#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Glorious Hometown Edition



2. Crash Salon's advertisers - with no survivors:
- medium.com/@TrojanHorse711/salon-s-list-of-atrocities-and-a-list-advertisers-to-contact-gamergate-7c5cdeb9f2aa
- pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE
4. #GamerFruit - Dig into FIG:
paste.teknik.io/2491 || itmb.co/ts09w || up1.ca/#OLF7pVJJzk9ci56FwzveAA || twitter.com/McDermie/status/677627235386437633
5. Continue Digs on 8-4 and Nintendo of America:


- archive.is/4TJwc
- blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2016/04/pcmag-violates-ftc-regulation-with-countless-undisclosed-affiliate-links/
> Game, Publisher and developer review website is up: gamesense.co
- twitter.com/VoQn/status/709444614025977856 || lang-8.com/groups/3054
- blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2016/03/pocket-gamer-charges-devs-up-to-50000-for-guaranteed-game-coverage/
> Tracy Fullofshiterton: >>>/8diamonds/2692 || >>>/gamergatehq/323269 || gamertics.com/usc-game-division-head-linked-to-indiecade-and-thatgamecompany/
> VideoGamer Includes Affiliate links in Articles, Twitter Without Disclosure: blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2016/04/videogamer-includes-affiliate-links-in-articles-twitter-without-disclosure/ || twitter.com/OneAngryGamerHD/status/726462004911738880
- breitbart.com/tech/2016/05/02/round-two-hulk-hogan-sues-gawker-media/
- CH Updates: Apr 2 - Apr 26 - /p.teknik.io/5shqa
- Thread Repository Update: Apr 16 - Apr 25 - /p.teknik.io/WUMEx
- gofundme.com/nichegamer-e3-2016/


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

• Use archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;
• Use tweetsave.com to archive tweets before they are deleted;
• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
• Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);
• Operation Prime Rib: v.gd/ChMVI8 (stacks with above for x2 damage);
• Operation DigDigDig: v.gd/lUx6Nq (find connections and corruption);
• Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);
• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);
• Operation Firefly: archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page);
• An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: v.gd/HTjBk3
• Support List: v.gd/bFfDrJ
• Boycott List: v.gd/eYq9go




Other urls found in this thread:



Old bread: archive.is/2Xzjm

Was the site just down or am I tripping?

The site was down for about fifteen minutes. Coincidentally, voat was down for about an hour around eight hours before.


Why do you bully me like this

Touch detective 3 will never get a fan translation. Too bad, the first and second games were great.

Oh hey sites back.

Someone posted this at the end of the old one


Seems like burnout shit.

Are we back to DESPERATE.webm tactics again?

Also, this baker forgot to update the Tracy Fullerton line with this link: >>>/gamergatehq/323269

That game will never be released. He spends too much time being a faggot on twitter to be actively developing it.

Oh boy another circlejerk thread where I can hang out with my Holla Forumsros! fucking gawker getting rekt thanks to us xD

can someone make more dank vivian memes for me?

I'm pretty sure that's sarcasm user. Notice the jkelly account is actually a parody account of him.


post more Tingle


Also, for the user in the previous bread:


never EVER wee wee blood
its super gay

Thank you very kindly.


What did you do to that cat?

Hometown is best town. But here have some life.

Alright, I though it was on my end. We're getting DDoS as well aren't we?


Whatever happened with puppetmaster after he left Sarky-chan?

I'm loving how often Obama disrespects and talks shit about him. He just had another talk where he said Trump isn't ready to be president and doesn't know what it takes.

Yeah, he isn't a tool to corporations because he has his own.

I told it to go outside and shut the window
my mums cats didnt even give a shit, one was just looking at it and the other was just sleeping on the bed

Chuck is unstoppable

Hes the hero we deserve, not the one we need though

I'm not sorry


That android game out yet?

Hes probably going to be the patsy if hillary does not get in/the tpp is not passed. He blew a whole lot of corperate dick to help make that bill. Of course he is terrified.

The meme magic cannot be contained


That depends which company did he insult? If he insulted Nintendo he's doomed to trying to be relevant then becomes the most irrelevant person in history. If it was Sony, he's doomed to suffer greatly and become extremely irrelevant

the android game comes in a QR code to be scanned by those who bought it

Here some info

That chick in the OP needs to get married and be impregnated by her lifelong husband at least five times.
At least.


New Illusion game just google it or use Nyaa to find it

Thank you.

Oh. Ok.

So are scripts completely broken for anyone else?


Confirmed from Usher that GJP began in Sept. of 2010.

Notably Maddy Myers, joined Twitter in…. Sept. of 2010. Can we get people looking into other known GJP journos to see if they joined Twitter around the end of 2010 timeframe?

The games media watchdog site VGMWatch.com was apparently torpedoed at the very beginning of 2012, with its domain expired and camped by an online pharmacy site until the webhost suspended the account in 2013. I've attempted to contact the original site founder for more details.

Also we may have a lead on the author of the original Dickwolves blog that started the shitstorm.


Inb4 it is a guy.

That bitch is either a very good actress or really batshit insane. The drivel she writes is not even toppled by Valenti.

I'm guessing this post is a short version of >>>/gamergatehq/323353. I have a hunch that this is where Klepek got his start.

Some Twitter accounts don't show registration date, do they? I don't know if it's toggable or what.



As another user explained in the last thread, 4chan can serve as our retard filter. Do we really need a repeat of Holla Forums harbor?

I was checking the winners of this year's Lyttle Lytton, and I ran onto something… familiar.


Long hair haruhi is better haruhi.

archive the article, sounds like a very butthurt cuck.

And emotional nagato is my favourite nagato.

It's not exactly an article. But anyway: archive.is/t6bwD

I remember having busting my sides the last time I saw the contest, but I think that was a decade ago. The current ones have barely merited chuckles. Dunno if it got worse or it's just my anti-depressants.

Sounds like he reached maximum level.

You have been visited by


Good luck on love, good luck on surgeries, concentration, smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills and salt from your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words "FOR HER"

Remember to always be a big guy


President Trump, I'm OPM




For her






It's right there in the screenshots.

I will give turd one thing, and one thing only, he said he would remain neutral on trump, and unlike king nigger and el presedente of the cartel, he kept to his word and has not actually slandered or tried to attack trump. It was cape breton that invited the regressive left up here, not him. He only invited mexicans. So I can give him very little kindness. I still dont like him for being a puppet.

So if I kill you for the honor of canada, I should be priased?

Is that yuuka? She looks neat with that hat.

Jesus fucking Christ, I'm genuinely stunned by that. God have mercy on us.


Did he actually say that? In what context?

For her

my waifu has already been posted

The Trudeau nightmare is real.

According to sojus, both are the same thing.

Whoops, ment for

Reminder your waifu is a lesbian, faggot.

I'm fucking sickened mudslimes get any support like this.

You could have stopped it
You could have killed instead of being slaughtered

Well, when a sikh kills a muslim it is for honor :^]


Reminder that Hitler was never actually elected chancellor of Germany.
video games


dude video games lmao

Cbc is canadas equivalent to abc. Propaganda that is overly eager to felate those in power.


Another update posted. Usher is looking it over.


I would love to live rural japan. But I would have to work very hard to earn yheir trust and respect.

The memes!

So just wondering, are we supposed to save the world from itself?

Government is obviously corrupt.
Media is so corrupt it makes the Onion look like a reliable source.
Entertainment industry is so obsessed with appearing PC and "inclusive" everything is garbage.
Games and Comics have these types of people as fans.
I mean why should we help people that don't want help? They think everything is better than ever.

You ever tried talking to these people? It visibly upsets them to attempt to critically think.

I hope this fucking world burns in hell. I'd actually be happy if a meteor hit this planet.

