Even MORE Tokyo Mirage Sessions Censorship

If nothing else, at least they went all out on the censorship here… Every day it's getting worse and worse.

Other urls found in this thread:


whats censored?

It's obvious they would do this stupid shit.
On top of that the game is 100% garbage which has been known for ages.

Why even bother with repeated threads?

In that scene in the OP, shes supposed to be in a swimsuit or in a bra and panties, in the original fucking trailer on NoA's channel it didnt have this.

That and in that dungeon, its supposed to focus on a gravure idol or softcore porn actress, and they've neutered it, likely because they fear teens cant play it or some shit, even though that didnt stop Persona 4 from printing money

Here's the Japanese version.

Notice not only the clothes, but the pictures in the background.

Now we wait for the shitty translation and memes to show themselves in full force.

To be honest though, I've been avoiding new games like the plague for a year now and have been having a lot of fun with my backlog, so this really isn't a loss for me. Just looks like more of the same shit really.

Keep in mind this is Atlus doing this willingly to their own game, it's not just Treehouse this time fucking this shit up.

Modern Atlus a shit.

Atlus brouht over dungeon travelers 2 just fine, treehouse is 100% the cause of this.

I recall they did censor some of the cgs/images in DT2 though.

yeah, this seems to be a pattern. It happened with Bravely Default as well when up to that point Square had been pretty good with localizations. I believe the Treehouse is overseeing these localizations, here's to hoping they don't leave their print on these developers.

Jesus Holla Forums, you need to learn to prioritise. Maybe Atlus wants to sell games to more people than just neckbeards who hate women. And before any of you start screaming muh freeze peach, this is a company and not the government so it's okay.

Yeah, bur they communicated and told us what they were changing because they would have gotten a legit ao rating. I trust atlus much more than treehouse.

Who the fuck is even the audience of this game anymore?

What are they expecting?

A massive flop.

they are probably expecting tumblr to buy it and feel justified doing this shit after the sales for the new Fire Emblem not realizing it was going off the steam of the previous one and that people were generally unhappy with the localization changes.

If I wasn't going to pirate after seeing the first batch, I definitely will now. Too bad it's not just an alternate, I actually kind of like the outfit.

It's not Atlus doing this. Nintendo is trying to throw them under the bus, but I can assure you that they are NOT happy about this.

Same here. It's cute.

Atlus didn't even submit DT2 to esrb in its original form. They just went ahead and censored the two scenes because a "consultant" deemed them problematic.

I guess this is why the western release lost the "SMT" moniker, they want their series to have nothing to do with the shitshow

honestly they should just tell nintendo to go fuck itself and rerelease the smt games on vita

You're confusing Atlus and NISA. They actually did submit, IIRC.

They didn't. I thought the same, but a week or so ago someone linked an article proving me wrong.

They consulted some faggot, just like NISA does, and then self-censored based on that.


That is LITERALLY everyone who would potentially buy this game (…other than lesbians who flick their bean to chinese cartoon characters. THINK OF THE LESBIANS!)

There is no point to any of this "Localization" other than: male feminist Localizers who are uncomfortable with normal human sexuality because they must ask permission from their Feminist Overlords to have boners, and even then, are still deeply ashamed when they touch themselves to their illegal double-reverse shouta trap bestiality CG ultra child porn.

Reminder: things like navels, underboobs, and swimsuits have NO relevance to ESRB ratings above "T" or PEGI ratings above "12".

"Changes made to get '?'-rating" isn't even an argument anymore.

It's because Male Feminist Localizers are triggered by non-feminist-approved expressions of normal human (female) sexuality.

…because manatee-class feminists are super-jelly of cute anime girls and rather have them covered with burqas or the closest equivalent…

0/10 apply yourself

It's not even the same scene.


Wow nice smoking gun except it IS the same scene and your only proof it's not is that the costumes are different DESPITE the fact that this game has different costumes for the characters and the costumes showm in the NoA screenshot are in the game as alts.

Nevermind the fact it's also the same (similar looking) camera angle and that setting is the exact same.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is how you kill a franchise. By checking what things the fan enjoy before destroying them through and through.

Congrats, Treehouse, for destroying Fire Emblem.

Doesn't Holla Forums fucking hate this game anyway?

Double Hitlerdubs should calm dow. I mean it's just a sensible business decision, like what Marvel has been doing for years with a great suc… oh shit.

