Can we please get trump to repeal the Fair Housing Act ? It would be nice to have adult only communities which are child free. Yet we can't because of that law.
Can we please get trump to repeal the Fair Housing Act...
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go move into a fucking deed restricted hoa then you fucking boomer scum
I wish I could kill you with that spike for this low effort thread
I'm not a boomer, what makes you think that?
Junior has no idea what anything is outside of his bubble and phoneposting.
He has no idea what it's like to be surrounded by kids who do nothing but make noise and trespass on private property while their parents never discipline them - when there are 2 parks one block away - but they never fucking go there, of course.
Fair Housing caters to niggers and single mother scum.
This guy gets it
t. parent
What a shit thread.
Childless degenerates deserve the rope
Your kids all turned 18 and moved out? Wonderful, now croak already and quit slurping up social security shekels for your retirement
Can confirm. I live in the Deep South. I won't say where, but segregation was and is a major factor here still. That being said due to such they've decided to build low income housing complexes in all of the decent neighborhoods over the past 20 years. No lie. Smack dab in the middle of a 250k+ neighborhood (most homes much higher but some are this rate) they've build 99.9% nigger filled housing complexes that are destroying our streets and communities. In fact, there's a shooting in these apartments at least three times a week all over our city. There's probably 10 of these low income communities spread around. It's a fucking tragedy. Not that nigs are killing themselves obviously but that we now have to see there ghettofied nigger theatrics all around us.
Being this much of a self-absorbed prick pretty much gives you away as either a boomer or a millennial.
low energy bait mate.
DO you think the "Fair Housing Act" was put in place to help whites out friendo?
Are you even aware of what the FHA even is? I am assuming you are a millenial phoneposter who is failing Algebra II and does not even now what age you can even start collecting SS Benefits, and that immediately collecting is not worth it and you are essentially penalized. Look it up kiddo, it won't be there for you or me in 20 years.
They won't stop building shitty apartment complexes that age like milk in my town. Jews getting rich off illegals building shitty apartments in white towns for niggers to be used with white tax dollars.
I earned my VA Home loan, best benefit of the military and feel like I am slowly being surrounded, in 10 years it's really going to be time to go inna woods, not even larping.
I want underage faggots to kill themselves. Is this the new DnC tactic? Just throw ChristCuck out there already kiddo.
Thats not how you started this thread. You want to get away from kids makes you sound like a childfree genetic waste of a human being. Children are a part of society and white ones are a blessing because they are our future. I don't care if they annoy you fucking little manchild
I'm a parent and I am ok with this. I would like to see legislation though that incentivizes whites to have kids though.
why can't this already happen?
there's already communities for retirees where you have to be 65 years + to live there, and there's giant walls/gates all around them to keep riff raff out.
Because some single mother felt entitled to living in an adult only apartment complex, she sued the apartment complex and managed to change laws.
I think it was pretty clear that by children he meant ignorant niggers.
I was talking about Feral children who're so loud that they can be heard 2 floors up.
Start a petition, you'll get plenty of people whining and bitching about it like in this thread, but I reckon the silent majority is right there with you, OP.
To the people crying about white children, only nigger trash lives in apartments anyway. Repealing this does not effect decent white families in any negative way.
Its like some kike/libtard/shill with a vpn is super upset.
Sleepy Nigger Ben is set to be in charge of HUD and he called the Fair Housing Act 'socialist' and 'dangerous'
There's like 12 posts in the thread.
Kill yourself if you want to be surrounded by death so badly.
Can you please elaborate on Fair Housing Act?
Go yell at a monastery while you're at it.
Hows life at the nursing home been treating you? Heard the nurse lets you eat your meatloaf while she changes your shit filled diapers.
Nice article. I'm glad someone like this is in charge there. I just worry that it would immediately be changed back in 4-8 years.
So you don't want any apartment owners to create child free Apartments?
What's Next?
Are you going to support banning apartment owners from banning non-whites or fags from renting?
I didn't start this thread dumbo
Pretty poor verb tense there junior, still getting bad grades in English 101? What about the white anons who already raised children? Once again, this is about the FHA junior, do try to keep up
Spoken like a true 14 year old larping Anglin disciple - who doesn't know how to read threads or discern the real point of what this thread is about. No one here is denying the 14 words you numbskull, take it to the Youtube comments
Here, learn something you worthless nigger:
Yeah, they don't know what they are talking about.
Wasn't going to post, but intelligent people know whats wrong with that horrible program.
White people don't get picked to live in these dreamy homes, only shitskins, So childfree is just an option- it would be a nicer place to live. Having children is wonderful! In fact, maybe you could meet someone single in these childfree neighborhoods. The possibilities are endless.
And yet you can't be withing 1000 feet of a child because of your pedo conviction, OP. quite a pickle. Maybe kill yourself.
Let me break this down for you so you can stop pretending not to see why people think OP is a faggot.
Good idea.
This is the point where OP becomes a definitive faggot.
This thread holy shit
Also what is up with the pro-child free people being as angry as the anti in this case? I get the passion behind "reeeee protect people who have children". How fucking much do you have to hate kids though to want to do this? Even if you think kids are the worst thing, the reaction still seems overblown like "reeeee sometimes I can hear children playing outside, must eradicate".
Autism and pathology.
Some of us don't live in the US you fucking spastic.
this goes well above housing laws
businesses should be able to decide who to do business with and who they don't.
They can serve niggers or they can not.
They can serve fags or they can not.
They can serve single mothers and their kids or they can not.
Some people can't have kids any more due to jew propaganda destroying their lives at an early age. Letting them continue their descent into depravity in designated areas of destruction might be a good idea.
I'm all for child free zones. We can put all the shitskins and pedos in them and sterilize them. Give them gibs to stay there.
But what if I just want peace and quiet, and to not be lambasted for putting a 12 gauge slug through the chest of some faggot who thought it would be a good idea to interrupt my late-night facepalming-in-the-dark session by kicking my front door down?
At least the kike cult-following christcucks out themselves for us now
Fucking kill yourself OP. If you don't and I meet you, I'd be happy to help you out. The fair housing act isn't even fucking enforced, if it were, I wouldn't of been shit out of luck finding a decent rental the past four years. Kill yourself.