Can we still do deepsea threads? I like deepsea threads.
Can we still do deepsea threads? I like deepsea threads
Other urls found in this thread:
Is subnautica not shit yet?
Only when it gets out of early access
I can't be the only one who thinks horseshoe crabs are adorable.
I think they're hot. Kind looks like a vag
Why are there barely any monster designs based on deep sea shit? That's honestly pretty terrifying and gross to look at.
Kind of a shame that thing has such a bitching binomial name only because of its color scheme and cape, but it's still an interesting deep sea critter.
get out you fucking marine biology posers
It's a stupid question really.
Such is the way of the over-dramatic voiceover.
not vidya
Shh, it's past your bedtime.
Shouldn't have fingered a fucking stingray
Any good updates for baurotrauma?
Oh it was a stingray wasnt it? Wrong animal.
I'd honestly put my dick on that
It kind of looks like a penis head.
What's some good deep sea music? I really like the intro of this album and Battle has kind of a deep sea vibe to it
Horseshoe crabs don't kill
Top tier taste my friend
These threads were cancer years ago and they remain cancer now.
Its an idea thread with a theme, and now there are actually games about it.
People are pretty comfy and discussion is had.
Whats so cancerous about it? besides your bitching that is
You know, deep sea could really work as a 6DoF shooter, no?
Does Aquanox count?
Also parts of Red Faction should count.
Don't respond to goon b8, been a group of people trying to stifle all discussion for awhile now.
Just filter and keep talking about deep sea like normal
That's one good fucking picture. For a second I thought the sky was just painted in.
Any of you fags live on an island?
Yeah, of course you would.
Deepsea threads have a place on Holla Forums exactly because there's a ton of games about/set in them, aye, but this shit isn't about games at all.
You're distinctly avoiding the topic. Where's the vidya, boss?
No it doesn't.
I don't go on Holla Forums
its an /n/ injoke.
You mean it's an /n/joke?
Goons are trying to push out any board culture from 4chans Holla Forums as "template" and usually when sages dont work they resort to dubs spam, report them, hide the id, hide the ids they use when they change their ip and dont reply. They are butthurt lowtax banned them from that shithole and want to make their own "we wuz lejun" board to talk about shit rts games and vaping on. Dont give em an inch and dont rise to their b8.
Horseshoe crabs are actually vital for medical purposes. It's technical, but basically their blood is used in tests that are mandatory for FDA approval for distribution in the US. It's liquid gold for the medical industry.
A quart of their blood is worth $15k
I actually have a story/game idea for it but I haven't worked on it due to college. It's literally blood money.
Don't forget the very recent "Roll for wizard powers"/"Roll for your princess" image spam we've been getting.
You all want deapsea? Everyone search for "siphonophore" videos.
The deep sea is amazing, terrifying, and weird all at the same time. Dive deep enough and it's like an entirely different world.
I see what you guys are going for, but do you really think there's nothing wrong with waifushit and blogposting threads that act purely as "one-thousand posts in this LITERAL template that nobody reads?"
Why for did Sunless Sea never get attention on Holla Forums? Is it just because there's too many WORDS? Stellar game, and it's coming out with an expansion about submarines soon. Vid related.
Very interesting.
By chance, user, do you know if it requires any special handling?
As well as the beaching range of horseshore crabs?
You and I both know there's a difference between a simple greentext thread and blogposting.
Sure, there's a difference, but what is it?
The people calling for a removal are at least prepared to define their terms.
So how the shit would undead deep sea creatures work?
user, I like horseshoe crabs too much to wish harm upon them.
I will say that if you plan on doing this alone, it ain't gonna work. The blood needs to be sterile. Simply draining its blood won't work. You need a pristine environment. Not to mention that whoever takes the crabs blood needs to ensure that they don't kill it so they don't lose a potential blood source in the future, and to ensure it gets far enough from shore that it won't be grabbed again.
If you're asking because you want to sell them, that won't work either. You'd need at least a pickup truck's worth, and even then, I wouldn't know any companies that'd buy them. It's not a very public business.
Regarding special handing, treat them like any animal. Meaning, don't throw it, don't hit it, don't tear its legs off, don't treat it like a rodent. I'm not involved in the industry, but I've been around horseshoe crabs enough to know that they react to pain like most species.
Beaching range would probably be fairly close to shore. They're mostly on the East Coast If it were in San Fran I'd hope for their extinction to end their misery and normally around virginia/delaware/maryland.