It hurts how absolutely garbage Canada has become. I remember wanting to live there because it had plenty of animals that wander close to where you live and that they have some of the longest and whitest winters.

Snow is best weather.

So would my brother.


Didn't Canada recently sell all their remaining gold reserves.


No nigger, Canada has always been trash, it simply dropped its mask. Our politicians are quite corrupt, and the marxism came from up here. Where do you think feminists like anita got their degrees? The land is nice, but the cities are terrible, and while not that fat, the people are complacent and lazy. And here is a secret, our election was a big ruse. The people who make all the important calls did not change and are still in office. Turd will leave like harper and peter before him, a financial scandal, you can bank on it.

Mr. Shitface doesn't even deserve to be on that list.

Kojima save us!


Still, you have nice nature throughout your cities and get lots of snow. If it weren't for esjaydubya cancer I'd move there for that alone. I just won't ever buy any new games until they really drop in price.

Our dollar is at .78, and prices will not be going down. If your canadian, order from the states, or get ripped off.

I want to watch sweden have the bloodiest civil war in history.

Dont go to the cities, especially any capital or major city. All sjw areas. The towns are fine for the most part though. And avoid university areas.

"The Video Games community is made up of 61% Men"

Wheres those fucking statistics now.
And remember this is just Twitter and it's a much easier thing to get into than playing shit on Facebook.

Also that list and everything about it is fucking cancer.

Higher up north is much better than the retards in cities. It's all just nature and small towns there.

>most influential in videogames on twitter

What about animals? And can't you just get a house in the woods with power
or something?

Ehh, I look up shit for new games, but browse and leave it up to devils luck with extremly cheap and used games. 1 in about 15 gam3s I hate but enjoy the other 14. So yeah.


What a comfy mokou.

Quite a few small towns in Nova Scotia, just no work at least, none for me. and we get porcupines, bunnies, woodchuck and deer here. And if you like fish, we are one of the provinces for fish.

The wildlife is very large and you can, just watch out for the geese. Fuck Geese.

Fuck phesants too. or kill and eat them.

Sometimes I just wish I was born as some stupid dudebro who just fucked hot chicks from tinder, worked out, and then played football with my high school bros on the beach on the weekend.

Ignorance is such bliss.

What would your waifu think?

Bears? I'd always thought about waking up on snowy mornings during winter in a comfy enough affordable house just across some woods with stores nearby.

First I'd have to convince my childhood friend to move there. We both want to make even the most minimally fun games we can someday and we could really hit the enemy where it hurts living in their country with no fucks given to ther tweets.

Thats why I recommend trade school. That said, if trump lowers post secondary tuition down in the states, I may look into mechanics, welding, carpentry and architecture. It sounds like school might get cheap enough to justify going back under trump.

About that safeer space version of Reddit, imzy. heatst.com/tech/imzy-reddit-alternative-safe-space/ 8zUKd
There's already been a KiA set up there: reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/4hvixw/meta_kia_on_imzy_invites/
With that, I bid y'all goodnight.


Who is that

Rural NS might be your ticket if you prefer temperate seasons. Plenty of farms in the province. Plenty of woods. Many small communities. Just avoid Cape "Commie" breton. They invited the liberals up to canada. and yes, there are bears and cyotes up here.

3dpd Galko?

Lucky for you I just reverse image searched her because she has big tits and looks like a girl I knew in highschool. but it wasn't her.


ur mum

Hey anons, remember last year when pacifists in #GamerGate tells us to "not bombard the GDC tag because not all of them promotes feminist-Marxism indoctrination/agenda in video games"?

They seem to went radio silent after the slideshows that we saw esp. that really incriminating evidence of "Marxism is great for game design" presentation. "Not all of GDC, right"?! Well they seem to have quit using the #GamerGate tag and their defense that GDC isn't a feminist/social justice circlejerk indoctrination convention crumbled.

I just wanted to say this because I'm really glad that they came into their senses that they are cowards and can't even recognize that our opponents are no longer redeemable. They still convince themselves that GDC is still "a good place for future game developers".

Eh I shouldn't be surprised at this point.

No its your mom

I have literally never heard anyone in these threads say that.

Imzy has backup from the investors of Twitter and Patreon. Expect wrong think to be silenced on the spot

also Imzy = I'm easy?
kinda problematic :^)

well shit that was supposed to be spoilers not bold

Well, they insist on calling the people who tolerate their games "players". They don't think shit out.

Ehh, the bold works.

On Twitter, sorry. Spur of the moment.

Too late for me bud. I'd get out of fucking america if I was you and go somewhere else. Get an order bride. They can cook, clean, fit into easy overhead storage, and realize the world doesn't owe them everything.

China might call the US bluff with the gold backed yuan. The corporations running the US might just decide to pull the plug on the whole fed scam if people start leaving the US petroldollar and then everything goes to shit, no matter what Trump does.

China is bluffing too. They need cystomers to pump gold in. How much you want to bet some of their gold has a "mined in canada" stamp? and Im canadian. If I try anything, Id go try and move to hungary or poland. And not marry.

Nothing wrong with eating insects. That's one taboo I'd like to see the West lose. They're far, far healthier than red meat.

Crashing this safe space… WITH NO SURVIVORS!

I do ask myself why I bother. Every single day.

You know, I wouldn't make it out so public like that.

Instead I'll give out invites to /cow/ and have them document every single thing posted on that site. That's just me though.


You realize that they are bullshitting the reason right? Chicken and select species of fish are sustainable enough where they should not need to go to insects if they farm smartly. They are trying to make red meat not off limits, but a "luxury food for the chosen people". Its one of the ways to show class dominance.

Oh lord, the Taiwanese know about Trigglypuff?

she looks like Hamada though


They had the US Treasury bonds the whole time, they could've fucked America in the ass on the flip of a switch but they didn't.

China has bought up all the gold and are saying they want a gold backed Yuan, which means it threatens the US Petroldollar as the default currency. If that ends, then the credit rating agencies put Americas debt rating at E-. Then the trillions of dollars in debt bite america in the ass and a loaf of bread costs 2 million dollars.

Then there is a massive worldwide panic run on banks as governments scramble to sell of American debts and bonds before they go to shit.

So like the financial crisis but 100 times worse.

But the question is, would the powers that be let that happen? Would they decide to walk away from the table? Or would they have to make some sort of deal so they are still in the game?

Also wtf is with these uggos going out with these chicks?

That… is revolting enough to be true, actually.

plenty of countries to choose from with red pilled women

Damn son.


holy fuck

You should be ashamed of yourself, user.


8/8 b8


How do they make these 3D models so fast?

Probably because when they go to work, they work instead of fucking around on their phones on facebook all day.

China could sell, but I dont think the powers that be would benefit from it. China is kind of a 3rd party, and if US was in trouble by China, could cause a war between the 2 and I dont thing the soros party wants to be chinas 2nd banana. Then again, Trump is already has stated he wants to cut china out of manufacturing and materials, so we may see the us dollar backed by manufactured goods as well. And if the they can last more than 5 years, they would be meore reliable than most things china made. there is also a posibility that if china may get civil riots one day. not.

Yep. I really never assume anything people say or do "for the benefit of X" is done in good selfless faith .

muh dick

you can always kill yourself

Just pie in the sky ultra-libs.

I wonder what the jugallo spammer is doing with his life right about now.

3 posts in the thread, you're now officially part of Gamergate.

The what now?

thinking about magnets?

Here's more.

Ending it, hopefully.

Alright, last updates for tonight have been posted.


Time for a fap and some sleep. See you gamergays later.

If there were good games to talk about, then we wouldn't have this problem.

Actually, it would help us greatly, we would get rid of one more degenerate.

ay ay carajo, la mujer es odiosa


Of course it would. One less faggot on this board would do wonders

are these order brides or are you pulling my leg with models


Pulling your legs with models obviously. They're from Eastern Europe and if you want women, REAL women, get it from Eastern Europe.


