?


Wasn't DD online basically Dragon's Dogma 2?

I don't think so.I hope not.The game was interesting,the new classes too, but the MMO elements fucking ruined everything,waiting so fucking much to craft shit or the struggle mechanic,etc.
I seriously hope the port sold enough to assure a proper sequel.

X on PS3 does the same as A on 360. That's probably why he went off on the X thing. He was talking to Holla Forumsirgins who played it on PS3 and didn't have the brainpower to piece 'common sense' together.

DDO is structured as a massive gear grinding treadmill. That alone makes it very irritating to play. Boss fights were ruined with the rage stamina gauge too. I don't consider it a true sequel despite there being some sensible changes for the fighter/warrior.

But he was very clearly on a xbox system, given the buttons listed.

I'm mostly irked, though, by the assumption that no game does that system of equipping. Hell, most every single game where you equip a vehicle or such, it's always that way. But besides that, there are still plenty of RPGs what do too.

A mediocre, stereotypical 3rd person action game. The only reason it got praised here was the waifus.
Have you tried Undertale?

GRIND!! But seriously, there are things like crafting and what not you have to learn, so I recommend you watch these vids.

Since its a lot to learn and they do okay kinda explaining it. though this is the 3u and some stuff are a bit different in 4u. Nothing big though.

Trust me, this guy explains what you need to know pretty good.

Doubt it, it has just over 300k sales on Steam.

Meanwhile The Division has over 750k sales on Steam.

Gaming is dead.

Apparently he has also a 4u vid, just found out.

He still says to watch the 1st 3 vids too.

Right, as we both saw the guy's retarded. So playing on a 360 he's flipping out because people playing on a PS3 keep saying "Press X" and that unequips the item. The problem is he doesn't realize that little translation error and loses his shit, because what PS3 players mean by saying Press X is Press A (the one that does things).

He talks like an aspie but I still find these entertaining, thanks


Monhun is the truth and the way, leave your false prophet valve behind and go have a comfy time at a hunting cafe.

Well 300k for a game near 4 years old seems great.And Capcom,being faggots,never had great expectations.The first "sequel" DD had was a fucking android game.

thank fuck.

Sure fam


No they didn't you hippie.

$30 for an easy 8.5/10 game that most mustards have never played vs a $60 2/10 game that nobody should ever play.

Also the game was heavily marketed over social media and streamers. Hell, pre-orders went crazy after the "leak".


Once again name me some old action game that's better than either DD or DS.

Combat in Dragon's Dogma is better, though, to be fair.

Don't really know if Dark Souls is better. Never was able to stand the god-awful PC whatnot to get anywhere.

I wish witcher had real combat system.

TF2 didn't always run like shit, I remember when I could play it on my toaster but its so bloated with "updates" nowadays

Gold rush update was a mistake.

Name me your dick and stick it up yer mum, /r/fag

I screened my reacton image folder specifically for this one pic that doesn't feature a good game for you.

Real classy of them white knighting Fallout 4 while brazenly displaying 3 Pip-Boys on the table in front of them.

So they advertised it pretty much 4free?
You also keep forgetting:

You have autism.


Both games do different things and have different strenghts and weaknesses.
Comparing the two is pretty fucking stupid, especially condering they're both great games.

Aye. The story, certainly I would think, is better in Dark Souls, as is the atmosphere. Probably would give it "map design" as well, given that fucking hell are things too few and far between in Dragon's Dogma.

Still, nothing rightly can compare to that climbing lot, amazingly powerful magic, arc of deliverance, perfect magic block projectile spam, and so on.

Oi you Monster Hunter fags, this is a different user.
Which MH game should I get if I plan on emulating it on PC, and is an emulator version even worth playing since its gonna be offline?

Monster Hunter Tri on Dolphin since its pretty stable and spec req light.

Good news, user :^)


those monster designs are fucking bland as hell.

I don't think focus was ever on the designs, this isn't trying to be Pokemon or anything m8

300k for zero marketing on an old ass game made rushed to release on a relatively normal/low budget is pretty good compared to 750k on a massively overmarketed game with an absurd budget designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator.


They're the same game you dipshit.

Dragon's Dogma is harder than Dark Souls for me. I'm on Bitter Black Isle in hard mode at lvl 60 and I'm getting absolutely raped by any of the new enemies. I do so little damage I can barely even chip away at them as a sorcerer with a 800 magic staff.

