yournewswire. com/trump-impeachment-process
the race war, goyim!
yournewswire. com/trump-impeachment-process
the race war, goyim!
the more i see, the more it is clear to me that thins country is unprepared against this (((attack))) and will eat itself instead, otherwise soros would already have been arreswted, as well as the (((u.s.))) congress (they are all on his paid list)
This is nothing, just fucking nader being a sneaky kike again. Will get nowhere.
OP is a faggot, move along
muh savior.
didn't take lon for that pos to being america down.
you sleep well now you hear. it's all over for you soon.
29/1/2017 US-Präsident Donald Trump (l) talking at the Oval Office of the White House in Washington D.C., USA, with the (((King of Saudi Arabia))), Abd al-Aziz Al Saud.
Same shit as Obama.
He was warned, now Kek will blow him and the USA a new O-Ring. Bet on it. It's done.
i guess not
"Please, Goyim, shoah me! Pogrom me right in the ass!!!!"
That's all I hear these days.
You're getting deported, and there's nothing you can do about it, Buzzfeed Title Writer #7.
Whatcha doing Rabbi?
forgot muh sage
literally just D&C in the form of distractions - meant to keep people debate about whether or not he should be impeached, rather than the issues of:
Tell me. What the hell has Trump done that would make him get officially impeached? His Muslim ban is legal and everyone is trying to stonewall it because they can't do a simple google search.
sage the the thread, nignog
Other sites are reporting on this too. I say let them try to impeach him. It will only march us towards violence
I'll fucking murder you.
Ohai Blueshill
The OP is shit and this whole thread is fucking shit. Overall this is just utter shit and it is OP's fault for being a faggot.
Let's see, you bumped your own fucking thread and the last post was what I suppose some might refer to as Reddit-spacing. OP I can't quite recall if I've seen anyone try so hard to be cancer before.
Gee what is the ethnicity of this author?
sage for shit thread
I love watching the marxists petulantly do everything they can think of to try to get their way.
They really dont get it. Either Trump succeeds and they are removed in a civil manner or they fuck up Trumps attempt and they get removed violently.
We can heat the building with your corpse, Moishe.