Name a better gamer fuel
Name a better gamer fuel
Is that a pim's knockoff ?
Worst fucking flavor ever devised, garbage.
coconut water and activated almonds
this guy's got it
orange and chocolate is like fucking toothpaste tier
Coffee. No sugar or sweeteners allowed, stop being a faggot and drink the damn thing bitter, like a man.
Good taste OP, but superior is some tea and some biscuits.
I always drink mine black at home, but if you don't like a good mocha every so often then you're out of your mind.
Meant for
Enjoy your crippling explosive diarrhea you coffee drinking scum
Coupled with some water this shit is God Tier, barely greases your fingers as well so you easily and quickly wipe them off with a single paper napkin.
let me guess, you used it once and now if follows you? you have to turn it off in every thread you have open before you open any more threads
Is that just minced offal?
fucken gay
Hello faggot dwarf
I never understood this wax "candy" shit, it doesn't have any flavor and just gets stuck to your teeth
I'm not even fully convinced they're edible
Treyboon knew what was up
na its alright.
Okay, what does that have to do with Haribo Happy Cola?
Haribo is gummy bears. Not the shit you're talking about.
I bet they're faggots who like chocolate and chili.
No, I have to post once without using it, but I kept forgetting to do so.
I didn't know there were so many plebeians here
Enjoy your bathroom trip
I bet you also drink water faggot.
you with the Mcvitites team faggot these shit crumble everywhere if they dont melt first
not mine you ass mucher
He's mistaken them for the wax cola candy that's wax with a tiny bit of syrup in the middle.
maybe you should stop playing with soggy biscuits then, you had enough of that at sleepovers as a kid
I bet you faggots like vanilla Toblerone too.
That meme only applies to "diet" gummy bears.
Why would someone take something made of 99% sugar and try to make it sugar-free?
Absolutely top bait
Ice cubes made from homemade spring water, with a little ground pepper.
I'm heating up my moka pot right now
I love Lattes. It's the last piece of the triangle. Chocolate milk, strawberry milk, and coffee milk.
Banana milk is the forbidden outcast.
Ever since I moved back to dumbfuckistan I'ven't been able to find these anywhere. Where are they?
If he's brewing with a moka, it's basically espresso, just not "technically" espresso.
Burger please
best gamer fuel coming through
weak shit for pussies, tastes like water
Aw yiss, my niggas
Nothing quenches your thirst quite like this nectar of the gods
Step up, senpai!
OJ is the way.
Out with your bait
Newfag pls go
Here's your reply.
What format of coffee do you drink that's stronger than expresso?
Wait, why have I never seen this combination?
you've already posted 3 times in this thread and are now wasting your time arguing with someone whether you should talk about something else. just wanted to point that out :^)
Leave and never come back.
smh tbh fam
Enjoy your gas
That was a fucking weird doujin.
anyone /yerba/ here?
I'm lactose intolerant
Sorry, I'm not physically disabled and can actually process lactose just fine. Iced milk is the godliest drink in hot summer months too.
Fuck off subhuman.
Found the shitskin
Enjoy your inferior genetics.
Okay that's just plain fucking disgusting mate
Peach iced tea is a vastly superior summer drink.
Song about the greatest combo coming through
Milk is great.
I drink milk, coffee and water.
For those who dont get it, look up lactose intolerance;
(pic attached)
tl;dr whitey is only race who can drink this shit hence why the fag the above two gentlemen were insulting is a shitskin degen.
I do sometimes. Pure, unadulterated, sugarless yerba
Go to the northern 1/3rd of it. Just avoid the sunbelt and we're still majority whitey, outside of random shitholes the niggers have run into the ground (Detroit, etc)
why are you eating cow cud?
I'd be more worried about spics than nigger though.
Are Nigerians actually honorary whites?
That means that it's not white.
I'm sorry I just googled "milk with ice" and picked the only image that wasn't icecream. Your words mean nothing to me.
Mate. Ice does not belong in there
What if the ice is made of milk?
iced milk is delicious m8
that map still says europeans are the most likely to be able to drink milk
Then you get a delicious ice lolly
You are dumb and your taste is dumb, pleb.
Kek, you still haven't gone back to reddit yet?
Sometimes if I'm having a glass an hour before bed and I don't want to get back up to rinse the glass, I'll put a couple cubes of ice in so that after I'm done drinking they'll melt and dilute the milk.
That way when I wake up the next morning I don't have to deal with crusted milk on the bottom; it's just a rinse and a wash.
Those are a regular part of my Chinese cartoons.
Turkish coffee is in expresso format
expresso is the watered down version
Espresso (/ɛˈsprɛsoʊ/, Italian: [esˈprɛsso]) is coffee brewed by forcing a small amount of nearly boiling water under pressure through finely ground coffee beans. Espresso is generally thicker than coffee brewed by other methods, has a higher concentration of suspended and dissolved solids, and has crema on top (a foam with a creamy consistency).
I'm not mixing up espresso with expresso, expressos are weak shit to good tar black turk brew
expresso is not a thing. are you thinking of americano?
Read a book.
Yeah, sounds delicious.
you read a book retard, I bet you take fucking expresso enemas
Damn strait. That watermelon punch is pretty refreshing. Not overly sweet, and tastes pretty nice. Skittles, I can take or leave. They're usually just sugar-flavored-sugar, unless you get a special variety of them.
Wait, you're telling me that I can have cold milk, AND I can water it down making it less enjoyable at the SAME TIME?!
Nothing better than quaffing a big mug of tar and gravel after a hard day at the office, and chewing on a mix of two penny nails and torx screws.
My ancestors were filthy Indian fuckers.
Only positive is finding out that chocolate soy milk tastes like melted ice cream.
never actually tried with chocolate but you are absolutely right
Aren't skittles and ice tea for some kind of cocktail?
enjoy your mantits
It summons Al Sharpton.
I drink what I can get, whether it be Almond, Lactaid, or soy.
Doesn't look very vanilla to me