That looks legit - exactly how Guts would do it.

Mechanically speaking, yes. Dark Souls mechanics are more polished, too, but Demon's' atmosphere was just much better than Dark Souls'

Hell, From knows it, Dark Souls 3 feels to me like a try to get back the Nexus, with Firelink Shrine, and hell, the Firekeeper almost quotes the Maiden in Black percectly.

Because of how the damage threshold system works, you really need to get a T2 weapon to start doing damage.

Before that you need to stack demon periapts. Go farm the condemned gorecyclops on a ledge above him with 4x demon periapt maelstroms until you get your t2 weapon, and then you'll just start shitting on everything.

No, thanks, I play games for gameplay.

To be honest, the only games that have raised my standards pretty high are Dragon's Dogma, Deus Ex, The Yakuza series and the Persona series. Fuck even Lisa the Painful and Hotline Miami raised my standards for fucking indie games. Haven't found anything that tops that feeling I got from these games.

But OP, Dark Souls is seriously overrated and generally has a lot of rehashed designs.
Makes me kind of angry that people who barely play the games, struggle with really easy bosses like Champion Gundyr or Aldrich.

I know my tastes aren't really top-tier, but some of you people really astound me with your own tastes in video games. At this point, I don't even give a fuck if you shit on my favorite games. I've seen the typical retards falling for shit like Overwatch.

It's pretty obvious it isn't going to be good.

Stop regurgitating the "only mechanics are important" meme. I get it, you're sick of muh art games, but this is just as retarded. Immersion contributes to the gameplay, arcade faggot.

Thing is, you actually felt that you were doing something in Demon's. "You see, not!Cthulhu awakened, and now this is full of demons, better kill them!". It felt like there had really been an apocalypse and you had the misfortune to clean shit up. In Dark Souls (goes double for 3) it's pretty much "Here, have this sword, we need to link the fire." with no real explanation as to why it's so important provided.

And I'm not even saying that the Maiden in Black makes the game better for the sole reason of existing, I'm just saying the Firekeeper quotes her as a throwback. While we're on that, I insist in that they're trying to capturing the feel of the Nexus, which was pretty awesome: You've been going through some rough shit, and then you can just chill and talk to your bros in the Nexus. Hell, every character there was memorable (so much that Anri is pretty much a less interesting expy of Ostrava) A great contrast with the constant "world against you" that goes on for the rest of the games.

And yes, Demon's was harder, but to be fair, that was mostly due to the fact that the only healing items you had were consumables, so difficulty greatly varied on how many of them you had farmed. Generally, it was like playing Dark Souls with 2-3 estus uses.

Not going to get roped into the DeS vs DaS debate, but: I think we both know that if DeS and BB weren't exclusives, they wouldn't get half the praise they currently do.

I see your point with BB, but I don't see it applies for DeS. I mean, it was an exclusive, but it went largely under the radar when it was released, and it wasn't even promoted as "This it the reason why you need a PS3" as BB was.

You're my nigger.

For DeS I'm not talking about mainstream praise (which it didn't get a whole lot of until DaS released and raked in the 2hard4u normalfags), but specifically from the "hardcore souls fan" crowd.

I think every game after DeS received way more than their fair share of mainstream praise, and would even go so far as to agree that they're overrated. Besides 2, they're all great games when compared to every other shitty modern game, but I wouldn't put any of them in a top 10 or even top 15 list, and this is coming from someone with a combined total of over 700 hours with the series.

Problem is, they receive their praise only based on the "it's hard" aspect of the game. That's why I was complaining before about people forgetting DeS atmosphere.

This could just be me being overly cynical, but from what I've seen, people only started "forgetting" about DeS's atmosphere once BB was released and they had a shinier new exclusive to parade around. Not that BB's atmosphere isn't excellent (it is), but nobody even brings up DeS anymore unless it's to shit on the newer Souls games (but never BB).

I kind of know that feel. Problem is, even as good as those games, there are still lots of issues with them.

Well I can still play the first Dark Souls despite all the issues it has.
I can't play fucking Witcher 3 despite all the great things it has.

Guess why? One of those has good combat, and another - shit one.

