Dark Souls 3 General

There is currently another thread up, but it doesn't have 'Dark Souls 3' in the OP, which:

i) makes it harder to find in the catalog
ii) indicates it might not be considered the general

It seems like it's dedicated only to summoning, rather than the game itself. I will let the mods decide.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice meme response, Das 3 is a huge step forward from the cash grab passionless hunk of rancid shit that was Das 2.


I don't care what your financial standing is, a poor consumer decision is still at blame here. I'm laughing at you.

Does 1.06 really fix it? Why can't we just get a blue orb or something damn.

And he is playing bloodborne.

Blues are niggers.

Let him, I'm not buying a console for a single game that I'll never touch again. I already made that mistake with the ps3.

If you want to duel use the soapstone.

Have any of you done the grinding for the Darkmoon covenant items? I did it for a while last night and I only got fucking 1 with all the item discovery items I could get my hands on. Any chance of them improving the drop rate?

I just want some ears, man. I think I'm way past the point where I'll ever get summoned though since I'm in NG+.

1.06 on pc when?

Reds actually get rewards from killing blues though, they get double tongues off them. As a red if I'm going to be up against ganksquads anyway I'd rather one of them be a blue who rewards me instead of 1/2/3 whites or yellows who don't give shit.

But they are the noble phantoms, you dense nerd. Blue phantoms are like the strong, empowered heroine that comes at just the right moment to save a defenseless muslims from those some salty, red manimals.

I can't tell if that's an adult who looks young or a child who looks older.

You need to kill around 30 silver knights to get one with 261 item discovery. I farmed them constantly with Symbol of Avarice and Rusted coins. Using gold coins didn't improved the rate at all.

Darkmoon is pretty much dead. Even at level 32 i don't get summoned when i stroll around an area for one hour. I don't know how it works but in all the hours i dumped in Dark Souls 3 i didn't got summoned even once as a Darkmoon. Might as well give up in this fucked covenant and just go Sunbro or Mound Maker all the way

They should recover sin mechanic and the Blue eye orb. Or focus specifically on Aldritch Faithful covenant members, since you get 2 proofs of concord kept when you kill one of those fuckers as a blue phantom

Does it really matter to your penis?

Friendly reminder that
Solaire was Gwyn's son
Unnamed by Gwyn, so he named himself "Solaire" after the sun he was obsessed with
Nameless King is Solaire
Have a nice day.

I pity the fools who haven't experienced the joy of destroying all those poor fuckers that use light gear and spam rolls.

If you played Demon's Souls once and never again that's your fault.

Perseverance is so amazing it feels like cheating every time I abuse the fuck out of it. Glorious.

You don't get summoned into gangbangs on a regular basis?

I want to fug your ladyboy in the benis :DDDDDD

Well, in DS3 there's only two rolls: light and heavy, so any weight under 70.0% is light.
There is no medium.

Solaire canonically dies on a bridge with a maggot stuck to his head

wrong, there are 3 rolls.

Light 30% Med 70% Fat 100%

Yeah, Mound Maker especially is really fun, especially if you semi-RP it and just go hogwild fucking people over or helping them out totally on a fickle whim.

It's really shit that Darkmoon doesn't work, though, I've been wanting to do that. How is it supposed to work, anyway? If you wear the ring, you should theoretically get summoned when someone is being attacked by Fingers, right?
Do you need to be embered for it to summon you?
Can you be summoned from Firelink to any area in the game, like Belfry, or do you only get summoned within the zone you're currently in?
Does killing the boss of your zone preclude you from being summoned anymore from within that zone?

At 100.0% you don't even roll, right? You just stumble. At 70% you do the fatroll where you just slam down on the ground and then slowly stand up.
Under 70% you do the quick soft roll. I've never noticed a difference even at 10% except you go a lot farther/move faster, but that's on a sliding scale from 0% up to 70% rather than a threshold situation.

No. Chosen Undead doesn't canonically kill him, as he's in an optional hallway. As a god, he can't die except by extraordinary means.

And Nameless King has some crazy shit on his head that looks suspiciously like a hundreds-years-old sun brain parasite. Coincidence? (sad piano) Perhaps…

0-30% Fast
30-70% Medium
70%-100% Slow
100%+ Stumble

Actually, you fat Roll at exactly 70.1% and med Roll at exactly 30.1% percent.

There is definitely a difference because I've noticed it when playing with the gotthard twinswords. My ability to roll attack is delayed slightly above 30%

Fuck off vaati, your buttbuddy faglaire was a nobody who died to a bug.

Darkmoons are only summoned when the invadee is in way of the blue. No one bothers with way of the blue, hence no summon.

Fuck this shit game.

I haven't got farther than the Road of Sacrifices. I started playing a week ago. Just taking my time enjoying the game. I spent most of my time invading. Got over 200 pale tongues, 50-something vertebra, 31 sun medals. You can now get rewarded sun medals for killing the host. Nice touch. I don't like co-op. Most people are retarded. Anyway I am loving the game so far, I can't wait to play the rest.

Interesting. I'll have to pay closer attention next time. Thanks, anons.

Could you sound any more like a teenager?
You're right though, he's totally dead. He was also just a crazy person of absolutely no importance who happened to find ridiculous armor and painted a happy face on it.

shame you can't do much with them once you've capped the covenant

I thought Blue Sentinels helped Way of Blue and Darkmoons helped anybody being invaded?
What the fuck were FROM thinking?
It at least made sense if Blue Sentinels were like babby mode training wheels for real nigga Darkmoons.

Yup. I have no idea where to take them either, oh well. I guess Blue Sentinels is broken. I haven't been summoned once. I guess I have to farm. I hate framing.

No, If you're a Darkmoon or a Blue Sentinel you get automatically summoned to defend Way of the Blue guys. That's the main problem since 80% of the people that play the game won't go Way fo the blue since it's a worthless covenant.

Second, it's the Queque system. Everytime you are somewhere that isn't a boss arena, Firelink or a transitory area (elevators/ladders between different zones) you can get summoned as a Darkmoon. It doesn't matter if you aren't embered or you killed the boss, as long as you see the covenant icon flash, you are in the process of being summoned.

But the queque resets every single fucking time you hit a bonfire. Every time you teleport or sit at a bonfire, you get sent back to the bottom of the queque. It's a fucking mess that they made Darkmoons like this and make them share covenant with the Blue Sentinels. The only thing you get extra for being a Darkmoon is when you defend a host from an Aldritch Faithful, you get a Proof of concord well kept that is worth 2 of the regular ones.

I wanted to go darkmoon from the beginning, but after 3 characters i've given up. I'll take this new character i made for an Illegal worker build and go Mound maker, get the Untrue White ring and invade in Anor londo to defend people from Aldritch's dickheads

Farming proof of concords is hell. I have to kill around 30 silver knights to get one, and that is with 262 item discovery.

You will have more fun going Mound Maker or Sunbro.

