God Eater 2 is censored

Into the trash.

Other urls found in this thread:



This is a good thing.

Pls leav cuckold.

nude mods will fix it


I'm going to pre-order now, I was a little worried about my friends and family seeing me as a pedo playing that. It's nice to know there are some people with a little decency in the games market.

but, user, think of the children!

Isn't that the outfit for someone else in God Eater 2?

You could just play it on the Vita or with the volume low.

What the hell is going on in this thread?
I'd say just a stream of rusemen following the leader, but I saw the same reddit cocksuckers in the Vanguard Princess thread so now I'm not so sure.

Enjoy dem silky smooth 10fps.

you don't belong here

This. The PC version will have mods to revert what got censored or make things even nuder than ever, problem solved. All this really means is that it's definitely PC or nothing, unless console versions allow for de-censor mods too.

But on the other hand you get to play it wherever the fuck you want.


I want to get into this series, how's the older one, is it worth playing?.

Fuck off back to leddit faggot.

That's just pedos in denial.

I only have atelier games on mine and I'm still triggered. Thank God they're turn based. I can't imagine playing anything that requires timings on that piece of shit.

I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt since we don't know what's removed yet, but I've seen the "we wanted to keep it below an M rating" used before to justify the butchering of sexy costumes and it's fairly obvious that's what they're gunning for.

After that "Berzeria is not being censored" PR move they do this?

Bravo Bamco

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Browsing 8ch makes you a pedo by association. didn't you know?

Oh man, I can already imagine how "slight" those edits are going to be. I hope those Torrential Downpour niggas are ready to rip them a new one.

Why the fuck must Americans be such prudes that they ruin everything not just for themselves, but also the rest of the world?

Do you really want to say that shit? You remember what happened to 4chan when people stopped telling idiots to fuck off? Kill yourself faggot.

Would it kill you to webm

Hold your horses, nigger.

Kill yourself you fucking normalfag.

It's not like these things are out of place now, I mean I've seen worse from FMV games from way back then, and even GTAV has topless strippers I think.

I mean it's not like seeing a revealing outfit like that is going to shock me.

here's your (7)

Reported for shitposting.



A little tits never hurt anyone. Besides who the fuck plays animu games around other people?

Stop being so sexually repressed.

Why do you have to be a pedopleb in order to browse Holla Forums? Answer me.

People falling for the easiest, most obvious bait this board has seen in a while.

Reported again.


Nigger, that makes no sense in this case.
Its not changing the game design.





While I'm kind of relieved that it's happening to a shittier series from a company that deserves to die already due to its other practices, I'm frustrated that people will use my relatively apathy toward this title as an example of how I "don't care" about censorship in certain cases.



If you reply to this you are gay

A valiant effort

Sony makes region-free platforms, so I'm not sure how these retarded localizers stay in business.

You're retarded, right?

I've only heard of legendary retards such as yourself.

That's nice.

I'll admit, I'm not really invested in this game and I probably won't play it regardless of censorship or not. But to the anons looking forward to this game, you have my condolence.

Isn't this the same team that did the Cyber Sluts localization? I'd have taken literal and inconsistent translations over something that the company won't ever back down on. At least with mistakes, they can eventually get patched, or even re-released, but the latter just gives the company more reason to do it with more games in the future.

On the flipside, causing outrage early could be the difference on whether the game remains changed or not. We don't know when the point of no return could be.

learn to read


How fitting

You can ID+ two fucking people and half the thread disappears. Like it's not even the "there's nothing wrong with censorship" crowd, it's people that made it clear from the first post that they're here to bait. Fucking pathetic. Did something happen at 4cuck? Are the cross-site faggots back because the site's stable again?

I can't even wew. This is just depressing.

Well, i'm dling Burst for the PSP and i'm gonna check it out myself now…

An easier monhun.

Goon-kun, you need to go home; you're beginning to look rather foolish.

Sorry, not my fault ef9376 is such a faggot.

Refresh the page, I took care of the goons

Hasn't it been proven time and time again that ratings mean jack shit?
Nobody ever bothers to read them, much less agree to them, ahy is "keeping it below M rating" even an issue when plenty of 12 year olds can play CoD and GTA with no parental control whatsoever?

Thank you mod-kun.

They can say whatever, they can go ahead justify whatever they want in the end I'll still gonna pirate and mod it. I wont be spending a dime on censorship.