IntSys beat them to it by making Awakening in the first place

I know I do. Even without the censorship it's still nothing more than Atlus trying to cash in on the idolshit craze.

I'm still fucking pissed about that initial reveal trailer.

Mmm, very nice.

Mind digging it up for the rest of us?

Sure. I shouldn't have been lazy and just done it from the getgo, anyways.


"I want to stress again that the changes to the images are just minor edits. A lot of people are quick to assume that it’s nudity-related, when even the Japanese version had no full-nudity images. As a company, we looked at all the game’s content and identified the images that we assumed would be the most difficult to get by ratings boards."

This is the relevant bit. As you'll note by reading between the lines with a 2nd grade reading level, this says they didn't actually submit the images in question to the ESRB. They just "consulted" about them to some faggot who wasn't working officially, and pre-emptively censored them based on his word before even trying to get any sort of offical rating.

It's literally the same shit NISA pulls.

Japan is ignorant of our culture. Someone needs to tell them not to listen to these radical faggots because they do not represent us or our culture. They are cultural colonists, social marxists, and dialectic materialists hellbent on destroying Western civilization.



I'm more upset by the idea of James Bond with a goatee than James Bond being black. He looks like a goddamn hobo.

why does the title have a fucking hashtag

I didn't realize Commiefornian culture was American culture. At least to Japan it is.

Fatlus censored DT2.

This is a lie. A CERO D game will not get an AO. CERO is stricter than the ESRB.


Whats weird is that they didnt censor that gaint dick shaped paint splash on the far right picture.

This can't be fucking real. Turns out, it isn't yet.
Daniel Craig said he would rather slit his wrists than do another movie but talent like Aidan Turner is currently being looked at.

Then again… They made Moneypenny black so…

They'll ruin every Western white male characters they can eventually. Have no doubt about that.

What exactly is the context of her putting on the swimsuit? Are we sure this isn't just something that is pre-prepared by the player's choice, and you can't recreate the scene with the swimsuit anyway?

What exactly is the context of her putting on the swimsuit? Are we sure this isn't just something that is pre-prepared by the player's choice, and you can't recreate the scene with the swimsuit anyway?

That trailer was some time before the final release, wasn't it? It's easy to assume that it was touched up in whatever way, that is to say changing the placement of the characters.

Why are they trying to sell games for teens, to children instead?

Hope you boys are studying your moon runes.

Why would it sell like hotcakes when it bombed in Japan?

I didn't say it would sell well either way.

Replied to the wrong one.

You sure about that, user?

This game is so bad and insulting that I can't summon any ind of caring for this. Let this game burn to the fucking ground.

I'm an idolfag and SMT fan and was looking forward to this game, even if it was just Persona with idols. Now it's gone from "must have" to "won't even pirate unless all this shit is back in."

Fucking Nintendo's done a great job in turning this game into something with zero audience. Idolfag don't want this shit.
SMTfags don't want this shit.
FEfags don't know it.

There's. No. Audience.
They turned a niche game for a niche market into something nobody wants.

Have you not heard? Fates sold 300K first week or something in the west. Since it's not some AAA shitfest with 200 million dollar budget, 300K sales is a hefty profit, and that's why we're seeing the same ultra heavy handed censorship for #FE.

Are we talking about sold - as in, bought by consumers, or "sold" - as in, shipped to retailers?

How much more evidence do we need?


FUCK archive.is/uqM1n WHY

this just proves normal fags will eat any shit up


This raises a good question. Why the fuck are they censoring the tits in this ultra-niche game when they were fine with it in Hyrule Warriors anyway? I don't get the lack of consistency, especially if they're so desperate to be "family friendly"

He's just going to say the source is unreliable, but yeah, I was wrong. It wasn't 300K in a week. It was 300K in its first three days. Just fuck my shit up.

My guess is that NoJ wouldn't let them fuck with first party games too much.

The only thought I have is that people bought both versions in most cases, so I assume it was only bought by 175k people, but still. Fuck.

Who cares, faggots? Let Atlus take the heat for this. Let them see what happens when you partner up with this kind of slime.
Repeat after me: This censorship work is done by Atlus.

Maybe if you niggers did research instead of screaming about niggers, you'd see that guy is only going to voice Bond in the audiobook. The books have been trash since Fleming died.


You faggots are so uppity that you make niggers seem like properly configured humans.