Then it should be real easy for you to start a thread instead of whining in this one

Like what.

Me too I guess. I'll help with the digs tomorrow

yet you are here whining instead of making your dream thread


Seems nowhere is safe, just the same old shit.

They can't solve those issues so they jump to issues they think they can solve (as they may have done on their college campuses)

y que tal si prohibimos que las mujeres usen el internet?


Look at that shitzza. Look at it and laugh.

This is another level of meme magic.

I want to fuck Mei's front hole

But who would be bane?


I'll give you a hint: He's a yuge guy.

Trump. He will annex canada and turn toronto into a prison city like in Escape from New York.

Its going to be funn watching him kiss trumps ass while the liberals who did leave start flipping out about how turd has to keep good relations with trump.

I really want to give Asuka some vitamin D.


Was not expecting them to show TrumpPepe, though they did do a video about halfchan's /r9k/ and the 'Beta Uprising'.

My Taiwanese isn't perfect, but I'm unnerved by how close they are to what they are saying. I didn't know we had such talented memesters over there.

Is cum supposed to have blood in it?

kill yourself

here is different cum for comparison

You should get that checked out marche.

Does it taste different than normal?

Really wish I could find that picture of Trudeau with that really smug fucker in the mosque. It would make the perfect THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! I'M IN CHARGE HERE! picture for this moment.

Son of a bitch. Why can't THESE be in porn?

Still don't want to ever have kids.


Thank you. Here's a tip for your trouble.

Another D&C thread.
>>>Holla Forums5894529

GG+ plus man, they got btfo many a time and never gott their good PR


So what video games do you guys like?
I like bioware and bethesda games.
Is baldurs gate better than icewind dale? Thoughts?
I think icewind dale is best but that's just my personal preference.
Anyone else anxious for elder scrolls 6?


Talking about cum, I fapped for the first time in about 5 months a few days ago.
Talk about cumming buckets.

Is talking about video games frowned upon here or something??

No but ur a faget


>Bethesda, after they decided to fuck up their own game series and later others and keep dumbing their games down for more and more retarded people who cannot into basic character building
I know I'm biting the bait but holy shit, you're either hilariously naive or the most retarded shill I've ever seen.

Ok.jw because some assmad faggot on Holla Forums is claiming that posting about video games itt will earn you a ban. Thx for clearing this up user




Maybe d&d is just too advanced for you user. Stick too undertale or whatever hipster game you play then. Imo EE was an improvement and siege of dragonspear is an awesome expansion. Particularily fond of the way they cleaned the UI up.
I've been playing rpg's for 20 years. I know what a good game is. Git gud faggot

I dont like anime

Way to confirm you don't even read the posts you reply to, faggot.


We're getting shilled again, what, can't get any viewers now so you're linking it here?

I read it. All you did was complained about irrelevant shit and stated your personal opinion

Nice to know the San Fran hipsters stop their goddamn coke orgies at 2 AM West Burgerlandia.

To bring back this thread to better topics, RAMI IS STILL AN EEDIOT

Kill yourself.

Yea sorry about random actual video game related post. Just wanted to see if I would get banned for talking about vg itt. Peace out margarita!

No, your taste is just shit

If you want to talk about how great the Tranny's Gate expansion is, make a thread for it.

Ya blew it.

If I told you my favorite game of all time was ff6 I bet you'd have something negative to say about that as well. you people really just hate video games don't you?

I am sorry this OC is late.

Does anyone have the gif of trigglypuff that has the endurance bar underneath?

I stopped reading after

whoever owns the wiki needs to fix it. Cannot edit certain pages

I don't and I don't even know what you're implying. I could care less who makes the game, and that has nothing to do with me choosing to play one.
I d0n't even know or care to know how to get the tranny character, that for someone else I just like playing fun entertaining games


Trying to find the Stamina one, ED has the Rage bar encyclopediadramatica.se/Trigglypuff

Well it seems you have a biased opinion towarđs gaming which will hold you back from enjoying many decent games. Good luck with that.
What games or companies would you recommend? Jw

You're a dolt. People who buy EA games are retards and this isn't "holding yourself back from enjoying many decent games". First off, Bioware and Bethesda games aren't "decent". They're shit. They're buggy messes of boring and bland stories with repetitive gameplay and uncreative ideas. Second off, never buying any of their games isn't merely about thinking they're bad games, it's about never supporting the horrid and repulsive practices those cunts have helped making a common occurrence in gaming nowadays.
If you buy their game you approve their fucking your asshole. And you're showing other devs that they totally could get away with some raw assfucking too, even when they weren't thinking of doing it. Third off, even then, learn to goddamn lurk. Telling anons you like bioware on Holla Forums is the same as going on tumblr and saying trannies are garbage and niggers should hanged and women are subhumans or whatever other shit. You will obviously get bullied and you'll have been asking for it.

In short, fuck you.

I'm implying that if you want to talk about a game, make a thread for it instead of going into a completely unrelated thread. Real simple shit

Anything that is not AAA shovelware.

Thanks anons.

I don't see anything wrong with shittalking transmutants.


I don't see the problem either, but I won't do it on fucking tumblr and expect people to be fine with it. I'll either do it somewhere I can have that conversation or I'll deal with the reactions from everyone.

The only good thing about today's vidya experiences is that Russia pays crackers and pirates to break DRM and give it away for free.
I don't even fucking want to involve myself with the fucking current market.

Really I just came here too see if I would get banned. You faggots took the bait or I already would have left. And in the end I like what I like and you like whatever you like.


Jesus christ redditors are supposed to go over to halfchan if they want to feel edgy, get the fuck out of here

At this point, I'd rather have Marche shitting up the thread with porn of his waifu than redditors/SAutists posting shit to piss people off by being retarded.


Not bs
▶Anonymous 05/05/16 (Thu) 16:50:19 No.5713959>>5713971 >>5714013
it is not about what i like user
go here and give one vidya related post
one gaming journalism related stuff
there is none
it is /n/ thread
all i did is asking them why they are positing this stuff on Holla Forums
and well i got banned

Only reason I came to Holla Forums

This post is the absolute embodiment of newfaggotry, I think I have never once in my life seen someone fail so massively

Also quints


Shoo Shoo Frenchie

Ach, shit

Val, just ignore the autist who said he was leaving twice and is still shitting up the same thread by referencing what some other retards in Holla Forums said.

Those websites should never be respected.

At least you tried.

Christ, stop responding to the faggot. Go fap or something, it's a better waste of time.

But I'm enjoying myself…

Also, can anyone tell me who the devs Rami is mad at are ?
it seems they at the very least have a sense of humor, and I'd rather they weren't pressured out of it by morons

Another from archive.is/I22k0

Yoshida RTd that

Anytime I see a Japanese dev do something like that my heart sinks. I know it's just business but…

eat a bag of dicks etc.

Russians. Made the Cut the Rope game for mobile devices.

For the folks who want the P5 live stream: gaming.youtube.com/watch?v=1QGxvmDc1wU&feature=live-chat-promo

Oh, so pretty much unreachable by the clique I hope. Good to know.

Pretty much. They seem to understand how the video game market works better than the goddamned retards currently manning it in the States and Europe.

It's business, he pays lip service to faggots like Rami, remember?

Holy fuck they are killing this game


I'm ok with the new costume but this is just bullshit.

Sup, fags.
Just came back from playing Overwatch, relaxing and doing some art shit.
I see that NoA is on a censorship binge again! How fun.


I already fapped. Now I'm bored

I played a bit too. It was pretty fun. Don't know if it's a buy or not. It might get boring fast.

I like Mei, though.

Don't do it, nigga.
Wait until later on when they add more heroes and game modes.
It's not worth the 40 bucks.

But breasts are the Devil's Patriarchy's playground.

It gets boring fast.