Wouldn't be able to have a valid opinion there, I don't own a PS4 so I haven't played BB, but it makes sense.


if the OP replaced "dark souls" with "demon's souls" everyone in the thread would be praising him.
as for good, skill-based action, try DMC 1,3,&4 or any platinum game. It's a far cry from DD or DS, but it itches that same spot albeit at 100x the speed

Is there a /scurv/ link to the DMC PC games? They're the best ones to play right? I hope so, as I'd bet my emulation of them wouldn't be too great.

And then tries the numbers meme game

wew lad

And then they say Holla Forums isn't full of hipster contrarians. smh tbh fams


Holla Forums has always been hipster contrarians

I think Holla Forums just really wants an action adventure game that isn't as low quality as ds, but that isn't as hand holding as witcher3.

Something with a lot of normalfag filters, but doesn't take itself too seriously. Like that it knows it's a game and you hear the characters joke about how absurd their experiences are, but at the same time, isn't afraid to get real, kinda like what mgs does.

All this, of course, while implying that/v/ is one person.

Feck off

Gameplay is great on ds. Now
, to witcher, it has worst graphics, worst animations, worst sound design.

Now witcher has better quality, but it's gameplay is too normalfag friendly.

If only we could combine both.


MonHun and even MonHun clones should satisfy your high standards.

Also Patapon. Patapon is great.

Graphics fags please gas yourselves.

No, nigger, you go zyklon b yourself.

Gameplay is beautiful, it's the defining quality of this medium


leaving everything else being mediocre and not striving to create the best of the best is niggertier logic. Fuck you for not wanting the best experience possible.

I could fucking pull up Reddit comments complaining that nobody is satisfied by fallout 4's quality and they'd sound just like you. That's how dumb you sound right now.

Came into this thread to say that I've been playing Shinobi for PS2 lately. This game isn't as deep as something like DMC3 or 4, but it's fun in its own right. Your objective is to surgically slash away at foes in a precise manner, like a fucking ninja. When your cursed blade awakens, you'll have a certain amount of time to run through the area and kill monsters in order to obtain their Yin energy to keep the blade sustained, otherwise the cursed blade will begin to sap your life energy in order to sate its insatiable hunger. This encourages an aggressive playstyle.

What I hate about Dark Souls fans is that everytime I say "I don't really like DS that much" they go "hurdur what? is it too hard for you? hurdurhur" I like hard games, just not Dark Souls, god damn it

Yeah fuck the top tier gameplay, bosses, music, world design, weapon and armor variety and lore, "muh graphix" is more important.

Enjoy your race to the bottom



Damn son, do you have dyslexia?

That's not what I wrote at all. Like seriously go check yourself.

Wew, nice memes friend.

Calm down faggot, From software is a business, they were going to cut corners especially since the games were targeted for a console release. Its unfair to compare it to Witcher 3 since theres years between their releases and years difference in development time. CD Projekt could afford the polish since they were targeting PC. Also From software is a subsidiary of a larger firm, which means there is more pressure to have a shorter development life cycle. I get what you're saying, but its really a business issue and I'm just glad we got the Souls series as they are at least, instead of regular normalfag shit.


I know user, makes me sad just thinking about it.

I'm starting to believe you never even played the game for more than 10 minutes. Either that or you're just baiting.

They were also going to attempt to port The Witcher to Xbox 360, until they realized it's kind of a shitty mess that wouldn't sell well. CD Projekt honestly only cares about the money like From Software too. Though, From Software obviously got lazy with the second and third game. Considering there's not much consistency with the lore in the third game.
Didn't even feel like an ending to the series.

Dark Souls feels like it was only decent with the first game and just sort of drifted off like a bad anime. Making no sense with it's lore.

This fucking board gets more cancerous by the day.

Quite a few bosses do less damage than standard enemies, and have more health.
Same moveset? Explain what you mean by this. It would be very difficult to program a dynamic and infinitely evolving boss moveset. Bosses have patterns for a reason.

Not an argument. The game benefits from this.

Quite untrue

This is also wrong, but not by much, since there are many weapons that function the same aside from an auxiliary effect or scaling changes

Nigger Dark souls 2 statistically has over half big guy with sword bosses and that game has twice the bosses of Dark souls 1 without even counting the DLC
Most zones don't have a track associated with them either. Only bosses have themes and most of them are very generic orchestral pieces

The one who hasn't played the games is you not me. Either that or you are living in denial.

This thread is the definition of cancer.

Soulscucks gas yourselves.


