It's time for a didn't do anything wrong thread.
You were the bad guy all along
Or just a Witcher discussion. I just beat the first one and I want to let it settle in before I take on 2 and 3.
Fucking hate elves in witcher universe. Freedom fighters my ass.
That's just racist.
Aldersberg was entirely wrong though, if you kill off everyone and replace them with artificially created mutants not only will it not be humanity that's surviving, it won't last more than a generation because the mutants are all sterile and mostly retarded.
Just to shake things up really
No, that's Fallout 3.
He wanted the mutants to guide the humans (no elves or midgets) down south under his rule.
He wanted to achieve this by killing non-humans and making the humans believe he was their only hope when the White Shit came. His plan was great if you ignore the crimes he did to achieve it. The giant mutant bros were obedient and strong, perfect for usage as tools.
Holy shit, check your human privilege you shitlord. We were good people until you came along and started oppressing us.
In the game it was Jacques that initially stirred up trouble, i.e. he provoked the attack so basically both parties are guilty, one for talking shit, the other for starting shit.
Both are garbage imho, I'm glad the neutral path was the good ending, because I couldn't give half a fuck less for either the degenerates nor for the Order.
But I did get disappointed when Siegfried condoned the mutations and believed Jacques had it right. Note, he didn't know about Jacques' long term agenda, he just knew the "at the moment" stuff, so he basically believed that mutating kids was fine without knowing the endgame plan so FUCK Siegfried, he went from bro to cunt.
was anyone else reminded of fallout 1, or is it just me? both have (grand)master and super mutants, and both of the main antagonist want to something something save humanity move forward in our destiny something.
The people who write games need a slap across the face.
fuck outta here
Did the ice age/eternal frost/the thing he believed what was gonna happen even come?
Fuck spec ops, especially that one thing the game is known for and it forces you to do it.
He was just insane asshole with visions. And his plan was retarded. And he was shitty ciri.
And whole story of witcher 1 is the same as witcher 3 and its the same as books. But rehashed for some reason. Except they turn prophesy from retarded interpretation of the future, only peasants would believe into real deal. Because its more epic this way.
Also this.
In books it was just regular ice age because sun(or something natural, cant remember). Geralt even have a talk about this with some priestess. AND ice age will come, but humanity will survive and everything will be fine, because Ciri traveled to the future in one of the books and future "was" bright. But in game it was magical hurrdurr curse space elfs evil plan.
One of them didn't do anything and the other did do everything.
At least you kill traitors afterwards. And if you think about it, you dont need to side with dagotur. He should side with you instead! You are fucking lord Nerevar! He should serve you instead of fucking with god hearth.
You know it's true.
Isn't there a mod for this?
If not, there should be.
Sure thing mark
but that wouldn't help. The White Frost consumes worlds, not just parts of it. Everyone would have died either way.
Holy fuck you human assholes made our people flee deeper into the woods. All we want is to be treated as equals.
Yeah it seemed so out of character, especially if you sided with the Order in the previous playthrough. Stll, neutral all the way
Yeah but the Master was legit retarded since his plan was doomed from the start even if he had managed to successfully take over the wasteland. The Master is also inferior as a character.
I still liked the story a lot, but that's the reason why I consider Witcher 2 superior plot wise, and not just because of the branching of the story but the focus on the geopolitical aspect of the world mixed with the usual Witcher stuff was great, not a lot of chosen one/ancient prophecy stuff.
Dindu nuffin
Reminder that even unicorns hate you.
Maybe he wanted to create a race of cold-resistant people.
So much shit taste.
But not all books are equally good so if you dislike something, just skip it and read summary. But 1st couple of books are mandatory. I dont really remember what happens where, but 1st is short stories compilation(which was used heavily in witcher1), next is stuff about nilfgaard invasion which also good.
Nilfgaard was portrayed like army of Sauron which brings end to all life with dark knights that kill everything. And it turned out that nilfgaard was just regular country that used black armor to intimidate everyone, and they burn everything to ruin economy of kingdoms for easier conquest.
I hope you're at least a Misatofag
It's all downhill from here
Say what you want but in school we ALL read cliffnotes at one point or another to write our book reports. Some books suck shit through a straw.
>you were the good guy all along
This is how you stir up a hornets nest.
I bet you watch LPs instead of actually playing games, too.
wasn't solidus technically the good guy? or was he being manipulated the entire time through the patriots, even when he formed the sons of liberty?
Get a load of this faggot.
