The actual fuck is going on? Why is it okay when XV does it?
Final Fantasy XV's combat?
Because when the game is hundreds of millions of yen in the hole, it's too big to fail.
despite the media saying otherwise, it's really not 'okay'
because everyone who had a problem with that kind of stuff has moved on and given up on the series. it's been 6 years now.
But that's not true at all. All that does is have you finish the combo by holding the button down as opposed to hitting the button repeatedly. This doesn't detract any depth whatsoever.
There's dodging, teleporting, MP management, threat management (being swarmed), parries, like did you even play it? Fun fact: the meme of "one button combat" comes from game journalists deliberately mistranslating the developers. So good job falling for game scribblers' bullshit.
I liked XIII's combat system. Then again, I don't think XIII was the worst video game ever made like everyone says, so I might be a dummy.
It was interesting changing formation and reacting to battle situations in a more immediate way, instead of doing basically the same thing in a turn based or ATB system. As for the "auto" thing, it was never a good way for 5-starring battles. If you wanted to win and only win, you could probably auto-battle 80% of the fights. If you wanted to do well, manual was better. It was a modern Final Fantasy game anyway, who the fuck would lose ever?
Gamers continue to get shittier as the years pass. XIII would now be seen as great much like how Holla Forums eventually came to praise Halo. XIII's open section might actually be too confusing for the kind of gamer that plays things like CoD and Tomb Raider.
I could see that happening considering FF8 has a decent amount of fans now that the disappointment has subsided and people got used to the weird gameplay design. I doubt people will turn around on the characters of course, considering how much of a joke Squall's personality still is.
Okay. Let's be honest here. 15 iz gonna be as shit as 8 in the story department. This is obvious with the black theme going on here. As for combat, it'll be average at best. I believe that suckers gamers getting access to a live demo after so long is clouding judgment.
because people are fucking idiots
the last two fighting lightning-games were more appealing than this, i can't even name a single god damn thing about XV that's supposed to be appealing to anything but FF spergs and those who buy into any hype
the cast is a bunch of clones of the same twat, you have MC twat, big guy twat, glasses guy twat, young guy twat who will probably die in a "sad" part of the game
i always thought a big draw for ff cames was the cast, you'd have a whole gang of fucking weirdos of different species and races and XV just gives us a handful of rich kids running away from neglectful dadddy
the combat is completely fucking weightless and in the demos you just run around in a fucking featureless field going through the motions but in a worse way than most jrpgs that try to break away from turn base
if one of you can explain to me what the fuck the appeal of this game other than "it's finaly fantasy" is i'll eat my fucking hat
I'm not defending anything but this is some SJW level shit.
It was my first FF.
I think user meant Moogles, Ronso, Viera, etc.
FFXIV:Reborn when?
i get what you're saying but what happened to all the beast people and the made up worlds in which other characters would hail from and all that shit
this is just 4 dull looking samefags who just seem to fill their anime tropes, and they all seemingly have known each other before the game started so a bunch of development is out the window right off the bat
I'm starting to notice that people think this was a big thing in mainline Final Fantasy. It never was, especially for playable cast characters. I don't know much about XV beyond what I played in that platinum demo, but I'm pretty sure they're on a made up world.
the pre-3d FF casts were all human (correct me if i'm wrong) but they still stood out from one another
what i'm getting at here and i'm being a bit roundabout, is that the XV cast looks fucking horrible in all promo material we've seen
FF6 had Umaro and Mog though it did have an enormous cast anyway.
This. I rented FFXIII, played it for 6 hours, returned it and never looked back.
Granted I am mildly curious to see how it does, but chances are I won't even rent this one.
I'm just amazed that the characters look so bland now, I feel like if I played the game it would take me wayyy too long to figure which character is which. And to think, they're designed by the same guy who designed characters for VII & VIII. Like them or not, each of those characters had a very distinct look from one another. But now in XV everyone looks like a regular Japanese fuccboi.
I'll just stick to Bravely Second for now, and power through the shitty writing in exchange for awesome gameplay.
My first platformer was Sonic, that doesnt mean Sonic isnt a shit platformer.
I know I defended the combat system in this thread and I risk being called a shill but I sincerely do not get the negativity towards this game. To me this game is what modern blockbusters should strive to be. It's a giant game (and no I don't exclusively mean open world) and it's actually doing different things. Like what game out there has a story that's a road trip? I can't think of one, let alone one that's also about magic and monsters and kingdoms. Also, having a pretty in depth action RPG in a game with large world and a big emphasis on story just isn't very common.