At least Wii U emulation will be a thing in the near future so people with more than half a brain will be able to play it uncensored.

At this point it's pretty clear the game is going to flop. I don't even know what audience they're aiming for anymore honestly.

Someone please wake me up from this censorship nightmare.

I just don't get it.

Consider the target audience for these games. How the FUCK does that square with the censorship?! Does not compute.

Nintendo cunts. Should have done this game for the PS4, it needs some JPN games.

I'm beyond angry.

Yeah but neckbeards who hate women buy the most games, no?

Not counting mobile.

Some believe that there may yet be brothers of man who even now fight to survive, somewhere beyond the heavens.

I'm looking forward to seeing the sales numbers when this thing releases in the States. This thing sold like shit in Japan, where it should have sold decently well, and with these sort of changes it isn't going to attract an audience over here anymore.
This is going to have some of the worst sales possible for a large project like this. It's gonna be funny to see how badly it fails.

That was counting both versions as one game and the SE as two copies.

Between that, the minimal increase in sales over Awakening (which had strong lifetime sales and this had more advertising) and, most importantly, no future bragging suggests sales flatlined after that.

you know, today I heard about this game fucking coming out

and of course, fucking censorships have to come in our way

I'm so fucking sick of it all…


The Captain America under Falcon was the very, very FIRST Captain, the serum was used on someone else before Rogers, Captain Falcon is the current cap, that's not a bad thing since Falcon has been part of cap lore for literal decades, be angry they changed his personality to be more SJW friendly.

Peter Parker still exists, Morales came from the ultimates universe and he's a pretty good character

The nigger you hate so much in Star Wars is the best part of that train wreck.

The black bond is only voicing him in the audio book

Nigger annie was one of the biggest failures in cinematic history.

Seriously, this image is fucking terrible, I'd expect this shit from SJW's

Its going to be a bigger bomb than Hiroshima.

Fuck off Anita.



A black hole with the mass of a coin?

President of the United States of America Donald John Trump.


This someone who should do something is you and everyone else who don't like that American media represent every person in the whole western world. Otherwise, enjoy this because this is the future you chose.

I'd say to everyone though. Look at western devs too, they're afraid of lefties even more than Japan.

Ignoring the problem by importing games won't make it go away. What are you going to do when TPP will happen? Pretend it doesn't exist? When your government stick dick in your ass will you pretend that everything is fine too?

Then everyone deserves to suffer if everyone thinks a cuck state's propaganda is what the people believe. Fight or die for all I care.

Buying the US release wont' stop the TPP, either, and it tells the company that you support censorship. I highly doubt there won't be any way to import anything under the TPP, either. It'll cost an arm and a leg, but there's enough money in importing that someone will be willing to do it for the right price.

This may be true, but that's a pretty low bar.

When the rest of the characters are a (hideous) woman, a spic Jew and an whiny bitchboy anything can look good.

And no, Finn is not a good character. His story arc makes no sense, his motivation even less so, the movie makes him look like an amoral sociopath that wants to quit the bad guys because his buddy died, while not five minutes afterwards he's slaughtering stromtroopers while ooking and eeking like the subhuman he is.

There is no reluctance when he kills his former comrades, there is no doubt about his desertion, there is no fucking reason for him to even be a stromtrooper since it has fuckall to do with the movie (beyond giving the Resistance the crippling flaw of the superweapon).

How you want your wife fam?

Isn't Louis Mexican?

No, he's just a cuck.

Everything you mentioned is merely symptoms of one single, underlying problem. All other characters in a work with a Mary Sue of Rey's magnitude exist solely to show how bad ass and better than everyone else the Mary Sue is.
It's impossible to have good characters when they're all just tools to make a certain other character look better.

Finn works cleaning toilets, which was such a WTF moment I couldn't contain my laughter. It really speaks volumes about how much effort went into the movie when the First Order is deploying toilet cleaners on combat missions and makes them privy to the Achilles hell of their superweapon.

It's the "muh dick" instinct overriding everything else.

It's impossible to have good character when the only reason said characters exist is to fill gender and racial quotas.

TFA isn't shit because Rey Mixer is an ugly Mary Sue, it's shit because Jew Jew is the typical kike.


Pretty much my thoughts. Maybe then people will learn something. My hope isn't high, however. This is why I think TPP is going to happen too. SOPA didn't happen only because megacorps were against it.

It's a crime that such pathetic country has a huge influence on the entire world.