I either read the book or totally bullshitted it, cliffnotes are for gays.
you achieve that by taking women and kids hostage?
you're allahu dindus
Siegfried was my main disappointment. The minute i found out the Order was the one turning kids into mutants I thought to myself Siegfried was going to flip on them, but no he goes full Fallout.
Lautrec did multiple things wrong
You mean killing the fire keeper ? Like you yourself did at one or more points, just for another level of that estus
Or do you mean selling you info about the clerics?
Games really should include alternate story lines more often. I don't meant branching paths, but getting to play the story through another character if the main character failed at a certain point.
What the fuck did you just say about me, you little bitch
I considered it, but then I realized that killing a bunch of defenseless, peaceful people is retarded.
Why would you do that unless you refuse to fucking get good?
The only fire keeper I killed was the one who was working for Gwyndolin, and fuck that guy/girl/tentacle monster.
He's a dick.
only lower class plebeian filfth likes generic shit fantasy like bitcher
or subhuman pollack slavshits
What? That firekeeper is a girl, all firekeepers are.
He's talking about Gwyndolin, not the brass armor girl
There is. Sixth House or something.
Haven't tried it myself, but I hear it's good.
woah did your daddy touch you the wrong way, buddy?
careful not to cut yourself on all that
it's not 2010 anymore, you can go home faggot.
Given how bad things got with the franchise I acutally ended up sympathising with these characters more.
Into the trash.
Solidus did many things wrong but his goal was ultimately the "good" one, unless you think humans are too stupid to be given free will.
75% of the game was mirrored shit
well, i'm totally on board with the patriots' plan not to control content, but to create context. it means less shit floating around and more overall smarter people.
but otherwise yeah, the people, even as dumb as they are, should have free will.
Oh man, fuck that. I used to be a good boy and read the shit books they wanted me to read. Shit pissed me the fuck off
nice trips.
i read shakespeare in fourth grade, it was fucking fantastic.
It's not rocket science. The whole point of the story is that Delita sometimes does bad things for the right reasons and achieves greatness while Ramza always acts honorably and almost always goes unrewarded.
Why didnt you shut the game off user? Why didnt you do your mission and go? Are you trying to be a hero user?
Game wouldnt let me
Absolutely nothing wrong.
He killed the only female npc who worth anything in that game. Now i stucked with the treehugger elf… thanks Ammon…
The only thing i felt for Cory was pity. The poor guy was fucked by the MC so many time so end up more like a joke than a real threat.
I don't remember for the girl. I sided with the mages and regret it instantly. DA mages are the biggest leftist, ungrateful niggers is the whole fantasy genre!
beside buying that shit what was DA3
Last fucking time EA tricked me!
Still hurts
He truly did everything wrong.
Delita did literally nothing wrong, and he succeeded in all his goals.
He did nothing wrong.
Cucks get out.
Was he wrong?
and then there's this faggot
Every single thread.
Witcher 1 wasn't even that good though.
I don't get how anyone could love any one of the Witcher games, and hate the others. They're all equally mediocre in their own ways.
I can't wait till we get off the boat and put him and his friends in the ground.
He did get off the boat, took seven years but he finally got off the fucking boat.
And then Miura decided it was a great idea to go and make Guts say "well that was fast".
Nobody laughed
Every thread
so were off the fucking boat there is still the ride back though…. Back on the boat for another 7 years
Gutsfags are the worst
Seriously fuck this cunt.
Guts is kind of a monster in his own right, but griffith and the apostles need to go into the dirt along with the rest of the godhand.
I think you're missing the point user. It's NOT healthy, it's a fake world and God knows what's happening to the real one while they're all living out their delusions and running from the truth.
The entire thing is a nod toward escapism, from the MCs to the government, its Judges, Laws and the various Guilds.
Shouldn't be surprising that Holla Forums would want to rot eternally in a VR paradise, but come on man.
What kind of fucking writer would think the player would sympathize with that fuck? Did they just say "fuck it, we need a story reason for them to jump into the book so we can get the fucking game going."?
best shitpost I've seen on reddit btw regarding Guts
"So many people symphatize with him because of all the shit he went through they even ignore the fact that he killed a child and he is responsible for our hero being tortured for two years and by extension the eclipse. At times he even seems like a good guy and I like when villains are not evil for the sake of evil and feel more human altough he is still a piece of shit. The fact that Guts has so much screen time is also an interesting way to show us what kind of person Griffith will have to deal with we can see how obsessed, selfish, two faced and pedophilic he is and he is still getting more and more repulsive so the reader will feel authentic relief when a wild beast will be put down by glorious White Falcon. I like it."