I know it's offtopic but those might be the best news this decade

They voted for his party.

I doubt I'll buy it. I have a crazy friend I game with, though, that buys me shit if he wants me to play it with him, so that might happen.

Shit, I thought it was going to be a full 60
I might actually consider it sometime down the line

Never mind, looks like there are dickgirls that need tending to

It's $60 on consoles.

Yes I know, "consoles".



Wait why do people have a problem with Uncharted?


those were the beginnings

Probably because Uncharted 4 features another bland, one-dimensional nigger whore who doesn't take shit from anybody who gets to run around as a major character.

People don't have a problem with uncharted, they have a problem with AAA mentality of overselling merely decent games into "10/10 BEST GAME EVER MADE ON THE SURFACE OF THE PLANET MAI WAIFU BECAME 3D BECAUSE OF IT BUY IT FIFTY BILLION DOLLARS IF YOU CAN THE DEVS TOTALLY OVERDID THEMSELVES" because they were either obviously paid to say so, because they have never played a good game in their lives and can't tell the difference between a masterpiece and some blockbuster that clearly didn't reinvent the wheel, or because they just are too afraid to have their own original opinion about a game and know full well they'd get tons of fans who'd hate them for it so they just say whatever allows them to face the least amount of heat.

It's more of a problem with Naughty Dog.

Girls love real men.

It's like owning a gun, but it's over 6foot and has internal heating that wraps around you. And instead of shotting people that piss you off, it just beats and demasculates them.

Xenoblade on the Wii was Rated T.

Look at the image and tell me if these faggots ever liked any video game that wasn't a damn movie, can't? because they enjoy movie fucking games, indie crap, and they love shitting on their agenda on anything with a little skin, too much white people, and male testosterone.

Don't mind me, just reminiscing about all the qt's that supported us in the old days,

well it explains why feminists are fine with muslim immigration


To be fair Uncharted 4 is probably one of the better action comedy movies to come out this decade.

I've been playing it too. It mostly confirmed my suspicions. It's fun, but I feel the same that same boredom coming on that I get after playing TF2 for a while. But TF2 is free, and I'm not going to gamble money on this game being different.


Mei's still a cutie, though

Overwatch is only good for the porn.

I just would've been happy if Blizzard just did episodic porn of the characters. The game is pointless tripe to me.

so what's happening Gamergate? I haven't been to one of these threads in awhile.

We wait for SJW's to trip up on their own braided armhair.

Then we laugh

More censorship, hipster websites fellating on Uncharted 4 The Game:The Movie, ZQ "writing" and selling her revisionist book about GG and CON for 30 dollary-doos(and a Hollywood adaptation in the future) and Milo explaining meme magic to normalfags, fug.

milo explaining meme magic?


Oh, and the Triggering with trigglypuff encyclopediadramatica.se/Trigglypuff

Rockcock is the hero we need.

Indeed, SJWeeb with shit taste got BTFO.


Compromise, then.

Any good vydia Youtube channel that aren't cucks? I mean the kind of videos that analyze or discuss games (Like Super Bunnyhop but without the shit opinions).

Bunnyhop's reviews of Firewatch and The Witness were actually on point. But I can't think of a sinlge good one who doesn't at least have SOME SJW in them.

He just looks like a full-time Sony fanboy to me.

I don't get it, why is this game getting attention? The whole series is boring.

This annoys me more than it should.

Or being a fanboy, sucking Triple A dick, or just being a contrarian little shit.

Neofagger, what's the difference? they love anime games on the PSVita, but shit on them at the same time for showing skin and teenage hormones.

Which reminds me, P5 stream is over or what?

Because it's the only thing besides Bloodborne and maybe KoF14 that has a ringer with the people, coming out for ps4, so shilling and corporate dick sucking is to be expected from the journos and other opportunists.

Technically it's on now. But it's basically just music while waiting for the real thing to start in an hour and half.


Well, more time to prepare.

I bought the console for Bloodborne, Odin Sphere, and TLG. I hope, since sony stopped supporting the vita, Ys Memories of Celecta will get ported there.

Uncharted is a series I played on the PS3, all three games, and there was nothing that interested me while playing it. The Graphics were good, I guess, but theres nothing special at all. It's the most blandest thing ever. At least Gone Home was so devoid of gameplay it was fun to make fun of. Uncharted doesn't even offer that.

B-b-but muh Naughty Dawg!
PS3 finally has a game you fucking s-shitlords, choke on that!

I suspect they're just posers grabbing at whatever's popular at the time to feign legitimacy

thread theme because

Possibly that.

SJWeebs are projectors extraordinaire, though.

It's a movie game, even stopped a lot of damn idiots of buying shit like Until Dawn or Uncharted, while just downloading youtube compilations of those movie games, they also said Order 1886 was fucking shit devoid of coherent storytelling.

And the PS 4.5 is going to piss people off, Sonyshillers and Neofaggers are saying its like"Samsung or Apple giving people a new and improve model to enjoy!"


Fucking hell.

No archive, fuck you. How new are you.

Oh shit, Ralph shill is here, once again pretending to be Val.


Thanks for being able to tell the difference, love. I appreciate it.

He's like a fucking skinwalker.
Even when doing this shit i can spot him from a mile away.


compare that to the thread here

I've already presented my argument, since you don't have one anyway, I'll bash you a bit:

Of course, because it would still be T rated. Gore CAN fit a T rating.

Look shill, you're too retarded to live. I never said it was sexual content, I actually never made any assumption, maybe you should take your head out of your ass.

I don't give a shit what their motivation is, to be fair. It doesn't matter when their current reasoning is bullshit.

You'd be wrong, as usual. The ESRB is incredibly lax with violence, always was and now they're even laxer than usual, shill elsewhere.

Do something for so long, you get good at it.

What are some good videogames to distract me with?


Nice try.


the blaze is at least 10,000 hectares in area and has destroyed more than 1,600 buildings.

Fort McMurray fire?


Shit, wonder how MR. CURRENT YEAR is gonna respond to this afterwards.

Hope you were lucky enough to grab your vidya user and other personal stuff.

I got my phone

why not just put the fire out you fucking retard

Shit, I wish I would have thought of that.

Well, I feel so silly.

If you aren't already get in here if you want to see the P5 event: gaming.youtube.com/watch?v=1QGxvmDc1wU&feature=live-chat-promo

Persona 5 stream about to start


God damn it, hope you still have a roof to come back to.

Fug, gotta buy groceries, hope the P5 threads will have recaps.

A mosque provided shelter for several of us.

what if I go to the doctor and he says my willy is gonna fall off

Then you will have two boypussies.


Not cool.


This disgusts me.

This is an NoA employee that didn't want Senran Kagura to come to the west.

Fucking spoilers

The only thing that makes me feel better is knowing he won't get his grubby hands on the translation.

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

I'm still incredibly worried. This last year hasn't exactly been an amazing year for localization. This one is all on Atlus, and I'd hate to have to consider them as yet another do-not-buy.


The only time sega did "localization" was with streets of rage 3 and yakuza 3 and it backfired spectacularly both time.
I sincerely doubt they would try that again.

You don't know that.

Atlus generally has an decent track record when it comes to localization.

Sega learned their lesson after Yakuza 3

I was about to post this.

Fucking dlc. On the other hand, blonde rise is now a lot more like rise

I thought I added the pic

No they didn't look at what just was announced.

Is there a single thing that ruins any game faster than DLC?
Answer no, even shitty translations at least you're getting a full game. Shitty localizations may not give you the full game. DLC never gives you the full game


Yeah, they're pouring out the DLC quick. I don't mind though. As long as the DLC sticks to just costumes and not extra playable content, and game is uncensored.

I bet his ass clinched when that girl dug the wedgie out of her ass. He's can't be there to change it now!

Why is turn-based shit so hard?

So has Wii U piracy happened yet?