Fun fact: They're in the spider family. Thanks to their blood, medicine is safe and more easily available. They're also prehistoric. SPIDERBRO SURVIVED SO IT COULD SAVE THE HUMANS
I have a summer house on an island
%%It's a river island, tho%%
%%Bit it's okay by me because I have a deep phobia of one common sea creature%%
You know how regular undead just sort of move regardless?
That's exactly how undead deep sea creatures would work.
Although for most I imagine you would need to accept you're working with either zombies or cartilage skellingtons.
Still pretty spooky, though.
Well fug. One more reason to never go into the ocean again.
Whoops, I fucked up spoilers
Giant prehistoric spiders. Prehistoric.
At least you didnt [spoiler] like a newfag
One job, OP. One job.
Nah, I still used spoiler tags from another imageboard, it's just not a halfchan.
oh man, that's so cute. i actually really encourage spiders to set up their webs in places that don't bother me so they catch the mosquitos and other annoying flying crap in the summer. once, i had this tiny spider that caught a new mosquito almost every day. gave him a thumbs up every time i checked his web. then his luck ran dry and he didn't catch anything for several weeks so i hit this annoying fly that kept biting and buzzing and sitting on all the food just enough to incapacitate it for a few seconds, tore off one of its wings so it couldn't fly away and threw it in the fella's net. boy, was he happy. the fly was probably twice his size but after it struggled for a while he still went for it.
Read the faqs you fucking newfag
Fuck off, you retard
holy jesus god nononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononnonono
They were cute until I saw this
That's some adorable shit.
They don't make webs but they're still important.
idd. spiders are always bros. well, except when they're the brown recluse i guess.
No, I mean, look at my post I linked to.
You too.
That pic reminds me of this mess of vaginas in R-Type
Which…. which one do you fuck?
lol wut? That's cute as hell. He wants you to rub his tummy :3
probably the one with the blue crystal
That sounds like a sign someone who's hiding treasure would put up.
Is this shit worth getting? Looks shit the forest and other half arsed survival crap.
Only one way to find out.
I wish I were on my other computer so I could post the other one, I hope someone else obliges.
Now that's a plot hook if I've ever seen one, to adventure!
you're a big cave
From now on I'm calling these things underwater roaches.
A large part of "muh board culture" is shit anyway, especially threads "What are games with X" and "What is X of video games".
but i thought you liked those monster girls user
Imagine being a human and being milked for blood to the point where you get dizzy every day, while being fed ironpills.
Keep your NWO fetish bullshit to yourself, kike.
Holla Forums - Aquatic Discussion
Also no ones posted this yet?
The sound of sonar in this game is just memorizing.
Sure hope it isn't shit
horseshoe crabs are a top tier animal
holy shit what
Ignore that, it's incorrect, Eyes were made by god, that's just a scientific error, science is full of errors and theories.
It can see using its tail?
To what ends?
It's early access and I'm pretty sure it's in alpha so it's missing a lot of stuff. When I last played (late last year) the sub had just been introduced and it was really the last thing you could do. As soon as you had done that there was no point to continue playing. Since then they've added stuff to the big ship and more stuff to make building a base actually worthwhile so I'd say it's worth a pirate.
photo = light
receptor = detecting
array = several of the same thing that do one thing co-operatively
it's a fucking retina stick.
This one?
I know what it means you dingdong but holy fucking shit, I was surprised enough when I learnt lizards have photosensitve bumps on their heads to tell when birds are flying above them, having a photosensitive fucking tail is crazy and they already had them hundreds of millions of years ago
I'm pretty sure he's thinking of the one where the grim reaper is hiding all his treasures on a little mounds behind the sign
to the end of its body, I'm guessing
Every time I see 4am threads and deep sea threads, how they're Holla Forums's culture and if you speak against them you're new or underage, I think of the five monkeys experiment.
I don't think anyone who participates in threads like these remembers a Holla Forums without them, they just figure that's how things have always been like here.
Am I the only one that doesn't find this disgusting at all, but fascinating in a sort of "mechanical engineering by way of biology" sense?
Poor little guy's a veteran
i think it's more just like /an/ wants to talk about /an/ on a board that isn't dead and 'deepsea thread' is an easy way to get away with it. A bit different to the monkey experiment
well this is nothing special like those fancy psychological experiments or whatnot. these "traditions" just tend to spurt up, evolve and die off eventually. they start because in general people like them then later sometimes people bitch about them cause they're bored of them or cause they're actually new. the whole thing is really nothing new. the boards are basically a community and traditions die out and start anew just like in actual communities. it just happens faster here cause everything becomes stale faster on the internet. i suppose that's cause we don't have that "personal" dimension here that we have in real life. i digress. people calling "haters" out are probably just folk who still like the "tradition" and enjoy talking about these things. if they keep silent, eventually only the negative voices will be heard and we recently saw what that looks like with the whole feminist PC thing. basically, when the interest for these threads dies out, the threads as well as the "tradition" will die out. it's really nothing more than that.
post more deep sea. this is all the "sea" related stuff i've got and as you can see i'm in desperate shape regarding this stuff
Play Barotrauma and die horribly under the sea with fellow memers.