Just like griffiths fucked up fake world built on phony heroism. I have a feeling Falconia is going to turn out to be a really fucked up place
Life is suffering. If a demon or wizard came to me and told me "hey wanna be my slave in exchange for never-ending pleasure?" I'd go with him and ask where the leashes and buttplugs at.
I mean human society was based on surreal promises of "something good after"
You're a fucking bitch nigger
We're never really free tho. We're always subject to something we can't control, most of the time we end up suffering anyways.
So why not take the freedom of choosing another form to live life in a slightly shittier form of physical hell?
Finally found a reason to post this
did nothing wrong
Now its going to take years for them to get deeper into fairy island, then years to get back to the boat, and they will just skip the boat ride back.
Off the boat next stop
on the island for another 7 years
She deserved better than fucking Uncommon Time
have we reached the bottom yet that we keep coming back to the same fucking threads once a week?
Sasuga anonymous
this fucking thread always boils down to Marche being right and a Berserk circle jerk
Alvin did much wrong.
I was intent on finish Dragon Age 2. When I realized the maps were all just repeating each other, I really wanted to stop. When I got to the end, after siding with the Mages and having Anders blow everything up anyways, I was fed up with it.
Witcher 1 has the weakest combat, going from "swing and swing and swing" to "Igni spam to win" at the end, but it has the best story and is a truly interesting fantasy work.
marche was wrong as fuck but you're right that these threads are circlejerks
*bumping just to piss you off**
superb arguments and spoiler, nigger
here I got one for you, too
you fuckers are no better than the waifu niggers holding their weekly circle ass fucking in here
originality, much like video games, is dead
kudos to you on holding the shovel that buried it
Berserk circlejerks are awesome though
"originality, much like video games, is dead"
bitch you aren't an artist
how would you know?
you're too busy jerking it to Griffith to notice anything else :^)
I already made my argument double nigger. If you're bothered by the content of a particular thread you already have a way to counter it. Make a whole new thread that suppresses this one in quality and will be bumped at a higher rate than this one. That fact that you're bitching in a thread you don't like instead of making content you enjoy just tells me you are even less capable originality than the weekly thread OPs
you saying that I don't like the thread is you putting words in my mouth, you filthy fucking butt pirate
these threads have outlived their purpose, it's the people who constantly come here I have a grudge against
standards are dead, mediocrity is all people want now
the truth is that you should cherish these retarded timewasters whilst they are still here
*Fallout 1.
Once more i say unto you: become the change you want to see anonymous.
Why does Mark have a uncanny resemblance to the actor who played as Josh from Drake and Josh? This shit is too creepy for me.
The hide thread button is broken though
His entire argument was that there was no Maker and that the golden city didn't exist or was long abandoned.
Yet everything he says disproves that fact. The reason the blight exists is because of old Tevinter magisters who entered the golden city and ended up corrupting it with their sin and therefore corrupting themselves.
He wouldn't even be in the place that he is if it wasn't for the fact he WAS one of the original Tevinter magisters that entered the golden city. He was so destroyed inside by the fact his own God turned away from him and transformed him into his greatest sin, pride, that he decided to rebel against Him.
Was he right in wanting to make the Tevinter Imperium great again? Yeah he was. However he was wrong about everything else. The fact Solas ends up being the Dread Wolf supports the fact the Maker exists as the Exalted march was fought between the believers of the Human God and the Elves Gods.
Its been fcking years since i played that. Wasn't Delita given credit for Ramza success?
We all hate it man, but you can definitely hide threads.
Not really. Beyond Delita and Oran, there are very few people who know what Ramza was really doing. Delita had no reason to add "Slayer of Demons" to his name because if he did, who knows how the commonfolk would react to learning that their religion was a front for demons to come into the world to fuck reality up? Instead, he got credit for ending the War of the Lions and becoming a king who brought prosperity to Ivalice. Better that nobody know of the truth behind the war and just accept Delita being a pretty good king.
I do appreciate that none of the other FF games that take place in Ivalice have never mentioned Ramza. The man was erased from history besides a footnote about the fall of the Beoulve family.
[spoiler]>The fucking apocalypse happens
For me it was non-schierke, and I regret fucking nothing
The best part? Meredith was actually reasonable until the end. And then you realize she kept her sanity for YEARS while having an artifact that drew a magic-resistant dwarf insane in a week.
Meredith STRONK.
The q.t. elf that is in love with you?
Why would you not like that?
Because Elanee is a fucking stalker. And a disgusting hippie.