They shat on the lore by making the current darkmoons help others in a pact much like the same ( the exact same ) as the way of the blue/blue sentinels one

theres a covenant you'll find past the road of sacrifices where you can deposit your tongues, but it only takes 30 to get all the benefits from the cov

i agree about the farming issue, its worse than it was in dark souls 1 too, i put a lot of hours into blue sentinels/dark moon on two different characters without a single summon

of course somehow when i was doing runs as a mound maker the cops kept showing up, and getting fucking wiped because the enemies will attack them along with the invaders. i saw a blue get summoned between two fucking worker enemies in the undead settlement while i was standing nearby, guy got fucked

Fucking fuck.

I'd like to do that, too, but so far whenever I invade as mound-maker, the host just goes berserk on me and forces me to either kill them or run through the area like a madman until the PvE kills them.
I'm still only at Cathedral on my PvP character, though, so maybe things will get better as I get closer to SL60 and Anor Londo.

That's so fucking stupid.

Is there actually anything that can stagger you through it? If the poise isn't linked to it that would determine how much you can tank before breaking, I think only the hardest slams from bosses can interrupt your hits.

Sometimes I use it just to tank the damage since the damage absorb is so good. With Simple item as a secondary you can use it infinite amount because you only need 1 FP to do it. Same goes with Dragonslayer's Greataxe's special attack which is hilariously powerfull thing to have and also can be used to prevent staggering when timed properly.

Honestly DS3 feels like it has much easier to do fashion souls than earlier games, you can keep most of the builds easily under 70% and even my heavy builds I was able to keep in 69% with little effort. I preferred light before, but in this one the >30%-rolls don't work with my style and I roll too far away from the targets. Meanwhile you can roll close to 12 times with medium load.

I also preferred dex-weapons but this game has shown me the light with STR-weapons. Being able to do the Havel's 180-degree-noscope-instakill is great.

I heard there was a way to prevent yourself from getting returned home as a mound maker if you kill a few phantoms

anyone know how? I've only had it happen twice where it gave me my shackle and duty fulfilled, but let me keep playing to kill the host.

Yes, being a Darkmoon now is fucking hell. Specially since Proof of concord kept is the covenant proof with the lowest item drop in the game. You can get 3 pale tongues or 4 vertebrae shackles in the time it takes you to get one of these.

In my case, i really want to try the mound makers because it sounds fun even if i suck balls at PVP. I will just dick around and help the host deal with possible invaders and the regular enemies.

But you have a point saying that hosts will go on your ass as soon as you invade as a mad spirit. It's like people don't know some guys like to dick around or have duels.

For some time i hit SL 62 with my Lautrec cosplay character. I invaded people in Anor Londo and the only thing i did when i got there was sit near a ledge, but most people just ran for Aldritch or got 3 summons just to fight me.

I would think that any attack that can flatten you will at least stagger you when under perseverance buff, but I've never been hit with anything of that magnitude when using it yet.

I rarely used the orb as a Mound Maker and focused on the soapstone. Usually you get summoned to help with the invader or for a duel. Then you can kill the invader that comes for the host after your'e summoned because for some reason there was always at least one invade during the dueling.

If you invade, hosts seem to assume that you're after them even when you can really just kill any phantom and leave. Doesn't help that at least for me Mads seemed to ally themselves with Reds against the host more often.

Are you serious? That's just depressing. My luck is at 12. I am never going to rank up.

Hopefully a patch will fix this soon.
I never get summoned as a Blue Sentinel or a Watchdog. When I invade, blue sentinels come after me. Watchdogs get summoned right after I invade too. I am getting so annoyed, I'm going out of my way to kill the Watchdog before I kill host. Not fair. I wanna get summoned.

The only time that happened to me was when there was enough phantoms in the world that the amount of required kills it says when you spawn was 3 phantoms or host.

yeah but it happened during a 4v1 and i met the 3 phantom condition and received my shackle. But, I didn't return home until I killed the host.

let me stop you right there, you retarded fanboy

Not to mention all the issues the game has, almost a month after launch. Kill yourself you cancerous shill

As a Mad who's mediocre at best at PvP, I just go where the wind blows. If the red phantom looks like he's going to win, I'm on that fucker's side.

You'd be hard pressed to find a game that doesn't have cut content still in the files, every game has things cut during development and it's much easier to just leave those things unattainable than pick out and delete everything you aren't using.

I thought that too at first, which is why I pirated DS3 at launch. It just had too many red flags and Das2 made me completely lose faith in From.

But then I actually played the game and realized I was completely wrong and that you're a faggot.

I then bought the deluxe edition

this is true, just because you find some shit in the files of the game doesn't necessarily mean it was cut for some nefarious reason like censorship, the devs might of just decided that they didn't want it in the game and dummied it out or whatever

this could or could not be the case with DAS3 but a lot of people on Holla Forums kneejerk about what some monkey finds digging around in the game codes

Anyone here should be used to that to the point of being unphased by it entirely. This is extremistchan, after all.

Oh, I also wanted to add that the pre-order bonus was just a free copy of dark souls 1. Nobody got bonus in-game content like in das2.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?

dont forget to buy the DLC™ on release!™

Embrace the Darkness!™

Is warrior the best class for lowest stats lost?

My man.

fromsoft didn't invent dummied out content, it exists in every single game on earth, and unless you actually see the stuff that was found in the games code re-purposed for dlc it doesn't count as cut content, it's just stuff that's left on the cutting room floor

For most STR builds yeah.

Why are you so autistic? Nobody here is acting like fromsoftware is some unfallable company worthy of nothing but praise? I already said that I pirated Ds3 at launch and that Das2 was a huge pile of shit, Das3 has issues, but they're mostly issues with the port and not issues with the gameplay or quality control.

You need to fucking relax, the boogeyman isn't out to get you.

Would it be a better idea to grind for Proofs in NG+ or NG++? In NG++ I'll get the best Gold Serpent Ring but the knights will take more damage.

For a pure melee? Both Warrior and Knight work. Depends on how much you value the extra ATT for more arts, though you can always fix that with a Simple shield.

Warrior is the most optimized stat wise for pure STR builds. Knight is the most optimized for QUALITY builds.

This is why mound makers is so much fun. You invade and sometimes the host and other invader both expect you to help them since you are getting paid either way. I personally go after the katanafags.

If you want no dex then go Warrior, yes.

i'm waiting for some egghead to figure out the the actual rate percentages for NG+ onward, but it's going to be a fucking slog either way

user, I'm curious about how you made your character. Did you start with a default male face and work from there or did you create the face on a female character and screencap your sliders? If you did a male base, did you adjust the masculine/feminine slider to feminine?

I was asking 'cause it has that distincly male face shape. I'd post pictures of mine, but I'm away from my computer right now.

Firelink greatsword is fun as fuck in PVP. Does the Storm Ruler still send people flying? I haven't used it yet.

I'm not judging, just saying that it's not surprising that the hosts don't trust us. Mound makers is definitely the funniest covenant to play and benefits from DS3 PvP the most.