8/v/ has gone to shit to be honest.
Too many retards have congregated here.
I cant even make a comfy S.T.A.L.K.E.R thread like I used to without someone posting memes or shitposting anymore.
Drawthreads are also fucking cancer and theres lots of shitty reddit tier posts.
Ive seen more fucked up spoilers these past three months than all of last year combined

Theres barely any difference between between half and full Holla Forums anymore.

Remember when media from different cultures was translated for the sake of sharing and partaking in differing stories and ideas which fundamentally were made possible due to not worrying about things through the same sensibilities?

Taking something like a game from one country and removing or altering content so it wont offend or make people from another culture feel uncomfortable is rather antithetical.

And I have absolutely zero belief this was because of ratings boards. The margins between differing ratings is chalk and cheese. No "slight edit" will go changing them, so its either a big thing theyre playing down or its fucking nothing they did for no justifiable reason and need a scapegoat on.

With violence for example youve got:
- No violence
- Implied/"Cartoon" violence (off-screen/comical)
- Fantasy violence (basically no blood)
- Depicted violence
- Extreme/Bloody violence (Manhunt-tier)

And sexual stuff its like:
- No sexy
- Innocuous sexy (bikini on a beach)
- Implied sexy (bikini armour)
- Outright sexy (lingerie plus provocative poses)
- Sex (off-screen/obscured)
- Explicit sex (welcome to AO)

So to go from one rating down to the next its not a small thing. They would have to do something like remove all blood and cover all boobage unless there is some severe pick and choosing going on as to what crosses the line in regard to sexy clothes.

Any way you slice it, though, they ought to know that their audience is going to buy their shit no matter the rating. Unless they do something fucking retarded like censor it.

Atelier games (Arland/Dusk trilogy) always have framerate issues no matter the platform. Gust is just fucking incompetent in optimizing their games.

Vita games in general dont have such issues if the devs know what the fuck they're doing

anyone happens to have to uncensored and complete version of this, i saw it on 4ch some years ago and could never find it again

I couldn't find it either

Enjoy your ban newfag :)

American gamers obviously don't, but it doesn't change the fact that their society as a whole is still fucking retarded when it comes to sex and sexuality.

Burger here. I'll agree with that. It's mostly Cali being the prudes really.


Which is strange, considering we still haven't gone over the 3000 Active Users (or at least consistently).

The more retards come and post, the more non retards leave the board.

True. At least I can filter IDs and get a half-decent thread, and I attribute the recent dip in quality to the Rugga faggot crew that was spamming the board recently. The ones in here are literally here to push our buttons and the idiots gave them what they sought.

Absolutely, 100% false. cuck/v/ is like another fucking planet. It's like the bottom 5% quality posters from here times a million. As bad as it can get here, it can never be worse than cuck/v/. It's simply not possible.

Does anybody know why the quality of the board is dipping a bit recently?


They think marketers care about this place and shill the 3000 people here. That's my favourite.

probably a goon raid

Such a concept is foreign to gigantic corporations. They think they have to create something that's generally palatable to people all over the world, and that means stripping all national culture out of it. And the fucked up thing is that people keep proving them right. Only now have we seen a push against it, and that's because they're outright censoring it for some regions. Many more decisions are being made behind closed doors before the game sees the light of day.

That used to be the point. A long time ago. When people had fun on the internet.

You're completely right, besides the more post options we dont get shit like this.

I can't stress this enough, if someone is derailing or shitposting like crazy then fucking report it. We don't get enough reports. Hell just the other day we caught a completely off topic thread that no one reported. There's no shame in reporting derailers.

No one reports the goons.

Lots of people left when the board wasn't working right so now we have less anons to shut the goons out.

I do most of the times, just not everytime.

Unfortunately I don't think nuking Commiefornia would change anything at this point.

Reported you for derailing the thread.

Oy vey

every time :^)

Try to learn the difference between a simple fix and a whole unpolished game redesign bordering TC.

Holy fuck didn't expect the board owner to reply.
Sorry for the request for spoonfeeding but what are these goons? Did they come from a particular website?

I can delete my post after you tell me to not make it seem like shit. I'll probably start reporting, didn't really know this system even existed.

Sorry, I'm on and off on Holla Forums and haven't been from the start

Yeah TC's are super popular these days, pal.

