NuDOOM already hacked

Games not even out yet but there are hacks already

is there a hack that makes the game not shit


Observe the butthurt comments, it is hilarious


Yes, it already came out in the 90's.


Its called Doom.wad and is made by some metalheads back in the 90s. One of them was so fucked, that he took a fire axe and smashed in a door just to get to his friend who locked himself in.

I don't think this guy is serious.

I'm honestly more surprised that anyone even bothered making hacks for this piece of shit.

Well PS4 outpaced all other playstations in sales so there is more people buying them this gen.

But PC makes more because of F2P whales.

I have a friend who tries every moba and dumps 100$ on each one before he even starts his first match.

You know what you must do.

Bethcuck salt is the best salt

We need to have a Bostom Salt Party equivalent to NuDoom.


Impressive, very nice


Thanks OP

This truly is the year of the great salt mines


What? I never heard about this.

Very nice.



and all 4 other platforms are doing less than half as well as their predecessors, 3DS is still sitting at a little over a third of the DS sales, so the PS4 has some catching up to do before this console gen can be considered more profitable than the previous one.


And notable attempt by

Just wait for no mans sky, the salt will be amazing.


The amount of butthurt will sustain me for at least a decade

Talk about shit taste.

Both sides are full of fags, nowhere is safe.

Talk about shit taste, indeed



lol newfags



Your brain can only hold so much, or make so many connections at one time. By reenforcing your connections on species of mostly-gay animal people, you're stripping away mental links to things that are more useful or less degenerate, and intertwining that overdetail further into your mind, making it more likely to appear in conscious thought, and more difficult to remove if preferable. Keeping some of this information is useful, but he is clearly crossing the line into neural shit taste, and faggotry.

no u

That's what losers think. If you like unsourced claims, here's a good one: the more you train your memory, the more you can hold.

Yeah, I retract that statement. Your ability to hold data is incredibly high, but your ability to connect that data is not, which renders the rest of my post completely valid.

You mean connect the data as in seeing part of that picture again?

having your game hacked before it's even released is fucking embarrassing, but i never really got the mentality of hackers

doesn't it get boring if you always win?

no u

Some people dont enjoy playing games, they just enjoy winning and feeling superior. Behavior typical of children and sociapaths

a lot of cheaters like to overwhelm multiplayer environments to force the suckers that stick around to cheat themselves, allowing them to charge them for tools to do so easily.

Keeping a mental database of unique furry types, yes.

It's the gameplay equivalent to shitposting

Variety of reasons

biggest reason is to get people angry, you know the guy who likes to brag about having a good K/D? or being good? turn on some hacks and rape face and then shit talk him and watch him freak out

You know how sometimes a memory of some really small thing from decades ago pops up because you smelled something?

Yeah, I mean your brain is built to remember names and collaborate physical data and remembering a fucking sergal is something that happens along the way, but you're reenforcing those connections by posting about it and bridging that knowledge in your mind, which as I said wastes connections that could be used better. His choice, but it leaves him in a weak position to question taste.


hopefully hackers infest overwatch soon enough, i want to see that game burn

Blizzard will probably pay off hackers to keep out of their turf.


No sage no check. Your penance is pic related.



i definitely meant to post this instead

To be fair, this same shit happened to the Quake 3 network test/demo back in the day.

do people believe aimbots are this magical thing exclusive to any and every game?

there are no fps games without aimbots


but bethesda is already giving out hack modules ingame

I personally never cheated in games but when a hacker comes in it's plenty of fun trying to overcome additional challenge and people getting their games crashed trying to grab the cursed diablo sword from the ground, only tryhards won't appreciate the obvious cheater flying and nocliping through the map. regular cheating just to win is kind of boring

It still fits

I look at these charts and i fail to understand how someone can be this retarded about the real meaning behind them. Not only are the sales of anything completely unrelated to their quality (which means this chart is nothing more than an extremely low quality market analysis and useless to you the consumer) you're forgetting the superior profitability of consoles.
With so many f2ps, users thankfully not paying absurd amounts of money for trash thanks to steam on the PC you sell by getting the masses on your shit.

On consoles (and also thanks to digital consoles like steam soon enough on PC) you can make a rushed shit game and sell it for 60 bucks, throw in a 30 dollar season pass that fails to include some extra paid unlockables and then release a very short expansion for more 30 bucks, essentially making everybody your f2p whale. Consoles have much less users who pay a lot more, it's the jew's dream, more for less.

So what is there problem with it other than music

I never hack either, but it's actually pretty amusing when a hacker does come on and little squeaker kids start bitching and reporting him for aimbot and I'm always telling them to fuck off and he's not hacking you just suck at the game, I don't even give a fuck if they kill me because it's just a fucking game and I done have autism, it's obvious they don't take the game seriously anyways so why should I? I'm not going to throw a sperg fit

are you only pretending or a nigger? I've seen feminists make more sense

It's an online video game dude, hacks are expected, stop being a little sperg

The only appeal I could understand, is just to piss people off.

That describes almost all of humanity since the beginning of civilization

this is real fun

if you just wanted to be spawn killed why don't you play the original doom? at least then you have a chance to kill the enemy, he isnt going to be invincible

and no shit hacks are to be expected, just as him getting banned is also expected

Ive had plenty of fun beating hackers in csgo.

Is it me or is youtube the place with the most retarded people? Like really, every time you go into the youtube comment section you get to hear such stupid shit that it would even scare reddit.

Hold on a minute, i have seen a bunch of anons just post "quints" or "quads" and they actually got them in a span of a few days.
Are you using some sort of software to time the post right? It just doesn't seem like all those gets are legit.


very nice.


Doomed On Arrival.

It's an equivalent to recognising Sonichu, user.

Besides, Sergals are from Japan, and are therefore okay to recognise, when your a weeaboo on a Nipponese trade forum.

No hack to turn it into an actual Doom game?

nuDoom is a shit tree that keeps on giving.
The salt is being glorious since the open-beta ratings, now this and the comments.

I could already smell and see the post-purchase rationalization coming from miles, thats the pay off.

This is gonna be a generational clash. The old fart who likes the arcadey non complicated fun of the original and the teens who like experience bars and unlockables on a shooter.

What the hell are you talking about, the younger generation that is into fpses is on destiny, overwatch or COD right now.
Nobody gives a shit about this game, one month after it's release it'll be completely forgotten.

You know the entire board is out of touch when they can't even understand anymore what games are worth creating drama around.
Old doom fans still play the original doom and have their own modding and mapping community and don't give a fuck, new FPS babbies are congregating around other games and see this as a halo rip off, literally only Holla Forums gives a single shit about this piece of shit trying to extract "epik lulz" out of this when a month after it'll be completely dry aside circlejerking threads on here and that's it.

Lots of modders and oldfags are going to buy this thought.
Then theyll forget about it, but many are still going to purchase it because its Doom and they want to see whats it all about.

That music gave me cancer

Wasn't it actually a battle axe?

Dont lie to me, youve found csgo to be boring for years now and hackers are the only spice the game gives you. nobody in their right minds would prefer to play against or with hacks, especially not in games like quake which actually make you worse and boring to fight

True, but i stopped playing about a year ago anyway.

Goodbye thread topic, we knew thy poorly.