Are you legit retarded or is English not your first language?

1) I never got the "its all big gaiz with swords XD" argument

It takes place in a medieval setting, no fucking shit there's big guys with swords.

Bloodborne's central plot is eldritch horror and beast hunting, so there are naturally a lot of lovecraftian monsters and werewolves and shit, it's not a hard concept. Plus, there are certainly more than just big guys with swords in the game.

2) Having boss battles contain all the game's music was a great choice. Ambient sound is top shit.

3) What the fuck are you talking about? There's consistency with the undead if you're paying attention. There's a curse of undeath, undead go hollow, hollows are the original state of man. As for the world design, the entire world is connected by shortcuts and is so well put together it borders on autism.

4) I can somewhat give you that one but it isn't a detriment whatsoever

I'm talking about the first game. I don't give a fuck about the sequels, everyone knows they're shitty cash grabs.

Fucking cancer


Medieval fantasy setting with giants, dragons, manticores, eldritch horrors, golems and what not

Which is why when you kill undead NPCs they don't come back? Or how hollowing doesn't actually affect the player like its supposed to?
Congratulations the game managed to do something the Zelda games have been doing since their inception
World design as in how it has no internal consistency. Its all nonsense non shandified world design made only to be traversed by the player and not actually used by any living thing

It's medieval fantasy, do I really need to spell it out for you?

The NPCs permadeath is something that can be argued, but what do you mean hollowing doesn't work? People in the process of hollowing aren't hollows, you don't actually go hollow until you've lost the will to live.

I don't get your point here, the Zelda series is great, having a shared aspect isn't detrimental whatsoever. Also, opinions. The world fits together just fine, you're just a jaded cunt who wants to argue.

Not a lorefag, just a lot of began to not make sense anymore. Especially the whole story behind the Ashen One. That I just wasn't immersed in the game anymore. Too many inconsistencies. Sorry if I actually wanted a story that made sense. Please don't tell me DSII's Scholar of the First Sin explains why I don't go hollow anymore. Because it doesn't.
Pretty sure your crown applies to only your protagonist in the second game.

Because beyond just interesting world design, combat and music. Dark Souls doesn't have a lot going for it. Especially with the babies complaining about how unfairly treated they are as an invader. Glad that the series is over.
Because I don't think I'm buying anymore From Software games personally.

Hollowing is supposed to reflect your own personal dedication as a player of the game. Your character only goes hollow if you stop playing. If you give up, your character has no other purpose to exist, so it can be assumed that they'll lose their sanity. Going hollow is a gradual process and who knows how long it takes to fully lose one's mind. In addition, we don't know much about hollowing. Maybe your character is immune to its effect somehow? Maybe because you can gather humanity and keep it on your person you'll be able to stave hollowing's effects?

About NPCs dying; just because you don't see them, doesn't mean they don't respawn somewhere else. You respawn at the last bonfire you rested at. Maybe these characters aren't linked to bonfires for some unexplained reason. Maybe when you kill them they are reborn in Catarina, or Carim, or Astora; their kingdom of origin? Maybe they don't respawn because you've consumed their souls and assimilated them into your very being? Maybe your character is special somehow and that's why they're the only ones who can respawn?

Point is, you can make a hell of a lot of speculations in regards to the various literary elements that are present in the game.

In 4 you go from village to village, so you'll start off in the desert, then move on to the (not)dwarven hollow. There are the standard katana weapons and some notable samurai equipment, but some of the most iconic gear is western inspired.

Cats are a thing, though, so if you can't stand cat puns you might be in for a rough ride.

Great game though, if you're interested you could always get a room together off of Holla Forums. Plenty of people ready and willing to help a new guy.

If you where ever on the steam forums, one of the main things people bitched about is how progressively worse the game ran each update.

You realize we have Elder Scrolls lorefags here too right? And they were well known enough that the writer called the lorefags the "Secret Masters".

Yes, it was translated by Nisa, but they didn´t have too much room to screw it up since the story is barely there. Natural Doctrine is fucking sweet

game doesn't look bad, has the ps2 era look for sure, the one thing games are missing today is actual interesting gameplay like a "sword that will turn on you"

Serverance Blade of Darkness.

I'll never get Dragon's Dogma. It started off cool and then it decided to go the route of every other RPG I dropped, incredibly slow start and a bunch of useless fetch quests out the gate can suck my dick

I only played as a barbarian and a dwarf but all the weapons felt like they had shit for range and it ruined the combat for me, am I the only one who felt this way?