Recently tried doing an int/faith build and got him as far as Irithyll before pontiff fedora and I'm mostly getting my ass kicked. Any tips or sorceries/miracles I should know about?

Great Heavy Soul Arrow is basically the only sorcery worth using and you should pick up a candlestick dagger from Greirat and run to Profaned Capital for the court sorcerers staff.

drop sorcery and use pyromancy instead.

Is 120 the ideal level to cap at like in the previous Souls games? Also, I'm wanting to do the stats reset thing with Rosaria's Fingers. Can I just talk to her, get the covenant item, put it on, get the tongues, reset stats, take off the covenant item and do whatever I was doing previously covenant wise like nothing happened, right?

I use SL90 because I like to play with all 3 meta ranges.

Yes and yes

All they have to do to fix Darkmoons (pick one):
>1. Darkmoons are auto-summoned to anybody who gets invaded anywhere within level range. Even players invaded by NPC phantoms.

Done and done, suddenly it'd be the best covenant.


Is it still broken? I thought it was 'addressed' during the recent patch. Just come to accept the fact it needs to be grinded.

As I understand it, all they did was widen the level range blues can be summoned to, which doesn't solve anything when there's still too few Way of Blues.

Holy fuck. Sacred flame uses your right hand weapon's AR when you have a white hair talisman equipped to the left hand and two-hand it. (You don't even need to meet the int/fai requirements for the talisman, 8/8 to use sacred flame is enough)

Iron flesh + sacred flame cheese, here I come.

I don't see anything wrong with it, I hit 30 concords on all three characters before even finishing Cathedral.

There would be times when I couldn't even go up a fucking elevator or ladder because I was getting summoned so fast it would roll me back to the beginning each time.

Just invaded as a mad phantom because darkmoon is doing fucking nothing as usual. Host immediately got a darkmoon summon to protect him from me.
After a true battle of shitter vs. shitter, I killed the darkmoon. I feel a little bit dirty.

can i have your machine?

I just want to add something or point out this…

Remember the sin system from das1? If you invade or kill npcs you get sin… Okay now think about this…

A blue should be able to invade anyone that sins so that means purples, fingers, faithful, sunfags. wolfbros and non cov invaders.

This is a really big oversight and proof that this game was and is rushed trash that need at least another year to cook.

It's not a "lel werks fer me XDD" thing, it's a "you fucked up and overleveled" thing. Stay at ~30 with a +3 weapon while you clear Farron Keep and Cathedral and you'll get non-stop summons.

I am 32 with a +3 weapon in Cathedral, actually. Two hours without a summon. I can invaded pretty consistently and I can invade within seconds when I use my orb, but I will not get summoned as a darkmoon no matter what.

What are some good bows I can get? I beat the abyssal watchers.

Are you trying to get summoned as dorkmoon or sentinels? I did all of mine as a sentinel.

If you didn't already get black bow, you missed it. It's in the swamp where those 3 giant goatfucks are.

Sentinel, I don't have darkmoon yet because I haven't progressed beyond cathedral yet.

Also, Aldrich Faithful haven't sinned. It's literal castle doctrine.

Oh it's not only that. Poise and damage absorption needs to also be fixed.

Does it make a difference which one you get summoned as? I've just put Darkmoon on and sitting in Aldrich invasion area. Fuck all happening.

I suspect there may be a priority system that works like this:

And instead of sending bluefag 1 down to the end of the line when he gets a summon, it keeps him at #1 and keeps giving him summons unless he is unavailable to summon and then it goes to bluefag 2, and so on, and people only move up the list when the people in front of them either remove the covenant or log out.

This would explain why some people (myself included) can sit there and get non-stop chain summoned, while others get them rarely, and others might not get any in over an hour.

Actually, could blues be grinded with summoning? Put a pass on, summon a dark spirit, blue has same pass and in same area invades, get item, repeat?

The slider makes your character look weird because everything else is still set to what it should be for the opposite gender. That being said, for my female character, I just remade my male face and slightly altered it, because I'm convinced attractive females are impossible from the presets.

Few questions…

Does upgrading your shield and +1/2/3 rings effect the matchmaking any?

Yes on the shield, I am unsure about rings.

Rings shouldn't, but Shields definitely do.

I don't think so. I'm 99% sure passwords only affect soapstones.

Try tweaking the skin color from there, and I bet you can remove the ayylien skin tone while keeping the softened features.

I don't have it installed anymore after 100%ing it or I'd double check myself.


That shit is really interesting. Why does that happen?

Well, that's kinda unsettling.

I don't know but it is super interesting that they have an interest in self preservation.

Oh man that's pretty far out. I wonder if the spiders do something similar

I don't get what it's doing.


I assumed it was praying

Sully is probably the biggest asshole in the whole game.

Oh, I didn't notice its hands join together. That's a little unsettling. Too bad I need the fap ring.

From really hates magic in ds3, magic now limits your spells, thus eliminating the reason for attunement slots, but keeps them just to say fuck you some more.

Random ass spells cost 2 slots because fuck you even if what they offer is awful for no reason.

Pyromancy is power derived from oneself, not faith or study, if they wanted to fuck with it why not make it based on soul level? May as well make dark magic based on hollowing while you're at it.

There have always been stats limiting slots even with an MP bar.

What does Pyromancy scale with anyways? Haven't done that build yet.

Pyromancy technically still scales with the level of your pyromancy flame, but pyromancies now have int and faith requirements to use.

So when you get summoned via password and get scaled down, how does it work exactly?

Even to this day Demon's Souls has the best magic system. With me saying that people might subscribe to the idea that it's only viable because it's overpowered, but even if the power of spells were reduced they would still be more viable. When properly stocked on old spice you can do pure mage runs through the game. Wish I could do that on every other Souls game after that.

You get scaled down to absolute fucking oblivion.

I've noticed but how exactly? Like if a level 100 gets summoned by a 50, do they get half stats or does it just take off the last 50 levels or what? There's clearly some sort of formula for it but I have no idea what it is.

Would people recommend the pike over the lothric knight spear? I have been using the long spear and I really like the moveset, but people say the pike scales better.

Please, this game was so good. I don't need it to get lazy now.

this is the first instance i've heard of this happening

black knights don't use bows.


fucking what's the deal

You being a faggot I guess?
Two katanas, twice the cancer

its not a pvp build don't worry


Black knights have literally never used bows. Silver Knights use bows.

Haven't seen this meme build in a while.

i have 4kat on this character

Dogs don't pray, that was a person

It's begging. It gets low enough and it'll beg with it's stomach exposed, similar to a normal dog showing submission.

Though having it's claws clasped together kinda does emphasize the begging for forgiveness doesn't it?

Holy fuck, Pontiff chews scrubs out huh?

Solaire is a lord of cinder, he went back to his own world of Astora. Miyazaki confirmed this.