These threads always mystify me. Nobody has ever made an effective horror game set in the deep sea because it's physically impossible to even be there without inches upon inches of steel and pyrex glass armouring you from the pressure which poses a bigger threat to you than any calimari-faced lardassed goon and, no, looking at it will not make you come into contact with any psychic insanity waves. Only pussies go insane from looking at Cthulu because they're relics from a time before the internet when they couldn't come into contact with seeing weird shit to build up an immunity to even weirder shit.
So, anyway, the deep sea is a shit horror game setting. Now, the forest; that's a different story. In the deep sea: you are in an armoured submarine. In the deep woods: you are naked against horrors that are accustomed to the dark and have every tactical, psychological, and terrain advantage you can think of.
I'll admit that's kind of scary but at least they not so easily accessible for serial killers/mutilators to make their hideouts in. As long as you don't go in the water: you're fine; Dolphins are physically incapable on going into your bedroom and dragging you out to God knows where. But, as long as you don't have the luxury of living in the air, rakes/dryads/mothmans are not so constrained by such limitations of terrain.
i do not understand how somethings that are so horrible can be legal
just another case of farming i guess. not cool to do this with dogs or eagles but horseshoe crabs and cows are freegame
Because there is no alternative. Their blood is the most effective detector of contaminants we can conceive of.
and I think you're a faggot.
because most game devs nowadays are unimaginative and resort to overdone shit like "lol cthulu" or humanoid things"
It's called Diluvion that particular clip is from a sound test you can find on jewtube
current E.T.A. "late 2016"
Its not really clear how much of it is going to be as spooky as that though, as most of what else they have shown is more fighting other subs and less giant monsters.
humans have survived long before this even became an option so that doesn't actually matter to me
actually reading it now, apparently they used rabbits to test before. still shit, this is the kind of shit you would read in cyberpunk novels and im surprised ive lived long enough to get to this point
Never got why normalfags find this "so spooky xDDDDD". It's kinda cute.
Pokemon's pretty decent about giving nods to various animals out there, even the ones that aren't extremely well known.
Also love the fact that they made a pair of Pokemon based on Anomalocarus, even if they don't exactly look like the super predators of the primordial seas they were when they were around
Loved going to that place as a kid. Last time I went they had a need movie in their theater about deep ocean life they'd found in the off shore canyon.
Imagine those tentacles all over your dick and your ass
Since this thread is an off topic thread, I want Shinsuke Nakamura to defeat Roman Reigns for the title at WrestleMania next year.
A man can fucking dream, goddammit.
1. "bad economics" = grind,
grind + text walls + easy deaths = low replay value
2. meh battles.
3. trailer was misleading
why can't deepsea games be cute?
Bryan proposed a cross-over match between him and Nakamura to corporate when WWE went to Tokyo last year, to promote each other's companies. It didn't happen, of course.
We were that close to a modern day Bryan/Nakamura match, that damn close.
Just imagine the possibilities…
It's like I'm playing VTMB all over again
aren't these like deadly poisonous?
depends on the species
Most vividly colored living things are, such as poisonous reptiles, certain kinds of butterflies, bronies, and female social justice warriors.
Males of the latter species more closely resemble the monarch butterfly: orange or light brown hair and black glasses or hat, and very frail to the touch. Females are usually larger than the males, and consume them after mating, or sometimes without actually mating at all.
i live near the woods. i often go for a 2-3 hour hike there at 1 to 4 am. nothing spoopy ever happened except if you count the sound of leaves crunching under footsteps every so often which are just deer getting scared away or squirrles shuffling about.
actually, i'm pretty sure that if you pick up most old cyberpunk novels you'll notice how quite a few of those ideas already came true and we're heading down a steep hill towards others. cyberpunk is a wicked cool sci-fi setting but you only really realize how horrible it is when you're seeing it slowly become reality before your own eyes.
but yeah, according to the article the poor things might be even worse off if we didn't need their blood. then again i can't really decide whether simply getting killed is worse than having your whole species milked for blood and released back into the ocean with just barely enough energy left to mate and prolong its existence. i suppose, from an objective survival standpoint this is still better but from my self-aware, "human" standpoint it just seems so cruel and moot.
holy shit, i just reread that last paragraph
this really is cyberpunk as fuck. we're like some scientist vampires here.
great post, made me chuckle.