None of this surprises me at all considering how shit last gen was, but it's still sad to see one of the few decent IPs to come out of that gen be killed so brutally and so quickly.

never heard of this one before. Is it good and how is the ps3 port? A lot of the reviews seem bad, but then, journalists hate games you actually have to play.

nobody has brought any compelling arguments against it aside from lost izalith

The graphics are mediocre and the story is "giant bugs in the middle ages" But the gameplay is about swatting dungeons filled with baddies with your (hopefully)5 dudes squad. One kill is game over, it wasn´t a game meant for casuals. Hence, reviewers hated it

sounds pretty cool, and the screenshots of it look nice. I'll wait for it to get a bit cheaper and pick up a vita copy. It's funny how we've gotten to the point where if a journalist gives it a 3 in reality it's at least a 8 and vice versa.

dragons dogma is pretty shitty, OP play some real good shit like otogi, ninja gaiden black, devil may cry 3 and 4. the yakuza games too

It's not that DD or DS are oh-so-good, it's just that the games that come out these days are just that bad.

only if you settle for whatever game journos are trying to feed you. there's plenty of great games if you know where to look and don't get cucked by your platform.

I honestly haven´t had that much fun with a complex system that doesn´t fucking hold your hand since Crimson Shroud. I got it for the vita real cheap, no regrets.

I've been burned hard by indie games before.

then you're playing indie games from the wrong side of the globe.

you're lucky, looks like I'm going to have to wait for a sale or something because no place around me has it either on the ps3 or vita.

Guess it's going on the backlog for now.

I never liked Dark Souls so I am glad the tide has finally changed.

If you are talking about Dark Souls I can name plenty.

The biggest flaw, and I mean THE biggest is that unlike Demon Souls which let you complete the worlds in any order Dark Souls has numerous locked doors(it's better if you have the master key) and barriers that can only be passed by completing other areas. The Gate to Sen's Fortress, the Magic Barriers to the 3 Lord Soul Bosses, the doll to the Painted World, the stupid door to the Darkroot Garden, and probably others I forgot about. In Demon Souls the only barriers were the tutorial level, the colorless fog wall, and needing to beat the first boss in the first world to unlock all the others. Which could be completed very quickly, Demon Souls let you explore numerous vast areas how you chose to, with the only to the worlds barriers being the bosses. Now Demon Souls is not perfect not by a long shot, but it is infinitely better than Dark Souls

Get some fucking taste

eh, I think the man prefers something more skill oriented, less text and numbers.


You should do stand up user


now this I wholeheartedly agree with and I liked demons souls a lot more than dar for this and a couple other reasons.
That shit was infuriating, locked doors at least have keys near them so you don't have to do ridiculous backtracking and using the master key one a later playthrough was even an interesting change but the lordvessel was the worst goddamn thing

yeah, rts games don't interest me very much. I like my games to have more interactivity than my operating system. More skill oriented play, mastery of mechanics, observing behavior and having a good grasp on the game systems and mechanics. Not seeing who has the bigger numbers or who can watch little things do the fighting while I click on them and click on other things.

But I already own Grim Dawn and pirated Battlefleet Gothic :^)

Oh come on, you can unlock the bonfire, beat Dunkstein and Slamough and then easily teleport back to Nito.

*Disregard I'm and eedjit. Yea backtracking from there is terrible.

that doesn't change the backtracking I had to do, If I was good enough to get that far the game should have just let me finish the level.

Good, then you'll like the games I indicated.

You consider those games bad?

No, I don't care for them. Maybe once games like grimdawn stop ripping off diablo and actually focus on a good game from the hack and slash genre, like gauntlet dark legacy, they'll be worth caring about, but for now, I don't care about stunted genres like the hack and slash, or crippled and dead genres like RTS.

TW101, Yakuza, Nioh, and many many doujin games have captivated me, however.

Wew lad… something for your taste and skill

nah, this is more my taste when it comes to platformers, but if all you know about is entry-level stuff like mario, I don't think you'll be familiar.

jesus christ the amounts of hipster radiating from you is giving me cancer

Wew lad

Plebeians like you should be gassed

Stay pleb son

that shit comes with the original.
presuming it's the 3ds one I'm thinking it is, don't want to give the video more clicks tbh

It is the 3DS due to the fact that the user Im having the argument with is a poor taste idort consolefag who never knew the joys of RTS.

if you think that's the 3ds version and not the vita/pc one, then you're the pleb m8. Just shows how little you know about your high skill games.