What the fuck is that suppose to mean?

They crawl from SomethingAwful, really autistic manchildren that get the kicks outta pointless trolling that would have been hip bacl in 2005

So we can actually report goons for being goons?

holy hell, thank god my goon radar is polished, fuckheads are so easy to tell apart from regular posters

Enjoy your ban SA shitter :)

They're from SomethingAwful

Basically they've been trying to kill the board since the exodus, because we dare to go against them.

And to think I was considering buying it.
Automatic pirate and mod for me. Censorship and censorship enablers can fuck off and die.

No, you report people that derail the thread

Found the goon

Maybe people would use and have faith in the report system if it actually yielded results, but I always see blogging and e-celeb threads stay up for hours, if not days, even after bothering to report them. Why bother with individuals in a thread when they burn out much faster?

Nobody makes the shit you're talking about anymore. TC's are dead unless you're talking about morrowind shit that comes out 100 years after release.

Mark, I have one question.
In one thread I was called a Goon multiple times for having the wrong opinion, am I gonna get banned for this shit now?

Ah I see, fuck do those people have autism and no life? Can't they just leave this place alone? Thanks for filling me in.

Now that's dedication.

Meant to quote:

In all likelyhood.
That's why

and other goons love the idea.

Perfect D&C

probably if its being pro censorship.

So will the PC release be uncensored, Bamco is all like "muh ratings" but IIRC you don't need to have a game rated by the ESRB in order to put it on steam.

Wouldnt it be easier? Fighting games, platformers, and other gamepad genres are best on keyboard.

So then contact me directly about it.

Not even that, I was shitting on an early access game where the dev had a patreon,none of the people helping him got a cent, got thousands of dollars per month and still said he wanted to charge for the game.

Have you tried that shit?

Also, forgot to say, the game is youtube bait and has memes.

When will it stop?

I don't see how that opinion could possibly be wrong in the first place.

That's fine, I'm talking about actual derail.

It's because the game was Yandere Simulator

it's yandev right

Oh, I think people just dont want to scare the dev off because he's such a massive pussy.

Haha shit well I'm going to have some fun hunting goons, probably.

I didnt say TC nigger.
I was giving the example of Beth redditors who modify their game extensively near TC levels but the limitations of the game itself are still there, you cant polish a turd no matter how much they tell you otherwise.
The thing that originated this phrase.

In this case thought the "mods will fix it" criticism/meme is being misused here since its not about "fixing" the gameplay, rather fixing some textures and/or adding some models.

That's still fine, just don't go full autismo in those threads. I know for a fact that people visit those threads just to shit it up.

So if I see a rule breaking thread/post I should not report it and instead go further out of my way to contact you directly?

Good system.

I can see why nobody reports anything if you have to do something entirely different to get a reaction.

No you fucking idiot, report it and if no one takes care of it then I'll look into it.

Ok, post your phone number :^)

Anyways, sort of getting back on topic, but I don't think there's really much to discuss until we see what the damage is. We can't even make fun of it, since there's literally nothing.

At most, we could try asking Bamco NA directly to see if they can release some details. Maybe we could also steer some folks from pre-ordering, or canceling their pre-orders - but I doubt anyone intelligent enough to avoid pre-orders would drop it because of localization changes.

[email protected]


I report derailers all the time to no effect.

Hell, I reported a warhammer heresy spammer half an hour ago and nothing happened.

Oh man it's gonna be fun cleansing this place from goons

I thought Namco had been good on this front. The SAO game has some really lewd stuff and nothing was censored. I wonder who the fuck is in charge of this.

Stop whining, anime picture user, do you want to better the board or not? He did say IF it doesn't get a response

Sorry friend, it's now a half meta thread

*but I doubt anyone who would pre-order would be intelligent enough to drop it because of localization changes.

I wish this was established sooner during the whole Allison Rape incident.

Those fucking threads were great honeypots

Isn't that a goon mail site?


Doubt it, there's also twitter and discord if you wanna reach me there

I took care of him, refresh the thread

Did the same, thought the same

If anyone wants, feel free to remake the thread. And I'll delete this one when it's remade

So I need to report a post/thread and then keep an eye on it to make sure mods are doing their shit and follow up as necessary?

What is the sort of expected turnaround time I should be working to then?