Good enough.
All I want is some deep sea action be it adventure or fighting.
How I wish Fatal Abyss wasn't so buggy
There was a movie about how Vampires had taken over the world and captured all the remaining humans to harvest their blood. Dumb fucks screwed up somewhere along the line and humans were nearly extinct leading to shortages. Daybreakers I think it was.
Also it's funny to think this game came about because Twisted metal 1 was so fucking floaty they though "why don't we do a hovercar game or something as an excuse for the controls."
Deepsea doesn't always mean horror.
It's the sense of adventure to another world. The creatures down there are so alien to us yet they are living in the same planet.
True, we might be behind inches of steel and pyrex glass yet who knows?
There might be creatures that can break through such armor.
They look like the result of Nazi Scientists/Occultists trying to breed a type of crab with a shell that would grow into the shape of, and used as, a stahlhelm so they could save steel.
Maybe they were trying to engineer entire crab soldiers because the war went sideways on them.
Whereas I like the idea of Nazi Battle Crabs the idea would get co-opted by Cthulhu fans. I mean I like Cthulhu but it doesn't need to be the cause of all sea horror.
i dont get these threads
Oh jaeze, I'd cap that if I wasn't on mobile
hah. that sounds like a cool movie. gonna check it out
I've just read that they release them (well, those who survive) once they've taken around 30% of their blood. Plus they release them far from where they fish them in order to not catch the same individuals every time, as it can live for 30 years. And it's getting protected in a lot of regions. So it's not that horrible.
Except for those fucking chinks who do whatever they want like eating them, using them for fishing, etc.
Their YT channel is fucking golden.
For instance, I have a certain fear of giant jellyfishes. Thanks to them, now I know that it exists.
I wanna fuck a crab.
That's fucking fascinating.
here you go, buddy
cap what? do you guys really not know the picture he is referencing?
They've been around for more than half the lifetime of Holla Forums at this point. Let it go bro.
I don't mind. Not everything has to be a fight for board culture or against a perceived menace. These threads are cool, that's enough for me.
Jesus, waaaay too many eyes… And an eye tail - what?
Probably venomous though.
i remember those guys from pikmin 2
of a different /v maybe, one that you shold go back to
You know I'm surprised we've made it this far into the thread without someone bringing up Sheldon from Splatoon. Organic armor is pretty under used as a concept.
Things that live in the Deep sea are cool.
It's alright.
Some deep sea creatures are cute, others not so much
Yeah fuck you all then.
Doesn't need to be deep to be frightening
RIP Octopuss
Fucking rays
That'd be neat. Völkisch will reign supreme, HAIL EVROPA.
Waiting is horrible.
I see their shells all the time in jersey. Unfortunately, I don't think I've ever managed to catch a glimpse of a live specimen. The gulls and raccoons always got to the crustaceans before I could.
I wanted to post a picture with this.
that's cool as fuck
What if they firmly grasped onto your hands?
But that's really cool though. You can see the 'walking navigation' bits on the front and the 'swimming navigation' bits on the back. Neat that they've evolved to truffle-shuffle their way across the seabed.
I didn't even know they had a youtube channel. Thanks for the heads up. I don't get out that way nearly as often as I should anymore.
You've got a good point there, but you have to realize that the armor is the only reason you can even survive such an environment. Humans just aren't supposed to be there. You'd have fins, gills (or at least lungs that'd let you stay under for more than a few minutes), and a system of organs that could survive the pressure if you were. Our capability for technology affords us a limited amount of time in that environment, but our inherent biology ultimately limits how long we could be that deep under the water.
If you wanted to do deepsea horror, the greatest threat should come from the environment itself. Most undersea predators are still predators. You might get a bump or nibble out of curiosity, but most animals don't find the taste of metal and plastic to be all that appetizing save for tiger sharks. Those crazy shits will eat just about anything that you throw in front of them, even inorganic stuff like license plates. But there's all manner of environmental hazards that can damage your suit, and even a seemingly small bit of damage could spell your doom. Assuming something like pic related, for real deep sea travel, a few of the possibilities include:
Even something as simple as subpar maintenance or a minor manufacturing defect could result in any of those aforementioned results. It's just that most games that attempt undersea horror fail to properly utilize the environment as a threat. A game where you're just some poor schmuck in an Exosuit ADS that has to somehow find help, all while you watch your oxygen meter slowly drain and sudden sharp shifts in the current threaten to batter your suit's other systems would probably be a pretty compelling idea.