That shit is too hardass for my soft little boy DICK, though.

thanks, he should really give them a chance.

I didn't watch the video, you're making assumptions based on assumptions.
also IDs, not the guy claiming he's an platform master

All they have to do is fix the engine and it's pretty much golden.

Is the term entry level going to infiltrate gaming now?

it's not the 3ds, because sayonara umihara kawase plus was never on the 3DS you retard. Only the original, sayonara umihara kawase, was released for the 3DS. Plus is the Vita version. Are all RTS players this retarded?

i dunno, i could probably play it. however i think the visual aspect does play a heavy role in setting a game's tone. MH just has that generic weeb fantasy artstyle

most over used meme word i've ever read on all ace attorney.

Jesus fucking christ, is this real?

>mfw the only part of Undertale I liked was the Genocide final boss.

Good lord, that rottenpussed whore has higher T-counts than the two of those faggots put together.

It's ok, user, let me suck you.

Remember to press xxxyyyxxxyyyxxxyyy

Oh, yeah, tell me your pain.

No it was the worst MMO in a long time. and that's including Tree of DoA and Black Deserted online

what the shit is wrong with your brain

Is that some sort of accomplishment? I don't know how that's supposed to be impressive, at all.

Odds are you've never played games that actually have competently coded and designed AI, so odds are it wouldn't actually be that impressive to you.

You are right. I don't think i've ever seen a form of AI that isn't shit.

Ninja Gaiden is a great example of AI that actively fucking starves you of opportunities to fuck with it, immediately honing in on moves that leave you open after completion to swarm you and slowly whinging you down with projectiles.

FEAR actively goes out of it's way to have AI shoot you from any direction it can but in front of you.
Whether that's amazing AI or just faking it is a debate, but it's still there and more than most fucking games can say in the FPS genre.

Splinter Cell Chaos Theory has AI that actively notices doors left open, locks broken open, lights switched off, shot off or constantly bugging out.

Thief 3 notices blood stains, not just the bodies of enemies left behind, and this is the case with Dark Mod as well.

I'm pretty sure there's a racing game out there that doesn't use rubber band AI, and as I recall Street Fighter went out of it's way early on to code Akuma back when he was a bonus boss to play more like an actual enemy player than the standard AI.

Well coded, competent and challenging AI is out there, it's just that we don't actually explore that concept whatsoever since every fucking game ever is designed for genre entry level and even skilled players don't notice it as much as they should, so you don't get much reward for all that work.

that's not why the game was better. It had no cheap parts like in dark souls (O & S, capra demon) you could go to any area, none were locked off. The level design was better because it went big instead of compact unlike dark souls. The combat was faster with more satisfying weapon animations and the cherry on the top was the atmosphere and visual design being better than dark souls


nice post





I've played a bit of Ninja Gaiden on XBOX. I was too turned off by the "CUH RAYYYZEEE" movement and animations. I don't like that kind of stuff. It didn't seem like the AI was good. It's options were just unforgiving.

Fear was easy as fuck. You run, shoot things, keep running. I have no idea how you think that game's AI was good. It seemed no different from any other shooter.

I don't think I've ever played a Splinter Cell game.Stealth is IMO, the worst genere of games. Even casual puzzle games provide more enjoyment than…
etc. etc.

Thief? again, stealth. That does sound kind of interesting though. I'll pick it up

All racing games are shit. You memorize tracks. You execute it. Like a really boring Rythym game. I bought Fzero GX because i though it might be the exception. That wasn't the case. Fzero GX might be the worst case of this I've seen actually. Mirror's Edge is probably the only racing game I like.

I've beaten all of the Street Fighter games, but I don't think I ever fought a hard version of Akuma. In…. Alpha 2? There was an Akuma that would throw fireballs at a speed players cant. That was hard, but I'd hardly call that difficult AI. Street Fighter 5 has had the hardest CPU opponents I've ever had to fight in a game. They'll do reaction supers to jabs regularly. You can cheese them by just chasing them down and constantly jabbing though.