How come I've seen no twinks using dual avelyns with explosive bolts yet?
I figure it'd be pretty good in the cathedral

Pontiff, the nameless king, and champion gundyr are probably the hardest fights in the game. Old demon king is up there too. Especially new game plus.

You can't really twink in this game.
It IS possible to get everything while retaining low level and +2 upgrades, but it's too much of a pain in the ass. And even then your shit will be on the same level as your target.

its called cruise missile, noob

Thinking about making an ultimate tank cancer build just for fucking around and fun.

x2 Blessed infused shields for double regen
full havels
just enough str/dex to use the shields
raw infused estoc
enough faith to use deep protection
everything else dumped into vigor
havels ring +3 defensive rings

This is how Darkmoon/Blue Sentinels should work, as constant "counter-invaders, " in addition to a workable "sin" system.

make sure to use the weapon art of havels shild

Also you'd need 66 in vitality to mid roll assuming you use havels shield.

all projectiles track you. This is so you must dodge at the last moment.

On that note, do a blessed weapon, blessed shield, Bountiful Sunlight, Gentle Prayer and the Sun Princess ring all stack? If so, I can't imagine how fucking fast the HP regen would be.


You can't put any buffs on blessed infused weapons but otherwise they do all stack. The regen wouldn't be all that much.

Sheeeit, might have just found a way to make Lloyds Rings viable if one doesn't mind speccing an entire build around them. Still, there have been weirder things to be honest

yes it all stacks, but the chime weapon art ends when you put the chime away

This game sounds so awesome. If an user has an extra copy it'd be extremely grateful

Sounds ok for PvE, but not for PvP or bosses, where you should end fights quick.

Pirate it

i'll never be a speedrunner

eh then the multiplayer gets messed up doesnt it? Anyway I dont like pirating.

That's not the point.
You win the psychological victory, then they kill themselves.

So around 20 per second with the miracle up, and said miracle requires a ton of faith to cast and costs a lot of fp. Also remember that any blessed shield can have a max of 95 physical block so you will be taking damage.

sent :^)

Well tough shit.

Once they figure out what you're trying to do, the only way you'll win is if they start laughing so hard they can't fight back.

I second this, if any kind anons are willing
being a poorfag euro is hell

I still don't know how to get past when he summons his phantom

We must stay together in these harsh times brother.

you can damage his phantom while it's being summoned, just get in there and batter the fuck out of the both of them during the animation


Refrain from attacking when he starts to summon it to save stamina until the ghost appears and then go apeshit and try to burst it down before he goes back to attacking. If you don't get it before the attacks start just keep blitzing it, you'll either kill it, get its attacks out of rhythm with the real body, or die and you'd likely die trying to play safe anyway.

Where are you from, my fellow europoor?

Maybe if the room was much smaller. It's pretty easy to get away from him and bait him into doing that simple to dodge flying lunge shit that leaves both him and the phantom open for a few seconds.

good luck with wearing useless armor
you know poise doesn't work, right?

I decided to give the Chaos Blade another go, this time leveling dex 60
I'm at 51 Dex right now and I'm already starting to feel it
Because of how Flynn's ring works in this game, it's actually starting to be come worth a shit. I get about 40 extra AR on my build WITH my fashion.

Daily reminder that all PvP halberd users should kill themselves.

So I should go havels shield/red halbred/quality build, if I want to piss people off?

To be honest I'd avoid damaging the phantom at all, his moves are easier to dodge since his phantom telegraphs everything, and he also attacks slower overall

The only time I tried running it, I got rekt beyond rekkening by that greataxe wielding giant snake fuck.

Yes, two handing halberds can't be parried, so feel free to go unpunished.

Yeah but if you kill the phantom he'll waste time backing off and resummoning it and then you get another period of free damage on him.

That takes a lot of extra time to get him to do that since he usually starts going full ham right when his phantom dies

It's anybody using straight swords or thrust swords that should hang themselves. Honestly, the only players I have any respect for are the ones bringing really bizarre shit to PvP, like gargoyle flame hammers or melee sorcerers using the handmaiden knife.
It's cool seeing something different after dozens and dozens of rooty tooty pointy scooties.

Holy shit it's real

Tested with profaned greatsword and 9/9 int/fai, did more than 2000 damage to the fire orb demons in smouldering lake.

Oh man, I two-hand my RHH all the time and I did not know this. That's a game changer right there.
It's a really slow weapon, though, so I don't fully understand the problem unless you're relying entirely on ripostes to do the bulk of your damage.

I guess, I had a lot easier of a time dodging him when he's going fast than when he was slow and doubled though. I guess it's more of a personal skill choice.


You have no idea. There are these really creepy organized fight clubs you'll sometimes invade where people are all gesturing at you and trying to make things all organized and shit.
Sniping the host down when you find those is just delicious.

What is the difference between the red hilted halberd and the regular one?

Oh baby

I think the RHH is the only one with the "good" moveset, but I'm not 100% sure on that.

different weapon art

red hilted has perseverance instead of charge. Also, I guess red hilted might do slightly more damage. I'm 99% certain they have the same moveset.


Update: I've been using red sign soapstone outside of Sully's boss room, trying to see how many people I can one-shot. Two successes so far.

Try 1 shotting the boss instead.

Aldrich > Rosaria >>>>> *

I fucking finally grinded out 30 Proofs and I'm feeling good. Didn't take as long as I expected but it was still too long. They really should fix that drop rate if they're not going to fix the covenant.

i hate cooperators now

grinding knights only? bout how long did you figure it took and did you do it on NG+?

Just go to pontiff sully you retard

this character is too high level for that now

Then how the fuck are you getting stuck in gank squads

no i mean for summoning around pontiff, unless people are still getting dunked by him int he fucking 80s range

ancient wyvern is easy farming because just run ahead of the host drop the fucker before the guy can fuck up

my only regret is carrying these fucking clowns

Abyss watchers is good for sunlight medals.
Lots of people don't like dealing with them alone. That is where I farmed the majority of mine.

And so do I
With a red soapstone sign

I was getting summoned steadily at Aldrich on level 100, and that boss is piss easy.

i'm farming medals not tongues

You still get medals for invading as a sunbro.

You get sun medals off red soapstone and red orb invasions in the sun covenant for some reason, no clue why only that one works that way and not Farron or Faithful or either of the blues.

i did not know that


If you invade with a red eye orb as a sunbro, you get priority for worlds that already have an invader too.

why is everyone so fucking bad, i mean you shouldn't even need a summon for ancient wyvern but i figure its just some medal farming spot now

The boss is dumb and broken. It's easier to just hit it to death.

Is Iron Flesh any good? Where is it located anyways? On my second character, have a great club tribal African warrior build going on and I've been using pyromancy to buff myself. Might post some webms later

Anyone need help for some shit or wanna set-up a gank squad on PS4? I don't have anything else to do in the game.

Iron Flesh is still pretty legit. It's located at Farron's Keep: Go to the very first bonfire of the area and go right, towards the Basilisk area. It's around there

Ah, now I remember


Nice character. Seems like a lot of fun.

