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And here come the fags showing off that they read gook
And a nip-nong chin-chong to you too, little girl.
if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you
princess maker 2 is the shit. Someone really needs to make another one, with all the adventuring in it.
Which retards idea was it to limit Gururumin to 30fps? That shit is unplayable.
i sure love gook games
I wonder if illusion will ever look at the Unity documentation before they make their next game. They literally did everything wrong in making that game they didn't even know to properly implement tan lines.
And by that game I mean the latest Sexy Beach game.
It's a beautiful balance.
I have that first game on my backlog
I should play it
One of these days I'm actually going to finish all those games that I stopped halfway through for no reason.
So much for that loli thread you were hoping for, huh OP?
the thread is still young
Is 2hu loli?
Just realized the filename is the wrong arte. Crap.
hating lolis is like hating america
So it is!
Whatcha gonna do 'bout it?
Shit thread, OP. Shit thread.
I want trumpfags to leave their shitposting in Holla Forums
When Lord Protector Trump comes to power, you'll either speak English or go back to nipland.
Feel free to fuck off back to neofag.
Kill yourself, liberal.
ching chong honda nissan mazda toyota
Sorry your boards got nuked leftycuck
>>>Holla Forums
turn off voice acting in the options and you are golden
trust me
Mostly, yes.
I didn't know there was any Tako no Marine gameplay anywhere on the internet.
Are there any games where your character changes form between loli and ara for different situations, power/skill usage or whatnot?
it's not the worst eng dub ever imo
you can also download the JP sound files and use those instead (nabbed them for my second playthrough)
madou monogatari
puyo puyo
panel de pon
If there's one rule that we should have kept from halfchan, it's that foreign language threads could only be made on /int/.
Ore wa ching chong baka xD rawr!!!
Speak English or get the fuck out you weeaboo degenerates
Which wasn't originally in place. I remember regular threads in German on Holla Forums.
Verpisst euch, Japsen. Leckt mich im Arsch, Hundeesser.
No you dipshit. Hating loli is hating weeb culture. Fuck off back to pol with your forced maymays.
Back to your safe space board faggot
You know damn well about what i'm talking about.
the man has the right to post his loli my friend, you're using the "go back to Holla Forums" meme wrong if you get triggered by details in an image and then tell people to go back to a safe space
Inb4 raging against the evils of Roosh comes next.
At least I don't get upset over moe characters wearing Trump caps.
sounds about right
Is that package full of cock
it's full of lolis
captcha: wjxyvf
is this a loli
Pic related, Trump and his cock
not as glorious as the cunny he wrecked I bet
They rarely are as glorious after they've been used m8
I'll do as I please, onii-fam.
Ching Ching ping pong go back to 2ch gooks
fuck off, kike
hey mirai you forgot your tits
save it for the ant queen you termite faggot
Loli a shit
Mmm yes I've seen some of those runes before.