Yo why do these things keep getting posted? If the game is bad, then people won't play it. There's no need to bump the thread with recycled content we've all seen before.

holy shit, i forgot all about this guy.

i forget what his youtube channel was, but i think he had some legitimate mental issues, because i remember his channel had some other wacked out shit on it


Like with skyrim yo



Tell me ONE good thing about BLACKED Souls, other than the fluid combat animations that are addictive to watch, build variations, and satisfying sound effects.

inb4 fromcuck defense force butthurt

No, you will never be able to convince me to go back to this overrated shit. And I will never play the sequels nor the prequel, never ever.

shit optimization is the only legitimate criticism on this list, the rest is you complaining because you're a casual cuck

Dark Souls is known for its difficulty amongst us hardcore gamers after all :)


are a fag.

That is your problem.

its not hardcore, that's whats faggy about this guy. One of his complaints was death having a consequence and the other one was decisions having a consequence

You enjoy the pegging, bro?

challenging != punishing



Have you ever had an original thought?

You sound like FaggotFist who thought FO:NV was too hard.

how was AS2 not just a copypaste job of AS with minor improvements strapped to it and then sold at full price?

Try playing Zero Mission, it's like Super Metroid, but actually good.


wah, I have to live with my mistakes if I kill an npc
you havent provided any evidence you just said it, the only unbalanced bosses I can think of are 2, capra, and bed of chaos
are you from reddit?

fuck off hipster, DeS did some things better than DaS but the reverse is certainly true as well.

Whether you like one or the other comes down entirely to personal taste on what elements you think are more significant than others.

Nah, too easy to hoard stupid amounts of moongrass.

yet the game is surprisingly less easy than dark souls mainly because getting weapon upgrades isn't as easy

Just listing a few.

That's not even remotely true.

wew lad

FO:NV is a pretty easy game though.

Not for just killing NPC, it's just annoying.

Capra is pretty easy though, especially if you have acquired better arsenal before getting there.

Was that even a fucking boss? More like a poor level design.


Mount and Blade Warband
Turn off the damage handicaps.

you're the one who made it, whats the deal

use the fucking terrrain you pleb

throwing two dogs in and making an area with terrain that blocks the players view is lazy and cheap at best. I beat the game at lvl 4 but that doesn't make capra is defend able, he's a shit boss

Soulsfags, everyone.

I came in here to say monster hunter is garbage and if you really need a grindy MMO go play some other lame-ass fucking grinding game like Tree of Saviour. At least the controls aren't absolute ass in that game.

No, I was talking about inconsistent difficulty in bosses. Some are too easy like that guy in the catacomb with many masks, some are too hard like stray demon, and some are just invincible like the bridge dragon.

Talking about shit boss fights is another thing. I find trying to cut some of the bosses' tails nearly impossible, like fucking kalamet.

Yeb, MoHun is an overrated game with shit controls. There isn't even auto targeting and you don't even control the camera with right analog, so you have to hook your left forefinger like that scene from freddy's got fingered to control the d-pad while dodging attacks with left analog.

It's fucking shit.

I didn't expect this many keks when I entered the thread.

There is, and you do. People without N3DS and Pad Pro use face direction or auto target to change camera and it was pretty intuitive until I got my Pro. Also forgetting that the touch screen has a camera control as well.

I could beat stray demon after many tries, but it's about difficulty arc that goes up and down instead of going up steadily.

Come on, his attack is unavoidable.

There's another boss that people seem to forget, ceaseless discharge and it's stupidly large hitbox. That was a shit boss fight.

I bet you're a neet faggot.

I don't know. I borrowed it and played it back in the PS2/PSP days. Don't own a console no more.

No I'm not. I'm saying 2 of your examples are retarded. Stray Demon isn't hard. You just need to literally beat its ass and back off when he tries to fly/raises his staff up. He'll be completely locked into a repeated pattern and its just a matter of not getting greedy.

And the Bridge Wyvern isn't even a fucking boss, its an environmental hazard you're allowed to beat down if you want to, you fucking retard.

You double fucking retard

Dude, I know his pattern and I have beaten him twice. He's still a hard boss compared to the others. Gaping dragon, that quelag girl, and especially the catacomb boss were a fucking joke compared to stray demon, could beat their asses at one try.