You need to convince companies that American media don't represent your opinion and that you demand for the same uncensored product with good quality translation. Better even to make your own company to translate games. Good competition will smash these cockroaches and Xseed isn't capable to do this alone.

You shouldn't buy censored products and neither should you ignore the problem unless you're pathetic cuckold who is fine that scumbags are raping his favorite games. Get some balls or else there won't be anything for you to import because other companies start to censor themselves too. Remember that Atlus aren't the first who started to self-censor themselves.

Holla Forums in one sentence.

Listen, I won't argue that her character is not only flat as fuck but far too Sue-ish since she knows how to fix shit she's never seen, but she was wielding that lightsaber like a moron. And at one point, Finn did in fact try to go on without her, but eventually came back out of concern. Whether or not he should actually he concerned is another matter.

Doesn't make the movie better, though.

And she wins against a Sith that way?

It took look the better part of three movies to stand up to Vader as an equal, and even then he hadn't mastered the Force completely.

This fish eyed cunt manages to pull off a Mind Trick without even knowing about it and fight a Sith without any training whatsoever.

Sith that was bleeding out for the better part of 20 minutes after getting shot by a laser. He was already getting sloppy against Finn who was also a moron with the lightsaber.

Her using the Force automatically is horse shit though. Family told me 'It's cause she's a natural!' Except the last time we had a 'natural' he subconsciously always used the Force since he was 10, hence he could podrace. She uses it never, and then suddenly can use the Force to repel mind reading and then read Ren's mind. With no training. Or explanation. Yeah, fuck that.

Where were you when NoA became vidya 4kids?

The point of Vader was always to make him threatening. If nothing else Lucas did a stellar job with the byplay between Vader and Luke, and having Luke run away or lose when confronting Vader built suspense.

Meanwhile the kike manages to make the Sith a nonthreatening whiner in under 10 minutes, and within 30 makes the audience know that the First Order are buffoons there for laughs.

Or drive the Millennium Falcon like a pro or know more about it than Han Solo. Oh, and she's apparently a crack shot.

Even Anikin, the biggest Gary Stu of the movies, gets his shit kicked in by Dooku, even when tag teaming him with Obi Wan.

Meanwhile TFA has a fucking nigger whose job is cleaning toilets stand his ground against a Sith.

and the video


they basically just threw a censor blur on them. That's pathetic.

Fuck off

I hate you Atlus.

I fucking ''wish' it was 4konami.

Who is this petty?

99.9% of Holla Forums

The us translation has stupid mistakes too. Like "Yeah" is subtitled as "un-hu" or "onichan" translated as "aya".

She says onee-chan not oni-chan. It's perfectly normal to substitute the name of the person instead of the onee/onii-chan. English just isn't spoken like that, when I call out to my brother I call him by his name not brother. This is just what localization is actually supposed to do.

Too bad Atlus is a bunch of retarded weeaboos. I bet they also left the honorifics in, like they do with all their persona games.

I glad the stupid, absolutely retarded moe shit games like this ultragarbage are getting censored.

Fuck you, user, for even considering this.

The first story was still a retcon, and Falconcap is garbage both because it diminishes his character, and because they made him an SJW to fights racists trying to stop illegals from crossing the border.

Not to mention them pairing him romantically with female Thor.

He's an awful, boring character and you saying otherwise demonstrates the uselessness of your opinions. In the Ultimate universe they killed off Peter for him to be his replacement. After that he's basically just handed everything Peter had. They give him his webshooters, he gets his supporting cast, he gets put on the fucking Avengers, and all the while he's this boring, mundane 13 year old who mostly just says "Wow." and "This is so cool." His fights all boil down to him "remembering" he has his two extra abilities, the ability to become invisible and his "venom sting" which he ends EVERY GOD DAMNED FIGHT in his book with.

He and Rey were considered the worst parts of the film. What people liked in order were the Mexican fighter pilot, the little droid ball, and Kylo Ren once they got that he sucked on purpose.

Aww shucks, that makes it so much less true then, huh?

So that means it didn't happen just because everyone fucking hated it?

I sat through days of niggers gloating on twitter about The Wiz remake. "WE TAKIN WHATS YOURS NOW, REPARATIONS BITCH. AIN'T OUR FAULT WE MORE TALENTED THAN YOUR LILLY WHITE ASSES".

It's almost like niggers are butthurt they don't have any unique culture of their own and have to steal.