I'll bet she doesn't even bathe.
Don't Succubus and Erinyes have that whole kill you if you fuck them thing going on?
Except that was known since pretty much the instant he was introduced.
Nice spoilers by the way.
user I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you but they're basically saying that they control the narrative and opinion of the people through viral propaganda and deliberately deleting anything that doesn't back up their "truths" (the "context" behind the technically correct facts) so that nobody from every generation onwards from that point could know otherwise thanks to the memory holes. After all the best propaganda is the truth, all you have to do is present it in a way that agrees with you, even if it's slightly misapplied from the original meaning so long as it's true then it's not a lie.
That cute elf nearly backstabbed me because i helped my crazy drinking buddy and the goatgirl.
However after MotB i still ended up to search for her
i think DA2 was going for the "morally grey" angle, but Bioware consists of no-talent hacks, so they fucked up royally and just ended up with two completely irredeemable factions. both get exactly what's coming to 'em and only assholes pick a side and argue it's the right one.
Bethesda pays lips serve this all the time and ends up with a shitty story.
put a toothpick under your finger nail and mush against wall.
Walker didn't let you
Walker can only do things he's programmed to do. He's not an actual person with reasoning. The devs didn't let anyone who played it make the "right choice".
However, I, in all my wisdom, never bothered to buy it in the first place. So Walker never went to bumfuckistan. More people should follow this idea.
me 1
devs 0
Literally nothing wrong.
My african cameradde
I wonder if the Romanovs would have eventually screwed their heads on properly and fixed Russia's shit if it wasn't for the Bolshekikes…
Spec Ops: The Line was shit.
Managed to kill everyone except the guys in that trench, of which I had no intention of killing because it was blatantly obvious they weren't hostile, by the fact that they weren't shooting at me and were bunched all together.
Game refused to let me continue until I shot that full of phos for no reason.
What a terrible lot.
technically you kill them while hitting the Humvee that stops on the bridge next to them, not sure why the game would demand that you hit them specifically.
Oh, right. I forgot about that guy. I actually didn't notice him at first.
Still, though.
The game yells at you "ENEMIES IN THE TRENCH" the whole time, regardless.
A lot of royals were for progressive reforms of their empire. The most tragic would have been the Archduke Franz Ferdinand that would have reshaped the empire to meet the demands of its multiethnic population but Serbniggers chimped out and killed him.
Tzar Cuck got what he deserved.
Works for me on Holla Forums, broken on /a/ for some reason. Fucking cripplemoot.
What's with all the trolley shit lately?
You should know by now
It's a more than a year old meme what new fags on KYM just find. Shit they didn't even know the connection between eurobeat and multi track drifting!
Oh and the Christ Chan one was made by one of the Holla Forums user who visit Holla Forums. I tell this because those fags probably would say this is from 4chan or tumblr.
I thought it was a /lit/ meme from at most 2012.
Yeah, i meant that way. Sorry, english is not my native language.
Shit man, I'm not a native either. I was just pointing out that I thought it older.
How the fuck was Alvin right in any way shape or form?
He literally wanted to burn the entire world down and racemix to create mutants and abominations over the threat of an ice age millenniums ahead
That means replacing the current human race making the whole "savior of humanity" thing completely moot
Siding with the templars got you the exact same ending so don't feel too bad.
Having supermutants replace people?
He wanted to lead humans (no elves) to the south, guarded and guided by Greater Brothers (the perfect mutants) with him as supreme leader. Geralt never understood this, he just focused on Alvin's crimes of assaulting Kaer Morhen and fucking shit up in Vizima. Geralt is the bad guy preventing the one genius that had both vision and audacity to fix everything aeons before.
I just found it in a thread talking about the "trolly problem". Can't remember where the guy said it was from, but it had a lot of rather interesting little variations on the classic.
Mostly, I posted that one because I feel it summed up Spec Ops: The Line pretty well.
Aen Elle elves are are even more of a jerk than the Earth based Aen Sidhe elves.
How old are you, son? Sure people's faces are extremely diverse compared to animals, but still there's only a handful of face types and all other differences are on account of face traumas, damaging genetic anomalies, and cosmetic make-up.
At one point I managed to see a person in Germany perfectly identical to an American I know, with the main exception being that the German wasn't balding.
Ah shit now I can't unsee it.
Did nothing wrong.
I dunno, I just picked the whiny loli's path.
I have been looking for the source of this song but can't find it, can someone spoonfeed me?
Wow, I must just be a screw up. I tried searching for it with that exact criteria, thanks user