And then there's the development philosophy. Tabata has said again and again he's trying to make the best game possible. I have not seen ANYONE say that in recent years other than the Monster Hunter team. Tabata also puts out a demo for feedback, again shit no one else is doing nowadays. But the thing that by far impresses me the most about FFXV is that Tabata has a fucking vision. He has goals he's working towards and doesn't want to compromise. Yeah he takes feedback but if what the fans tell him isn't what he wants he outright says sorry but no, I don't want to compromise my vision.
But yeah go ahead call me shill or whatever but this is genuinely my own thoughts. I was highly skeptical of the game. I was extremely negative towards Square since they've done nothing but fuckups for well over a decade. But I mean to me it at the very least looks like a sincere and actually ambitious effort and that's all I'm asking for in these dire times.
Are you asking people to think positively?
You're bonkers. The only way to avoid disappointment is to not think anything good will ever happen.
Nigger come on
Past Green Hill the game is a fucking mess, second and third one improved vastly on the first by having most stages follow Green Hills level design
You don't seem to understand how burnt out we are at getting excited for games only to be disappointed in the end. Wanna know the last thing we got excited about on such a scale? MGS5. Guess what happened? It came out unfinished. Square recently has had more fuck ups than successes if you think we're gonna pretend to be positive for this shit you're dead wrong.
Also I don't like how he took away playable characters and made it so that you're only playing as Noctis. That's bullshit and the reason he gave was also bullshit.
Quite the subjective opinion you got there.
>Enemies hazard in the way when you go fast 2fast
Game aint a good platformer and doesnt use most of its steong points.
Still an ok game
I have a motto I like to say, it's the line of dialogue from "12 angry men" when henry fonda goes "If we are going to kill a man, we should at least talk about it first." I say it as an example of giving something a shot before outright dismissal.
I got FF13 years ago, played it for an hour, then took it out and put it away. Eventually selling it.
I got a really cheap copy recently and decided I was going to not approach it with any real expectations and I was going to power through (also I didn't understand the plot so I planned on using the in-game codex).
Well I'm about 20 hours in I have to say, it's probably going to be quite an unpopular opinion but I am finding the game tremendously enjoyable. I really like the combat system and I wonder how much more stuff is going to be introduced now that half my characters have their summons activated. I also really like the plot and the characters interactions (though some of the characters themselves can be somewhat weak on their own).
I really hope we get more of the combat system in the future.
I understand some of the stages after Green Hill like Marble Garden but in the games after the first I don't know how you can't fast.
I've never had a problem with that before.
Which isn't a problem if you press down while going fast so you can destory enemies keep going fast.
I found the games (the Genesis ones at least) be good platformers, but that's my opinion.
That's not even remotely true.
I'm starting to believe that most people that berate it have either never played it or already predetermined their opinion before playing it.
It's certainly not perfect, but no FF game is. It ended up doing most things decently well, except for pacing. Most people these days simply don't have the patience for character/plot development and learning how the combat system works over hours instead of minutes.
It's not.
Unless you're a newfag you'd know about of people on here collectively shat on FFXV for that.
man, that looks gay
Can we just post Cidney?
I played the platinum demo. Is that what you're talking about? Because you're wrong as hell.
The last fight in the Platinum Demo has all of those things.
But really they should just update episode Duscae with the mechanics seen in the platinum demo so people can actually play with the combat system.
Pretty sure only fanboys and journalists are okay with it.
I think the world, exploration, and premise are really good, but that combat looks awful.
I don't really care though, going back and playing old vidya makes me realize how boring and underwhelming new vidya really is.
It HAS all those things, but there's literally no reason to make use of them and the game doesn't explain the mechanics at all.
I never said the demo had good combat.
But the combat did have mechanics that were present, but that just either weren't necessary to use in order to win or couldn't be worked into normal gameplay without actively trying to use them.
I mean it's a solid improvement over Episode Duscae's horrid combat, so I'm hopeful that maybe fighting shit in FFXV might be okay if not floaty and awkward.
I'd really like the game's combat to be good, is what I'm saying here, even though it's probably going to fall way short of that.
FF13 sucked because the game kept stopping you to read backstory. I didn't play longer than 30 minutes.
FF15 looks retarded with the characters driving in a sports car driving past a monster in the old trailer. And FF15 is holding back the release of Kingdom Hearts 3.
Please post Cidney from XV, please do.
A bump for Cidney.
You boys want 'caps or smut?
All of it.
Are you serious right now? That's like saying why should I run when I can walk?