It's not their fault Jews consider them too dumb to ever be a threat.

Their unique culture is stealing. And raping. And murdering. And rioting.

Don't forget the occult ooga booga mysticism and getting pissed on by cows.

Kill yourself flagshitter.

Anons they wuz kingz. You just stole their culture from them.


This is a brand of thinking called Neoliberalism.

Basically packaging and selling "diversity" without actually solving any problems that exist, which at current, there are none.

In fact, they create "problems" to sell product through cheap race bullshit.

"Hey, this race is being opressed!"

"Wow, this movie is sooo progressive for having this character, I should blindly support it despite it being cheap and boring!"

If you watched the new star wars, for example, the whole fucking movie is phoned in, the actors are half-assing it, it's clear that they didn't care due to using plot template bullshit to the point that if you take away the stormtrooper armor, or any assets they lifted from the original movies, it would not be selling.

The Female Thor comics have loads of "fuck yeah women are great men are shit" diatribes, they're blackwashing loads of characters for the controversy and pandering to the SJW and "progressive" crowd while being lazy and not actually writing good stories, they're doing "hey, he's the first black man to take this role from this character! we should applaud him!" So that they don't have to write good stories.

Basically, they're using "diversity" to skimp out on the actual quality of the product.

This is because Hollywood, the Comics industry and the AAA sorts, they cannot succeed if they don't do this thing. Because they're all hacks who took over when the actual legends left for retirement.

Lucas doesn't even have control over his movies anymore, it's all JJ now. And this is what happens when the old guard doesn't take on apprentices.

Maybe Nintendo was desperate to win back the core audience back then that they're thinking about going back to their family friendly image.

Wasn't the venom stinger thing lifted from Scarlet Spider?

also invisibility?

So, that means he's that fedora fucker.

Comics that aren't Judge Dredd are officially dead.

Luke being able to psychically see lasers within ten minutes with a lightsaber is somehow different?

Don't get me started on Thorgina.

What, you mean when he's playing that little training game on the Millennium falcon?


You forgot

Luke gets his ass hit multiple times on the training session in the millenium falcon. He's only able to block lazers with his lightsabers at jabba's palace when he's become a jedi master.

It wasn't a sudden transition after closing his eye's and thinking "use the force"

It is weird when reading and listening to the audio. You see "Aya" but never hear it. Someone might think "onee-chan" means "Aya" in English. It adds unnecessary confusion.

he got his ass blasted by that little thing and the crew laughed at him.

He was able to grasp it just a little and he was using a blaster for the rest of the first movie.

In fact, the only time he's mastered the force enough to do crazy shit is in the 3rd movie.

1st he barely touched a lightsaber and in two the fucker got his ass knocked out by frosty troll fuckers, and even then getting his lightsaber out of the ice with the Force was a struggle.

the 3rd movie he's a master, but by then he's been training over the time skip.

And he had training.

Ray had nothing. it's bad writing.

Yeah, that's not quite the same thing. That's like calling someone an elite sniper because he shot a very slow moving cardboard cutout

Damn, I totally loved season 19, but like half of that theme just flew right over my head on my first time watching through.

Oh and

at least he wasn't an idiot who bends over for the marketing department.

I can't argue with that. Clearly no marketing department would have ever let Watto exist.

He was, Jeorge just got too much of an ego at the end, he thought he could make a trilogy of movies with no input at all using almost nothing but computers(and robots trying to imitate popular actors) and have them be just as good.

Look America IS a nation of moralfags, conservative nutcases, SJWs and cucks.

However America is also the biggest single Western market for videogames with 300 million people.

You wouldn't have to censor a single thing here in my country the Netherlands, but there are only 17 million of us.

So yes America is going to continue to dictate the lives of gamers everywhere.

Come the fuck on guys. There's way better ammo against Rey than that shit.

But it's not Americans that want this shit changed, The ESRB doesn't give a fuck in a woman is wearing a bikini in a video game the faggot localization team is the problem.

Oh so that's why places like germany, china and australia are even less tolerant of "problematic" games and much more censor happy than america?
Yeah shut the fuck up, call me when europe isn't removing white people from a game that didn't even get an american release or refusing to release games that american get.


The funny thing about this censorship is the lack of consistency: it's not universal.

Seems like a waste of man hours if you're not even going to commit.

