It's not an eceleb thread, shillwit. The guy never shows his face. He just makes great memes.
Liam Cooper
Good riddance we webmed all of his shit. Also its not anything, but "Youtube Heroes", socdems got into it.
Michael Richardson
fuck him, if he wants to make OC so much he can release it anonymously, the piece of shit credit-starved kike
Dylan Flores
HWNDU is over. There is no reason for you to be here any longer. Please go back to 4chan Holla Forums.
Liam Walker
If he releases OC anonymously, he won't get youtube shekels :^)
Juan Gonzalez
HWNDU given a movement for Holla Forums camwhoring. Now everyone will show their face to be in trend i guess. Rules of imageboards are a past i guess. And i am not talking about it in positive way.
Isaiah Gutierrez
Now that's what i call kikery
Jacob Myers
You are honestly acting like an autistic little shit. Just because the guy showed his face one fucking time, I am suddenly an eceleb shill for posting about his videos getting shoahed. This isn't about him being an eceleb. This is about you not being able to identify with him because you are too afraid to show your forever alone face in public.
The guy made some of the funniest memes during the campaign that got millions of views. Without content creators like him to recruit the normies, we'd just have a bunch of whining, do-nothing layabouts like you.
Elijah Lee
Don't worry, people who show their faces are just showing their true nature. There are still a lot of Holla Forumsacks who adhere to the rules of imageboards. Recently, we have been hit by a wave of refugees, so it seems like there are less of us than there actually is.
You are acting like an autistic little newfag. You obviously are not from here, otherwise your post would have contained actual information rather than just meme spouting.
confirmed for reddit
which of course is why I've never heard of him and his top rated Holla Forums related video is "ifififif", which could just be a repost from somewhere else.
Wyatt Price
Nathan Davis
e-celebs have no place in here go back to >>/cuckchan/
Hunter King
remember to report, friendo
Levi Green
Anyone got a webm of the white male video?
Ethan Price
What else does the CTR handbook say to call me, shithead? But you just doublespaced your sentences, which means: fuck off
Blake Brooks
lel, just sit tight. It's early, so the mods aren't on yet. When they come on though, you will surely be banned for thread sliding.
Henry Adams
Try lurking enough to not fuck up crosslinks user, doesn't help your case.
At any rate, I suspect half these 下げs are imkampfy samefagging again. The mods have a real bee in their bonnet when it comes to making sure Holla Forums stays out of date in terms of the broader memetic landscape.
Grayson Robinson
fucked up the sage, goddamnit
Oliver Kelly
Lurk more.
Nathan Barnes
Oh look, it knows how to use a vpn.
Luke Martin
You are one paranoid motherfucker.
Parker Ward
We're on Holla Forums so that should be a given, yes. But why are you throwing that accusation, sounds to me like a mod who is butthurt that his bullshit ban was dodged again.
Leo Parker
This is actually a serious issue since this is YT essentially banning anti-sjw shit again. In this case, the uploader's content really works with normalfags. The problem is next they will come for our memes.
Landon Gomez
YT is shit, pic related.
Jose Lopez
Just realized I screwed up and linked the same video again in he post, when I really meant to like this.
Again, I just linked this because the guy creates great content and isn't an eceleb hocking some book or an internet TV show like Crowder et al. But if you guys really don't care and just want to argue over who has the bigger tinfoil hat, then just sage and let it die.
Dylan Wilson
Adrian Garcia
anybody know what software he uses, or can recommend softwares to produce vids like these?
Robert Taylor
Jackson Williams
They already are. The man who fought the bank? Gone. With open gates? Gone. Even minor Holla Forums videos are targeted and hunted down. And we still don't have an uncucked alternative.
The best thing we have going for us is that 8ch permits 12MB videos here which means we can generally keep any video alive in some form, but it's not enough and doesn't allow us to spread them outside Holla Forums.
Nathaniel Ross
i enjoy me some placeboing and i heard ur waifu is shit
Jaxson Hall
What bothers me even more in this case is that placeboing is pretty damn normalfag and "inoffensive". It works well to bridge the gap or at the very least, get people to regard leftists as stupid.
Isaiah King
checked you are right, but i remember some user talking about creating an alternative to youtube it would be a site for webms that you could watch and/or share dunno if that user will make it tho
Leo White
With this one there's atleast three videos with his face now. I'm glad he made a comeback though and that he isn't a complete turbo-cuck.
Easton Brown
First one I've seen. But then, I wasn't an autist and didn't go and search his YT history. Let's do that now: youtube .com/user/placeboing/videos
21 videos in the past 9 months. How many have his face? How many of them is he shilling some ebook on? 7 fucking years of videos and you are pointing to 3 where he shows his face and calling him an eceleb? Fuck off with this tbh, fam.
Asher Hill
wtf? I swear it was there a few weeks ago
Lincoln Phillips
youtube e celeb worship
sage + hide
Justin Brown
This. Some autists here never fucking get that if some of us don't go out there in normie-space to spread the frog invasion, nothing will never be actually accomplished.
Angel Robinson
If this guy wants help he should contact filter man, he plays that goblin song a lot and Im sure he'd throw him a bone.
Elijah Murphy
yea, he's got to be doxed now.
Cameron Gonzalez
lol, what would that do? Like the guy said. All he does is take people's own words and put them to music.
Hunter Bennett
sounding pretty commie there, goystein
Parker Martinez
lel shitlibs sowed the wind and don't want to reap the hurricane
Jacob Wood
Whatcha sliding Moishe?
Jace Lopez
You fucking faggot, this guy makes good stuff like that "Hillary Clinton Is Evil" remix - most of his videos are shared as webms here. He must have got at least a few normalfags to vote Trump during the election cycle LURK MOAR
Christopher Cruz
You fucking dumbasses dont realise he memed the shit out of the election and got Trump into office.
Connor Taylor
Fuck off Shlomo
Jack Thomas
His subscriber count doesn't appear to be as influential as you think it is
Austin Perry
Pick one, dumbass.
One good tweet will get seen by millions while you try to form a cult of personality.