SJWeebs and hypocrisy go hand in hand.

It's hard? Different strokes I suppose. Turn based usually relaxes me until it really ups the ante and starts making me think several steps ahead.

You can't really practice with turn-based, you just kind of have to learn the systems and get good.

I can't wait until youtube vids of that trailer comes out. Webms and gifs.

Holla Forums cant seem to make up its mind about what exactly is possible ever since Smea dropped his project so I guess the answer is "maybe"?

More importantly, keep an eye out during e3 when they'll undoubtedly talk about the English version. Watch for any changes, like all the ones that we saw in the English #FE trailers.

Last time I played P4 (golden if it matters) I got stuck at the video game boss and I ended up getting stuck in a debuff and heiling hell.
I decided to grind a bit until I try it again but I haven't tried the boss yet.

I'm pretty shit at games that locks me in combat.

It's supposed to say healing.

for the guy who couldn't catch the stream: You can probably find a vod of it, but besides that, the key points.

Should mention

I should have checked before posting that, but people have already uploaded the trailer

The guy that's obscured appears in this official art

I kinda wanna fuck the cat
like because its shortstack and stuff


It's not even stacked

Just judging from his design he seems to be a detective character. He'll probably be a rival of some sort to the player and then end up joining the party later on due to him finding out about demon shenanigans or whatever.

neither is Midna


Well thanks for the recap, bought the wrong noodles, fuck.

At least the Japanese Scooby-doo gang is looking quite stylish, game is looking quite good, and glad Sega gave them the a-okay for fucking DLC, at least its just costume crap.

Reminds me of grown up Ken from P4 Arena

Here are your lolis, Val.

I want those lolis to step on my dick.

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Being on the wrong side of history
☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise
☑ Molesting people in VR

Wow, this is 100% real, I guess this is his way of approving that somebody should go do something civilized to him.

September 15 is for Japan only if they do worldwide release it would piss off the Japanese and create another P4U situation.

Might need to wait until E3 for a western release date.

As well as seeing if anything is censored


Well designed lolis are always a joy to me, because it's obvious they will have an amount of porn that rivals all types of porn before I can even get exhentai open.

Check it right now, look at how fast Overwatch porn appeared after the reveal.

Oh I'm waiting, user, I want full doujins, not just simple art.
Maybe henreader will do some, who knows ? How rad would it be, fucking adore her art, one of my all time favorite loli artists

Probaby just the blood, Atlus doesn't censor unless its gore because of Cero and most Persona and SMT games are 15+ in Japan

I'm still worked up about the god eater thing. The first game got over pretty much untouched, why does a remake suddenly be censored now? I'm not sure how to react if they change Alisa's or Sakuya's outfits.

Part of me believes it's because we're raising a stink, but the western media is doubling down, which JP devs look at.

Is this recent? Or in reference to all the hubbub that went down a few months ago?

Probably. All they probably ever see is the backlash from the journos, and not the fan stuff.

When do things stop getting worse, and start getting better?

She's been teasing about it for months now, ships out in Augusts 16, would like to link, but its full of cancer.

Cool, I've always wanted to be a major villain in a major hollywood movie.

Also, what's going on with Uncharted 4? I;m seeing retards on twitter sperging about how the main character kills people? I must have missed something.


Jim Shitling, betacucks, and SJWs bemoaning that Nathan Drake is a sociopath who kills people, but has great charm.

If the game didn't have excessive violence, it would be CITIZEN KANGZ!

Even his pixel avatar is a goony balding fattie

"collects games"

Pretty much and it all seems like neofag interfighting
Like its not the big bad gaymergays or the hacker known as four chan starting shit with it because the only people that care about uncharted is ficking neofags

Typical online social justice warrior. Hope he says that in a tournament and see how his head will hit the damn floor.


[Citation needed] Robert Downey Jr.

As far as I know, Tony Stark HATES politics. Shut the fuck up, you fucking Hollywood baboon.

So I wonder what past "disasters" Trump caused?

Hey that casino going under was a massive disaster, my slot machine was going to pay off one day

This is why you don't fucking follow celebrities for political information.

All of them.

Link to article


Link to the goons tweet. That whole tweet chain is pure cancer. Also I don't recognise any of the tweets he screencaps from GG twitter, not sure who or what they are. you say it's neofag infighting, I think you may be right.

Blood isn't toxic unless the smashed dicks have the bad AIDs

They've used this trick for years. Lately we just stopped caring.

Holy shit this looks awful
You really need to see it to believe it.


Oh I am. Holla Forums ruined a perfectly good meme awfully fast, and now the word is so useless normalfags are chanting it IRL.

Did you see the other edits? We are getting to Burka tier territory

Glad I gave up buying nintendo products years and years ago.

Region-free on Wii U Homebrew Launcher when?

And don't tell me it's not happening at all. >>9211051

Fuck, didn't crosslink properly. Bully me.

I hope you people didn't have the original Power Rangers as an important part of your childhood.


They're going towards retarded Iron Man territory for this shit, they are more inhuman and fucking comic book shit then Sentai-designed than the old one, fuck this reboot shit.

And hope someone got does some meme images, they look more of the villains who don't move their fucking mouths than Power Rangers.

Fuck you Hollywood.

Well, they actually decensored the gore in the SMTIV: Apocalypse trailer so who knows.

Almost every iteration past the first few have been shitty cash grabs anyways; it's been dead to me for a long time.

Reminder that piracy on the wii u is possible on the latest firmware.
I would wait until we get IOSU to get a console, though, since what we have right now is kinda messy.

We have an /m/ you know. It's dead mind you, but we do have one.

The ESRB says blood and gore beyond a minimal amount isn't allowed in a T rating. The developer says they changed blood/gore somehow to fit within the rating. Blood didn't use to be allowed for a T rating at all but they changed it:


Remember graphical fidelity is taken into consideration too, so if you depict the same thing with better graphics that can increase the rating:

It's easy to find plenty of mainstream games that the ESRB rated M primarily for blood and gore. Maybe instead of the ESRB and the developers all lying about how the ESRB rates games for no reason they're just telling the truth?

Who the fuck watches western bastardizations of toku nowadays?
Not to say Saban is so utterly jewish is not even funny.

He's so isreal first, he reads like a Holla Forums stereotype.

Not to mention how hard he's screwed Toei with his deals.

If you think he has bastardized toku then wait for what they did to Precure.

I knew knew I wanted this

Persona 4 is more akin to JP Scooby Doo.

Wasn't there a really well made power rangers fan remake (single short teaser episode, not complete remake), that was darker, more brutal, etc. that was shut down immediately?

These new suits look darker, but also more retarded somehow, with that massive chin line, andthose boob breastplates. Over stylized in general.

I'm not even going to attempt to watch
or whatever the fuck they warped it into. Granted Precure is a pale shadow from it's "DBZ with magical girl" days, but it still didn't deserve this.

Wait, is for the PS tripple too?
Thank fucking god, and here I was thinking the PS4 would get it's second game.


This is an interesting read and could explain why current school are so far gone and keep forcing social justice down their students throats.

It's a cult, alright.
Fix the preview of attached pics, Hotwheels, I don't know which one to remove, fuck.

Why is the cancer here so strong?

They completely ignored my post and started a meta discussion about posting.

It's like that guy that says "I have pics, will post when I get home from work"

They are just trolls.

It's a cheap thread with little discussion potential just to say something everyone already agrees on: "they're retards"
A template thread, practically.

But you already know that, shitposter.

hurr durr muh svidya, there's a reason even the people that started that board stopped posting it.

muh serious no fun allowed vidya game board

gas yourself

This persona 5 stuff is just a trailer, right. The game hasn't been released anywhere? I've been out of the persona loop…purposely since my backlog started getting tackled.

Just the trailer. The game is going to be released on the 15th of September in Japan.