They get paid by the hour and if their system is anything like I imagine it is, they need to fill that in with actual verifiable work. They are basically taking a piece of the game, saying its not fit for this audience, then stretching out the work on that specific piece for days if not weeks on end and transforming a one man task into one that encompass the entire project. They keep doing this over and over again until the game is ready to be launched and they can't possibly ask for a delay.

I want to rub my dick all over that pantyhose

Good news. You are the exact customer base that game was made for.

and the one that is going to hate it for the censorship but ultimately forget about it after a month

Well joke's on them, I've never touched an Atlus game in my life that isn't P4A.
Shadow Labrys is fun

oh THIS is the game Nintendo decided to re-dub a JAPANESE line for the AMERICAN RELEASE to make that bitch 18?

Jesus christ, there is nothing about this game that's salvageable.

Basically, they are trying to keep their jobs relevant by making up work to do so they can justify the existence of localization companies like NoA/Atlus?

Approximately. Localization teams also do translations so its not like they don't actually have an important job, at least on paper. The thing is that unlike fan translators, big studios have direct access to the code and the implementation part is handled by an entire different department.

Localization changes are, if I'm not mistaken, preluded by about 20 meetings and 500 coffee / smoke breaks through the month. Admin time is the biggest way I can see them milking a potential paycheck for all its worth, not even mentioning all the possible OT they end up doing. I don't know how it works for localization teams but for refference, Developers can do whatever the fuck they want as long as they finish their task while Software Testers are REQUIRED to find something to do even if they finish their tasks early. That usually falls under the guise of Directed Free Testing, aka, just fuck around and report any issues you find in this specific area until the end of shift / new build comes in.

Localization is probably just a shitload of Directed Free Testing every day all day to give the big wings a work excuse.

Reading comprehension isn't a bad skill to pick up, user.

I want to spank that ass.

Ill give it some credit…looks like what a popstar would actually wear, as opposed to

What im wondering is, did they steal that outfit from another part of the game, or go through the trouble of having one made just to pull this shit?

I want to fug that melon

you forgot

do you retards not realize that unlike johnny storm, or annie, or fucking thor, that these are fucking titles, not peoples names?

If they changed PETER PARKER to be black, that would be one thing, if they changed STEVE ROGERS to be black, that would be one thing, but they didnt. Those two are totally shitty examples that only damage arguments being made because it makes you look like youre just some random clown who doesnt even read comic books just finding excuses to get pissed off.

theres no reason why that image couldnt have replaced spiderman and cap with actual, character destroying bullshit like thor.

Er . . . Guys there's even worse news.

>In addition, combined sales of all versions including the Special Edition placed the game third overall in software sales, 'tripling the equivalent first-month sales of Awakening.


And if your still haven't collapsed by this point . . .

jesus christ people, just be happy fire emblem isnt dead, the only way NOA is ever going to listen to your gripes is if the fucking game sells.

or people could just buy Stella Glow and let it die already. There will always be more SRPGs. You don't need to eat shit hoping that someday it turns into steak.

It's already dead, it's going mobage.

Fuck off, I don't want another franchise dragged through the mud.

Wow and I thought XCX was fucking bad already.
It's amazing how off the rails this got.
It started with two removed costumes in Project Zero 5 and takes it's (current) peak with #FE.

Name me a worse localization team still running than Nintendo Treehouse. You can't.

Would argue NISA because they bricked consoles. But they never pulled anything on this level.


Waste of fucking dubs. I looked for this info as wel. Found only the Feb sales.of 400k. So I would like your source faggot.


Knew saying this would catch on.

Literally everyone faggot, we all hate this shitty game because it's not SMT or FE in the slightest.

I think John Stewart is the only good black character to replace a white character's role. They didn't outright make Hal Jordon black.

Guess the Netherlands isn't either.

It's like nobody here understands the problem…
Of course the more intelligent writers of this garbage are going to give us a logical explanation as to why our characters are black. Doesn't change the fact that this is shit that is marketed towards white people this is white entertainment. We don't ask tyler perry to incorporate more whites into his movies.

Isn't this supposed to be unplayably bad anyway?


There are better SRPGs for 3DS that's for sure.

you mean DS :^)

It's playable, just everything else about the game is bad.


Better yet just pirate it.

You deserve everything you get.

You could not pay me to play this shit that desecrates SMT and the corpse of FE.

I'd dig it out of the trash, just to break it in half and burn it.