I'm doing also a full STR build but with focus on the Pickaxe, the great machete/meat cleaver and the wooden hammer. Only using working tools as weapons

Don't forget the pitchfork.

Yea, i gotta get my Dex mup 1 point to use it. It's going to be fun

This weapon balance is reminding me demon souls pvp.

I think I'll use some garbage weapon and focus on low level pvp. This high level pvp is fuckin broke man.

Hey, maybe I'm fucking missing something but is there a Company of Champions type covenant in Dark Souls III? Did I miss it somewhere?

No. There are only 8.

there are no pve covenants

The carthus shotel is amazing. How good is the carthus curved sword and great-sword?

Weapons in general do way too much fucking DPS for pvp, especially considering buffs

Carthus Curved Sword is strong as fuck when 2 handed.

Most weapon buffs are pretty shit if you ask me.

The fire buff lasts longer and costs less mana.
and requires like 10 in int and faith.

Getting any other weapon buff is pointless. Not to mention spell damage scaling is utter shit.

Damn, I was hoping I missed one.

People generally don't have good lightning defense, and bleed wrecks everyone

Okay I am confused.. Trying to farm Proof of Concord Keep. So I equip Blades of Darkmoon covenant and use white soapstone. I end up being summoned and we kill a few people (I got the kill a couple times) but still no drop.

What am I missing here?


Soapstone won't give you shit.
You need to be summoned automatically.

Human's dregs are easiest to farm off mobs, so yeah it's pretty cool covenant :^)

How does that work? I just sit around with the covenant equipped and wait for a summon prompt or something?

Reds hate you even if the host has 2-3 phantoms
Pinks hate you even if the host has 2-3 phantoms
The host usually has 2-3 phantoms
You can only invade a small number of areas, a lot of which can be speedrun in under 2 minutes from bonfire to bossfog.
The hosts who aren't going to the boss fog are usually by the bonfire with their gay bareback fuck buddies.
The summons are constant, so quick you can't even take it off once you realize its everything wrong with DaS3 rolled up into a single covenant.

So rev up that mimic head and get to farming, if you're in for rewards.

I have never once been attacked by a red or a purple as an aldrich faithful.

wow I didn't even know that was a thing. Never happened through this entire playthrough.

Is there a way to negate mimic head damage or just spam estus?

Fams why didnt tou tell me pyro was so fun? I was usuing pure sorc 60 int like a lazy nig

I'm a gigantic piece of shit and gank there all the time and I almost never see reds and purples infighting, but I see reds and purples fighting faithfuls pretty regularly

Have more HP
Spam estus
There are some health regen gimmicks, but it's just poor little sivler guys farm, just stunlock them.

Darwin's theory in action

Count yourself lucky then. I don't know if they think we're blues or what but every fucking red makes a beeline for me regardless of how many phantoms he is fighting solo. Once I finish I'm switching back to red and ganking every fucking red I see invade with me.




I dunno, man 1v1ing bosses is pretty fun times. Most of my experience with summoning is all three or four players bumrushing the boss and beating the shit out of it until it dies, even with the harder bosses on NG+

I only lost 4 invasions when doing aldritch faithful on my last character, two were from faggot reds that I assume thought I was a blue, even though I was killing the host, one from a fag that was turtling behind a greatshield and summoning more phantoms over and over, and one from a subhuman with shit internet and no animations.

Overall 9.5/10 experience, very easy. Carthus Rouge + Washing Pole running r1 is unstoppable, and trashes all current cancer builds.

When I was doing my 100% run I farmed all sunlight medals from invading as a sunbro :^). No PVE required.

He's not using it out of context.
He has a very specific combat fetish, where he regards battle to be an intimate sexual act and every enemy he faces to be his current lover.

Settle down and get a nemesis you whore.

PvP was a mistake

why would I be mad people play on easy mode?

That's exactly what I'm asking.

fam do you. Just dont join the reddit spam calling this the hardest game ever

On the scale from 0 to 10 this game is 6 when soloing for the first time and around 3 when co-oping. I'd call it average difficulty.
The hardest part is to learn the controls and rules of interaction with the world and the enemies.

I think the whole "Souls are HARD" theme came from people being retards, that can't adapt to anything that isn't first person shooter.

What people need to realize is that the games aren't hard, they just aren't easy.

Compared to shit-tier retro games that were specifically modeled after arcade games that were designed to be artificially difficult :^) to eat your quarters, and hide the complete lack of content through constant game-over screens; Souls games aren't hard.

Compared to modern games that were developed under the design philosophy of "If the player sees a game-over screen, you have failed as a developer", they absolutely are hard.

Not sure why this concept is so difficult to grasp. Can't we just meet in the middle?

YOU DIED is not the same as GAME OVER.

Not in the traditional arcade sense where game over truly meant the game was over, but it works as a modern equivalent.

Instead of nitpicking, you could either agree or disagree with my reasoning and state your opinion on the matter :^)

Metal Slug is the most overrated garbage out there tbh.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with people

So if the Pontiff were really a Jojo what would his stand name be? I'm thinking Cold Hearted Snake (Paula Abdul reference).

i'm thinking you should shoot yourself in the head on national tv (filter reference)


I chuckled

How to unfuck DaS3 MP:

1. Remove soapstones, replace with bells a la BB
2. Blueberry Covenant is always active unless the host has recently sinned/played as a red
3. Dark Spirits/Mad Phantom invasions happen automatically like Blueberry summons
4. Mad Phantoms get priority for worlds with many people already in it
5. They are told to kill a specific, random phantom or the host
6. Hosts can only have one player phantom/sunbro AND one NPC summon at any given time

Fixed that for you.

Covenants are "too Soulsy" for them to remove them entirely I'm afraid.


Ya got rused, son.

The joke's on them, really
Just be happy it isn't throwing knives

How do you parry Estoc spam when you get stunlocked though?

(I'm not a smart man and thus not good at parrying)

Throwing knives, bomb, literal shit and using resins is the best thing in PvP. Gives you that JoJo p2 feel, where the one who pulls biggest bullshit wins.

Bells are so much more convenient than signs it's fucking amazing that From hasn't dropped the signs completely for DS3.

The first hit stuns, but the second hit doesn't, so if you parry the second you get control back, the timing is perfect to nail their third hit
Alternatively, stop being a scrub and just parry the first hit

I farmed all 30 of them save for the 2 you pick up (4 actually, NG+) and I'd say it took over 10 hours easily. I used Symbol of Avarice, Gold Serpent Ring and Gold/Rusted Coins. I'd say keep using coins. From my experience: Coins don't increase the rarity of the reward, only the CHANCE to get one. Silver Knights have 100% drop chance but can have up to 4 drops in 1 kill so the Rusted Coins should help in getting multiple loot on 1 kill thus increasing you chance of getting Proof of a Kept Concord. Don't give up, I know it's a fucking chore but it's the only way for most people since the covenant is broken…

P.S: Use the extra souls from farming to buy all the Spells/Pyromancies/Miracles and all the armor sets from the vendor. Get all the weapons as well while you're at it. You could level up too if you feel the need. I used a Silver Serpent Ring to get bonus souls while doing it.