Still, he should've given 100,000 souls instead of 10,000 because it has to take a lot of arsenal or exploitation to take him down. Hazard or boss, it was a shit.

pinwheel is intentionally easy in case a new player was able to brave the catacombs. Tails being hard to cut is only an issue on seath since he constantly rotates to face the player. And stray demon is easy and he's a secret boss.

You can play Tri using Dolphin, Wii emulation is very accurate and pretty stable.

You mean the ones they stole from Berserk?


Don't do all the quests in order faggot.Take as many of the "kill x" quests as you can and explore. Only use Escort quests to find new areas of the map or to help gain waifupoints. If you hit the point where you feel strong enough, go hit up BBI.

Your other examples are pretty good, but unless you're going to play with no slowmo, FEAR is easy as fuck and I found it really easy to figure out where the AI opponents were going to go after a little while

Also if you want good FPS AI look into AFPS bots. Not the vanilla shit of course, but the stuff that uberspergs made in the years following Q3 and UT

Play Nocturne and/or Digital Devil Saga
Unless you're talking about old Persona and not that social link faggotry

What about the others fam.

Both seath's and kalameet's tails are hard to cut.



stray demon is literally the first boss with an aoe attack and more health, he's easy
Seath is easy but the level proceeding him is quite time consuming and he can curse you so he's balanced around that
ok fag

No you're just stupid.

Stray demon is Easy. You can easily trick him to do the same attack over and over again.

There's two mistakes new players make when dealing with him:
If after dying 5 or 6 times to that you don't pick up on what you're doing wrong, then the boss isn't hard, your local neurologist is a rich man instead.

His magic attacks are hard to avoid and do a large damage. You have to strip all your armors to outrun him.

Nah, call me a casual but you've just wasted too much of your time on a video game. He's beatable, I have beaten him twice, but he ain't easy and ruins the difficulty arc.

The problem is, bosses other than stray demon and others are so much easier or require obvious strategy that I could kill them in one or a few attempt. It's about the difficulty arc.

Secrets don't matter in pvp.

How in the name of fuck did you pick up PVP from the rest of the discussion.

you get the crest shield right near him and his aoe attacks have a long wait period before activating, you're just garbage.
they do considering how a lot of pvp builds require them and we were talking about pve

Can't compete in pvp without getting all secrets by watching jewtube and reading the wiki. I hate the pvp.

user, I think you're taking the pvp a bit too seriously.
I mean, sure I haven't explored all the menus, so I can't tell if Darksouls has some Elo Ranking for the more MLG pro leet players among us, but the lack of a "Join Ranked Match" kinda hint that there's no such thing.

Well get rid of the pvp then.

I don't have a laughing girl appropriate enough for this.

Battlefleet is mediocre in my eyes. Grim Dawn was fun for one or two playthroughs and now there isn't much going on with it anymore.


Dragon's Dogma was pretty fun. You're gonna have to explain to me the appeal of Dark Souls though, because I watched some gameplay videos and they looked kinda boring.


what a hipster loser

Seath is Easy, what the hell are you talking about?

You can literally tank his hits if you have plenty of Estus and a Curse Ring and constantly stab at his dick. The Only time the boss is hard if you want to grab his tail.

This is coming from some one who beat the game for the first time like 3 days ago.

Oh, actually, it depends; did you use Magic?

He's Magic resistant.


Oh yeah it was.

Summoning literaly does put you in danger though
It expands the level range per phantom, meaning not only are more people are after you, but they're stronger too.

Learn your shit beforehand, scrub

No, I'm just saying that other bosses before and after it that give more souls are easier.

Where did I say that seath is hard you illiterate.

I'm planning on playing Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga. I also meant I'm playing all of Persona. I'm glad you didn't recommend me all of mainline SMT though. I also want to emulate Raidou Kuzunoha.

But hey, you're not one of those faggots telling me to play a real Shin Megami Tensei game.

World design and lore they can't even keep consistent throughout sequels. And the weapon and armor variety had barely fuckall to previous games. I'm pretty upset I couldn't play as Van Darkholme.

And music just consists of generic orchestral pieces, because every boss has some sort of depressing background story in order to make you emotionally upset over killing them.

And Dark Souls gameplay is very simplistic, so what the fuck are you going on about mate?

"Too hardcore for 4chan" killed this place. We never recovered from the edgy redditors that flocked here.

Is this the guy that did the laughable Aldrich "lore" video who screamed at everyone who wasn't jerking him off?

We never did, did we?