It's going to be at E3 as well, hopefully we'll hear a western release date then.

Reminder Leigh is out of games journalism. We largely knew this already but for a while people were uncertain if she was just going to "quit" for a month.



I still remember her quitting speech. She actually genuinely fucking said "I've done everything I could for games and games have done everything they could for me", and she went off about being SO massively important and relevant to the history of gaming, like her leaving meant that games were OVER now.
I swear to god she started crying at the end like it was so heartbreaking and I was watching it like the cringe you get viewing multi-million dollars actresses cry on stage when they receive an award about how much we totally need to help these poor people on the streets, they're so poor, thank god I'm thinking about them, am I not such a goddamn heroic figure ?
She was a horrendous person and an even worse journalist and her being gone was a tremendously positive piece of news.

Meanwhile, she spent like five years acting like she was a complete outsider.

Holy fucking shit, that's the first picture I've seen of her with an alcoholic beverage in the shot.

I'm not sure if I can sink that low regarding reading or even masturbating to this.

Oh god



Honestly, I'm just surprised the pink one still has tits.

He's joking right? MALE VICTIMHOOD?? Are you fucking kidding me?


He's gone full potato!

No where near on topic, but it's a slowday.


Fucking surreal. I guess this is a goon thing since she was making a 'game' based on shit he wrote.

I had a heart attack for a second and thought I found nudes of Randi.


I think we've reached max projection

I thought it was Ian Miles Cheong

No. It's not. WHat I see with the "alt-right" is a label that others are trying desperately to shoehorn you into if you dislike their politics, and then they "knock it down." Don't let them label you. Fuck them, fuck their little labels. Who here genuinely identifies as "alt-right?"

there is a slight resemblance

Wow, you're right

Say it ain't so fam.

Ralph has taken up cross dressing?

I can probably go check it out when it does happen, the WP symposium I mean.

I wouldn't mind some undercover. Though I have no idea how to execute such a mission




This is fucking amazing! Zoe Quinn will accept the award. Don't you see?? This puts the Hugos in a really awkward spot. How will they handle it? How can they "no award" it if it denies Zoe her seconds of stage time? Not only that but she gets to accept an award for a story about gay raptor butt sex!

Oh, you mean like Feminism?

Well they just basically outed themselves that they don't give a fuck and basically flaunting the fact that they think they are untouchable really.

Daddys money will protect them

Oh god, imagine the Indie Hipster circlejerk going to war with the Sci-Fi Hipster circlejerk. Let me guess, her acceptance speech isn't going to have her shilling the non-existent Twine game, because she can't go five seconds without going "IT'S ALL ABOUT MEEEEEE!"

Dude, the 2 intersect too much to go to war.

IS going to, I mean.

Well we know that they are all in it together really. I mean check out how many of ZQ's friends also happen to be fiction writers or editors for fiction companies.

I spose they do look for talent on tumblr

Chuck Tingle is a fucking goon?

It really boggles my mind that they insist that there isn't a clique trying to take over various industries when THEY ALL FUCKING FOLLOW EACH OTHER AND COMMUNICATE REGULARLY ON TWITTER!

Well, communists and marxists are not known for their sublty.

It's all part of maintaining the narrative. It needs to be repeated, no matter how obviously wrong it is.

I don't think it's even that. The more common theme is that they're a bunch of rich kids who think that circlejerks = a successful business. The comics industry can testify that this isn't necessarily the case.

Oh yeah, "if you lie enough, it eventually becomes the truth." I think that only really works when you aren't having public conversations that don't prove the other side's accusations.

Fuck, I can't do grammar today. That do prove.

Funny how this is a lie in and of itself.

A lie is a lie and will always be a lie, no matter how many people believe it or still remember the truth.

I guess it's more people trying to justify propaganda.

Oh God dammit

San Fran - Boston - Toronto

It's all a rich Tapestry

Don't forget Seattle and Melbourne.

Oh, for fuck's sake, they parted with a reasonable agreement, then stab him in the back. Who used what connections to fuck with this dude?
BULL-FUCKING-SHIT, what's stopping you from allowing people to voluntarily put pages on a blacklist?




>the rule changes specifically ban FANART

Kojima knew.

It's beautiful.

I don't know for sure, but that's what I'm guessing.

I don't even like the guy's art much, and this is insane and pointless. How many SJWS do they get to raid this shit?

His Patreon is next. Then Paypal.

Oh, it's more than that. Banning fanart? That's an insane amount of "scorched earth" just to spite a single dude, this policy definitely got a lot of people in collateral damage. What's next, Patreon kicking artists off of their sites because SJWs throw a shitfit over them possibly drawing lewd fanart?

Patreon will selectively enforce such a policy.

It's gonna be a fun game.

Of course they will. After all, it's not like it hasn't been done before. I'm so fucking tired of the Hipster Clique having a stranglehold over internet finances.

There's an ass there?

They're banning pornographic fanart though; which is still ridiculous because it definitely affects a tremendous amount of people. And it's very difficult to even define : if someone makes their "OTP" or modify an existing character, but just changes their name/skin color/whatever, does it stop counting as fanart ? You have guys like akabur whose games and thus funding rely entirely on existing franchises; is he now out of money because of this ?
As usual, it's retarded and was done only to obey one of their "friends" who whined about it being totally so bad.

She's skinny as fuck.

But she might be a proper waifu. Who knows. The cast does look pretty entertaining.

The girl in armor punches her enemies. She looks she might be a female delinquent.

The other girl looks like she might be a french transfer student.

Japan ain't gonna be happy.

There is a reason pixiv is better. And I recognize those stockings and green hair. Tonfa police woman.

I can't wait to see CinemaSins and even Honest Trailers absolutely destroy Quinn's propaganda laden revisionist shit.

If they even waste their time with it.

Don't hold your breath. He wanked his dick over The Force Awakens. He took sins OFF for Rey's Mary Sue-ness, never called out her knowing how to fly the Falcon, learning the Force instantly or her and Leia hugging at the end for no reason. He also indicated he watched Girls and enjoyed it in that video.

Honest Trailers, at least, seems to be on point.

It's 60 for the ultra-jew pre-order pack.
It's just 40 for the normal game.

CinemaSins is PC. They attempt to play it off as a joke, but they are actually like that.

Duke Nukem Dust-Up: Gearbox vs Gobeille


Pretty detailed article.

Jeremy jokingly said himself during one of the Fast and Furious videos he only says liberal shit about sexualizing women just so he can look better even though eveyone knows he constantly takes sins off for anything sexy and comments about it all the time.

Just look at The Spirit. I only care what exactly Jeremy himself is like. He's the reason I watch those videos for his brand of humor laden with actual points and criticism. Wish he hadn't given The Cuck Awakens a free pass.

What is it with Portland and San Francisco being overrun with homeless?

Are you referring to the President of Sony Worldwide Studios?

Gentrification, most likely.

Doesn't help that Fairyland San Francisscum is one of the most expensive places in America to live in.

I stopped watching when that faggot had a meltdown over someone else doing before/after movie reaction videos in a car

I really hope Pitchford ends up getting every single bit of karmic payback he's saved up over the years. That dude's screwed way too many people.

Yeah, pretty much. That shit just isn't sustainable, even with the minimum wage hike they're supposedly getting.

Hipsters dress and smell like homeless people, so when they start screaming at tourists about soggy knees the tourists assume they're being chased by an actual homeless guy.

Hacker grill confirmed best persona.

Minimum wage increasing wont help them get jobs a robot can do more efficiently and cheaper.

And pitchford should have been in prison for col marines.


I can't believe that wasn't an open-and-shut case for Sega. Gearbox outsourced literally everything for CM, pocketed what was left to fund Memelands 2, lied to the customers, and then proceeded to act like total dicks when called out.