Do I look like a fucking pussy to you?
I'll take that +10 Estoc up the ass until I learn how to parry with a Grass Crest and net delay, it's not like Embers are in short supply.

So I want to hollow, but I never "drew out my true self" before killing the abyss watchers. Yoel is dead now.

Am I screwed on hollowing until NG+?


Well damn. IMO the window to allow hollowing is too slim. Who decides they want to hollow before the abyss watchers?

I did it in NG+ with a Symbol of Avarice, Crystal Rapier, + Covetous Gold Serpent's Ring, a lot of Rusted Coins, and I respecced into luck. I also infused my weapon to Hollow since I'd have such a high l;uck stat. I don't know exactly how long it took but I already had somewhere between 5 and 7 when I started from picking them up in my two playthroughs and maybe getting lucky having them drop from knights before. Maybe it took 3-4 hours of just grinding? I'm bad with time so that could be off.

Yoel dies when the altar leading down into the catacombs moves

I mean nigger if you want certain NPC spawn and real people won't allow that, just go offline for 2 mins do your shit and relog.

How are they? My PS4 isn't connected online so the only experience I got with them was NPC summons.

So, after a number of I cant believe it's not Dark Souls in 2D, someone has made a I can't believe it's not Bloodborne in 2D. It's called Shrouded in Sanity and it's on steam early access so fuck shelling the bucks just to try it.

Thing is, it had too obscure a release and kat.cr has zilch. Does anybody know about a torrent ?

Nope Nope Nope Nope.

thinking about making an estoc build. they any good?

Ebin meme freind

Fuck, that's basically just stealing.

Yeah it's pixelshit I know, but for a one-man team I can at least give it a try. I'm just sure as hell not paying for that try.

Thanks for the heads up, tryin it.

Jesus fucking christ, this game is just relentless. I'd say it's actually more difficult than Bloodborne because it's harder to confirm things like parries and interrupts.

This is ludicrous.

ive had 0 successful parries and backstabs in pvp during 50 hours of pvping


We're talking about Shrouded in Sanity, a Bloodborne in 2D on Steam. It's kind of fun, but also kind of awful because of how crap the interface is. It's Early Access, so I guess I shouldn't criticize it too much, but I hope they fix this.

The combat feels floaty, if that makes sense, and I haven't found any weapon aside from the Iaito Cane (which sounds like a trick weapon, but isn't at all, because you can't use it in cane mode).

Much better than of my online experience with any game from Dark Souls series - that's for sure. There's barely any glitches and bugs, community is rock solid, dyel pvp shit is fucking glorious (apart from those faggots with spear rifles jesus).

Speaking mechanics they're better because you don't need to engage the sign to summon the player. Invasions and coop shit happen automatically as long as you keep the bell ringing. Also insight is much better system that humanity/ember imo.

The guy is announcing refinements, but announcing it and doing it properly are different matters. What about art direction ?

Hrm, well that's up to you to decide I suppose. I can't take screenshots, so I'll record a short video play, gimme a few min.

I did that in both of my playthroughs and it made me feel extra dumb the second time.

Alright anons, give me the scoop, how is PvP. Im considering finally buying the game and running a STR, Faith build this time around. Is PvP worth it or should I just wait for a good patch?

wait for the complete edition m8

the pvp isn't worth sixty burgerbucks

You don't get lightning infusion until the last like 20% of the game, so you'll find it hard to take advantage of said build.

Alright, there's 2:30 of the game, it's not the first 2:30 or the such, but it's a short video. I had originally intended to show the First Knight fight, but I can't remember how to fucking find her. I was originally streamng when I thought I was recording.

What the fuck. Irithyll is really messed up

why not? i think the pvp is quite interesting


I don't even know WHAT the fuck.

It does look like the combat is fairly hard to gauge, and I'm not sure if extracting the blood from corpses is good design. Oh well, I guess we'll see when it's out of EA.

So I basically missed the sorcery guy in the swamp, and apparently he's disappeared. The pilgrim that hollows you has also died.

If I were to respec with the fingers covenant to play a caster, I'm basically forced into a faith or pyromancy build until I make a new game+ right?

My plan was to lean to lightning spears and basic mechanics until i get the holy sword from the Deep. Than its lolholyrays until i get lightning infusion

Oh, okay, yeah that'll work.

You lucked out faggot. Sorcery is the weakest it's ever been in any of the sous games. Don't go faith if you want to use offensive miracles; The only thing offensive about them is how little damage they do. If you want to do damage as a caster, pyromancy all the way. It's really good.


If I intend to stop at level 70 or 90, what's the ideal weapon reinforcement I should stick with?

No shit, this is the easiest game since Bloodborne.

That doesn't mean its balanced worth shit with everything else.

Depends on what you're going to build for stats. But if you go Hollow Katana and go Luck build, you could destroy people with bleed.

Also to explain bleed for people, bleed value on your weapon is now equal to a percentage of their hp that you drain. For example, if your weapon's bleed counter is 34, it means that when bleed strikes, you'll shave off 34% of their hp.

Bleed very OP.

Guess I phrased it poorly, I meant what's the ideal amount of titanite I should put into my weapons, what's the best tradeoff regarding ranges.

the firekeeper is floating

Are there any faith buffs that are particularly important? I figure you want to maintain a weapon buff, sacred oath, and some heal as a paladin style build.


Oh I misread what you said entirely, my mistake, sorry. There's no reason not to go for full +10 reinforcement.

Most people can get to +7 by 60, which means you can fight them at +10, but +7 is still the largest range of combatants in the system.


It'd block mp with some people who aren't quite there yet, wouldn't it?

If using a password and/or the fingerbone, it'll pretty much invalidate any problems with MP. Password turns off soul level checking from what I'm told. I don't know if that's true, but my friends and I instantly find each other with the new password system, so if you're planning to play with Holla Forums, level is no longer an issue.

I want to make a luck build for fucking around in pvp.
should i wait for the hollow infusion for a katana or should i just kill Anri asap.
Also what would be the best starting class?

Would you happen to know exactly how much bleed I can build up if I focus on luck, get claws and use carthus rogue on it and strike them twice?

from pls

The easiest way to fix the whole darkmoon issue would probably be just autosummoning a darkmoon every x minutes someone is fighting Aldritch faithful. As is Aldritch faithful will regularly be fighting 2vs1 against hosts anyhow.

I'm also gonna go ahead and guess that the main reason you'll get no invasions as a Farron is that, unlike Anor Londo, people aren't automatically hollow when they get to the road of sacrifices.

How bad do you even have to be?

Fuck, fighting Aldritch is a million times harder as a sorceror.

I'm having trouble understanding what your problem is. Some invaders killed the host. So?