Lovecraft wrote those stories in the 1920's, when there was still a lot about the world that we didn't understand. So the basic concepts get lost rather easily in the modern era. (As a side note, I'm with in that Cthulhu shouldn't be the end all, be all in deep sea horror. Even Lovecraft wrote stories that were clearly separate from his distinct Mythos.) Cthulhu's not scary because he's a squid-dragon. Cthulhu is scary because he is leaps and bounds beyond humanity's understanding of physics, science, and theology. Even his weakest servitors, the Deep Ones, possess an understanding of the "real" physics of the universe that our top physicists and mathematicians of the modern era are just barely starting to gain a conceptual grasp of (and much less so in Lovecraft's time.) And now you're staring that physical embodiment of your, and your species', ignorance in the face.
That's the main point of Cthulhu (and of the Mythos, as a whole, really): Humanity, in regards to his cosmic "peers," is utterly weak, ineffectual, and unimportant. His fate, ultimately inescapable and meaningless.
Most horror games have a hard time expressing this point, and just want to co-opt the "staring at them makes you go crazy" aspect without really understanding the why of it. A good example of this point in action is actually the town of Silent Hill (at least from Silent Hill 2,) which infests its own landscape with creatures that are meant to resemble the target's greatest weaknesses and looms itself over said target with an inescapable fog. It causes subtle shifts in the environment that fucks with the target's head, and, when its feeling particularly mean-spirited, throws them involuntarily into a rusty, pulsing hellscape. You just get the feeling that the very town around you is alive and that it wants to hurt you in the worst ways possible.
can i post merfolk in this thread?
A more important question: Are Ningens allowed?
Hey look it's the mamachan shitposter again
We have the title
Story? Are they imagining recipes?
They can also survive radiation.
They were also mentioned in a fall out boy song.
also these fuckers.
Now that's a videogame I'd play:
Dive into the deep unknown, catch eldritch creatures of the ancient deeps, and try to come up with ways of eating and serving them. Add in a pinch of and you've got yourself a videogame with a really cool premise.
Marylandfag here, those ugly fuckers are always coming up on the shoreline around the marshes here, and swimming around in the water.
They're cool to watch and you can pick them up safely, but they creep me out too much to fuck with.
Aren't their eggs super toxic?
Don't worry bro, we're cool.
The movies Day Breaker and Blade had labs where humans were kept alive being fed vitamins and shit for the purpose of being a living blood farm.
No we are not, I can't swim without fear of running into you. You're neat and all, but you and the other crabs need to stop with the legs, especially this asshole.
It's an eye bro
The mantis shrimp is such a cool ass sea creature. I've wanted one for a while now, but I need to get the necessary tank and equipment for it first.
What is Anorith and Armaldo?
I wish they had made Armaldo non-terrestrial and had kept the anomalocarid body plan instead of generic armored biped
fuck no, they need to grow longer fatter faster.
their blood isnt that miraculous, instead of iron, they have copper in their blood causing it to be blue. crabs and lobsters also have copper rich blood. lobsters can actually live forever, they never die. they only die when something kills it.
copper is toxic so bacteria cant survive in copper water.
I think he's talking about coagulation.
Because y'know, that's why they're harvested for blood.
Read more carefully, user
A deep sea thread was the last place I expected to see Missing Stat's stuff.
There's no venom in it, it's just a spike they use to stick in the sand and turn themselves over if they get flipped.
Why is this? I thought an important part of genetic functions is having old generations die off even if they have a high fitness score, to prevent meta stuff like social selection from stunting evolution. Kind of like what we have going right now.
Quite a few of them also die while moulting. And at some point their exoskeletons probably collapse or something.
I want more giant sea monsters in my games
Giant things really aren't as impressive in vidya compared to real life unless you're using an HMD so you can get that depth perception going on, then it's fucking amazing
Because I don't want to play a game for 15 hours,seeing the same content over and over again just to die due to random chance and then have to start all over.
Whales have always scared the shit out of me. Nothing living should be that big.
That's fucking horrifying.
how does that yiffer close it's mouth? there's clearly no lower jaw on that snout.
I kickstarted it and i couldnt stand it
Archived for blood crabs
Thanks user.
Another fun fact: Horseshoe crabs swim upside down. It's probably like a light plastic cup, where it floats until it gets water inside and then it can float underwater.
If anyone is interested in that horseshoe crab monster girl game I mentioned earlier, I described it before in a previous thread. I'm nearing the end of the semester so I might be able to work on it.
holy shit i know the japanese hate sea life but this is ridiculously funny/shitty
How about a video game thread.