At what point do I end up having to do a free job for even freer?

Crikey; it just gets better.

That doesn't look fun to me. Maybe I'm just weird? Even back when all I did was play on PC I never played platformers or action games without a controller.

Apparently vince was in the EVE goon guild. Gotta dig more.


Was he the /baph/ mod that died?

that is such a blatant shop, 0/10 try harder

no, another guy who owns the cock.li domain and hosts mail on it

Pretty much, I wasted my time thinking I could reason with them.

I could sniff them out from a mile away but I wanted to give them the benefit of doubt.


At lest this one doesn't have the massive white ms paint line across the heading bar

The fucker doesn't even try to hide it.



Is what to avoid duplicate file since I just saved the image posted from here

I just did, but perhaps we are talking about two different threads here.

SAO wasn't censored because it was a fucking machine translation. They put 5$ and a bag of hamburgers into that localization budget.

Somehow it's still more coherent and tolerable than a NISA, 8-4, or Treehouse localization. What a shock.

Jesus Christ, he should've been reported for spam. Took care of him.

Does god eater 1 have a pc release? Google says yes but I cant find it

Thank you, my dude. Today I am blessed by imageboard moderation.

It's not out yet, it's coming in August along with God Eater 2.

GE Resurrection is coming out stateside on June 28th, and GE2RB on August 30th. PC ports of both games are coming specially for the Western release on Steam on August 30th.

You'd know this if you either followed the bamco stream, or actually clicked the OP embed.

You can try emulating the original via ppsspp.

Since the game released in 2011 I kind of expected there to be a pc release already. Not going to check out vids of a sequel to a game I havent played yet.

You can emulate the original PSP version, so there's that.

The OP vid's pretty short too. It would've saved you the trouble of googling if you just had a little more faith in the OP.

Seriously? It would've been shilled to no end here - as with any Nip console2PC ports with tits - if that were the case.

At this point, what do you expect? Games will be censored from now on, if u dont like it, fucking do something to stop that from happening or stop bitching.

Are we really the local minority?

Email, tweet at or kick up a shit on official forums (Steam is usually good enough). They just need to be told that you were interested and now are not and that this is why.

Discussing or formulating a case here is fine and all, but you need to let THEM know or things will just not get any better.

"muh ratings" is always a lie for the US (possibly yuro standards are stricter and publishers are just too lazy to make two versions, I'm not an expert on their standards.)
Any game that can be released on consoles in Japan can get an M from the ESRB with no censorship. Lying about this is unacceptable and any publisher that does that (Atlus has done it, NISA does it all the time, Xseed notably doesn't do it even when they have censored things) should go right to your "do not give money under any circumstances" list.

Thats fucking lewder you retarded nigger
how is that a bad thing

I'm not even pirating this garbage

Once again a game tries to appeal to a larger audience (and sell more units) by attempting to have a lower rating.

The profit motive kills games.

Could you please remove threads that have nothing to do with Holla Forumsidya?
E.g. image

Sage 'cause off topic
4am threads are the worst

This is what I wanted to post: contact and record directly to Bandai-Namco that you want the Western release with no changes like described in the video, and you are willing to support them if so, with prove of "pre-order"

Then post it publicly online on any Twitter alternative that connects to Twitter, like Gnu Social. Even your emails and petition pledge.

To Ace this, contact the devs directly on their personal acvounts, and have them appeal for the cause.
This means, phone, address-mail, public social handles, etc.

Why are you on discord? It's still central, proprietary, and time-based vulnerable (threat model)? Why not tox or jitsi-xmpp on otr? Or federated like Friendica, Gnu Social, etc.?

Actually, meta thread then, we are getting way too off topic at this point, & on this thread.

If you can, make the thread, copy our /meta/ posts, and delete them here: essentially moving our conversation

Not if we campaign right this instant.

Image post test

So the question here is will it be in good enough working order for said mods.

Like the other user said, we have California like you guys have Sweden….United Kingdom…Germany…and maybe France.

How the fuck are you guys losing France?

Anyone ever made an artistic representation of a goon?

Must've offbrand burgers.

Am I wrong for wanting to see what those three can pull off together?

I keep reporting avatar fags, these better be considered when they come in, when a thread I'm reading devolves into 1 person replying 50 to everything with their fag waifu or furry spirit animal.