He's bitching about the weapons they use, and then crying about them mocking him as they leave.

git moonlight greatsword

The exact same thing happened to me once. Luckily, Aldrich stayed dead.

If I'm gonna get a greatsword I might as well just respec.

If that was too much for your mind to comprehend, then seek help.

That's how most fights go against gankers. Sometimes things don't go well against a gank squad and you don't get many chances to land hits. You either heal behind enemies or get immediately killed. Note that hosts hide behind their phantoms in equal proportion.

This sword would be great if its damage scaled much better with int, had zero strength requirement, and scaled inversely with strength and vit - the more of a weakshit egghead you are, the more powerful the weapon is, but if you're strong the weapon is useless.

That'd be nice. Also if it weighed like 1 pound.

Guaranteed on-shots are fun.

one-shots* fuck.

I was doing that earlier as well, but with the dragonslayer greataxe hit a dude for 1500 before the explosion, it's too good

What SL is this?

80 I think, but I was using the sacred flame glitch so his health was irrelevant. SF can do over 6k damage easy.

Oh, I didn't realize it was a glitch.

Yeah SF hits 600-800 normally. It's a little too hard to land to justify using without the glitch.

It's good for around the corner ambushes and iron flesh baiting though.

How does it work? Is it only viable for heavy weapons or can it work well for a dex fag?

When you put the white hair talisman in your offhand and two-hand it (you don't need to meet the int/fai requirements), sacred flame uses the AR of your right hand weapon for every damage tick. I heard weapons that have multiple hits during their critical animations like greataxes/hammers do more damage. Haven't tested it with dex stuff though, as long as it does around 2k it'll one-shot any player.

depending on your stats respec some points into faith, pyro and 5 shot the bitch

no literally get the soul spell for old demonfag and you take chunks off her life


youre going to get jumped by the dancer afterwards. So spec 20 into faith get dark fire ball and it's another 5 shot boss fight

farming vertibre

invading at level 10
just outside of dancer/ mace bitch
invade some fuck in masters garb with a knight spear
he has bolth of the npcs summoned and is leaving himself at 10-5 % health trying to bait me
ok this is fine do some rolling knock the phantoms down to half health
blue shows his dirty face
fine, just got to do some more rolling
kill the master swordsman (king Weeb NPC)
wave to the blue
he disconnects
turn to the host
he disconnects

10 min gone and balls bluer than a Swedish husband living with a Somali "guest"

Solaire doesnt actually die though.

He cant survive all the events of Dark Souls.

You can save him and summon him for the fight with Gwyn.

He can or can't?

*can survive

You can kill the bugs by leveling up in the Chaos Servant covenant early and opening up the shortcut to Izilith before Solaire arrives.

Miyazaki already said that his canon ending was him linking the flame in his world; Solaire is a Lord of Cinder.

I didn't get anything but at least I made things easy for the other guy.


Because im pretty sure sunbro was just a nutjob who painted a picture of a sun on shitty armor

It was a fan-translated interview; I'm hard-pressed to find it, but the quote went something like "I believe the right ending for Solaire was the happiest, for him to link the flame and become the sun.".
It would, at the very least, make Solaire and the sunbros' return a little less cringey if he was a Lord of Cinder and actually maintained that legacy as part of the linking tradition in some form.

And he was just a nutjob who painted a picture on his shirt. Vaati worshipping solairaboos get fucked.

He could be a descendant of Faraam, the Nameless King. The NPC's in the Elite armor point to that conclusion that they are from Gwyn's/Gwynevere's line. They are all from Astora and Oscar talks of a prophecy in his family which we now think is a plot by the gods to shepard the humans to keep the age of fire going. Andre is also from Astora and is a descendant of Gwyn just by looking at him. DS3 also points to the fact that Gwynevere likes to fuck and have lots of children. I think it's fair to say Astora has a lot of crossbreed humans and gods in that city. It's complete speculation on my part that Solaire is a descendant of Faraam however the speculation is grounded in a way with it's lore.

Jesus fucking christ, grinding out concords takes as long as it does to beat the fucking game.

Don't go higher than 40 luck bro. To put things in perspective though Uchigatana has like default 36 bleed and with 40 luck it goes up to like 37 or 38 bleed. The increase isn't great, but the additional buildup can be nice in PvP.

Dont get me wrong, I would like if sunbro wasnt just a meme man and had actual relevants in the story. But it's coming from DS1 where everybody had a depressing life so Im skeptical.

Thanks for the laugh, Vaati.

The only way you can duel wield is with a weapon art and you only need I sword for it.

*1 sword for it

>doing a RHH PvP character because i'm a shitter i feel like it
Why is this fight such a disappointment on every level? This shit, and fucking Yhorm are the most lame-ass piece of shit fights yet feature two of the most visually awesome bosses in the game.
Why did From feel the need to hand-hold so fucking hard here? Take out the bracelets and Wolnir becomes a challenging fight. Take out the Stormruler swords, and Yhorm becomes a challenging fight. With those things in, they're a joke - an unfunny joke.

Forgot pic of weapons in question.
Drangleic twin hammers. Damage so low it's hard to comprehend.

All the bosses can be cheesed if you just leave your game running and then summon a friend. Animations break for any summons after you leave the game running idle for like a couple of hours and bosses will just t-pose all around their arena.

Just saying, but you don't even have to do that. Just equip the poison fog pyromancy and use it next to the gate and you can poison the special bug to death.


That's really weird. Good job, From.

I think the user you replied to could be talking out of his ass. The only case I've come across is a video of Bloodborne with Logarius jumping around. It could be a glitch though as I've never seen this replicated on any other boss in all five FromSoftware games.

Well Bloodborne had that known bug back at release where if your console was on long enough every boss AI bugged out and would only do one move. I haven't heard anything about that game having animation breaks or the breaks in Dark 3 being related to anything but connection quality.

Yhorm is still a shitty boss without the storm ruler. His attacks are so fucking easy to dodge, and most of his swings hit in the exact same area. You can tell they never intended the fight to last more than a minute.

Wolnir really could do with a health boost. He still should have been like the Cursed Greatwood in general.

Probably one of my favorite bosses in the game. Now compare that to Wolnir:

Wolnir is so poorly designed it hurts. Such a shame because the way he looks and all his lore were great.

The problem I have with Greatwood is that if you stand at a medium distance in front of him and a little to the side, you'll bait him to stand up and fall down harmlessly over and over again without fail. Then you just whack his arm until he dies.
I didn't even know about the weakpoints all over him, other than his nutsack, until I saw someone else attack them.

Well, you can kill him without attacking the bracelets, he just takes longer to beat down that way. Your point is a good one, though, he's a beautifully designed boss visually, and a terribly designed boss mechanically.