I am surprised that something as mainstream as Smosh can leisurely talk shit about PC like during Undertale's. I was absolutely blown away when I watched THIS VIDEO IS OFFENSIVE. Anthony Padilla himself just might be anti-SocJus.


Technically, gearbox fulfilled it's contract, which was to make a game, how that game turned out was something entirely different and out of bounds of courtrooms.
So when they got sued by some guy for false advertising it was sega that had to pay million and a half burger dollars for damages while The Snake got away.
The only good thing about this is that Gearbox destroyed it's reputation and became an ultra toxic company so hard, that they will never get a work for hire based on someone's license ever again.

Well, except for Telltale making Tales from the Borderlands, but yeah, it's a good thing Gearbox's rep tanked. Now they just need to die so the gaming industry is at least a 2% better place to work in.

Hopefully battleborn will be the one that finally kills that company and tales from borderlands was made by an outside company and not queerbox, they, on the other hand, will never get someones license to butcher again.

Inb4 ea teams up with them.

Don't even joke about that.


Hey, it could finally kill ea.

Only priestly rites could kill ea.

Hes probably joking


Homeless-friendly policies. The fauxgressives feel bad about them being homeless so they let them linger in the cities and set up essentially permanent residence in parks but they never do anything to actually help them.

8/10 would Waifu if I hasn't one right now

Hm. Saw a woman with the exact same hair colour and glasses on the bus yesterday.

Wonder if it's a sign

Slow day? Have some dank Holla Forums memes.

Jesus how horrifying.


This game looks stylish as fuck.

Do i even need to say it?


Did they confirm ps3 release too?

The gif I made of it looks bad and the audio is not in-game but rather just the director talking.

Yes. 100%

Nigga I am super excited. It's stylish as fuck, the cast looks entertaining too. I doubt they can fuck up turn based.

Excite as hell.

Huzzah. Now hopefully they dont pull a star ocean 5 and say "ps4 international" though if it was not for the censor, I could order the jap game with eng subs.


Iron man was a wealthy corporate billionaire weapons company owning playboy, of course he would vote for Hillary, he would be profiting from all the weapons deals she brings in.

Yep. He was also pro big brother. Trump is DOOM. All the best parts of him at least.

Does Trump have a foot dive?

Of course Iron Man votes Hillary.




>she's still trying to make a martyr out of herself
No, please, Alison, keep insisting that you don't want to be part of the Literally Crew, while at the same time employing their tactics to keep their Patreons inflated.

Where's that pic from gookanon? It's not the one she uploaded.

nvm, are you sure sending that was a good idea? We can't use it as ammo. Though it's some peace of mind to finally be 100% sure it's her and not just 99%.

Kukuruyo expanding a bit on the topic: kukuruyo.com/2016/05/05/no-one-targeting-artists-politics/ nVCO3

So… shes still working?

Someone hire her to dress up as Vivian and video her telling gamers they are misogynistic shtilords.

eSports Players Share Suspiciously Similar Tweets After Playing Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Multiplayer


And then they wonder why most of us prefer to stay anonymous. These people put me in the mood for genocide.

Genocide user, shit like this make me want to put a internet identification system, let's see if they can continue pulling shit like this when everyone know who they are.

Wasn't me, but whoever sent it was watching her twitter for nearly a month until she retweeted it

But "she" didn't receive it. Maria Mint did

its not such a bad idea, all in all, memes have became cancer when they went mainstream


Hey, whatever happened with American McGee's sister case kidnap thing?

Last we heard, they found blood where she was last at.

No. Bad. They will still get away with it and we would have no freedom. Ask gook about how well internet liscences.


Holy fucking shit, I'm trying to post for like 3 hours. There's something going on with the captcha bypass thing, it gave me "success" like 20 times but every time I tried to post it gave me the "dns bypass" warning thing.
I'm using a VPN now and it went through

This is what SJWs would do to Japanese artists if they had the chance.


One of the people quoted now saying it's a troll tweet.


This makes sense to me, it was way too blatant to be actual advertising. I'm guessing it's some meme to bait your friends with.


Sorry, Anne, you've got serious competition now.

Is it wrong to say that I enjoy it when he gets mad about this shit?

Yakuza 6 is still coming to PS4 only

Here's archives of everyone who tweeted that message, based on the responses I think the first guy is legit and everyone who copied him was shitposting.



This is the one to call it a "troll tweet".






Trump is busy trolling people with taco bowls right now.


And you won't believe who took the bait

Oh god, it was a set up from the start.

If trump gets elected I can see him trolling heads of state on twitter. Merkel is going to have a hard time.

God, how many times has Hillary been BTFO on social media this year?

Merkel won't be around anymore in 2017 anyway.

Former State Secretary falling for bait

Jesus how desperate can you be?



0 excitement on my end till I know I'm getting an untouched product, I don't trust Atlus at all anymore.

Atlus has almost always been decent with their localizations.

So I have hope in that.


Its not Atlus's fault that Nintendo touched #FE and it wasn't their fault for DT2. US Atlus even uncensored the SMT 4F trailer by putting back the gore.


We've got trouble
Tumblr found out about Kek

I might be jumping at shadows but CURRENT year sensibilities have me very worried, hopefully Atlus knows who buys their shit.

The more, the merrier.

The fuck they gonna do? Make their yaoi pairings happen?

Nigga stop being retarded, Atlus didn't sell out to the Jews like SE and Nintendo did. I also have yet to recall one Persona game being censor outside of shade Hitler

They will just mock her like they are doing right now and lose her favor, just watch

I think Atlus are okay.

They've published quite a few games with questionable content and scenes very recently. And they're going to publish games like Odin Sphere.

It's NoA that's holding the reins on TMS#FE. I think why they're holding so much sway is because of Fire Emblem.

Meant for someone else?

Imagine them wasting meme magic for such a useless purpose.

I just realized, worshipping Kek is pretty much just discordianism without the restriction on hotdog buns.

At first I thought it was a fake, so I looked up it myself and found out it was real.
twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/728310772208697344 AsDkL

What I find odd about how Nintendo handled FE:F yet released an M rated Bayonetta 2 with no apparent problems whatsoever. I would very much like to know what changed since Bayo 2.

Would you kindly replace
> Tracy Fullofshiterton: >>>/8diamonds/2692 || >>>/gamergatehq/323269 || gamertics.com/usc-game-division-head-linked-to-indiecade-and-thatgamecompany/
> Tracy Full**ofshit**erton: >>>/gamergatehq/323269
>>>/gamergatehq/323269 pretty much has the same info as the three previous threads along with extra info.

Iwata died.




Seriously. Before his death Nintendo was approving all this lewd shit. Then he died and President Business took over and suddenly we're back in family friendly Gamecube era. Big surprise, considering he was in charge back then.

tio a qt

I think they're just going full bore into the whole family friendly thing, they're convinced that they will reach Wii numbers again by doing this.

They truly do not understand their markets.

They also put off a lot of developers nowadays. Since when was the last third party game they got for the Wii U?

Family friendly was not the main reason for the Wii success

Come on use a "higher quality" picture


I had to find it quickly, so I just screenshotted off a youtube video.

Well, I think some of that was EA going full butthurt that Nintendo didn't want to use Origin as a basis for their networking.

Tio a danger to the city.

Where is the Futuba art!?


Hey guys, I was wondering if you guys would think a video game music section on nichegamer would be an interesting addition! Trying to get Brandon to approve of posts on Super Soul Bros or The Protomen. What do you guys think? Since the threads almost over

I'm okay with it as long as it doesn't take away your time on doing video game reviews.

Or rather, your time or any one else's time. In other words, the music reviews should be done on the person's own time and are okay on my part assuming they don't get in the way of video game reviews at all.

I think that would be good. How would the format be? Would it be a weekly playlist? Some cunt ranting about one song or what?

