Is there any rpg where increasing attack and decreasing defense are actually useful instead of just mashing attack moves until the enemy is dead?
Is there any rpg where increasing attack and decreasing defense are actually useful instead of just mashing attack...
I know Holla Forums has indifferent opinion about NWN2 but it is the only game where buffs and negative effects and dispel spells are really mattered (for me).
SMT is all about dem buffs and debuffs.
Etrian Oddysey
Many bosses in FFX are vulnerable to debuffs
Baldur's Gate 2
FFXI debuffs were amazing, game is dead now
Breath of fire.
A lot of games if you're doing low level strats
Forgot to mention FFXI had multiple jobs with unique buffs, leading to some crazy dps potential.
not pokemon, that's for sure
It's actually quite lively. I just got done playing for a few months back from December to February. I only stopped because I was going full "no life mode" on it.
I forgot what server I was on (if it was that important I could check), but at any given point there were a thousand to a few thousand people online. And because of the way the game is structured, there are always people willing to do all content.
Also dat Trust system. Like henchmen from guild wars, but better.
Monster Hunter. There's even a skill that gives you huge attack buffs, but only when you're down to like 10% HP.
So people will min-max and get themselves down to 10% HP, then out-fucking-skill the monster and never get hit while dealing the most damage you possibly can as a single person.
Guild Wars was a game where you lived and died by the buffs and debuffs you had in your group.