Wolnir's poison gas breath is why Wolnir is so weak, he's a glass cannon boss. They wanted more variety and less damage sponge encounters.

eh, even though they did seem very LoZ tier. It was a nice mix up to the usual git guddery that lost bosses have. but I can see it getting bland on a NG+ play though

that other bosses have

fucking phone

I'm talking about DS3. Have you not fought a boss as a phantom when the host is t-posing? I've found that if I leave my DS3 running overnight while sitting at firelink that it makes me t-pose for anyone I summon.

I speculate FromSoft had a rough time making the boss fight work. Check out the gameplay promotional video of Wolnir (1:25), you can clearly see the battle with him was meant to fought differently.

I don't go online with my PS4 so no I have not fought a boss as a phantom.

If I try to link the fire with 5 dark sigils, will I get the usurp or normal ending? I have not done the "wedding"


You need 8 sigils for the usurp ending, and you get 3 from the wedding.

Alright good, was worried since she told me to link the fire anyway even though I'm at 5, wanted normal ending for cheevo.

NG+ was really easy this time around.

wew lad

Sacred flame is still good outside of this bug. It just takes skill!

Ok this guy is so full of shit
lol you want to land an attack? Despite being the size of a bus, I am a master of super speed side stepping
Thought my attack chain was finished? Think again, bucko! The attack chains never end on this wild ride!
You're making progress, huh? I'll just summon my Stand who can murder you from behind at any time you are landing attacks on me?
You defeated my Stand? Too bad, time for a new one!
Fuck this fucking fight

learn to parry

Get your shit together, user.


How did you manage to beat him?

Does anyone know the drop rate of the carthus curved sword? I have been farming off of those two shield guys near the bonfire for about 3 hours now, and nothing has dropped.

I parried him like twice, didn't risk more times because I blow hard, hit him from behind a bit and then when he summons his Stand I realised that you can bait them into doing the diving attack which leaves him open or the overhead smash

Am I the only one who really enjoyed the fighting Sully?

On my first playthrough I died to him a couple of times before getting to his second stage, when he summons his double. On the third try I got him to his second stage and beat him, shit was intense as fuck. I was using the BKG initially, then switched to my butcher knife mid fight. Didn't even try to parry. He's less intimidating once you realize that the double telegraphs his attacks.

Fuck me.

send help

Is SL 51 (with +6 weapon) way overleveled for Anor Londo or something? I've been waiting for 15 minutes and I haven't found a single summon sign for Aldrich by the bonfire, nor have I been invaded or gotten a Darkmoon summon.

Those things never de-aggro until you bonfire warp out and back into the zone.
In a previous playthrough I fucked them up and had to run, then went to kill Aldrich, then ran back and they were still snarling and gnashing at the damn ladder.

The exact opposite.

I'll fight them later
I've very suddenly decided instead that I really want to be a Darkmoon

I'm underleveled? For real?
Welp, time to grind silver knights for concords and souls, I guess.

Darkmoon is the best covenant, user. Welcome to the fold.
I hope you enjoy doing nothing forever, because that's what we're best at.

Around SL70 is good for Aldriching.

user, it just so happens that's my favourite thing to do.

I'm interested in using the Moonlight Greatsword. How good is it?

-It does split damage now.
-The R2 beams are as terrible at hitting in pvp as they've always been.
+The weapon art poke is actually good for catching rolls and parry fishers, as it can't be parried.
+The ripostes really hurt, even without a hornet ring.



Is it common for people to summon phantoms everytime they fight a boss? So far, the only boss I defeated without summoning a phantom is The Nameless King. Should I try to rely less on phantoms?

Well, since you're probably playing a Sorceror, you're shit out of luck on your own; but some of the best fights in the game like Champion Gundyr should be fought solo regardless.

Is that about it as far as how many open pvp areas you can have at once in a single playthrough?

Yeah probably

I beat the boss with a DEX/FTH build. I would say the Lightning Blade made the first phase of the fight slightly easier.

I miss poise.

Now that I got the parrying times down, punishing these Dark Sword shitters is so rewarding.

Greatest thing its you can parry its bullshit phantom range, you can be what will appear to be a good two feet away from the blades swing and still get the parry.

Its great.

hot diggety daffodil
that shit will put the fear of god in you like no other

oh I lied, I actually did have estus, but I gave up lol

way to go out like a bitch

i mean for fucks sake
you are right the fuck next to the bonfire with what 3 k souls
grow a pair of balls you piece of shit

hey man, that was yesterday, I've gotten better today, I actually killed someone that invaded me today so fuck you and your balls

Should have manned up and fought him, user, I was in a similar position yesterday on my Str mage. I had no estus and I got invaded by a wolf bro and a red spirit ended up killing the wolf bro no problem got some estus back, and then killed the red spirit with 10% hp left and no estus. Moonlight Greatsword is pretty OP at low levels it just sucks getting it early.

I have played through this game about 6+ times and have yet to get Patches do this, he is never standing there

Fucking From fix your shit.

A friend of mine explained how to get him to do it, its something like you gotta go over to where the boss is and then go up the elevator and open up those big green-blue doors and then reload your game and he will be there with the bridge raised. Then you just walk out onto the bridge and it triggers the cutscene.

Pretty stupid honestly.

He should be in your path at some point, like somewhere where it would be hard to miss him.

He is one of Froms memes at this point.

I solo every boss before using summons. Most of the time this includes radically different build types as well. Otherwise I just summon to bumrush the content so I can pvp.

I wish Ciaran's set could be found in DS3, given all the other meme sets are in anyway and it looked fucking great.

At least in DS2/3 there is proper dual wielding

Her daggers are in as a dual wield weapon, but are unfinished and unattainable.
It's possible they may show up along with her armor in one of the DLCs…

Why go through all that trouble to start a dual and then do that?

I also managed to kill a gank squad with one other invader. I trapped one guy in and killed him before the other invader killed the other phantom. At that point he tried to summon another phantom but got killed before he could do so.

He had hope that he could kill you given a second chance.

But he healed more than ten times.

He had hope that he could kill you given a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth chance.

Sounds about right.

Does anyone know what the best greatbow and the best bow is? I have been using the onislayer and the pharis for the range, but do they deal the most damage? I was also wondering how good the avellyn is this time around. I have been using the lightning crossbow with the lighting bolts so far and that seems to wrok out great.

Going back to this, I just invaded the dark knight player except he was ganking this time. Both his phantoms got killed and he DCed. WHy bother trying to gank if you can't take the loss

Silver cat ring + plunging attack. Works like a charm. Either that or fire.

These are the very same people that then proceed to jerk off about their sick moves against those dang dirty ganking trolls.

Truly the PvP community is cancer.

Remember, if you're not using the exact equipment they like and bend over and allow them to run back into mobs to heal themselves you're a ganking scrub who needs to git gud. No fun with friends allowed, only dickwaving.

Man, Darklurker fucking prepared me for this fight. I can safely say if you don't have both Sully's on your screen at the same time you deserve to get fucked. I will admit it seems a little cheesy to not be able to hurt the clone but not lower his healthbar but whatever WE GOTTA MAKE THIS HARDER.

New bread when?