Gotta have some jazz

Oh no, it would be small updates like when they're going on tour or when a new album was out. Something like a small way for musicians to let people know their stuff exists. I mean I didn't hear about the protomen until GG started. It kind of sucks because they're pretty good!

In terms of reviews and previews I just got a review of Hyrule Warriors Legends up and a preview of Necropolis.


Weekly playlist might be a good idea. Was just thinking we'd post info on the music and stuff. I'm still in the TRY TO CONVINCE BRANDON stage. I'll suggest the weekly playlist to him!

Cyber-lines bodysuit versus glossy latex bodysuit?

Latex wins every time.



we dead?

I'll reserve judgement until we see notRise in a bikini.

That child's existence feels so damn surreal I tell you man

Holy shit Trump is huge, he's taller than the tank.

Wait whats the drama this time?

He's a big guy.



What did they do with yakuza 3?

They cut out pretty much all of the extra content like hostess clubs.

You can see the top half of Ann in that gif, which is better than squid girl's top.

Really? SI there any way to restore it or did they realize how badly they fucked up by getting rid of all that extra content? Why do it in the first place?

There's no way to restore it, IIRC.


And they did realize what they did. 4 came across untouched. 5 was done by Sony I believe.

Underrated post

I don't understand. Half of it seems like they were to lazy to bother and some of the other stuff that can even seem sexual or offend soccer moms is mild. So we can play a criminal yakuza member but god forbid we acknowledge they might get a massage or go to a whore house?

You can get a decent glimpse of Anne's bikini in the trailer.

Considering I have a whole album of VGM on my ipod, I would say yes, do this. Immediately.

You can also get a glimpse of the protag and Yusuke's faces not being finished over there holy shit. That's creepy looking.

has anyone found/uploaded the full song from the trailer? I need that sung version

Possibly. Either way, 4 was untouched.

Either that or they were KOd by hackergirl's looks.

Sadly, no. I found a good version of the new battle theme but it's embedded in a tumblr and all my old tricks to DL that shit don't work like they used to a year ago.

Got to disagree with you on that. Wii's success was due to Wii Sports. It was absolutely family-friendly, everybody's grandmother played it, and lots of non-gaming households bought the console to have Wii Sports as a party game.

That said, banning all remotely lewd stuff from the console is batshit insane. There is a big market for R-rated games. If Nintendo wants to rebrand to the family friendly image that they had in the 1990s, when they wouldn't allow blood in Mortal Kombat, they should go the Miramax route and make a second brand for the teenage and adult market.

Or just realize that 90% of their consumers are adults and if they make a game for adults to leave it untouched.

There is no excuse for fatal frame to be censored.

To be fair if Koei had any say in it they would've made the game for PS3-4 but Nintendo bought controlling shares stocks for Fatal Frame from Koei

Still doesn't mean the game should be altered, Fatal Frame is a game for adults.

Maybe running around in lingerie in a horror setting looks goofy but running around in the zero suit and zelda's outfit looks even dumber.

I don't think it's the one you're looking for (since no vocals), but still good shit none the less.

archive.is/VmHo7 that didn't take long.

As if this isn't what we wanted in the first place.

Hell, do they not even know that the rabid pups want to burn this awards down and make it into a fucking joke? because they started a fire, and Chuckie there just added gasoline to it.

Really want to see ZQ going there and shill her book, and author of that tripe article is a sad Gawker bitch who's still salty about Hogan.

Kind of offtopic, but there seems to be more drama on twitter. I guess a ton of friends got sick of Gel's shit and they are no infighting. Also, Gel is trying to link himself to multiple porn artists and other people to start drama with them by editing his own ED page.

Next you'll tell me hamburger harper is fat

the fuck is happening? I'm still not being able to post more than once before getting the captcha shit popping up. No matter how many times I get the success message it still doesn't let me post. If this message goes through my next one won't and then I'll have to get a new ip. Is Jim fucking with the site again?

Check Holla Forums or something, site seems to be working fine for me.

This is a counter-troll? LW goes up on stage practically literally in front of the smouldering remains of the Hugos, has her cunty smug face smiling accepting an award, all the while the awards lose every last shred of legitmacy, who is WHAT WE WANTED IN THE FIRST PLACE?

Holy fuck the goalposts aren't even on the same field anymore.

I would if I could post more than once. I didn't changed anything and yesterday everything worked. Let's see if this one goes through

One of us needs to sacrifice their boipussy to Hotwheels

Fuck, I meant 'which is.'

Point stands regardless. This screams of "HA, ONLY PRETENDING"

No issues with me, but my captcha is still like 7-8 hours from being up.

Have you sacrificed you're seed to the aracrity daemon?

We didn't even give a shit about the Hugos awards till Voxday got kukuryo in there and Journo-Activist bloggers keep mentioning us.

But this, Chuckie getting ZQ to accept the award, and Scalzi and the San Fran Gifted Writers calling it a victory? YOU'RE ALL MAKING THE HUGOS A COMPLETE FUCKING JOKE, case in point with the amount of fucking idiot bloggers who are gonna craft a narrative that instead of taking their concerns about this, they'll rather vote in "counter-trolls" instead, making the rabid pups points very clear.

Checked, just check there if there are any fixes or new problems arising.

No one ever said SJWs were smart.

Nobody except them and their friends.

I'm about to fall asleep. Is there a baker ready?

Site is getting hiccups, again.

Yep. Voxday already knew about the LW connection,


He thinks it's hilarious.

I already know what's going to happen.

I can bake. Anything that needs to be changed?


It's kind of brilliant. It's win, win.

The SJWs no award Space Raptor Butt Invasion, then the trolls spend weeks insulting the hugos for not being inclusive and diverse (and eventually actual crazy people will join in.)

If it wins, and goes for the 'ironic' victory route. Well congrats, a badly written gay porn about raptors just won a Hugo.

Archived archive.is/e0FNI, just spread it around if those SJW dumb fucks will call it counter-trolling, he just wants to burn everything to the ground.

And if someone has a plebbit account, tell KiA about it, I don't even like Voxday, but they're getting things wrong about him not knowing about this connection.

the changes suggested here are the only ones I see worth changing.

make it a life edition


I made that one week ago.

If they no award, its a fucking joke for the Hugos again, if they vote Chuck's spacebutt sex parody, ZQ shows up and accepts it, makes a mocking speech, neutrals or those who don't give a fuck can't pretend the Hugos isn't apolitical anymore, and they'll make Voxday and the rabid puppies point very clear.

And Scalzi and the clique refuses to fucking negotiate or even talk with them about this.

Stealing hearts edition.

Gamebreakers Edition


That chick looks vaguely like FeMC

I have it all ready

Thay are not no rewarding. Scalzi is too thirsty. If kukuruyo gets his, he should send erin or milo to accept it.


I actually really likes how she looks

Then they've made their point, was hoping those fucks would get Tingle and get ZQ there to talk all about her, her book, future movie adaptation, and her new game, and then the Circlejerk Ouroboros is complete.

We have Rule 63 on Eron?

Can you hug her?

Even without that, the US is fucked. We are not sustainable for multiple reasons, one of which being our healthcare system before and after Obama and company fucked with it. This is something Trump can fix, because there are laws against what is going on, but they aren't enforced.

Maybe but some people are already assuming she's a lesbian because biker chicks = lesbian in Japan. Even though it happened like three times or more

Why would you when navigator chan is open for hugs


Shit. Duh. My bad.

I hope new ghostbusters flops so hard the lady has to sell the rights to quins movie and Milo buys it.

They're all so huggable

A man can dream

Nah, probably gonna crowd-fund, and the betanodders and SanFran hipsters will give money to it, Paul Feig will do it for free, and every fucking shitty blog will shill it.

And then no on will watch it. It has no target audience.

If she has to s3ll yhe rights and milo foots it, they cant do shit, legally.

No lie, I actually really love how the cast looks in this. Might have a hard time choosing a waifu.